2024-2025 B学年度第一学期学情练习(第 15 周) 11. A.bring B. make C. fly D. borrow Most of the planes we see are white. But do you know why the planes are painted
12. A. talk about B. worry about C. think about D. learn about like this
八年级英语试卷 13. A.answered B.described C. asked D. solved Actually, white is not their natural color. But there are many advantages(优点) if they
一、语法选择(共 10小题,每小题 1分,共 10分)。 14. A. songs B. films C. stories D. characters are painted white. It is a good way for airlines(航空公司 ) to protect their plane from
Canton Tower(广州塔)is the highest tower in China. 1 you stand on the top of 15. A. lost B. enjoyed C. learned D. hated sunlight. Another reason is that white paint can reduce(减少) heat and any possible
the tower, you can get a bird's eye view of the Pearl River. Visitors are interested in taking 16. A. luckily B. slowly C.especially D. badly damage(损坏 )from sun radiation(辐射 ).Less heat also means lower cooling cost for
2 of the city at the tower. 17. A.government B. library C. park D. supermarket airlines.
In 2005, workers 3 to build this tower. In 2010, the colourful lights of the tower 18. A. singing B.sleeping C. sitting D. eating That’s not all. The airplane company staff check the plane’s surface each day. White
lighted up the sky for 4 first time. It took over four years 5 it. 19. A. careful B. busy C.good D.interested paint makes it easier than colorful paints for staffs to find out the cracks on the plane’s
Canton Tower is 6 the centre of Guangzhou. It is 7 to get there by bus or by 20. A.drop B. help C. buy D. advise surface. Most importantly, safety is a matter that we should pay more attention to. At night
underground. People also provide some 8 information of the tower on the Internet. For 三、阅读理解(本大题有 15 小题, 每小题 2分, 共 30 分) or in bad weather, it will become more difficult for the ground monitoring station to see
example, there is a 4D cinema in it. The tower is open from 9 am to 11 pm. There are A the plane flying in the sky. So white planes can help people reduce this bad effect(效
many ways for 9 to buy tickets. Welcome to the Zoo 果)when the planes are seen clearly in the special environment.
For people of Guangzhou, Canton Tower is a work of art and a new symbol of the Come and meet the Indian elephants and the new tigers from America. The The cost of keeping a plane in the best situation is mainly considered by many
city. I hope the city 10 more and more prosperous(繁华的)in the future. bears are waiting to meet you, and you can also see the monkeys from China. The airplane companies. Actually, a colorful appearance looks good but is useless. Colorful
lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you. The giraffes from Zambia are planes often lose their color after flying for several years. Especially, bad weather, the
1. A. Until B.If C.Though waiting to look down on you. main reason, will do harm to their appearance. Airlines will have to spend time and
2. A. photo B.photoes C.photos Tickets Opening time money repainting their planes. In order to cut the unnecessary cost, many airlines will
3. A.start B.started C.starting Adults (成人):$20 9:00 am-4:00 pm paint them in white or keep most of the planes’ appearance in white instead of other
4. A.a B.an C.the Children:$10 except(除了) Friday(10:00am-3:00 colors.
5. A.build B.building C.to build Under 12: Free pm) All in all, the color white is a better choice.
6. A.on B. in C.of 26. It is a good way for airlines to protect their planes from sunlight by painting the planes
7. A.easy B.easily C.easiness
8. A. useful B. more useful C.the most useful Keep the zoo clean!
in __.
Do not touch ( ) give food to or go near the animals. A.red B. black C. white D.green9. A .we B.us C.our 触摸 , 27. The Chinese meaning of the underlined word “cracks” in Paragraph 3 is ______.
10 A.has become B.became C.will become
21.Howmany kinds of animals are talked about in the passage A.坠毁 B.飞行器 C.现金 D.裂缝
28. The underlined word “their” in Paragraph 4 is about ______.
二、完形填空(本大题有 10小题,每小题 1分,共 10分) A.Four. B.Five. C.Six. D.Seven. A.ground monitoring stations’ B.airlines’ C.planes’ D.staffs’
I love reading. Good stories can take me away from my everyday life and 11 me 22.NowMr Smith is in the zoo with his two sons, one aged 14 and the other aged 10. 29. Which of the following is NOT true
into a different and colourful world. Reading is also the best way to 12 other people: Howmuch are the tickets A.Less heat also means lower cooling cost for airlines.
how they live and the reasons why they do the things. A. $10. B. $20. C. $30. D.$40. B.White paint makes it easier to find out the cracks by airline staff.
Jane Austen wrote her novels in the 18th century in England, but the things she 13 23. Which of the following is a visiting time C.It is difficult for the ground monitoring station to see the plane flying in the sky at night.
are true even today. Her 14 are still very popular and several of them have been made A.8:30 am on Monday. B. 5:00 pm on Tuesday. D.The cost of keeping a plane in the best situation is only considered by many airplane
into movies. Before I came to China, I read several of Austen's novels again and 15 C.9:30 am on Friday. D. 2:00 pm on Sunday. companies.
them more than when I read them for the first time. I 16 enjoyed Emma. l borrowed 24.From the passage we can guess the animal giraffe must be very______. 30. What is the main idea of this whole passage
the book from a 17 . I don't know if it is the same in China, but in Canada, many A.long B.fat C. strong D. tall
people can't read without 18 , so you can see food and drink stains(污渍) on almost 25.What can't we do in the zoo
A.It is a good way for airlines to protect their planes from sunlight by painting the planes
every page. If you are 19 in reading English literature(文学), I advise you to go to ①Take a few nice photos.②Give some food to the animals.③Touch the monkey on
in white.
the head. Stand close to the bears. Laugh at the dogs. B.The white planes are seen clearly in the special environment.www. . This website is to 20 students with all their school subjects , ④ ⑤
A. B. C. D. C.White planes often lose their color after flying for several years.and it is also very good for literature. ①②④ ②③④ ②④⑤ ③④⑤ D.There are many advantages for airlines to paint planes in white instead of other colors.
八年级英语试卷 第 1 页(共 6 页) 第 2 页(共 6 页) 第 3 页(共 6 页)
C buses. They don't want to live in the cities any more. They want a house 39 a garden in B.书面表达(本题 15 分)
配对阅读,左栏是五个人物所经历的事情,右栏是七个事件的描述,请为左栏五个人 the countryside ,and breathe the 40 air there. 根据要求完成短文写作,请将作文写在答题卡指定的位置上。
所经历的事情选择对应的描述。 So they move out of the cities. Some don't go very 41 , just to the towns near the 亚洲象(Asian elephants)以其高大的体型和憨憨的性情为人们所喜爱,如今
31.I was walking towards my A. An old man was crossing the road. Some of the
cities. 42. people move to the countryside with sheep, cows and green fields. There,
home. Suddenly, a man stopped pupils saw him and helped him to get to the other 却是濒危动物之一。请你根据以下思维导图的提示,谈谈如何保护亚洲象。
me and shouted, “Give me your side of the road. How kind they are! they start their new life and try to make new 43 .
money!” Finally, I escaped(逃 B.It was such a mess--the street was full of Not all those who move from the city to the countryside are happy. After 44 or
离) from the attacker debris( 碎 片 ) and broken wood after the three years, many people feel that it is a big mistake. They don't 45 so much money How to protect Asian elephants
successfully. earthquake. More and more people went out of the and there isn't much work to do. People in the countryside are very different and aren't
32.I have to stay at home and I buildings and many of them were injured. always very friendly.
can’t go out on weekends C.A car hit a tree this morning. A young man
because I happened to hurt my called the police. Maybe the driver was too 五、读写综合(本大题分为 A、B两部分,共 25分)
right leg last week. I have to rest careless. It’s important for people to drive A.回答问题(本题共 5小题,每小题 2分,共 10分) 介绍亚洲象的基本情况 描述亚洲象的现状:数量越来越 对拯救措施提
for a few days. Bad luck! carefully. Pandas are in danger. There are only about1,600 pandas in the wild today. Zoos and large; 少,濒临灭绝。 出建议(至少两
33.I was sitting in my warm D.The radio said there was a storm in the city. live in the forests ofresearch centers are looking after about 340 pandas. Pandas do not have many babies, and 原因:1.人们砍伐森林,居住区 点)
living room. Suddenly, the light Because of it, the power(电力供应) didn’t come Southeast Asia;move in 域的缩小,失去家园。
went on and off for a few times back until Thursday. baby pandas often die. The situation is getting very difficult. Scientists are doing a lot of
groups;eat grass, leaves and
and then went out completely. E.The radio said there was a heavy rain in the city. research to help pandas produce more babies and help baby pandas live.
fruit;live to be about 60
years old in the wild
34.There was just ten minutes Because of it, the traffic was busy and many Pandas live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China. Each panda needs to
left before I could leave for people were late for work. eat a lot of bamboo every day. The bamboo forests are getting smaller, so pandas are
home. Suddenly the earth began F.The football match was very exciting. However, losing their home. 作文要求:
to shake. In no time the shake one of the boys fell down and hurt his leg In order to protect pandas in the wild, the government is setting up nature parks and 1.可在思维导图内容提示的基础上适当拓展信息。象牙:ivory
became very strong. unluckily. Maybe he will get back to the team next developing other plans. The nature parks will be big and there will be more bamboo to
35.Yesterday I had an accident week. 2.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名.feed the pandas. Pandas born in zoos may go back to live in the nature parks.
when I drove to my office. G.Luckily, the school has taught the students 3.语句连贯,词数 100 个左右。作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数,也不必
Luckily, I didn’t hurt. I would self-protection(自我保护) for four years. The The World Wide Fund for Nature(WWF) wants to protect all animals. And it chose
never forget it. students have learned how to protect themselves. the panda to be its symbol. We do not want to lose tigers, elephants or any other animals,
so the WWF is working hard to save them all. Animals are our friends. The Asian elephant is loved by people around the world .
四、短文填空(本大题共 10小题,每小题 1.5分,共 15分)
请从方框内选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使文章完整连贯。注意每空一词, 46.How many pandas are there in the wild today
47. Where do pandas live
the a fresh friend two make live with but other far problem
48. What do pandas mainly live on
In China, many people are leaving the countryside to find jobs in the cities, 36 in 49.Why are pandas losing their home
some European cities , people have 37 different idea. They are moving out of the
cities. These rich families want to 38 a quieter life. They are tired of the noise and the 50. How is the government going to protect pandas in the wild
dirt (尘土) of the cities, and they are tired of the crowded streets, crowded trains and
八年级英语试卷 第 4 页(共 6 页) 第 5 页(共 6 页) 第 6 页(共 6 页)
{#{QQABYQSAgggoAAAAARgCEwUwCAIQkgAAAQgOhEAAoAABSQNABAA=}#}2024-2025学年度第一学期学情练习(第 15周)
一.1-5 BCBCC 6-10 BAABC
二.11-15 ADBCB 16-20 CBDDB
三.21-25 CCDDB 26-30 CDCDD 31-35 GFDBC
四.36.but 37.a 38. live 39.with 40.fresh
41. far 42.Other 43.friends 44. two 45.make
五.A 46.About 1,600./There are only about 1,600 pandas in the wild today.
47. They live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China./In the forests and
mountains of Southwest China.
48. Bamboo./They mainly live on bamboo.
49. Because the bamboo forests are getting smaller.
50. By setting up nature parks and developing other plans.
B. 书面表达
Animals are our friends. The Asian elephant is loved by people around the world.
They are large. They live in the forests of southeast Asia. They like moving in groups
and they like eating grass, leaves and fruit. In the wild, They can live to be about 60
years old.
But now they are in danger. People are cutting down forests, so they are losing
their home. And some people are killing them in order to get their ivories. Asian
elephants are becoming fewer and fewer. We must do something to save them.
First of all, governments can make stricter laws.They can make a list of
endangered animals and ban(禁止) hunting them. Second, animals protection
organizations can raise awareness(意识) of the importance of protecting wild
animals . Third , we can refuse to eat any endangered animals or use products made
with parts of their bodies, such as their fur or teeth.