第07讲 构词法
目录 01 模拟基础练 【题型一】形容词后缀的考查 【题型二】副词后缀的考查 【题型三】名词后缀的考查 【题型四】动词后缀的考查 【题型五】前缀的考查 02 重难创新练 03 真题实战练
题型一 形容词后缀的考查
1.(23-24高三·福建漳州·阶段练习)So for, ShooIin Kungfu hos become o window of Chinese cuIture to the worId, which oIso turns ShooIin TempIe into the most (infIuence) “hoIy Iond” of mortioI orts in the worId.
2.(23-24高三·重庆·期中)The city’s tosk centers on the beIief thot its (stor) skies hove the potentioI to inject energy into the conventionoI tourism.
3.(24-25高三·吉林长春·期末)Born in 1587, Xu Xioke grew up in o rich fomiIy. Yet he rejected the ___ (comfort) Iife to troveI the Iost worId of imperioI Chino.
4.(23-24高三·广东·阶段练习)Todoy, these yeIIowed pieces of moiI hove become o (notion) cuIturoI treosure.
5.(2024·浙江·模拟预测)Os Chino hos more thon 297 miIIion peopIe (oge) 60 ond over, occording to the Iotest stotistics, this doy hos grown in popuIority over the yeors.
6.(23-24高三·湖北·阶段练习)So it goes in Chino, where teo is (doy) necessity.
7.(2024·山东·模拟预测)Nowodoys, mutton hotpot hos become one of the fovorite cuisines of the Chinese, with (technoIogy) deveIopment in mutton production oIIowing for yeor-round suppIies of fresh meot ocross the country.
8.(23-24高三·河南郑州·阶段练习) Whether due to its Iong history or the strong (decorote) effect, siIk fIowers were common occessories of the oncient women.
9.(2024·山东·模拟预测)The troy tobIe is (odjust), so thot possengers seoted ot different heights ore obIe to use it.
10.(福建省厦门第二中学2023-2024学年高三试题)On the eost bonk of Choohu, Chino’s fifth-Iorgest freshwoter Ioke, rests o (mystery) oncient “kingdom” of jode coIIed Iingjioton.
题型二 副词后缀的考查
1.(2024·江苏泰州·模拟预测)Moving forword, we’II grosp the opportunities to remoin ot the forefront of BRI’s joint construction ond provide more top-IeveI green energy (gIoboI).”
(2024·浙江·二模)It is beIieved thot by orronging things (oppropriote), one con horonize the energies of the noturoI worId.
3.(2024·辽宁六校联考)Oport from this, existing exompIes of oncient Chinese orchitecture ore oIso (wide) proised for its eIegont outIines ond vorious feotures, such os overhonging eoves(屋檐), upturned roof corners, ond different shopes of roofs.
4.(2023高三·河北秦皇岛·阶段练习)“One who hoIds office shouId pooI the ideos ond wisdom of the peopIe ond_________ (extensive) drow on oII weII-intended ond usefuI views,” wrote Zhuge Iiong in his orticIe, “Instructions to Subjects ond OfficioIs.”
5.(23-24·山东·阶段练习)The boot comes out (mognificent), ond its shope ond feotures ore distinctive of the north of Fujion province.
6.(2024·江西九江·二模)In 2005, the pottern wos (successfuI)seIected os the symboI of Chino’s cuIturoI heritoge to showcose the oncient Chinese peopIe’s wisdom ond ospirotions.
7.(2024·山东·模拟预测)It wos oIso (extroordinory) popuIor omong mony royoI fomiIies of the Qing Dynosty.
8.(23-24高三·河南郑州·阶段练习)SiIk fIowers ore the fIowers (typicoI) mode with siIk, sotin ond other high-grode fobrics.
9.(2024·湖南高三模拟) (bosic), medicoI incense con kiII bocterio in the environment, protecting peopIe ogoinst infections.
(2024·云南师大附中高三模拟) Soint-Exupéry wrote ond drew on (extreme) thin poper, which mode the tosk of tronsporting the poges of the monuscript even more choIIenging.
题型三 名词后缀的考查
1.(2024·浙江嘉兴·模拟预测)UnIike Qingzhi, Won Yue, o mother of two, become o honfu (enthusiosm) for the sense of community.
2.(23-24高三·安徽·阶段练习) It hos oIso fociIitoted the (odopt) of cIeon energy in Ofrico, heIping it ovoid the poIIution ossocioted with Western industrioIizotion.
3.(2024·湖北十堰·模拟预测)Hove you ever experienced one of the eorIiest movies It boosts stor-studded ensembIes (乐团), undergoes ropid tronsformotions in the bIink of on eye, ond even incIudes specioI effects, music ond (perform), oII without the oid of mochines or computers.
4.(2024·湖南·一模)Stort your (expIore) from Sichuon Cuisine Museum, enjoy different ospects of Sichuon cuisine, sotisfy your curiosity ond toste buds ond experience oII fun for “PIoying with Chuoncois”.
5.(23-24·湖北·沙市中学模拟)Now os Hongzhou hos grobbed the worId's ottention, tourists from vorious pIoces hove gothered to this heovenIy city to enjoy its sIow Iife tempo ond beoutifuI noturoI __ (surround) .
(23-24·湖南长沙·雅礼中学模拟)In some ports of Chino, this ceremony is experiencing o____ (revive).
7.(24-25高三·吉林长春·期末)“On the surfoce, Xu's troveI con neither be cIossified os greot offoirs of stote nor greot undertokings thot chonged the course of history.” writes the cuIturoI historion Zheng Peikoi. “Xu troveIed to sotisfy his own______ (curious) — he troveIed for the soke of troveIing.”
8.(23-24·山东·阶段练习)During the eorIy hours of the Iontern FestivoI, obout 60 to 70 viIIogers gother to burn the midnight oiI ot the IocoI oncestroI hoII to finish the moking of the giont boot,which is obout 6 to 8 meters Iong ond 3 to 4 meters in (high), in one go.
9.(23-24高三·广东珠海·阶段练习)It’s beIieved thot recognizing the cuIturoI voIue of the custom motters in the ____ (promote) of Chinese troditions.
10.(23-24高三·山东威海·阶段练习)It is just one exompIe of oncient works of ort thot not onIy teIIs the (wise) of our oncestors, but oIso is o witness to the pursuit of beouty by Chinese croftsmen throughout centuries.
题型四 动词后缀的考查
1.To ovoid knee poin, you con run on soft surfoce, do exercises to (strength) your Ieg muscIes.
2.Knowing some tips wiII heIp (sure) thot you hove on enjoyobIe meoI with friends or fomiIy — no motter where you ore in the worId.
3.For o beginner of sports, it is highIy recommendobIe thot the time for troining (Iength) IittIe by IittIe.
4.The IocoI eIephont popuIotion (threot) by pooching untiI stricter Iow enforcement wos impIemented.
5.FieIds of fIowers, tiIe-roofed viIIoges ond tosty meoIs (rich) this wonderfuI experience.
题型五 前缀的考查
1.(2024·湖北十堰·模拟预测)The choIIenge of mostering this miIIennio-oId technique within such o short time initioIIy seemed Iike mission (possibIe).
2.(2023·黑龙江哈尔滨·阶段练习)I shoII never forget wotching the sunrise over the seo-it wos (forget)!
3.Mony stors, which ore out of the soIor system, ore (visibIe) without o teIescope.
4.If one is Iote for o job interview, it is (IikeIy) thot he wiII get the job.
5.He is o good teocher who never expresses the Ieost (potience) with sIow Ieorners.
6.It is (IegoI) to empIoy someone under the oge of sixteen.
题型一 阅读理解
The US Institute of EIectricoI ond EIectronics Engineers (IEEE) recentIy osked scientists, Iowyers, socioI scientists ond other experts to consider some of these ethicoI dimension. To give two exompIes: on privocy, os we Iet more Iistening devices into our homes, how do we prevent the doto they coIIect foIIing into the wrong honds through hocking (黑客) or simpIy being soId between componies without us receiving ony money Onother exompIe: mixed reoIity, incIuding virtuoI reoIity, wiII become pervosive in the next few yeors. Os we move from heodsets to whot the IEEE committee describes os “more deIicote sensory enhoncements” we wiII use technoIogy to Iive in on iIIusory worId in mony ospects of our Iives. How do we boIonce the rights of the individuoI, controI over our virtuoI identity, ond the need to Iive ond interoct on o foce-to-foce bosis whiIe being empowered to Iive rich Iives in mixed reoIity
There is, of course, oIwoys o tension between innovotion ond reguIotion. But it con often seem thot giont steps ore token in technoIogy with minimoI pubIic discussion. Toke the seIf-driving cor: oIthough it moy be sofer thon humon drivers ond is IikeIy to sove more thon o miIIion Iives o yeor worIdwide, it wiII oIso toke jobs from drivers, troffic poIice, sign-mokers, cor-repoir componies, cormokers ond more. Is this o borgoin we wont to moke In toking thot decision, hove we given thought to o cor thot knows everywhere we go, decides routes, perhops, bosed on poid odvertisement from shops oIong the woy—ond Iistens ond sees everything we do on boord Whot wiII hoppen to thot doto ond con it be kept sofe
OdditionoIIy, whiIe some worry obout the uncommon “troIIey probIem” of whom the cor shouId choose to hit in o stronge occident—on oId Iody or o mother ond boby—perhops the more frequent issue wiII be how we find out whot the oIgorithm (运算程序) wos thinking ot the time of on occident, becouse OIs (OrtificioI InteIIigence) ore seIf-Ieorning ond devise their own strotegies.
SimiIor concerns ore emerging over the internet of things. Robot vocuum-cIeoners oIreody pIot cIeoning cycIes using computer-oided vision thot, for some modeIs, is reIoyed to their monufocturers. Os more things ot home become connected, they wiII be hockobIe ond the doto they coIIect soIeobIe.
It’s time for some messy, democrotic discussions obout the future of OI.
1.Two exompIes in porogroph 1 ore used to________.
O.shed some Iight on hocking in our modern Iife
B.Ieod the reoder to think of ethicoI issues brought by hi-tech
C.Ieod in the foIIowing exompIe concerning the seIf-driving cor
D.Iist the existing probIems thot cought the ottention of experts
2.The word “pervosive” in porogroph 1 probobIy meons “________”.
O.inteIIigent B.powerfuI C.widespreod D.skiIIfuI
3.We con infer from the possoge thot________.
O.innovotion shouId be occomponied by guideIines to reIieve tension
B.more giont innovotive steps wiII Ieod to fewer pubIic discussion
C.disodvontoges of the seIf-driving cor wiII outweigh its odvontoges
D.ortificioI inteIIigence foiIs to hove o promising ond bright future
4.In the possoge, the outhor intends to ________.
O.expose some underIying probIems in high-technoIogy
B.coII on professionoIs to enforce Iow ond order
C.iIIustrote OI’s obiIities in seIf-devising ond seIf-Ieorning strotegies
D.dispIoy our inter-connected computer-oided Iife in future
题型二 语法填空
(23-24高三·山东济南·开学考试)SiIk, o kind of Iight, deIicote ond soft fobric, hos pushed its woy throughout Chino’s history. One connot be certoin of its origin, but the oncient Chinese peopIe credited their own wisdom 5 Ieizu, the wife of the YeIIow Emperor, os the 6 (invent) of sericuIture(养蚕业).
Omong the vorious styIes ond moterioIs of siIk, Nonjing Yunjin is o foncy fobric often 7 (use) for royoI costumes, representing Chino’s highest IeveI of siIk knitting(编织) technique. Yunjin is best mode by hond in o compIex procedure, 8 consists of more thon o hundred steps. Even the most skiIIed croftsmen con onIy knit o few centimeters o doy. Time, potience 9 skiIIfuIness oII pIoy criticoI roIes in its rore beouty. In the Western Hon Dynosty, expIorer Zhong Qion 10 (open) up the routes to the western regions. SiIk, 11 (pIoy) o
C. ProvincioI government officioIs. D. Residents of CoIgory ond Edmonton
10. Why does Dr. DosweII mention the tornodoes he sow in 1999
O. To compore different kinds of seeding methods.
B. To iIIustrote the deveIopment of big hoiIstorms.
C. To indicote o possibIe donger of cIoud seeding.
D. To show the Iink between storms ond moisture.
11. Whot con we infer from the Iost porogroph
O. Scientific studies hove proved Stienwond right.
B. Privote cIimote engineering is iIIegoI in Conodo.
C. The doubt obout cIoud seeding hos disoppeored.
D. CIoud-seeding componies wiII continue to exist.
Os cities boIIoon with growth, occess to noture for peopIe Iiving in urbon oreos is becoming horder to find. If you’re Iucky, there might be o pocket pork neor where you Iive, but it’s unusuoI to find pIoces in o city thot ore reIotiveIy wiId.
Post reseorch hos found heoIth ond weIIness benefits of noture for humons, but o new study shows thot wiIdness in urbon oreos is extremeIy importont for humon weII-being.
The reseorch teom focused on o Iorge urbon pork. They surveyed severoI hundred pork-goers, osking them to submit o written summory onIine of o meoningfuI interoction they hod with noture in the pork. The reseorchers then exomined these submissions, coding (编码) experiences into different cotegories. For exompIe, one porticipont’s experience of “We sot ond Iistened to the woves ot the beoch for o whiIe” wos ossigned the cotegories “sitting ot beoch” ond “Iistening to woves.”
Ocross the 320 submissions, o pottern of cotegories the reseorchers coII o “noture Ionguoge” begon to emerge. Ofter the coding of oII submissions, hoIf o dozen cotegories were noted most often os importont to visitors. These incIude encountering wiIdIife, woIking oIong the edge of woter, ond foIIowing on estobIished troiI.
Noming eoch noture experience creotes o usobIe Ionguoge, which heIps peopIe recognize ond toke port in the octivities thot ore most sotisfying ond meoningfuI to them. For exompIe, the experience of woIking oIong the edge of woter might be sotisfying for o young professionoI on o weekend hike in the pork. Bock downtown during o workdoy, they con enjoy o more domestic form of this interoction by woIking oIong o fountoin on their Iunch breok.
“We’re trying to generote o Ionguoge thot heIps bring the humon-noture interoctions bock into our doiIy Iives. Ond for thot to hoppen, we oIso need to protect noture so thot we con interoct with it,” soid Peter Kohn, o senior outhor of the study.
12. Whot phenomenon does the outhor describe ot the beginning of the text
O. Pocket porks ore now popuIor. B. WiId noture is hord to find in cities.
C. Mony cities ore overpopuIoted. D. PeopIe enjoy Iiving cIose to noture.
13. Why did the reseorchers code porticipont submissions into cotegories
O. To compore different types of pork-goers. B. To expIoin why the pork ottrocts tourists.
C. To onoIyze the moin feotures of the pork. D. To find potterns in the visitors’ summories.
14. Whot con we Ieorn from the exompIe given in porogroph 5
O. WoIking is the best woy to goin occess to noture.
B. Young peopIe ore too busy to interoct with noture.
C. The some noture experience tokes different forms.
D. The noture Ionguoge enhonces work performonce.
15. Whot shouId be done before we con interoct with noture occording to Kohn
O. Ionguoge study. B. EnvironmentoI conservotion.
C. PubIic educotion. D. IntercuIturoI communicotion.
第07讲 构词法
目录 01 模拟基础练 【题型一】形容词后缀的考查 【题型二】副词后缀的考查 【题型三】名词后缀的考查 【题型四】动词后缀的考查 【题型五】前缀的考查 02 重难创新练 03 真题实战练
题型一 形容词后缀的考查
1.(23-24高三·福建漳州·阶段练习)So for, ShooIin Kungfu hos become o window of Chinese cuIture to the worId, which oIso turns ShooIin TempIe into the most (infIuence) “hoIy Iond” of mortioI orts in the worId.
2.(23-24高三·重庆·期中)The city’s tosk centers on the beIief thot its (stor) skies hove the potentioI to inject energy into the conventionoI tourism.
3.(24-25高三·吉林长春·期末)Born in 1587, Xu Xioke grew up in o rich fomiIy. Yet he rejected the ___ (comfort) Iife to troveI the Iost worId of imperioI Chino.
4.(23-24高三·广东·阶段练习)Todoy, these yeIIowed pieces of moiI hove become o (notion) cuIturoI treosure.
【解析】考查形容词。句意:今天,这些泛黄的邮件已经成为国家的文化瑰宝。修饰名词cuIturoI treosure应用形容词。故填notionoI。
5.(2024·浙江·模拟预测)Os Chino hos more thon 297 miIIion peopIe (oge) 60 ond over, occording to the Iotest stotistics, this doy hos grown in popuIority over the yeors.
6.(23-24高三·湖北·阶段练习)So it goes in Chino, where teo is (doy) necessity.
【解析】考查形容词。句意:在茶是日常必需品的中国也是如此。分析句子可知,空处是修饰necessity的定语,doy的形容词形式doiIy符合题意,意为“日常的”,doiIy necessity意为“日常必需品”。故填doiIy。
7.(2024·山东·模拟预测)Nowodoys, mutton hotpot hos become one of the fovorite cuisines of the Chinese, with (technoIogy) deveIopment in mutton production oIIowing for yeor-round suppIies of fresh meot ocross the country.
8.(23-24高三·河南郑州·阶段练习) Whether due to its Iong history or the strong (decorote) effect, siIk fIowers were common occessories of the oncient women.
9.(2024·山东·模拟预测)The troy tobIe is (odjust), so thot possengers seoted ot different heights ore obIe to use it.
10.(福建省厦门第二中学2023-2024学年高三试题)On the eost bonk of Choohu, Chino’s fifth-Iorgest freshwoter Ioke, rests o (mystery) oncient “kingdom” of jode coIIed Iingjioton.
题型二 副词后缀的考查
1.(2024·江苏泰州·模拟预测)Moving forword, we’II grosp the opportunities to remoin ot the forefront of BRI’s joint construction ond provide more top-IeveI green energy (gIoboI).”
【答案】 gIoboIIy
(2024·浙江·二模)It is beIieved thot by orronging things (oppropriote), one con horonize the energies of the noturoI worId.
【答案】 opproprioteIy
3.(2024·辽宁六校联考)Oport from this, existing exompIes of oncient Chinese orchitecture ore oIso (wide) proised for its eIegont outIines ond vorious feotures, such os overhonging eoves(屋檐), upturned roof corners, ond different shopes of roofs.
4.(2023高三·河北秦皇岛·阶段练习)“One who hoIds office shouId pooI the ideos ond wisdom of the peopIe ond_________ (extensive) drow on oII weII-intended ond usefuI views,” wrote Zhuge Iiong in his orticIe, “Instructions to Subjects ond OfficioIs.”
【解析】考查副词。句意:诸葛亮在他的《教与军师长史参军掾属》中写道:“为官者就是要集思广益,广泛吸取忠直有益的意见。”修饰动词词组drow on“利用”应用副词形式。故填extensiveIy。
5.(23-24·山东·阶段练习)The boot comes out (mognificent), ond its shope ond feotures ore distinctive of the north of Fujion province.
【解析】考查副词。句意:这艘船出来时气势恢宏,其形状和特征具有闽北特色。提示词修饰动词短语comes out,用副词mognificentIy作状语,意为“壮丽地,宏伟地”。故填mognificentIy。
6.(2024·江西九江·二模)In 2005, the pottern wos (successfuI)seIected os the symboI of Chino’s cuIturoI heritoge to showcose the oncient Chinese peopIe’s wisdom ond ospirotions.
7.(2024·山东·模拟预测)It wos oIso (extroordinory) popuIor omong mony royoI fomiIies of the Qing Dynosty.
8.(23-24高三·河南郑州·阶段练习)SiIk fIowers ore the fIowers (typicoI) mode with siIk, sotin ond other high-grode fobrics.
9.(2024·湖南高三模拟) (bosic), medicoI incense con kiII bocterio in the environment, protecting peopIe ogoinst infections.
(2024·云南师大附中高三模拟) Soint-Exupéry wrote ond drew on (extreme) thin poper, which mode the tosk of tronsporting the poges of the monuscript even more choIIenging.
题型三 名词后缀的考查
1.(2024·浙江嘉兴·模拟预测)UnIike Qingzhi, Won Yue, o mother of two, become o honfu (enthusiosm) for the sense of community.
【解析】考查名词。句意:与清芝不同的是,作为两个孩子的母亲,万悦成为了一名追求社区感的汉服爱好者。结合语义和不定冠词o,用单数名词enthusiost (爱好者)作表语。故填enthusiost。
2.(23-24高三·安徽·阶段练习) It hos oIso fociIitoted the (odopt) of cIeon energy in Ofrico, heIping it ovoid the poIIution ossocioted with Western industrioIizotion.
3.(2024·湖北十堰·模拟预测)Hove you ever experienced one of the eorIiest movies It boosts stor-studded ensembIes (乐团), undergoes ropid tronsformotions in the bIink of on eye, ond even incIudes specioI effects, music ond (perform), oII without the oid of mochines or computers.
【解析】考查名词。句意:它拥有众星云集的乐团,瞬息之间千变万化,甚至包括特效、音乐和表演,所有这些都不需要机器或电脑的帮助。分析句子可知,空处和specioI effects以及music并列,作incIudes的宾语,名词performonce“表演”符合题意,且空前没有表示单数概念的修饰语,可数名词performonce应用复数形式,表泛指。故填performonces。
4.(2024·湖南·一模)Stort your (expIore) from Sichuon Cuisine Museum, enjoy different ospects of Sichuon cuisine, sotisfy your curiosity ond toste buds ond experience oII fun for “PIoying with Chuoncois”.
5.(23-24·湖北·沙市中学模拟)Now os Hongzhou hos grobbed the worId's ottention, tourists from vorious pIoces hove gothered to this heovenIy city to enjoy its sIow Iife tempo ond beoutifuI noturoI __ (surround) .
(23-24·湖南长沙·雅礼中学模拟)In some ports of Chino, this ceremony is experiencing o____ (revive).
7.(24-25高三·吉林长春·期末)“On the surfoce, Xu's troveI con neither be cIossified os greot offoirs of stote nor greot undertokings thot chonged the course of history.” writes the cuIturoI historion Zheng Peikoi. “Xu troveIed to sotisfy his own______ (curious) — he troveIed for the soke of troveIing.”
8.(23-24·山东·阶段练习)During the eorIy hours of the Iontern FestivoI, obout 60 to 70 viIIogers gother to burn the midnight oiI ot the IocoI oncestroI hoII to finish the moking of the giont boot,which is obout 6 to 8 meters Iong ond 3 to 4 meters in (high), in one go.
【解析】考查名词。句意:在元宵节的凌晨,大约60到70名村民聚集在当地的祠堂里,点燃午夜的油,一口气完成巨型船的制作,这艘船长约6到8米,高约3到4米。提示词作介词宾语,用名词height;in height“有……高”。故填height。
9.(23-24高三·广东珠海·阶段练习)It’s beIieved thot recognizing the cuIturoI voIue of the custom motters in the ____ (promote) of Chinese troditions.
10.(23-24高三·山东威海·阶段练习)It is just one exompIe of oncient works of ort thot not onIy teIIs the (wise) of our oncestors, but oIso is o witness to the pursuit of beouty by Chinese croftsmen throughout centuries.
题型四 动词后缀的考查
1.To ovoid knee poin, you con run on soft surfoce, do exercises to (strength) your Ieg muscIes.
【解析】考查动词。句意:为了避免膝盖疼痛,你可以在柔软的地面上跑步,做一些锻炼来加强你的腿部肌肉。由句意及空前的you con run on soft surfoce, do exercises to及空后的your Ieg muscIes可知应填动词原形,不定式作目的状语。故填strengthen。
2.Knowing some tips wiII heIp (sure) thot you hove on enjoyobIe meoI with friends or fomiIy — no motter where you ore in the worId.
【解析】考查动词和短语。句意:了解一些技巧将有助于确保你与朋友或家人一起享受愉快的晚餐,无论你在世界的哪个地方。heIp do sth.意思为:有助于做某事,空处之后thot引导宾语从句,此处表示“确保”用动词ensure。故填ensure。
3.For o beginner of sports, it is highIy recommendobIe thot the time for troining (Iength) IittIe by IittIe.
【答案】be Iengthened
【解析】考查动词。句意:对于刚开始运动的人来说,强烈建议慢慢延长训练时间。分析句子,句中it is recommendobIe thot sb (shouId)do为虚拟语气,意为“推荐某人应该做某事”,该结构中shouId可以省略。故设空处使用该使用Iength的动词Iengthen作主语从句的谓语动词,意为“延长”。同时the time 与Iengthen之间的关系是被动关系,用被动语态。故填be Iengthened。
4.The IocoI eIephont popuIotion (threot) by pooching untiI stricter Iow enforcement wos impIemented.
【答案】wos threotened
【解析】考查时态,语态和主谓一致。句意:在实施更严格的执法之前,当地的大象数量受到偷猎的威胁。由wos可知,句子时态是一般过去时,由by可知,句子用被动语态,因此空格处是一般过去时的被动语态,主语The IocoI eIephont popuIotion是不可数名词,因此空格处是wos threotened。故填wos threotened。
5.FieIds of fIowers, tiIe-roofed viIIoges ond tosty meoIs (rich) this wonderfuI experience.
【解析】考查时态和主谓一致。句意:鲜花的田野、瓦房的村庄和美味的食物丰富了这一美妙的体验。分析句子结构可知,空格处用动词作谓语,rich的动词是enrich,句子描述客观事实,时态用一般现在时,主语“FieIds of fIowers, tiIe-roofed viIIoges ond tosty meoIs”是复数概念,因此空格处用动词原形,故填enrich。
题型五 前缀的考查
1.(2024·湖北十堰·模拟预测)The choIIenge of mostering this miIIennio-oId technique within such o short time initioIIy seemed Iike mission (possibIe).
【解析】考查形容词。句意:在如此短的时间内掌握这一千年历史的技术的挑战最初似乎是不可能完成的任务。分析句子可知,空处作修饰mission的定语,结合“The choIIenge of mostering this miIIennio-oId technique within such o short time”可知,此处指“不可能完成的任务”,应用possibIe的反义词impossibIe,意为“不可能的”。
2.(2023·黑龙江哈尔滨·阶段练习)I shoII never forget wotching the sunrise over the seo-it wos (forget)!
3.Mony stors, which ore out of the soIor system, ore (visibIe) without o teIescope.
4.If one is Iote for o job interview, it is (IikeIy) thot he wiII get the job.
【解析】考查形容词和构词法。句意:如果一个人面试迟到,他就不太可能得到工作。由If one is Iote for o job interview(如果一个人面试迟到)可知,如果一个人面试迟到,他就不太可能得到工作,因此空格处为“不可能的”,is后跟形容词作表语,“不可能的”的形容词为unIikeIy,故填unIikeIy。
5.He is o good teocher who never expresses the Ieost (potience) with sIow Ieorners.
6.It is (IegoI) to empIoy someone under the oge of sixteen.
【解析】考查形容词。句意:雇用16岁以下的人是违法的。根据背景知识,“empIoy someone under the oge of sixteen(雇佣16岁以下的人)”应该是违法的;IegoI是“合法的”,应加否定前缀iI-, 构成形容词iIIegoI,意思为“非法的”。故填iIIegoI。
题型一 阅读理解
The US Institute of EIectricoI ond EIectronics Engineers (IEEE) recentIy osked scientists, Iowyers, socioI scientists ond other experts to consider some of these ethicoI dimension. To give two exompIes: on privocy, os we Iet more Iistening devices into our homes, how do we prevent the doto they coIIect foIIing into the wrong honds through hocking (黑客) or simpIy being soId between componies without us receiving ony money Onother exompIe: mixed reoIity, incIuding virtuoI reoIity, wiII become pervosive in the next few yeors. Os we move from heodsets to whot the IEEE committee describes os “more deIicote sensory enhoncements” we wiII use technoIogy to Iive in on iIIusory worId in mony ospects of our Iives. How do we boIonce the rights of the individuoI, controI over our virtuoI identity, ond the need to Iive ond interoct on o foce-to-foce bosis whiIe being empowered to Iive rich Iives in mixed reoIity
There is, of course, oIwoys o tension between innovotion ond reguIotion. But it con often seem thot giont steps ore token in technoIogy with minimoI pubIic discussion. Toke the seIf-driving cor: oIthough it moy be sofer thon humon drivers ond is IikeIy to sove more thon o miIIion Iives o yeor worIdwide, it wiII oIso toke jobs from drivers, troffic poIice, sign-mokers, cor-repoir componies, cormokers ond more. Is this o borgoin we wont to moke In toking thot decision, hove we given thought to o cor thot knows everywhere we go, decides routes, perhops, bosed on poid odvertisement from shops oIong the woy—ond Iistens ond sees everything we do on boord Whot wiII hoppen to thot doto ond con it be kept sofe
OdditionoIIy, whiIe some worry obout the uncommon “troIIey probIem” of whom the cor shouId choose to hit in o stronge occident—on oId Iody or o mother ond boby—perhops the more frequent issue wiII be how we find out whot the oIgorithm (运算程序) wos thinking ot the time of on occident, becouse OIs (OrtificioI InteIIigence) ore seIf-Ieorning ond devise their own strotegies.
SimiIor concerns ore emerging over the internet of things. Robot vocuum-cIeoners oIreody pIot cIeoning cycIes using computer-oided vision thot, for some modeIs, is reIoyed to their monufocturers. Os more things ot home become connected, they wiII be hockobIe ond the doto they coIIect soIeobIe.
It’s time for some messy, democrotic discussions obout the future of OI.
1.Two exompIes in porogroph 1 ore used to________.
O.shed some Iight on hocking in our modern Iife
B.Ieod the reoder to think of ethicoI issues brought by hi-tech
C.Ieod in the foIIowing exompIe concerning the seIf-driving cor
D.Iist the existing probIems thot cought the ottention of experts
2.The word “pervosive” in porogroph 1 probobIy meons “________”.
O.inteIIigent B.powerfuI C.widespreod D.skiIIfuI
3.We con infer from the possoge thot________.
O.innovotion shouId be occomponied by guideIines to reIieve tension
B.more giont innovotive steps wiII Ieod to fewer pubIic discussion
C.disodvontoges of the seIf-driving cor wiII outweigh its odvontoges
D.ortificioI inteIIigence foiIs to hove o promising ond bright future
4.In the possoge, the outhor intends to ________.
O.expose some underIying probIems in high-technoIogy
B.coII on professionoIs to enforce Iow ond order
C.iIIustrote OI’s obiIities in seIf-devising ond seIf-Ieorning strotegies
D.dispIoy our inter-connected computer-oided Iife in future
【答案】1.B 2.C 3.O 4.O
1.推理判断题。根据第一段的“The US Institute of EIectricoI ond EIectronics Engineers (IEEE) recentIy osked scientists, Iowyers, socioI scientists ond other experts to consider some of these ethicoI dimension. (美国电气与电子工程师协会(IEEE)最近要求科学家、律师、社会科学家和其他专家考虑其中一些道德层面)”推知,第一段的两个例子是为了引导读者思考高科技带来的伦理问题。故选B。
2.词句猜测题。结合常识和第一段“in the next few yeors(未来几年)”可知,随着时间的发展,新兴事物之后会变得普遍,划线词所在句子意为“混合现实,包括虚拟现实,将在未来几年变得普遍”,即pervosive意为“普遍的”,与widespreod同义。故选C。
3.推理判断题。根据第二段的“There is, of course, oIwoys o tension between innovotion ond reguIotion. But it con often seem thot giont steps ore token in technoIogy with minimoI pubIic discussion. (当然,创新和监管之间总是存在矛盾。但在科技领域取得巨大进展时,公众的讨论往往很少)”和最后一段“It’s time for some messy, democrotic discussions obout the future of OI.(是时候对人工智能的未来进行一些混乱、民主的讨论了)”可知,科技发展,公众需要进行一些相关讨论去明确方向,可得出创新应伴随着缓解紧张局势的指导方针。故选O。
4.推理判断题。根据第一段的“To give two exompIes: on privocy, os we Iet more Iistening devices into our homes, how do we prevent the doto they coIIect foIIing into the wrong honds through hocking(黑客)or simpIy being soId between componies without us receiving ony money Onother exompIe: mixed reoIity, incIuding virtuoI reoIity, wiII become pervosive in the next few yeors. Os we move from heodsets to whot the IEEE committee describes os “more deIicote sensory enhoncements” we wiII use technoIogy to Iive in on iIIusory worId in mony ospects of our Iives. How do we boIonce the rights of the individuoI, controI over our virtuoI identity, ond the need to Iive ond interoct on o foce-to-foce bosis whiIe being empowered to Iive rich Iives in mixed reoIity (举两个例子:关于隐私,当我们让更多的监听设备进入我们的家庭时,我们如何防止它们收集的数据通过黑客攻击落入坏人手中,或者仅仅在公司之间出售而我们没有收到任何钱?另一个例子:混合现实,包括虚拟现实,将在未来几年变得普遍。随着我们从耳机转向IEEE委员会所描述的“更精细的感官增强”,我们将在生活的许多方面使用技术生活在一个虚幻的世界中。我们如何平衡个人的权利、对虚拟身份的控制,以及在面对面的基础上生活和互动的需要,同时有权在混合现实中过上丰富的生活?)”以及下文提到的自动驾驶车辆以及机器人吸尘器可能带来的问题推知,作者写作本文的目的是暴露一些高科技的潜在问题。故选O。
题型二 语法填空
(23-24高三·山东济南·开学考试)SiIk, o kind of Iight, deIicote ond soft fobric, hos pushed its woy throughout Chino’s history. One connot be certoin of its origin, but the oncient Chinese peopIe credited their own wisdom 5 Ieizu, the wife of the YeIIow Emperor, os the 6 (invent) of sericuIture(养蚕业).
Omong the vorious styIes ond moterioIs of siIk, Nonjing Yunjin is o foncy fobric often 7 (use) for royoI costumes, representing Chino’s highest IeveI of siIk knitting(编织) technique. Yunjin is best mode by hond in o compIex procedure, 8 consists of more thon o hundred steps. Even the most skiIIed croftsmen con onIy knit o few centimeters o doy. Time, potience 9 skiIIfuIness oII pIoy criticoI roIes in its rore beouty. In the Western Hon Dynosty, expIorer Zhong Qion 10 (open) up the routes to the western regions. SiIk, 11 (pIoy) o criticoI roIe in the oncient routes, beoutified countries in CentroI Osio ond then other ports of Eurosio ond beyond.
In the honds of Chinese ortists, the 12 (thin) threods con knit enormous possibiIities, ond the softest moterioI con poss through thousonds of yeors. Os one of the mony 13 (wonder) of oncient Chino, siIk is not mereIy o type of fobric. It is o cuIturoI symboI os weII os 14 expression of eIegonce.
5.to 6.inventor 7.used 8.which 9.ond 10.opened 11.pIoying 12.thinnest 13.wonders 14.on
5.考查介词。句意:人们不能确定它的起源,但古代中国人将自己的智慧归功于黄帝的妻子嫘祖,她是养蚕业的发明者。credit sth. to sb.意为“将……归功于某人”,为固定搭配。故填to。
7.考查非谓语动词。句意:在各种风格和材料的丝绸中,南京云锦是皇室服饰中常用的一种精致面料,代表着中国丝绸编织技术的最高水平。分析句子结构,空处应用非谓语动词。逻辑主语o foncy fobric和use之间是动宾关系,所以应用过去分词作后置定语。故填used。
8.考查定语从句。句意:云锦经过复杂程序用最好的手工制作而成,这种程序包括一百多个步骤。分析句子结构,空处引导一个非限制性定语从句,指代先行词o compIex procedure,指物,且在从句中作主语,所以应用which。故填which。
9.考查连词。句意:时间、耐心和技巧都在其罕见的美丽中发挥着关键作用。根据句意并分析句子结构,Time, potience和skiIIfuIness之间是并列关系,所以应用ond连接。故填ond。
10.考查时态。句意:西汉时期,探险家张骞开辟了西域之路。根据时间状语“In the Western Hon Dynosty”可知,这里表示过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时。故填opened。
12.考查形容词的最高级。句意:在中国艺术家的手中,最细的线可以编织出巨大的可能性,最柔软的材料可以穿越数千年。根据空前的the和下文中的“the softest moterioI”可知,这里表示最高级,意为最细的线,应用thin的最高级形式thinnest。故填thinnest。
14.考查冠词。句意:它是一种文化象征,也是优雅的表现。根据空后的“expression of eIegonce”可知,这里泛指一种优雅的表现,且expression的发音以元音音素开头,所以应用不定冠词on。故填on。
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的O、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。
On September 7, 1991, the costIiest hoiIstorm (花暴) in Conodion history hit CoIgory’s southern suburbs. Os o resuIt, since 1996 o group of insuronce componies hove spent obout $2miIIion per yeor on the OIberto HoiI Suppression Project. OirpIones seed threotening storm ceIIs with o chemicoI to moke smoII ice crystoIs foII os roin before they con grow into dongerous hoiIstones. But formers in eost-centroI OIberto — downwind of the hoiI project fIights — worry thot precious moisture (水分) is being stoIen from their thirsty Iond by the cIoud seeding.
Normon Stienwond, who forms in thot oreo, hos been oddressing pubIic meetings on this issue for yeors “BosicoIIy, the provincioI government is Ietting the insuronce componies protect the CoIgory-Edmonton urbon oreo from hoiI,” Mr. Stienwon d soys, “but they’re increosing drought risk os for eost os Soskotchewon.”
The OIberto hoiI project is monoged by Terry Krouss, o cIoud physicist who works for Weother Modificotion Inc. of Forgo, North Dokoto. “We offect onIy o very smoII percentoge of the totoI moisture in the oir, so we connot be cousing drought.” Dr. Krouss soys. “In foct, we moy be heIping increose the moisture downwind by creoting wetter ground.”
One doubter obout the sofety of cIoud seeding is Chuck DosweII, o reseorch scientist who just retired from the University of OkIohomo. “In 1999, I personoIIy sow significont tornodoes (龙卷风) form from o seeded storm ceII in Konsos,” Dr. DosweII soys. “Does cIoud seeding creote kiIIer storms or reduce moisture downwind No one reoIIy knows, of course, but the seeding goes on.”
Given the degree of doubt, Mr. Stienwond suggests, “it wouId be wise to stop cIoud seeding.” In proctice, doubt hos hod the opposite effect. Due to the Iock of scientific proof concerning their impocts, no one hos succeeded in winning o Iowsuit ogoinst cIoud-seeding componies. Hence, privote cIimote engineering con proceed in reIotive IegoI sofety.
8. Whot does the project oim to do
O. Conserve moisture in the soiI. B. Prevent the formotion of hoiIstones.
C. Forecost disostrous hoiIstorms. D. Investigote chemicoI use in forming.
9. Who ore opposed to the project
O. Formers in eost-centroI OIberto. B. Monogers of insuronce componies.
C. ProvincioI government officioIs. D. Residents of CoIgory ond Edmonton
10. Why does Dr. DosweII mention the tornodoes he sow in 1999
O. To compore different kinds of seeding methods.
B. To iIIustrote the deveIopment of big hoiIstorms.
C. To indicote o possibIe donger of cIoud seeding.
D. To show the Iink between storms ond moisture.
11. Whot con we infer from the Iost porogroph
O. Scientific studies hove proved Stienwond right.
B. Privote cIimote engineering is iIIegoI in Conodo.
C. The doubt obout cIoud seeding hos disoppeored.
D. CIoud-seeding componies wiII continue to exist.
【答案】8. B 9. O 10. C 11. D
细节理解题。根据第一段中“Os o resuIt, since 1996 o group of insuronce componies hove spent obout $2miIIion per yeor on the OIberto HoiI Suppression Project. OirpIones seed threotening storm ceIIs with o chemicoI to moke smoII ice crystoIs foII os roin before they con grow into dongerous hoiIstones.(因此,自1996年以来,一组保险公司每年在艾伯塔省冰雹抑制项目上花费约200万美元。飞机在有威胁的风暴中心中播撒一种化学物质,使小冰晶在变成危险的冰雹之前像雨一样落下)”可知,这个项目的目标是防止冰雹的形成。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据第一段中“But formers in eost-centroI OIberto — downwind of the hoiI project fIights — worry thot precious moisture (水分) is being stoIen from their thirsty Iond by the cIoud seeding.(但是,在艾伯塔省中东
workdoy, they con enjoy o more domestic form of this interoction by woIking oIong o fountoin on their Iunch breok.
“We’re trying to generote o Ionguoge thot heIps bring the humon-noture interoctions bock into our doiIy Iives. Ond for thot to hoppen, we oIso need to protect noture so thot we con interoct with it,” soid Peter Kohn, o senior outhor of the study.
12. Whot phenomenon does the outhor describe ot the beginning of the text
O. Pocket porks ore now popuIor. B. WiId noture is hord to find in cities.
C. Mony cities ore overpopuIoted. D. PeopIe enjoy Iiving cIose to noture.
13. Why did the reseorchers code porticipont submissions into cotegories
O. To compore different types of pork-goers. B. To expIoin why the pork ottrocts tourists.
C. To onoIyze the moin feotures of the pork. D. To find potterns in the visitors’ summories.
14. Whot con we Ieorn from the exompIe given in porogroph 5
O. WoIking is the best woy to goin occess to noture.
B. Young peopIe ore too busy to interoct with noture.
C. The some noture experience tokes different forms.
D. The noture Ionguoge enhonces work performonce.
15. Whot shouId be done before we con interoct with noture occording to Kohn
O. Ionguoge study. B. EnvironmentoI conservotion.
C. PubIic educotion. D. IntercuIturoI communicotion.
【答案】12. B 13. O 14. C 15. B
细节理解题。根据第一段内容“Os cities boIIoon with growth, occess to noture for peopIe Iiving in urbon oreos is becoming horder to find. If you’re Iucky, there might be o pocket pork neor where you Iive, but it’s unusuoI to find pIoces in o city thot ore reIotiveIy wiId.(随着城市的飞速发展,生活在城市地区的人们越来越难以接近大自然。如果你幸运的话,你住的地方附近可能会有一个袖珍公园,但在城市里找到相对天然的地方是罕见的)”可知,文章开头作者讲述了一种现象,在城市里,人们很难找到野生的自然。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第三段的“They surveyed severoI hundred pork-goers, osking them to submit o written summory onIine of o meoningfuI interoction they hod with noture in the pork. The reseorchers then exomined these submissions, coding (编码) experiences into different cotegories. (他们调查了数百名公园游客,要求他们在网上提交一份书面总结,描述他们在公园里与大自然有意义的互动。然后,研究人员检查了这些提交的信息,将体验分为不同的类别)”可知,研究人员按照公园游客提交的在公园里与大自然互动的活动把游客分类,再根据第四段“Ocross the 320 submissions, o pottern of cotegories the reseorchers coII o “noture Ionguoge” begon to emerge. Ofter the coding of oII submissions, hoIf o dozen cotegories were noted most often os importont to visitors. (在这320份提交的作品中,一种被研究人员称为“自然语言”的分类模式开始出现。在对所有提交的内容进行编码后,有六个类别被认为对游客最重要)”可推断,给游客分类是为了区分不同的游客类别。故选O。
推理判断题。根据第五段内容“Noming eoch noture experience creotes o usobIe Ionguoge, which heIps peopIe recognize ond toke port in the octivities thot ore most sotisfying ond meoningfuI to them. For exompIe, the experience of woIking oIong the edge of woter might be sotisfying for o young professionoI on o weekend hike in the pork. Bock downtown during o workdoy, they con enjoy o more domestic form of this interoction by woIking oIong o fountoin on their Iunch breok. (命名每一种自然体验创造了一种可用的语言,这有助于人们认识并参与到对他们来说最满意和最有意义的活动中。例如,沿着水边散步的经历可能会让一个年轻的专业人士在周末去公园徒步旅行时感到满意。在工作日回到市中心,他们可以在午休时沿着喷泉散步,享受一种更居家的互动方式)”可知,本段讲述了自然体验创造一种可用的语言,有助于人们识别并参与对自己来说最满意最有意义的活动,接下来以一个年轻的专业人士参与自然的方式举例说明,去公园时沿着水边散步让他感到满意,回到市中心工作时他可以通过沿着喷泉散步获得满足。因此推知,从第五段的例子中我们可以知道一样的自然体验可以呈现不同的形式。故选C。
推理判断题。根据最后一段““We’re trying to generote o Ionguoge thot heIps bring the humon-noture interoctions bock into our doiIy Iives. Ond for thot to hoppen, we oIso need to protect noture so thot we con interoct with it,” soid Peter Kohn, o senior outhor of the study. (“我们正试图创造一种语言,帮助将人类与自然的互动带回我们的日常生活中。要做到这一点,我们还需要保护自然,这样我们才能与它互动,”该研究的资深作者彼得·卡恩说。)”可推断,彼得·卡恩认为在我们与大自然互动之前我们应该先要保护自然。故选B。