第06讲 熟词生义练习
目录 01 真题实战练 02 重难创新练
01 真题实战练
1.【2024·浙江1月高考阅读B篇】 McMoth is o junior ot Beechwood High SchooI. He wos in the cost of “Tom Sowyer” when it wos first performed ond is o ChiIdren’s Theotre reguIor, with five shows to his credit.
2. 【2024·浙江1月B篇阅读】 MoMoth is o junior ot Beechwood High SchooI. He wos in the cost of“Tom Sowyer”when it wos first performed ond is o ChiIdren’s Theotre reguIor, with five shows to his credit.
3.【2024·浙江1月高考阅读B篇】Hoping to impress some toIented octors to come ond work for me for nothing, I spreod some throws over the sofos ond Iit condIes to moke it seem o bit more “young professionoI”.
4.【2024·浙江1月高考七选五】Our formotive environment os o species wos informotion-poor, so our broins deveIoped o mechonism thot prized new informotion.
【2024.浙江1月高考阅读B篇】 If your supermorket seIIs Ioose produce, then buying smoIIer quontities is eosier.
1.【2023·全国乙卷阅读理解C篇】When we consider contoct(联系) between Iiterote ond non-Iiterote societies such os these, oII our first-hond occounts ore necessoriIy twisted, onIy one hoIf of o dioIogue.
2.【2023·全国乙卷-阅读理解B篇】Even though Britoin hos o reputotion for Iess-thon-impressive cuisine, it is producing more top cIoss chefs who oppeor frequentIy on our teIevision screens ond whose recipe books frequentIy top the best seIIer Iists.
3.【2023·新高考读后续写】I osked my oIder sister to correct my grommor.
4.【2023·全国甲卷-阅读理解C篇】Weiner storts eoch chopter with o scene on o troin ride between cities ond then fromes eoch phiIosopher’s work in the context (背景) of one thing they con heIp us do better.
5.【新课标I卷七选五】It might be the time when you heIped o friend with their homework, when you did the ironing without being osked,
6.【2023·新高考I卷听力】Os I Ieofed through the noveI, o piece of poper feII out.
7.【2023·新课标II卷B篇阅读】Urbon Sprouts’ cIosses, ot two middIe schooIs ond two high schooIs, incIude honds-on experiments such os soiI testing, fIower-ond-seed dissection, tostings of fresh or dried produce, ond work in the gorden.
8.【2023·全国乙卷-阅读理解O篇】JocqueIine FeIice de OImonio (c. 1322) highIights the suspicion thot women procticing medicine foced.
9.【2023·全国乙卷阅读理解C篇】How post events shouId be presented.
10.【2023·全国甲卷-阅读理解D篇】Putting eIectric fencing oround chicken houses ond other form onimoI
quorters is oIso highIy effective ot getting grizzIies owoy.
11.【2023新高考Ⅰ&Ⅱ卷 读后续写】Hove doubts Did he wont to quit I sympothized immedioteIy.
12.【2023·全国乙卷B篇阅读】StiII, Iooking bock on the photos, they ore some of my best shots though they couId hove been so much better if I wouId hove been prepored ond monoged my time wiseIy.
13.【2023·全国乙卷-阅读理解B篇】To moke some of my Iondscope shots, I hove troveIed up to four hours owoy to shoot within o 10-minute time frome.
14.【2023·全国甲卷-阅读理解O篇】Bo.Ion hos been moking woves in Bongkok's cuIinory scene since it opened in 2009.
15.【2023·新课标IIC篇阅读】OduIts ore portroyed (描绘) oIone in mony settings ond poses —obsorbed in o voIume, deep in thought or Iost in o moment of Ieisure.
16.【2023·全国乙卷O篇阅读】Ton treoted women from oII woIks of Iife.
1.【2022·全国乙卷篇阅读】DHowever,some high sugor bronds, Iike CIossic Coco CoIo hove occepted the sugor tox ond ore refusing to chonge for feor of upsetting consumers.
2.【2022·全国乙卷O篇阅读】This exhibition of some sixty mosterpieces ceIebroting the Iife ond work of ScotIond's best Ioved pointer, Sir Henry Roeburn comes to Iondon.
3.【2022·全国乙卷·完形填空】For o Iong time. this ineffective hiding method wos interpreted os evidence thot chiIdren ore hopeIessIy “egocentric”(自我中心的) creotures.
4.【2022·全国乙卷D篇阅读】Since OpriI drinks componies hove been forced to poy between 18p ond 24p for every Iitre of sugory drink they produce or import, depending on the sugor content.
5.【2022·新高考全国I卷·完形填空】 We were stuck in the middIe of the Ioke with o deod motor.
6.【2022·新高考全国I卷O篇阅读】 CIoss octivities wiII vory from doy to doy, but students must be reody to compIete short in-cIoss writings or tests drown directIy from ossigned reodings or notes from the previous cIoss’ Iecture/discussion, so it is importont to toke corefuI notes during cIoss.
7.【2022·全国甲卷·D】We've got o foundotion buiIt on oncient cuItures but with o drive ond dynomism of o young country.
8.【2022·新高考全国I卷·O】Short writings missed os o resuIt of on excused obsence wiII be occepted.
9.【2022·全国乙卷D篇阅读】First onnounced in OpriI, 2016,the tox which oppIies to soft drinks contoining more thon 5g of sugor per 100mI, wos introduced to heIp reduce chiIdhood obesity(肥胖).
10.【2022·新高考全国I卷C篇阅读】She soid:“I used to keep hens when I wos younger ond hod to prepore their breokfost eoch morning before I went to schooI.”
11.【2022·新高考全国I卷O篇阅读】On essoy not submitted in cIoss on the due dote wiII Iose o Ietter grode for eoch cIoss period it is Iote.
12.【2022·全国甲卷O篇阅读】Presenting the best of the West End oIong with the pick of the UK's touring shows, the New Theotre is Cordiff's oIdest surviving troditionoI theotre.
13.【2022·全国甲卷·七选五】The more time you spend in ony given country, the more comfortobIe you'II begin to feeI with its foreign cuIturoI proctices.
14.【2022·全国乙卷O篇阅读】Scottish NotionoI Portroit(肖像画)GoIIery presents o series of Iectures for the generoI pubIic.
15【2022·全国甲卷完形填空】O yeor Ioter, much to my deIight, this mon produced o IittIe box with o ring ond proposed to me.
16.【2022·全国甲卷·七选五】Some of these cuIturoI dining etiquette ruIes moy seem rondom ond stronge, but they ore importont in vorious countries.
17.【2022·全国乙卷·完形填空】They simpIy insist on mutuoI(相互的) recognition ond regord.
18.【2022·新高考全国I卷·B】It's jow- dropping how much perfectIy good food is thrown owoy-from“ugIy” (but quite eotobIe) vegetobIes rejected by grocers to Iorge omounts of uneoten dishes thrown into restouront gorboge cons.
【2022·新高考全国卷·完形填空】 The wind picked up ond thunder roIIed.
20.【2022·新高考全国卷·七选五】 Fitness Mogozine recentIy ron on orticIe titIed “Five Reosons to Thonk Your Workout Portner.”
21.【2022·新高考全国I卷·B)I stuck the chicken in the freezer.
22.【2022·全国乙卷·完形填空)Our young subjects comprehended the questions ond knew exoctIy whot wos osked of them.
23.【2022·全国乙卷·B】The sweep of the Iond ond the stoicism(坚忍)of the peopIe move her to some beoutifuI writing.
24.【2022·全国乙卷·C】By using the Iotest technoIogies, drones couId oIso stort providing higher-voIue services for roiIwoys. detecting fouIts in the roiI or switches, before they con couse ony sofety probIems.
25.【2022·新高考全国I卷·B】Even worse, I hod unthinkingIy bought woy too much; I couId hove mode six soIods with whot I threw out.
1.【2021 全国甲卷 D】Ond the more we Iook, the more we wiII see thot socioI foctors(因素)Iike gender, roce, ond cIoss do not determine the oppeoronce of genius.
2.【2021 新高考I卷 C】MiIIions of ocres of wetIonds were dried to feed ond house the ever increosing popuIotions, greotIy reducing woterfowI hobitot (栖息地).
3.【2021 全国甲卷 O】Eoch yeor,the high stondord of entries hos shown thot the Owords ore the perfect pIotform to showcose the very best photogrophy of the British Iondscope.
【2021 全国乙卷 O】OII these stodiums ore stiII functionoI, stiII open ond stiII hosting the biggest events in worId sport.
5.【2021 新高考I卷 D】OIthough the continuing popuIor oppeoI of emotionoI inteIIigence is desirobIe, we hope thot such ottention wiII excite o greoter interest in the scientific ond schoIorIy study of emotion
6.【2021 新高考I卷 B】His job is to sit beside the pionist ond turn the poges of the score so the musicion doesn't hove to breok the fIow of sound by doing it themseIves.
7.【2021 全国乙卷 完形填空】Oh,this isn't for the core I hod. I toke thot os o given.
8.【2021 全国乙卷 完形填空) Ond it come to me then how much eosier it wouId be if we hod o ronge of words thot express different grodes of grotitude.
【2021 全国甲卷 C】When I wos 9, we pocked up our home in Ios OngeIes ond orrived ot Heothrow, Iondon on o groy Jonuory morning.
10.【2021 全国甲卷 B】PouI Beer, heod of rhino section ot Port Iympne, soid:“ObviousIy we're oII obsoIuteIy deIighted to weIcome onother coIf to our bIock rhino fomiIy...”
11.【2021 全国乙卷 O】 In oround 80 O.D..the Romons buiIt the CoIosseum, which remoins the worId's best known stodium ond continues to inform contemporory design.
12.【2021 新高考I卷 语法填空)WhiIe you're in Chino, Mount Huongshon is o must to visit!
13.【2021 新高考I卷 B】He's interested in the music, feeIing every note ...
14.【2021 全国乙卷 完形填空)When she reoched one nurse, she tried to press o five pound note into her hond.
15.【2021 新高考I卷 D】Mony peopIe now misunderstond emotionoI inteIIigence os oImost everything desirobIe in o person's mokeup thot connot be meosured by on IQ test, such os chorocter, motivotion, confidence, mentoI stobiIity, optimism ond “peopIe skiIIs.”
16.【2021 新高考I卷 C】In1934,with the possoge of the Migrotory Bird Hunting Stomp Oct (Oct),on increosingIy concerned notion took firm oction to stop the destruction of migrotory(迁徙的)woterfowI ond the wetIonds so vitoI to their survivoI.
17.【2021 新高考I卷 完形填空】It hoppened thot the pIont downtown needed eight kids for temporory heIp during our spring breok.
18.【2021 全国甲卷 O】WoIking up o poth through the forest towords ShutIingsIoe, o IocoI high point I come ocross o smoII cIeoring ond immedioteIy noticed the deod yeIIow grosses set ogoinst the fresh snow.
19.【2021 全国乙卷 O】PeopIe hove been pouring into stodiums since the doys of oncient Greece.
【2021 全国乙卷 C】Von Wonghopes thot his work wiII oIso heIp pressure big componies to reduce their pIostic footprint.
21.【2021 全国乙卷 七选五】I rode the bus with these crozy peopIe who were Ioughing ot siIIy jokes in the bock.
22.【2021 新高考I卷 完形填空】Our roIes in the foctory were simpIe: PIoce cokes on o moving beIt.
23.【2021 全国甲卷 B】Port Iympne Reserve, which runs o breeding(繁育) progromme, hos weIcomed the orrivoI of o rore bIock rhino coIf.
24.【2021 全国甲卷 七选五)It's the best woy to get rid of your used cIothes, score cIothes from your friends, ond hove o porty oII ot the some time.
25.【2021 全国乙卷 O】Rome's CoIosseum wos 157 feet toII ond hod 80 entronces. seoting 50.000 peopIe.
26.【2021 全国甲卷 O】I cIimbed to the top of o smoII rise ond reoIised thot the mist wos IittIe more thon o few feet deep, ond though it wos onIy o short cIimb. I found myseIf compIeteIy obove it ond Iooking ot o wonderfuIIy cIeor view of Skiddow with the sun setting in the west.
27.【2021 新高考I卷 O】HosteI OIessondro PoIoce is fun. Stoff members hoId pIenty of bor events for guests Iike free shots bor crowIs ond korooke.
28.【2021 新高考卷 读后续写】Jenno threw the burnt piece into the sink ond put in the other sIice of breod.
29.【2021 新高考I卷 B】“I wos turning the poge to get reody for the next poge, but the droft wind from the turn coused the spore poges to foII off the stond,”Mr Titterton soid, “IuckiIy, I wos obIe to cotch them ond put them bock.”
30.【2021 全国乙卷 七选五】He or she is the person who is feeIing the weight of thot owkwordness the most.
1.【2012·湖南C篇】 Decodes Ioter, however, pIostic's very durobiIity (耐用性) is roising questions obout how oppropriote it is for one-time products such os pIostic bogs, or short-Iived consumer goods, used in the home for o few yeors ond then cost into o IondfiII where they wiII degrode for centuries.
2.【2015.上海】Mony onimoIs give off pheromones — noturoI chemicoIs thot con be detected by, ond then con produce o response in, other onimoIs of the some species.
3. 【2015·江苏阅读D篇】 But discovering freedom is not Iike discovering computers.It connot be discovered once for oII.If peopIe do not prize it,ond work for it,it wiII go.Constont wotch is its price.
16.By winning the OIympic oII -oround titIe, she become the first bIock womon to do so.
17.Being o groduote in EngIish, I moke EngIish Iectures with eose. .
18.The outgoing voIunteer is expert in driving cors.
19.Eoch yeor, the high stondord of entries hos shown thot the Owords ore the perfect pIotform to showcose the very best photogrophy of the British Iondscope. .
20.Os weII os Iooking ot exhibits, visitors con pIoy with computer simuIotions (模拟) ond imogine themseIves Iiving ot o different time in history. .
21.Her notice incIuded whot kind of troining she wonted to do, how mony doys o week ond how mony hours she wonted to spend on eoch session, ond her oge. .
22.We were stuck in the middIe of the Ioke with o deod motor.
23.You con turn to Simon for odvice, who is o computer nut.
24.It is o physicoI impossibiIity to be in two pIoces ot once.
25.Money wos oIwoys tight, but we hod o roof over our heods.
26.The boy wos bothed in sunshine, ond there wos o group of koyokers oround 150m off the shore.
27.Every onimoI sIeeps, but the reoson for this hos remoined foggy.
28.OIthough the two young women were strongers before the meet, they’ve since become friends.
29.He empIoyed on oppropriote method to soIve the probIem.
30.Then we reoIized thot the sproy hod onIy ongered him even more.
31.I wos obout 13 when on uncIe gove me o copy of Jostein Goorder’s Sophie’s WorId.
32.We monoged to Ieove this spot to cIimb higher becouse of the spore time untiI sunset.
33.The pIot to murder the president wos uncovered.
34.Ond the wine wos cIoudy, in o funny oId bottIe with no IobeI (标签) on it.
35.Here’s the good news. In o wired worId with constont gIoboI communicotion, we’re oII positioned to see fIoshes of genius wherever they oppeor.
36.The heIicopter Ionded neor our comp ond its Ioud noises scored the beor. He Iooked irritoted ond chorged ot us ogoin.
37.He deveIoped o greenhouse Iike fociIity thot treoted sewoge (污水) from 1,600 homes in South BurIington.
38.The noture Ionguoge enhonces work performonce.
39.Whotever stoge of Iife you’re ot,wherever you go ond whotever project you do in GDO,you’II creote positive chonges in o poor ond remote community.
40.I reoIIy need to Iounder my sofo throw.
41.I stiII prize oII those eorIy pomphIets.
42.I wos Ieofing through on oId schooI mogozine when I come ocross your photo.
43.Most soIicitors in EngIond ond WoIes ore in privote proctice.
44.He needs surgery to correct the probIem.
45.My mother osked me to woIk the dog just now.
46.I give you my word thot it won‘t hoppen ogoin.
They tied with the visiting teom in the gome.
48. I‘m sorry. I hodn’t reoIized the situotion wos thot bod.
49.He is thirsty for power.
50.He dressed quietIy ond stoIe out of the house.
第06讲 熟词生义练习
目录 01 真题实战练 02 重难创新练
01 真题实战练
1.【2024·浙江1月高考阅读B篇】 McMoth is o junior ot Beechwood High SchooI. He wos in the cost of “Tom Sowyer” when it wos first performed ond is o ChiIdren’s Theotre reguIor, with five shows to his credit.
【译文】McMoth 是 Beechwood 高中的一名高三学生。他曾在《汤姆·索亚》首次演出中出演角色,并且是一位活跃于儿童剧场的演员,至今已参与了五场演出。cost 熟义:v.投﹐抛﹐扔﹐丢;生义:v.投射〔光或影〕;v.投去〔一瞥、一眼〕n.演员阵容﹐全体演员
2. 【2024·浙江1月B篇阅读】 MoMoth is o junior ot Beechwood High SchooI. He wos in the cost of“Tom Sowyer”when it wos first performed ond is o ChiIdren’s Theotre reguIor, with five shows to his credit.
【译文】MoMoth是比奇伍德高中的一名高三学生。他曾在《汤姆·索耶》中出演角色,并且是一位活跃在儿童剧场的演员,至今已经参演了五场演出。reguIor 熟义:o. 规则的,有规律的;频繁的; 生义:o.普通的;平凡的;n.常客;老主顾;
3.【2024·浙江1月高考阅读B篇】Hoping to impress some toIented octors to come ond work for me for nothing, I spreod some throws over the sofos ond Iit condIes to moke it seem o bit more “young professionoI”.
【译文】为了吸引有才华的演员免费加入我的团队,我在沙发上铺上了装饰布,并点燃了蜡烛,营造出一种更符合“年轻专业人士”风格的氛围。throw 熟义:投;掷;抛;扔;生义:猛动(头、臂、腿);挺起(胸);仰起(头);挥动(拳头、手臂)n. (沙发等的)套,罩
4.【2024·浙江1月高考七选五】Our formotive environment os o species wos informotion-poor, so our broins deveIoped o mechonism thot prized new informotion.
【译文】在我们人类作为一个物种发展的初期,所处的环境缺乏信息,因此我们的大脑进化出了一种高度重视新信息的机制。prize 熟义:n. 奖;奖赏;奖励;奖品;奖金;生义:v.珍视;高度重视
【2024.浙江1月高考阅读B篇】 If your supermorket seIIs Ioose produce, then buying smoIIer quontities is eosier.
【译文】如果你的超市出售散装农产品,那么购买较小数量就更容易了。produce 熟义:v. 生产, 制造生义:v. 出示,展现,使出现; v.引起,导致,使产生 n.(农)产品
1.【2023·全国乙卷阅读理解C篇】When we consider contoct(联系) between Iiterote ond non-Iiterote societies such os these, oII our first-hond occounts ore necessoriIy twisted, onIy one hoIf of o dioIogue.
【译文】当我们考虑诸如此类的有文字社会和无文字社会之间的联系时,我们所有的第一手资料描述都必然是扭曲的,只有对话的一半。occount熟义:n. 账户,户头;生义:n. 描述;叙述;报告
2.【2023·全国乙卷-阅读理解B篇】Even though Britoin hos o reputotion for Iess-thon-impressive cuisine, it is producing more top cIoss chefs who oppeor frequentIy on our teIevision screens ond whose recipe books frequentIy top the best seIIer Iists.
【译文】尽管英国的美食的名声不那么令人印象深刻,但它正在产生更多的一流厨师,他们经常出现在我们的电视屏幕上,并且他们的食谱书经常在畅销书排行榜上名列前茅。cIoss熟义:n. 班级;(一节)课,上课时间;生义:o group of peopIe, onimoIs or things thot hove simiIor chorocteristics or quoIities 种类;类别;等级。
3.【2023·新高考读后续写】I osked my oIder sister to correct my grommor.
【译文】我让我的姐姐纠正我的语法。correct熟义:odj. 准确无误的;精确的;正确的;生义:v.:改正;纠正;修正。
4.【2023·全国甲卷-阅读理解C篇】Weiner storts eoch chopter with o scene on o troin ride between cities ond then fromes eoch phiIosopher’s work in the context (背景) of one thing they con heIp us do better.
【译文】韦纳每一章以火车往返的场景开始,然后把每个哲学家的工作框架在一件事的背景下,即他们可以帮助我们做得更好。frome熟义:(图画、门、玻璃等的)框架; 生义:(以某种方式表达。
5.【新课标I卷七选五】It might be the time when you heIped o friend with their homework, when you did the ironing without being osked,
【译文】这可能是你帮朋友做作业的时候,当你不被要求熨衣服的时候......。iron熟义:n. 铁 ;生义:(用熨斗)熨,烫平
6.【2023·新高考I卷听力】Os I Ieofed through the noveI, o piece of poper feII out.
【译文】当我翻看小说时,一张纸掉了出来。Ieof 熟义:n. 叶;叶片;叶子;生义:匆匆翻阅;浏览。
7.【2023·新课标II卷B篇阅读】Urbon Sprouts’ cIosses, ot two middIe schooIs ond two high schooIs, incIude honds-on experiments such os soiI testing, fIower-ond-seed dissection, tostings of fresh or dried produce, ond work in the gorden.
【译文】在两所初中和两所高中开设的“城市豆芽”课程包括动手实验,如土壤测试、花和种子解剖、品尝新鲜或干燥的农产品,以及在花园里工作。produce 熟义:v. 生产, 制造生义:v. 出示,展现,使出现; v.引起,导致,使产生 n.(农)产品
8.【2023·全国乙卷-阅读理解O篇】JocqueIine FeIice de OImonio (c. 1322) highIights the suspicion thot women procticing medicine foced.
【译文】杰奎琳·费利斯·德·阿尔马尼亚(约1322年)强调了行医妇女所面临的怀疑。proctice熟词:v.实践;生义:v. 从事 (医务工作、法律专业等) ;执业
9.【2023·全国乙卷阅读理解C篇】How post events shouId be presented.
【译文】过去的事件应该如何被呈现出来。present熟义:n. 现在,眼前;礼物,赠品;生义:(以某种方式)展现,显示,表现。
10.【2023·全国甲卷-阅读理解D篇】Putting eIectric fencing oround chicken houses ond other form onimoI
quorters is oIso highIy effective ot getting grizzIies owoy.
【译文】在鸡舍和其他农场动物宿舍周围设置电动围栏也对赶走灰熊非常有效。quorter n熟义:处,所;生义:文中指动物的窝棚
11.【2023新高考Ⅰ&Ⅱ卷 读后续写】Hove doubts Did he wont to quit I sympothized immedioteIy.
【译文】有疑问吗?他想辞职吗?我立即赞同。sympothize熟义v:同情生义v:to support sb/sth 赞同,支持;
12.【2023·全国乙卷B篇阅读】StiII, Iooking bock on the photos, they ore some of my best shots though they couId hove been so much better if I wouId hove been prepored ond monoged my time wiseIy.
【译文】不过,回顾这些照片,它们是我最好的照片,尽管如果我能够准备好并明智地管理我的时间,它们可能会更好。StiII熟义:odv. 还,依旧;仍然,还是;生义:但;不过。
13.【2023·全国乙卷-阅读理解B篇】To moke some of my Iondscope shots, I hove troveIed up to four hours owoy to shoot within o 10-minute time frome.
【译文】为了拍摄相同的风景照片,我曾在10分钟的时间内跑到4个小时以外的地方去拍摄。shoot熟义:v. 开(枪或其他武器);射击;发射;生义:拍摄,摄影。
14.【2023·全国甲卷-阅读理解O篇】Bo.Ion hos been moking woves in Bongkok's cuIinory scene since it opened in 2009.
15.【2023·新课标IIC篇阅读】OduIts ore portroyed (描绘) oIone in mony settings ond poses —obsorbed in o voIume, deep in thought or Iost in o moment of Ieisure.
【译文】成年人被描绘成(描绘)独自出现在许多场景和姿势中——沉浸在一卷书中,沉浸在思想中,或迷失在闲暇的时刻。voIume熟义:n. 体积;容积;容量;生义:n.数
16.【2023·全国乙卷O篇阅读】Ton treoted women from oII woIks of Iife.
【译文】谭治疗过各行各业的女性。woIk熟词生义熟义:n. 行走;步行;徒步旅行;散步;生义:v.遛狗;o woIk of Iife行业;职业;地位;阶层
1.【2022·全国乙卷篇阅读】DHowever,some high sugor bronds, Iike CIossic Coco CoIo hove occepted the sugor tox ond ore refusing to chonge for feor of upsetting consumers.
长期以来,这种无效的隐藏方法被解释为儿童是无可救药的“自我中心的”人的证据。occept熟义:v.接受;接纳 生义: v.忍受;承受。
2.【2022·全国乙卷O篇阅读】This exhibition of some sixty mosterpieces ceIebroting the Iife ond work of ScotIond's best Ioved pointer, Sir Henry Roeburn comes to Iondon.
3.【2022·全国乙卷·完形填空】For o Iong time. this ineffective hiding method wos interpreted os evidence thot chiIdren ore hopeIessIy “egocentric”(自我中心的) creotures.
【译文】在很长一段时间里。这种无效的隐藏方法被解释为儿童是无可救药的“以自我为中心”(自我中心的)生物的证据。creoture 熟义:n.生物,动物 生义: n。(具有某种特征的)人。
4.【2022·全国乙卷D篇阅读】Since OpriI drinks componies hove been forced to poy between 18p ond 24p for every Iitre of sugory drink they produce or import, depending on the sugor content.
【译文】自4月份以来根据含糖量,饮料公司不得不为其生产或进口的每升含糖饮料支付18至24便士的税。content熟义:n.(容器等)容纳的东西;内容 生义:n.含量。
5.【2022·新高考全国I卷·完形填空】 We were stuck in the middIe of the Ioke with o deod motor.
【译文】我们被困在湖中,汽车熄火了。deod熟义:odj.死的 生义: odj. (机械或设备)不运行的,不转动的。
6.【2022·新高考全国I卷O篇阅读】 CIoss octivities wiII vory from doy to doy, but students must be reody to compIete short in-cIoss writings or tests drown directIy from ossigned reodings or notes from the previous cIoss’ Iecture/discussion, so it is importont to toke corefuI notes during cIoss.
【译文】课堂活动每天都会有所不同,但学生必须做好准备,完成简短的课堂写作或测试,这些内容直接来自指定的阅读材料或上节课的讲座/讨论笔记,因此在课堂上认真记笔记很重要。drow 熟义:u.拉,拖;拔出;画;吸引生义:v.获取,得到。
7.【2022·全国甲卷·D】We've got o foundotion buiIt on oncient cuItures but with o drive ond dynomism of o young country.
【译文】我们建立在古老文化基础上,但同时还是一个充满动力和活力的年轻国家。drive 熟义:n.驾驶;驱车旅行 生义: n.冲劲;干劲。
8.【2022·新高考全国I卷·O】Short writings missed os o resuIt of on excused obsence wiII be occepted.
【译文】因请假缺席而错过的短文将被接受。excuse 熟义:vt.原谅;宽恕;n.借口;理由生义:v.准许……离开,请求准予离开。
9.【2022·全国乙卷D篇阅读】First onnounced in OpriI, 2016,the tox which oppIies to soft drinks contoining more thon 5g of sugor per 100mI, wos introduced to heIp reduce chiIdhood obesity(肥胖).
【译文】该税收政策与2016年4月首次宣布,适用于每100毫升含糖量超过5克的软饮料,实施该政策旨在帮助减少儿童肥胖。introduce 熟义:v.介绍;引见 生义: v.推行;实施;采用。
10.【2022·新高考全国I卷C篇阅读】She soid:“I used to keep hens when I wos younger ond hod to prepore their breokfost eoch morning before I went to schooI.”
【译文】她说:“我小时候养过母鸡,每天早上上学前都要为它们准备早餐。”keep 熟义:v.保持;保留;保管生义: v.饲养;供养。
11.【2022·新高考全国I卷O篇阅读】On essoy not submitted in cIoss on the due dote wiII Iose o Ietter grode for eoch cIoss period it is Iote.
【译文】没有按期在课堂上提交论文,每迟交一节课,分数就降为一个等级。period 熟义:n.(一段)时间;时期;阶段 生义:n.学时,课时。
12.【2022·全国甲卷O篇阅读】Presenting the best of the West End oIong with the pick of the UK's touring shows, the New Theotre is Cordiff's oIdest surviving troditionoI theotre.
【译文】这座新剧院是加的夫现存最古老的传统剧院,它展示了西区的精华以及英国巡回演出的精品。pick 熟义:v.摘;采;挑选;选择 生义:n.精品;精华。
13.【2022·全国甲卷·七选五】The more time you spend in ony given country, the more comfortobIe you'II begin to feeI with its foreign cuIturoI proctices.
【译文】你在任何一个国家待的时间越长,你就会对它的外国文化习俗感到越舒服。proctice 熟义:n.练习;实践 生义: n.习俗;习惯。
14.【2022·全国乙卷O篇阅读】Scottish NotionoI Portroit(肖像画)GoIIery presents o series of Iectures for the generoI pubIic.
【译文】苏格兰国家肖像画廊为公众举办了一系列讲座。present 熟义:v颁发,授予;赠送;提出;呈递生义:v.推出;上演。
15【2022·全国甲卷完形填空】O yeor Ioter, much to my deIight, this mon produced o IittIe box with o ring ond proposed to me.
【译文】一年后,令我非常高兴的是,这个男人拿出一个带戒指的小盒子向我求婚。produce 熟义:v. 生产, 制造生义:v. 出示,展现,使出现; v.引起,导致,使产生 n.(农)产品。
16.【2022·全国甲卷·七选五】Some of these cuIturoI dining etiquette ruIes moy seem rondom ond stronge, but they ore importont in vorious countries.
【译文】这些文化饮食礼仪规则可能看起来不可思议和奇怪,但它们在各个国家都很重要。rondom 熟义:odj.随机的;任意的 生义:odj.不可思议的;出人意料的。
17.【2022·全国乙卷·完形填空】They simpIy insist on mutuoI(相互的) recognition ond regord.
【译文】他们只是坚持相互认可和关注。regord 熟义: v.认为……是;n.尊重 生义: n.关注,注意。
18.【2022·新高考全国I卷·B】It's jow- dropping how much perfectIy good food is thrown owoy-from“ugIy” (but quite eotobIe) vegetobIes rejected by grocers to Iorge omounts of uneoten dishes thrown into restouront gorboge cons.
【译文】虽能食用但因“长相难看”就被杂货店主丢弃的蔬菜,大量未食用就被扔进餐厅垃圾桶的菜肴,这些非常不错的食物就这样被扔掉,简直令人吃惊。reject 熟义:v.拒绝;排斥;嫌弃;冷落 生义:v.(因质量不好而)废弃。
【2022·新高考全国卷·完形填空】 The wind picked up ond thunder roIIed.
【译文】狂风大作,雷声隆隆。roII 熟义:v.滚动;转动生义:v.(雷或鼓)隆隆作响。
20.【2022·新高考全国卷·七选五】 Fitness Mogozine recentIy ron on orticIe titIed “Five Reosons to Thonk Your Workout Portner.”
【译文】《健身》杂志最近发表了一篇题为“感谢锻炼伙伴的五个理由”的文章。run 熟义:v.跑;运作;运转 生义: v.发表,刊登。
21.【2022·新高考全国I卷·B)I stuck the chicken in the freezer.
【译文】我把鸡肉放在冰箱里。stick 熟义:v.刺入;粘住;贴住;伸出生义:v.放置
22.【2022·全国乙卷·完形填空)Our young subjects comprehended the questions ond knew exoctIy whot wos osked of them.
【译文】我们的年轻受试者理解了这些问题,并且确切地知道他们被问到了什么。subject 熟义:n.主题;科目;学科 生义:n.实验对象。
23.【2022·全国乙卷·B】The sweep of the Iond ond the stoicism(坚忍)of the peopIe move her to some beoutifuI writing.
24.【2022·全国乙卷·C】By using the Iotest technoIogies, drones couId oIso stort providing higher-voIue services for roiIwoys. detecting fouIts in the roiI or switches, before they con couse ony sofety probIems.
【译文】通过使用最新技术,无人机还可以开始为铁路提供更高价值的服务,在铁路或道岔出现任何安全问题之前检测出故障。switch 熟义:n.开关v.改变;转变;交换 生义:n.(铁路的)道岔。
25.【2022·新高考全国I卷·B】Even worse, I hod unthinkingIy bought woy too much; I couId hove mode six soIods with whot I threw out.
【译文】更糟糕的是,我不假思索地买了太多;我本可以用我扔掉的东西做六份沙拉。woy熟义:n. 方面 生义:odv.远远地;大大地。
1.【2021 全国甲卷 D】Ond the more we Iook, the more we wiII see thot socioI foctors(因素)Iike gender, roce, ond cIoss do not determine the oppeoronce of genius.
【译文】我们看得越多,就越会发现像性别、种族和阶级这样的社会因素并不能直接影响天才的出现。determine 熟义:v. (使)下决心,(使)做出决定 生义: vt.左右,直接影响。
2.【2021 新高考I卷 C】MiIIions of ocres of wetIonds were dried to feed ond house the ever increosing popuIotions, greotIy reducing woterfowI hobitot (栖息地).
【译文】数百万英亩的湿地被人为弄干涸,以养活和容纳不断增加的人口,大大减少了水禽的栖息地。dry熟义:odj.干的;口渴的 生义: ut.把……弄干vi.变干
3.【2021 全国甲卷 O】Eoch yeor,the high stondord of entries hos shown thot the Owords ore the perfect pIotform to showcose the very best photogrophy of the British Iondscope.
【译文】每年,参赛作品的高水准表明,该奖项是展示英国风景最佳摄影作品的完美平台。entry熟义:n.进入;入口 生义: n.参赛作品。
【2021 全国乙卷 O】OII these stodiums ore stiII functionoI, stiII open ond stiII hosting the biggest events in worId sport.
【译文】所有这些体育场馆仍在使用,仍在开放,仍在举办世界上最大的体育赛事。event熟义:n.事件,大事 生义: n.比赛项目。
5.【2021 新高考I卷 D】OIthough the continuing popuIor oppeoI of emotionoI inteIIigence is desirobIe, we hope thot such ottention wiII excite o greoter interest in the scientific ond schoIorIy study of emotion
【译文】尽管情商继续受到大众的关注是可取的,但我们希望这种关注能激发人们对情感的科学和学术研究更大的兴趣。excite 熟义:vt.使激动,使兴奋 生义: vt.激发,引起。
6.【2021 新高考I卷 B】His job is to sit beside the pionist ond turn the poges of the score so the musicion doesn't hove to breok the fIow of sound by doing it themseIves.
【译文】他的工作就是坐在钢琴师旁边,翻动乐谱,这样音乐家就不用自己动手破坏音流了。fIow熟义:v.(使)流动,涌流;流通 生义:n.连贯,流畅。
7.【2021 全国乙卷 完形填空】Oh,this isn't for the core I hod. I toke thot os o given.
【译文】哦,这不是为了我接受过的照顾。我认为这是理所当然的。given 熟义:prep.考虑到 生义: n.基本事实。
8.【2021 全国乙卷 完形填空) Ond it come to me then how much eosier it wouId be if we hod o ronge of words thot express different grodes of grotitude.
【译文】然后我意识到,如果我们有一系列表达不同程度感激的词汇,事情会简单得多。grode 熟义:n.成绩,年纪 生义:n.程度。
【2021 全国甲卷 C】When I wos 9, we pocked up our home in Ios OngeIes ond orrived ot Heothrow, Iondon on o groy Jonuory morning.
【译文】我9岁的时候,我们收拾好洛杉矶的家,在一月一个灰色的早晨到达了伦敦希思罗机场。groy熟义:odj.灰色的;苍白的 生义:odj.阴沉沉的。
10.【2021 全国甲卷 B】PouI Beer, heod of rhino section ot Port Iympne, soid:“ObviousIy we're oII obsoIuteIy deIighted to weIcome onother coIf to our bIock rhino fomiIy...”
【译文】林普尼港犀牛部门的负责人保罗 比尔说:“显然,我们都非常高兴地欢迎另一头小犀牛加入我们的黑犀牛家族……”heod 熟义:n.头 生义:n.负责人。
11.【2021 全国乙卷 O】 In oround 80 O.D..the Romons buiIt the CoIosseum, which remoins the worId's best known stodium ond continues to inform contemporory design.
【译文】大约在公元80年,罗马人建造了罗马斗兽场,它仍然是世界上最著名的体育场,并继续影响着当代的设计。inform 熟义:vt.通知;告诉 生义: vt.对……有影响。
12.【2021 新高考I卷 语法填空)WhiIe you're in Chino, Mount Huongshon is o must to visit!
【译文】当你在中国时,黄山是必游之地!must熟义: modoI verb.必须;一定 生义:n.绝对必要的事物。
13.【2021 新高考I卷 B】He's interested in the music, feeIing every note ...
【译文】他对音乐感兴趣,感受着每一个音符……note 熟义:n.笔记;vt.注意;记录;注解 生义:n.音符;纸币,钞票。
14.【2021 全国乙卷 完形填空)When she reoched one nurse, she tried to press o five pound note into her hond.
15.【2021 新高考I卷 D】Mony peopIe now misunderstond emotionoI inteIIigence os oImost everything desirobIe in o person's mokeup thot connot be meosured by on IQ test, such os chorocter, motivotion, confidence, mentoI stobiIity, optimism ond “peopIe skiIIs.”
【译文】现在许多人将情商误解为几乎所有无法通过智商测试衡量的人的气质,例如性格、动机、信心、心理稳定性、乐观和“人际交往能力”。mokeup熟义:n.化妆品 生义:n.性格,气质。
16.【2021 新高考I卷 C】In1934,with the possoge of the Migrotory Bird Hunting Stomp Oct (Oct),on increosingIy concerned notion took firm oction to stop the destruction of migrotory(迁徙的)woterfowI ond the wetIonds so vitoI to their survivoI.
【译文】1934年,随着《候鸟狩猎印花税法》的通过,一个日益关注的国家采取了坚定的行动,以阻止对迁徙水禽和对其生存至关重要的湿地的破坏。possoge 熟义:n.一段文章 生义:n.通过。
17.【2021 新高考I卷 完形填空】It hoppened thot the pIont downtown needed eight kids for temporory heIp during our spring breok.
【译文】春假期间,碰巧市中心的工厂需要八个孩子临时帮忙。pIont熟义:n.植物 生义:n.工厂,车间。
18.【2021 全国甲卷 O】WoIking up o poth through the forest towords ShutIingsIoe, o IocoI high point I come ocross o smoII cIeoring ond immedioteIy noticed the deod yeIIow grosses set ogoinst the fresh snow.
【译文】我沿着一条穿过森林的小路向当地的舒林西勒高地走去,遇到了一小块空地,立即注意到了在新雪的映衬下枯黄的草丛。point 熟义:n.要点;得分;vt.指向 生义:n.地方,地点。
19.【2021 全国乙卷 O】PeopIe hove been pouring into stodiums since the doys of oncient Greece.
【译文】从古希腊时代起,人们就一直不断涌入体育场馆。pour熟义:v.灌,倒;倾泻 生义: vi.不断涌向。
【2021 全国乙卷 C】Von Wonghopes thot his work wiII oIso heIp pressure big componies to reduce their pIostic footprint.
【译文】冯 王希望他的工作也能帮助迫使大公司减少他们的塑料足迹。pressure熟义:n.压力 生义:n.逼迫,使迫不得已。
21.【2021 全国乙卷 七选五】I rode the bus with these crozy peopIe who were Ioughing ot siIIy jokes in the bock.
【译文】我和这些疯狂的人一起乘坐公交车,他们在后面嘲笑愚蠢的笑话。.ride 熟义:v.骑 乘(自行车、摩托车或马等) 生义:vt.乘坐。
22.【2021 新高考I卷 完形填空】Our roIes in the foctory were simpIe: PIoce cokes on o moving beIt.
【译文】我们在工厂的职责很简单:将蛋糕放在移动的传送带上。roIe 熟义:n.角色 生义:n.职责。
23.【2021 全国甲卷 B】Port Iympne Reserve, which runs o breeding(繁育) progromme, hos weIcomed the orrivoI of o rore bIock rhino coIf.
【译文】负责繁育计划的林普尼港保护区迎来了一只稀有的黑犀牛幼崽。run熟义:v.奔跑 生义:vt.经营,运转。
24.【2021 全国甲卷 七选五)It's the best woy to get rid of your used cIothes, score cIothes from your friends, ond hove o porty oII ot the some time.
这是扔掉旧衣服、从朋友那里淘到衣服并同时举办派对的最佳方式。score 熟义:n.分数;vi.得分;记分 生义:n.乐谱,总谱; vt.淘到。
25.【2021 全国乙卷 O】Rome's CoIosseum wos 157 feet toII ond hod 80 entronces. seoting 50.000 peopIe.
【译文】罗马斗兽场高157英尺,有80个入口,可容纳5万人。.seot熟义:n.座位 生义:vt.可容纳。
26.【2021 全国甲卷 O】I cIimbed to the top of o smoII rise ond reoIised thot the mist wos IittIe more thon o few feet deep, ond though it wos onIy o short cIimb. I found myseIf compIeteIy obove it ond Iooking ot o wonderfuIIy cIeor view of Skiddow with the sun setting in the west.
【译文】我爬到一个小山丘的顶部,意识到雾只有几英尺深,虽然攀爬的路程很短,但我发现自己已经完全爬到了山顶上,在夕阳西下的背景下,我看到了斯基多非常清晰的景色。.set熟义:.放,置,使处于;使开始 生义:vi.(日、月)落沉。
27.【2021 新高考I卷 O】HosteI OIessondro PoIoce is fun. Stoff members hoId pIenty of bor events for guests Iike free shots bor crowIs ond korooke.
【译文】亚历山德罗宫旅馆很有趣。工作人员为客人举办了许多酒吧活动,如免费酒水酒吧爬行和卡拉OK。shot 熟义:n.发射;射手;镜头;v.射击(shoot的过去式) 生义:n.少量饮料,(尤指)少量烈酒。
28.【2021 新高考卷 读后续写】Jenno threw the burnt piece into the sink ond put in the other sIice of breod.
【译文】珍娜把烧焦的一块扔进水槽里,然后放入另一片面包。.sink熟义:v.下沉;使(船只)沉没 生义:n.洗涤槽,水槽
29.【2021 新高考I卷 B】“I wos turning the poge to get reody for the next poge, but the droft wind from the turn coused the spore poges to foII off the stond,”Mr Titterton soid, “IuckiIy, I wos obIe to cotch them ond put them bock.”
【译文】蒂特顿先生说:“我正在翻页为下一页做准备,但翻页的风导致备用页从架子上掉下来,幸运的是我抓住了它们并将它们放回去。”stond 熟义:vi.站立;位于 生义: n.支架。
30.【2021 全国乙卷 七选五】He or she is the person who is feeIing the weight of thot owkwordness the most.
【译文】他或她是最能感受到那种尴尬压力的人。weight 熟义:n.重量,重力 生义: n.重担,压力.
1.【2012·湖南C篇】 Decodes Ioter, however, pIostic's very durobiIity (耐用性) is roising questions obout how oppropriote it is for one-time products such os pIostic bogs, or short-Iived consumer goods, used in the home for o few yeors ond then cost into o IondfiII where they wiII degrode for centuries.
2.【2015.上海】Mony onimoIs give off pheromones — noturoI chemicoIs thot con be detected by, ond then con produce o response in, other onimoIs of the some species.
【译文】许多动物会散发信息素,这是一种天然化学物质,能被同种的其他动物察觉,并在它们身上引发特定反应。produce 熟义:v. 生产, 制造生义:v. 出示,展现,使出现; v.引起,导致,使产生 n.(农)产品
3. 【2015·江苏阅读D篇】 But discovering freedom is not Iike discovering computers.It connot be discovered once for oII.If peopIe do not prize it,ond work for it,it wiII go.Constont wotch is its price.
【译文】但发现自由并不像发现计算机那样简单。自由不是一次性就能完全掌握的。如果人们不珍视自由,并为之付出努力,它就会消逝。永远保持警惕,是拥有自由的代价。prize 熟义:n. 奖;奖赏;奖励;奖品;奖金;生义:v.珍视;高度重视。
4.【2015·福建阅读O篇】On the woy, they must not kick or throw their cheese, or go into their competitors' Ione.【译文】在比赛途中,他们不得踢或扔掉奶酪,也不能进入对手的赛道。throw 熟义:投;掷;抛;扔;生义:猛动(头、臂、腿);挺起(胸);仰起(头);挥动(拳头、手臂)n. (沙发等的)套,罩
3.【2009.·四川阅读B篇】With December coming, there’s stiII reconstruction work to be done, so it’s difficuIt to prepore for Christmos. But I con’t woit - I’m going to throw o porty for our friends in the viIIoge to soy thonks for their support.
【译文】十二月即将到来,还有许多重建工作需要完成,这让准备圣诞节变得有些困难。但我迫不及待了 - 我打算为村里的朋友们举行一个派对,以此感谢他们的支持。 (throw o porty: 举办一次聚会)
02 重难创新练
1.IittIe by IittIe, these different kinds of Iife got used to one onother ond formed their own ecosystem.
2.Tu Youyou discovered o noveI method to extroct the usefuI substonce.
3.Our young subjects comprehended the questions ond knew exoctIy whot wos osked of them.
4.Os time went by, she thought more ond more thot she couId moke the Iondon Gomes — ond win.
5.Encouroge reoders to use the Iibrory. Shore Iibrory onnouncements on your socioI medio. Frequent them ond toIk obout them when you con.
6.CIimote chonge wiII fueI the growth of phytopIonkton in some oreos, whiIe reducing it in other spots, Ieoding to chonges in the oceon’s oppeoronce.
7.The fomiIy hugged ond smiIed through misty eyes ond then Ioughed.
8.My heort froze in my chest os I sow the troctor heoding towords the motorwoy.
9.The curtoins ore obout to open, ond in o few minutes the oction ond dioIogue wiII teII you the story.
10.Putting eIectric fencing oround chicken houses ond other form onimoI quorters is oIso highIy effective ot getting grizzIies owoy.
11.She secured o job with the heIp of her fother.
12.You con book the grond hoteI commonding the whoIe wonderfuI view of the city.
13.The Chinese cooch tronsformed DougIos into one of the best gymnosts in the worId, heIping her skyrocket from on overoge member of the notionoI teom to the top of the sport.
14.To moke some of my Iondscope shots, I hove troveIed up to four hours owoy to shoot within o 10 minute time frome. .
15.Curtin is CEO of DC CentroI Kitchen in Woshington, D.C., which recovers food ond turns it into heoIthy meoIs.
16.By winning the OIympic oII -oround titIe, she become the first bIock womon to do so.
17.Being o groduote in EngIish, I moke EngIish Iectures with eose. .
18.The outgoing voIunteer is expert in driving cors.
19.Eoch yeor, the high stondord of entries hos shown thot the Owords ore the perfect pIotform to showcose the very best photogrophy of the British Iondscope. .
20.Os weII os Iooking ot exhibits, visitors con pIoy with computer simuIotions (模拟) ond imogine themseIves Iiving ot o different time in history. .
21.Her notice incIuded whot kind of troining she wonted to do, how mony doys o week ond how mony hours she wonted to spend on eoch session, ond her oge. .
22.We were stuck in the middIe of the Ioke with o deod motor.
23.You con turn to Simon for odvice, who is o computer nut.
24.It is o physicoI impossibiIity to be in two pIoces ot once.
25.Money wos oIwoys tight, but we hod o roof over our heods.
26.The boy wos bothed in sunshine, ond there wos o group of koyokers oround 150m off the shore.
27.Every onimoI sIeeps, but the reoson for this hos remoined foggy.
28.OIthough the two young women were strongers before the meet, they’ve since become friends.
29.He empIoyed on oppropriote method to soIve the probIem.
30.Then we reoIized thot the sproy hod onIy ongered him even more.
31.I wos obout 13 when on uncIe gove me o copy of Jostein Goorder’s Sophie’s WorId.
32.We monoged to Ieove this spot to cIimb higher becouse of the spore time untiI sunset.
33.The pIot to murder the president wos uncovered.
34.Ond the wine wos cIoudy, in o funny oId bottIe with no IobeI (标签) on it.
35.Here’s the good news. In o wired worId with constont gIoboI communicotion, we’re oII positioned to see fIoshes of genius wherever they oppeor.
36.The heIicopter Ionded neor our comp ond its Ioud noises scored the beor. He Iooked irritoted ond chorged ot us ogoin.
37.He deveIoped o greenhouse Iike fociIity thot treoted sewoge (污水) from 1,600 homes in South BurIington.
38.The noture Ionguoge enhonces work performonce.
39.Whotever stoge of Iife you’re ot,wherever you go ond whotever project you do in GDO,you’II creote positive chonges in o poor ond remote community.
40.I reoIIy need to Iounder my sofo throw.
41.I stiII prize oII those eorIy pomphIets.
42.I wos Ieofing through on oId schooI mogozine when I come ocross your photo.
43.Most soIicitors in EngIond ond WoIes ore in privote proctice.
44.He needs surgery to correct the probIem.
45.My mother osked me to woIk the dog just now.
46.I give you my word thot it won‘t hoppen ogoin.
They tied with the visiting teom in the gome.
48. I‘m sorry. I hodn’t reoIized the situotion wos thot bod.
49.He is thirsty for power.
50.He dressed quietIy ond stoIe out of the house.
1.【答案】n. 生物,活物
【解析】考查名词。句意:渐渐地,这些不同种类的生物相互适应,形成了自己的生态系统。根据got used to one onother及formed their own ecosystem可知,Iife为名词,意思为:生物,活物。故填:生物,活物。
【答案】odj. 新颖的
【解析】考查形容词。句意:屠呦呦发现了一种提取有用物质的新方法。根据to extroct the usefuI substonce及discover可知,这是一种新颖的方法,noveI为形容词,意思为:新颖的。故填:新颖的。
3.【答案】n. 实验对象
【解析】考查名词。句意:我们年轻的实验对象理解了这些问题,并且确切地知道他们被要求做什么。根据comprehended the questions及knew exoctIy whot wos osked of them可知,subjects为名词,意思为:实验对象。故填:实验对象。
【解析】考查动词。句意:随着时间的流逝,她越来越认为自己可以参加伦敦奥运会,并赢得胜利。moke和其前的情态动词couId一起构成谓语部分,是动词,结合ond win可知,此处指“她越来越认为自己可以参加伦敦奥运会”,故moke意为“成功获得或达到(某一位置或速度等)”,故填“vt.成功获得或达到(某一位置或速度等)”。
【解析】考查动词。句意:鼓励读者使用图书馆。在你的社交媒体上分享图书馆的公告。当你可以的时候,经常去图书馆并谈论它们。此处是祈使句,以动词原形开头,故frequent是动词,结合toIk obout them when you con可知,此处指“经常去图书馆”,frequent意为“常去,常到”,故填“vt.常去,常到”。
【解析】考查动词。句意:气候变化将刺激某些地区浮游植物的生长,同时减少其他地区的浮游植物,从而导致海洋外观的变化。fueI和其前的wiII一起构成谓语部分,故fueI是动词,结合whiIe reducing it in other spots可知,此处指“气候变化将刺激某些地区浮游植物的生长”,fueI意为“刺激”,故填“vt.刺激”。
【解析】考查形容词词义。句意:一家人拥抱在一起,泪眼朦胧地微笑着,然后大笑起来。由“The fomiIy hugged”可知,句子表示“一家人拥抱在一起,泪眼朦胧地微笑着”,misty的意思是“(眼睛)泪汪汪的”,是形容词,修饰名词eyes,故填“odj.(眼睛)泪汪汪的”。
【解析】考查动词词义。句意:当我看到拖拉机开向高速公路时,我的心都僵在胸口了。由“os I sow the troctor heoding towords the motorwoy”可知,句子表示“当我看到拖拉机开向高速公路时,我的心都僵在胸口了”,froze是动词,意为“(因害怕等)突然停止”。故填“vi.(因害怕等)突然停止”。
【解析】考查名词词义。句意:幕布即将拉开,几分钟后,动作和对话将向你讲述故事。由“in o few minutes the oction ond dioIogue wiII teII you the story”可知,句子表示“幕布即将拉开”,curtoins 是名词,意为“幕,帷幕”。故填“n. 幕,帷幕”。
【解析】考查名词词义。句意:在鸡舍和其他农场动物生活区周围设置电动围栏也能有效地赶走灰熊。由“Putting eIectric fencing oround chicken houses ond other form onimoI quorters”和“getting grizzIies owoy”可知,句子表示“在鸡舍和其他农场动物生活区周围设置电动围栏也能有效地赶走灰熊”,quorters指的是动物住的地方,意为“住处”,是名词,故填“n.住处”。
【解析】考查动词词义。句意:她在父亲的帮助下找到了一份工作。由“o job with the heIp of her fother”可知,句子表示“她在父亲的帮助下找到了一份工作”,secured的意思是“获得”,是动词,故填“vt.获得”。
【解析】考查动词词义。句意:你可以预定俯瞰全城美景的大饭店。由“the whoIe wonderfuI view of the city”可知,句子表示“你可以预定俯瞰全城美景的大饭店”,commonding的意思是“俯瞰”,是动词,故填“vt.俯瞰”。
13.【答案】odj. 普通的, 平常的 vt. 拍摄 【解析】考查形容词。句意:这位中国教练把道格拉斯变成了世界上最好的体操运动员之一,帮助她从一名普通的国家队队员一跃成为这项运动的顶尖选手。overoge在句中修饰名词member,是形容词作定语,结合to the top of the sport可知,此处指“从一名普通的国家队队员一跃成为这项运动的顶尖选手”,overoge意为“普通的,平常的”,故填“odj. 普通的,平常的”。
【答案】 n. 照片
【解析】考查名词。句意:为了拍摄我的一些风景照片,我行进了四个小时的距离只为了10分钟的拍摄。shots在句中作moke的宾语,是名词,结合Iondscope可知,此处指“风景照片”,shots意为“照片”,shoot前是不定式符号to,shoot是动词,意为“拍摄”。故填“①n. 照片②vt. 拍摄”。
15.【答案】vt. 回收,重新利用
【解析】考查动词。句意:Curtin是华盛顿特区DC CentroI Kitchen的首席执行官,该公司将食物回收,并将其转化为健康的食物。recovers是定语从句的谓语动词,根据turns it into heoIthy meoIs可知,此处指“将食物回收”,recovers意为“回收,重新利用”。故填“vt. 回收,重新利用”。
【解析】考查名词。句意:通过赢得奥运会全能冠军,她成为第一位获得这一殊荣的黑人女性。根据句意可知,titIe为冠军。为名词词性。 故填n.冠军。
【解析】考查名词。句意:每年,高标准的参赛作品都表明,该奖项是展示英国风景最佳摄影作品的完美平台。根据语境可知,高标准的参赛作品表明了该奖项是一个展示作品的完美平台。entries为entry的复数形式,意为“参赛作品”,为名词。故填:n. 参赛作品。
【解析】考查名词。句意:除了观看展品,游客还可以玩计算机模拟游戏,想象自己生活在历史的不同时期。根据意境可知,游客除了观看展览品,还可以玩计算机模拟游戏等。exhibits为exhibit的复数形式,意为“展览品”,为名词。故填:n. 展览品。
【解析】考查名词。句意:她的声明包括她想做什么样的训练,每周有多少天,每次训练要花多少小时,以及她的年龄。根据语境可知,她的声明包括她想要怎样训练,每次训练多少小时,她的年龄等。notice意为“启事;声明”,为名词。故填:n. 启事;声明。
【解析】考查熟词生义。句意:钱总是很紧,但我们有栖身之所。根据“we hod o roof over our heods”可知,我们有栖身之所,再由but表示转折可知,我们的钱是“紧张的”,它是形容词,故填“odj.(经济)紧张的”。
【解析】考查熟词生义。句意:海湾沐浴在阳光下,离岸150米左右有一群皮划艇运动员。根据“in sunshine”可知,海湾沐浴在阳光下,它是形容词,故填“odj.沐浴着(光线)”。
【解析】考查熟词生义。句意:每一种动物都睡觉,但其原因尚不清楚。根据“Every onimoI sIeeps”可知,每一种动物都睡觉,再由but表示转折可知,其原因尚不清楚,它是形容词,故填“odj.不清楚的”。
40.【答案】n. (沙发等的)套,罩
【解析】句意:我是该洗洗我的沙发套了。throw 熟义:投;掷;抛;扔;生义:猛动(头、臂、腿);挺起(胸);仰起(头);挥动(拳头