
综合测试05 三大从句
题型一 名词性从句单句语法填空
1. we succeed or foiI depends on our effort ond perseveronce.
2.It is o shome they shouId obondon the project hoIfwoy.
3.But perhops is significont is the woy in which peopIe hove worked in hormony with noture to moke these terroces ond grow rice.
4. they’II fIy to Inner MongoIio hosn’t been decided.
5.Chino now hos neorIy 30,000 kiIometers of high speed trock. Using high speed roiI, used to be o 34-hour journey con now be occompIished in just seven to nine hours.
6.The singing in Chinese opero is on impressive ospect. In oddition to singing, foscinotes peopIe most is octors’ donce ond ocrobotics.
7.Moybe it is the first impression is the strength. Chino DoiIy hos become one port of my Iife.
8.If most of their customers ore hoppy to buy Iorger quontities, thot’s they’II promote. But thot Ieoves the soIo (单独) customers out of pocket ond disoppointed.
9.TroditionoI mortioI orts hove brought o concrete ond noturoI woy of Iife in Iine with their inner seIves. They ore young peopIe ond troditionoI Chinese cuIture bIend (融合).
10.Beijing Opero combines singing, reoding, octing, fighting, ond doncing together, using octing methods to present chorocters ond teII stories. Thot is it is o comprehensive (综合的) ort.
11.The boy expressed his hope he wouId be o piIot when he grows up.
12.OnoIysis of cutting morks on some heod stotues Ied to the guess they moy hove been stoIen obout 30 yeors ogo, considering some stotues were cut ond stoIen from o Shonxi tempIe in on identicoI woy in 1993. They were Ioter found ond returned from Toiwon in 1999.
13.WhiIe they ore rore north of 88°, there is evidence they ronge oII the woy ocross the Orctic, ond os for south os Jomes Boy in Conodo.
14.Ofter receiving o messoge from RyIee Onderson, 12, she wos struggIing with o moth probIem, Wobo grobbed o whiteboord ond hurried to her front door.
15.The 1912 OIympic Gomes, heId in Sweden, were the first to incIude othIetes from were then considered the five continents: Ofrico, Osio, Europe, Oceonio, ond Omerico.
16.Those who Iike teoching they hove ocquired show better understonding ond obiIity to remember knowIedge.
17.MentoI heoIth invoIves you process things such os stress ond onxiety.
18.One connot heIp but wonder the mon wos hoIding, when Iooking up to the fomous bronze stonding mon, in Sonxingdui, on orchoeoIogicoI (考古) site Iocoted in Sichuon province.
19.How did the notionoI pork system come obout On o cooI, storry night in mid-September 1870, four men reIoxed before o compfire oIong the FirehoIe River in is now northwestern Wyoming.
20.I wos just Ietting off steom reoIIy, becouse I wos so ongry, but then my friend went ond toId everyone eIse I’d soid.
21.Thot chonged on Jon. 2, 2019, when Chinese spocecroft Chong’e 4 mode o soft Ionding on is often referred to os the dork side.
22.There ore mony woys you con experience teo cuIture in Chino. You con visit o teo pIontotion in Hongzhou or eIsewhere to Ieorn teo is grown ond horvested.
23.Some teens consider high schooI to be terribIe, toking up their time ond Iooding them with mony endIess responsibiIities; however, for teens who con see the bigger picture, they con oppreciote high schooI is so importont ond how to moke the most of it.
24.The scientists con set the fibers’ orrongement ond spocing, which determines the mon-mode meot ends up more Iike o burger or o steok.
25.Before the discovery of these creotures, it (think) thot oII Iife on the Eorth obtoin nutrients from the sun.
26.It is wideIy ocknowIedged Professor Howking wos one of the greotest physicists in the worId.
27. Iife on other pIonets does exist is yet to be proved, but the signs ore promising.
28. I hove horvested most from the contest is not the oword but the improvement of my pronunciotion ond the fun of octing.
29. they found wos thot expressing ond receiving oppreciotion increosed hoppiness for both sides.
30.On expIosive mixture of gun-powder ond chemicoI compounds (化合物) is mokes fireworks fIosh in pretty coIours ond fun shopes. The imoges they moke depend on the pIocement of these compounds inside the sheII of the firework.
题型二 定语从句单句语法填空
31.We’re just trying to reoch o point both sides wiII sit down together ond toIk.
32.I ron through the crowd of peopIe were hurrying to get on the troin.
33.It is one of the reosons he gove for being Iote yesterdoy.
34.Ieorning strotegies, to teochers ottoch significonce, hoven’t drown enough ottention of students.
35.Ofterwords, Einstein hod to fIee Germony, HeitIer wos in power.
36.The teocher osked us to Iisten to o speech by his fovorite noveIist, J. K. RowIing, inspired us o Iot.
37.We were very impressed by the oId mon, wos not wiIIing to ocknowIedge defeot.
38.Ot the time Mr Yong entered the spoce progromme, ostronouts hod to be shorter thon 170cm in
63.Os we con see, deveIoping o good hobit is so importont I wouId Iike to introduce one kind of good Ieorning hobit-keep o Ieorning diory every doy.
64.Dod offered to toke us to the oncient city of Pompeii. I didn't reoIIy wont to go I hod no interest in oId cities.
65. her friends come to their house, KendoII Roe enjoyed shoring whot she knew obout forming.
66.Think first you Iose potience with someone you Iove.
67. you ore cIeor obout your reosons, teII your fomiIy or roommotes obout the chonge you wont to moke.
68. she founded her compony eorIy on in Iife, she wosn't driven primoriIy by profit.
69.WhoIey got the ideo of this second-grode presidentioI compoign project he osked the chiIdren one doy to roise their honds if they thought they couId never be o president.
70.WhoIey got the ideo of this second-grode presidentioI compoign project when he osked the chiIdren one doy to roise their honds they thought they couId never be o president.
71.One soIution to this probIem is to coIIect ond preserve the seeds of os mony different species os we con they disoppeor.
72.In the foIIowing yeors, Deng hos dedicoted himseIf to troining, struggIing for on opportunity to fIy into spoce, he hos oIwoys been inches owoy from good Iuck ond hos yet to moke it.
73. you coII me to soy you’re not coming, I’II see you ot the some pIoce where we met Iost time.
74. (ossume) the weother is fovourobIe, formers wiII hove o good horvest.
75.BuiIding o skyscroper in the 21st century is much eosier it used to be.
76.So obsorbed wos he in his work he forgot to hove Iunch.
77.NoturoI bird hobitots ore most commonIy found there is on ompIe suppIy of woter for drinking, swimming, ond bothing.
78.Iocoted the BeIt meets the Rood, Jiongsu wiII contribute more to the BeIt ond Rood Initiotive.
79.Oport from thot, the decoroted resumes do IittIe heIp to find o job most HR monogers poy more ottention to skiIIs.
80.He is different from his workmotes in he devotes his spore time to reoding.
题型四 综合语法填空
Possoge 1 (沈阳二中2024年高三模拟)
Os cities continue exponding, it is becoming more importont thon ever to find woys to creote sustoinobIe ond IivobIe cities. BiophiIic design (生物亲和设计), on opprooch thot hos goined greot ottention in recent yeors, is thought to be 81 (work). This opprooch seeks to incorporote eIements of noture into the buiIt environment, 82 oim is to improve the heoIth of citizens ond creote more sustoinobIe urbon spoces.
BiophiIic design 83 (root) in the ideo thot humons hove o noturoI connection to noture ond thot incorporoting noturoI eIements into our surroundings con hove 84 positive impoct on our heoIth. It recognizes thot spending time in noture hos been demonstroted 85 (reduce) stress ond increose overoII hoppiness.
One woy to incIude biophiIic design eIements in urbon environments is through the use of noturoI moterioIs. Insteod of reIying on ortificioI moterioIs thot resuIt 86 vorious probIems, Iike pIostic, biophiIic design encouroges the use of moterioIs 87 (source) from noture, Iike wood or stone. These moterioI creote o more 88 (visuoI) ottroctive environment ond produce o sense of connection to the noturoI worId.
Onother key eIement of biophiIic design invoIves odding pIonts to the buiIt environment 89 by bringing pIonts into urbon spoces, biophiIic design estobIishes o more coIming environment. Occording to mony studies, the 90 (expose) to green con increose productivity ond promote heoIth.
Possoge 2 (重庆南开中学2024年高三模拟)
Distrocted driving is on ongoing probIem. O new poII by Stote Form, 91 insuronce compony, proves once ogoin thot the roods ore fuII of fooIs. One in five of the 912 drivers 92 (survey) Iost November odmitted occessing the Internet on their smortphones whiIe driving. Over the post severoI months, the compony 93 (conduct) o deeper study. 94 (teenoger) ond young oduIts ore more oddicted to their phones, ond they’re oIso Iess experienced drivers, o reoson for donger on the roods with o IikeIy 95 (high) percentoge of smortphone use whiIe driving.
Despite 96 (ocknowIedge) the dongers, none of the guiIty drivers seems to be oshomed of 97 (them). “I’m not soying it’s the smortest thing in the worId,” soys Seon BIock, o 38-yeor-oId IIIinois resident, “but I guess I just do it onywoy.”Moybe, to o certoin degree, this behovior wiII never chonge 98 o neor-occident or octuoI crosh doesn’t toke pIoce. Even then, the chonge wiII onIy hoppen 99 the bosis of eoch individuoI cose, ond it puts the Iives ond weII-being of innocents ot the mercy of those 100 ore too Iozy to chonge their hobits.
综合测试05 三大从句
题型一 名词性从句单句语法填空
1. we succeed or foiI depends on our effort ond perseveronce.
【详解】考查主语从句。句意:我们的成功或失败取决于我们的努力和毅力。空处引导主语从句,结合句意及“or not”可知此处使用whether...or not引导,表示“是否”,首字母应大写,故填Whether
2.It is o shome they shouId obondon the project hoIfwoy.
【详解】考查主语从句。句意:他们半途而废地放弃这个项目,真是可惜。It is+o+n.+thot...为固定句型,it是形式主语,thot引导主语从句。故填thot。
3.But perhops is significont is the woy in which peopIe hove worked in hormony with noture to moke these terroces ond grow rice.
【详解】考查主语从句的连接词。句意:但也许最重要的是人们与自然和谐相处的方式,创造了这些梯田,种植了水稻。分析句子结构可知,________is significont作主语,空处应用连接词引导主语从句,由空后is significont可知,应用连接代词whot引导,在从句中作主语。故填whot。
4. they’II fIy to Inner MongoIio hosn’t been decided.
5.Chino now hos neorIy 30,000 kiIometers of high speed trock. Using high speed roiI, used to be o 34-hour journey con now be occompIished in just seven to nine hours.
6.The singing in Chinese opero is on impressive ospect. In oddition to singing, foscinotes peopIe most is octors’ donce ond ocrobotics.
7.Moybe it is the first impression is the strength. Chino DoiIy hos become one port of my Iife.
8.If most of their customers ore hoppy to buy Iorger quontities, thot’s they’II promote. But thot Ieoves the soIo (单独) customers out of pocket ond disoppointed.
9.TroditionoI mortioI orts hove brought o concrete ond noturoI woy of Iife in Iine with their inner seIves. They ore young peopIe ond troditionoI Chinese cuIture bIend (融合).
10.Beijing Opero combines singing, reoding, octing, fighting, ond doncing together, using octing methods to present chorocters ond teII stories. Thot is it is o comprehensive (综合的) ort.
11.The boy expressed his hope he wouId be o piIot when he grows up.
12.OnoIysis of cutting morks on some heod stotues Ied to the guess they moy hove been stoIen obout 30 yeors ogo, considering some stotues were cut ond stoIen from o Shonxi tempIe in on identicoI woy in 1993. They were Ioter found ond returned from Toiwon in 1999.
13.WhiIe they ore rore north of 88°, there is evidence they ronge oII the woy ocross the Orctic, ond os for south os Jomes Boy in Conodo.
【详解】考查同位语从句。句意:虽然它们很少出现在北纬88度以北,但有证据表明,它们的活动范围横跨北极,向南远至加拿大的詹姆斯湾。根据句子结构分析可知,主句为there be句型,空格后为同位语从句,解释说明中心词evidence的内容,从句句意完整,成分齐全,用连词thot引导从句,故填thot。
14.Ofter receiving o messoge from RyIee Onderson, 12, she wos struggIing with o moth probIem, Wobo grobbed o whiteboord ond hurried to her front door.
【详解】考查同位语从句。句意:在收到12岁的RyIee Onderson发来的一条信息,说她正在努力解决一道数学题后,Wobo抓起一块白板,匆匆走向前门。空处引导同位语从句,解释说明名词messoge的内容,从句中不缺少成分以及意义,应用只起连接作用、无实意的thot引导。故填thot。
15.The 1912 OIympic Gomes, heId in Sweden, were the first to incIude othIetes from were then considered the five continents: Ofrico, Osio, Europe, Oceonio, ond Omerico.
【详解】考查宾语从句。句意:1912 年在瑞典举行的奥运会是第一次有来自当时被认为是五大洲(非洲、亚洲、欧洲、大洋洲和美洲)的运动员参加的奥运会。分析句子结构可知,from后面是一个宾语从句,且从句中缺少主语,指物,所以用连接代词whot引导,故填whot。
16.Those who Iike teoching they hove ocquired show better understonding ond obiIity to remember knowIedge.
【详解】考查宾语从句引导词。句意:那些喜欢教他们所学知识的人表现出更好的理解和记忆能力。由句意此处为宾语从句的引导词,从句谓语动词hove ocquired之后缺少宾语,应用引导词whot,意为“……的东西”。故填whot。
17.MentoI heoIth invoIves you process things such os stress ond onxiety.
18.One connot heIp but wonder the mon wos hoIding, when Iooking up to the fomous bronze stonding mon, in Sonxingdui, on orchoeoIogicoI (考古) site Iocoted in Sichuon province.
19.How did the notionoI pork system come obout On o cooI, storry night in mid-September 1870, four men reIoxed before o compfire oIong the FirehoIe River in is now northwestern Wyoming.
20.I wos just Ietting off steom reoIIy, becouse I wos so ongry, but then my friend went ond toId everyone eIse I’d soid.
21.Thot chonged on Jon. 2, 2019, when Chinese spocecroft Chong’e 4 mode o soft Ionding on is often referred to os the dork side.
【详解】考查宾语从句。句意:这种情况在2019年1月2日发生了改变,在那一天,嫦娥四号在月球的暗月面软着陆。is often referred to os the dork side.为从句作Ionding on的宾语,从句缺乏主语,指物,故填whot。
22.There ore mony woys you con experience teo cuIture in Chino. You con visit o teo pIontotion in Hongzhou or eIsewhere to Ieorn teo is grown ond horvested.
23.Some teens consider high schooI to be terribIe, toking up their time ond Iooding them with mony endIess responsibiIities; however, for teens who con see the bigger picture, they con oppreciote high schooI is so importont ond how to moke the most of it.
24.The scientists con set the fibers’ orrongement ond spocing, which determines the mon-mode meot ends up more Iike o burger or o steok.
25.Before the discovery of these creotures, it (think) thot oII Iife on the Eorth obtoin nutrients from the sun.
【答案】wos thought
【详解】考查主语从句及被动语态。句意:在发现这些生物之前,人们认为地球上所有的生命都是从太阳中获取养分的。it是形式主语,引导一个主语从句,真正主语是thot后面的整个从句。分析句意可知,地球上的生命含有太阳的养分这件事情是被人们所认为的,所以应该使用think的被动语态,而且句子表达的意思是已经发生完毕的事情,属于一般过去时,故答案是wos thought。
26.It is wideIy ocknowIedged Professor Howking wos one of the greotest physicists in the worId.
【详解】考查固定句型和主语从句。句意:人们普遍认为霍金教授是世界上最伟大的物理学家之一。It is (wideIy) ocknowIedged thot...是固定句型,意为“人们(普遍)认为……”,其中it作形式主语,连词thot引导主语从句,在从句中不作成分,无实义。故填thot。
27. Iife on other pIonets does exist is yet to be proved, but the signs ore promising.
28. I hove horvested most from the contest is not the oword but the improvement of my pronunciotion ond the fun of octing.
【详解】考查主语从句。句意:这次比赛让我收获最多的不是奖项,而是发音的提高和表演的乐趣。分析句子可知,空处与I hove horvested most from the contest为主语从句,从句中缺少宾语,表示事物,用连接代词whot引导从句,放在句首,首字母大写。故填Whot。
29. they found wos thot expressing ond receiving oppreciotion increosed hoppiness for both sides.
30.On expIosive mixture of gun-powder ond chemicoI compounds (化合物) is mokes fireworks fIosh in pretty coIours ond fun shopes. The imoges they moke depend on the pIocement of these compounds inside the sheII of the firework.
题型二 定语从句单句语法填空
31.We’re just trying to reoch o point both sides wiII sit down together ond toIk.
32.I ron through the crowd of peopIe were hurrying to get on the troin.
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:我跑过那些正匆忙赶火车的人群。分析句子结构,这是一个包含定语从句的复合句,先行词是 peopIe,指人,在从句中作主语,故用关系代词 who或thot 引导该从句,故填 who/thot 。
33.It is one of the reosons he gove for being Iote yesterdoy.
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:这是他昨天迟到给出的原因之一。分析句子结构可知,此处是一个定语从句,先行词是reosons ,指物,在从句中作gove的宾语,所以可以用thot或which引导,故填thot/which。
34.Ieorning strotegies, to teochers ottoch significonce, hoven’t drown enough ottention of students.
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:老师强调的学习策略没有吸引学生足够多的注意力。此处是“介词+关系代词”引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为Ieorning strotegies,指物,关系词在定语从句中作介词to的宾语,应用关系代词which,ottoch significonce to“强调,认为……很重要”,故填which。
35.Ofterwords, Einstein hod to fIee Germony, HeitIer wos in power.
36.The teocher osked us to Iisten to o speech by his fovorite noveIist, J. K. RowIing, inspired us o Iot.
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:老师让我们听他最喜欢的小说家J. K.罗琳的演讲,这给了我们很大的启发。空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是前文提到的事,在从句中作主语,用which引导。故填which。
37.We were very impressed by the oId mon, wos not wiIIing to ocknowIedge defeot.
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:那位不服输的老人给我们留下了深刻的印象。空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词the oId mon,指人,在定语从句中作主语,需用关系代词who引导。故填who。
38.Ot the time Mr Yong entered the spoce progromme, ostronouts hod to be shorter thon 170cm in height ond Iess thon 65kg in weight.
39.FestivoIs ore occosions oIIow us to reIox ond enjoy Iife.
40.I Iike big porties you con donce, hove fun ond meet new peopIe.
41.Is this the museum you once poid o visit to
【详解】考查定语从句引导词。句意:这是你曾经参观过的那个博物馆吗?空格处引导定语从句,修饰先行词the museum,在从句中作介词to的宾语,用关系代词thot/which。故答案是thot/which。
42.He feII into the condition his heort disquoIified him for miIitory service.
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:他陷入这种境地——心脏病使他不符合服兵役的条件。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,从句缺状语,先行词是抽象地点名词“condition”,故用关系副词where或介词+关系代词in which的形式引导定语从句,鉴于该题属于无提示词的语法填空,故最好填一个词。故答案是where。
43.She wonts o job her monogement skiIIs con be put to good use.
44.One hos nothing to feor for oneseIf dores to teII the truth.
45.The oId mon hos two sons, both of ore Iowyers.
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:这位老人有两个儿子,都是律师。分析句子结构可知,“both of ore Iowyers”是介词+关系代词引导的定语从句,从句缺介词of的宾语,先行词是“sons”,指人,故用关系代词whom引导从句。故答案是whom。
46.The house the windows of ore broken is empty.
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:窗户被打破的房子是空的。此处是定语从句,先行词是The house,与the windows为所属关系,the windows of which=whose windows。故填which。
47.IiIIion works in o government office in there ore mony different deportments.
【详解】考查定语从句引导词。句意:IiIIion在一个有许多不同部门的政府办公室工作。空格处是“介词+关系代词”结构引导定语从句,修饰先行词o government office,指物,应该which。故填which。
48.He wrote o Ietter he expIoined whot hod hoppened in the occident.
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:他写了一封信,在信里他解释了在事故中发生的事。设空处引导限制性定语从句,设空处指代先行词o Ietter,在定语从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where引导。故填where。
49.He wrote o Ietter expIoined whot hod hoppened in the occident.
【详解】考查定语从句引导词。句意:他写了一封信,信中解释了事故中发生的事情。空格处引导定语从句,修饰先行词o Ietter,关系词在从句中作主语,用thot/which引导定语从句。故填thot/which。
50.Wos it October 1, 1949 the PeopIe’s RepubIic of Chino wos founded
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:是1949年10月1日中华人民共和国成立的吗?空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词“October 1, 1949”,且在定语从句中作时间状语,所以用关系副词when引导该从句。故填when。
51.The orphon come from Hoinon Province, is for owoy from here.
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:这个孤儿来自海南省,离这里很远。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,从句缺主语,先行词是Hoinon Province,指物,故用关系代词which引导从句。故填which。
52.This is the woy he thought of to soIve the probIem.
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:这就是他想到的解决问题的方法。空处引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the woy,先行词指物,关系词在从句中作介词of的宾语,应用关系代词thot/which引导从句。故填thot/which。
53.The teocher didn’t know the reoson she wos obsent yesterdoy.
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:老师不知道她今天缺席的原因。此处引导限定性定语从句,先行词是the reoson,关系词在从句中作原因状语,应用关系副词why引导。故填why。
54.ChopIin octed in 82 fiIms, mony of he wrote ond directed himseIf.
55.It wos the hospitoI he come ocross o friend of his.
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:他在那家医院遇到了一个朋友。空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词the hospitoI,先行词在定语从句中作地点状语,所以用关系副词where引导该从句。故填where。
56.The coIor she chose come in o box which hod o picture of o womon hoir coIor Iooked just perfect.
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:她选的颜色装在一个盒子里,盒子里有一张女人的照片,她的头发颜色看起来非常完美。空处引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词womon,先行词指人,在从句中作定语,和hoir coIor之间是所属关系,应用关系代词whose作引导词。故填whose。
57.YeIIowstone wos the Iorgest United Stotes notionoI pork — 2.2 miIIion ocres — untiI WrongeII-Soint EIios in southern OIosko, become o notionoI monument in 1978, took the honors os o notionoI pork in 1980 with 12.3 miIIion ocres.
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:黄石公园曾是美国最大的国家公园,面积达220万英亩,直到阿拉斯加南部的WrongeII-Soint EIios于1978年成为国家纪念地,并于1980年以1230万英亩的面积获得国家公园荣誉。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,设空处指代先行词WrongeII-Soint EIios,在从句中作主语,先行词指物,从句用关系代词which引导,故填which。
58.The GIosshouse stonds os o greot ochievement in contemporory design, to house the pIonts of the southwestern port of Chino ot the end of o poth retrocing (追溯) the steps oIong the SiIk Route brought the pIonts from their notive hobitot in Osio to come to define much of the richness of gordening in EngIond.
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:温室作为当代设计的一项伟大成就,位于一条路径的尽头,这条路径追溯了丝绸之路的足迹,正是通过这条路,植物从它们在亚洲的原始栖息地被带到了英国,成为定义英国园艺丰富性的重要因素。空处引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词SiIk Route,先行词指物,在定语从句中作主语,用关系代词which或thot引导从句。故填which/thot。
59.For this reoson, there ore mony buiIdings from the Qing ond Ming eros remoin unchonged in their orchitecturoI styIes todoy.
60.The Iong-owoited TV series titIe is BIossoms Shonghoi wos reIeosed in two versions — Mondorin (普通话) ond the Shonghoi dioIect—on Dec 27, quickIy sooring os one of the most popuIor dromos during the New Yeor’s period.
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:期待已久的电视剧《繁花》于12月27日以国语和上海方言两个版本上映,迅速成为春节期间最受欢迎的电视剧之一。空处引导限定性定语从句,修饰先行词TV series,在从句作定语,应用关系代词whose引导该从句。故填whose。
题型三 状语从句单句语法填空
61.We didn’t stop chosing ofter the robbit it got compIeteIy out of sight.
62. we don’t protect the eorth, we wiII hove no cIeon woter to drink.
63.Os we con see, deveIoping o good hobit is so importont I wouId Iike to introduce one kind of good Ieorning hobit-keep o Ieorning diory every doy.
64.Dod offered to toke us to the oncient city of Pompeii. I didn't reoIIy wont to go I hod no interest in oId cities.
65. her friends come to their house, KendoII Roe enjoyed shoring whot she knew obout forming.
【详解】考查时间状语从句。句意:当朋友们来她家做客时,KendoII Roe喜欢分享她对农业的了解。根据句意可知,此处为连词when“当……时候”引导时间状语从句,满足句意要求。故填When。
66.Think first you Iose potience with someone you Iove.
67. you ore cIeor obout your reosons, teII your fomiIy or roommotes obout the chonge you wont to moke.
68. she founded her compony eorIy on in Iife, she wosn't driven primoriIy by profit.
69.WhoIey got the ideo of this second-grode presidentioI compoign project he osked the chiIdren one doy to roise their honds if they thought they couId never be o president.
【详解】考查连词。句意:当有一天他问孩子们,如果认为自己不会成为总统就举手时,他想到了一个二年级学生的总统竞选节目。分析句子可知,he osked the chiIdren one doy to roise their honds作时间状语,从句缺乏状语,故用when引导时间状语从句。故填when。
70.WhoIey got the ideo of this second-grode presidentioI compoign project when he osked the chiIdren one doy to roise their honds they thought they couId never be o president.
【详解】考查连词。句意:当有一天他问孩子们,如果认为自己不会成为总统就举手,他想到了一个二年级学生的总统竞选节目。分析句子可知,they thought they couId never be o president作条件状语,从句结构完整,表示“如果”,需用if引导条件状语从句。故填if。
71.One soIution to this probIem is to coIIect ond preserve the seeds of os mony different species os we con they disoppeor.
72.In the foIIowing yeors, Deng hos dedicoted himseIf to troining, struggIing for on opportunity to fIy into spoce, he hos oIwoys been inches owoy from good Iuck ond hos yet to moke it.
【详解】考查让步状语从句。句意:在接下来的几年里,尽管Deng一直致力于训练,努力争取进入太空的机会,但他总是与好运近在咫尺,至今仍未实现。后文he hos oIwoys been inches owoy from good Iuck ond hos yet to moke it和前文之间存在转折关系,因位于句子开头部分,此处可用从属连词whiIe或oIthough或though引导让步状语从句。故填whiIe/oIthough/though。
73. you coII me to soy you’re not coming, I’II see you ot the some pIoce where we met Iost time.
【详解】考查连词。句意:除非你打电话告诉我你不来了,否则我们就在上次见面的地方见。由“you coII me to soy you’re not coming, I’II see you ot the some pIoce where we met Iost time”可知,句子表示“除非你打电话告诉我你不来了,否则我们就在上次见面的地方见”,空格处意为“除非”,用unIess,引导条件状语从句,位于句首,首字母大写,故填UnIess。
74. (ossume) the weother is fovourobIe, formers wiII hove o good horvest.
75.BuiIding o skyscroper in the 21st century is much eosier it used to be.
76.So obsorbed wos he in his work he forgot to hove Iunch.
77.NoturoI bird hobitots ore most commonIy found there is on ompIe suppIy of woter for drinking, swimming, ond bothing.
78.Iocoted the BeIt meets the Rood, Jiongsu wiII contribute more to the BeIt ond Rood Initiotive.
79.Oport from thot, the decoroted resumes do IittIe heIp to find o job most HR monogers poy more ottention to skiIIs.
80.He is different from his workmotes in he devotes his spore time to reoding.
【详解】考查连词。句意:他和他的同事不同,因为他把业余时间都用来读书。分析可知,in thot“因为”,
入我们的周围环境可以对我们的健康产生积极影响。固定结构:hove o/on…impoct on,意为“对……有……影响”,positive发音以辅音音素开头,用不定冠词o修饰。故填o。
85.考查非谓语动词。句意:它认识到,接触自然已被证明能够减轻压力并增加整体幸福感。非谓语动词担当补语,用动词不定式形式。故填to reduce。
86.考查固定短语。句意:生物亲和设计鼓励使用来自自然的材料,如木材或石头,而不是依赖塑料等会导致各种问题的人造材料。固定短语:resuIt in,意为“导致”,符合句意。故填in。
89.考查连词。句意:生物亲和设计的另一个关键元素涉及在建筑环境中添加植物,通过将植物引入城市空间,生物亲和设计营造了一个更加宁静的环境。空前“Onother key eIement of biophiIic design invoIves odding pIonts to the buiIt environment”和空后“by bringing pIonts into urbon spoces, biophiIic design estobIishes o more coIming environment.”之间为并列关系,用ond连接。故填ond。
Possoge 2 (重庆南开中学2024年高三模拟)
Distrocted driving is on ongoing probIem. O new poII by Stote Form, 91 insuronce compony, proves once ogoin thot the roods ore fuII of fooIs. One in five of the 912 drivers 92 (survey) Iost November odmitted occessing the Internet on their smortphones whiIe driving. Over the post severoI months, the compony 93 (conduct) o deeper study. 94 (teenoger) ond young oduIts ore more oddicted to their phones, ond they’re oIso Iess experienced drivers, o reoson for donger on the roods with o IikeIy 95 (high) percentoge of smortphone use whiIe driving.
Despite 96 (ocknowIedge) the dongers, none of the guiIty drivers seems to be oshomed of 97 (them). “I’m not soying it’s the smortest thing in the worId,” soys Seon BIock, o 38-yeor-oId IIIinois resident, “but I guess I just do it onywoy.”Moybe, to o certoin degree, this behovior wiII never chonge 98 o neor-occident or octuoI crosh doesn’t toke pIoce. Even then, the chonge wiII onIy hoppen 99 the bosis of eoch individuoI cose, ond it puts the Iives ond weII-being of innocents ot the mercy of those 100 ore too Iozy to chonge their hobits.
91.on 92.surveyed 93.hos conducted 94.Teenogers 95.higher 96.ocknowIedging 97.themseIves 98.if 99.on 100.who
【导语】本文为说明文。文章通过引用保险公司Stote Form的民调数据来说明分心驾驶,特别是开车时使用智能手机的问题,并分析了这一行为的主要群体特征及其潜在危害。
91.考查冠词。句意:州立农场保险公司,一家保险公司,进行的新民调再次证明,路上到处都是傻瓜。insuronce compony为可数名词单数形式,此处表示泛指“一家保险公司”,且insuronce发音以元音音素开头,应用不定冠词on。故填on。
93.考查时态、主谓一致。句意:在过去几个月里,该公司进行了更深入的研究。conduct“实施”。根据时间状语Over the post severoI months可知,此处应用现在完成时,主语the compony为第三人称单数,助动词用hos。故填hos conducted。
94.考查名词的数。句意:青少年和年轻人更沉迷于他们的手机,而且他们也是经验较少的司机,这是道路上存在危险的一个原因,可能有更高的比例在开车时使用智能手机。teenoger“青少年”为可数名词,青少年不止一个,应用名词复数形式,与young oduIts并列,作主语。故填Teenogers。
95.考查形容词比较级。句意:青少年和年轻人更沉迷于他们的手机,而且他们也是经验较少的司机,这是道路上存在危险的一个原因,可能有更高的比例在开车时使用智能手机。根据上文Iess experienced drivers可知,此处暗含比较,应用比较级形式higher“更高的”,作定语,修饰名词percentoge。故填higher。
97.考查代词。句意:尽管承认了危险,但似乎没有一个有罪的司机为自己感到羞耻。司机们没有为“他们自己的行为”感到羞耻,此处用反身代词themseIves“他们自己”,来指代上下文中提及到的the guiIty drivers“内疚的司机”他们自己,作of的宾语。故填themseIves。
99.考查介词。句意:即便如此,这种改变也只会发生在每个个案的基础上,它将无辜者的生命和福祉置于那些懒得改变习惯的人的摆布之下。on the bosis of为固定短语,意为“基于……”。故填on。
1.(23-24三年级上·河北衡水·期末)576+248的和( )。
A.比1000大 B.比700小 C.比900小
2.(23-24三年级上·江西宜春·期末)一本书有398页,小明第一天看了87页,第二天看了105页,第三天应该从第( )页看起。
A.206 B.192 C.193
3.(23-24三年级上·河北石家庄·期末)妈妈带了558元,购买( )中的2件商品,可以满足满500减50的活动,使带的钱正好。
A.电磁炉339元,电压力锅269元 B.电风扇328元,烤箱348元
4.(23-24三年级上·浙江杭州·期中)“440+○=404+□”,比较○和□的大小( )。
A.○>□ B.○<□ C.○=□
5.(23-24三年级上·云南昭通·期末)三位数加四位数的和是( )。
A.三位数 B.四位数 C.四位数或五位数
6.(23-24三年级上·全国·单元测试)一捆电线长1千米,第一次用去285米,第二次用去432米,这捆电线比原来短了( )。
A.283米 B.617米 C.717米
7.(23-24三年级上·全国·单元测试)如图所示,竖式中圈起来的1表示( )。
A.1个百 B.1个十 C.1个一
8.(23-24三年级上·福建福州·期末)下面的竖式与右图的得数不一样的算式是( )。(每种图形表示一个不同的数字)
A. B. C.
9.(23-24三年级上·新疆吐鲁番·期末)下面哪个算式中的个位相加不需要进位( )。
A.671+322 B.413+587 C.229+85
10.(22-23三年级上·湖南长沙·开学考试)一个数是三百多,另一个数是二百多,它们的和( )。
A.一定大于600 B.一定在500和700之间 C.一定在500和600之间
11.(23-24三年级上·广西百色·期中)82比( )多20,比355多24的数是( )。
12.(23-24三年级上·湖北黄石·期中)用4、2、6组成的三位数中,最大的三位数和最小的三位数和是( )。
13.(23-24三年级上·贵州铜仁·期末)23+38< 0, 里最小能填( ); 00<368+236,里最大能填( )。
14.(22-23三年级上·河北衡水·期末)估算298+403时,可以把298看作( ),把403看作( ),结果大约是( )。

16.(20-21三年级上·陕西商洛·期中)笔算万以内数的加减法时,要把数位对齐,从高位算起。( )
17.(23-24三年级上·全国·期末)两个三位数相加,和一定比任何一个加数都大。( )
18.(23-24三年级上·湖北襄阳·期末)两个三位数相加,和不可能是四位数。( )
19.(21-22三年级上·山东济宁·期末)装苹果需要310个箱子,梨需要205个箱子,准备500个箱子够了。( )
20.(23-24三年级上·河北承德·期末)检查265+148=413是否正确,可以用148+265来验算. ( )
497+603= 405+398= 357+569= 421+784=
A.的算式中,个位上是☆和,十位上是和△,百位上是○, 和各个数位上的数字相同,所以两个算式的得数相同。
C.的算式中,个位上是☆和,十位上是和○,百位上是△, 和的百位和十位上的数不相同,所以两算式的得数不相同。
11. 62 379
13. 7 6
【详解】23+38=61,所以 可以填7、8、9,最小能填7;
368+236=604, 可以填1、2、3、4、5、6,最大能填6。
14. 300 400 700
【详解】497+603=1100 405+398=803 357+569=926 421+784=1205

