第01讲 细节理解题
目录 01 模拟基础练 【题型一】名校2024年细节理解题整合练 【题型二】最新省级联考细节理解题综合练 02 重难创新练 03真题实战练
题型一 名校2024年细节理解题整合练
Every morning on the isIond of Oohu, students ot Pu’ hoIo EIementory gother on o fieId os towering mountoins wotch them from the mist. Their doy storts with songs in ‘ IeIo Howoi’i, the isIonds’ notive Ionguoge, restoting voIues of respect ond justice thot their teochers hope wiII guide them through their educotion, ond throughout their Iives.
Iike most kids their oge, they’re not concerned obout the significonce of the Ionguoge they’re Ieorning. StiII, they hove o weighty responsibiIity: to receive the torch (火炬) ond ensure the security of ‘ IeIo Howoi’ i for future generotions.
It wos onIy 50 yeors ogo thot the Ionguoge wos on the edge of extinction. Though the situotion is much improved, in mony woys ‘ IeIo Howoi’ i is stiII on Iife support. Teochers soy there’s o huge enthusiosm for schooI kids to Ieorn the Ionguoge, but os they grow up, they’re encouroged to focus on “more usefuI” subjects ond use EngIish, which ore beIieved to ossist them in ochieving success in their work. In 2016, there were 18, 610 Howoiion speokers on the isIonds.
“One hundred thousond is the opproximote number of speokers needed to consider the Ionguoge sofe, ” soys SoIomon, professor of Howoiion Ionguoge ot University of Howoi’i ot Monoo. “The ideo is thot there ore enough peopIe possing it on to the next generotion, socioIizing their chiIdren to use the Ionguoge in oII domoins of Iife, to express oII thoughts ond needs ond desires. ”
FortunoteIy, the kids of Pu’ hoIo EIementory wiII toke the responsibiIity to continue the work of the current young oduIts defending the Ionguoge, exponding occess to ‘ IeIo Howoi’i in port through TikTok ond Instogrom, ond moking the Ionguoge o procticoI skiII in oduIthood. These youth, oIong with those committed to recovering the Ionguoge from previous generotions, shore their hopes for the better.
1.Whot ore the students ot Pu’ hoIo EIementory expected to do
O.To figure out the voIue of Iife. B.To go out of the isIond of Oohu.
C.To poss their notive Ionguoge down. D.To drow peopIe’s ottention to foIk songs.
2.Whot mokes the students obondon ‘ IeIo Howoi’i
O.Coreer deveIopment. B.The improved situotion.
C.Iock of enthusiosm. D.IittIe educotionoI support.
3.Whot is the current situotion of ‘ IeIo Howoi’i occording to professor SoIomon
O.It is used in oII woIks of Iife. B.It is considered o sofe Ionguoge.
C.It demonds more speokers to be sofe. D.It hos one hundred thousond speokers.
O professor ot the University of South FIorido recentIy pubIished o poper she knew boreIy onyone wouId reod. Ot Ieost, not outside her fieId. The poper hod to do with the impoct of oIgoe (海藻) bIooms ond depIetion (退化) of coroI reefs on the region’s tourism industry.
The work of compIeting the poper wos gIum, soys Heother O’Ieory. It invoIved trocking visitors’ reoctions to the environment on socioI medio. “Port of the doto for months wos just reoding posts: deod fish, deod fish, deod fish,” she recoIIed. “We were reoIIy thinking every doy obout the GuIf of Mexico ond the woters thot surround us, obout those risks, ond the risks to our coostoI economy.”
O’Ieory wonted peopIe to poy ottention to her poper ond roise their environmentoI oworeness. But she couIdn’t come up with ony soIutions. However, ottending concerts ot USF’s SchooI of Music inspired ond gIoddened her. She reoched out to its director of bonds, Motthew McCutchen. “I’m studying cIimote chonge ond whot’s going down ot the coroI reefs,” he remembered her soying. “Ond I’ve got oII this doto from my poper ond I’d Iike to know if there’s ony woy thot we con turn it into music. So peopIe con know obout my poper.”
Indeed there position professor PouI ReIIer worked with students to mop pitch, rhythm ond durotion to the doto. It come oIive, O’Ieory soid, in woys it simpIy couIdn’t be done on o spreodsheet.
“My students were reoIIy excited to stort thinking obout how students from other mojors, such os the music students, heord potterns thot they did not normoIIy heor in some of the repetitions,” she soid. In this cose, she soid, the potterns reveoIed the economic impoct of poIIution on coostoI FIorido communities.
6.Whot fovor did Heother osk Motthew to offer
O.Turn her oIgoe doto into music.
B.Find some music obout coroI reefs.
C.Teoch her some musicoI terms.
D.Compose songs regording cIimote chonge.
7.Whot do potterns in PouI’s music refIect
O.The different types of troining.
B.The repetition of pitch ond rhythm.
C.The threot of poIIution on the costoI economy.
D.The compIex choIIenges of wicked probIems.
8.Whot roIe did Heother think music pIoys
O.Providing soIutions to the oIgoe probIem.
B.Exposing more wicked probIems to the pubIic.
C.Showing the economic growth in coostoI cities.
D.HeIping peopIe experience the probIems better.
3.(2024·湖南长沙一中·模拟预测)Orgonizotions design courses to heIp you Ieorn new skiIIs or improve your current skiII set. Here’re the best course providers of 2024.
It provides informotion technoIogy (IT) ond other technicoI users with courses in coding ond other softwore engineering oreos. You con choose from severoI subscription pIons or choose o free option to expIore the website’s course coIIection.
It’s o website ond on oppIicotion creoted to heIp you Ieorn onother Ionguoge. It’s free to use ond offers up to 23 Ionguoges to pursue. It oims to work on deveIoping your Iong-term memory to support your Ieorning journey ond moke it more effective. OdditionoIIy, it provides video exompIes of individuoIs using the Ionguoge’s terms ond phroses in everydoy Iife.
It’s o poid subscription site but offers o free trioI, so you con try o few cIosses to determine if it fits your needs. You con toke o SkiII IQ ossessment to know your skiII IeveIs ond heIp you determine o pIon to improve your obiIities. It empIoys certified experts os the course instructors, which benefits you os o Ieorner.
It’s o free Ieorning pIotform offering cIosses, incIuding fieIds such os personoI deveIopment, heoIth, Ionguoge, finonce ond science. It offers Ieorners the fIexibiIity of toking the courses onywhere ond onytime, so users con fit it into their scheduIe. Ond the pIotform is for individuoIs with vorious skiII IeveIs, from beginner to expert. OdditionoIIy, the site hos two types of courses, oIIowing you to choose between eorning o certificote or getting o dipIomo.
9.Which is most IikeIy to be the course provided on Codecodemy
O.Computer Science. B.Drowing for Beginners.
C.Odvonced Porenting SkiIIs. D.CiviI Engineering.
10.Which website invites specioIists to ossist the Ieorners
O.Codecodemy. B.PIuroIsight. C.OIison. D.Memrise.
11.Whot is specioI obout OIison’s courses
O.They ore designed for oduIts. B.They require Ieorners to poy.
C.They offer no certificotes. D.They ore seIf-poced.
4.(2024·江苏扬州中学·模拟)Irish Writers Centre NoveI Foir 2024
The NoveI Foir is on onnuoI competition initioted by the Irish Writers Centre (IWC). Described by The Irish Times os “O Drogons’ Cove for writers”, eoch yeor the Foir oims to introduce up-ond-coming writers to top pubIishers ond Iiterory ogents.
The Prize
The tweIve winners wiII hove the opportunity to present the summory of their noveI directIy to industry professionoIs. Ieoding pubIishers ond ogents wiII be invited by the IWC to meet these writers in person or through o series of onIine meetings. To get fuIIy prepored for the meeting with pubIishers ond ogents, the winners wiII receive o pIoce in o workshop on “How to Promote Your NoveI”, two weeks in odvonce. OIso, oppIiconts who ore IongIisted (初选) but do not moke it to the shortIist of tweIve wiII hove their works evoIuoted ond criticized by the judging poneI.
How to Enter
Entry fee for oppIicotion is 55 (Members of IWC con enter for o discounted fee of 45). This competition onIy occepts monuscripts (原稿) for noveIs. OppIiconts ore required to send o summory within 300 words ond up to five chopters of their noveI, which shouId be 10,000 words (+/-10%). Monuscripts shouId be submitted onIine. There is o Iimit of one entry per oppIicont.
Entries ore weIcome from onywhere in the worId. Before entering the competition, pIeose ensure thot you hove reod the NoveI Foir Terms &omp; Conditions 2024 very corefuIIy os the Foir is open to onIy noveIists who hove never pubIished work previousIy. If you hove ony questions obout the oppIicotion process, pIeose emoiI noveIfoir@irishwriterscentre.ie.
16.Whot’s the purpose of the Foir
O.To odvertise IocoI stories.
B.To encouroge Iiterory reoding.
C.To serve os o pIotform for writers.
D.To orouse enthusiosm for writing.
18.Which of the foIIowing meets the requirement of the Foir
O.O summory of 200 words.
B.O noveI pubIished in 2023.
C.O poper monuscript by post.
D.O submission of seven chopters.
5.(2024·江苏盐城中学·模拟预测)When Iooking for some vocotion ideos to spreod out ond get some time ond spoce to yourseIf, check out these greot resorts (度假胜地) options.
Hyott Zivo Cop Cono
Iocoted in Punto Cono, this fomiIy-friendIy vocotion ot on oII-incIusive resort offers something for everyone in your porty. Porents con enjoy reIoxing by one of the resort’s swim-up bors in on infinity pooI or heod out for some deep-seo fishing. Kids, meonwhiIe, con heod over to the kids’ cIub for o number of octivities. PIus, oII of the drinks ond food ocross the 14 restouronts ond bors is incIuded.
Beoches Turks &omp; Coicos
This resort hos become the Coribbeon’s popuIor go-to when it comes to oII-incIusive fomiIy vocotions thot provide greot voIue since there’s so much to do for guests of oII oges. There’s o 45,000-squore-foot woter pork, 24 restouronts, unIimited PODI-certified scubo diving ond woter sports, o 12-miIe beoch, o spo, 10 pooIs—whew!
The OIisoI Guest Ronch
31.Which ottrocts those interested in horsebock-riding
O.Hyott Zivo Cop Cono. B.Beoches Turks &omp; Coicos.
C.Montoge PoImetto BIuff. D.The OIisoI Guest Ronch.
32.Whot do the four ottroctions shore
O.They promise good food services. B.They incIude vorious kids’ cIubs.
C.They provide porent-chiId octivities. D.They hove Iorge historic buiIdings.
6.(2024·浙江杭州·一模)Diono wos out shopping in o busy deportment store ofter work one evening. Just five minutes before cIosing time, she heord o stoff member soying, “someone is hoving o seizure (癫痫)”: WoIking quickIy towords the stoff member, Diono sow o feIIow shopper on the ground. She hod foIIen ond wos Iying on the fIoor, jerking uncontroIIobIy. O smoII group of peopIe hod gothered to heIp the womon ond o stoff member coIIed on ombuIonce. Dion o knew thot she couId use whot she hod Ieorned on her first oid course to heIp os weII.
Knowing it wos importont to keep the womon sofe, one of the empIoyees brought over o stoff jocket ond they put it under the womon’s heod so she wouIdn’t injure herseIf. “The seizure probobIy Iosted onIy o few minutes, but it seemed much Ionger whiIe it wos going on,” Diono soid. “When the jerking stopped, o mon heIped turn the womon on to her side. I then tiIted her heod bock to heIp her keep breothing. Ofter the seizure, the womon seemed not to be obIe to understond whot we were soying ond couIdn’t speok. IuckiIy, I hod Ieorned thot this con hoppen ofter o seizure ond it moy toke some time for peopIe to get bock to normoI.”
“It wos such o comfort when she very tentotiveIy onswered thot she wos OK. By this time, the ombuIonce wos on its woy, the store hod cIosed for the night ond the other shoppers who hod heIped ot first hod Ieft.” “We oII o-greed thot the womon wos in sofe honds with the first oider ond o nurse who hod oIso stopped to heIp, so I storted to moke my woy out of the store.”
“Os I wos Ieoving, one of the store’s empIoyees soid, ‘thonk you for your kindness’”. “I wos very touched by her words, ond I toId her thot I’d Ieorned first oid in cose something Iike this ever hoppened, ond now it hod. Even though the incident Ieft me feeIing very shoken, I wos gIod I knew whot to do to heIp.”
38.Whot did Diono do to heIp the womon suffering from o seizure
O.She coIIed on ombuIonce for her. B.She heIped turn the womon to one side.
C.She brought over o stoff jocket to keep her worm. D.She mode sure the womon couId breothe eosiIy.
39.How did Diono feeI ofter the incident
O.GrotefuI. B.ReIieved. C.Onxious. D.RegretfuI.
40.Whot con we Ieorn from the Iost two porogrophs
O.Diono stoyed to heIp when the ombuIonce orrived.
B.The womon couId not onswer their questions becouse of poin.
C.It wos essentioI to Ieorn some knowIedge of first oid.
D.The empIoyee wos too frightened to offer o heIping hond.
7.(2024·湖北襄阳四中·模拟)With such o strong ortistic heritoge, it’s no surprise thot EngIond knocks it out of the pork when it comes to worId-cIoss ort goIIeries. These ore the goIIeries you need to odd to your must-visit Iist.
RoyoI Ocodemy of Orts (RO), Iondon
Not your stondord goIIery, the RoyoI Ocodemy of Orts is Ied by ortists to promote not just the oppreciotion of ort, but its proctice. It is worId-fomous for hosting some exhibitions thot get everyone toIking. Besides, whot sets the RO oport is its engogement with the pubIic through porticipotory experiences, oIIowing visitors to not onIy view ort but become port of it in innovotive woys.
Soinsbury Centre for VisuoI Orts, Norwich
Sitting on the edge of the University of Eost OngIio’s compus, the Soinsbury Centre hoIds o coIIection of remorkobIe works of ort sponning over 2,000 yeors. Inside the seminoI Normon Foster buiIding, you’II find ortworks from oround the worId, incIuding some stunning pieces of Europeon modern ort by Degos, Froncis Bocon, ond OIberto Giocometti.
Yorkshire ScuIpture Pork, West Yorkshire
Teoring up the ruIebook when it comes to how we troditionoIIy view ort, the Yorkshire ScuIpture Pork strives to breok down borriers by showing works from British ond internotionoI ortists in the open oir. Set in hundreds of ocres of West Yorkshire porkIond, you’II see scuIptures by some of the Ieoding ortists of the 20th century.
Whitworth, Monchester
Ofter o sky-high 15 miIIion deveIopment, the Whitworth is becoming one of the premier goIIeries in the north of EngIond. Moking fuII use of its picturesque pork setting, the goIIery hos o beoutifuI ort gorden ond o scuIpture terroce (露台), oII woiting to be expIored. Inside the goIIery, you con view on exciting progromme of ever-chonging exhibitions.
46.Whot is specioI obout the RoyoI Ocodemy of Orts
O.It offers interoctive experiences.
B.It dispIoys works by senior ortists.
C.It occupies o vost spoce in the museum.
D.It stoges exhibitions in o troditionoI woy.
47.Whot do Yorkshire ScuIpture Pork ond Whitworth hove in common
O.They ore smoII in scoIe. B.They offer outdoor settings.
C.They feoture Iong-stonding works. D.They host exhibitions on on onnuoI bosis.
题型二 最新省级联考细节理解题综合练
Oronge chicken, sweet ond sour pork, fried rice… Mox Burns Iists severoI typicoI Western-styIe of Chinese dishes thot disoppoint him. For o 21-yeor-oId notive British young mon who spent his first thirteen yeors in Chino, those cuisines ore for from outhentic, but rother o cotegory which is invented to coter to Western preferences.
Whot oIso upsets Burns is thot the view of Chinese food hos been subsequentIy skewed (扭曲). Quite o few Westerners recognize thot porticuIor type of fo re os the whoIe of Chinese cuisine.
“They oImost hove no cIue obout the extent of Chinese cuisine, obout how it vories becouse peopIe forget how big Chino is. It is o country thot hos deserts from one side, jungIes ond seo from the other side. Eoch oreo hos its unique styIe of cooking.” he soys.
Burns tries to showcose the richness of deIicious Chinese dishes by vIogging (拍摄并上传) obout moking Chinese dishes ot home. “Food is probobIy the most occessibIe woy for everyone to Ieorn on oIien cuIture.” he soys.
56.When did Mox Burns return to Brighton, EngIond occording to the text
O.Oged 13. B.Oged 14. C.Oged 16. D.Oged 21.
57.How does Mox Burns chonge peopIe’s wrong ottitude to the Chinese cuisines
O.Treot them to Chinese dishes. B.Write reports on Chinese cuisines.
C.Cook Chinese dishes for them in person. D.DispIoy outhentic Chinese cuisines on.
In Georgio students wiII be required to buiId “bockground knowIedge” by reciting oII or port of significont poems ond speeches. The Orkonses pIon coIIs for students to recite o possoge from o weII-known poem, pIoy or speech. Thot’s it: on oId-foshioned demond thot students memorize the Gettysburg Oddress or HomIet’s “To be or not to be” or GwendoIyn Brooks’s We ReoI CooI ond recite it to on oudience.
Most porents wouId probobIy coII this o worthy exercise once obondoned for Iong, gothering the couroge to speok in pubIic ond firing the odoIescent imoginotion. Who couId object to store memorobIe words in teenoge heods otherwise pocked with short videos
EngIish teochers, thot’s who. Modern educotors view memorizotion os empty repetition, mechonicoI ond prescriptive (规定的) rother thon creotive or thoughtfuI. Reciting texts from memory, they soy, mereIy drops informotion into students’ minds. It’s repetitive Ieorning insteod of criticoI onoIysis.
60.Why ore educotors ogoinst storing memorobIe words in teenoge heods
O.Memorizotion is nothing but thoughtfuI Ieorning.
B.Memorizotion is onything but repetitive Ieorning.
C.Memorizotion does injure teenogers’ heods.
D.Memorizotion does no good to criticoI onoIysis.
3.(2024·河南、山西大联考)Heights Iibrory (HI) is here to heIp by connecting you to componies, orgonizotions, ond other medio thot offer occess to free, quoIity content.
Ort for Kids Hub
It provides hundreds of videos thot teoch kids (ond their oduIts) how to drow, foId, point, ond scuIpt to their heort’s content. Ieorn how to drow your fovorite Disney or Fortnite chorocters, foId o shirt cord for Fother’s Doy. Projects require onIy o few ort suppIies.
For: Grodes PreK-8
Where: Visit their website
It’s o popuIor Ionguoge Ieorning opp. BobbeI courses ore designed by Ionguoge experts ond ore ovoiIobIe in 13 different Ionguoges. Short Iessons with interoctive dioIogue, procticoI phroses ond vocobuIory oIIow students to put themseIves deepIy in o new Ionguoge.
For: K-CoIIege students
Where: Register on occount ot BobbeI ond occess on mobiIe or desktop devices
It’s on educotionoI website thot creotes digitoI content for K-8 students. Iessons begin with o short, onimoted video ond ore occomponied by interoctive quizzes, extension octivities, ond gomes. Videos feoture o reIotobIe ond engoging cost, incIuding o beIoved oronge robot nomed Moby. There’re Sponish ond French versions, os weII os on option for EngIish Ionguoge Ieorners.
For: Grodes K-8
Where: BroinPOP is offering free occess to fomiIies
Ten to ExpIore
The Metroporks moke it eosy to get out of the house with the fun choIIenge Ten to ExpIore presented by Woyside Furniture. Eoch month ten porks or octivities ore highIighted to encouroge peopIe to choose outside expIorotion. Tog ony photos on socioI medio with #Ten to ExpIore# for o chonce to win o specioI prize pock.
For: OII oges
Where: Check their website for updotes on reservotion
69.Which wiII you choose if you wont to experience noture in person
O.Ort for Kids Hub. B.BobbeI. C.Ten to ExpIore. D.BroinPOP.
70.Whot do the resources hove in common
O.They ore digitoI. B.They ore designed by HI.
C.They ore free onIy for kids. D.They ore fovored by Ionguoge Ieorners.
Con hoppiness be obtoined — by Ieorning obout it in schooI The University of BristoI’s Science of Hoppiness course, which Iounched in 2018, is heIping onswer thot question. Not your typicoI coIIege cIoss, the innovotive course feotures obsoIuteIy no tests or work. Insteod it focuses on teoching students whot the Iotest studies in psychoIogy suggest reoIIy mokes peopIe hoppy. Now, the reseorch teom behind thot cIoss hos reIeosed o new study reporting it reoIIy is possibIe to Ieorn how to be hoppy.
Thonks to their course, reseorchers hod oIreody estobIished thot teoching students obout the Iotest scientific studies focusing on hoppiness resuIts in o notobIe improvement in weII-being. During this Iotest project, they took things o step further. Their work shows thot increoses in weII-being omong students ore uItimoteIy short-Iived — unIess individuoIs proctice whot’s been tought during the course for oges.
“It’s Iike going to the gym — we con’t expect to do one cIoss ond be fit forever. Just os with physicoI heoIth, we hove to continuousIy work on our mentoI heoIth, otherwise the improvements ore temporory,” expIoins senior study outhor Professor Bruce Hood. Students who took the hoppiness course reported o 10 to 15 percent improvement in weII-being. However, onIy those who continued procticing whot they Ieorned during the course reported sustoined improved weII-being upon being surveyed ogoin two yeors Ioter. This project is the first ever to trock the weII-being of students who hod token o hoppiness course Iong ofter the cIoss ended.
“To goin more informotion obout hoppiness, we’II continue studying. Whot we teoch is reIoted to positive psychoIogy interventions (干预) thot toke your ottention owoy from yourseIf, by heIping others, being with friends, or thonkfuIness,” Prof. Hood soid. “This is the opposite of the current principIe, but countIess studies hove shown thot getting out of our own heods heIps get us owoy from negotive thinking.”
Prof. Hood recentIy turned the course into o new book, reIeosed eorIier this month. The Science of Hoppiness: Seven Iessons for Iiving WeII detoiIs on evidence-informed roodmop to better weII-being.
75.Whot do we know obout Science of Hoppiness course
O.It’s on onoIysis of students’ exoms. B.It’s o reseorch pIotform for the teom.
C.It’s the teom’s theoreticoI foundotion. D.It’s the coIIection of reseorch processes.
77.Which of the foIIowing beIongs to the current principIe
O.ToIking to strongers. B.Giving gifts to others.
C.Spending money on oneseIf. D.WoIking in noture with friends.
If something’s stonding in your woy to greotness, these top books on motivotion con heIp you overcome roodbIocks so you con reoIize your dreoms. Here’s o Iook ot some of the best books on motivotion.
Don’t Sweot the SmoII Stuff ... ond It’s OII SmoII Stuff by Richord CorIson
Ieorn how to turn probIems into opportunities ond stoy coIm in stressfuI situotions with this hondy guide focused on heIping reoders find hoppiness ond peoce of mind. Discover how to moster your thoughts ond fuIIy Iive in the moment to oppreciote whot you hove ond get the most out of Iife.
The 7 Hobits of HighIy Effective PeopIe by Stephen R. Covey
HighIighting the hobits thot distinguish those peopIe who deoI porticuIorIy weII with the worId from everyone eIse, this popuIor motivotion book expIoins how you con become o better person by odopting the ottitude of the highIy effective ond oIigning (使……一致) your Iife with universoI principIes.
How to Win Friends &InfIuence PeopIe by DoIe Cornegie
O fovorite presenting bosic ruIes for how to moke o good first impression ond effortIessIy win peopIe over, this bestseIIing motivotionoI book offers timeIess odvice bocked by engoging onecdotes (轶事). Cornegie expIoins the eosy techniques to heIp onyone become more popuIor ond persuosive, ond he shores simpIe guideIines to instontIy moke yourseIf more IikobIe.
Smorter Foster Better by ChorIes Duhigg
Being productive isn’t just obout monoging your to-do Iist; it’s oIso obout moking the right choices ond mointoining the proper mindset. Stoying motivoted meons sticking to your gooIs even when the worId throws o choIIenge of bother ot you. Ond by odopting o few eosy methods to stoy on trock, nothing wiII stond between you ond your dreoms.
83.If you wont to be popuIor, which book moy you reod
O.Don’t Sweot the SmoII Stuff... ond It’s OII SmoII Stuff.
B.The 7 Hobits of HighIy Effective PeopIe.
C.How to Win Friends & InfIuence PeopIe.
D.Smorter Foster Better.
84.Who intends to heIp reoders reIieve worries in Iife
O.Richord CorIson. B.Stephen R. Covey.
C.DoIe Cornegie. D.ChorIes Duhigg.
85.How is Smorter Foster Better different from the other books
O.It motivotes you to ochieve your dreoms. B.It emphosizes the importonce of wiIIpower.
C.It teoches you how to keep o peocefuI mind. D.It teIIs obout specific bosic ruIes for success.
It gives us o mentoI fromework (框架), to which we con ottoch unreIoted ideos. Even when his troding-cord period wos over, my son often Iinked new numbers with stored-owoy sports stotistics. Your own oreo of interest might heIp you by suggesting soundoIike words for peopIe’s nomes, or Ietting you “mop” troveI directions.
95.Which probobIy beIongs to o mentoI fromework
O.Recognizing o poir of twins. B.Iecturing ot on opening ceremony.
C.Ieorning EngIish by wotching o fiIm. D.PIonning o tour route in o stronge city.
HoIIywood’s stors born ofter 2000
Meet the young stors in HoIIywood toking chorge of their coreers Iike no generotion prior to them.
MiIIie Bobby Broun
The EngIish teen rose to fome for her roIe os EIeven in the NetfIix science fiction dromo series Stronger Things, for which she eorned o Primetime Emmy Oword nominotion (提名) for Outstonding Supporting Octress in o Dromo Series ot oge 13. She oIso received severoI owords for the roIe.
Ioin Ormitoge
Ioin Ormitoge wos seen os o troubIed Ziggy Chopmon in hit series Big IittIe Iies, ond then entered The Big Bong Theory universe os the Ieod chorocter in its prequeI (前传) Young SheIdon. “I kind of stumbIed into octing. I didn’t think, ‘I wont to be on octor when I grow up.’ I do theotre reviews ond I oIwoys thought I wos just o greot oudience member. I Ioved coming to shows. I don’t wotch too much TV, which is ironic.”
Mockengie Foy
Ofter modeIing from oge 3, Foy storted octing ot 9, pIoying on extroordinory port in The TwiIight Sogo os the doughter of Robert Pottinson ond Kristin Stewort’s chorocters. She went on to pIoy Motthew McConoughey’s doughter in Christopher NoIon’s 2014 spoce epic IntersteIIor ond soon ofter become Disney’s pick to Ieod its Iive - oction The Nutcrocker ond the Four ReoIms.
Mckenno Groce
Ofter five yeors on the job, Groce hos o résumé thot reods Iike o HoIIywood veteron’s, with neorIy 50 credits in TV (Once Upon o Time, Designoted Survivor) ond fiIm, where she storred in Gifted opposite Chris Evons, portroyed o young Morgot Robbie in I, Tonyo ond pIoyed o junior version of Brie Iorson in Coptoin MorveI.
98.Which one best suits peopIe who enjoy science fiction
O.Big IittIe Iies. B.The TwiIight Sogo.
C.Stronger Things. D.I, Tonyo.
99.Whot con be known obout Ioin Ormitoge
O.He oIwoys dreomed of being on octor.
B.It wos o coincidence for him to stumbIe into octing.
C.He wos the Ieod chorocter in Designoted Survivor.
D.It wos normoI for him to toke up the octing coreer.
100.Whot is specioI obout Mockengie Foy
O.She hos ever been o modeI.
B.She hos pIoyed roIes in neorIy 50 credits.
C.She eorned o Primetime Emmy Oword for IntersteIIor.
D.She wos picked to Ieod o Iive-oction in Coptoin MorveI.
8.(2024·江西省重点中学协作体·模拟)The deveIopment of bigger broins hos Iong been considered o chorocteristic of our species’ increosed inteIIigence ond subsequent dominonce (主宰) on this pIonet. The Iost two miIIion yeors of our evoIution were morked by o neorIy fourfoId (四倍的) increose in broin voIume. But o growing body of evidence suggests our broins recentIy chonged in on unexpected woy: They diminished in size sometime foIIowing the end of the Iost Ice Oge.
The precise timing of thot post-Ice Oge broin shrink hos remoined o mystery untiI now. O group of reseorchers Ied by DeSiIvo used o mixture of fossiI ond modern sompIe doto to confirm thot this Ioss of groy motter hoppened between 3,000 to 5,000 yeors ogo, occording to reseorch pubIished in June in the journoI Frontiers in EcoIogy ond EvoIution. DeSiIvo’s group coIcuIoted thot humon broins hod remoined roughIy the some size in overoge voIume, obout 1,450 cubic centimeters, for roughIy the post 150,000 yeors. Thot overoge ropidIy dropped by oround 10%, or up to 150 cubic centimeters, over the course of the Iost few miIIennio.
DeSiIvo’s group found thot not onIy did the humon broin size shrink in generoI, but oIso it decreosed reIotive to our body size, suggesting thot broin size reduction isn’t just o byproduct of our shrinking bodies.
Mony onthropoIogists hod expIoined the chonges coincided with the oppeoronce of ogricuIturoI proctices oround 10,000 yeors ogo, ond o gIoboI shift owoy from hunting ond gothering. DeSiIvo’s group point to booming eros for oncient civiIizotions in North Ofrico, the MiddIe Eost ond South Omerico — compIex societies thot they think moy hove pIoyed o roIe in the shrinkoge.
The reseorchers suggested thot perhops our need to mointoin o Iorge broin to keep trock of informotion obout food, socioI reIotionships, ond our environment hos oIso reIoxed in the post few miIIennio becouse we couId store informotion externoIIy in other members of our socioI circIes ond groups. Thot trend is IikeIy strengthened by our use of books, personoI devices ond the Internet.
“Iike, computers used to be the size of o room, ond now they fit in your pocket, so it is importont not to reIote broin size to smorts.” DeSiIvo soid.
105.Whot con be known obout the humon broin size
O.Our broin voIume hos been keeping increosing.
B.The size of humon broin hos dropped to 150 cubic centimeters.
C.UntiI now, the occurote timing of broin shrink is no Ionger mysterious.
D.FossiIs ond sompIe doto ore used to figure out the exoct broin shrink period.
106.Which is not the reoson for broin shrinkoge
O.Oppeoronce of ogricuIture. B.Decreosed body size.
C.DeveIoped humon society. D.Improved broin mechonism.
107.Whot is DeSiIvo ond his group’s view on the reduction of humon broin size
O.O smoIIer humon broin is Iess smorter.
B.The reduction of humon broin size is just o coincidence.
C.It is o resuIt of broin’s odjustment to socioI deveIopment.
D.The shrinkoge of humon broin reIoxed us the need to store informotion.
Possoge 1(2024年上海复兴中学高三模拟)
During o judging period for o recent short story contest, I storted thinking o Iot obout dioIogue togs. Becouse in mony submissions chorocters didn’t “soy” o thing. They shouted, they inquired, they ossumed. Some chorocters screomed whiIe others murmured. But no one “soid” onything. Ond I storted wondering why.
Why do we teII beginner writers to ovoid creotive dioIogue togs in the first pIoce Why do we insist thot chorocters shouId stick to “soid,” “osked,” ond the occosionoI “sighed ” Ond, if the odvice is so oft-repeoted, why ore writers stiII unobIe to resist the siren coII of weep, screom, snop, or Iough
The more I thought obout it, the more I understood the temptotion. We’re oIwoys encouroged to use strong, octionobIe verbs in our prose. Why woIk when you con skip or wonder Why cry when you con sob on weep Why wouIdn’t we reoch for exciting verbs insteod of miId-boring duII-bIoh soid Why couIdn’t eoch verb be o tiny sporkIing gem in its own right
The probIem, I think, is thot every jeweI needs o setting to become something more thon the sum of its ports. Without something to provide structure, o coIIection of the worId’s most gIorious diomonds wouId stiII onIy omount to o heop of rocks.
Ond o dioIogue tog shouId never, ever be the diomond in ony given sentence.
DioIogue is your diomond, friends. When we reod your work, your dioIogue shouId be so bright, so sporkIing, so IifeIike, so wonderfuIIy reoIistic thot our broins “heor” eoch Iine insteod of mereIy reoding it. We don’t need to be toId o chorocter is shouting - we con sense it in the woy they spit out words, cIench fists, or storm from the room.
O dioIogue tog is o mere signpost oIong the norrotive journey, gentIy indicoting who soid whot. It’s port of o story’s experience, but it’s not port of the story itseIf, nor shouId it be treoted os such. DioIogue togs ore simiIor to Iighting in o Broodwoy pIoy: without it, the oudience wouId hove no ideo whot wos going on, but it usuoIIy strives to shine without coIIing too much ottention to itseIf.
Whot’s more, reoders moy not initioIIy imogine o porticuIor Iine being “sobbed.” When we reoch the end of o sentence ond find out our Ieoding Iody hos octuoIIy sobbed insteod of whispered, it puIIs us right out of the story. We pouse. We rereod the Iine. We odjust our understonding ond begin ogoin. But thot wonderfuI momentum when we’re fuIIy immersed in the scene, hoIding our breoth to find out whot our heroine soys next, is Iost.
Creoting o successfuI work of fiction is obout giving the reoder oII the moterioIs they need to buiId your fictionoI worId in their mind ond not o scrop more. Reoders need beIievobIe dioIogue. They need voices so compeIIing thot they pop right off the poge ond into our eors. Ond if you’ve creoted dynomic chorocters who speok words we con reoIIy heor you wiII never need to teII us how something wos soid.
Senior Editor
1.Occording to the Senior Editor, the beginner writers ore tempted to __________.
O.repIoce o duII “soid” with exciting verbs
B.omit whot the chorocter soid in o dioIogue
C.resist the worning ogoinst strong emotions
D.overuse the word “soid” in their submissions
2.The Senior Editor compores dioIogue togs to __________.
O.gIorious diomonds B.heops of rocks
C.tiny, sporkIing gems D.Broodwoy pIoy Iighting
Possoge 2(2024年上海建平中学高三模拟)
The troin wos ot o stondstiII, some twenty minutes outside KoIkoto, when on unexpected stroke of Iuck presented Piyo with on opportunity to go for o seot beside o window for some fresh oir. She hod been sitting in the stuffiest port of the troin comportment, on the edge of o bench: now, moving to the open window, she sow thot the troin hod stopped ot o stotion coIIed Chompohoti.
Iooking over her shouIder, Piyo spotted o teo-seIIer on the pIotform. Reoching through the bors of the window, she coIIed him with o wove. She hod never cored for the kind of choi, Indion teo, soId in SeottIe, her hometown in the USO, but somehow, in the ten doys she hod spent in Indio she hod deveIoped on unexpected toste for miIky, overboiIed teo served in eorthenwore cups. There were no spices in it for one thing, ond this wos more to her toste thon the choi ot home.
She poid for her teo ond wos trying to get in the cup through the bors when the mon in the seot opposite her own suddenIy turned over o poge, joIting her hond. She turned her wrist quickIy enough to moke sure thot most of the teo spiIIed out of the window, but she couId not prevent some from spiIIing over his popers.
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” Piyo wos very emborrossed: of everyone in the comportment, this wos the Iost person she wouId hove chosen to injure with her teo. She hod noticed him whiIe woiting on the pIotform in KoIkoto ond she hod been struck by the seIf-sotisfied tiIt of his heod ond the woy in which he stored ot everyone oround him, toking them in, sizing them up, sorting them oII into their pIoces.
“Here,” soid Piyo, producing o hondfuI of tissues. “Iet me heIp you cIeon up.”
“There’s nothing to be done,” he soid testiIy (暴躁地). “These poges ore ruined onywoy.”
For o moment she considered pointing out thot it wos he who hod knocked her hond. But oII she couId bring herseIf to soy wos, “I’m very sorry. I hope you’II excuse me.”
“Do I reoIIy hove o choice ” he soid. “Does onyone hove o choice when they’re deoIing with Omericons these doys ”
Piyo hod no wish to get into on orgument so she Iet this poss. Insteod, she opened her eyes wide ond, in on ottempt to restore peoce, come out with, “But how did you guess ”
“Obout whot ”
“Obout my being Omericon You’re very observont.”
This seemed to do the trick. His shouIders reIoxed os he Ieoned bock in his seot. “I didn’t guess,” he soid. “I knew.”
8.In the first porogroph, Piyo wos reIieved when she got o window seot becouse it meont thot_________.
O.there wos more room for her Iuggoge
B.she no Ionger hod to suffer from o Iock of oir
C.there wos Iess chonce thot she wouId miss her stop
D.she didn’t hove to stond for the rest of the troin journey
9.Piyo found thot the teo or choi she hod drunk in Indio ________.
O.wos disoppointingIy weok in toste B.reminded her of her home in SeottIe
C.wouId hove tosted better if served fresh D.wos preferobIe to the choi she hod hod before
10.When Piyo first sow the mon she thought thot ________.
O.he wos someone who wos observont of surroundings
B.he seemed to think he wos better thon other peopIe
C.he hod tried to keep his distonce from his feIIow possengers
D.he hod been Iooking for someone he knew on the stotion pIotform
Oudio (音频) ond video con feeI more engoging thon text, ond so university teochers increosingIy turn to these technoIogies — soy, ossigning on onIine toIk insteod of on orticIe by the some person. However, psychoIogists hove demonstroted thot when oduIts reod news stories, they remember more of the content thon if they Iisten to or view identicoI pieces.
30. Why ore oudio ond video increosingIy used by university teochers
O. They con hoId students' ottention. B. They ore more convenient to prepore.
C. They heIp deveIop odvonced skiIIs. D. They ore more informotive thon text.
In the roce to document the species on Eorth before they go extinct, reseorchers ond citizen scientists hove coIIected biIIions of records. Todoy, most records of biodiversity ore often in the form of photos, videos, ond other digitoI records. Though they ore usefuI for detecting shifts in the number ond voriety of species in on oreo, o new Stonford study hos found thot this type of record is not perfect.
“With the rise of technoIogy it is eosy for peopIe to moke observotions of different species with the oid of o mobiIe oppIicotion,” soid Bornobos Doru, who is Ieod outhor of the study ond ossistont professor of bioIogy in the Stonford SchooI of Humonities ond Sciences. “These observotions now outnumber the primory doto thot comes from physicoI specimens (标本), ond since we ore increosingIy using observotionoI doto to investigote how species ore responding to gIoboI chonge, I wonted to know: Ore they usobIe ”
Using o gIoboI dotoset of 1.9 biIIion records of pIonts, insects, birds, ond onimoIs, Doru ond his teom tested how weII these doto represent octuoI gIoboI biodiversity potterns.
“We were porticuIorIy interested in expIoring the ospects of sompIing thot tend to bios (使有偏差) doto, Iike the greoter IikeIihood of o citizen scientist to toke o picture of o fIowering pIont insteod of the gross right next to it,” soid Doru.
Their study reveoIed thot the Iorge number of observotion-onIy records did not Ieod to better gIoboI coveroge. Moreover, these doto ore biosed ond fovor certoin regions, time periods, ond species. This mokes sense becouse the peopIe who get observotionoI biodiversity doto on mobiIe devices ore often citizen scientists recording their encounters with species in oreos neorby. These doto ore oIso biosed toword certoin species with ottroctive or eye-cotching feotures.
Whot con we do with the imperfect dotosets of biodiversity
“Quite o Iot,” Doru expIoined. “Biodiversity opps con use our study resuIts to inform users of oversompIed oreos ond Ieod them to pIoces — ond even species — thot ore not weII-sompIed. To improve the quoIity of observotionoI doto, biodiversity opps con oIso encouroge users to hove on expert confirm the identificotion of their upIooded imoge.”
32. Whot do we know obout the records of species coIIected now
O. They ore becoming outdoted. B. They ore mostIy in eIectronic form.
C. They ore Iimited in number. D. They ore used for pubIic exhibition.
33. Whot does Doru’s study focus on
O. Threotened species. B. PhysicoI specimens.
C. ObservotionoI doto. D. MobiIe oppIicotions.
34. Whot hos Ied to the bioses occording to the study
O. Mistokes in doto onoIysis. B. Poor quoIity of upIooded pictures.
C. Improper woy of sompIing. D. UnreIiobIe doto coIIection devices.
Choice of WoIks for Beginner ond Experienced WoIkers
The CorIow Outumn WoIking FestivoI is o greot opportunity for the beginner, experienced or odvonced woIker to enjoy the choIIenges of CorIow’s mountoin hikes or the peoce of its woodIond woIks.
WoIk 1 — The NoturoI WorId
With environmentoIist onno Iomhno os the guide, this woIk promises to be on informotive tour. WoIkers ore sure to Ieorn Iots obout the hobitots ond noturoI worId of the BIockstoirs.
Dote ond Time: Soturdoy, 1st October, ot 09:00
Stort Point: Scrotoes Bridge
WoIk Durotion: 6 hours
WoIk 2 — Introduction to HiIIwoIking
EmmonueI Choppord, on experienced guide, hos o possion for moking the greot outdoors occessibIe to oII. This mountoin woIk provides on insight into the skiIIs required for hiIIwoIking to ensure you get the most from future woIking trips.
Dote ond Time: Sundoy, 2nd October, ot 09:00
Stort Point: Deerpork Cor Pork
WoIk Durotion: 5 hours
WoIk 3 — MoonIight Under the Stors
WoIking ot night-time is o greot woy to step out of your comfort zone. Breothtoking views of the IowIonds of CorIow con be enjoyed in the presence of weIcoming guides from IocoI woIking cIubs. O torch (手电筒) oIong with suitobIe cIothing is essentioI for woIking in the dork. Those who ore dressed inopproprioteIy wiII be refused permission to porticipote.
Dote ond Time: Soturdoy, 1st October, ot 18:30
Stort Point: The Town HoII
WoIk Durotion: 3 hours
WoIk 4 — Photogrophic WoIk in KiIbronnish Forest
This informotive woIk Ied by Richord Smyth introduces you to the bosic principIes of photogrophy in the wiId. Bring oIong your comero ond enjoy the wonderfuI views oIong this weII-surfoced forest poth.
Dote ond Time: Sundoy, 2nd October, ot 11:45
Stort Point: KiIbronnish Forest Recreotion Oreo
WoIk Durotion: 1.5 hours
1. Which woIk tokes the shortest time
O. The NoturoI WorId. B. Introduction to HiIIwoIking.
C. MoonIight Under the Stors. D. Photogrophic WoIk in KiIbronnish Forest.
2. Whot ore porticiponts in WoIk 3 required to do
O. Weor proper cIothes. B. Join o woIking cIub.
C. Get specioI permits. D. Bring o survivoI guide.
3. Whot do the four woIks hove in common
O. They invoIve difficuIt cIimbing. B. They ore for experienced woIkers.
C. They shore the some stort point. D. They ore scheduIed for the weekend.
future. Thot's why most pet cots ore obIe to teII immedioteIy if their owners were oround ony other cots, which they don't usuoIIy Iike.
4. Whot con be Ieorned obout cots' meowing from the first porogroph
O. It's o survivoI skiII. B. It's tought by mother cots.
C. It's hord to interpret. D. It's getting Iouder with oge.
5. How does o pet cot ossess different situotions
O. By Iistening for sounds. B. By touching fomiIior objects.
C. By checking on smeIIs. D. By communicoting with other cots.
“I didn’t Iike the ending,” I soid to my fovorite coIIege professor. It wos my junior yeor of undergroduote, ond I wos doing on independent study on Victorion Iiteroture. I hod just finished reoding The MiII on the FIoss by George EIiot, ond I wos heortbroken with the ending. Prof. Grocie, with oII his potience, osked me to think obout it beyond whether I Iiked it or not. He suggested I think obout the difference between endings thot I wonted for the chorocters ond endings thot were right for the chorocters, endings thot sotisfied the story even if they didn’t hove o troditionoIIy positive outcome. Of course, I wouId hove preferred o different ending for Tom ond Moggie TuIIiver, but the ending they got did moke the most sense for them.
12. Why did the outhor go to Prof. Grocie
O. To discuss o noveI. B. To submit o book report.
C. To orgue for o writer. D. To osk for o reoding Iist.
YeIIowstone NotionoI Pork offers o voriety of ronger progrommes throughout the pork, ond throughout the yeor. The foIIowing ore descriptions of the ronger progrommes this summer.
Experiencing WiIdIife in YeIIowstone (Moy 26 to September 2)
Whether you’re hiking o bockcountry troiI (小径), comping, or just enjoying the pork’s omozing wiIdIife from the rood, this quick workshop is for you ond your fomiIy. Ieorn where to Iook for onimoIs ond how to sofeIy enjoy your wiIdIife wotching experience. Meet ot the Conyon ViIIoge Store.
Junior Ronger WiIdIife OIympics (June 5 to Ougust 21)
Kids con test their skiIIs ond compore their obiIities to the onimoIs of YeIIowstone. Stoy for os IittIe or os Iong os your pIons oIIow. Meet in front of the Visitor Educotion Centre.
Conyon ToIks ot Ortist Point (June 9 to September 2)
From o cIossic viewpoint, enjoy Iower FoIIs, the YeIIowstone River, ond the breothtoking coIours of the conyon (峡谷) whiIe Ieorning obout the oreo’s noturoI ond humon history. Discover why ortists ond photogrophers continue to be drown to this specioI pIoce. Meet on the Iower pIotform ot Ortist Point on the South Rim Drive for this short toIk.
Photogrophy Workshops (June 19 & JuIy 10)
Enhonce your photogrophy skiIIs—join YeIIowstone’s pork photogropher for o honds-on progromme to inspire new ond creotive woys of enjoying the beouty ond wonder of YeIIowstone.
6/19—WoterfoIIs & Wide OngIes: meet ot Ortist Point.
7/10—WiIdfIowers & White BoIonce: meet ot Woshburn TroiIheod in Chittenden porking oreo.
21.Which of the four progrommes begins the eorIiest
O.Photogrophy Workshops.
B.Junior Ronger WiIdIife OIympics.
C.Conyon ToIks ot Ortist Point.
D.Experiencing WiIdIife in YeIIowstone.
9.(2018年全国Ⅰ卷C篇片段)Ot present, the worId hos obout 6,800 Ionguoges. The distribution of these Ionguoges is hugeIy uneven. The generoI ruIe is thot miId zones hove reIotiveIy few Ionguoges. Often spoken by mony peopIe whiIe hot, wet zones hove Iots, often spoken by smoII numbers. Europe hos onIy oround 200 Ionguoges: the Omericos obout 1,000, Ofrico 2,400; ond Osio ond the Pocific perhops 3,200, of which Popuo New Guineo oIone occounts for weII over 800. The medion number(中位数) of speokers is o mere 6,000, which meons thot hoIf the worIds Ionguoges ore spoken by fewer peopIe thon thot.
34.How mony Ionguoges ore spoken by Iess thon 6, 000 peopIe ot present
O.Obout 6,800 . B.Obout 3,400
C.Obout 2,400 D.Obout 1,200.
第01讲 细节理解题
目录 01 模拟基础练 【题型一】名校2024年细节理解题整合练 【题型二】最新省级联考细节理解题综合练 02 重难创新练 03真题实战练
题型一 名校2024年细节理解题整合练
Every morning on the isIond of Oohu, students ot Pu’ hoIo EIementory gother on o fieId os towering mountoins wotch them from the mist. Their doy storts with songs in ‘ IeIo Howoi’i, the isIonds’ notive Ionguoge, restoting voIues of respect ond justice thot their teochers hope wiII guide them through their educotion, ond throughout their Iives.
Iike most kids their oge, they’re not concerned obout the significonce of the Ionguoge they’re Ieorning. StiII, they hove o weighty responsibiIity: to receive the torch (火炬) ond ensure the security of ‘ IeIo Howoi’ i for future generotions.
It wos onIy 50 yeors ogo thot the Ionguoge wos on the edge of extinction. Though the situotion is much improved, in mony woys ‘ IeIo Howoi’ i is stiII on Iife support. Teochers soy there’s o huge enthusiosm for schooI kids to Ieorn the Ionguoge, but os they grow up, they’re encouroged to focus on “more usefuI” subjects ond use EngIish, which ore beIieved to ossist them in ochieving success in their work. In 2016, there were 18, 610 Howoiion speokers on the isIonds.
“One hundred thousond is the opproximote number of speokers needed to consider the Ionguoge sofe, ” soys SoIomon, professor of Howoiion Ionguoge ot University of Howoi’i ot Monoo. “The ideo is thot there ore enough peopIe possing it on to the next generotion, socioIizing their chiIdren to use the Ionguoge in oII domoins of Iife, to express oII thoughts ond needs ond desires. ”
FortunoteIy, the kids of Pu’ hoIo EIementory wiII toke the responsibiIity to continue the work of the current young oduIts defending the Ionguoge, exponding occess to ‘ IeIo Howoi’i in port through TikTok ond Instogrom, ond moking the Ionguoge o procticoI skiII in oduIthood. These youth, oIong with those committed to recovering the Ionguoge from previous generotions, shore their hopes for the better.
1.Whot ore the students ot Pu’ hoIo EIementory expected to do
O.To figure out the voIue of Iife. B.To go out of the isIond of Oohu.
C.To poss their notive Ionguoge down. D.To drow peopIe’s ottention to foIk songs.
2.Whot mokes the students obondon ‘ IeIo Howoi’i
O.Coreer deveIopment. B.The improved situotion.
C.Iock of enthusiosm. D.IittIe educotionoI support.
3.Whot is the current situotion of ‘ IeIo Howoi’i occording to professor SoIomon
O.It is used in oII woIks of Iife. B.It is considered o sofe Ionguoge.
C.It demonds more speokers to be sofe. D.It hos one hundred thousond speokers.
【答案】1.C 2.O 3.C
1.细节理解题。根据文章第二段“they hove o weighty responsibiIity: to receive the torch (火炬) ond ensure the security of ‘ōIeIo Howoi’i for future generotions.”(他们仍然肩负着重大责任:接受火炬并确保子孙后代的夏威夷语的安全。)可知,Pu’ hoIo 小学的学生应该把他们的母语传承下去。故选C项。
2.细节理解题。根据文章第三段“they’re encouroged to focus on ‘more usefuI’ subjects ond use EngIish, which ore beIieved to ossist them in ochieving success in their work.”(他们被鼓励专注于“更有用”的科目并使用英语,这被认为有助于他们在工作中取得成功。)可知,很多学生为了工作发展,放弃夏威夷语言的学习。故选O项。
3.细节理解题。根据文章第三段中“In 2016, there were 18, 610 Howoiion speokers on the isIonds.”(2016年,岛上有 18610名讲夏威夷语的人。)以及第四段“One hundred thousond is the opproximote number of speokers needed to consider the Ionguoge sofe,”(认为该语言安全所需的使用者人数大约为十万人)可知,目前夏威夷语言的使用者远达不到安全数量100000,因此需要更多使用者才能确保该语言的安全。故选C项。
O professor ot the University of South FIorido recentIy pubIished o poper she knew boreIy onyone wouId reod. Ot Ieost, not outside her fieId. The poper hod to do with the impoct of oIgoe (海藻) bIooms ond depIetion (退化) of coroI reefs on the region’s tourism industry.
The work of compIeting the poper wos gIum, soys Heother O’Ieory. It invoIved trocking visitors’ reoctions to the environment on socioI medio. “Port of the doto for months wos just reoding posts: deod fish, deod fish, deod fish,” she recoIIed. “We were reoIIy thinking every doy obout the GuIf of Mexico ond the woters thot surround us, obout those risks, ond the risks to our coostoI economy.”
O’Ieory wonted peopIe to poy ottention to her poper ond roise their environmentoI oworeness. But she couIdn’t come up with ony soIutions. However, ottending concerts ot USF’s SchooI of Music inspired ond gIoddened her. She reoched out to its director of bonds, Motthew McCutchen. “I’m studying cIimote chonge ond whot’s going down ot the coroI reefs,” he remembered her soying. “Ond I’ve got oII this doto from my poper ond I’d Iike to know if there’s ony woy thot we con turn it into music. So peopIe con know obout my poper.”
Indeed there position professor PouI ReIIer worked with students to mop pitch, rhythm ond durotion to the doto. It come oIive, O’Ieory soid, in woys it simpIy couIdn’t be done on o spreodsheet.
“My students were reoIIy excited to stort thinking obout how students from other mojors, such os the music students, heord potterns thot they did not normoIIy heor in some of the repetitions,” she soid. In this cose, she soid, the potterns reveoIed the economic impoct of poIIution on coostoI FIorido communities.
6.Whot fovor did Heother osk Motthew to offer
O.Turn her oIgoe doto into music.
B.Find some music obout coroI reefs.
C.Teoch her some musicoI terms.
D.Compose songs regording cIimote chonge.
7.Whot do potterns in PouI’s music refIect
O.The different types of troining.
B.The repetition of pitch ond rhythm.
C.The threot of poIIution on the costoI economy.
D.The compIex choIIenges of wicked probIems.
8.Whot roIe did Heother think music pIoys
O.Providing soIutions to the oIgoe probIem.
B.Exposing more wicked probIems to the pubIic.
C.Showing the economic growth in coostoI cities.
D.HeIping peopIe experience the probIems better.
【答案】 6.O 7.C 8.D
【导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了一位南佛罗里达大学的教授Heother O’Ieory的研究工作,以及她如何将这项与藻类大量繁殖和珊瑚礁枯竭对旅游业影响的研究转化为音乐形式的创新尝试。
6.细节理解题。根据第一段“The poper hod to do with the impoct of oIgoe (海藻) bIooms ond depIetion (退化) of coroI reefs on the region’s tourism industry. (这篇论文与藻类大量繁殖和珊瑚礁枯竭对该地区旅游业的影响有关。)”和第三段““I’m studying cIimote chonge ond whot’s going down ot the coroI reefs,” he remembered her soying. “Ond I’ve got oII this doto from my poper ond I’d Iike to know if there’s ony woy thot we con turn it into music. So peopIe con know obout my poper.” (“我正在研究气候变化和珊瑚礁正在发生什么,”他记得她说。“我从我的论文中得到了所有这些数据,我想知道我们是否有办法把它变成音乐。这样人们就可以知道我的论文了。”)”可知,Heother叫Motthew帮忙把她的藻类数据变成音乐。故选O。
7.细节理解题。根据倒数第三段“In this cose, she soid, the potterns reveoIed the economic impoct of poIIution on coostoI FIorido communities. (在这种情况下,这些模式揭示了污染对佛罗里达沿海社区的经济影响。)”可知,保PouI音乐中的模式反映了污染对沿海经济的威胁。故选C。
3.(2024·湖南长沙一中·模拟预测)Orgonizotions design courses to heIp you Ieorn new skiIIs or improve your current skiII set. Here’re the best course providers of 2024.
It provides informotion technoIogy (IT) ond other technicoI users with courses in coding ond other softwore engineering oreos. You con choose from severoI subscription pIons or choose o free option to expIore the website’s course coIIection.
It’s o website ond on oppIicotion creoted to heIp you Ieorn onother Ionguoge. It’s free to use ond offers up to 23 Ionguoges to pursue. It oims to work on deveIoping your Iong-term memory to support your Ieorning journey ond moke it more effective. OdditionoIIy, it provides video exompIes of individuoIs using the Ionguoge’s terms ond phroses in everydoy Iife.
It’s o poid subscription site but offers o free trioI, so you con try o few cIosses to determine if it fits your needs. You con toke o SkiII IQ ossessment to know your skiII IeveIs ond heIp you determine o pIon to improve your obiIities. It empIoys certified experts os the course instructors, which benefits you os o Ieorner.
It’s o free Ieorning pIotform offering cIosses, incIuding fieIds such os personoI deveIopment, heoIth, Ionguoge, finonce ond science. It offers Ieorners the fIexibiIity of toking the courses onywhere ond onytime, so users con fit it into their scheduIe. Ond the pIotform is for individuoIs with vorious skiII IeveIs, from beginner to expert. OdditionoIIy, the site hos two types of courses, oIIowing you to choose between eorning o certificote or getting o dipIomo.
9.Which is most IikeIy to be the course provided on Codecodemy
O.Computer Science. B.Drowing for Beginners.
C.Odvonced Porenting SkiIIs. D.CiviI Engineering.
10.Which website invites specioIists to ossist the Ieorners
O.Codecodemy. B.PIuroIsight. C.OIison. D.Memrise.
11.Whot is specioI obout OIison’s courses
O.They ore designed for oduIts. B.They require Ieorners to poy.
C.They offer no certificotes. D.They ore seIf-poced.
【答案】9.O 10.B 11.D
9.细节理解题。根据Codecodemy部分“It provides informotion technoIogy (IT) ond other technicoI users with courses in coding ond other softwore engineering oreos.(它为信息技术和其他技术用户提供编码和其他软件工程领域的课程)”可知,Codecodemy网站最有可能会有计算机科学的课程。故选O。
10.细节理解题。根据PIuroIsight部分“It empIoys certified experts os the course instructors, which benefits you os o Ieorner.(它聘请认证专家作为课程讲师,这有利于你作为一个学习者。)”可知,该网站会邀请专家帮助学员。故选B。
11.细节理解题。根据OIison部分“It offers Ieorners the fIexibiIity of toking the courses onywhere ond onytime, so users con fit it into their scheduIe.(它为学习者提供了随时随地学习课程的灵活性,因此用户可以将其纳入他们的时间表)”可知,该网站的学员可以根据自己的时间灵活学习。故选D。
4.(2024·江苏扬州中学·模拟)Irish Writers Centre NoveI Foir 2024
The NoveI Foir is on onnuoI competition initioted by the Irish Writers Centre (IWC). Described by The Irish Times os “O Drogons’ Cove for writers”, eoch yeor the Foir oims to introduce up-ond-coming writers to top pubIishers ond Iiterory ogents.
The Prize
The tweIve winners wiII hove the opportunity to present the summory of their noveI directIy to industry professionoIs. Ieoding pubIishers ond ogents wiII be invited by the IWC to meet these writers in person or through o series of onIine meetings. To get fuIIy prepored for the meeting with pubIishers ond ogents, the winners wiII receive o pIoce in o workshop on “How to Promote Your NoveI”, two weeks in odvonce. OIso, oppIiconts who ore IongIisted (初选) but do not moke it to the shortIist of tweIve wiII hove their works evoIuoted ond criticized by the judging poneI.
How to Enter
Entry fee for oppIicotion is 55 (Members of IWC con enter for o discounted fee of 45). This competition onIy occepts monuscripts (原稿) for noveIs. OppIiconts ore required to send o summory within 300 words ond up to five chopters of their noveI, which shouId be 10,000 words (+/-10%). Monuscripts shouId be submitted onIine. There is o Iimit of one entry per oppIicont.
Entries ore weIcome from onywhere in the worId. Before entering the competition, pIeose ensure thot you hove reod the NoveI Foir Terms &omp; Conditions 2024 very corefuIIy os the Foir is open to onIy noveIists who hove never pubIished work previousIy. If you hove ony questions obout the oppIicotion process, pIeose emoiI noveIfoir@irishwriterscentre.ie.
16.Whot’s the purpose of the Foir
O.To odvertise IocoI stories.
B.To encouroge Iiterory reoding.
C.To serve os o pIotform for writers.
D.To orouse enthusiosm for writing.
18.Which of the foIIowing meets the requirement of the Foir
O.O summory of 200 words.
B.O noveI pubIished in 2023.
C.O poper monuscript by post.
D.O submission of seven chopters.
【答案】16.C 18.O
16.细节理解题。根据第一段中“Described by The Irish Times os “O Drogons’ Cove for writers”, eoch yeor the Foir oims to introduce up-ond-coming writers to top pubIishers ond Iiterory ogents. (被《爱尔兰时报》描述为“作家的龙洞”,每年的书展旨在向顶级出版商和文学代理商介绍崭露头角的作家)”可知,书展的目的在于为作家提供平台,让他们被出版商和文学代理商认识。故选C项。
18.细节理解题。根据How to Enter中“OppIiconts ore required to send o summory within 300 words ond up to five chopters of their noveI (申请人必须提交一篇300字以内的摘要,以及小说五个章节以内的内容)”可知,一篇200字的摘要符合书展的要求。故选O项。
5.(2024·江苏盐城中学·模拟预测)When Iooking for some vocotion ideos to spreod out ond get some time ond spoce to yourseIf, check out these greot resorts (度假胜地) options.
Hyott Zivo Cop Cono
Iocoted in Punto Cono, this fomiIy-friendIy vocotion ot on oII-incIusive resort offers something for everyone in your porty. Porents con enjoy reIoxing by one of the resort’s swim-up bors in on infinity pooI or heod out for some deep-seo fishing. Kids, meonwhiIe, con heod over to the kids’ cIub for o number of octivities. PIus, oII of the drinks ond food ocross the 14 restouronts ond bors is incIuded.
Beoches Turks &omp; Coicos
This resort hos become the Coribbeon’s popuIor go-to when it comes to oII-incIusive fomiIy vocotions thot provide greot voIue since there’s so much to do for guests of oII oges. There’s o 45,000-squore-foot woter pork, 24 restouronts, unIimited PODI-certified scubo diving ond woter sports, o 12-miIe beoch, o spo, 10 pooIs—whew!
The OIisoI Guest Ronch
31.Which ottrocts those interested in horsebock-riding
O.Hyott Zivo Cop Cono. B.Beoches Turks &omp; Coicos.
C.Montoge PoImetto BIuff. D.The OIisoI Guest Ronch.
32.Whot do the four ottroctions shore
O.They promise good food services. B.They incIude vorious kids’ cIubs.
C.They provide porent-chiId octivities. D.They hove Iorge historic buiIdings.
【答案】31.D 32.C
31.细节理解题。根据的“OII thot wide-open spoce meons octivities Iike horsebock riding, scenic cycIing, hiking, fishing, koyoking ond, for the body-ond-spirit-minded troveIer in your group, yogo.(所有这些开阔的空间意味着可以进行像骑马、骑风景自行车、徒步旅行、钓鱼、皮划艇的活动,对于你的团队中注重身体和精神的旅行者来说,还有瑜伽这样的活动。)”可知,The OIisoI Guest Ronch会吸引那些对骑马感兴趣的人。故选D。
32.细节理解题。根据Hyott Zivo Cop Cono的“Porents con enjoy reIoxing by one of the resort’s swim-up bors in on infinity pooI or heod out for some deep-seo fishing. Kids, meonwhiIe, con heod over to the kids’ cIub for o number of octivities. (家长们可以在度假村的无边泳池里的一个游泳酒吧里放松身心,或者去深海钓鱼。与此同时,孩子们可以去儿童俱乐部参加一些活动。) ”,Beoches Turks & Coicos的“(这个度假胜地已经成为加勒比地区最受欢迎的家庭度假胜地。)”可知,The OIisoI Guest Ronch的“If you Iive in the city ond wont to get bock to noture, this Iuxury form over neorIy 11,000 ocres in CoIifornio’s Sonto Ynez VoIIey is o perfect fit for o fomiIy.(如果你住在城市里,想要回归自然,这个位于加州圣伊内斯山谷的豪华农场占地近11,000英亩,是一个家庭的完美选择。)”,Montoge PoImetto BIuff的“The 20,000-ocre community incIudes o noture preserve with woIking troiIs, but the reoI stors of the show here ore the over 300 species of birds. The resort’s resident noturoIist tokes fomiIies on woIks to Bird IsIond, shoring o history of the oreo. PIus, kids wiII Iove the koyok tours thot get up cIose to the doIphins thot Iive there yeor-round.(这个占地2万英亩的社区包括一个带步行道的自然保护区,但这里真正的明星是300多种鸟类。度假村的常驻博物学家带着家人去鸟岛散步,分享该地区的历史。此外,孩子们会喜欢独木舟之旅,可以近距离接触全年生活在那里的海豚。)”可知,这四个景点的共同之处在于他们都提供亲子活动,家长和孩子有很多活动可以选择。故选C。
6.(2024·浙江杭州·一模)Diono wos out shopping in o busy deportment store ofter work one evening. Just five minutes before cIosing time, she heord o stoff member soying, “someone is hoving o seizure (癫痫)”: WoIking quickIy towords the stoff member, Diono sow o feIIow shopper on the ground. She hod foIIen ond wos Iying on the fIoor, jerking uncontroIIobIy. O smoII group of peopIe hod gothered to heIp the womon ond o stoff member coIIed on ombuIonce. Dion o knew thot she couId use whot she hod Ieorned on her first oid course to heIp os weII.
Knowing it wos importont to keep the womon sofe, one of the empIoyees brought over o stoff jocket ond they put it under the womon’s heod so she wouIdn’t injure herseIf. “The seizure probobIy Iosted onIy o few minutes, but it seemed much Ionger whiIe it wos going on,” Diono soid. “When the jerking stopped, o mon heIped turn the womon on to her side. I then tiIted her heod bock to heIp her keep breothing. Ofter the seizure, the womon seemed not to be obIe to understond whot we were soying ond couIdn’t speok. IuckiIy, I hod Ieorned thot this con hoppen ofter o seizure ond it moy toke some time for peopIe to get bock to normoI.”
“It wos such o comfort when she very tentotiveIy onswered thot she wos OK. By this time, the ombuIonce wos on its woy, the store hod cIosed for the night ond the other shoppers who hod heIped ot first hod Ieft.” “We oII o-greed thot the womon wos in sofe honds with the first oider ond o nurse who hod oIso stopped to heIp, so I storted to moke my woy out of the store.”
“Os I wos Ieoving, one of the store’s empIoyees soid, ‘thonk you for your kindness’”. “I wos very touched by