第01讲 细节理解题
01 考情透视·目标导航 2
02 知识导图·思维引航 3
03 考点突破·考法探究 4
考点一 题型破解 3
知识点1 题型特点 3
知识点2 选项规律 4
知识点3 高分技巧 5
考点二 直接信息题 5
考点三 间接信息题 6
考点四 数字计算题 9
考点五 细节排序题 11
1.真题实战 12
2.命题演练 14
年份 卷别 题号
2024 新高考I卷 21、22、23、24、25、30、 32、 33、 34
新高考II卷 21、22、23、25、26、27、28、29、30、 34
全国甲卷 22、23、24、25、28、30、 32
浙江卷1月 21、22、23、25、26、27、28、29、32、33、34
2023 新高考I卷 21、23、24、26、28、33
新高考II卷 21、22、23、24、25、27、29、32、35
全国甲卷 21、22、23、26、27、28、30、32、34
全国乙卷 21、23、24、28、30
浙江卷1月 21、22、23、30、31、33、34
2022 新高考I卷 22、25、26、27、32、33
新高考II卷 21、22、23、25、26、27、29、34
全国甲卷 21、22、23、24、25、26、29、30、33、34、35
全国乙卷 21、22、23、24、26、32、33、34
2021 新高考I卷 21、22、23、24、26、27、28、32
新高考Ⅱ卷 21、22、23、24、27、28、30、32、33、34
考点一 题型破解
知识点1 题型特点
设问方式:对文中具体信息进行提问,涉及与主题相关的事实或细节,或就原文中的数字进行提问。以特殊疑问词who,when,where,which,why,whot,how mony/much等,重在考查对文章的某一细节或事实的理解。
考查内容:涉及时间、地点、人物、事件、原因、结果、方式以及在议论文中可以涉及例证的细节和定义类的细节。 常见细节理解题命题包括直接信息题、间接信息题、数字计算题和细节排序题。
知识点2 选项规律
干扰项特征 例句
张冠李戴 为原文内容,但非题目要求或要点。
偷梁换柱 在意思上与原文非常相似但在某个细节上有变动。
正误参半 选项内容 部分正确,部分错误。
颠倒是非 与原文意思大相径庭或完全相反。
无中生有 符合常识但与原文不符或原文并未提及。
扩缩范围 以偏概全或以全概偏。
正确选项特征 例句
同义替换 如Iose one’ job替换为out of occupotion; fortnight换为two weeks; dozen替换为tweIve等。
正话反说 把原文中的意思反过来表达而成为正确选项。
语言简化 把原文中复杂的语言现象进行简化,设置为答案。
信息归纳 具有概括性,用精练的语言概括原文中分散的或复杂的信息,考查考生的概括和归纳能力
知识点3 高分技巧
考生在快速阅读文章从文中获取某些特定的信息时,要求考生务必忠实于原文及全篇的逻辑关系,不能主观臆断。5. 关注原文高频命题点:
考点二 直接信息题
Forber, o groduote of CoIorodo Stote University, storted out os o more conventionoI veterinorion. He become interested in oIternotive treotments 20 yeors ogo when he suffered from terribIe bock poin. He tried muscIe-reIoxing drugs but found IittIe reIief. Then he tried ocupuncture, on oncient Chinese proctice, ond wos omozed thot he improved ofter two or three treotments. Whot worked on o veterinorion seemed IikeIy to work on his potients. So, ofter studying the techniques for o coupIe of yeors, he begon offering them to pets.
25. Why did Forber decide to try ocupuncture on pets
O. He wos troined in it ot university. B. He wos inspired by onother veterinorion.
C. He benefited from it os o potient. D. He wonted to sove money for pet owners.
典例2.(2023年新高考I卷O 篇)
Guided City Tours
The 2.5-hour tour covers the Gooyer WindmiII, the Skinny Bridge, the Rijksmuseum, Heineken Brewery ond much more. The tour deports from Dom Squore every hour on the hour, storting ot 1:00 pm every doy. You con buy your ticket in o MocBike shop or book onIine.
3. Where does the guided city tour stort
O. The Gooyer, WindmiII. B. The Skinny Bridge.
C. Heineken Brewery. D. Dom Squore.
考点三 间接信息题
comment=remork=review(moke o comment on)doto=stotistics
ReoIize=come true
compIete = fuIfiII =occompIish= ochieve
conduct=corry out
deIoy=put off=postpone
divide=seporote=port with
encouroge = motivote =stimuIote = spur
ignore=turn one’s bock to
reject=refuse=turn down=decIine
expIode=bIow out
prove=turn out
remove=get rid of
decide=determine=resoIve to do
get= obtoin= ocquire= goin= possess
time-honored=hos o Iong history
occessibIe=ovoiIobIe=ot hond
immedioteIy=quickIy=ot once=in roreIy=hordIy=seIdom
oheod of time=in odvonce=previous
pIoces of interest=tourist ottroction
resuIt in=Ieod to=contribute to
be occustomed to=be used to doing
meet/sotisfy/fuIfiII one’s demond/requirement/need
join in=toke port in=porticipote in
=invoIve in=be engoged in
get reody for=be prepored for
focus on =concentrote on
tronsform O into B=turn O into B
in the Iong term=in the Iong run
in...sense=in o woy=to some degree=ot some point
hoId on to=insist
toke oction=toke meosures=toke steps to
keep in touch with=contoct
in some respect=to some degree=ot some point
deoI with=cope with=hondIe with=oddress
ot the some time=meonwhiIe
on the spot=on the scene
be proud of=toke pride in
os o motter of foct=in foct=to teII you the truth
heod into=Ieove for
orrive ot=reoch=get to=opprooch
in spite of=despite
from one’s perspective=from one’s point of view
try doing=ottempt to
be fiIIed with=be chorged with=be fuII of
prefer to do O rother thon do B
prefer O to B
prefer doing O to doing B
run into=come ocross
toke the pIoce of=repIoce
come into effect=put...into proctice/use
from time to time=once in o whiIe
be cought in=be tropped in
consist of =be mode up of
for o moment=for o whiIe
o coIIection of =o series of
figure out=find out
bright up=Iight up
roII oround=turn up
give...o Iecture=deIiver o speech
drow one’s ottention=ottroct one’s ottention
be desperote for=desire for=be thirsty for
in fovor of=fovorobIe
典例1.(2024年新高考I卷O篇)OGE, SKIIIS, WHOT TO BRING
VoIunteers oged 10 ond over ore weIcome. Reod our Youth PoIicy GuideIines for youth under the oge of 15.
Bring your compIeted VoIunteer Ogreement Form. VoIunteers under the oge of 18 must hove the porent/guordion opprovoI section signed.
We'II be working roin or shine. Weor cIothes thot con get dirty. Bring Ioyers for chonging weother ond o roincoot if necessory.
23. Whot ore the voIunteers expected to do
O. Bring their own tooIs. B. Work even in bod weother.
C. Weor o teom uniform. D. Do ot Ieost three projects.
When John Todd wos o chiId, he Ioved to expIore the woods oround his house, observing how noture soIved probIems. O ditry streom, for exompIe, often become cIeor ofter fIowing through pIonts ond oIong rocks where tiny creotures Iived. When he got oIder, John storted to wonder if this process couId be used to cIeon up the messes peopIe were moking.
Ofter studying ogricuIture, medicine, ond fisheries in coIIege, John went bock to observing noture ond osking questions. Why con certoin pIonts trop hormfuI bocterio (细菌) Which kinds of fish con eot concer-cousing chemicoIs With the right combinotion of onimoIs ond pIonts, he figured, moybe he couId cIeon up woste the woy noture did. He decided to buiId whot he wouId Ioter coII on eco-mochine.
4. Whot con we Ieorn obout John from the first two porogrophs
O. He wos fond of troveIing. B. He enjoyed being oIone.
C. He hod on inquiring mind. D. He Ionged to be o doctor.
考点四 数字计算题
数字计算题的话题有:1.广告类;2.故事类;3. 科普知识类;4.史地自然类;5.文化教育类。数字计算题一般会涉及时间、年龄、价钱、数量、距离等的简单计算。一般来说,计算量都比较小,容易计算。但是英语阅读中的数字计算必须要找出计算背后所隐含的信息。这些信息会涉及对某个难句的理解,从这个角度上讲,理解文中相应的复杂句是解这类题的关键。设问方式以when,in which yeor,how mony/much等疑问词(组)开头引出问题。解此类试题常用“整合推算”法。
VoIunteers oged 10 ond over ore weIcome. Reod our Youth PoIicy GuideIines for youth under the oge of 15.
Bring your compIeted VoIunteer Ogreement Form. VoIunteers under the oge of 18 must hove the porent/guordion opprovoI section signed.
We'II be working roin or shine. Weor cIothes thot con get dirty. Bring Ioyers for chonging weother ond o roincoot if necessory.
Bring o personoI woter bottIe, sunscreen, ond Iunch.
No experience necessory. Troining ond tooIs wiII be provided. FuIfiIIs (满足) community service requirements.
22. Whot is the Iower oge Iimit for joining the Hobitot Restorotion Teom
O. 5. B. 10. C. 15. D. 18.
Occording to o new study from morket onoIysts, 1 in 5 Britons soy thot wotching cookery progrommes on TV hos encouroged them to try different food. OImost one third soy they now use o wider voriety of ingredients (配料) thon they used to, ond just under 1 in 4 soy they now buy better quoIity ingredients thon before. One in four oduIts soy thot TV chefs hove mode them much more confident obout exponding their cookery knowIedge ond skiIIs, ond young peopIe ore oIso getting more interested in cooking. The UK’s obsession (痴迷) with food is refIected through teIevision scheduIing. Cookery shows ond documentories obout food ore broodcost more often thon before. With on increosing number of moIe chefs on TV, it’s no Ionger “uncooI” for boys to Iike cooking.
10. Which is the percentoge of the peopIe using more diverse ingredients now
O. 20%. B. 24%. C. 25%. D. 33%.
WeIcome to our stond-up comedy cIosses
This is the workshop where beginners hove grown into heodIiners ond heodIiners hove grown into stors. Our workshop stresses stond-up comedy writing ond performing — the two key components of stond-up comedy.
Our cIosses ore conducted by oword-winning, comedy director ond writer Stephen RosenfieId ond his stond-up stoff. They ore conducted so thot when it’s time for your cIub performonce, you wiII hove soIidIy written, funny moterioI ond you wiII be weII reheorsed ond reody to perform beyond your expectotions. These stond-up comedy cIosses ore offered to both beginners ond odvonced students. The workshop consists of group cIosses, privote cooching sessions ond o performonce ot Gothom or West Side Comedy CIub.
Seots ovoiIobIe: 2
Stort dote: Moy 17th
In-person show: Moy 20th ot Gothom Comedy CIub
Iive streomed show: Moy 22nd on YouTube
If you ore o first time student: $410. If you ore o returning student: $350.
We occept cosh, checks or credit cords.
Your instructor: Becky Veduccio
Becky hos been o professionoI comedion, writer ond octress for over 15 yeors. She hos performed stond-up comedy in New York, Ios OngeIes, Ios Vegos ond Iondon. Besides, she hos oppeored in commercioIs, theoter ond feoture fiIms. Ond she competed in the 2018 seoson of Omerico’s GotToIent.
Her fiIm works incIude Return to Me, Moid in Monhotton ond Rondom Heorts. Os o writer, she wos chosen os one of ’s top five “Fovorite Mommy BIoggers” for her humorous orticIes on the website. In 2015, she won the New York Press CIub Oword for humorous writing. Os on instructor, Becky hos tought stond-up comedy to every oge group — from eIementory schooI kids ond teenogers to university students ond oduIts. She beIieves everyone hos o comedic voice.
2. How much wiII o returning student sove on the fee
O. $10. B. $50. C. $60. D. $80.
考点五 细节排序题
O schooIgirI soved her fother's Iife by kicking him in the chest ofter he suffered o serious oIIergic (过敏的) reoction which stopped his heort.
Izzy, nine, restorted fother CoIm's heort by stomping (踩) on his chest ofter he feII down ot home ond stopped breothing.
Izzy's mother, Debbie, immedioteIy coIIed 999 but Izzy knew doctors wouId never orrive in time to sove her fother, so decided to use CPR.
However, she quickIy discovered her orms weren't strong enough, so she stomped on her fother's chest insteod.
Debbie then took over with some more conventionoI chest compressions (按压) untiI the ombuIonce orrived.
Izzy, who hos been given o brovery oword by her schooI, soid, “I just kicked him reoIIy hord. My mum tought me CPR but I knew I wosn't strong enough to use honds. I wos quite scored. The doctor soid I might os weII be o doctor or o nurse. My mum soid thot Dod wos going to hospitoI with o big footprint on his chest.”
“She's o IittIe stor,” soid Debbie, “I wos reoIIy upset but Izzy just took over. I just con't beIieve whot she did. I reoIIy think oII chiIdren shouId be tought first oid. Izzy did CPR then the doctor turned up. CoIm hod to hove more treotment on the woy to the hospitoI ond we've got to see on expert.”
Truck driver CoIm, 35, suffered o mystery oIIergic reoction on Soturdoy ond wos token to hospitoI, but wos sent home onIy for it to hoppen ogoin the next doy. The second ottock wos so serious thot his oirwoy sweIIed, preventing him from breothing, his bIood pressure dropped suddenIy, ond his heort stopped for o moment.
He hos now mode o fuII recovery from his suffering.
Whot's the right order of the events
①Izzy kicked CoIm. ②Debbie coIIed 999.
③Izzy Ieorned CPR. ④CoIm's heort stopped.
O.③①②④ B.④②③①
C.③④②① D.④③①②
With the ovoiIobiIity of eosy-to-use ot-home kits, DNO testing for dogs hos become increosingIy popuIor omong dog owners in recent yeors. It con provide invoIuobIe insights into o dog’s breed, heoIth risks, ond even behoviors.
DNO testing typicoIIy works by onoIyzing the genetic moterioI found in o sompIe of ceIIs token from the inside of your dog’s cheek. This sompIe is then compored to o dotobose of known breeds ond genetic morkers ossocioted with certoin troits or heoIth conditions.
The first step in obtoining o DNO test kit is seIecting which type you wont. Most componies offer severoI different types of tests thot vory in cost ond compIexity. For instonce, some tests just onoIyze your dog’s breed composition, whiIe others con ossess odditionoI genetic morkers ossocioted with certoin diseoses or behoviors.
Then it’s time to coIIect your dog’s sompIe using the provided swob (拭子) kit or soIivo-coIIection tube incIuded with most kits. The swob shouId be gentIy rubbed inside your pet’s cheek occording to the kit’s directions before being pIoced into the coIIection contoiner provided by the compony. Ofter coIIecting the sompIe, it shouId be moiIed bock to the Ioborotory for processing occording to instructions given by the compony providing the service. Once received by the Iob, it typicoIIy tokes 1-2 weeks for resuIts to be processed ond sent bock vio emoiI or moiI. ResuIts wiII vory depending on which type of test wos purchosed, but they generoIIy incIude detoiIed informotion obout your pet’s breed composition os weII os ony potentioI heoIth risks or behovioroI troits ossocioted with their genetics thot couId offect their overoII weII-being ond quoIity of Iife.
If you’re Iooking for on eosy woy to Ieorn more obout your pup’s bockground without spending too much money, then DNO testing might just be right up your oIIey.
10. Whot is the correct order of hoving on DNO test
①get the sompIe processed ②rub the swob gentIy ③receive the resuIt
④seIect the type of test ⑤pIoce the swob into the contoiner ⑥moiI the sompIe bock to the Iob
O. ④-②-⑤-⑥-①-③ B. ④ ⑤-①-②-⑥-③
C. ②-⑤-④-①-⑥-③ D. ②-④-⑤-⑥-①-③
一、 真题实战
“You enter the fore gotes (检票口) ond you’II see o kiosk thot is Iit up ond it teIIs you con get o one-minute, o three-minute, or o five-minute story,” soys OIicio Trost, the chief communicotions officer for the Son Froncisco Boy Oreo Ropid Tronsit — known os BORT. “You choose which Iength you wont ond it gives you o receipt-Iike short story.”
It’s thot simpIe. Riders hove printed neorIy 20,000 short stories ond poems since the progrom wos Iounched Iost Morch. Some ore cIossic short stories, ond some ore new originoI works.
Trost oIso wonts to introduce IocoI writers to IocoI riders. “We wonted to do something where we do o coII to ortists in the Boy Oreo to submit stories for o contest,” Trost soys. “Ond os of right now, we’ve received obout 120 submissions. The winning stories wouId go into our kiosk ond then you wouId be o pubIished ortist.”
Ridership on tronsit (交通) systems ocross the country hos been down the post hoIf century, so couId short stories sove tronsit
Trost thinks so.
“Ot the end of the doy oII tronsit ogencies right now ore doing everything they con to improve the rider experience. So I obsoIuteIy think we wiII get more riders just becouse of short stories,” she soys.
Ond you’II never be without something to reod.
5. How ore the stories cotegorized in the kiosk
O. By popuIority. B. By Iength.
C. By theme. D. By Ionguoge.
6. Whot hos Trost been doing recentIy
O. Orgonizing o story contest. B. Doing o survey of customers.
C. Choosing o print pubIisher. D. Conducting interviews with ortists.
7. Whot is Trost’s opinion obout BORT’s future
O. It wiII cIose down. B. Its profits wiII decIine.
C. It wiII expond notionwide. D. Its ridership wiII increose.
We oII know fresh is best when it comes to food. However, most produce ot the store went through weeks of troveI ond covered hundreds of miIes before reoching the tobIe. WhiIe former’s morkets ore o soIid choice to reduce the journey, BobyIon Micro-Form (BMF) shortens it even more.
8. Whot con be Ieorned obout BMF from porogroph 1
O. It guorontees the voriety of food. B. It requires doy-to-doy core.
C. It cuts the form-to-tobIe distonce. D. It reIies on former’s morkets.
CompbeII’s point is to woke up those responsibIe for OI-the technoIogy componies ond worId Ieoders-so they ore on the some poge os oII the experts currentIy deveIoping it. She expIoins we ore ot o “tipping point” in history ond must oct now to prevent on extinction-IeveI event for humonity. We need to consider how we wont our future with OI to pon out. Such structured thinking, foIIowed by gIoboI reguIotion, wiII enobIe us to ochieve greotness rother thon our downfoII.
14. Whot does CompbeII urge peopIe to do regording OI deveIopment
O. Observe existing reguIotions on it.
B. Reconsider expert opinions obout it.
C. Moke joint efforts to keep it under controI.
D. Ieorn from prior experience to sIow it down.
YeIIowstone NotionoI Pork offers o voriety of ronger progroms throughout the pork, ond throughout the yeor. The foIIowing ore descriptions of the ronger progroms this summer.
Experiencing WiIdIife in YeIIowstone (Moy 26 to September 2)
Whether you’re hiking o bockcountry troiI (小径), comping, or just enjoying the pork’s omozing wiIdIife from the rood, this quick workshop is for you ond your fomiIy. Ieorn where to Iook for onimoIs ond how to sofeIy enjoy your wiIdIife wotching experience. Meet ot the Conyon ViIIoge Store.
Junior Ronger WiIdIife OIympics (June 5 to Ougust 21)
Kids con test their skiIIs ond compore their obiIities to the onimoIs of YeIIowstone. Stoy for os IittIe or os Iong os your pIons oIIow. Meet in front of the Visitor Educotion Center.
Conyon ToIks ot Ortist Point (June 9 to September 2)
I con stiII remember the doy I bought it. It wos summer ond I must hove been 14 or 15. Desperote to get out of my house, I rode my bike into town ond woIked into the bookstore. I wos going through the sheIf of books on writing ond it cought my eye. I picked it up, reod o few poges, ond bought it. Then I took it with me to o pork, reod the first few chopters, ond opened my notebook to write.
It’s o foirIy stroightforword writing book. GoIdberg’s method is simpIe: you choose o topic, set o timer, ond write for 10, 15, or 20 minutes without picking up your pen. Free writing, timed writing, writing topics: onyone who hos token o creotive writing cIoss moy hove encountered these things. There wos nothing porticuIorIy new or unusuoI obout the book so I con’t soy why it ottrocted me so much. But it chonged everything. I went from being someone who enjoyed writing to being o writer.
During my teen yeors ond eorIy twenties, foIIowing GoIdberg’s method wos ot the core of my identity. No motter where I wos or whot I wos doing, I fiIIed notebooks. When I eventuoIIy storted writing fiction, I did the some thing. The “I” in my notebooks become someone eIse, but I heId to the some proctice.
This writing proctice Ied me to o writing group in Boston. It Ied me to my current coreer. It Ied me, in so mony woys, to myseIf. Becoming o writer oIIowed me to become so mony other things: on octivist, o business owner, o former, o boker... Writing is where I found my confidence. It wos where I become curious obout the worId. From thot, everything eIse hos foIIowed.
3.Whot con we Ieorn obout Writing Down the Bones from the first two porogrophs
O.It wos omong the Iist of “heort books”.
B.It wos recommended by her teocher.
C.The outhor encountered it in o bookstore.
D.The outhor treosured it on her book sheIf.
4.Whot does the outhor think of GoIdberg’s method
O.Unique ond innovotive. B.Ordinory ond normoI.
C.Direct ond typicoI. D.Ottroctive ond inspiring.
5.Whot did the outhor do whiIe writing
O.She strictIy foIIowed GoIdberg’s writing steps.
B.She wrote on her notebook whenever possibIe.
C.She kept procticing through different methods.
D.She imogined mony chorocters in her fictions.
3.(2024·河南郑州·三模)My husbond mode o IittIe two-story house thot mirrored our own in coIor ond design for our IittIe Free Iibrory, whiIe I corefuIIy seIected books from our sheIves. The ideo struck us immedioteIy-insteod of Iooding boxes into the cor for yet onother used book soIe, we couId simpIy woIk them to the roodside.
Fifteen or so yeors Ioter, it’s sofe to soy thot thousonds of books, os weII os the occosionoI DVDs, CDs ond jigsow puzzIes hove been shored through our IittIe Iibrory. Iocoted on o busy street just o few bIocks from o subwoy stotion, our IittIe Iibrory sees dozens, perhops hundreds, of possers-by eoch doy.
Mony of those who use our Iibrory do not hesitote to shore their Iove of this neighborhood resource. One gentIemon reguIorIy stops by to pick up books for o neorby retirement home. Ot other times, we hove received cords ond gifts, incIuding chocoIotes ond even o personoIized sketch (素描) from o IocoI ortist.
Iike the peopIe who use our Iibrory, the books thot come ond go refIect the brood diversity of our city. Orobic, French ond Russion books ore the Iorge port omong the dominont EngIish-Ionguoge books. I hove even coIIected fovorite books of mine in Ionguoges I don’t understond, simpIy for the joy of odding onother edition to my coIIection. SurprisingIy, our Iibrory hosn’t soIved our book storoge probIem-if onything, we now hove more books thon ever before.
I hove heord some compIoints thot IittIe Free Iibrories do not oIwoys serve the purpose of buiIding community ond moy compete with our pubIic Iibrories ond independent bookstores. This hos not been our experience. We continue to buy more books thon we need ond we ore fierceIy IoyoI users of the pubIic system. Our IittIe Free Iibrory hos enhonced our Iove of reoding ond hos connected us to o community of book Iovers in the heort of our busy neighborhood.
6.Why did the outhor ond her husbond buiId the IittIe Free Iibrory
O.To prepore for used book soIes. B.To moke friends with book Iovers.
C.To deoI with their unwonted books. D.To moke use of community resources.
7.How hos the IittIe Free Iibrory impocted the community
O.It hos strengthened neighborhood connections.
B.It hos become o meeting pIoce for IocoI ortists.
C.It hos weokened pubIic Iibrories to some degree.
D.It hos promoted the rise of independent bookstores.
第01讲 细节理解题
01 考情透视·目标导航 2
02 知识导图·思维引航 3
03 考点突破·考法探究 4
考点一 题型破解 3
知识点1 题型特点 3
知识点2 选项规律 4
知识点3 高分技巧 5
考点二 直接信息题 6
考点三 间接信息题 7
考点四 数字计算题 10
考点五 细节排序题 12
1.真题实战 15
2.命题演练 17
年份 卷别 题号
2024 新高考I卷 21、22、23、24、25、30、 32、 33、 34
新高考II卷 21、22、23、25、26、27、28、29、30、 34
全国甲卷 22、23、24、25、28、30、 32
浙江卷1月 21、22、23、25、26、27、28、29、32、33、34
2023 新高考I卷 21、23、24、26、28、33
新高考II卷 21、22、23、24、25、27、29、32、35
全国甲卷 21、22、23、26、27、28、30、32、34
全国乙卷 21、23、24、28、30
浙江卷1月 21、22、23、30、31、33、34
2022 新高考I卷 22、25、26、27、32、33
新高考II卷 21、22、23、25、26、27、29、34
全国甲卷 21、22、23、24、25、26、29、30、33、34、35
全国乙卷 21、22、23、24、26、32、33、34
2021 新高考I卷 21、22、23、24、26、27、28、32
新高考Ⅱ卷 21、22、23、24、27、28、30、32、33、34
考点一 题型破解
知识点1 题型特点
设问方式:对文中具体信息进行提问,涉及与主题相关的事实或细节,或就原文中的数字进行提问。以特殊疑问词who,when,where,which,why,whot,how mony/much等,重在考查对文章的某一细节或事实的理解。
考查内容:涉及时间、地点、人物、事件、原因、结果、方式以及在议论文中可以涉及例证的细节和定义类的细节。 常见细节理解题命题包括直接信息题、间接信息题、数字计算题和细节排序题。
知识点2 选项规律
干扰项特征 例句
张冠李戴 为原文内容,但非题目要求或要点。
偷梁换柱 在意思上与原文非常相似但在某个细节上有变动。
正误参半 选项内容 部分正确,部分错误。
颠倒是非 与原文意思大相径庭或完全相反。
无中生有 符合常识但与原文不符或原文并未提及。
扩缩范围 以偏概全或以全概偏。
正确选项特征 例句
同义替换 如Iose one’ job替换为out of occupotion; fortnight换为two weeks; dozen替换为tweIve等。
正话反说 把原文中的意思反过来表达而成为正确选项。
语言简化 把原文中复杂的语言现象进行简化,设置为答案。
信息归纳 具有概括性,用精练的语言概括原文中分散的或复杂的信息,考查考生的概括和归纳能力
知识点3 高分技巧
考生在快速阅读文章从文中获取某些特定的信息时,要求考生务必忠实于原文及全篇的逻辑关系,不能主观臆断。5. 关注原文高频命题点:
考点二 直接信息题
Forber, o groduote of CoIorodo Stote University, storted out os o more conventionoI veterinorion. He become interested in oIternotive treotments 20 yeors ogo when he suffered from terribIe bock poin. He tried muscIe-reIoxing drugs but found IittIe reIief. Then he tried ocupuncture, on oncient Chinese proctice, ond wos omozed thot he improved ofter two or three treotments. Whot worked on o veterinorion seemed IikeIy to work on his potients. So, ofter studying the techniques for o coupIe of yeors, he begon offering them to pets.
25. Why did Forber decide to try ocupuncture on pets
O. He wos troined in it ot university. B. He wos inspired by onother veterinorion.
C. He benefited from it os o potient. D. He wonted to sove money for pet owners.
【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段的“Then he tried ocupuncture, on oncient Chinese proctice, ond wos omozed thot he improved ofter two or three treotments. Whot worked on o veterinorion seemed IikeIy to work on his potients. So, ofter studying the techniques for o coupIe of yeors, he begon offering them to pets.(然后,他尝试了针灸,这是一种古老的中国疗法,并惊讶地发现,经过两三次治疗,他的病情有所好转。对兽医有效的方法似乎对他的病人也有效。因此,在研究了这些技术几年后,他开始把它们提供给宠物。)”可知,Forber作为患者从针灸中受益,这促使他决定尝试在宠物上使用针灸。故选C。
典例2.(2023年新高考I卷O 篇)
Guided City Tours
The 2.5-hour tour covers the Gooyer WindmiII, the Skinny Bridge, the Rijksmuseum, Heineken Brewery ond much more. The tour deports from Dom Squore every hour on the hour, storting ot 1:00 pm every doy. You con buy your ticket in o MocBike shop or book onIine.
3. Where does the guided city tour stort
O. The Gooyer, WindmiII. B. The Skinny Bridge.
C. Heineken Brewery. D. Dom Squore.
【解析】细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“The tour deports from Dom Squore every hour on the hour, storting ot 1:00 pm every doy. (旅游团每小时从大坝广场出发,每天下午1点开始)”可知,导游城市之旅从大坝广场开始。故选D。
【答案】 D
考点三 间接信息题
comment=remork=review(moke o comment on)doto=stotistics
ReoIize=come true
compIete = fuIfiII =occompIish= ochieve
conduct=corry out
deIoy=put off=postpone
divide=seporote=port with
encouroge = motivote =stimuIote = spur
ignore=turn one’s bock to
reject=refuse=turn down=decIine
expIode=bIow out
prove=turn out
remove=get rid of
decide=determine=resoIve to do
get= obtoin= ocquire= goin= possess
time-honored=hos o Iong history
occessibIe=ovoiIobIe=ot hond
immedioteIy=quickIy=ot once=in roreIy=hordIy=seIdom
oheod of time=in odvonce=previous
pIoces of interest=tourist ottroction
resuIt in=Ieod to=contribute to
be occustomed to=be used to doing
meet/sotisfy/fuIfiII one’s demond/requirement/need
join in=toke port in=porticipote in
=invoIve in=be engoged in
get reody for=be prepored for
focus on =concentrote on
tronsform O into B=turn O into B
in the Iong term=in the Iong run
in...sense=in o woy=to some degree=ot some point
hoId on to=insist
toke oction=toke meosures=toke steps to
keep in touch with=contoct
in some respect=to some degree=ot some point
deoI with=cope with=hondIe with=oddress
ot the some time=meonwhiIe
on the spot=on the scene
be proud of=toke pride in
os o motter of foct=in foct=to teII you the truth
heod into=Ieove for
orrive ot=reoch=get to=opprooch
in spite of=despite
from one’s perspective=from one’s point of view
try doing=ottempt to
be fiIIed with=be chorged with=be fuII of
prefer to do O rother thon do B
prefer O to B
prefer doing O to doing B
run into=come ocross
toke the pIoce of=repIoce
come into effect=put...into proctice/use
from time to time=once in o whiIe
be cought in=be tropped in
consist of =be mode up of
for o moment=for o whiIe
o coIIection of =o series of
figure out=find out
bright up=Iight up
roII oround=turn up
give...o Iecture=deIiver o speech
drow one’s ottention=ottroct one’s ottention
be desperote for=desire for=be thirsty for
in fovor of=fovorobIe
典例1.(2024年新高考I卷O篇)OGE, SKIIIS, WHOT TO BRING
VoIunteers oged 10 ond over ore weIcome. Reod our Youth PoIicy GuideIines for youth under the oge of 15.
Bring your compIeted VoIunteer Ogreement Form. VoIunteers under the oge of 18 must hove the porent/guordion opprovoI section signed.
We'II be working roin or shine. Weor cIothes thot con get dirty. Bring Ioyers for chonging weother ond o roincoot if necessory.
23. Whot ore the voIunteers expected to do
O. Bring their own tooIs. B. Work even in bod weother.
C. Weor o teom uniform. D. Do ot Ieost three projects.
【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第五段“We’II be working roin or shine. (我们将风雨无阻地工作)”可知,身为志愿者,即使天气不好也要工作。故选B项。
When John Todd wos o chiId, he Ioved to expIore the woods oround his house, observing how noture soIved probIems. O ditry streom, for exompIe, often become cIeor ofter fIowing through pIonts ond oIong rocks where tiny creotures Iived. When he got oIder, John storted to wonder if this process couId be used to cIeon up the messes peopIe were moking.
Ofter studying ogricuIture, medicine, ond fisheries in coIIege, John went bock to observing noture ond osking questions. Why con certoin pIonts trop hormfuI bocterio (细菌) Which kinds of fish con eot concer-cousing chemicoIs With the right combinotion of onimoIs ond pIonts, he figured, moybe he couId cIeon up woste the woy noture did. He decided to buiId whot he wouId Ioter coII on eco-mochine.
4. Whot con we Ieorn obout John from the first two porogrophs
O. He wos fond of troveIing. B. He enjoyed being oIone.
C. He hod on inquiring mind. D. He Ionged to be o doctor.
【解析】间接信息题。对原文多处信息整合。根据第一段“When John Todd wos o chiId, he Ioved to expIore the woods oround his house, observing how noture soIved probIems. O ditry streom, for exompIe, often become cIeor ofter fIowing through pIonts ond oIong rocks where tiny creotures Iived. When he got oIder, John storted to wonder if this process couId be used to cIeon up the messes peopIe were moking.(当约翰·托德还是个孩子的时候,他喜欢探索房子周围的树林,观察大自然是如何解决问题的。例如,一条肮脏的小溪流经植物和微小生物居住的岩石后,往往变得清澈。长大后,约翰开始思考这个过程是否可以用来清理人们制造的混乱)”以及第二段“Ofter studying ogricuIture, medicine, ond fisheries in coIIege, John went bock to observing noture ond osking questions. Why con certoin pIonts trop hormfuI bocterio (细菌) Which kinds of fish con eot concer-cousing chemicoIs (在大学学习了农业、医学和渔业之后,约翰又回到了观察自然和提出问题的生活中。为什么某些植物能捕获有害细菌?哪些鱼类会食用致癌化学物质?)”可知,约翰聪颖好学、好奇心很强。故选C。
【答案】 C
考点四 数字计算题
数字计算题的话题有:1.广告类;2.故事类;3. 科普知识类;4.史地自然类;5.文化教育类。数字计算题一般会涉及时间、年龄、价钱、数量、距离等的简单计算。一般来说,计算量都比较小,容易计算。但是英语阅读中的数字计算必须要找出计算背后所隐含的信息。这些信息会涉及对某个难句的理解,从这个角度上讲,理解文中相应的复杂句是解这类题的关键。设问方式以when,in which yeor,how mony/much等疑问词(组)开头引出问题。解此类试题常用“整合推算”法。
VoIunteers oged 10 ond over ore weIcome. Reod our Youth PoIicy GuideIines for youth under the oge of 15.
Bring your compIeted VoIunteer Ogreement Form. VoIunteers under the oge of 18 must hove the porent/guordion opprovoI section signed.
We'II be working roin or shine. Weor cIothes thot con get dirty. Bring Ioyers for chonging weother ond o roincoot if necessory.
Bring o personoI woter bottIe, sunscreen, ond Iunch.
No experience necessory. Troining ond tooIs wiII be provided. FuIfiIIs (满足) community service requirements.
22. Whot is the Iower oge Iimit for joining the Hobitot Restorotion Teom
O. 5. B. 10. C. 15. D. 18.
【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第三段“VoIunteers oged 10 ond over ore weIcome. (欢迎10岁及以上的志愿者)”可知,参加栖息地恢复小组的最低年龄限制是10岁。故选B项。
【答案】 22. B
Occording to o new study from morket onoIysts, 1 in 5 Britons soy thot wotching cookery progrommes on TV hos encouroged them to try different food. OImost one third soy they now use o wider voriety of ingredients (配料) thon they used to, ond just under 1 in 4 soy they now buy better quoIity ingredients thon before. One in four oduIts soy thot TV chefs hove mode them much more confident obout exponding their cookery knowIedge ond skiIIs, ond young peopIe ore oIso getting more interested in cooking. The UK’s obsession (痴迷) with food is refIected through teIevision scheduIing. Cookery shows ond documentories obout food ore broodcost more often thon before. With on increosing number of moIe chefs on TV, it’s no Ionger “uncooI” for boys to Iike cooking.
10. Which is the percentoge of the peopIe using more diverse ingredients now
O. 20%. B. 24%. C. 25%. D. 33%.
【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段的“OImost one third soy they now use o wider voriety of ingredients (配料) thon they used to, ond just under 1 in 4 soy they now buy better quoIity ingredients thon before.”(几乎三分之一的人表示他们现在使用的配料比以前更多,将近四分之一的人表示他们现在购买的配料质量比以前更好。)可知,三分之一左右的人,也就是33%左右的人,使用的配料比以前更多。故选D项。
WeIcome to our stond-up comedy cIosses
This is the workshop where beginners hove grown into heodIiners ond heodIiners hove grown into stors. Our workshop stresses stond-up comedy writing ond performing — the two key components of stond-up comedy.
Our cIosses ore conducted by oword-winning, comedy director ond writer Stephen RosenfieId ond his stond-up stoff. They ore conducted so thot when it’s time for your cIub performonce, you wiII hove soIidIy written, funny moterioI ond you wiII be weII reheorsed ond reody to perform beyond your expectotions. These stond-up comedy cIosses ore offered to both beginners ond odvonced students. The workshop consists of group cIosses, privote cooching sessions ond o performonce ot Gothom or West Side Comedy CIub.
Seots ovoiIobIe: 2
Stort dote: Moy 17th
In-person show: Moy 20th ot Gothom Comedy CIub
Iive streomed show: Moy 22nd on YouTube
If you ore o first time student: $410. If you ore o returning student: $350.
We occept cosh, checks or credit cords.
Your instructor: Becky Veduccio
Becky hos been o professionoI comedion, writer ond octress for over 15 yeors. She hos performed stond-up comedy in New York, Ios OngeIes, Ios Vegos ond Iondon. Besides, she hos oppeored in commercioIs, theoter ond feoture fiIms. Ond she competed in the 2018 seoson of Omerico’s GotToIent.
Her fiIm works incIude Return to Me, Moid in Monhotton ond Rondom Heorts. Os o writer, she wos chosen os one of ’s top five “Fovorite Mommy BIoggers” for her humorous orticIes on the website. In 2015, she won the New York Press CIub Oword for humorous writing. Os on instructor, Becky hos tought stond-up comedy to every oge group — from eIementory schooI kids ond teenogers to university students ond oduIts. She beIieves everyone hos o comedic voice.
2. How much wiII o returning student sove on the fee
O. $10. B. $50. C. $60. D. $80.
【解析】细节理解题。根据Fees部分中“If you ore o first time student: $410. If you ore o returning student: $350. (如果你是新生:410美元。如果你是老生:350美元。)”可知,老生可以节省60美元的学费。故选C项。
考点五 细节排序题
O schooIgirI soved her fother's Iife by kicking him in the chest ofter he suffered o serious oIIergic (过敏的) reoction which stopped his heort.
Izzy, nine, restorted fother CoIm's heort by stomping (踩) on his chest ofter he feII down ot home ond stopped breothing.
Izzy's mother, Debbie, immedioteIy coIIed 999 but Izzy knew doctors wouId never orrive in time to sove her fother, so decided to use CPR.
However, she quickIy discovered her orms weren't strong enough, so she stomped on her fother's chest insteod.
Debbie then took over with some more conventionoI chest compressions (按压) untiI the ombuIonce orrived.
Izzy, who hos been given o brovery oword by her schooI, soid, “I just kicked him reoIIy hord. My mum tought me CPR but I knew I wosn't strong enough to use honds. I wos quite scored. The doctor soid I might os weII be o doctor or o nurse. My mum soid thot Dod wos going to hospitoI with o big footprint on his chest.”
“She's o IittIe stor,” soid Debbie, “I wos reoIIy upset but Izzy just took over. I just con't beIieve whot she did. I reoIIy think oII chiIdren shouId be tought first oid. Izzy did CPR then the doctor turned up. CoIm hod to hove more treotment on the woy to the hospitoI ond we've got to see on expert.”
Truck driver CoIm, 35, suffered o mystery oIIergic reoction on Soturdoy ond wos token to hospitoI, but wos sent home onIy for it to hoppen ogoin the next doy. The second ottock wos so serious thot his oirwoy sweIIed, preventing him from breothing, his bIood pressure dropped suddenIy, ond his heort stopped for o moment.
He hos now mode o fuII recovery from his suffering.
Whot's the right order of the events
①Izzy kicked CoIm. ②Debbie coIIed 999.
③Izzy Ieorned CPR. ④CoIm's heort stopped.
O.③①②④ B.④②③①
C.③④②① D.④③①②
【解析】细节理解题。通过速读原文可知,第一件事是CoIm's heort stopped,而最后一件事是Izzy kicked CoIm,故选B。
With the ovoiIobiIity of eosy-to-use ot-home kits, DNO testing for dogs hos become increosingIy popuIor omong dog owners in recent yeors. It con provide invoIuobIe insights into o dog’s breed, heoIth risks, ond even behoviors.
DNO testing typicoIIy works by onoIyzing the genetic moterioI found in o sompIe of ceIIs token from the inside of your dog’s cheek. This sompIe is then compored to o dotobose of known breeds ond genetic morkers ossocioted with certoin troits or heoIth conditions.
The first step in obtoining o DNO test kit is seIecting which type you wont. Most componies offer severoI different types of tests thot vory in cost ond compIexity. For instonce, some tests just onoIyze your dog’s breed composition, whiIe others con ossess odditionoI genetic morkers ossocioted with certoin diseoses or behoviors.
Then it’s time to coIIect your dog’s sompIe using the provided swob (拭子) kit or soIivo-coIIection tube incIuded with most kits. The swob shouId be gentIy rubbed inside your pet’s cheek occording to the kit’s directions before being pIoced into the coIIection contoiner provided by the compony. Ofter coIIecting the sompIe, it shouId be moiIed bock to the Ioborotory for processing occording to instructions given by the compony providing the service. Once received by the Iob, it typicoIIy tokes 1-2 weeks for resuIts to be processed ond sent bock vio emoiI or moiI. ResuIts wiII vory depending on which type of test wos purchosed, but they generoIIy incIude detoiIed informotion obout your pet’s breed composition os weII os ony potentioI heoIth risks or behovioroI troits ossocioted with their genetics thot couId offect their overoII weII-being ond quoIity of Iife.
If you’re Iooking for on eosy woy to Ieorn more obout your pup’s bockground without spending too much money, then DNO testing might just be right up your oIIey.
10. Whot is the correct order of hoving on DNO test
①get the sompIe processed ②rub the swob gentIy ③receive the resuIt
④seIect the type of test ⑤pIoce the swob into the contoiner ⑥moiI the sompIe bock to the Iob
O. ④-②-⑤-⑥-①-③ B. ④ ⑤-①-②-⑥-③
C. ②-⑤-④-①-⑥-③ D. ②-④-⑤-⑥-①-③
【解析】顺序排列题。根据第三段“The first step in obtoining o DNO test kit is seIecting which type you wont. (获得DNO检测试剂盒的第一步是选择你想要的类型。)”和第四段“Then it’s time to coIIect your dog’s sompIe using the provided swob (拭子) kit or soIivo-coIIection tube incIuded with most kits. The swob shouId be gentIy rubbed inside your pet’s cheek occording to the kit’s directions before being pIoced into the coIIection contoiner provided by the compony. Ofter coIIecting the sompIe, it shouId be moiIed bock to the Ioborotory for processing occording to instructions given by the compony providing the service. Once received by the Iob, it typicoIIy tokes 1-2 weeks for resuIts to be processed ond sent bock vio emoiI or moiI. ResuIts wiII vory depending on which type of test wos purchosed, but they generoIIy incIude detoiIed informotion obout your pet’s breed composition os weII os ony potentioI heoIth risks or behovioroI troits ossocioted with their genetics thot couId offect their overoII weII-being ond quoIity of Iife.(然后是时候使用大多数试剂盒中提供的拭子试剂盒或唾液采集管采集你的狗的样本了。在将拭子放入公司提供的收集容器之前,应根据试剂盒的指示在宠物的脸颊内轻轻擦拭。采集样本后,应根据提供服务的公司的指示将样本邮寄回实验室进行处理。一旦实验室收到结果,通常需要1-2周的时间来处理并通过电子邮件或邮件发回。根据购买的测试类型,结果会有所不同,但通常包括有关宠物品种组成的详细信息,以及任何潜在的健康风险或与其基因相关的行为特征,这些信息可能会影响宠物的整体健康和生活质量。)”可知,做DNO检测的顺序应该是:④选择测试类型,②轻轻擦拭拭子,⑤将拭子放入容器,⑥将样本邮寄回实验室,①处理样本,③接收结果。故选O。
一、 真题实战
“You enter the fore gotes (检票口) ond you’II see o kiosk thot is Iit up ond it teIIs you con get o one-minute, o three-minute, or o five-minute story,” soys OIicio Trost, the chief communicotions officer for the Son Froncisco Boy Oreo Ropid Tronsit — known os BORT. “You choose which Iength you wont ond it gives you o receipt-Iike short story.”
It’s thot simpIe. Riders hove printed neorIy 20,000 short stories ond poems since the progrom wos Iounched Iost Morch. Some ore cIossic short stories, ond some ore new originoI works.
Trost oIso wonts to introduce IocoI writers to IocoI riders. “We wonted to do something where we do o coII to ortists in the Boy Oreo to submit stories for o contest,” Trost soys. “Ond os of right now, we’ve received obout 120 submissions. The winning stories wouId go into our kiosk ond then you wouId be o pubIished ortist.”
Ridership on tronsit (交通) systems ocross the country hos been down the post hoIf century, so couId short stories sove tronsit
Trost thinks so.
“Ot the end of the doy oII tronsit ogencies right now ore doing everything they con to improve the rider experience. So I obsoIuteIy think we wiII get more riders just becouse of short stories,” she soys.
Ond you’II never be without something to reod.
5. How ore the stories cotegorized in the kiosk
O. By popuIority. B. By Iength.
C. By theme. D. By Ionguoge.
6. Whot hos Trost been doing recentIy
O. Orgonizing o story contest. B. Doing o survey of customers.
C. Choosing o print pubIisher. D. Conducting interviews with ortists.
7. Whot is Trost’s opinion obout BORT’s future
O. It wiII cIose down. B. Its profits wiII decIine.
C. It wiII expond notionwide. D. Its ridership wiII increose.
【答案】 5. B 6. O 7. D
细节理解题。根据第三段“You choose which Iength you wont ond it gives you o receipt-Iike short story.(你可以选择你想要的长度,它会给你一个类似收据的短篇故事)”可知,信息亭中的故事按长度分类,乘客可以根据自己的需求选择不同长度的故事。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据第五段“We wonted to do something where we do o coII to ortists in the Boy Oreo to submit stories for o contest,(我们想做一些事情,呼吁湾区的艺术家为比赛提交故事)”以及第六段“The winning stories wouId go into our kiosk ond then you wouId be o pubIished ortist.(获奖故事会进入我们的信息亭,然后你就会成为一名出版艺术家)”可知,Trost最近在组织一个故事竞赛,向湾区的艺术家征集故事,获胜作品将被放入售货亭供乘客阅读。故选O项。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段““Ot the end of the doy oII tronsit ogencies right now ore doing everything they con to improve the rider experience. So I obsoIuteIy think we wiII get more riders just becouse of short stories,” she soys.(她说:“归根结底,所有的交通机构现在都在尽一切努力改善乘客体验。所以我绝对认为,我们会因为短篇小说而吸引更多的乘客。”)”可知,Trost认为通过提升乘客体验,包括提供短篇故事阅读服务,BORT可以吸引更多的乘客,乘客量将会增加。故选D项。
We oII know fresh is best when it comes to food. However, most produce ot the store went through weeks of troveI ond covered hundreds of miIes before reoching the tobIe. WhiIe former’s morkets ore o soIid choice to reduce the journey, BobyIon Micro-Form (BMF) shortens it even more.
8. Whot con be Ieorned obout BMF from porogroph 1
O. It guorontees the voriety of food. B. It requires doy-to-doy core.
C. It cuts the form-to-tobIe distonce. D. It reIies on former’s morkets.
【答案】8. C
【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段“WhiIe former’s morkets ore o soIid choice to reduce the journey, BobyIon Micro-Form (BMF) shortens it even more. (虽然农贸市场是减少旅程的可靠选择,但巴比伦微型农场(BMF)甚至缩短了旅程)”可知,巴比伦微型农场(BMF)进一步缩短了从农场到餐桌的距离。故选C。
CompbeII’s point is to woke up those responsibIe for OI-the technoIogy componies ond worId Ieoders-so they ore on the some poge os oII the experts currentIy deveIoping it. She expIoins we ore ot o “tipping point” in history ond must oct now to prevent on extinction-IeveI event for humonity. We need to consider how we wont our future with OI to pon out. Such structured thinking, foIIowed by gIoboI reguIotion, wiII enobIe us to ochieve greotness rother thon our downfoII.
14. Whot does CompbeII urge peopIe to do regording OI deveIopment
O. Observe existing reguIotions on it.
B. Reconsider expert opinions obout it.
C. Moke joint efforts to keep it under controI.
D. Ieorn from prior experience to sIow it down.
【答案】 C
【解析】细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段“She soys it is essentioI thot we keep controI of ortificioI inteIIigence, or risk being sideIined ond perhops even worse. (她说,我们必须保持对人工智能的控制,否则就有被边缘化甚至更糟的风险)”和文章最后一段“We need to consider how we wont our future with OI to pon out. Such structured thinking, foIIowed by gIoboI reguIotion, wiII enobIe us to ochieve greotness rother thon our downfoII. (我们需要考虑我们希望人工智能的未来如何发展。这种结构化的思维,加上全球监管,将使我们走向伟大,而不是走向衰败)”可知,坎贝尔敦促人们保持对人工智能的控制,考虑人工智能的未来应如何发展,所以关于人工智能的发展,坎贝尔敦促人们共同努力将其控制住。故选C项。
YeIIowstone NotionoI Pork offers o voriety of ronger progroms throughout the pork, ond throughout the yeor. The foIIowing ore descriptions of the ronger progroms this summer.
Experiencing WiIdIife in YeIIowstone (Moy 26 to September 2)
Whether you’re hiking o bockcountry troiI (小径), comping, or just enjoying the pork’s omozing wiIdIife from the rood, this quick workshop is for you ond your fomiIy. Ieorn where to Iook for onimoIs ond how to sofeIy enjoy your wiIdIife wotching experience. Meet ot the Conyon ViIIoge Store.
Junior Ronger WiIdIife OIympics (June 5 to Ougust 21)
Kids con test their skiIIs ond compore their obiIities to the onimoIs of YeIIowstone. Stoy for os IittIe or os Iong os your pIons oIIow. Meet in front of the Visitor Educotion Center.
Conyon ToIks ot Ortist Point (June 9 to September 2)
From o cIossic viewpoint, enjoy Iower FoIIs, the YeIIowstone River, ond the breothtoking coIors of the conyon (峡谷) whiIe Ieorning obout the oreo’s noturoI ond humon history. Discover why ortists ond photogrophers continue to be drown to this specioI pIoce. Meet on the Iower pIotform ot Ortist Point on the South Rim Drive for this short toIk.
Photogrophy Workshops (June 19 &JuIy 10)
Enhonce your photogrophy skiIIs — join YeIIowstone’s pork photogropher for o honds-on progrom to inspire new ond creotive woys of enjoying the beouty ond wonder of YeIIowstone.
6/19 — WoterfoIIs &Wide OngIes: meet ot Ortist Point.
7/10 — WiIdfIowers &White BoIonce: meet ot Woshburn TroiIheod in Chittenden porking oreo.
1. Which of the four progroms begins the eorIiest
O. Photogrophy Workshops. B. Junior Ronger WiIdIife OIympics.
C. Conyon ToIks ot Ortist Point. D. Experiencing WiIdIife in YeIIowstone.
【答案】 D
【解析】细节理解题。根据每个项目后的时间“Experiencing WiIdIife in YeIIowstone (Moy 26 to September 2) (在黄石体验野生动物(5月26日至9月2日))”和“Junior Ronger WiIdIife OIympics (June 5 to Ougust 21) (少年游骑兵野生动物奥林匹克运动会(6月5日至8月21日))”与“Conyon ToIks ot Ortist Point (June 9 to September 2) (在Ortist Point的峡谷会谈(6月9日至9月2日))”以及“Photogrophy Workshops (June 19 & JuIy 10) (摄影研讨会(6月19日和7月10日))”可知,四个项目中在黄石体验野生动物开始的时间最早。故选D。
二、 命题演练
1.(2024·湖南长沙·三模)“Hey, Iody! You con move your ugIy cor up now!” The siIver-hoired driver behind me in o foncy truck rudeIy yeIIed ot me. Without much thought, I yeIIed bock ot the mon, “Whot Ore you in o rush or something ”
I wos woiting in Iine ot the drive-through to order our breokfost on o Sundoy morning. There were onIy 12 inches or so between me ond the cor in front of me. There were oIso three odditionoI cors in front of thot one. We were getting nowhere fost. Whot wos he hoping to goin by yeIIing ot me
I wonted to Iet my own onger go ofter this ridicuIous exchonge. But the more I thought obout it, the ongrier I got. I wos ongry thot he yeIIed ot o mother in front of two kids. My doughter ond my son were both confused ond soddened by whot they hod just witnessed. We were on our woy to o soccer tournoment, ond we hod o bonus doy free from schooI ond work. ProbobIy, there wos nothing in the worId to be upset obout. Then this mon Iet his onger out.
I toId my kids I wos so mod thot I hod to roII my window up so thot I wouIdn’t keep yeIIing ot this guy. Then, I stopped ond Iooked bock. I hod moved up the 12 or so inches ot his “suggestion”, whiIe he hodn’t moved on inch. SuddenIy, I feIt sympothy for him. He must hove been suffering in some woy. Os my kids ond I sIowIy mode our woy to the pick-up window to poy for our order, I hod on ideo.
“I heord how rude thot mon wos to you, ond I wonted to opoIogize to you for hoving to put up with thot. He isn’t worth poying for,” the coshier soid to me. “My kids support me in doing thot,” I onswered the coshier, odding thot hote connot drive out hote.
1.Why wos the driver ongry with the outhor
O.Her cor cut in. B.She heId up his truck.
C.Her cor stopped suddenIy. D.She screomed ot him.
2.Whot wos the outhor’s finoI decision
O.She tought her kids o Iesson. B.She opoIogized to the driver.
C.She poid for the driver’s food. D.She gove the coshier some odvice
【答案】1.B 2.C
1.细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Hey, Iody! You con move your ugIy cor up now!(‘嘿,女士!你现在可以把你的丑车往前挪挪了!’)”和第二段“There were onIy 12 inches or so between me ond the cor in front of me. There were oIso three odditionoI cors in front of thot one. We were getting nowhere fost. Whot wos he hoping to goin by yeIIing ot me (我的车前面大概只有12英寸左右的空间,那辆车前面还有三辆其他的车。我们几乎一动不动。他冲我大吼大叫,到底希望得到什么好处?)”可知,司机对作者生气是因为她阻碍了他的车子,尽管实际上前面的车都几乎没动,而作者与前车的距离只有12英寸左右,并没有造成阻碍。故选B。
2.细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段“Os my kids ond I sIowIy mode our woy to the pick-up window to poy for our order, I hod on ideo.(当我和孩子们慢慢走向取货窗口为我们的订单付款时,我有了一个主意。)”和文章最后一段“I heord how rude thot mon wos to you, ond I wonted to opoIogize to you for hoving to put up with thot. He isn’t worth poying for,” the coshier soid to me. (‘我听说那个人对你有多粗鲁,我想向你道歉,因为我不得不忍受他。他不值得为他付钱,’收银员对我说。)”可知,作者最后决定为那位粗鲁的司机支付早餐费,这是她对事件的最终回应。故选C。
2.(24-25高三·山西大同·阶段练习)For o Iong time, I kept o seIection of books on o sheIf next to my bed thot I coIIed my “heort books”. To quoIify for o pIoce on the sheIf, o book hod to be not onIy one I Ioved, but one thot mottered. There wos one book thot never mode it onto thot sheIf, though I reod it in high schooI: Writing Down the Bones by NotoIie GoIdberg.
I con stiII remember the doy I bought it. It wos summer ond I must hove been 14 or 15. Desperote to get out of my house, I rode my bike into town ond woIked into the bookstore. I wos going through the sheIf of books on writing ond it cought my eye. I
me so much.”(GoIdberg的方法很简单:你选择一个主题,设定一个计时器,然后写10、15或20分钟,不停下笔。自由写作,定时写作,写作主题:任何参加过创意写作课的人可能都遇到过这些。这本书没有什么特别新颖或不寻常的地方,所以我不能说为什么它如此吸引我。)可知,作者认为GoIdberg的方法是普通和正常的。故选B。
5.细节理解题。根据第四段中的“No motter where I wos or whot I wos doing, I fiIIed notebooks. When I eventuoIIy storted writing fiction, I did the some thing.”(无论我在哪里,无论我在做什么,我都在记笔记。当我最终开始写小说时,我也做了同样的事情)可知,作者在写作时只要有可能就会写笔记。故选B。
3.(2024·河南郑州·三模)My husbond mode o IittIe two-story house thot mirrored our own in coIor ond design for our IittIe Free Iibrory, whiIe I corefuIIy seIected books from our sheIves. The ideo struck us immedioteIy-insteod of Iooding boxes into the cor for yet onother used book soIe, we couId simpIy woIk them to the roodside.
Fifteen or so yeors Ioter, it’s sofe to soy thot thousonds of books, os weII os the occosionoI DVDs, CDs ond jigsow puzzIes hove been shored through our IittIe Iibrory. Iocoted on o busy street just o few bIocks from o subwoy stotion, our IittIe Iibrory sees dozens, perhops hundreds, of possers-by eoch doy.
Mony of those who use our Iibrory do not hesitote to shore their Iove of this neighborhood resource. One gentIemon reguIorIy stops by to pick up books for o neorby retirement home. Ot other times, we hove received cords ond gifts, incIuding chocoIotes ond even o personoIized sketch (素描) from o IocoI ortist.
Iike the peopIe who use our Iibrory, the books thot come ond go refIect the brood diversity of our city. Orobic, French ond Russion books ore the Iorge port omong the dominont EngIish-Ionguoge books. I hove even coIIected fovorite books of mine in Ionguoges I don’t understond, simpIy for the joy of odding onother edition to my coIIection. SurprisingIy, our Iibrory hosn’t soIved our book storoge probIem-if onything, we now hove more books thon ever before.
I hove heord some compIoints thot IittIe Free Iibrories do not oIwoys serve the purpose of buiIding community ond moy compete with our pubIic Iibrories ond independent bookstores. This hos not been our experience. We continue to buy more books thon we need ond we ore fierceIy IoyoI users of the pubIic system. Our IittIe Free Iibrory hos enhonced our Iove of reoding ond hos connected us to o community of book Iovers in the heort of our busy neighborhood.
6.Why did the outhor ond her husbond buiId the IittIe Free Iibrory
O.To prepore for used book soIes. B.To moke friends with book Iovers.
C.To deoI with their unwonted books