
Once upon a time in a small village, there was a little boy named Tommy. Tommy loved all 1.______, especially a tiny bird named Chirpy. Chirpy had beautiful feathers(羽毛), and the sweetest song you ever 2.______.
One day, Chirpy was caught by a bush(灌木). 3.______ she waved her wings hard, she couldn’t escape. She could only 4.______for help. Luckily, Tommy heard her cry and came running to help her. He 5.______moved her tiny feet from the bush and held her gently. Chirpy felt safe with Tommy and 6.______back to her tree happily, singing a thankful song.
Their friendship didn’t stop here. From that day on, Chirpy often stayed at Tommy’s window and sang for him. Tommy and Chirpy 7.______up together, playing and laughing. As Tommy became a young man, he often shared his 8.______with Chirpy. He wished to protect animals and their homes all his life. Actually, he was doing it all the time.
The villagers were moved by Tommy’s love for animals. They decided to plant more trees and stop hunting. Finally, their village became a happy 9.______for both humans and animals.
The 10.______story shows us that love and care can build a bridge between humans and animals. We can create a world where everyone can live as good neighbors.
( )1. A. animals B. villages C. neighbors D. plants
( )2. A. wrote B. ordered C. sang D. heard
( )3. A. If B. Because C. Although D. Until
( )4. A. cry B. sit C. stand D. go
( )5. A. highly B. carefully C. strongly D. closely
( )6. A. ran B. jumped C. flew D. walked
( )7. A. grew B. came C. broke D. got
( )8. A. toys B. regrets C. songs D. dreams
( )9. A. house B. home C. zoo D. school
( )10. A. boring B. relaxing C. touching D. disappointing
When winter comes, cranes migrate(迁徙)from northeast Siberia in Russia to Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Province, China. 1.______ However, climate change has influenced the birds’ living conditions.
In some years, the Poyang Lake experiences floods, while in others, it experiences dry weather. Both of these lead to the problem that there isn’t enough food for cranes.
To help deal with the problem, the local government has planted 70 hectares(公顷)of lotus roots(莲藕)in Nanchang. 2.______ The birds’ population has risen from about 3,000 to more than 5,000 over the past 20 years.
Over the years, China has worked hard to protect migratory birds. Recently, 1,140 places in the country have been taken as important breeding(繁殖)grounds, wintering grounds and migratory stops. 3.______ They play a key role in cleaning water, preventing floods, and keeping the balance of the environment.
4.______ The law sets rules to help manage wetlands. And it stops harmful activities, including giving out waste water. Thanks to these efforts, China has reported more birds wintering in the wetlands.
A. Most of them are wetlands.
B. We need more people to count the birds.
C. About 95% of the birds spend winter there.
D. In this way, they provide food during the winter for the cranes.
E. To protect wetlands, the Wetlands Protection Law was introduced on June 1, 2022.
Do you believe picking up rubbish has become a world competition
In November of 2023, the first Rubbish Collection World Cup 1.__________(hold)in Asia. Teams from 2.__________(country)took part in it. According to the rules, each team had 60 minutes 3.__________(collect)rubbish as much as possible. Britain finally won 4.__________(one)prize. “We hope more people around the world will pay attention 5.__________ environmental problems,” said a British team member.
When Ken, the founder(创始人)of the competition, was interviewed, he talked about how he 6.__________(come)up with the idea. Several years ago, he found many sea animals died 7.__________ they ate the rubbish in the sea. So he started to pick up rubbish on 8.__________(he)way to the beach every morning.
“Picking up a piece of rubbish may save a turtle’s(海龟的)life. It’s also a good way to keep the beach clean.” 9.__________ his eyes, changing people’s thoughts about rubbish was more important.
“Picking up rubbish is meaningful and 10.__________(help),” added Ken. “Now, I am glad to hear that lots of people take part in it to protect our environment.”
主题语言 1. Pollution is our great enemy, and we have to fight it. 2. I’m concerned that the dirty air might make young children ill. 3. Without the atmosphere, the earth would be the same as the Moon—cold and lifeless. 4. People must wake up to the fact that pollution is causing damage to the progress we’ve made. 5. To save water is to save lives. 6. Green mountains are gold mountains. 7. People have realized how important the environment is.
描述 环境问题 1. When we burn fuels, we produce CO2 which will make the world warmer. 2. Polluted air from factories spreads over cities and villages. 3. Cars on the roads use so much oil and cause air pollution. 4.The river was dirty. Even the bottom of the river was full of rubbish. There were no more fish for fishermen to catch. 5. We produce too much waste and don’t realize the importance of its bad influence. 6. ...buy drinks in bottles and throw them away when they are empty. 7. ...buy new clothes just because they are modern. 8. ...ask for a plastic bag when shopping.
环保措施 【Green traffic 绿色出行】 1. Use public transport more often.Ride a bike to school. 2. Take the bus or subway instead of driving. 3. Every class collects waste which can be recycled or used again. Then the school sells the waste and uses the money to... 4. A school must include education about the environment as part of the timetable, in order to be a green school. 5. Do not order more food than you can finish. 6. Turn off lights when you do not need them. 7. Before you buy something new, think whether it is really necessary because the old one is just as good. 8. Don’t use things once and throw them away. 9. Never take wooden chopsticks or plastic forks when you buy takeaway food. 10. Use old clothes that people don’t wear anymore to make bags. 11. Use iron from...to make beautiful art pieces. 12. Use things for as long as possible. 13. Do not use paper cups or paper bags. Because china cups and cloth bags can be used many times. 14. Divide your rubbish into plastic, glass, paper and rubber. 15. Develop a recycling policy for the whole community. 16. Students should pass on what they have learnt in school to their parents and neighbours. 17. Buy products such as recycled paper to help save trees. 18. Only buy and use products friendly to the environment.
环保倡议 1. If everyone starts to do something, the world will be saved. 2. We cannot hope for repid change, but let’s take these simple steps today so that we will save the world for our grandsons and granddaughters tomorrow. 3. If we just learn to live in new and different ways, we can make a difference. 4. Our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future. 5. All these small things can add up and become big things that will improve the environment. 6. Let’s take action now! 7. A journey of a thousand li begins with a single step. 8. Nothing is a waste if you have a creative mind. 9. Even ...can be brought back to life with a little creativity. 10. Waste is treasure that is put into the wrong place.
逻辑关系 as a result of A 作为A 的结果 A cause B (to do sth.) A 造成B(做某事) A 导致B:1)A result in B 2)A lead to B 3)A create B 4)B result from A
范例赏析 [2024 大连开发区一模]
假定你是李辉,你的英国朋友Nathan 来信询问你是如何做到“低碳生活”的。请你给他写一封回信介绍你的做法。
参考范文 赏析
Dear Nathan, I am so happy to receive your letter. The whole society in China is paying more attention to leading a low-carbon life.“Reduce, reuse and rethink” is my motto. And here are my daily actions. 首段铺垫并点题,全社会关注低碳生活,我的办法是“减少、重复利用和反思”。
I ride to school every day, because cars on the roads use so much oil and cause air pollution. Riding not only contributes to cutting down CO2, but also helps me build a strong body. At school, we have an agreement in my class, which is never to waste a piece of paper. We write on both sides in order to save paper.We believe that if everyone saves a piece of paper one day, it will be 50 pieces of a class, and then 1,000 pieces of a school. That means we’ll save a forest in a year! Back at home, my parents and I never throw things casually. My mother tells me that nothing is a waste if I have a creative mind. So you can see many DIY art pieces in my home. 中心段:空间顺序贯穿全文;上学途中绿色出行、减少排放,在学校按照公约节省纸张,利用列数字的手法强调积少成多,回家后家人们废物利用,变废为宝。 优点 巧妙排比,引用优美语句,详略得当。
All these small things can add up and become big things that will improve the environment. Join me and we can make a difference! Yours Li Hui 结尾:回顾主题,发出倡议。
3)变式写作[2024 本溪二模改编]
假定你是李辉,最近学校要开展废旧物品手工制作大赛。你校的一名外籍同学James 想参加这次比赛,但是苦于没有好的创意,所以向你寻求帮助。
文体:应用文(回信) 结构:总—分—总
背景铺垫+ 主题句(表达理解+ 提出创意)
选材建议+ 解释 详略得当 逻辑合理
设计建议+ 解释
制作建议+ 解释
扣题+ 祝愿
三、阅读填空:1.was held 2. countries 3.to collect 4.first 5.to6.came 7.after 8.his 9. In 10.helpful
Dear James,
I'm glad to hear from you. I can feel your worry. And I've got an idea to help you out in the competition.
Why not make shopping bags from old clothes On the one hand, it is easy to find old clothes, for example, the dress your mother doesn't like any more or the T shirts that are too small for you. On the other hand, people can use these cloth shopping bags to replace the plastic ones. Then design the shopping bags. Think about who will use them. It's a good idea to add some Chinese elements, because grandparents will like them. You can also draw some cartoon images on them so that they will be popular with your classmates. Nothing is a waste if you have a creative mind. As for making them, you just need to cut clothes with the scissors and sew pieces carefully according to your design.
I'm sure the old clothes can be brought back to life with your creativity. I wait for your good news!
Li Hui
