六年级英语上册期末专项复习(人教PEP版) 专题6 连词成句(含答案)

专题6 连词成句
1.the, Turn, factory, at, left (.)
2.birthday, cake, Here, you, is, for, a (.)
3.green, is, season, the, Spring (.)
4.often, she, father, walk, with, takes, her, a (.)
5.What, cake, of, kind, you, like, would ( )
6.has, very, He, a, life, healthy (.)
7.hospital, We’re, to, the, going, (.)
8.football, weekend, Pedro, plays, often, the, on (.)
9.straight, should, You, go (.)
10.want, film, I, magazine, to, the, new, buy (.)
11.often, in, ice–skates, winter, Wu Binbin (.)
12.go, to, the, way, better, ask, than, astray (.)
13.she, you, every, teach, does, maths, Monday ( )
14.must, We, and, stop, wait, (.)
15.are, What, going, do, to, you, tonight ( )
16.should, every, You, do, day, more, exercises (.)
17.work, where, does, he ( )
18.an, art, lesson, I’m, going, have, to (.)
19.every, must, All, students, sports, do, day (.)
20.I, going, see, am, to, film, a (.)
21.father, is, writer, Your, a (.)
22.hospital, at, go, the, straight (.)
23.does, Tom’s, look, what, like, uncle ( )
24.the, angry, cat, mice, is, the, with (.)
25.does, doing, like, he, word, hiking, puzzles, going, and ( )
26.is, Chinese, so, food, different, British, from, food (.)
27.bookstore right the Turn at (.)
28.now have I to my do homework (.)
29.go, Monday, Why, on, not ( )
30.should go this he morning to zoo the (.)
31.he, in, Sydney, live, Does ( )
32.like, stories, her, Does, sister, reading ( )
33.like, what, he, does ( )
34.does, doing, Mike, kung fu, like ( )
35.them, angry, cat, the, is, with, (.)
36.interesting, what, an, film, (!)
37.hobbies are What Peter’s ( )
38.are When you going ( )
39.Mary,in,Australia,lives, (.)
40.Martin,does,to,school,go,how, ( )
41.and, today, tomorrow, think, speak (.)
42.word, he, like, doing, puzzles, does ( )
43.puzzles, word, he, doing, Does, like ( )
44.are We going play next to football week (.)
45.a, want, teacher, do, to, you, be ( )
46.at, my, works, uncle, university, a (.)
47.comic John, going, buy, his, book, favourite, is, to, (.)
48.angry, father, his, him, is, with, (.)
49.slow, and, down, a, light, stop, yellow, at, (.)
50.pen, come, and, pal, see, new, my, (.)
51.should, do, he, exercise, more (.)
52.likes, My, a, father, trip, taking (.)
53.Is, dinner, he, in, kitchen, eating, the, ( )
54.should, take, a, You, deep, breath (.)
55.are, your, What, hobbies ( )
56.the, afraid, cat, of, the, mice, are (.)
57.food cook brother your Chinese Does ( )
58.going are parents and to take his trip John a (.)
59.get, How, to, we, cinema, can, ( )
60.science at Turn museum the right (.)
61.your aunt does do what ( )
62.are his what hobbies ( )
63.into some put seeds I pot a (.)
64.go, you, how, do, work, to ( )
65.can’t, today, Sarah’s, come, mother (.)
66.this, cartoon, What’s, about ( )
67.do, homework, I, have, now, to, my (.)
68.morning, a, should, doctor, he, see, this (.)
69.uncle, do, does, what, your ( )
70.hobbies, your, What, are ( )
71.bookstore, Turn, at, left, the (.)
72.The, angry, cat, is, them, with (.)
73.aunt, My, a, scientist, is (.)
74.don’t, at, red, go, the, light (!)
75.going, Renmin Park, are, to, we, draw, pictures, some, in (.)
76.to get can the I how park ( )
77.playing, likes, swimming, he, and, football (.)
78.is, cat, a, now, The, chasing, mouse (.)
79.any, have, books, don’t, I (.)
80.be don't sad (.)
81.goes, he, work, to, bike, by (.)
82.museum, is the, where shop ( )
83.art an going to I lesson am have (.)
84.he like does word puzzles playing ( )
85.go work to how he does ( )
86.should a doctor this morning he see (.)
87. likes, playing, he, football ( . )
88.in, he ,live does, Sydney( )
89.work, your, does, where, uncle( )
90.likes, stories, Peter, reading (.)
91.your, do, what , does, mother( )
92.uncle, goes, work, to, by, my, bike(.)
93. go, at, red, Don’t, the, light (.)
buy you What going to are(?)
95.school, brother, to, How, your, go, does ( )
96.you, What, going, are, to, after, school, do ( )
97.home, My, near, the, is, post, office (.)
98.feel, does, Lucy, How ( )
99.left, The, on, post, office, the, is (.)
100.in , talk , don’t, class
101.they, visit, do, the, park, to, want
102.card, my, here’s , library
103.in, stand, line, please
104.want, Beijing, go, to, I, to,
1.Turn left at the factory.
2.Here is a birthday cake for you.
3.Spring is the green season.
4.She often takes a walk with her father.
5.What kind of cake would you like
6.He has a very healthy life.
7.We’re going to the hospital.
8.Pedro often plays football on the weekend.
9.You should go straight.
10.I want to buy the new film magazine.
11.Wu Binbin often ice-skates in winter.
12.Better to ask the way than go astray.
13.Does she teach you maths every Monday
14.We must stop and wait.
15.What are you going to do tonight
16.You should do more exercises every day.
17.Where does he work
18.I’m going to have an art lesson.
19.All students must do sports every day.
20.I am going to see a film.
21.Your father is a writer.
22.Go straight at the hospital.
23.What does Tom's uncle look like
24.The cat is angry with the mice.
25.Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking
26.Chinese food is so different from British food./British food is so different from Chinese food.
27.Turn right at the bookstore.
28.I have to do my homework now.
29.Why not go on Monday
30.He should go to the zoo this morning.
31.Does he live in Sydney
32.Does her sister like reading stories
33.What does he like
34.Does Mike like doing kung fu
35.The cat is angry with them.
36.What an interesting film!
37.What are Peter’s hobbies
38.When are you going
39.Mary lives in Australia.
40.How does Martin go to school
41.Think today and speak tomorrow.
42.Does he like doing word puzzles.
43.Does he like doing word puzzles
44.We are going to play football next week./We’re going to play football next week.
45.Do you want to be a teacher
46.My uncle works at a university.
47.John is going to buy his favourite comic book.
48.His father is angry with him.
49.Slow down and stop at a yellow light.
50.Come and see my new pen pal.
51.He should do more exercise.
52.My father likes taking a trip.
53.Is he eating dinner in the kitchen
54.You should take a deep breath.
55.What are your hobbies
56.The mice are afraid of the cat.
57.Does your brother cook Chinese food
58.John and his parents are going to take a trip.
59.How can we get to the cinema
60.Turn right at the science museum.
61.What does your aunt do
62.What are his hobbies
63.I put some seeds into a pot.
64.How do you go to work
65.Sarah’s mother can’t come today.
66.What’s this cartoon about
67.I have to do my homework today.
68.He should see a doctor this morning.
69.What does your uncle do
70.What are your hobbies
71.Turn left at the bookstore.
72.The cat is angry with them.
73.My aunt is a scientist.
74.Don’t go at the red light.
75.We are going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.
76.How can I get to the park
77.He likes swimming and playing football./He likes playing football and swimming.
78.The cat is chasing a mouse now.
79.I don’t have any books.
80.Don't be sad.
81.He goes to work by bike.
82.Where is the museum shop
83.I am going to have an art lesson.
84.Does he like playing word puzzles
85.How does he go to work
86.He should see a doctor this morning.
87. He likes playing football.
88.Does he live in Sydney
89.Where does your uncle work
90.Peter likes reading stories.
91.What does your mother do
92.My uncle goes to work by bike.
93.Don’t go at the red light.
94.What are you going to buy
95.How does your brother go to school
96.What are you going to do after school
97.My home is near the post office.
98.How does Lucy feel
99.The post office is on the left.
100.Don’t talk in class.
101.Do they want to visit the park
102.Here’s my library card.
103.Please stand in line.
104.I want to go to Beijing.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
