【新情境新趋势】Unit 5 Dinner's ready 综合能力达标情境卷(含答案音频及听力原文)

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) (
时间:60分钟 满分:100分)
姓名:______________ 班级:________________
一、Listen and choose,妈妈正在为小宇准备参加美食活动的食材,听一听,选出与你所听到的内容相符的图片。(5分)
二、Listen and circle,小宇正在和妈妈讨论自己喜欢的美食,听他们的对话,圈出正确的单词,补全句子。(5分)
1. I would like some (eggs / bread).
2. Pass me the (book / spoon).
3. Cut the (watermelon / vegetables).
4. Let's try the (bread / beef).
5. I want to use the (chopsticks / spoon).
三、Listen and choose,小宇正在和同学打电话沟通,美食小吃应该准备什么,听他们的对话选出正确的问句。(10分)
(  ) 1. A. What would you like B. What would you like for dinner
(  ) 2. A. I would like an apple. B. I would like an orange.
(  ) 3. A. Help yourself. B. I can help you.
(  ) 4. A. What's for dinner B. What's for me
(  ) 5. A. Would you like some juice B. Would you like some eggs
四、Listen and reorder,在班上,同学们也纷纷讨论起了自己心仪的美食,听听他们的讨论,将图片排序。(10分)
五、Listen and choose,老师也向大家展示了一些美食图片,听同学们的讨论选出正确的一项。(10分)
(  ) 1. Lily is ________.
A. hungry B. tall C. quiet
(  ) 2. Lily would like ________.
A. some bread B. some milk C. some soup
(  ) 3. In the soup, Lily would like ________.
A. some fish and vegetables B. some beef and vegetables
C. some eggs and vegetables
(  ) 4. Lily's father would like ________.
A. some rice B. some noodles C. some bread
(  ) 5. Lily can use ________.
A. chopsticks B. a spoon C. chopsticks and a spoon
(  ) 1. A. soup B. spoon C. knife
(  ) 2. A. bowl B. fork C. food
(  ) 3. A. chicken B. kitchen C. beef
(  ) 4. A. beef B. bowl C. knife
(  ) 5. A. rice B. fish C. pass
七、辉辉在向同学们讲解自己喜欢的美食制作过程, 根据句子选择正确的图片。(5分)
(  ) 1. Mike: I'd like some beef noodles.
(  ) 2. Chen Jie: I'd like some rice.
(  ) 3. Wu Binbin: I'd like some chicken.
(  ) 4. Sarah: I'd like some milk.
(  ) 5. Zhang Peng: please pass me a spoon.
  A.      B.     C.       D.       E.
(  ) 1. You can use a ________ for soup.
A. chopstick B. spoon C. bread
(  ) 2. Pass ________ the pen, please.
A. me B. he C. your
(  ) 3. —Help yourself. —________.
A. No, thanks B. Yes, please C. Thank you
(  ) 4. I would like a ________, please.
A. juice B. soup C. pear
(  ) 5. I would like some ________ and ________, please.
bread; apple B. milk; eggs C. fish; banana
(  ) 6. —Help________.
—Thank you.
A. you B. your C. yourself
(  ) 7. —________
—Yes,please. And pass me a spoon,please.
A. What would you like
B. Cathy,would you like some rice
C. Can I have some rice,please
(  ) 8. ________you like some food
A. Can B. Would C. Are
(  ) 9. —What would you like for breakfast
—I'd like some________.
A. chicken and vegetables B. rices and milk C. noodle and apples
(  ) 10. —________
—I'd like some chicken.
A. Can you help me
B. What would you like
C. Can I have some chicken
1. like, vegetables, some, Would, you
2. like, What, you, would ,dinner ,for
3. I, have, can, some, bread
4. is, the, where, kitchen
5. like, I'd, fish, some, and, soup .
1. The ________ and noodles are thirteen yuan.
2. I would like some ________. That's eight yuan.
3. I would like some ________ and ________. They are seventeen yuan.
4. The ________ is twenty yuan. The ________ is twenty yuan, too.
5. I want some ________ and some ________. They are nine yuan.
6. The ________ and the ________ are twenty yuan.
十一、美食小吃街活动结束后,辉辉和同学们都在分享自己的心得,听他们的分享,完成下列题目。(每小题2分, 共15分)
Mike:Mom, I'm hungry. What's for dinner
Mom:Wait and see. What would you like
Mike:I'd like some noodles, beef, fish and soup.
Mom:What would you like for dinner, Amy
Amy:I'd like some fish and vegetables, please.
Mom:What would you like, dear
Dad:I'd like some noodles and fish.
Mom:Everything (一切) is ready.
Amy:Thank you, Mom.
A) 判断句子正(T)误(F)。
(  ) 1. Mike would like some noodles, beef and vegetables.
(  ) 2. Amy would like some fish and vegetables.
(  ) 3. Mom is hungry now.
(  ) 4. Dad would like fish, too.
( ) 5. The soup is very good.
B) Mike想吃的食品有那些(   )。
A.   B.   C.   D.
一、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. A
二、1. eggs 2. book 3. vegetables 4. beef 5. spoon
三、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. B
四、④ ① ⑤ ② ③
五、1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B
Would like some vegetables
What would you like for dinner
Can I have some bread
Where is the kitchen
I’d like some fish and soup.
十、1. Soup 2.vegetables 3.beef, juice 4.chicken, fish 5.vegetables, rice 6.beef, fruit
十一、A) 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5.F
一、1. fish 2. vegetables 3. noodles 4. soup 5. fork
二、1. I would like some eggs.
2. Pass me the book.
3. Cut the vegetables.
4. Let's try the beef.
5. I want to use the spoon.
三、1. What would you like for dinner
2. I would like an apple.
3. Help yourself.
4. What's for me
5. Would you like some eggs
四、1. Pass me the bowl, please.
2. I would like some water.
3. Cut the vegetables, please.
4. I'd like some beef noodles.
5. I'd like some bread.
五、W: Hello, dad.
M: Hello, Lily.
W: Dad, I'm hungry.
M: What would you like
W: I would like some soup.
M: What would you like in the soup
W: Some beef and vegetables.
M: OK. I'd like some bread.
W: Can I have a spoon
M: Yes. Here you are.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
