
九年级 英语
(考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
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第一部分 听(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
第一节 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C,三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完年段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来问答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。
1. What are they talking about
A. Knives. B. Chopsticks. C. Forks.
2. What does the girl think of making word cards
A. It’s helpful. B. It’s interesting. C. It’s boring.
3. What did Mary use to be
A. A teacher. B. A clerk. C. A nurse.
4. When will the dragon bout races start
A. At 9:15. B. At 9:30. C. At 9:45.
5. Where is the supermarket
A. It’s beside the bank.
B. It’s next to the bookstore.
C. It’s between the bank and the bookstore.
第二节 听下面几段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. What is the machine used for
A. Making dumplings. B. Cutting watermelons. C. Peeling potatoes.
7. Where is the machine made
A. In Shenzhen. B. In Shantou. C. In Suzhou.
8. What did June use to look like
A. She used to be short.
B. She used to wear glasses.
C. She used to have brown hair.
9. How often does Jane take exercise now
A. Four times a week. B. Five times a week. C. Every day.
10. What’s the relationship of the two speakers
A. Classmates. B. Father and daughter. C. Doctor and patient.
11. What did the girl do on New Year’s Day
A. She washed her clothes.
B. She did some shopping with her parents.
C. She had a special meal together with her family.
12. Who bought new clothes for the girl
A. Her grandmother. B. Her mother. C. Her aunt.
13. What’s the boy’s resolution
A. He will read more books.
B. He will study harder at school.
C. He will help his parents do housework.
14. Where does the woman want to go
A. To the bus station. B. To the subway station. C. To the railway station.
15. What time will they get there
A. At 8:00. B. At 8:30. C. At 9:30.
16. What does the man probably do
A. A taxi driver. B. A guide. C. A policeman.
17. Why did Ruby learn English
A. For fun. B. For her work. C. For her study.
18. When did Ruby go to Tokyo
A. Three years ago. B. Four years ago. C. Five years ago.
19. How did Ruby go to Tokyo
A. By ship. B. By plane. C. By train.
20. Who helped Ruby in the end
A. Her hotel host. B. A young Chinese man. C. An old American woman.
第二部分 读(共三节,满分70分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Origami (折纸), a traditional skill, has a history of over 2,000 years. But it has just come into the public eye according to 74-year-old Li Xingwang. It is the twenty-third year for him to go on this work. With only a piece of 21 , Ii shows his excellent “fingertip ballet (指尖芭蕾)” skills.
His home is like a tiny “zoo”. It is filled with paper-works in different sizes and shapes of 22 such as ducks, horses and dragons. He is most 23 of a Chinese dragon with 1,444 scales (鳞片) on the desk in his reading room. It took him nearly half a year to finish this 24 work. He spent most of his time making the scales 25 it is the hardest process. He plans to show the work next year in an exhibition.
21. A. cake B. bread C. wood D. paper
22. A. buildings B. people C. animals D. plants
23. A. proud B. sure C. shy D. afraid
24. A. necessary B. wonderful C. boring D. strange
25. A. so B. because C. though D. but
Mrs. Smith was a primary school teacher. She told the 26 that she loved them all the same on the very first day of school.
But that was impossible because of a boy—Teddy Stoddard. Mrs. Smith saw the little boy at school last year. She noticed his clothes were always 27 and he needed a bath. He didn’t play with other children.
So, she was 28 when she read Teddy’s first grade teacher’s comment (评价), “Teddy is outgoing and funny. He always makes others laugh.”
His second grade teacher wrote, “Teddy is an excellent student. He is in 29 because his mother is too sick and he has to look after her.”
The next grade teacher wrote, “His mother’s death has been hard on him.”
Teddy’s 30 grade teacher wrote, “Teddy is lonely and doesn’t show much interest in school.”
By now, Mrs. Smith saw Teddy’s problem and felt bad for judging (评判) him. To help Teddy out, she often 31 him to face his problem and better his life! From then on, Teddy’s mind seemed to come alive (活跃起来) and his grades 32 . By the end of the year, Teddy was doing better in school. He also had more friends than before.
Years later, Teddy wrote to Mrs. Smith. “Thank you for 33 me. Thank you for making me feel important. Thank you for showing me that I could 34 .”
Mrs. Smith, with tears (泪水) in her eyes, replied, “Teddy, you have it all wrong. You were the one who taught me that I could change. I didn’t know how to teach 35 I met you.”
26. A. teachers B. students C. parents D. friends
27. A. dirty B. tidy C. clean D. new
28. A. angry B. patient C. surprised D. careful
29. A. happiness B. order C. danger D. trouble
30. A. second B. third C. fourth D. fifth
31. A. encouraged B. forced C. warned D. allowed
32. A. dropped B. improved C. repeated D. failed
33. A. asking B. rushing C. trusting D. inviting
34. A. make a decision B. make a difference C. make a mistake D. make an agreement
35. A. although B. after. C. if D. until
第二节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Welcome to www. Here are tours of four amazing museums. You can not only enjoy your life, but also learn something interesting.
The Underwater Museum Time: July 5-10 Age:8-18 Ticket: 50 You can enjoy fishes in different colors. If you are brave enough, have a try to swim underwater to see the sea life clearly. The Museum of Movies Time: July 16-21 Age: 8-15 Ticket: 20 This is a museum about movies and cameras. To relax yourself, you may watch famous movies from all over the world.
The China Museum Time: August 3-8 Age: 12-18 Ticket: free More than 120 china (瓷器) pieces from ancient China are on show here. You can make your OMTI clay art works in person at a very good price. Suining Science Museum Time: August 23-28 Age: over 6 Ticket: free You may learn something about the space and increase your science knowledge. You can experience wonderful activities, such as VR games, driving games, recycling games and so on.
36. Jenny is a 7-year-old girl. Which museum can she visit
A. The Underwater Museum. B. The Museum of Movies.
C. The China Museum. D. Suining Science Museum.
37. If a boy has an interest in the old cameras, he can go to the museum on ________.
A. July 6 B. August 5 C. July 18 D. August 24
38. Helen wants to visit the Underwater Museum with Sally. How much should they pay
A. 150. B. 100. C. 50. D. 20.
39. What can you do at Suining Science Museum
A. Make clay art pieces. B. Experience VR games.
C. Swim underwater. D. Watch movies.
40. Where may the reading material-come from
A. The Internet. B. A storybook. C. A. science fiction. D. A textbook.
Christmas was coming. We practiced singing for Christmas party in the gym. Then Mr. Breitenbush announced (宣布) & gift exchange (交换) during the Christmas program among all the students in the school. And we’d be Santa’s little helpers. Everybody was excited.
On our way out of the gym, we each pulled out of a piece of paper with a name on it from a box. Ressig’s name was on my paper. When I found out who had my name, I was very sad. It was Betsy McClure! She started school late in the year and knew nothing. Her family lived in a poor house. That made her poorer than the rest of us.
My little heart sank (下沉). I decided I. hated Betsy McClure.
Then the party came. I wanted to hide when we began the gift exchange. One name was called and then another. Kids laughed happily as they received their gifts.
“Betsy, McClure,” Santa called. I saw Betsy stand up slowly.
“Delores Kennedy,” Santa called out. My turn had come. I looked across to see Betsy on her feet, coming towards me. I stood up from my chair. Betsy handed me a small paper bag. “Merry Christmas,” she said in a low voice. She was smiling at me and searching my eyes for a hint (暗示) of acceptance.
“I… I… thank you,” I said and opened the bag. I looked in, then back at her. It was a star made of twigs (细枝), tied with green grass. It must have taken hours to make! I suddenly felt very small.
“But Betsy…” I started to say. The smile on her face stopped me. It happened to me that I’d never seen her smile in all the weeks.
41. What did Mr. Breitenbush announce
A. Helping Santa. B. Joining the Christmas program.
C. Singing for Christmas party. D. Buying gifts for each other.
42. The writer was sad when he knew Betsy had his name because he ________.
A. was afraid Betsy couldn’t come B. mightn’t get a good gift
C. thought Betsy knew everything D. didn’t get to school earlier than her
43. How did the writer feel when the exchange program came
A. Happy. B. Peaceful. C. Angry. D. Shameful.
44. From the passage we can know that Betsy is a ________ girl.
A. shy but brave B. poor but kind
C. funny and crazy D. stupid and poor
45. What’s the best title for the passage
A. A Poor Classmate B. A New Friend
C. A Wonderful Christmas Gift D. An Unsuccessful Exchange Program
Fireworks (烟花) were invented in China in the 7th century. A group of Taoists were trying to create a medicine that would make people live forever. Instead, they invented gunpowder (火药) by accident. From then on, it was always used for fireworks.
Today, fireworks mark celebrations all over the world. From ancient China to the New World, fireworks have developed a lot. The very first fireworks didn’t do much more than pop (爆炸), but modern ones can create lots of shapes, many colons and different sounds. People shoot fireworks into the sky when they are celebrating a great event. They fill the dark sky with bright reds, blues, yellows, greens and whites.
Fireworks give joy and pleasure to millions of people every year, but they have to be treated with great care because they are dangerous. Get too close to them and they could bum you badly or even kill you. That’s why the sale and use of fireworks is restricted (限制) in many countries. If you’re having anything to do with fireworks, be sure to read and follow all the safety rules.
Often, movie or television cartoons show fireworks to mark the excitement of any event or activity. One such event is falling in love. If anything can produce fireworks, it is a sweetheart’s kiss (亲吻) or the touch of a lover’s hand.
Fireworks can also be a useful expression. It means a great show of noisy rage. For example, when one wants to stop a loud argument, he may say, “I want no more of these fireworks in this room.”
Whether you are excited or angry, there are always fireworks.
46. Who created fireworks according to the passage
A. The scientists. B. The doctors. C. The Taoists. D. The traders.
47. What can we know about the very first fireworks according to the passage
A. They can create many shapes.
B. They can make different sounds.
C. They can hardly do anything but pop.
D. They can fill the sky with different colors.
48. Why is the sale and use of fireworks restricted in many countries
A. Because fireworks are useless.
B. Because fireworks are dangerous.
C. Because people don’t follow safety rules.
D. Because millions of people are killed by fireworks every year.
49. What does the underlined word “rage” mean in Chinese
A. 愤怒 B. 恐惧 C. 失望 D. 同情
50. What’s the purpose of the passage
A. To explain how fireworks were invented.
B. To ask people to treat fireworks with great care.
C. To show the joy and pleasure fireworks bring to people.
D. To introduce fireworks and their use in different situations.
第三节 阅读填空(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
Asking for directions is the first thing we do when we arrive in a new place, or even when we are just trying to find a place. 51
Use greetings (问候语) and polite expressions. Starting the conversation with a greeting is necessary. 52 And some words like “may” “can” and “could” will help you express yourself better.
Build your words. You should know the basic (基本的) words when asking for directions. It may be useful to remember some famous places. Then try to use the right words when asking for a direction.
Get to know the transportation system (交通系统). 53 Which kind of public transportation should you choose You might ask like this, “Is it far Do I need to take the bus or the subway there ”
54 Every city in the world has its own symbols. You can save search time if you know what the most important symbols are in the city. Your place might be around the symbols.
Don’t be too shy to ask. Learn to relax if you get lost somewhere. We all do that now and then, especially when visiting a new city. 55
A. Don’t be afraid of using symbols. B. Usually people are happy to offer help. C. But always make sure you can ask others for help! D. If you want to get a nice answer, begin by saying “hello” first. E. Sometimes, it can happen that you ire still far from your place. F. Knowing how to ask for directions can make our life much easier!
第三部分 写(共四节, 满分50分)
第一节 单词填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
56. The boy was b__________ with a serious illness, but his parents didn’t give him up.
57. Yu Hua’s n__________ To Live is loved hy many young people.
58. Mr. Wang is h__________. He always makes us laugh when talking.
59. She s__________ eats junk food because it’s bad for her health.
60. To a__________ spelling mistakes, you should check your exam paper carefully.
61. Miss Green gave us some advice on how to spend time __________ / wa zli/.
62. Please write down your name, telephone number and __________ / dres/ here.
63. It’s very surprising that __________ (蚂蚁) can smell things well.
64. The mobile phone has __________ (影响) people’s life greatly.
65. Someone came into my house through the window and __________ (偷) my computer.
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
The Laba Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. It falls on the eighth day of the 66 (twelve) lunar (农历的) month.
At the Laba Festival, people usually cook Laba congee (粥). It is 67 (make) of different kinds of rice, beans, dried fruit and some other things. There are many stories about how people started eating congee during the festival. Here is the 68 (famous) one. Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, helped a rich man take care of some cows 69 he was young. One day, because of Zhu’s carelessness, a cow 70 (get) hurt. The rich man was very angry. He locked (锁) Zhu in a small room 71 giving him any food. After some time, Zhu felt so hungry that he started to look for food in the room. 72 (lucky), he found some rice, beans, red dates and other things. He cooked 73 (they) and had a good meal. Because that day was the eighth day of the last lunar month, Zhu named what he ate Laba congee.
In the north of China, it’s a 74 (traditional) to make Laba garlic (大蒜) at the Laba Festival. It’s very easy to do it. People put clean garlic into vinegar (醋) that day. A few days later, 75 garlic turns green and they have it during meals. Laba garlic goes very well with dumplings.
第三节 信意归纳(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
There are many ways you can use to improve your learning ability. Here are some of them.
Take notes by hand. Research shows it can help you learn more effectively (有效地). Write down important information in your own words. Write in phrases (短语) instead of complete sentences so you can still pay attention and won’t waste time on every word.
Repeat what you want to remember out loud. It can help information stick (粘贴) in your mind. As you review or study information, use your own speech to add an active element (要素) to a word or phrase. Say something you really want to remember out loud. It can help it become clearer in your long-term memory.
Test yourself as often as you can. It’s a great way to find out what you need to learn. Look through the information you’re trying to learn and ask yourself questions about the material. If you answer correctly, great! If not, find the right answer and try to remember it.
Practice a task in different ways. Changing the way you practice can help you improve. If you’re trying to learn a task or skill, practice is one of the most useful ways to get better. But don’t just practice in the same way over and over. Instead, try practicing in a different way each time, which can help make you learn more quickly.
How to Improve Your Learning Ability
Take notes by hand. *It can help you learn more effectively. *When taking notes, you should write in phrases instead of complete 76 .
Repeat what you want to remember out loud. *It can help you remember something for a long time. *It can help something you really want to remember become 77 in your long-term memory.
78 yourself as often as you can. *You can find out what you need to learn by doing this. *Ask yourself 79 when you look through the information you are learning.
Practice a task in different ways. When you learn a task or skill, practicing in different ways can help you become better and learn more 80 .
第四节 书面表达(满分20分)
成长的道路漫长曲折,沿途也有美丽的风景,每一次改变都是这场旅途中的回忆。回首这几年的初中时光, 你的生活中也一定会有一些变化,请你以“Great Changes in My Growth”为题,根据下面的思维导图写一篇英语短文,谈谈自己成长过程中的转变、收获及打算。
要求:1. 短文须包含思维导图中所有的提示信息,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、地名和校名;
3. 词数100左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数,抄袭试卷原文不得分。
Great Changes in My Growth
Time goes by, and people sure change. I am not the little kid any more. I am quite different from what I used to be. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
