Unit 3 My School 第5课时Section B Project (课后练习)(含答案解析)【课堂无忧】人教2024版七上英语

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学科 英语 年级 七年级上册
课题 Unit 3 My School Section B Project
使用教材 新人教版 出版日期 2024年
姓名 学校 班级 学号
掌握介绍学校地点、活动的词汇和表达。(学习理解) 能够运用本单元所学语言,绘制学校地图,写导游词,并用文段进行学校的介绍。
) 一、、根据中文提示填写恰当的形式。 1.1. My brother stands in the (中间) of the room. 2.Lots of visitors gather at Tienanmen Square to see the (升起) of the national flag. 3.I like dogs (因为) they are so cute. 4.The students do morning exercises on the (操场) every day. 5.— (欢迎) to my birthday party! —Thanks and happy birthday! 二、仿写句子。 1.This is our sports field. 仿句:这是我们的图书馆。 . We raise the flag here every morning. 仿句:我们每天在这里读书。 . The big building behind it is our science building. 仿句:前面的那个小楼是我们的校礼堂。 . This is an interesting place because we do exercises here. 仿句:这是个有趣的地方,因为我们在这里享用美食。 . The next place on our tour is classroom building. 仿句:旅程的下一个地点是艺术楼。 . (
) 阅读理解 A 读短文,判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。 My grandpa’s school was different from mine. It was small and old. There was no playground or garden in his school. There were some small houses in his school. There was no library in his school at that time. He couldn’t play basketball in the gym because there was no gym. There were no computers or internet in the school in his time. So he couldn’t use the computers. But now, we have a big library and two new computer rooms in my school. We can read books and use the internet in the school. We usually play basketball and have PE class in the gym. Our playground is so big and nice. There is a beautiful garden, too. There are many trees and flowers. My school is very big and beautiful! 1.There were some tall buildings in my grandpa’s school. 2.My grandpa’s school was old and small. 3.There is a big playground and a beautiful garden in my school. 4.My grandpa could use the internet in his time. 5.My grandpa’s school was not same from mine. B Jessie is an eleven- year- old student in Star Primary School. It is a big school with many trees and flowers. There are 1,800 students and 220 teachers in it. There are sixty classrooms in the classroom building. And every class has 30 students. Here is a map of her school. Let’s have a look at the map! (1) Sports hall (2) Science building (science labs and computer rooms) (3) Library       (4) Classroom building (5) Teachers’ building (6) Art and music building (7) Sports field (8) Dining halls Jessie likes her school very much. She likes the music classroom best because it is very special. There are some desks in it, but there aren’t any chairs. Where do students sit They sit on yoga balls. They are red, orange, blue and green. Sitting on yoga balls is fun. All the students like them very much. There are many pictures on the wall and there are many flowers in the front of the classroom. They make her classroom very good looking. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 1.There are ________ dining halls in Jessie’s school. A.sixty B.two C.three D.four 2.The computer rooms are in the ________. A.library B.science building C.teachers’ building D.classroom building 3.The ________ is between the teachers’ building and the sports field. A.sports hall B.science building C.school gate D.art and music building 4.Jessie’s music classroom is special because ________. A.there are no flowers B.there aren’t any chairs C.there are many maps D.there are many computers 5.From the passage we know ________. A.Jessie likes the art classroom best B.there are 30 students in the school C.Jessie’s school is big and nice D.students sit on the desks in the music classroom 【拓展思维】 五、书面表达 假如你是张珂,正在写一封信给你的小学同学苏阳关于你新学校的情况。请根据表格中中文提示,用英语写一篇80词左右的信件。 学校育才学校师生数教师300; 学生大概好几千班级情况七(2)班;学生40多人;班主任张女士;最好朋友罗阳(英文名Simon),友好而乐于助人,酷爱运动,充满活力课程语文、数学、英语等;最喜欢生物,可以研究生物和了解自然校园情况几栋现代的教学楼;一个图书馆,里面有各种各样的书;一个阅览室,可以看报看杂志; 大门旁有布告板,能读到很多楷模的故事;活动情况有很多俱乐部,喜欢网球,是其中一员;每学期组织一次实地考察,学会……;一个很大的运动场,是课外活动的好地方;
注意:1.作文包含以上所有要点,不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥。 2.语言通顺,条理清晰,书写规范;开头和结尾不计入词数。 Dear Su Yang, I would like to tell you something about my new school. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yours, Zhang Ke
【详解】句意:我哥哥站在房间的中间。middle“中间”,in the middle of“……的中间”。故填middle。
【详解】句意:我喜欢狗,因为它们很可爱。because表示 “因为”,连词,表示因果关系,符合语境。故填because。
【详解】句意:学生们每天都在操场上做早操。根据“do morning exercises”和已给中文提示,可知是在操场上做早操,on the playground“在操场上”。故填playground。
【详解】句意:——欢迎参加我的生日聚会!——谢谢,生日快乐!welcome“欢迎”,动词,此句为祈使句,以动词原形开头,句首首字母大写。故填 Welcome。
This is our library.
We read books here every day.
The small building in front of it is our school hall.
This is an interesting place because we have delicious food here.
5.The next place on our tour is art building.
【解析】1.这是“this is”,句首首字母大写;我们的图书馆“our library”。故填This is our library.
2.我们“we”,句首首字母大写;读书“read books”,时态为一般现在时,此处用动词原形;在这里“here”;每天“every day”。故填We read books here every day.
3.那个小楼“the small building”,句首首字母大写;前面的“in front of it ”;是“is”;我们的校礼堂“ our school hall”。故填The small building in front of it is our school hall.
4.这是“this is”,句首首字母大写;一个有趣的地方“an interesting place”;因为“because”;我们“we”;在这里享用美食“have delicious food here”。故填This is an interesting place because we have delicious food here.
5.下一个地点“the next place”,句首首字母大写;旅程的“on our tour”;是“is”;艺术楼“art building”。故填The next place on our tour is art building.
【答案】1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T
1.细节理解题。根据“There were some small houses in his school.”可知,爷爷的学校里有一些小房子,而不是高楼,所以该句错误,故选F。
2.细节理解题。根据“My grandpa’s school was different from mine. It was small and old.”可知,爷爷的学校又小又旧,所以该句正确,故选T。
3.细节理解题。根据“There is a beautiful garden, too. Our playground is so big and nice.”可知,学校有一个漂亮的花园和一个大操场,所以该句正确,故选T。
4.细节理解题。根据“There were no computers or internet in the school in his time. So he couldn’t use the computers.”可知,在爷爷那个时候学校没有电脑和网络,所以他不能使用网络,该句错误,故选F。
5.细节理解题。根据“My grandpa’s school was different from mine.”可知,爷爷的学校和我的学校不一样,所以该句正确,故选T
【【答案】11.C 12.B 13.D 14.B 15.C
11.细节理解题。根据“(8) Dinning hall”可知,数字“8”代表餐厅,地图中有三个“8”,所以,杰西的学校有3个餐厅。故选C。
12.细节理解题。根据“(2) Science building (science labs and computer rooms)”可知,计算机室在科学楼中。故选B。
13.细节理解题。根据“(5) Office building”及“(7) Playground”可知,数字“5”代表办公楼,数字“7”代表操场。地图上置于两者之间的是数字“6”,即艺术与美术楼。故选D。
14.细节理解题。根据“There are some desks in it, but there aren’t any chairs.”可知,音乐教室里没有椅子,所以是特别的。故选B。
15.推理判断题。根据“It is a big school with many trees and flowers.”可知,杰西的学校很大,并且有很多树木和花朵,可推知学校很漂亮,“故杰西的学校又大又漂亮。”符合题意。故选C。
Dear Su Yang,
I would like to tell you something about my new school. I am now studying at Yucai School. There are about 300 teachers and thousands of students.
I am in Class 2, Grade 7. There are more than 40 students in my class. Our class teacher is Ms. Zhang. My best friend is Luo Yang. His English name is Simon. He is friendly and helpful. He loves sports and is full of energy. We have many subjects like Chinese, math, and English. My favorite subject is biology because I can study living things and learn about nature.
Our school has several modern teaching buildings, a library with various books, and a reading room where we can read newspapers and magazines. There is a noticeboard near the gate where we can read stories of role models. We have many clubs, and I like tennis. I am a member of the tennis club. Every term, we go on a field trip to learn new things. We also have a large sports field, which is a great place for after-school activities.
Zhang Ke
①be full of 充满
②various 各种各样的
③role model 楷模
①My favorite subject is biology because I can study living things and learn about nature. (原因状语从句)
②There is a noticeboard near the gate where we can read stories of role models. (定语从句)
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
