
1.What does Jack’s sister do now
A. A bank clerk. B. A reporter. C. A teacher.
2. What’s the weather like now
A. Cloudy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny.
3. What do you know about Li Ming
A. He likes all the ball games.  B. His favorite sport is basketball. C. He exercises a lot.
4. When will the train arrive
A. At 4: 00 pm. B. At 3: 30 pm. C. At 3: 00 pm.
5. Why didn’t the woman answer the phone
A. She wasn’t in. B. She didn’t want to answer it. C. She was washing her hair.
6. What does Susan think of shopping
A.Boring B.Relaxing C.Interesting.
7. What will the two speakers do tonight
A.Play baseball B.Go swimming C.Watch TV.
8.Where did Lucy go
A.The Red Army. B.Hangzhou. C.Songshan Mountain.
9. How did the man go to Hangzhou
A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By bike.
10.What did Lucy see in Songshan Mountain
A.a fox. B. a cat . C. a tiger.
第三节:听独白,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题。独白读两遍。(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
11. When was Zhuge Liang born
A. the second century B. the twelfth century C. the third century
12. Which kingdom did Zhuge Liang join
A. Wei Kingdom. B. Shu Kingdom. C. Wu Kingdom.
13. How did Zhuge Liang help Liu Bei's kingdom
A. He helped his kingdom gain independence.
B. He helped his kingdom become the most powerful at that time.
C. He helped his kingdom win many battles.
14. What was one of Zhuge Liang's most famous achievements
A. The construction of the Great Wall.
B. The invention of papermaking.
C. The idea of the Longzhong Plan.
15. How is Zhuge Liang remembered in Chinese history
A. As a master of literature and poetry. B. As a skilled artist. C. As a symbol of wisdom.
第一节 阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分,共计30分)
16. What does the circled word“change” mean in this receipt
A. 找零 B. 变化 C. 小费 D. 优惠
17. What's the last date that you can return the items and get your money back
A. 16 March. B. 23 March. C. 30 March. D. 1 April.
18. You can get such a receipt from ________.
A. a clothes store. B. a restaurant C. a book store D. a gift shop.
The Paris Olympics are full of exciting things to see! You can click the button to get more information. Here are some of the fun things.
The mascots of the Paris 2024 Olympics are red hats that come from a famous French painting made in 1830. In the painting, a young lady wears a red hat, called the "Phrygian cap(弗里吉亚帽)," which stands for freedom. French people love this hat, and it shows up on their coins and stamps. Why are they mascots this time The designers say they stand for France and the power of sports! A new event called breaking will show up at the Games for the first time! This street dance stared in New York in the 1970s and is part of hip-hop culture, with cool moves like spins and flips. The competition in Paris will have 16 males and 16 females, all born by Dec 31, 2008. They will compete in one-on-one battles to music chosen by a DJ. They will try to win each round and get the gold medal in the final. The Stade de France is one of the most famous sports ground in France. It hosted the 1998 FIFA World Cup. During the game, the French national soccer team won 3-0 against Brazil, lifting the World Cup trophy(奖杯)for the first time. For the Paris Olympics, the athletics track will be purple for the first time in Olympic history. This special track can help athletes perform better and even break records. When the Games start, a lavender(薰衣草)color will fill the sports ground, bringing a special French style.
The medals are round in shape with a hexagon(六角形)at the center. The hexagon in every medal is a piece of iron from the Eiffel Tower. The leftover metal of the tower was stored secretly for years. The emblem(会徽)and the Olympic five rings are on it. Fine lines project(投射)outward around it, making each medal look like a shining sun.
19. What does the design of the mascot come from
A. A young lady with a red hat B. A French painting made in 1830
C. The pictures on the coins and stamps. D. The power of sports
20. What is special about the athletics track in the Stade de France for the Paris Olympics
A. It is purple, a color never used before in Olympic history.
B. It is made of lavender, bringing a special French style.
C. It is the longest track in Olympic history.
D. It can help every athlete break records. .
21. What can we know about the medals from the passage
A. The Paris 2024 Olympic medals are shaped like a hexagon.
B. A piece of iron from the Eiffel Tower is used in each medal's center.
C. The Olympic five rings are not part of the medal.
D. Fine lines project at the center of the medals.
22.The passage mainly tells us some _____ of the Paris Olympics.
A. new events B. historic firsts C. exciting moments D. fun things
Antonio Rossi was a very talented glassblower in Venice. One day, his daughter Clara walked into his workshop and saw two beautiful glass vases(花瓶).
“I have made them for Mr. Lombardi, the great writer in Venice,” Antonio said proudly. “Now I must go and get Mr. Lombardi.”
After he leaving the workshop, Clara found a note beside the vases. Clara read it and smiled. As she turned, she bumped the vases. They fell to the ground and broke into many pieces. Only the round bases (底座) were not broken.
Clara picked up one of the round bases. “What will I tell Father ” She held the piece with tears falling down her face. It was then that she saw Mr. Lombardi's note as she looked through the glass. The letters were … BIG! She picked up the other base and looked through it. It worked, too! The words looked bigger.
Clara thought quickly. She found a wire and carefully wrapped it around the two glass pieces. Just as she finished, Mr.Lombardi and her father walked in.
“I’m so sorry, Father,” Clara said.
“What do you have there ” Mr. Lombardi asked.
“I made it from the broken pieces,” said Clara. “Look through them.” She held up the note for him to see.
Mr. Lombardi's eyes opened wide. “The words! They're big!” He looked at Clara's father. “My wife can't read my books because of her eyes. This will be my gift to her! It will be the greatest gift ever! Your daughter made something very useful.”
Clara did make something very useful. She had invented eyeglasses.
23. The two glass vases were made as a gift for _________.
A. Antonio Rossi B. Clara C. Mr. Lombardi D. Ms. Lombardi
24. What does the underlined word “bump” mean
A. throw away B. knock over C. pick up D. put down
25. In which order did Clara do the following things
① Clara cried when she broke the two beautiful glass vases.
② Clara made the eyeglasses by wrapping a wire around the two round bases.
③ Clara noticed the words looked bigger when looking through the base.
④ Clara found a note beside the vases and read it.
A. ①③④② B. ④①③② C. ③①②④ D. ④①②③
26. What can we infer from the passage
A. Antonio was angry with his daughter for breaking the vases.
B. Mr. Lombardi was not satisfied with the eyeglasses.
C. Clara was a careless girl who often made mistakes.
D. Ms. Lombardi would be happy to use the eyeglasses to read.
The other day, I was waiting for a train—angrily. The train was late, which meant I would be late to meet a friend at the theater. Like many people, I hate being late. However, I often find myself running late. What’s the problem Michaela Thomas, a psychology (心理学) expert, says I’m a “time optimist”. “Time optimists” often wrongly predict how long something will take. As a result, they are often late for meetings or rush things at the last minute.
“Time optimists” usually get into trouble. Their lateness makes people around them angry, and they go through a lot of stress themselves. How can they fix their ways
Grace Pacie has written a book about “time optimists”. In the book, she says, “Time optimists usually plan to be on time, not ahead of time.” So she suggests they should create a pre-event deadline (截止时间). For example, if your dancing class starts at 8 p. m., tell yourself to arrive at 7:30 p. m.. She says, “It’s important to leave time for things to go wrong. Not all the lights are going to be green.”
But Fuschia Sirois, a psychologist, says that the problem of “time optimists” is not only about their time management, but also about their poor feeling management. Sometimes, people have too much going on with their work and family, and they often go for the easy fix—to procrastinate (拖延). Sirois suggests having a better understanding of your future self. For example, you are up against a deadline, but you are feeling tired and want to put off the task. Ask yourself, “Will I magically be energetic on the second day If I can’t really do it all tomorrow, why not start doing it today ” In fact, that future you will probably feel even more stressed about the task when it’s late.
How does the writer lead into the topic
By listing numbers B.By telling his own experience
C.By using famous sayings D.By asking questions
28. According to the passage, typical “time optimists” ______.
A.always exactly tell how long something will take
B.often miss a train because of unexpected things
C.usually arrive a bit early to meet their friends
D.seldom wait for the last minute to get things done
29. Which are the ways to solve the problem of lateness
a. setting a pre-event deadline b. putting off the tasks
c. knowing better about your future self d. planning to be on time
A.ac B.bc C.ad D.bd
30.Which of the following best shows the structure of the text
In summer, mosquitoes (蚊子) come out and give us bites. They may carry diseases and make us sick. Here is a safe and simple way to catch mosquitoes.
A. B. C. D.
31 Cut off the top of an empty plastic bottle right below the neck.
32 Put sugar and yeast(酵母) in warm water in the bottom (底部) of the bottle. For a 2-liter bottle, mix 1 cup of warm water, 4 spoons of sugar, and 1/3 spoon of yeast.
33 Put the top of the bottle downward to make a funnel (漏斗) shape. Use tape or glue to keep the funnel in place.
34 Cover the bottle with a black cloth. This keeps the bottle dark both inside and out.
Put new yeast and sugar in the bottle every few days. The sugar and yeast mix makes carbon dioxide(二氧化碳), which mosquitoes like. The funnel shape helps mosquitoes get in but makes it hard for them to get out.
Do you like this way to catch mosquitoes Why ( (Less than 20 words)
第一节 完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)
At just age 16, Zhen Xin, from Beijing, finished the "Five Great Mountains Challenge" in only five days. She became the 36 person to do it.
The Five Great Mountains Challenge is about 37 China's five greatest mountains—Taishan Mountain in Shandong, Huashan Mountain in Shanxi, Songshan Mountain in Henan, Hengshan Mountain in Shanxi and Hengshan Mountain in Hunan-in 100 days.
Because of the hot August weather, Zhen did 38 of her hiking at night. "When you can't see what's coming next, many of your 39 and worries go away. You're less 40 to back down." Zhen explained.
Zhen said the 41 to hiking is one's mentality(心态). Whenever she came across a vendor booth (摊贩) along the hiking road, she would remind herself to 42 until the next one. And whenever she felt she was about to give up, she would reward herself with a drink or some 43 . Then she would have more 44 to continue her hike.
Of all the mountains she climbed, Huashan Mountain was 45 as her favorite because of its steeper trails (更陡峭的小径), "They're more 46 than those of the other four mountains." she said. But instead of making her afraid, the challenge 47 her ability.
However, Zhen said the most difficult hike was climbing Taishan Mountain. It was the largest tourist 48 she had ever seen. "So many tourists were there. And we could only 49 up one step every five minutes or so," she said.
Zhen decided to climb the five great mountains when she finished middle school and now she has achieved her dream. "I wanted something that would allow me to 50 see my growth and changes over time. As I grow older, I want something to share with others," she said.
36.A. cleverest B. youngest C. bravest D. oldest
37.A.watching B.searching C.climbing D. describing
38.A. none B. little C.a little D. most
39.A. joys B.surprises C.excitements D. fears
40.A.possible B.necessary C.important D. useful
41.Α.way B.step C. key D. spirit
42.Α.put on B.depend on C. try on D. keep on
43.A.photos B.snacks C.books D.flowers
44.A.warmth B. speed C. power D.hope
45.A.known B.used C. discovered D.regarded
46.A.fascinating B. peaceful C. dangerous D.creative
47. A changed B. improved C. reduced D. protected
48.A. rush B. business C. problem D. line
49.A. break B.move C. set D. end
50.A.suddenly B. silently C. quickly D. truly
第二节 词汇运用(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)
A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每个词或词块仅用一次。
make a decision
In an old village, an elderly man discovered a precious book . He wondered51 he should share its contents with his fellow villagers. However, before he could52, one night a young boy 53 the book. With the help of the villagers, the book was eventually found. The old man, realizing the value of community and 54 , decided to donate the book to the village. 55 doing so, he ensured that the wisdom within its pages would be spread among all.
B. 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。
In today's modern world, although technology has made great progress and made our life more 56 (方便的), it’s important to preserve (保留)our culture. It allows us to 57 (欣赏) the wisdom of ancient people. It also helps us understand the past societies and ways of life. We should 58 (明智地)accept and respect its richness. Every culture holds a 59 (秘密) or stories, waiting to be discovered by those who pay 60 (注意,关注)to it. We also 61 (告诫) younger generations about the risk of losing these cultural ties. As 62 (发言者) of our culture, it's our responsibility(责任) to 63 (连接)the old with the new. This balance not only helps to preserve our 64(传统)but also shape an 65 (积极的)life.
第三节 语法填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共计10分)
The Paris 2024 Olympics closed in France on Aug 11. Team China 66 (win)40 gold, 27 silver and 24 bronze medals. This is our 67 (good) performance at the Olympics away from home soil. The 20-year-old Chinese 68 (swim)Pan Zhanle broke his own world record in the100-meter freestyle . Zheng Qinwen, 21, got China’s 69 (one) Olympic tennis singles gold medal (单打金牌). Athletes also left many heartwarming 70 (moment) in Paris. After winning a silver in women's singles badminton, Chinese athlete He Bingjiao, 27, took out71 Team Spain Olympic pin (徽章) 72 (show )respect for her opponent (对手) Carolina Marin. She 73 (sad) quit the competition because 74 an injury .Luxembourg’s 61-year-old “table tennis grandma” Ni Xialian smiled 75 Chinese player Sun Yingsha hit a good shot. Athletes from around the world showed their skills and the beauty of sports at the Paris Olympics. They overcame challenges and fought for their dreams.
假设你是Li Ming,以下是你的美国朋友Jack发给你的一封电子邮件,请你根据该邮件内容给他回一封邮件。
FROM: Jack
TO: Li Ming
SUBJECT: How to learn Chinese and understand Chinese culture
Hi Li Ming, How are you I am going to Beijing next week. I would like to better learn Chinese and understand Chinese culture. Could you give me some suggestions I need your help .Wish you all the best. Yours, Jack
Hi Jack,
I am glad to hear you will come to Beijing and would like to better learn Chinese and Chinese culture,____________________________________________________________
Li Ming
1-5. BACBC 6-10.ACCBB 11-15. ABCCC
第一节 阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分,共计30分)
16-20. ACDBA 21-25. BDCBB 26-30. DBBAB
第二节 任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题2分,共计10分)
31-34. DBAC 35.Yes. Because it’s easy to make and very useful.(言之有理即可)
第一节 完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)
36-40. BCDDA 41-45. CDBCD 46-50. CBABD
第二节 词汇运用(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)
51. whether 52. make a decision 53. stole 54. knowledge 55. By
56. convenient 57. admire 58. wisely 59.secret 60. attention
61.warn 62.speakers 63connect 64. tradition 65.active
第三节 语法填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共计10分)
66. won 67. best 68. swimmer 69. first 70. moments
71. a 72. to show 73. sadly 74. of 75. when
Possible version:
Hi Jack,
I am glad to hear you will come to Beijing and would like to better learn Chinese and Chinese culture. Here are my suggestions.
In order to improve Chinese, you had better practice speaking with local people as often as possible. Besides, it's also a good idea to watch Chinese films to learn vocabulary. The more you enrich, the better you will speak. If you want to have a better understanding of Chinese culture, why not hang out in your free time Visiting some places of interest like Palace Museum is the best way to explore traditional culture. Moreover, don't forget to taste Chinese traditional food to know more cultures. I hope you'll get used to the life in China.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.(106 words)
Li Ming
第一节 听下面5段小对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. W: Your sister is very good, Jack. Where does she work
M: She taught English in Beijing two years ago; now she works for the CCTV, but she wants to work in a bank.
2. M: Where are you going, Lucy
W: I’m going to the library.
M: Look at the clouds. It may rain later. Take this umbrella.
W: Thanks, Mr. Brown.
3. W: Hi, Li Ming! You are so energetic. Do you often do sports
M: Yes. I play soccer every day .
4 .M: Excuse me, could you tell me what time the train from Beijing arrives
W: It arrives at 3: 00 pm. But it will be late for half an hour because of the heavy rain.
5. M: Where were you last night I called you twice, but you didn’t answer.
W: Oh, I’m very sorry, I was at home. But when the phone rang, I was washing my hair.
第二节 听下面两段较长对话。每段对话后有两到三个小题,从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有10到15秒钟的作答时间。对话读两遍。
.M: Hey,Susan. Are you doing anything tonight Let's go shopping.
W:Sorry, Jerry. I think it's boring.
M: Then, what about playing baseball or going swimming in the gym
W: Well, they are difficult for me. Why not watch The Readers at home It's relaxing!
M:Sounds interesting!
M: Where did you do this weekend, Lucy
W: I went to Songshan Mountain. I called you but you told me you went to Hangzhou with your cousins.
M: Oh, yes. You walked to Songshan Mountain
W:Yes, I went there on foot with my parents. How did you go to Hangzhou
M: By bus. In fact, We had a great time there. Especially the weather on Saturday was fine.
W: Yeah. It’s a beautiful day outside. Perfect for a walk. Victor, I saw a cat in Songshan Mountain.
第三节 听下面一段独白。独白后有5个小题,请从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听独白前,你将有25秒钟的时间阅读每个小题。
Zhuge Liang, also known as Kongming, was a famous and smart person in ancient China.Born in the late 2nd century, Zhuge Liang became well-known when he joined Liu Bei,the leader of the Shu Kingdom. Zhuge Liang was really good at planning and helped Liu Bei win many battles. This made the Shu Kingdom one of the three major powers at that time.One of Zhuge Liang's most famous achievements was the Longzhong Plan, and he protected the Shu Kingdom from attacks by the Wei Kingdom.
Zhuge Liang is seen as the symbol of wisdom and intelligence. He won the respect from people because of his wisdom.
)2024 学年第一学期九年级英语月考试题(10 月)
第一部分:听力理解(共三节,满分 20 分)
第一节:听小对话,从 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题。对话仅读一遍。
(共 5小题;每小题 1分,满分 5分)
1.What does Jack’s sister do now
A. A bank clerk. B. A reporter. C. A teacher.
2. What’s the weather like now
A. Cloudy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny.
3. What do you know about Li Ming
A. He likes all the ball games. B. His favorite sport is basketball. C. He exercises a lot.
4. When will the train arrive
A. At 4: 00 pm. B. At 3: 30 pm. C. At 3: 00 pm.
5. Why didn’t the woman answer the phone
A. She wasn’t in. B. She didn’t want to answer it. C. She was washing her hair.
第二节:听长对话,从 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题。对话读两遍。
(共 5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 7.5分)听下面一段较长对话。回答第 6~7小题。
6. What does Susan think of shopping
A.Boring B.Relaxing C.Interesting.
7. What will the two speakers do tonight
A.Play baseball B.Go swimming C.Watch TV.
听下面一段较长对话,回答第 8~10小题。
8.Where did Lucy go
A.The Red Army. B.Hangzhou. C.Songshan Mountain.
9. How did the man go to Hangzhou
A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By bike.
10.What did Lucy see in Songshan Mountain
A.a fox. B. a cat . C. a tiger.
第三节:听独白,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题。独
白读两遍。(共 5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 7.5分)
11. When was Zhuge Liang born
A. the second century B. the twelfth century C. the third century
12. Which kingdom did Zhuge Liang join
A. Wei Kingdom. B. Shu Kingdom. C. Wu Kingdom.
13. How did Zhuge Liang help Liu Bei's kingdom
A. He helped his kingdom gain independence.
B. He helped his kingdom become the most powerful at that time.
C. He helped his kingdom win many battles.
14. What was one of Zhuge Liang's most famous achievements
A. The construction of the Great Wall.
B. The invention of papermaking.
C. The idea of the Longzhong Plan.
15. How is Zhuge Liang remembered in Chinese history
A. As a master of literature and poetry. B. As a skilled artist. C. As a symbol of wisdom.
第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)
第一节 阅读理解 (本题有 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共计 30 分)
阅读下面材料,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
16. What does the circled word“change” mean in this receipt
A. 找零 B. 变化 C. 小费 D. 优惠
17. What's the last date that you can return the items and get your money back
A. 16 March. B. 23 March. C. 30 March. D. 1 April.
18. You can get such a receipt from ________.
A. a clothes store. B. a restaurant C. a book store D. a gift shop.
The Paris Olympics are full of exciting things to see! You can click the button to
get more information. Here are some of the fun things.
The mascots of the Paris 2024 Olympics are red hats that come
from a famous French painting made in 1830. In the painting, a young
lady wears a red hat, called the "Phrygian cap(弗里吉亚帽)," which
stands for freedom. French people love this hat, and it shows up on
their coins and stamps. Why are they mascots this time The designers
say they stand for France and the power of sports!
A new event called breaking will show up at the Games for the
first time! This street dance stared in New York in the 1970s and is
part of hip-hop culture, with cool moves like spins and flips. The
competition in Paris will have 16 males and 16 females, all born by
Dec 31, 2008. They will compete in one-on-one battles to music
chosen by a DJ. They will try to win each round and get the gold medal in the final.
The Stade de France is one of the most famous sports ground in
France. It hosted the 1998 FIFAWorld Cup. During the game, the
French national soccer team won 3-0 against Brazil, lifting the World
Cup trophy(奖杯)for the first time. For the Paris Olympics, the
athletics track will be purple for the first time in Olympic history. This
special track can help athletes perform better and even break records.
When the Games start, a lavender(薰衣草)color will fill the sports
ground, bringing a special French style.
The medals are round in shape with a hexagon(六角形)at the
center. The hexagon in every medal is a piece of iron from the Eiffel
Tower. The leftover metal of the tower was stored secretly for years.
The emblem(会徽)and the Olympic five rings are on it. Fine lines
project(投射)outward around it, making each medal look like a
shining sun.
19. What does the design of the mascot come from
A. A young lady with a red hat B. A French painting made in 1830
C. The pictures on the coins and stamps. D. The power of sports
20. What is special about the athletics track in the Stade de France for the Paris Olympics
A. It is purple, a color never used before in Olympic history.
B. It is made of lavender, bringing a special French style.
C. It is the longest track in Olympic history.
D. It can help every athlete break records. .
21. What can we know about the medals from the passage
A. The Paris 2024 Olympic medals are shaped like a hexagon.
B. A piece of iron from the Eiffel Tower is used in each medal's center.
C. The Olympic five rings are not part of the medal.
D. Fine lines project at the center of the medals.
22.The passage mainly tells us some _____ of the Paris Olympics.
A. new events B. historic firsts C. exciting moments D. fun things
Antonio Rossi was a very talented glassblower in Venice. One day, his daughter Clara
walked into his workshop and saw two beautiful glass vases(花瓶).
“I have made them for Mr. Lombardi, the great writer in Venice,” Antonio said proudly.
“Now I must go and get Mr. Lombardi.”
After he leaving the workshop, Clara found a note beside the vases. Clara read it and
smiled. As she turned, she bumped the vases. They fell to the ground and broke into many
pieces. Only the round bases (底座) were not broken.
Clara picked up one of the round bases. “What will I tell Father ” She held the piece
with tears falling down her face. It was then that she saw Mr. Lombardi's note as she looked
through the glass. The letters were … BIG! She picked up the other base and looked through
it. It worked, too! The words looked bigger.
Clara thought quickly. She found a wire and carefully wrapped it around the two glass
pieces. Just as she finished, Mr.Lombardi and her father walked in.
“I’m so sorry, Father,” Clara said.
“What do you have there ” Mr. Lombardi asked.
“I made it from the broken pieces,” said Clara. “Look through them.” She held up the
note for him to see.
Mr. Lombardi's eyes opened wide. “The words! They're big!” He looked at Clara's
father. “My wife can't read my books because of her eyes. This will be my gift to her! It will
be the greatest gift ever! Your daughter made something very useful.”
Clara did make something very useful. She had invented eyeglasses.
23. The two glass vases were made as a gift for _________.
A. Antonio Rossi B. Clara C. Mr. Lombardi D. Ms. Lombardi
24. What does the underlined word “bump” mean
A. throw away B. knock over C. pick up D. put down
25. In which order did Clara do the following things
① Clara cried when she broke the two beautiful glass vases.
② Clara made the eyeglasses by wrapping a wire around the two round bases.
③ Clara noticed the words looked bigger when looking through the base.
④ Clara found a note beside the vases and read it.
A.①③④② B.④①③② C.③①②④ D.④①②③
26. What can we infer from the passage
A. Antonio was angry with his daughter for breaking the vases.
B. Mr. Lombardi was not satisfied with the eyeglasses.
C. Clara was a careless girl who often made mistakes.
D. Ms. Lombardi would be happy to use the eyeglasses to read.
The other day, I was waiting for a train—angrily. The train was late, which meant I
would be late to meet a friend at the theater. Like many people, I hate being late. However, I
often find myself running late. What’s the problem Michaela Thomas, a psychology (心理
学 ) expert, says I’m a “time optimist”. “Time optimists” often wrongly predict how long
something will take. As a result, they are often late for meetings or rush things at the last
“Time optimists” usually get into trouble. Their lateness makes people around them
angry, and they go through a lot of stress themselves. How can they fix their ways
Grace Pacie has written a book about “time optimists”. In the book, she says, “Time
optimists usually plan to be on time, not ahead of time.” So she suggests they should create
a pre-event deadline (截止时间). For example, if your dancing class starts at 8 p. m., tell
yourself to arrive at 7:30 p. m.. She says, “It’s important to leave time for things to go wrong.
Not all the lights are going to be green.”
But Fuschia Sirois, a psychologist, says that the problem of “time optimists” is not only
about their time management, but also about their poor feeling management. Sometimes,
people have too much going on with their work and family, and they often go for the easy
fix—to procrastinate (拖延 ). Sirois suggests having a better understanding of your future
self. For example, you are up against a deadline, but you are feeling tired and want to put off
the task. Ask yourself, “Will I magically be energetic on the second day If I can’t really do
it all tomorrow, why not start doing it today ” In fact, that future you will probably feel even
more stressed about the task when it’s late.
27. How does the writer lead into the topic
A. By listing numbers B.By telling his own experience
C.By using famous sayings D.By asking questions
28. According to the passage, typical “time optimists” ______.
A.always exactly tell how long something will take
B.often miss a train because of unexpected things
C.usually arrive a bit early to meet their friends
D.seldom wait for the last minute to get things done
29. Which are the ways to solve the problem of lateness
a. setting a pre-event deadline b. putting off the tasks
c. knowing better about your future self d. planning to be on time
A.ac B.bc C.ad D.bd
30.Which of the following best shows the structure of the text
第二节 任务型阅读 (本题有 5 小题,每小题 2 分,共计 10 分 )
仔细阅读下面关于制作捕蚊器的短文,从 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出符合各制作步
骤的图片,并回答第 5小题。
In summer, mosquitoes (蚊子 ) come out and give us bites. They may carry diseases and
make us sick. Here is a safe and simple way to catch mosquitoes.
A. B. C. D.
31 Cut off the top of an empty plastic bottle right below the neck.
32 Put sugar and yeast(酵母) in warm water in the bottom (底部) of the bottle. For a
2-liter bottle, mix 1 cup of warm water, 4 spoons of sugar, and 1/3 spoon of yeast.
33 Put the top of the bottle downward to make a funnel (漏斗) shape. Use tape or glue
to keep the funnel in place.
34 Cover the bottle with a black cloth. This keeps the bottle dark both inside and out.
Put new yeast and sugar in the bottle every few days. The sugar and yeast mix makes
carbon dioxide(二氧化碳), which mosquitoes like. The funnel shape helps mosquitoes get in
but makes it hard for them to get out.
35.Do you like this way to catch mosquitoes Why ( (Less than 20 words)
第三部分:语言运用(共三节,满分 40 分)
第一节 完形填空 (本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 15 分 )
阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
At just age 16, Zhen Xin, from Beijing, finished the "Five Great Mountains Challenge"
in only five days. She became the 36 person to do it.
The Five Great Mountains Challenge is about 37 China's five greatest
mountains—Taishan Mountain in Shandong, Huashan Mountain in Shanxi, Songshan
Mountain in Henan, Hengshan Mountain in Shanxi and Hengshan Mountain in Hunan-in
100 days.
Because of the hot August weather, Zhen did 38 of her hiking at night. "When
you can't see what's coming next, many of your 39 and worries go away. You're less
40 to back down." Zhen explained.
Zhen said the 41 to hiking is one's mentality(心态). Whenever she came
across a vendor booth (摊贩) along the hiking road, she would remind herself to 42
until the next one. And whenever she felt she was about to give up, she would reward herself
with a drink or some 43 . Then she would have more 44 to continue her
Of all the mountains she climbed, Huashan Mountain was 45 as her favorite
because of its steeper trails (更陡峭的小径), "They're more 46 than those of the
other four mountains." she said. But instead of making her afraid, the challenge 47
her ability.
However, Zhen said the most difficult hike was climbing Taishan Mountain. It was the
largest tourist 48 she had ever seen. "So many tourists were there. And we could
only 49 up one step every five minutes or so," she said.
Zhen decided to climb the five great mountains when she finished middle school and
now she has achieved her dream. "I wanted something that would allow me to 50 see
my growth and changes over time. As I grow older, I want something to share with others,"
she said.
36.A. cleverest B. youngest C. bravest D. oldest
37.A.watching B.searching C.climbing D. describing
38.A. none B. little C.a little D. most
39.A. joys B.surprises C.excitements D. fears
40.A.possible B.necessary C.important D. useful
41.Α.way B.step C. key D. spirit
42.Α.put on B.depend on C. try on D. keep on
43.A.photos B.snacks C.books D.flowers
44.A.warmth B. speed C. power D.hope
45.A.known B.used C. discovered D.regarded
46.A.fascinating B. peaceful C. dangerous D.creative
47. A changed B. improved C. reduced D. protected
48.A. rush B. business C. problem D. line
49.A. break B.move C. set D. end
50.A.suddenly B. silently C. quickly D. truly
第二节 词汇运用 (本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 15 分 )
A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每个词或词块仅用一次。
whether make a decision steal by knowledge
In an old village, an elderly man discovered a precious book . He
wondered51 he should share its contents with his fellow villagers. However,
before he could52, one night a young boy 53 the book. With the help of
the villagers, the book was eventually found. The old man, realizing the value of
community and 54 , decided to donate the book to the village. 55 doing
so, he ensured that the wisdom within its pages would be spread among all.
B. 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空一
词 )。
In today's modern world, although technology has made great progress and made
our life more 56 (方便的), it’s important to preserve (保留)our culture. It
allows us to 57 (欣赏) the wisdom of ancient people. It also helps us understand
the past societies and ways of life. We should 58 (明智地)accept and respect its
richness. Every culture holds a 59 (秘密) or stories, waiting to be discovered
by those who pay 60 (注意,关注)to it. We also 61 (告诫) younger
generations about the risk of losing these cultural ties. As 62 (发言者) of our
culture, it's our responsibility(责任) to 63 (连接)the old with the new. This
balance not only helps to preserve our 64(传统)but also shape an 65 (积极
第三节 语法填空(本题有 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 10 分)
The Paris 2024 Olympics closed in France on Aug 11. Team China 66 (win)40 gold, 27
silver and 24 bronze medals. This is our 67 (good) performance at the Olympics away
from home soil. The 20-year-old Chinese 68 (swim)Pan Zhanle broke his own world
record in the100-meter freestyle . Zheng Qinwen, 21, got China’s 69 (one) Olympic
tennis singles gold medal ( 单 打 金 牌 ). Athletes also left many heartwarming 70
(moment) in Paris. After winning a silver in women's singles badminton, Chinese athlete He
Bingjiao, 27, took out71 Team Spain Olympic pin (徽章) 72 (show )respect for her
opponent (对手) Carolina Marin. She 73 (sad) quit the competition because 74
an injury .Luxembourg’s 61-year-old “table tennis grandma” Ni Xialian smiled 75
Chinese player Sun Yingsha hit a good shot. Athletes from around the world showed their
skills and the beauty of sports at the Paris Olympics. They overcame challenges and fought
for their dreams.
第四部分:书面表达(共一节,满分 20 分)
假设你是 Li Ming,以下是你的美国朋友 Jack 发给你的一封电子邮件,请
FROM: Jack
TO: Li Ming
SUBJECT: How to learn Chinese and understand Chinese culture
Hi Li Ming,
How are you I am going to Beijing next week. I would like to better learn Chinese and
understand Chinese culture. Could you give me some suggestions I need your help .Wish
you all the best.
2.词数:100 词左右;开头已给出,不计入总词数。
Hi Jack,
I am glad to hear you will come to Beijing and would like to better learn Chinese and
Chinese culture,____________________________________________________________
Li Ming
2024 学年第一学期九年级英语月考参考答案(10 月)
第一部分:听力理解(共三节,满分 20 分)
1-5. BACBC 6-10.ACCBB 11-15. ABCCC
第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)
第一节 阅读理解 (本题有 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共计 30 分)
16-20. ACDBA 21-25. BDCBB 26-30. DBBAB
第二节 任务型阅读(本题有 5小题,每小题 2分,共计 10分)
31-34. DBAC 35.Yes. Because it’s easy to make and very useful.(言之有理即可)
第三部分:语言运用(共三节,满分 40 分)
第一节 完形填空 (本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 15 分 )
36-40. BCDDA 41-45. CDBCD 46-50. CBABD
第二节 词汇运用(本题有 15小题,每小题 1分,共计 15分)
51. whether 52. make a decision 53. stole 54. knowledge 55. By
56. convenient 57. admire 58. wisely 59.secret 60. attention
61.warn 62.speakers 63connect 64. tradition 65.active
第三节 语法填空(本题有 10小题,每小题 1分,共计 10分)
66. won 67. best 68. swimmer 69. first 70. moments
71. a 72. to show 73. sadly 74. of 75. when
第四部分:书面表达(共一节,满分 20 分)
Possible version:
Hi Jack,
I am glad to hear you will come to Beijing and would like to better learn Chinese and
Chinese culture. Here are my suggestions.
In order to improve Chinese, you had better practice speaking with local people as
often as possible. Besides, it's also a good idea to watch Chinese films to learn vocabulary.
The more you enrich, the better you will speak. If you want to have a better understanding of
Chinese culture, why not hang out in your free time Visiting some places of interest like
Palace Museum is the best way to explore traditional culture. Moreover, don't forget to taste
Chinese traditional food to know more cultures. I hope you'll get used to the life in China.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.(106 words)
Li Ming
2024 学年第一学期九年级英语月考听力材料(10 月)
第一节 听下面 5 段小对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最
佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读
现在,你有 5秒钟的时间阅读第一小题的有关内容。
1. W: Your sister is very good, Jack. Where does she work
M: She taught English in Beijing two years ago; now she works for the CCTV, but she wants to work
in a bank.
2. M: Where are you going, Lucy
W: I’m going to the library.
M: Look at the clouds. It may rain later. Take this umbrella.
W: Thanks, Mr. Brown.
3. W: Hi, Li Ming! You are so energetic. Do you often do sports
M: Yes. I play soccer every day .
4 .M: Excuse me, could you tell me what time the train from Beijing arrives
W: It arrives at 3: 00 pm. But it will be late for half an hour because of the heavy rain.
5. M: Where were you last night I called you twice, but you didn’t answer.
W: Oh, I’m very sorry, I was at home. But when the phone rang, I was washing my hair.
第二节 听下面两段较长对话。每段对话后有两到三个小题,从各题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中
选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有 10 到 15秒钟的作答时间。对
听下面一段较长的对话,回答第 6至 7两个小题。现在,你有 10秒钟的时间阅读这两个小题。
.M: Hey,Susan. Are you doing anything tonight Let's go shopping.
W:Sorry, Jerry. I think it's boring.
M: Then, what about playing baseball or going swimming in the gym
W: Well, they are difficult for me. Why not watch The Readers at home It's relaxing!
M:Sounds interesting!
听下面一段较长的对话,回答第 8至 10三个小题。现在,你有 I5秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。
M: Where did you do this weekend, Lucy
W: I went to Songshan Mountain. I called you but you told me you went to Hangzhou with your cousins.
M: Oh, yes. You walked to Songshan Mountain
W:Yes, I went there on foot with my parents. How did you go to Hangzhou
M: By bus. In fact, We had a great time there. Especially the weather on Saturday was fine.
W: Yeah. It’s a beautiful day outside. Perfect for a walk. Victor, I saw a cat in Songshan Mountain.
第三节 听下面一段独白。独白后有 5 个小题,请从各题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选
项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听独白前,你将有 25秒钟的时间阅读每个小题。
听完后,每个小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。独白读两遍。
现在,你有 25秒钟的时间阅读这五个小题。
Zhuge Liang, also known as Kongming, was a famous and smart person in ancient
China.Born in the late 2nd century, Zhuge Liang became well-known when he joined Liu
Bei,the leader of the Shu Kingdom. Zhuge Liang was really good at planning and helped
Liu Bei win many battles. This made the Shu Kingdom one of the three major powers at
that time.One of Zhuge Liang's most famous achievements was the Longzhong Plan, and he
protected the Shu Kingdom from attacks by the Wei Kingdom.
Zhuge Liang is seen as the symbol of wisdom and intelligence. He won the respect
from people because of his wisdom.
