广东省深圳市龙华初级中学2024-2025七年级上学期月考(Unit1-unit2 )英语试卷(含答案)

龙初 初一 unit1-unit2英语
(考试时间:75分钟 试验满分:75分)
1. 木试卷分第 1卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(和选择题) 两部分。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、
2. 第 1卷时,选出每小题答案后,用 2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改
3.回答第 2节时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
第 I卷选择题 (满分 50分)
一、完形填空(共 10小题,每小题 1分,满分 10分)
We often say,“A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Here is a good example. Once there were two
good 1 —— Tom and Jack. One day, Tom wanted to borrow some 2 to build a factory. He went to the
bank and the clerk said he should first 3 a warrantor (担保人). Tom told Jack about it and Jack s a id
he would like to help him. Unluckily, Tom did 4 in his business. Finally, he had to close t h e 5 and
left his city without telling anyone. When the bank couldn't find Tom, they wanted Jack to pay off(还清)
the money for Tam. Jack felt very 6 because he didn't earn much. So Jack 7 his house and moved to
live with his parents. But he know Tom would return one day.
Ten years later, Tom returned from Canada. He began to 8 when he saw Jack. Tom said with
tears in his 9 that he would give the money back to Jack, but Jack didn't accept.
“I have my own house now. I know you were in 10 trouble at that time. As good friends, we
should help each other. Is it right ”
( )1. A. teachers B. workers C. students D. friends
( )2. A. water B. money C. oil D. food
( )3. A. look for B. look after C. look at D. look like
( )4. A. well B. badly C. carefully D. slowly
( )5. A. bank B. library C. factory D. school
( )6. A. happy B. excited C. worried D. funny
( )7. A. sold B. bought C. cleaned D. got
( )8. A. run B. cry C. laugh D. jump
( )9. A. cars B. nose C. eyes D. mouth
( )10. A. great B. small C. Little D. light
二、阅读理解(满分 40分)
第一节 阅读理解(共 15小题,每小题 1.5分,满分 22.5分)
阅读下列材料,从下面每题的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。
Monday! Oh, I don't like Monday because I' ll have to go back to school again after the weekend. On
weekdays, I have to get up at 6: 30 in the morning and go to be d at 9o' clock in the evening
Tuesday is not so bad. I usually play tennis with my friends after school.
On Wednesday evening I don't go on. I stay with at home and do my homework.
I like Thursday because I have a P. E. class on Thursday.
I always go out on Friday night. I often go to my friends' house. Sometimes I go to the cinema.
I love the weekend. On Saturday I stay in be d until lunch time, and I sometimes go to the shops in the
afternoon. In the evening I go for a walk with my parents in a park after dinner.
Then on Sunday I go to my friends' house or they come to mine. I usually visit my grandmother for an
hour in the afternoon. Then the weekend is over and it's Monday. And I feel bad again!
( )11. The writer doesn't like Monday because .
A. Monday is the first day of a week B. He just spent a happy weekend
C. Monday is the first school day of a week D. He will have many lessons on Monday
( )12. The writer thinks Tuesday is not so bad because .
A. He can play tennis with his friends B. He has no homework to do
C. He has a P. E. class D. He is free
( )13. The writer may go to the movies on .
A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday D. Friday
( )14. What does the writer not do at weekends
A. Stay in bed until lunch time.
B. Watch football games on TV.
C. Go to his friend's house.
D. Go shopping in the markets.
( )15. From the passage, we know that the writer .
A. likes P. E. very much
B. likes to stay at home
C. only likes Friday
D. only likes Saturday
My two best friends and I were playing in the park near my house.“ Hey, look at that poster,” Ollie
shouted." The Harvest Fair sounds cool!"
“ Yes! But S50 for a ticket " said Marcya.“ That's a lot.”
After a while, we headed to my house. When we got home, Dad's friend Isaac came with six free
tickets to the Harvest Fair. After Isaac left, Dad said,“ We have five people in our family. Wo' ll have to
find someone else who wants to go to the fair.”
"I want to go!" said Mareya.
“ So do I!” said Ollie.
It took me one second to go from happy to awkward(尴尬的 ). Just then, my 80- year- old
neighbour, Mrs Nish, came in.“I just saw the poster. I love fairs! But tickets aren't cheap now.”
That's when Ollie got an idea. He quietly said something to Mareya, and Mareya told it to
me, and I told it to my father.
" Well, we happen to have an extra(多余的) ticket to that fair! Would you like to join us " my dad
“ Really ” Mrs Nish's face lit up.“I' d like that very much!”
Tho fair was fantasist. But the very best part was seeing Mrs Nish laughing. The next weekend,
Ollie, Mareya, and I had our own Harvest Fair party at home. We played games and made a big pic
while singing along to our favourite band Eagle Daze.
( )16. The three friends learnt about the Harvest Fair from .
A. Issac B. a poster C. Mrs Nish D. the newspaper
( )17. Why did the writer feel awkward in Paragraph 6
A. She got six force tickets to the fair. B. She couldn't buy a ticket for her friend.
C. Her family didn't want to go to the fair. D. She didn't know who would get the extra ticket.
( )18. What might be Ollie's idea after hearing Mrs Nish's words
A. Holding a fair for Mrs Nish. B. Buying Mrs Nish a ticket.
C. Giving Mrs Nish some money. D. Giving Mrs Nish the extra ticket.
( )19. The three friends the following weekend.
A. went to the fair B. held a fair at home
C. played in the park D. made pie for Mrs Nish
( )20. Which can best describe the three friends
A. Clever and brave. B. Caring and honest.
C. Helpful and creative. D. Confident and funny.
It's not easy to learn maths well. Students need to remember many formulas(公式) and do lots of
maths exercises. Now, more and more students in the United Kingdom learn maths the way Chinese
students do.
In 2017, a whole set of Shanghai's primary school maths textbooks, Real Shanghai Maths, went on
the UK's book market. There are 36 books, including a Teacher Guide, Textbook and Pupil Practice Book
for each grade(1-6), according to Xinhua.
The books are translated(被翻译 ) word- for- word from the Chinese versions(版本 ). The only
change is the price. The Chinese yuan becomes the British pound.
This is not the first time the UK has learnt from China's months instruction(教学). Since 2014, the
UK has invited many junior high school and primary school maths teachers in Shanghai to take part in
the teaching in its schools. In 2015, the publishing house Collins Learning introduced the practice book
One Lesson, One Exercise to Britain. There are 11 books for 11grades, from primary school to high
This is because the UK doesn't want its students to fall behind. In the 2012 Programme for
International Student Assessment(国际学生评估项目), Shanghai students were No.1 in maths. British
students, however, were No.26.
" This will help young people be prepared for further study," said Nick Gibb, minister of Britain's
( )2. What at does the writer think about learning maths well
A. It is tiring. B. It is rocky. C. It is boring. D. It is terrible.
( )22. When did Real Shanghai Maths go on market in the UK
A. In 2012. B. In 2014. C. In 2017. D. In 2018.
( )23. Who is Real Shanghai Maths for
A. It's for senior high school teachers. B. It's for senior high school students.
C. It's for junior high school students. D. It's for primary school students.
( )24. The UK has invited in Shanghai to teach in its schools.
A. senior high school maths teachers B. senior high school English teachers
C. junior high school and primary school maths teachers
D. junior high school and primary school English teachers
( )25. In which part of the newspaper can we read this passage
A. Health. B. Sports. C. Education. D. Science.
第二节 短文填空
阅读下面短文,并从方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文,使原文的意思连贯、完整。(共 5
小题,每小题 2分)
A. Share a bit of yourself!
B. Show strong personal qualities.
C. But for many kids, it doesn't come easily.
D. But it is important to get people's names right.
E. Ask about school, sport, music, and other hobbies!
F. Now over 20 schools give s t rong friendship classes.
Do you like to make new friends at school Making friends is an important skill for us to learn.(26)
To teach kids friend- making skills, people in Australia started a project called URStrong. It gives
kids classes on friendships to help them make friends. (27) Here are some ways of making a new
friend from the friendship classes.
Introduce yourself first . Look the person in the eye, smile and say,“ Hi! My name is . .. What's
your name ” After he or she answers, say something like,“ It's really nice to meet you.” It is really as
simple as that! (28) If you get them wrong, they will feel sad!
Ask questions. (29) But remember, you have to be a good listener before you can ask good
Don't be shy.(30) Then your new friends can get to know you! Soon enough, you will be the best
of friends!
Enjoy something together. Try to find an activity you both like and ask the other person to play with
第三节 信息匹配
下面的材料 A~F是对六个社.团的介绍。请根据 Lin Hao、Li Hua、Li Min、David、Lily 的情况。
选出最适合他们的社团。(共 5小题,每小题 1.5分)
A. Club1 D.Club 4
We pair students to help each other with their We help members build confidence and improve
homework. share study tips. and help them get speaking skills through fun activities and group
ready for tests. It's a great way to improve your discussions. It's perfect for anyone feeling worried
studies and make new friends! about the new school life!
B. Club 2 E.Club 5
We teach easy ways to balance ( 平 衡 ) your Are you surprised at the magic of AP Al is here to
schoolwork. after- school classes, and your free is here to stay and it is making our life more
time. Learn how to make schedules. and stop convenient.Join us to dive deep into the world of
procrastinating(拖延)! AI and learn about the new tools.
C. Club3 F.Club 6
We do fun exercise and learn about sport. We will This is a place for creative expressive(表达 ) .We
learn about Braking( 霹 雳 舞 )--a new Olympic learn different ways of painting.It is perfect for
sport— this week. It's a great way to stay healthy anyone who hopes to improve their skills and
and boost your energy. express themselves through art.
( )31. Lin Hao:I often put things off. I want to learn how to manage my time!
( )32. Li Hua: The new subjects in junior high are really difficult for me. I'm worried about the tests.
( )33. Li Min:1 always feel my classmates are better than me. I need to be more confident.
( )34. David:I'm a tech fan. I'm interested in learning about new science and technologies(技术).
( )35. Lily: I watched the Paris Olympics this summer holiday and was excited about a new sport—
第Ⅱ卷 非选择题 (满分 25分)
三、语法填空(共 10小题,每小题 1分,满分 10分)
Hello, my name 36 ( be) Li Ming. I have a good friend David. He is 37 American boy but he
is in China now. This is his second year in China. Do you want 38( know) more about him Let me
tell you. He likes playing baseball and he can play it 39( good). He also has a good eating habit.
Every morning, he has eggs and milk 40 breakfast. He thinks they are 41 ( health) food. Then
he quickly goes to school. The first class begins at8: 00. There are many 42 ( subject) in his school
And 43 ( he) favorite subject is math. Why That is 44 he likes his math teacher. His last class
45 ( finish ) at 5:00 in the afternoon.
六、书面表达 (15分)
初中生活已经开始,近日龙高英语报正在举行题为“ My School Life”的征文活动。请根据表格内
small but clean
a good place to...
like… best
be good at...
My School Life make friendsclassmates/ teachers
help... with...
play sports

feeling ………
(3)词数 80左右。(短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数)
My School Life
How time flies ! The first term in the middle school has begun. My school is
信息匹配 BADEC
语法填空is, an, to know, well, for, healthy, subjects, his, because, finishes
