
1. Jack can’t play _______ guitar, but he can play ________ basketball very well.
A. the; the B. the; / C. /; the D. /; /
2. His cousin is unusual person though he has usual face.
A. a; an B. an; a C. a; the D. an; the
3. — We never doubt _______ Millie can deal with the terrible situation by herself.
— I agree with you.
A. if B. whether C. that D. how
4. — How do you like the English talk given by Peng Liyuan in the USA
— It’s worth many times.
A. listening B. hearing C. being heard D. listening to
5. — Which of these two dresses _______, the pink one or the red one, Madam
— Neither, thanks. I _______ take a look at a light green one.
A. would you rather; prefer B. would you rather; would rather
C. do you prefer; would rather D. do you prefer; prefer
6. — What’s wrong with your computer
— It . I can’t fix it. I will .
A. was broken down; repair it B. broke away; repair it
C. broke out; have it repaired D. broke down ; have it fixed
7. — It’s really kind of you to care for my pet dog while I was away for the whole year.
— _______. The dog is loyal. We’ve been close friends.
A. With pleasure B. Never mind C. Don’t mention it D. It doesn’t matter
8. The musician used to make music ________ common objects _______ stones and paper.
A. like; with B. as; with C. with; like D. like; as
9. —Sally, could you tell me ________
—Next Friday.
A. when will we have the English party B. when did we have the English party
C. when we will have the English party D. when we had the English party
10. _______ he left early to avoid the rush hour, ________ there was still a lot of traffic in the street.
A. Though, but B. Through, yet C. Although, but D. Though, yet
11. Kitty, ________ wake me up _______ you finish building another house for me.
A. doesn’t, until B. not, until C. don’t, until D. isn’t, until
12. I was moved greatly by the song. I could ________ control my feelings at the moment.
A. really B. hardly C. nearly D. clearly
13. --Tim, do your parents like football
-- ________ my dad _______ my mum likes it. They both prefer tennis.
A. Either; or B. Neither; nor C. Not only; but also D. Both; and
14. My father is very strict me, and he is strict his work..
A. with; in B. with ;with C. in; with D. in; in
15. Smith would rather _____________ his old car than _____________ a new one.
A. mend; buying B. mend; buy C. to mend; buy D. to mend; to buy
16. —Can I come here on Saturday or Sunday
—Sorry, you can come _____on Saturday _____ Sunday. We only work here on weekdays.
A. either; or B. both; and C. neither; nor D. not only; but also
17. We have given her some advice, but I don’t know ____________she will accept it.
A. what B. where C. whether D. which
18. Peter knew____________.
A. whether he has finished reading the book B. why the boy had so many questions
C. there were 12 months in a year D. when they will leave for Paris
19. My grandfather used to build railways for the Japanese army when he was young. He was _______ to work hard from morning till night.
A. invited B. encouraged C. allowed D. forced
20. We had no choice but ____________ such a snowy day.
A. walk on B. walk in C. to walk on D. to walk in
21.You can _____cake _____ten pieces.
A. divide, into B. be divided ,into C. divided, into D. be divide, into
22. Neither I nor my father swimming.
A. like B. is like C. likes D. liking
23.If we don’t study hard, we will in our class.
A. take the lead B. fall behind C. be the first D. be successful
24.The doctor has devoted most of his time to the patients.
A. look after B. looking after C. looks after D. looked after
25. —Which colour do you_________, red or purple —Red. I think it looks lovely _________ me.
A. prefer; on B. prefer; in C. would rather; in D. would rather; on
26. I don’t know if he _______, if he _______,, I will call you.
A. will come, comes B. comes, will come C. will come; will come D. comes; comes
27. ______Jim ______his cousin has been to America,so________ of them knows the country well.
A. Not only; but also; all B. Neither; nor ; neither C. Both; and; both D. Either; or; none
28. Would you like some coffee Yes, and please get me some milk, too. I prefer coffee_____ milk.
A. with B. of C. to D. than
29 . I prefer ______________ her some presents ________________her some money.
A. to buying;to giving B. to buy;to give C. buy;give D. buying;to giving
30. The host was asked _________ his free time .
A. how to do B. how to do with C. what to deal with D. how to deal with
31._______ learning more and more about music, Tan Dun decided to use the sounds of nature in his works ______ musical instruments.
A. Because; instead B. Since; instead
C. As; instead of D. Because of; instead of
32. After running a 1000-metre race, he was________.
A. out of breathe B. breathed heavily
C. took a deep breath D. out of breath
33. —Your spoken English is all very good. How do you improve it
—Thanks. Mrs. Wang always ask us to ____ dialogues in our English classes.
A. take up B. turn up C. make up D. end up
34. Suzhou is very famous___ the Chinese-style gardens. They are all __the Chinese style.
A. for; in B. as; in C. in; in D. by; of
35. ________ your father is well again, you no longer have anything to worry about.
A. Since B. Before C. Though D. While
36. The library has __________ to all the students and adults for half a year.
A. open B. opened C. been open D. opening
37. After reviewing the new words, he ________the text.
A. went on to explain B. went on explaining
C. preferred explaining D. stopped explaining
38. For holding bricks and stones together, a bridge needs great deal of mortar, a mixture of sand, water, and cement (水泥). Here “mortar” means “___” in Chinese.
A. 工人 B. 机器 C. 砂浆 D. 电子设备
39. —Did you have a _______ trip to Hangzhou —Yes, I was very _______ with it.
A. pleased; pleased B. pleasant; pleasant C. pleased; pleasant D. pleasant; pleased
40.The house prices are too high,we must keep them under ________.
A.value B.praise C.control D.speed
二、 根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确
1. Billy seems to have difficulty ___________(发音)the new words.
2. Scientists continue to make more ________(进步)in the fight against cancer.
3. Here is some _________(建议)about friendship, which may be of some help to you.
4.. Please put away those (德国人) keys to cars. They are going swimming.
5.Both of his parents are busy because they work in different _____________(大学).
6.The beautiful old __________(挂历) were bought from the old things market years ago.
7. Kate always answers questions ________ (正确地).
8.She _________ (怀疑) if the news was true, but she said nothing.
9. A good leader should have the ability to make powerful _______ (演讲).
10.The news which kept ________(影响) him a lot was from a little girl.
11. We’d better think twice before making ___________(决定) for some important events.
12. Bad weather ____________(影响) the moods of most people here, they had to stay on the high way for some more hours.
13. Which of the followings is not ___________(提及) in this article
14 –How many ______________(字典) can I borrow at a time –Two at most.
15.I’m afraid of my Maths teacher. He is much _________(严格的) than my Chinese teacher.
16.The table tennis player __________(得分) more points last year.
17.I have no idea which one tio take between the ___________(选择) in such a short time..
18.After the war, her father had her diary ___________(出版).
19.If you are __________(担心) about exams , you should talk to your teacher.
20.They like music so much that they want to be ___________ (音乐家)in the future.
1. It was in his __________(forty)that Liu Cixin completed his famous novel Three bodies.
2. Cheng Xin had no choice at that moment but ________(promise)not to be late again.
3. Mr. Wu asked us not to keep our_____________ (happy) to ourselves because it’s bad for our health.
4. We should pay more attention to ______________ (write) in Chinese learning.
5. Water is one of the      (value) resources (资源) and we must try our best to save it in daily life.
6.This book is of great help to people.
It offers a lot of ________ (practice) advice to people with learning problem.
7. After hearing the big noise, the poor people all ran out even _______________. (mad)
8. Neither Tom nor his twins (reply) to their friends’ emails during the last two weeks.
9. David is _____________and never forgets the things he need to do.(organize)
10.Animal signs appear in a ___________ order. (fix)
11. Thanks for giving me so many useful______________(suggest)
12. Yellow is the colour of _____________(wise)
13. If you require ______________in body, red is helpful to you. (strong)
14. There are lots of _____________ at Spring Festival.(celebrate)
15. The sun gives us ______________ (warm) and makes us feel comfortable.
16. The boy asked his father if the earth _________ (move) around the sun in surprise.
17. The sun can provide light and _____________ (hot) so that plants can grow well.
18. The book is very expensive, but it is worth ______________. (read)
19.Try to ____________ (pronounce)all the world _____________(correct). Learning their ___________ (correct)__________ (pronounce) will help you remember them.
20. If you feel ____________, you can eat more vegetables. (stress)
21. He has been a member of __________(nation) football team for 3years.
22. He prefers__________(create)his own idea to following others’ advice.
23.He ____________in getting a scholarship. It is a big __________ for him.(success)
24. He had many great _______________.(achieve)
25. He was born in ______________, He has many ______________.(German)
26. They often meet and share their ____________(think), feels and experiences.
27. He has been ___________ for two years. His _________ made me very sad. (die)
28. I can’t _________ (simple)wait for my trip to Beijing this summer holiday.
29. The ____________ (speak)made by Putin always attract many people.
30. He failed the exam because of his _____________(care)
31.We should read English ___________(loud) every day.
32. I stayed up late yesterday and I can’t stay ___________now.(wake)
33. I am __________ (worry)about whether she is happy.
34. Driving safety can be realized by _______________ (control)the speed of the car.
35. Last Sunday I saw an (a)_____________ (please)thing in the park---rubbish lay everywhere.
36. There were five_________________ (win)names on the medal.
37.The teacher always_________________ (courage)these students to work harder in the past.
38.It’s important to _________(start to have a skill, ability, etc.) our hobbies.
39. He wasn’t a hero but just a ________( not special) man.
40. You have _________(use facts to show that something is true) your courage in the battle.
It is a good habit to ________ all your things ___________________________.
He often ___________________________but never _______________________.
We are willing to_________________________________________________
Life is like a race ,you either_________________________ or _________________________.
As a teacher,you ______________________________________________________________.
I wonder how ___________________________________________________________________.
I am ___________________________________________________________________you.
If you ____________________________, you will ____________________________________.
This song always _______________________________________________ my English teacher.
I _____________________________________________________________English.
Blue can _____________________________________________________________.
He never _____________________________and often _____________________________.
_______________________, colours may _______________________________________us.
What to wear ________________________________________________________________.
People ___________________________________until the war__________________________
Don’t ___________________, you will __________________________________a scholarship.
Many people _________________________, more people are _________________________________,
_____________________, he __________________________that play _________________________
This _________________________________________________________Peking University.
20. 他改变了主意,开始认真对待学习
He ___________________________and become _____________________________study.
A.你是一名九年级的学生。上周你班来了一位新同学Daniel, 他向大家介绍了自己及家人的情况,并表达了他的梦想和烦恼。请你根据Daniel的介绍写一篇100字左右的文章,并向Daniel 提出些建议。
Information about Daniel and his family Daniel 帅气、活泼;喜欢篮球,希望被选为校篮球队的成员
Daniel’s father 一名工程师,工作高标准,乐于接受新挑战
Daniel’s mother 一名医生,精力旺盛,对病人热心、耐心
Daniel’s worries 作业太多,没有时间……父母对他严格要求,……
Your advice 计划好每天的时间,……与父母多交流,……
B. 根据下列提示,以“The Person Who Has Influenced Me Most”为题,写—篇短文。1.影响我最大的是我的妈妈,她将近四十岁,在当地一家银行工作。2.她总是全家起得最早,睡得最晚的人,操持家里的一切家务。3.她很有爱心,只要有时间多余,总会去医院做志愿者或……4.我认为…….
C.初中三年的英语学习中,我们与北京阳光中学的同学成了朝夕相处的朋友,其中Daniel的善良和助人为乐等优秀品质给我们留下了深刻的印象。请根据课本内容及下表提示,用英语写一篇题为“My Friend Daniel”的短文。
Appearance Likes
Dislikes sports
Personality helpful—help an old woman cross the road kind—work at the Helping Hands Club creative—create a TV programme…
Favourite colour yellow
Reasons: …
What can you learn from him (自拟一至两句)
1. 词数:80词左右(已给出的文章开头不计入总词数);
2. 文中不能出现真实姓名、校名等信息;
3. 文章必须包含表格所提供的主要信息,并作适当发挥。
My Friend Daniel
My friend Daniel comes from Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. He
共8页 第1 页
