
1.本试卷满分 120分,考试时间90分钟。
一、听力理解 (20小题,每小题1分,共20分)
第一节 听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每个句子读两遍。
1. What did Tom do yesterday morning
A. He went fishing. B. He went camping. C. He went shopping.
2. What does Jane often do on Saturday evenings
A. She often reads newspapers.
B. She often does exercise.
C. She often does housework.
3. How often does Mr. Smith go to Tokyo
A. Once a month. B. Twice a month. C. Three times a month.
4. Who is taller
A. Mike. B. Sally. C. Alan.
5. When will the film start
A.7:35. B.7:45. C.7:55.
第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. Who does sports better
A. Scott. B. Pete. C. Joe.
7. What makes Pete a good friend
A. Pete is quiet. B. Pete is different from Scott. C. Pete is a good listener.
8. Where did Cindy go on holiday
A. Sanya. B. Hong Kong. C. Beijing.
9. Which activity didn't Cindy do during her vacation
A. She went to the beach for a swim.
B. She tasted delicious seafood.
C. She had a picnic on the beach.
10. How might the weather be at the top of the mountain
A. Sunny. B. Windy. C. Rainy.
11. What advice does the guide give
A . Wearing a coat. B. Staying with the group. C. Taking family photos.
What is the guide's phone number
A.423-7989. B .432-7998. C.423-7998.
听下面一段对话,回答第13至第15 三个小题。
What is the possible relationship between Alice and Amy now
A. Cousins. B. Friends. C. Classmates.
14. What does Alice think of Amy
A. Popular. B. Beautiful. C. Talented.
15. What is Jeff going to do
A. See the dentist. B. Send a gift to Amy. C. Have a birthday party.
第三节 听下面一篇短文。按照所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。
17. 18. 19. 20.
How do you spend your free time Do you make good use of your free time Let's see what the four students do.
In my free time, I mainly do two things— dance and karate (空手道). Dancing is a tradition in Brazil. I dance every Wednesday and Saturday. I practice karate in a club three times a week. I have many friends with the same interest in the club. Sometimes I ride my bike to travel around. It' good for the body and the mind.
As a senior (毕业年级的) student in high school,I don't have much free time every week. But I try to make the best use of it. Every day I do exercise like swimming. Before going to bed, I usually read books,especially history books. Sometimes I go to the movies. And now, there's almost no time to play computer games.
I really enjoy running with my mother in the morning. We run three times or more a week. And every time we run for an hour. That makes me feel relaxed and energetic. Every day after dinner, I walk our dog for half an hour. But I hate playing football with my brother. I think that's for boys.
I'm in a band at school. I can play the guitar and the piano, but in the group I'm the singer. So I always play music in my free time. I also love taking photos. I think photos can help us remember wonderful moments and find the beauty around. I like working on the photos with a computer.
21. How many hours does Sonia walk her dog in a week
A. For 0.5 hours. B. For 1.5 hours. C. For 2.5 hours. D. For 3.5hours.
22. What does Alex think of taking photos
A. Helpful. B . Exciting. C. Difficult. D. Boring.
23. How often does Mia dance
A. Once a week. B. Twice a week.
C. Three times a week. D. Nearly every day.
24. What can we learn about Li Lei
A. He isn't good at playing computer games.
B. He goes out with his friends twice a week.
C. He has the habit of staying up to read books.
D. He spends most of his free time reading and exercising.
25. In which part of a magazine can we probably find the passage
A. Culture B. History C. Lifestyle D. Science
Many people dream of going on a great travel adventure. Most of us keep dreaming; others make it happen.
Gregg Beakney's dream was to travel around North and South America from top to bottom, He got the idea after he finished a 1,600- kilometer bike ride. Gregg's friend, Brooks Allen, was also a cyclist. The two friends talked and decided on their goal: they would travel from Alaska to Argentina by bike.
To pay for the journey, Gregg and Brooks worked and saved money for years. Once they were on the road, they often camped outdoors or stayed in hostels. In many places along their route(路线) , local people opened their homes to the two friends and gave them food.
During their trip, Gregg and Brooks cycled through deserts, rainforests and mountains. They visited modern cities and explored ancient ruins(遗迹) , such as Tikal in Guatemala(危地马拉). In many places, they met other cyclists from all over the world. In May 2007— two years, twelve countries, and over 30,500 kilometers later —— Gregg finally reached Ushuaia, Argentina, at the southern tip (端) of South America.
Gregg and Brooks kept a record of their adventures in an online blog. The trip taught both men a lot about travelling.
Here is some of Gregg's advice:
Travel light. The less baggage you have, the less you' ll worry about.
Be flexible. Don't plan everything. Then you' ll be more relaxed and happier, even when there are challenges along the way.
Be polite. A traveller told Gregg,“ Always remember that nobody wants to cheat or rob a nice guy”.
26. When did Gregg Beakney get the idea of traveling the Americas from top to bottom
A. After he travelled from Argentina to Alaska.
B. After he finished a l,600- kilometre bike ride.
C. Before he travelled from Argentina to Alaska.
D. Before he finished a 1,600- kilometre bike ride.
27. The following is a map of the Americas. Which of the four lines correctly shows Gregg Beakney's dream
28. What does the underlined word“ them ” in paragraph( three refer to
A. The local people. B. Beakney and his friends.
C. Beakney and Brooks Allen. D. Cyclists from all' over the world.
29. What does Beakney's advice“ Be flexible” mean
A. Be careful when you travel. B. Choose a cheap way to travel.
C. Plan all the details of your trip. D. Be ready to make changes easily.
30. What's the best title for the article
A. A journey of a lifetime. B. Things to do and see in America.
C. Argentina: the land of adventure. D. The southermost city in the world.
The library at South Brunswick High School has more than just rows of books. Students can also see a collection of helpful guides on how to use the internet wisely. Many posters with “ Smart Social Networking” tips are on the walls. They were made by Lisa Manganello. The
librarian has been teaching information literacy (信息素养) for nearly 20 years. Her goal is clear: to equip (使有能力) teens with the skills to safely explore the big but often confusing world of the internet.
These days, many kids get their news from the internet. That's not necessarily a problem. But there is also a lot of misinformation. Such information can confuse children. Worryingly, two- thirds of high school students in a U. S. survey couldn't tell the difference between a news article and an ad.
“ No matter what you read online, look at it critically (批断性地),” Manganello often tells her students.“ You can have an opinion on either side. But you must be able to support it with a fact- based article.” In her class, Manganello and her students discuss the pictures that come with news stories: Are they neutral (中立的) or not Students also learn to compare different news stories on the same topic to see which ones are close to facts.
Olga Polites is a retired English teacher. She believes it's important to teach kids to be critical of what they see online.“ When cars were first invented, we could hardly see discussions about car safety. Seat belts weren't required,” she said.“ Phones are like cars. We need to tea ch young people how to be smarter consumers(消费者) of information .”
31. Who is Lisa Manganello
A. An English teacher at South Brunswick High School.
B. A reporter from South Brunswick High School magazine.
C. A student at South Brunswick High School.
D. A librarian at South Brunswick High School.
32. Which of the following is true according to the passage
A. Manganello has been teaching information literacy at her school for 12 years.
B. News online is wrong and it's a problem for kids to get news from the internet.
C . Manganello tells her students to read things online with a critical eye.
D. Olga Polites created a collection of helpful guide s on how to use the internet.
33. Polites compared to cars. In her opinion, is/ are like the seat belts in the cars.
Phones; Information literacy Phones; Teachers
C. Internet; Information literacy D . Internet; Teachers
34. What does“ information literacy” mean
A. You can use social media apps.
B. You can read and understand information.
C. You can voice opinions on information.
D. You can find, judge and use information wisely.
35. Why did the writer write this article
A. To tell us Manganello's hard work to teach information literacy skills to her students.
B. To tell us the importance of information literacy and the need to teach it in schools.
C. To introduce the idea of information literacy in the information age.
D. To ask people to focus on internet safety and make some changes.
When I got on the subway this morning, I saw my colleague(同事) Ben.“ Morning!” he said, greeting me with a big yawn.“ Sorry,I didn't sleep well last night. Two mosquitoes (蚊子) kept me up. I tried to catch them but had no luck. Gosh!”
“ Poor thing, but why not look on the bright side ”36. The caption(说明文字) reads,“ Last night, I battled a mosquito to a draw-I lost sleep while it missed its meal.”
“ Haha, isn't that me ” Ben looked at the cartoon and laughed.“ Who drew this ”
“ Xiao Lin, or Lin Dihuan (林帝浣) ,”I said.“I like his cartoons.” But it's not just Ben and I who are amused by Lin's drawings. 37. They say his work not only makes them laugh but also helps them to stay positive.
Lin fell in love with drawing at a young age, but he couldn't go to art classes because his family was very poor. Instead, the boy taught himself to draw by copying pictures from old, books and magazines. He began drawing for magazines when the was in middle school. Lin later studied medicine in college at his father's advice. 38. After graduation(毕业) , he chose to teach art, instead of working as a doctor.
As an artist, Lin“ heals” people with funny cartoons. Laughter is his medicine. But these drawings are just a small part of his work. 39. Many people got to know him through his ink- and- brush paintings of China's 24 Solar Terms (二十四节气) .
40. They are just what we need when we feel blue.
A. Lin also uses his art to spread traditional Chinese culture.
B. His love for drawing, however, never died.
C Lin's artworks make us laugh and think differently.
D. I said as I sent him a cartoon of a man battling a mosquito.
E. The artist has millions of fans online.
I am a big fan of sports However, some people have no in sports. They think that sports make them 42 and smell bad They say, " Why waste time playing sports To these people, I politely say, " You have not discovered the 43 of sports!'
Let me 44 with you a basketball game I played two weeks ago. Our parents and friends were there to 45 us. A lot of people were watching. We all wanted to 46 the game in front of so many people)
The game was 47 over and we were one point behind. Our coach called us together and said, " Okay, this is it! Either we score now or the game is over. Let's work hard to score. Even if , we don't score, 48 We know that we have tried our best. So, boys, don't think too much. It doesn't matter 49 we lose. Just do it.”
Well, in the last 50 of the game, we truly scored and two teams tied(打成平局)! We went into overtime(加时赛) and we lost in the end. But after the game, the coach hugged all of us. He told us that he was 51 because he had never seen a team try hard er than us.
To be honest, I 52 a lot of pleasure in playing sports. It makes me happy and comfortable. That's why I play sports whenever I get the chance. So my 53 is to choose a sport and keep doing it. Your body will thank you and your 54 will be ready to work well.
So start exercising 55 it's too late.
( ) 41. A. hobby B. interest C. dream D. wonder
( ) 42. A. tired B. lazy C. ugly D. bored
( ) 43. A. price B. time C. fun D. level
( ) 44.A. share B. introduce C. tell D. ask
( ) 45. A. call B. help C. look D. cheer
( ) 46.A. win B. watch、 C. join D. play
( ) 47. A. suddenly B. nearly C. finally D. hardly
( ) 48. A. at first B. at most C. at once D. at least
( ) 49. A. if B. and C. but D. so
( ) 50. A. month B. week C. hour D. minute
( ) 51. A. angry B. active C. proud D. serious.
( ) 52. A. feel B. give C. think D. lose
( )53. A. order B. saying C. information D. advice
( ) 54.A. ears B. mind C. eyes D. face
( ) 55. A. when B. after C. before D. until
四、语篇填空。 (15小题,每小题1分,共15分)
第一节 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。
like buy him free stop high excite wind fly fall
Once, a father and his son went to a kite flying festival. The son was very 56 to see all the colorful kites in the sky and asked his father to buy him one. To make him happy, the father went to a nearby shop at the park and 57 one.
The son started 58 his kite excitedly. Soon it reached high up in the sky. After some time, the son thought to 59 ,“ It seems like the string(绳子) is 60 the kite from flying higher. If I break it, the kite will be 61 to fly even higher.“ So he asked his father for a small knife and cut the string.
Without the string, the kite did go a little bit higher However, it soon started to come down and landed on a tall tree. The son was sad. He expected that the kite would fly much 62 after he cut the string, not fall down. He turned to his father for an explanation.
“ Well, the string , wasn't holding the kite down; it was actually helping it stay up when the 63 was calm and guiding it in the right direction(方向) when the wind picked up,” the father explained.“ When we cut the string, the kite lost that support (支撑) and 64 down. Similarly, in life, we may feel that limits (限制), 65 rules or hard tasks, are holding us back, but they are actually guiding us in the right direction.”
第二节 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。
When we go hiking in the mountains, we may not be able to find a phone signal (信号)
and get lost. Thanks to a new satellite(卫星) network, this will not happen in the future. 66 August, China sent a group of 18 satellites into space. This was 67 first step to building“ Qianfan”, a large communication network.
SpaceSail,a company in Shanghai, 68 leading the work.“ This year, we will send 108 satellites. In the end, 69 will be more than 10,000 of them in Qianfanu,” Lu Ben, who works for the company, told CCTV.
When all the satellites are in place, Qianfa n will provide us with fast and stable internet services, reported China Daily. More importantly, these services will cover the whole world. Whether we are in the forests 70 on the seas, we can connect with Qianfan on our phones and get internet.
A: Do you have a good friend at school, Jack
B: Yes, his name is Mike.
B: He is of medium height with short black hair.
B: Yes, he does. We often play ping- pong together.
B: Twice a week.
B: Frank. He plays it better than any other boy in our school.
A: Did you watch the ping- pong game at the Paris Olympics last night
B: Yes, Mike and I both watched it. We were nervous when we saw Chinese team lost some goals at the beginning.
A: 75.
B: We Chinese team won the gold! We were so excited!
A: Wow. Chinese team is so great!
六、书面表达 (20分)
朋友温暖心灵,友谊是一生的财富。谁是你最好的朋友呢 请你以“ My best friend 为题,写一篇英语短文。
1. Who is your best friend
2. What does your best friend usually do in his/ her free time
3. The similarities and differences between your friend and you.
1.词数 90 词左右。
