
1. 通常修饰名词,放在名词前面,作定语成分;
2. 放在系动词后面,作表语成分;(系动词通常有be; 五大感官类动词;turn;become; go等)
注意:多个形容词放在一起时的顺序:限定词→数词→描述性形容词→大小、长短、形状的形容词→色彩形容词→类属形容词→表材料形容词+被修饰的名词 (口诀:县官形令色国材)
1. 修饰动词或者动词词组,通常放在动词或者动词词组后面;
2. 修饰形容词,表示程度;
3. 放在句首,修饰整个句子
1. 多数直接加上ly;
2. 以y结尾,该y为i+留言;
3. 以le结尾,去e + ly
4. 不变 (hard --- hard; fast --- fast; early -- early; late --- late)
5. 特殊(good ---- well)
1. …..足够….以至于….. 主语 + be + adj. enough to do sth. (enough的用法,名词前;形容词后)
2. ….太….以至于不能…..主语 + be + too + adj. to do sth.
注意: 1. 并非所有的ly结尾的单词都是副词,比如lovely; daily; friendly; weekly这些词均由名词+ ly构成,名词 + ly 变成形容词
2. hard的副词还是hard(切记:形容词转为副词,其中文含义不变);而hardly为频率副词,含义是“几乎不”
3. well 一词的特殊性;作为副词表达“好”;作为形容词,只表达 “身体健康”
构 成 法 原 级 比 较 级 最 高 级
①一般单音节词末尾加er和est strong stronger strongest
②单音节词如果以e结尾,只加r和st strange stranger strangest nice nicer nicest
③闭音节单音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,须先双写这个辅音字母,再加er和est sad sadder saddest
④双音节单词词尾是辅音字母加y结尾,把y变成i,再加er和est a busy busier busiest
⑤其它双音节和多音节词都在前面加单词more和most beautiful more ~ most ~
原级 比较级 最高级
good / well better best
bad / ill worse worst
many / much more most
far farther farthest
1. 句子中有than(比) 2. A or B, which is 比较级 3. 有much; far; even修饰
1. 句中有one of 2. A, B, or C
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
1. happy ________________________ 2. slow______________________
3. careful________________________ 4. quick____________________
5. comfortable____________________ 6. angry___________________
7. real ________________________ 8. terrible ________________________
9. late ________________________ 10. early ________________________
11. good ________________________ 12. hard_________________
( )1. He looks .
A. happy B. happily C. sadly
( )2. Do you feel now Thanks , I’m Ok.
A. good B. well C. badly
( )3. My sister is to look after herself.
A. old enough B. enough old C. older enough
( )4. There isn’t to every student.
A. book enough B. books enough C. enough books
( )5. He is ill today. So he looks .
A. tired B. happily C. sadly
( )6. My brother doesn’t feel today.
A. good B. well C. happily
( )7. The food smells . I don’t like it
A. good B. badly C. bad
( )8. He writes very .
A. careful B. carefully C. bad
( )9. I study very .
A. hard B. hardly C. careful
( )10. Our country is becoming _______.
A. strong B. strongly C. richly
( )11. Is there in the newspaper
A. something new B. new anything C. anything new
( )12. There is with my bike. It works well.
A. nothing wrong B. wrong something C. something wrong
( )13. He speaks for me to understand.
A. too slowly B. slowly enough C. enough slowly
( )14. He runs to catch up with me .
A. too fast B. quick enough C. quickly enough
1. My father feels ___________ (good) today.
2. _________(happy), I passed the exam.
3. My father looks ____________(angry).
4. My father looks ______________(angry) at me.
5. She did her homework very ______________(careful).
6. Lily is ____________(care). And she does everything ______________(careful).
7. Don’t drive _____________(quick) on rainy days.
8. They gave us a _______________(warm) welcome.
9. They welcome us _____________(warm).
10. The fish taste very ____________(bad).
11. The flowers smell _______________(sweet).
12. Your ideas sound ________________(great).
13. ___________(lucky), he wasn’t badly hurt in the car crash.
14. He is _____________(bad) ill.
15. There are many _______________(beautiful) flowers.
1. nice _________ _________ 2. fat _____ ________ 3. slow _______ ___________
4. dry __________ _________ 5. happy ________ _________ 6. wet ________ ____________
7. much _______ _________ 8. ill ________ _________ 9. little ________ __________
10. bad _________ _________11. thin __________ _________ 12. far _________ ___________
13. early ________________ 14. careful_________ _________ 15. exciting _____ ___________
16. busy __________ ________
1. Fred is the _________________ (short ) in his class .
2. My book is ____________ ( new ) than my sister’s .
3. That piece of chicken is the _________________ ( heavy )in the fridge .
4. Her rule is _________________(long), and it’s the __________________(long)of ours all .
5. Is a fish ____________________(thin) than a bird
6. A rose tree isn’t __________________( short ) than a pear tree .
7. The leopard can run __________________( fast), but the cheetah can run ________________( fast) than it . It can run ___________________( fast ) in the world .
8. Is she the ___________________(old ) woman in the world
9. Which is __________________( big ), a dinosaur or a blue whale
The blue whale is ____________________( big ) than a dinosaur , it is the __________________(big) animal in the world . And elephant is the ___________________(big) animal on land .
10. My father leaves home __________________(early ) than me .
11. This zoo is much __________________(good ) than the old one .
12. My brother is much __________________(tall ) than my cousin .
13. The shoe shop is ____________________(near) the park .
14. This bag is very ___________________( heavy), but that one is __________________(heavy) than this one . It’s the ___________________( heavy) of all .
15. Jiamin is __________________( tall ). But Yongxian is __________________( tall ) than him .
1. Lucy is very short, but she is __________ than her sister.
A. shorter B. longer C. taller D. older
2. Sam is __________ at Chinese than Jim.
A. good B. well C. better D. gooder
3. This one is too large. Can you show me a __________one
A. larger B. large C. small D. smaller
4. —Do you think March is __________ than January
—Yes, it’s __________ warmer.
A. better, a little B. well, much C. worse, very D. nicer, quite
5. His French isn’t so good as __________.
A. her B. she C. his D. hers
6. Her bag is newer than __________.
A. mine B. my C. me D. I
7. Lin Tao is younger than __________ boy in his class.
A. any others B. any other C. the other D. the others
8. Which one is __________, this one or that one
A. good B. bad C. best D. worse
9. The weather in North China is colder than __________ in South China.
A. \ B. this C. the one D. that
10. I think your room is __________ bigger.
A. a lot B. a lot of C. lots of D. more
11. She is only 2 years old. She is ________go to school.
A. too young to B. young enough to C. enough young to D. too young not to
12. The room is _____ to put down these things.
A. large enough B. enough large C. enough big D. too large
13. Do you have ______ to buy the books --- Yes. But I am too little _____ carry them.
A. enough money; to B. money enough; not to C. enough money; / D/ money enough; to
14. The room is big enough ____ me to live ____.
A. for; in B. to; / C. for; / D. for; on
15. She is one of ____________ in our class.
A. the tallest student B. tallest students C. the tallest students D. tall students
feel; look; taste; smell; sound; be; seem
二、将下列形容词变为副词 略
1. well 2. Happily 3. angry 4. angrily 5.carefully
6. careful; carefully 7. quickly 8. warm 9. warmly 10. bad
11. sweet 12. great 13. Luckily 14. badly 15. beautiful
1. nicer nicest 2. fatter fattest 3. slower slowest
4. drier driest 5. happier happiest 6. wetter wettest
7. more most 8. worse worst 9. little less least
10. worse worst 11. Thinner thinnest 12. farther farthest
13. earlier earliest 14. More careful most careful
15. more exciting most exciting 16. busier busiest
1. shortest 2. newer 3. heaviest 4. longer longest 5. thinner
6. shorter 7. fast faster fastest 8. oldest 9. bigger; bigger; biggest; biggest 10. earlier
11. better 12. taller 13. nearer 14. heavy; heavier; heaviest 15. tall taller
