

1、高考英语写作功能词“能力才能才干”表达详解一、主要英语对应词及其用法结构1.名词 (ability, capability, capacity, competence, power, talent, flair, gift, proficiency, aptitude, vocation, acumen, touch, calibre/caliber) a person of great abilities极有能力的人to develop sb.s ability to analyse and solve problems培养某人分析问题和解决问题的能力to have the ability

2、to solve practical problems有解决实际问题的能力to improve/enhance/increase ones ability提高能力to strengthen ones ability for independent research/to work independently 增强从事独立研究的能力/独立工作的能力to cultivate sb.s reasonable ability培养某人的推理能力to demonstrate/display ones ability显露自己的能力/实力to develop superior/unique ability发挥

3、卓越的/独特的才能to improve sb.s inventive ability提高某人的创造能力to have an outstanding/a low ability to do sth.具有做某事的突出能力/做某事的能力很低a person of many abilities有多方面才能的人a be beyond the ability of.是所不能胜任的to the best of ones ability尽(自己的)最大努力a woman of great ability很有才气/才能/才具的女子to have a great musical/literary ability很

4、有音乐/文学天才 to have the capability to do/of doing this job well有能力把这件工作做好to have great capabilities as a writer极具作家潜质to be beyond/above sb.s capability超过某人的能力production/load capacity生产/承载能力wide capabilities多方面的能力to have an enormous capacity for hard work有苦干的巨大潜能The students capacity for learning is dif

5、ferent.(学生的学习能力是不同的。) ones competence in handling money理财能力scholarly competence/scholastic aptitude学术能力ones competence as a lawyer能胜任律师工作competence in English/English proficiency运用英语的能力 to use all ones powers of persuasion尽力进行说服to lose the power of speech丧失语言能力It is beyond/outside/not within my powe

6、r to help you.(我没有能力帮助你。)resolving power 分辨能力Physics gives us power to adventure into the unknown.(物理学给予我们探索未知世界的能力。) to possess a remarkable talent for.具有非凡的才能a writer of great talent天才的作家 to have many outstanding gifts多才多艺to have a gift for.具有的才能;有天才ones gift of doing sth.做某事的才能 Does she show any aptitude for
