
一. Listen and tick.
二. Listen and choose the correct sentence.
(1)A.Ann. B.Lily.
(2)A.I'm twelve. B.I'm eleven.
(3)A.I like dancing. B.I like singing.
(4)A.I'm forty kilograms. B.I'm fifty kilograms.
(5)A.Size thirty seven. B.Size thirty six.
Name Ann
Age 11
Hobby singing
Weight 40 kg
Shoe Size 36
三. Listen and order the sentences.
(1)Hey,Mr Jones will be our new art teacher.
   He is young.
   Really?What's he like?
   Is he friendly?
   Yes,he is.
(6)Cool!I like kind teachers.
四. Listen and finish the dialogue.
Mike:Hi,Grandpa.How are you?How was your (1)   ?
Grandpa:I'm fine,Mike.It was good,thank you.
Mike:What did you do?
Grandpa:Well,I(2)   at home with your grandma.We drank tea in the afternoon and (3)   TV.
Mike:I watched TV,too.I watched some children's shows on TV.
Grandpa:That's nice.Did you do anything else?
Mike:Yes,I(4)   my room and (5)   my clothes.
Grandpa:You are a good boy!
A.washed B.cleaned C.watched D.weekend E.stayed
五. Read and write.
born cake play water horse when talk why
六. Read and complete the table.
This is me!
Hi,I'm Bob.This is my poster.I changed a lot.
Before,I was short and fat.I liked candies and toys.But I couldn't play football.
But now,I am tall and strong.I can play football very well.I also like reading books.
I hope I will be a pilot in the future!I think I will be taller than I am now.Cool!
Before(过去) Now(现在) In the future(未来)
Bob was short and (1)    . He is tall and strong. He will be(2)    than he is now.
He liked candies and toys. He likes(3)    books. He will be a (5)    .
He couldn't play(4)    . He can play football.
七.Look and match.
(1)A:How do you go to school?
B:I go to school by bus.    
(2)A:What are you doing now?
B:I'm listening to music.    
(3)A:Which season do you like best?
B:I like winter best.    
(4)A:What did you do yesterday?
B:I washed my clothes.    
(5)A:When is Children's Day?
B:It's on June 1st.    
(6)A:How many people are there in your family?
八. Read and judge.
Cao Chong Weighs an Elephant曹冲称象
In ancient(古代的) China,there was a clever young boy named Cao Chong.His father was the famous Cao Cao.One day,Cao Cao received a special gift-a big elephant!This elephant was very large and heavy,and Cao Cao wanted to know exactly(精确地) how much it weighed.However,in those days,there were no scales(秤),so everyone was unsure how to weigh the elephant.
Cao Chong had a clever idea.He said,"Let's bring the elephant onto a boat and see how far the boat sinks(下沉).Then,make a mark at the waterline(水线).Next,take the elephant off the boat and load stones of equal weight onto the boat until it sinks to the same marked waterline.That way,we will know how much the elephant weighs."
Everyone listened to Cao Chong's idea and followed his instructions(指令).Sure enough,this method(方法)helped them easily find out the elephant's weight.Cao Cao was proud of his son's wisdom(才智),and everyone praised Cao Chong's cleverness.
(1)Cao Cao is Cao Chong's grandfather.    
(2)This elephant was very heavy,and Cao Cao wanted to know exactly how much it weighed.    
(3)The problem is how to weigh an elephant.    
(4)Cao Chong is not a good observer(观察者) or a good thinker(思考者).    
九.Read and answer the questions.(阅读短文,回答问题。)
I'm Bill.I live in Changsha.Last winter holiday,I went to Xi'an with my friends.We went there by train.It's an old city.We visited the Terra Cotta Warriors(兵马俑) there.We also ate some noodles.They were delicious.
This winter holiday,I'm going to visit Tai'an with my mother.We are going there by plane.Because it is far from Changsha.And well stay there for two days.My mother wants to go to Dai Temple(岱庙).We'll climb Mount Tai(泰山).It is the head of the Five Famous Mountains in China.We're also going to watch the sunrise(日出) there.
(1)How did they go to Xi'an?
(2)What did they eat in Xi'an?
(3)Why are they going to Tai'an by plane?
(4)What is the head of the Five Famous Mountains in China?
9.【答案】(1)By train.
(2)They ate noodles.
(3)Because it is far from Changsha.
(4)Mount Tai.
