专题05 选词填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考英语+2年模拟 (湖北专用)(含答案)

专题05 选词填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考 2年模拟 (湖北专用)
after; attention; clean; collect; come; first; he; helpful; hold; life
Do you believe picking up rubbish has become a world competition
In November of 2023, the first Rubbish Collection World Cup was 1 in Asia. Teams from 21 countries took part in it. According to the rules, each team will have 60 minutes to 2 rubbish as much as possible. Britain finally won the 3 prize. “We hope more people around the world will pay 4 to environmental problems,” said a British team member.
When Ken, the founder (创始人) of the competition, was interviewed, he talked about how he 5 up with the idea. Several years ago, he found many sea animals died 6 they ate the rubbish in the sea. So he started to pick up rubbish on 7 way to the beach every morning.
“Picking up a piece of rubbish may save a turtle’s (海龟的) 8 . It’s also a good way to keep the beach 9 .” In his eyes, changing people’s thoughts about rubbish was more important.
“Picking up rubbish is meaningful and 10 ,” added Ken. “Now, I am glad to hear that lots of people take part in it to protect our environment.”
leaves, spring, seen, wet, come, think, were used to
March is a great time to enjoy the unusual flowers of the butterbur (蜂斗菜). This plant is 11 across most of the UK and it likes 12 places near rivers. Some people 13 that butterbur is like a toilet brush. When the flowers open, they have white on them. Then the heart-shaped 14 appear and they are huge, reaching up to one meter across. In the past, the butterbur had many uses. Its cool leaves 15 treat headaches.
animal also because believe bring call in many pet sign
In Chinese culture, the rabbit represents (代表) the moon. Ancient people 16 that a rabbit was living on the moon. The rabbit 17 the Jade Rabbit or the Moon Rabbit. It was the 18 of the moon goddess Chang’e.
In nature, rabbits can reproduce (繁殖) in large numbers in a short time. In this way, ancient Chinese people also saw the rabbit as a good 19 . They believed the 20 children they had, the luckier and happier they would be.
Western people 21 see the rabbit as a sign of good luck. They believe a rabbit’s foot can 22 good luck to its holder. Old tradition has it that if teenager hunters caught a rabbit, they could be awarded (奖励) the 23 back foot in a ceremony. It welcomed them to manhood (成年) within their clan (部落).
Rabbits also show up 24 other areas of Western culture. The night before Easter, kids often make nests (窝) for the Easter Bunny in the garden. Rabbits are close to the idea of new life 25 they have lots of babies.
him; successfully; argue with; country; nearly; agree with; overcome
26.I quite you. Let’s take action now.
27.Even though my brother is young, he can take good care of .
28.There is no doubt that China is one of the oldest in the world.
29.Jimmy all the difficulties and got to the top of the mountain.
30.The C919, China’s self-developed large passenger plane finished its first flight from Shanghai to Beijing on May 28th.
A.come true B.swim C. turn to D.proud of E. share F. as long as
31.Humans the same world with animals and plants.
32.We’ll have a bright future we stick to working hard.
33.Summer is coming. Remember not to alone in the river.
34.Whenever you are in trouble, you can the police.
35.Shenzhou XVI was launched successfully on May 30th. We are China’s rapid progress in space industry.
proud up cover in easily they serve high remember how
When the movie Leap was put on at cinemas on Sept. 25, 2020, it received a lot of praise from the whole country. The movie shows the spirit of the Chinese women’s volleyball players and 36 journey to becoming an excellent volleyball team.
In order to stand on the world’s 37 podium (领奖台), the girls of the women’s volleyball team worked day and night to practice. Finally, they became the gold medal (金牌) owners and the 38 of the Chinese people. However, the road to the championship (冠军称号) 39 with tears and sweats (汗水). They fell many times and climbed 40 again and again to achieve the final success. “Without going through the wind and rain, 41 can we see the rainbow (彩虹) No one can succeed 42 .” The girls always keep these words 43 mind. Over 40 years of ups and downs, they have gradually become a legend (传奇) of the world volleyball sport.
44 the country and never giving up are the keys to their success. That is what the film Leap wants us 45 forever.
good realize although they use interest hide face quick in
How I Learned to Learn English
Last year, I did not like my English class. Every class was like a bad dream. The teacher spoke so 46 that I did not understand her most of the time. I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor pronunciation. I just 47 behind my textbook and never said anything.
Then one day I watched an English movie called Toy Stony. I fell 48 love with this exciting and funny movie! So I began to watch other English movies, too. 49 I could not understand everything the characters said, their body language and the expressions on their 50 helped me to get the meaning. I also 51 I could get the meaning by listening for just the key words. My pronunciation improved as well by listening to the conversations in English movies. I discovered that listening to something 52 is the secret to language learning. I also learned 53 sentences like “It’s a piece of cake” or “It serves you right”. I did not understand these sentences at first. But because I wanted to understand the story, I looked 54 up in a dictionary.
Now I really enjoy my English class. I want to learn new words and more grammar so that I can have a 55 understanding of English movies.
bright find fresh full get life quiet support thank warm
In November, we had a unique (独特的) class meeting. Our teacher took us out of the classroom and into the 56 playground. The aim was to help us write Thanksgiving cards by 57 closer to nature.
The sun was shining 58 as we all got together on the playground. The soft wind carried the sweet smell of 59 grass and flowers. We were then given blank (空白的) cards and asked to write Thanksgiving messages to anyone for whom we felt 60 . Our teacher wanted us to feel the beauty of nature and show our thanks to the people who make our 61 beautiful.
As I sat there, I realized how much I had in my life to be thankful for. I wrote cards to my parents, friends, and my teachers to thank them for their love and 62 . Later, I sent the cards to the people I thanked. The smiles on their faces were like warm sunshine. I also got two cards from my best friends. My heart is 63 of happiness. This class activity taught me a lesson—to 64 beauty in the ordinary (平凡) and to be thankful for it. Life is not just about achieving big dreams, but also about holding the small moments that fill our days with joy and 65 . We should always appreciate the people who enrich (使……丰富) our lives in different ways.
send give however skill well few with useful try everything
Once there was a king in ancient China. One day, he 66 his men to look for talented people. 67 , several months later, they didn’t find anyone.
“We 68 our best, but there were no such people as you wanted,” his men said.
“People are like tools,” said the king. “What we need to do is to use their strengths (长处) 69 . You should try to find out what people are good at.”
That’s true. Each tool is used to do something special. Like a tool, each person has his or her different 70 . Nobody is perfect. We can’t expect a person to be good at 71 .
With this idea in mind, the king found quite a 72 helpers. They helped the king 73 many problems. A good farmer was a young man from a poor family, who was talented in farming. He gave the king a lot of 74 advice on it.
People should be 75 a chance as long as they are talented in something. We should work hard and become useful persons to the society.
(2024·湖北随州·三模)园读短文。从方框中选出正确的词并用其适当形式填空。使短文通顺、意思完整。每空 限填一次, 每调限用一次。
member wait responsible like when she lucky laugh n large provide
It was Olivia’s first day at Rockford Public Schools. She felt very excited, but at the same time, she was a little nervous. The new school, with 900 students in her grade, is much 76 than her old school, where there were just 330 students. 77 she sat down at a table in her new school’s dining hall, she wasn’t yet sure how she would feel about being at the school.
78 , she wasn’t the only new one at the school. To help the new students from junior high schools feel better, this special activity was 79 for them.
Rebecca, a new school counselor (辅导员), was 80 for the activity. “I know what it is 81 to be in a new place and I want the students to know they’re not alone.” she said. After Rebecca introduced 82 and other school workers to the new students, she announced that the students could talk freely and ask them any questions. The 83 of the student council (学生会) were also available to answer questions about the school, Soon the room was filled with sounds of 84 .
The activity was very successful. Some students said they couldn’t 85 to study in such a wonderful school. As for Olivia, she felt a sense of belonging. “It’s a really special place. And I believe l will have a good time at the school in the following years,” she said.
funny/hold/business/give up/take off/strong/protect
86.I get such a feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better.
87.In many eastern European countries, you should your gloves before shaking hands.
88.The ancient emperors built the Great Wall to their part of the country.
89.Hometowns are the places that all the best childhood memories.
90.Wang Tao set up a to make beautiful art pieces by using materials from old cars.
funny/hold/business/give up/take off/strong/protect
91.In many eastern European countries, you should your gloves before shaking hands.
92.Wang Tao set up a to make beautiful art pieces by using materials from old cars.
93.The ancient emperors built the Great Wall to their part of the country.
94.Hometowns are the places that all the best childhood memories.
95.I get such a feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better.
funny/hold/business/give up/take off/strong/protect
96.I get such a feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better.
97.Wang Tao set up a to make beautiful art pieces by using materials from old cars.
98.Hometowns are the places that all the best childhood memories.
99.In many eastern European countries, you should your gloves before shaking hands.
100.The ancient emperors built the Great Wall to their part of the country.
(2023·湖北武汉·模拟预测)仔细阅读下面五个句子, 然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空, 使每个句子在结构, 句义和逻辑上正确。(提示:方框中有两个单词或短语是多余的。)
covered / mean / value / wealth / filled / divided / care for
101.He is and only thinks about himself.
102.I have a lot of , but I’m always worried about losing my money.
103.We the time we spend with our family and friends in our everyday lives.
104.Dr.Naismith the men in his class into two teams and taught them to play his new game.
105.Sky lanterns are made of bamboo and with paper.
1.held 2.collect 3.first 4.attention 5.came 6.after 7.his 8.life 9.clean 10.helpful
11.seen 12.wet 13.think 14.leaves 15. were used to
16.believed 17.is called 18.pet 19.sign 20.more 21.also 22.bring 23.animal’s 24.in 25.because
26.agree with 27.himself 28.countries 29.overcame 30.successfully
31.E 32.F 33.B 34.C 35.D
36.their 37.highest 38.pride 39.was covered 40.up 41.how 42.easily 43.in 44.Serving 45.to remember
46.quickly 47.hid 48.in 49.Although 50.faces 51.realized 52.interesting 53.useful 54.them 55.better
56.quiet 57.getting 58.brightly 59.fresh 60.thankful 61.lives 62.support 63.full 64.find 65.warmth
66.sent 67.However 68.tried 69.well 70.skills 71.everything 72.few 73.with 74.useful 75.given
76.larger 77.When 78.Luckily 79.provided 80.responsible 81.like 82.herself 83.members 84.laughter 85.wait
86.strong 87.take off 88.protect 89.hold 90.business
91.take off 92.business 93.protect 94.hold 95.strong
96.strong 97.business 98.hold 99.take off 100.protect
101.mean 102.wealth 103.value 104.divided 105.covered
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
