专题05 补全对话--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考英语+2年模拟 (重庆专用)(含答案)

专题05 补全对话--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考 2年模拟 (重庆专用)
A: Hi, Dave! 1
B: Not good.
A: 2
B: My right leg began to hurt after I ran this morning.
A: 3
B: No. I forgot it. And I ran 5 kilometers.
A: That’s too much. And it’s not right to run without warm-up exercises.
B: 4 What should I do now
A: You’d better stop running and rest for a few days. If your leg still hurts, go to see a doctor.
B: OK, I will. 5
A: You are welcome.
A.What happened
B.How’s it going
C.Let’s run together.
D.You are probably right.
E.Thanks for your advice.
F.How often do you exercise
G.Did you do any warm-up exercises
Hi, Tony! 6 I am practicing Tai Chi. 7 Yes, it can help us keep healthy. So cool! I’m becoming interested in it. Our school will hold a Tai chi performance next month. 8 I want to give it a try. 9 Sorry, I’m not very good at it yet. You can join our school Tai Chi club. OK, when does the club meet 10 That’s OK with me! I can’t wait! See you! See you then!
A.How are you
B.Would you like to take part in it
C.From 5:00 p. m. to 5:40 p. m. every Tuesday and Thursday.
D.What are you doing these days
E.That’s a good idea.
F.Is that a traditional Chinese kung fu
G.Could you please teach me
Rubbish Bins
A: Tom, could you help me
B: Fine. 11
A: Take out the rubbish, please.
B: No problem. 12
A: To the rubbish bins around the street corner.
B: OK. I’ll go at once!
A: 13
B: How many bins are there
A: 14
B: But how can I know which is the right one
A: It’s easy to tell. They have different colours and signs.
B: 15
A.OK. I see.
B.There are four.
C.You can do many things.
D.But where should I take it
E.What do you want me to do
F.What colour is the rubbish bin
G.Don’t forget to put it in the right bin.
A: Hey, Amy!
B: 16
A: Oh, you are busy. 17
B: I’m making a list. I have to do a lot of things today.
A: 18
B: I have to clean my room, study for my English test and prepare a birthday gift for a friend.
A: OK. Can you help me when you’re free
B: 19 What do you need me to do
A: 20
B: All right. I can do it now.
A: Thank you! Remember to put the recyclable bottles in the right place.
A.What time is it now
B.Yes Mum, I am busy.
C.Take out the rubbish, please.
D.What are you doing
E.No problem!
F.You are late for school.
G.What do you have to do
A: Hey, Henry.
B: Hi, e in and take a seat.
A: I didn’t see you at school today. 21
B: I went to a speech competition.
A: Great. Did you win
B: Yes. I won the first place.
A: 22 I always know you can do it.
B: Thanks. 23
A: Yes. We had an exciting geography class. We learned much about food around China.
B: 24 I missed it.
A: Cheer up, Henry. 25 I have the textbook with me.
B: Thank you, Bill. It’s really kind of you.
A: You are welcome.
A.What happened
B.Congratulations, Henry.
C.I had a headache in the morning
D.I am here to help you.
E.Have you travelled around China
F.Anything interesting at school
G.What a pity!
A: Hello, Tom! What are you going to do after the exams
B: 26 What about you
A: I want to relax, so I plan to go on a trip.
B: 27
A: I’d like to go somewhere interesting and exciting.
B: There is a new amusement park (游乐场) in our city. 28
A: No, I haven’t.
B: I haven’t been there, either. Let’s go there together this Sunday.
A: 29 We can go there by bus.
B: Why not ride a bike It’s not too far from here. 30
A: Yes, I agree with you.
A.Sounds great!
B.I have no idea.
C.You are welcome.
D.Have you ever been there
E.Where would you like to go
F.I really want to see it tomorrow.
G.Riding a bike is good for both our health and the environment.
(2024·重庆北碚·二模)A: How time flies! Here we’re at the end of junior high school. It’s hard to say goodbye, isn’t it
B: Yes, it is. 31
A: I remember breaking my right arm while playing soccer in Grade 7.
B: I remember that! 32
A: Yes. 33 I will surely come back to see her one day after graduation.
B: Me, too. She always encouraged and helped me so that I could make great progress.
A: She is really a good teacher. 34
B: Mr. Wang. 35 But he was kind to me and never gave up on me.
A: We should be thankful to the teachers.
B: That’s for sure.
A.What is the most unforgettable for you
B.Other subjects are very easy.
C.Miss Zhao took you to the hospital.
D.What subject do you like best
E.She is a caring and warm-hearted teacher.
F.I had lots of difficulty with physics in Grade 8.
G.Which teacher is the most helpful to you
A: Good morning! This is Scott’s Flower Store. Is there anything I can do for you
B: Yes. I’d like to buy some flowers for my friend.
A: 36
B: I’d like some roses and lilies. My friend likes flowers with bright color.
A: Sorry, roses have been sold out. How about a box of fresh sunflowers
B: All right. 37
A: They are 100 yuan.
B: Could you please send the flowers to my home
A: No problem. 38
B: That’s wonderful.
A: 39
B: Of course. Room 520, Shuanghu Road, Yubei District.
A: OK. I will get them ready and be there in about 30 minutes.
B: Thank you very much.
A: 40
A.No, thanks.
B.Our store provides such service for free within 10 km.
C.Would you like something to buy
D.How much are they in total
E.Could you please tell me your address
F.You’re welcome.
G.What kind of flowers would you like
A: Hi, Tim. How was your trip on May Day
B: It was great. I went to a farm.
A: 41
B: I went there with my friends.
A: 42
B: We went there by bus. It’s very far from here.
A: 43
B: It took us half an hour to get there.
A: 44
B: We went for a walk, rode horses and took many photos there. We really enjoyed ourselves.
A: Oh, it sounds good. I’d like to visit the farm, too.
B: Yeah, I’m sure you will have a good time there.
A: Thank you very much.
B: 45
A.Not at all.
B.How did you get there
C.What did you do there
D.Did you go there with anyone else
E.How long did it take you to get there
F.Who did you go there with
G.How far is it from there to school
(2023·重庆沙坪坝·模拟预测)A: Hi, Jack. I’d like to have a class party. 46
B: Yes, of course, Grace. 47
A: Let’s have it today after class.
B: No, we can’t have it today. If so, half of the classmates can’t come.
A: Let’s make it tomorrow.
B: Hmm, 48 Students will leave early to study for the test. Why not have it on the weekend
A: OK, let’s have it on Saturday afternoon. All the students can come and we can watch videos together.
B: No, I don’t think we should watch videos. Some students will feel bored. What about playing party games
A: 49 Can you organize the party games
B: Sure. I can do that. Can you make some fruit salad for us
A: 50
A.There will be a test the day after tomorrow.
B.Will you help me organize it
C.There was a football match yesterday.
D.No problem.
E.When shall we have the party
F.Let’s play football tomorrow.
G.That sounds like a good idea.
A: Hello! Keli Restaurant.
B: Hello! This is Mr. Wang. Could I order a meal by phone
A: Sure. 51 .
B: I’d like Mapo Tofu, Beijing Roast Duck and fried rice.
A: 52
B: Yes, two bottles of juice. That’s all. 53
A: 85 yuan. 54
B: My home is at No.183 on Ganghua Road. How soon can I get them
A: 55 . See you soon!
B: Thanks a lot. See you!
A.What would you like
B.Thanks for your order.
C.In 20 minutes.
D.How much should I pay
E.Anything else
F.May I take your order
G.What’s your address
A: Hi, Jessica. Long time no see. Did you have a nice trip during your vacation
B: Sure. 56
A: Did you go to Gulangyu Island in Xiamen as you had planned
B: Yes. 57
A: Is there anything special there
B: Well, we visited a piano museum which was really impressive.
A: 58
B: Sorry, taking photos isn’t allowed there.
A: What a pity!
B: There is the oldest piano in the world. 59
A: What about the food
B: It was delicious but not expensive. I enjoyed myself eating a lot of seafood and snacks.
A: Sounds great. 60
A.We went to Sanya.
B.We stayed there for a week.
C.That’s an unforgettable experience.
D.I can’t wait to take a visit myself.
E.The guide told us a lot about the history of the pianos.
F.Hope you’ll have a good time.
G.Can I have a look at the photos
A: Hi, Tom. How was your school trip last Saturday
B: It was great. I went to a farm.
A: 61
B: I went there with my friends.
A: 62
B: We went there by bus. It’s very far from here.
A: 63
B: It took us half an hour to get there.
A: 64
B: We went for a walk, rode horses and took many photos there. We really enjoyed ourselves.
A: Oh, it sounds good. I’d like to visit the farm, too.
B: Yeah, I’m sure you will have a good time there.
A: Thank you very much.
B: 65
A.How did you get there
B.How far is it far from there to school
C.What did you do here
D.Who did you go there with
E.How long did you take to get there
F.Not at all.
G.Did you go there with anyone else
[Last month, Japanese ACGN(二次元)singer MARiA came to China to take part in Ride the Wind 2023. Here is an interview.]
Interviewer: Hi, MARiA.Welcome to China.
MARiA: Thank you.
Interviewer: 66
MARiA: It’s been 20 years since I started singing. Many people don’t know about me but I do have a lot of typical songs.
Interviewer: Haha. 67
MARiA: Yes, it’s a little sad but it’s also great for me.
Interviewer. Can you describe yourself in three words
MARiA: Sure. 68 Although I’m not tall, I can sing loud songs full of energy.
Interviewer: Now you are in China. 69 How will you deal with that
MARiA: Look at me!I can show you some body languages.
Interviewer: For the first performance, you will team with Gong Linna. 70
MARiA: I think that’ll be cool. Although we have different singing styles, I believe that’ll be a great success.
A.Can you work well with her
B.Tall, lovely and smart.
C.Tiny, loud and energetic.
D.Your songs are more famous than you.
E.You may have problems with Chinese.
F.How do you feel about that
G.How long have you been a singer
1.B 2.A 3.G 4.D 5.E
6.D 7.F 8.B 9.G 10.C
11.E 12.D 13.G 14.B 15.A
16.B 17.D 18.G 19.E 20.C
21.A 22.B 23.F 24.G 25.D
26.B 27.E 28.D 29.A 30.G
31.A 32.C 33.E 34.G 35.F
36.G 37.D 38.B 39.E 40.F
41.F 42.B 43.E 44.C 45.A
46.B 47.E 48.A 49.G 50.D
51.A 52.E 53.D 54.G 55.C
56.C 57.B 58.G 59.E 60.D
61.D 62.A 63.E 64.C 65.F
66.G 67.D 68.C 69.E 70.A
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
