专题04 短文填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考英语+2年模拟 (湖南专用)(含答案)

专题04 短文填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考 2年模拟 (湖南专用)
Chinese New Year is a great celebration. It 1 (mark) the end of the winter season and the beginning of spring. According to tradition, people like to give flowers and fruits 2 each other during Chinese New Year, because they carry many special 3 (meaning). They represent (象征) the earth coming back to life and best wishes for new beginnings,
Orchids (兰花) come in many colors, but many people like purple and red ones for Chinese New Year. They are believed 4 (represent) love and beauty. Orchids say, “Wish you to be 5 (luck), successful and happy.” During the holiday period, this plant is a must.
Peonies (牡丹) are like soft clouds in pink, red and white. They are beautiful and can brighten up someone’s day. Red peonies 6 (give) to people to show love and care. Peonies say, “You are special to me.” They are also a symbol of wealth and 7 (rich).
Kumquats (金橘), with 8 (they) golden color, ate a symbol of wealth and luck. The Chinese word for “kumquat” sounds like “gold orange”, which connects kumquats with richness. This small fruit tree is often presented in pairs.
The apple, with its bright colors 9 round shape, represents peace and harmony (和谐). In fact, the word for “apple” in Chinese sounds like “peace”. 10 (certain), apples make great gifts.
(2024·湖南·中考真题)I work at a most popular restaurant in my hometown. I love working here as a member of a fantastic team. People here are very 11 (friend), and hard-working.
I started by washing dishes when I was only 18. I worked hard, and soon became 12 waiter. Simon, who was head chef (主厨) then, began to show 13 (I) how to cook. I loved it so much and I 14 (go) to college to learn more. When Simon left the restaurant, I became head chef. At the time all the food was traditional. The quality (品质) was good, but I wanted to do something different, so I decided 15 (have) a different menu.
Now we serve food from all over the country. There are many markets and food shops here. I can 16 (usual) find any ingredient (配料) I need. I use a lot of natural food. Some people think it is not so delicious, 17 I don’t agree. Well-prepared natural food has a 18 (good) taste than fast food. Our food is healthy and most customers love it. We use the best meat and the freshest vegetables. At the weekend we play many 19 (kind) of music. There’s also a special menu 20 children on Saturdays and that’s when we serve traditional food.
When I was in primary school, I seldom helped my parents at home. I thought I should spend my time 21 schoolwork to get good grades. My parents did all the 22 (chore). I used to make a mess and throw my things everywhere.
One day, when my mother went home after work and 23 (find)a lot of rubbish in our house, she got so mad at me. She said to me 24 (serious), “You must do some housework every day from now on.” I talked back loudly, “It is the parents’ job 25 (provide)a clean and comfortable environment at home.”
Now I’m 26 15-year-old middle school student. I have a labor(劳动)class at school every week. The teacher 27 (teach)us how to make food, tidy the room, grow some vegetables and so on. I understand that 28 (do)housework is more difficult than I used to imagine. Thinking back those old days, I regret 29 I have done before. I begin to do more housework, so my parents can have a good rest when they come back from work. They are also proud of my change.
In my opinion, we children should be independent and take care of 30 (we). Because it not only helps us learn many basic skills, but also helps us develop good habits.
Qi Baishi is a world-famous art master in China.
He was born in 31 poor family from Xiangtan, Hunan province. He was at school for less than a year because 32 illnesses. One day, he found a Chinese painting guide book—Jieziyuan Huapu. The book inspired his interests in painting 33 (picture). He decided 34 (learn) by himself and later became a master of art through his hard work. In 1902, he 35 (start) to travel around China. He visited famous places, met many people and saw different kinds of art pieces. These experiences helped him become one of the 36 (good) artists of all time.
37 (He) paintings are generally about the small things of the world, such as fish, shrimps (虾) and frogs. “Mouse and Cat with Lamp” is one of them. In the picture, a mouse is standing on the top of a long pole (杆子). Under the pole is a cat. They are so lively 38 it looks like they would jump out of the paper to fight.
All the works 39 (create) by Qi Baishi in a fresh way, which expressed his love for nature and life. His talents and skills amazed the whole world a lot. He is 40 (real) a master of art and the pride of Xiangtan.
Li Bai was a great poet in the Tang Dynasty. He loved nature, especially big mountains and rivers. When he was 24 years old, he 41 (leave) home and traveled to Chengdu and Mount Emei, and then down the Yangtze River.
Li Bai wrote lots of poems about the beautiful mountains. He also wrote a lot about the 42 (月亮). These poems are loved by many Chinese people, f 43 example Thoughts on a Tranquil Night (《静夜思》).
In his forties, Li Bai met another great poet, Du Fu, in Luoyang. They two became close friends. They traveled together for some time, visited other poets and had a great time. Li Bai gave Du Fu a lot of inspiration in the art of poetry. But 44 (they) poems were different. Li Bai’s poems were 45 (usual) about nature, while Du Fu wrote many poems to express the feelings of the ordinary people. They will always be remembered.
(2023·湖南常德·中考真题)One evening, a clever man, Haojia went to get some water. To his surprise, 46 he looked into the well, he found the moon in it. “Oh, my god! The beautiful moon 47 (drop) into the well!” He quickly put his bucket (水桶) into the well to fish for the moon.
After some time, Haojia was pleased 48 (find) that the moon was in the bucket. He began to pull. He pulled so hard that the rope on the bucket 49 (break) and he fell on his back. Facing the sky, Haojia saw the moon again high there. “Aha, 50 finally came back to the sky! What a good job!” He felt very happy and told everyone about the wonderment proudly.
Brandon Collins-Green is a man from Canada. He is interested in Chinese poems. He spends nearly ten 51 (hour) a day translating Chinese poems into English. He 52 (translate) more than 1, 000 Chinese poems since six years ago.
After translating a Chinese poem into 53 English one, Collins-Green often writes it down on a piece of paper with a brush pen. He also draws a picture beside the poem to help show the 54 (mean) of the Chinese poem. He connects Chinese and foreign cultures 55 his paintings, and writes the poems in English, so his readers can have a better understanding about Chinese poems, even Chinese history 56 culture.
Brandon Collins-Green is studying for his doctor’s degree(博士学位)in China now. He wants 57 (learn) another foreign language if his Chinese is good enough, but that day hasn’t arrived yet. He has found there’s always new knowledge to learn in Chinese.
Collins-Green 58 (have) a small workshop(工作坊)near his university. The place is small, but he likes 59 (they) very much because he can pay attention to his translation work in his workshop.
Collins-Green hopes that his works can help 60 (many) western people know China than before, and come to see how fast it is changing and enjoy the beauty of its culture by themselves.

It is normal to feel a bit nervous about exams, especially if you’re u 61 pressure from school or family. Exam stress can cause you to feel nervous. It might influence you. Here are some things you can do to reduce your exam pressure.
Firstly, let your trusted friends or family know if you are having 62 hard time. They can support you, encourage you and offer a listening ear. Keeping it a secret will only make things 63 (bad), so don’t be afraid to open up.
Secondly, tell your teachers about your worries and ask for help. They may have talked to lots of 64 (学生) who are going through similar things. So they can give you some helpful advice.
Thirdly, be kind to yourself. Think about all the things you have achieved so far. It can be helpful to write the things you like about yourself, and the things other people value about you, too. Treating yourself 65 (kind) is helpful.
If you follow these things above, I’m sure you will not be worried about exams anymore.
The Netherlands needs thousands of new houses because the country 66 (have) a growing population. Anyway, it may not have to build all those houses. Some of 67 (they) can be printed.
68 (recent), the government has been working together with a university and some building companies(公司) to build houses that are fully 3D-printed. As volunteers, an old couple has become the first people in Europe to move into such 69 house.
With two 70 (bedroom) and a big living room, the house was built layer(层) by layer, using a huge 3D printer and special cement(水泥). After being printed out, the house 71 (carry) by a truck to the building site, and a roof (屋顶) and windows were later added. It took around 120 hours 72 (finish) this 3D-printed house. Usually, it takes about one or two years to build a house in the 73 (tradition) way.
The couple will live 74 this house for six months, with a monthly pay of 800 euros(欧元). The cost seems a little bit high, but they think it is much cheaper 75 living in the hotel.
Shaoshan is a famous city, the hometown of Chairman (主席) Mao Zedong. He once lived, studied, and 76 (work) here. Shaoshan is a comfortable place with flowers blooming (开花) and birds singing all year round. Shaoshan is a place 77 is almost in the middle of Hunan, about 40 kilometers from Xiangtan City and 100 kilometers from Changsha City.
As the high-speed trains are available, more and more people come here 78 train. For example, it only 79 (take) less than half an hour from Changsha City to Shaoshan. Others still want 80 (drive) here with families or friends. If people come here on December 26th, it will be the 81 (good) time. On that day there are a lot of celebrations, because it’s Chairman Mao’s birthday.
82 (Visitor) from all over the country come here to show their respect. They also look forward to 83 (watch) The Most Memorable Shaoshan (《最忆韶山冲》), which can help them better understand Chairman Mao. They will be deeply moved and encouraged. Besides, it is not only 84 good place for students to have school trips, but also an education base for 85 (they) to learn about the history of the Communist Party of China (中国共产党).
A new report predicts that by 2050, half of the world’s population (around 4.8 billion people) will be shortsighted. The medical name for this is myopia (近视). It is also 86 (call) nearsightedness.
87 we have myopia, we can’t see the things far away from us. It is true that more and more people have myopia. It’s a bad situation. According to the data released (发布) by the National Health Commission, China is a big country of myopia, and almost 90 percent 88 young Chinese people are near-sighted. Children aged between six and ten 89 have myopia are more likely to suffer from severe myopia in the future. Some experts make a prediction 90 (recent). In the opinion, there will be seven times more people with myopia in 2050 than there were in the year 2000.
The researchers say that the number of people with myopia will increase because of different reasons. Looking at computer screens and mobile phones may be the major reason. The increase may have something to do with lifestyle 91 (change). Now, people spend 92 (little) time outdoors than before. A science journalist says that 93 (spend) more time outdoors in early childhood can reduce the chances of getting myopia. A researcher once said. “You can spend time on computers and screens, 94 remember to spend two hours outdoors every day. That is 95 for your eyesight.”
It was snowy and dark on the l 96 evening of the year. Many people were getting together in their warm homes. A poor little girl was still walking in the streets with no shoes. There were some matches in her hand.
“Matches, matches!” the little girl cried in a low voice. No one heard her when they were passing by. She didn’t sell any matches and no one gave her a 97 (硬币). The wind was blowing strongly and the snow was falling down on her long hair. She felt cold and hungry.
Lights were shining from every window. But the little girl was afraid to go home without selling one box of matches, because her father would beat her.
“Ah, a burning match may warm me up!” she thought. She lit three matches. When the matches were burning, she saw a warm stove, a delicious roast goose and a beautiful Christmas tree. But all these disappeared when the flames went out. Then she lit a 98 (第四) match. A kind old woman was standing there.
“Grandmother!” cried the little girl, “Take me with you.” Her grandmother smiled and h 99 the girl in her arms.
On the morning of the new year, the girl was lying a 100 the wall, dead!
In many children’s stories, a girl meets a prince and falls in love. They get married and live 101 (happy) ever after.
As a child, Meghan Markle may never have imagined 102 (marry) a prince. But that is exactly what happened 103 May 19th!
Who is this young lady who just married into Britain’s royal family (王室)
Meghan Markle was born in Los Angeles, California, in 1981. Her mother, Doria, was a doctor, 104 her father was a television lighting director. For ten 105 (year) after school, each day, young Meghan spent time at the studio where her father worked. This experience allowed her 106 (become) very comfortable with the acting business. For that reason, she knew she wanted to become 107 actress from a very carly age.
As a child, she felt strongly about something else, too: People should 108 (treat) equally. This passion (热情) to help others is still a big part of her life today.
Her acting began in 2002 when she made her 109 (one) show on TV. Other small parts on TV and in a few films followed. Then finally in 2011, Meghan got 110 (she) big break. She won a main role in the popular TV series Suits.
Ye Shengtao was a famous Chinese writer. He created the first collection of fairy tales (童话集) named The Scarecrow (《稻草人》) for Chinese children between 1921 and 1922.
Ye was born in 1894 in Jiangsu. He once worked 111 a teacher in a primary school He often told his students stories from Chinese and foreign classics. His students were all happy 112 (listen) to those stories.
In 1921, Ye 113 (begin) to write fairy tales for a magazine. He finished his first fairy tale Little White Boat in November of 114 same year. In the following seven months, Ye wrote 22 115 (many) fairy tales than before. And they made up The Scarecrow we see today.
There are two kinds of stories in the collection. The 116 (one) story is about children’s innocent smiles and beautiful feelings like Little White Boat. People’s hard life like The Scarecrow 117 (describe) in the second story. In the story, the scarecrow often sees poor people’s difficulties in life, 118 he isn’t able to stop them from happening or give people a helping hand. He feels very helpless and falls down in the field at last. Ye wanted children to care about what happened around 119 (they). And he hoped children could understand adult’s 120 (sad) after reading the collection.
Good works always stand the test of time. Nowadays, Ye’s fairy tales are still popular with children.
Qi Baishi is a world-famous art master in China. He was born in 121 poor family from Xiangtan, Hunan Province. He was at school for less than a year because 122 illnesses. One day, he found a Chinese painting guide book—Jieziyuan Huapu. The book inspired his interest in painting 123 (picture).
He decided 124 (learn) by himself and later became a master of art through his hard work. In 1902, he 125 (start) to travel around China. He visited famous places, met many people and saw different kinds of art pieces. These experiences helped him become one of the 126 (good) artists of all time.
127 (He) paintings are generally about the small things of the world, such as fish, shrimps (虾) and frogs. Mouse and Cat with Lamp is one of them. In the picture, a mouse is standing on the top of a long pole (杆子). Under the pole is a cat. They are so lively 128 it looks like they would jump out of the paper to fight.
All the works 129 (create) by Qi Baishi in a fresh way, which expressed his love for nature and life. His talents and skills amazed the whole world a lot. He is 130 (real) a master of art and the pride of Hunan.
Long long ago, there was a small village in the Middle East. In the village there was an old man called Sthira. He lived by himself. His only son had gone far away to study. Sthira’s friends wondered whether his son would return, 131 Sthira always said, “Whatever happens, happens for good.”
One day the old man’s son returned and the villagers were very happy for Sthira. He thanked the villagers and said 132 (polite), “Whatever happens, happens for good.”
However, later, Sthira’s son broke his leg. Once again the villagers came to visit him and once again the old man thanked 133 and said, “Whatever happens, happens for good.” Some of the villagers were surprised 134 (hear) this. Why What was good His son’s leg got badly hurt.
After a few days, the army came to the village and forced(强迫)all the young men to 135 the army. When they found his son had a broken leg, they let him behind. Once again, all the villagers came to congratulate him on his good luck. Like always, the old man was still thankful to them and said, “Whatever happens, happens for good.”
2023 Touching the Heart of China has come out recently. The story of Xu Mengtao 136 (deep) touches many young people’s heart.
Xu Mengtao was born in a poor family. Her father who made a living by setting barbecue stall(烧烤摊) found her talent in the sport. At the age of 8, she was sent to the freestyle skiing team. Xu Mengtao’s life changed from 137 common girl to a Snow Princess.
In her first Winter Olympics, 19-year-old Xu Mengtao failed because of a big mistake. At that time, she said, “I’m here 138 (fight) for the gold medal. Give me another four years and I can surely win.” Xu Mengtao had great confidence in her future. In 2014, she won a silver medal in her 139 (two) Winter Olympics. Xu Mengtao was not satisfied with 140 (she). She hoped to have her own Olympic gold medal hanging on the wall at home. However, fate(命运) played a joke 141 her again and again. In the past few years, Xu Mengtao 142 (experience) a lot of pains. Her parents worried a lot and wondered if she could keep on 143 (train). Her friends also advised her to retire(退役), 144 Xu refused and stuck to her dream. Xu Mengtao made her dream come true at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. From a failure(失败者) to a 145 (win), Xu Mengtao’s spirit has lit the hope of young people.
Can you imagine a “xiao sheng” (young man role) can be played by an 80-year-old woman That’s 146 Qu Juanru does. She is an actress and the 147 (office) inheritor (继承人) of Jiaxing City’s Tongxiang flower-drum opera (花鼓戏). This kind of art 148 (show) the daily life in the ancient water town and the traditional cultures of southern China.
Qu Juanru’s life with opera was not easy. “My family was poor. My mother died 149 I was 14. I’ve lived with my father since. In the past, women were not allowed 150 (play) the opera, but my father never stopped me when I tried to sing,” Qu said. And it gave her the chance to start a journey with the opera.
At the age of 18, Qu joined a local troupe (戏班). Later, the troupe was 151 (break) up, and she went back to farming. After that, she managed to bring the opera troupe back to life. 152 (sad), the troupe closed down again. Then she worked in a factory.
All of that changed in 2001. An officer from Wuzhen Tourism Center invited her back to the show. Knowing that, she was very excited and agreed. Whether it is burning hot 153 freezing cold, she plays the opera for 3 hours every day. Even though Qu got a serious 154 (ill) in 2017, she didn’t give up. She gives her everything to the art.
“I can still sing and act. I’d love to be here, as long as the people and the troupe need me,” Qu said.
Perhaps Qu sees 155 (she) opera life as a wonderful dream.
While some people s 156 to only one kind of movie, I like to watch different kinds depending on how I feel that day.
When I’m 157 (沮丧的) or tired, I prefer movies that can cheer me edies like Men in Black or cartoons like Kung Fu Panda have funny 158 (对话) and usually have a happy ending. The characters may not be p 159 , but they try their best to solve their problems. After watching them, the problems suddenly seem less serious and I feel m 160 better again. Laughing for two hours is a good way to relax!
Teenagers must learn to stay safe while they are is school or at home. Self-protection is one of the most important 161 (skill) for teenagers.
But how can we protect 162 (we) Here are some suggestions.
First, students in school should have 163 information card with us. The information includes the name, photo, parents’ phone numbers and so on. There is also information about how 164 (deal) with dangerous situations. The card is made of a special kind of metal. It can’t be destroyed if something dangerous 165 (happen). Second, we should be 166 (care) when we make friends online. Third, 167 we are in danger, we must call the police for help in time, so that we can keep ourselves safe. Also, we should eat 168 (healthy). What’s more, if we want to do any 169 (cook) at home, memorize safety rules for the kitchen. Remember to close your doors and windows when we go out. Last but not least, it is dangerous for us to swim alone.
In a word, everyone needs to learn how to protect ourselves and stay away 170 danger, especially for teenagers.
1.marks 2.to 3.meanings 4.to represent 5.lucky 6.are given 7.richness 8.their 9.and 10.Certainly
11.friendly 12.a 13.me 14.went 15.to have 16.usually 17.but 18.better 19.kinds 20.for
21.on 22.chores 23.found 24.seriously 25.to provide 26.a 27.teaches 28.doing 29.what 30.ourselves
31.a 32.of 33.pictures 34.to learn 35.started 36.best 37.His 38.that 39.were created 40.really
41.left 42.moon 43.(f)or 44.their 45.usually
46.when 47.has dropped 48.to find 49.broke 50.it
51.hours 52.has translated 53.an 54.meaning 55.with 56.and 57.to learn 58.has 59.it 60.more
61.(u)nder 62.a 63.worse 64.students/pupils 65.kindly
66.has 67.them 68.Recently 69.a 70.bedrooms 71.was carried 72.to finish 73.traditional 74.in 75.than
76.worked 77.that/which 78.by 79.takes 80.to drive 81.best 82.Visitors 83.watching 84.a 85.them
86.called 87.When 88.of 89.that/who 90.recently 91.changes 92.less 93.spending 94.but 95.good
96.(l)ast 97.coin 98.fourth 99.(h)eld 100.(a)gainst
101.happily 102.marrying 103.on 104.and 105.years 106.to become 107.an 108.be treated 109.first 110.her
111.as 112.to listen 113.began 114.the 115.more 116.first 117.is described 118.but 119.them 120.sadness
121.a 122.of 123.pictures 124.to learn 125.started 126.best 127.His 128.that 129.were created 130.really
131.but 132.politely 133.them 134.to hear 135.join
136.deeply 137.a 138.to fight 139.second 140.herself 141.on 142.has experienced 143.training 144.but 145.winner
146.what 147.official 148.shows 149.when 150.to play 151.broken 152.Sadly 153.or 154.illness 155.her
156.(s)tick 157.upset/down 158.dialogues 159.(p)erfect 160.(m)uch
161.skills 162.ourselves 163.an 164.to deal 165.happens 166.careful 167.if 168.healthily 169.cooking 170.from
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
