
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分
一、按发音规律选单词填空。 (5分)
1. A. tree B. see C. teeth D.
2. A. nose B. home C. open D.
3. A. dear B. ear C. year D.
4. A. night B. light C. high D.
5. A. can B. cry C. candy D.
二、读一读,写单词,完成句子。 (10分)
1. Don't forget to write to (我们).
2. That (孩子) is jumping.
3. I feel (疲劳的).
4. This (照片) is for you.
5. Please (停止) singing.
三、读一读,选择合适的一项补全对话。 (10分)
On the street
Excuse me, where is Wangfujing Street
Go straight. . Then you can see it.
Thank you very much.
In the clothes shop

Yes. I want to buy a T-shirt.
Here is a black one. Try it on, please.
Oh! .
How about that white one
It's good for me.
It's 50 yuan.
Ok! I'll take it.
( )1.— the blackboard, please.
A. Look out of B. Look at C. Listen to
( )2. There are too many cars and buses. Please .
A. run B. walk C. wait
( )3.— is the Great Wall
—About 2000 years.
A. How old B. How long C. How far
( )4.—We in Beijing last week.
A. are B. was C. were
( )5.— —I hurt my leg.
A. What are you doing B. What happened C. What is it
( )6. My friends on Wangfujing Street now.
A. are shopping B. shop C. shopped
( )7. doesn't need stamps.
A. A letter B. A postcard C. An email
( )8.—There are many in the clothes shop.
A. women B. man C. child
( )9. Danny an apple every day. It's good.
A. ate B. eat C. eats
( )10. Lily go to the zoo yesterday.
A. don't B. didn’t C. doesn't
Today is Monday. It was Li Ming's birthday yesterday. He got many gifts from his family and friends. His mother bought him a book. He liked it very much. The book is about space travel.In the book, Li Ming saw many pictures of spaceships from China and the U. S. After reading the book, LiMing made a paper spaceship.He gave the spaceship to his mother and thanked her for the birthday gift. His mother was very happy.
(生词:space travel 太空旅行 spaceships 宇宙飞船)
( )1. Li Ming's birthday was on Monday.
( )2. Li Ming got many gifts from his family and friends.
( )3. Li Ming's father bought him a book.
( )4. Li Ming saw many pictures of planes in the book.
5. What did Li Ming do for his mother (回答问题)
It's 10 o'clock in the morning. Mr. Smith is standing near the window. Mrs. Smith is sitting behind him. She is reading a book. She closes the book and asks Mr. Smith,“What are you looking at ”
“I'm looking at a boy”Mr. Smith answers. “He is under the tree near our house. He is looking at my bike.”
“Oh, what is he doing now ”Mrs. Smith says.
“He is cleaning the bike”says Mr. Smith,“Now he is riding my bike!”
Mrs. Smith looks out of the window and then says,“Oh, my god, don't you know who he is He is our son! Please go and wear your glasses!”
( )1. Where are Mr. and Mrs. Smith
A. In a park B. In a shop C. At home
( )2. What is Mrs. Smith doing
A. She is standing near the window.
B. She is reading a book. C. She is cooking.
( )3. What is Mr. Smith doing
A. He is looking out of the window.
B. He is watching TV. C. He is sitting in a chair.
( )4. Who is the boy
A. He is their friend. B. He is their neighbour(邻居).
C. He is their son.
( )5.“wear your glasses”means .
A.擦玻璃 B.戴眼镜 C.穿衣服
—What is he doing
2. —What are they doing
3. —How do you feel
—What did you buy yesterday
—How did you go to Tianjin last week
八、小作文。 (10 分)
小朋友们,你去过北京吗 假设你是李明,现在和爸妈在北京旅行,结合课本所学内容,给你的朋友 Tom写封信,介绍一下你的北京之旅,40个单词以上。
Dear Tom,
一、1. sleep 2. snow 3. near 4. right 5. class
二、1. us 2. child 3. tired 4. photo 5. stop
三、E C A B D
四、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. C8. A 9. C 10. B
五、1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F
5. He gave the spaceship to his mother and thanked her for the birthday gift.
六、1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B
七、1. He is crying.
2. They are running.
3. I feel tired.
4. I bought some sugers.
5. We went to Tianjin by train.
