专题04 短文填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考英语+2年模拟 (湖北专用)(含答案)

专题04 短文填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考 2年模拟 (湖北专用)
The theme parks in the world are popular because they have their own character IPs (知识产权), such as Mickey Mouse and Harry Potter. According to 1 research report, IP is the “heart” of a theme park. 2 (develop) China’s own IPs, some theme parks make good use of traditional Chinese culture, and others focus on films about Chinese 3 (story).
It is 4 (encourage) that the Chinese cultural industry (产业) has been taking a big step in creative works. For example, some famous theme parks have opened in Shanghai and Beijing 5 (recent). It’s happy to see that some Chinese culture has been welcomed in the parks.
Over the past few years, Chinese cultural IPs have often appeared 6 movies and TV dramas. For example, the Chinese film Chang’an San Wan Li became a success thanks to the Chinese ink paintings, ancient poems 7 high technology in it. Besides, Mulan, which 8 (produce) years ago, helped traditional Chinese cultured to be learned by the world.
Traditional Chinese culture 9 (provide) special experiences for the entertainment industry. The key lies in new ideas. With the help of high technology, China can develop 10 (it) traditional cultural IPs and it will have world-class theme parks in the coming years.
Did ancient people plant trees They didn’t have a special day to plant trees like Tree Planting Day, 11 the tradition of planting trees has been there for a long time. Back then, it was always 12 (rain) around the Qingming Festival in spring. The trees that were planted around this time had better conditions to grow than usual, so people formed the custom of planting trees around the Qingming Festival.
There were many kinds of trees. However, mulberry trees (桑树) and fruit trees were 13 (popular) of all. To feed the silkworms (蚕), more mulberry leaves 14 (need). Silk came from the silkworms, and then was made into silk clothes and traded between the east and the west of the world. Among the ancient people who suggested 15 (get) trees to offer food and clothes, there was a man whose name is well-known, Mencius (孟子).
Dong Feng, a famous doctor in the Three Kingdom Period (三国时期), saved many 16 (patient) lives for free. He only asked them to plant apricot trees (杏树) on a hill. Gradually, a forest of apricot trees grew on 17 hill. That’s why we now praise a doctor who has excellent skills with the words “warmth in an apricot forest.”
Each dynasty has different tree planting projects. Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty 18 (person) planted a ginkgo tree (银杏树) in a temple in Chang’an. 1,400 years later, the ginkgo tree is still growing. So far, the temple 19 (become) a popular place for tourists.
So, 20 Tree Planting Day next year, do you want to plant a tree with your wishes on it
The Duanwu Festival is also called the Dragon Boat Festival. It is a traditional holiday with a history of more than 2,000 years in China. It is on the 21 (five) day of lunar May every year.
There are many 22 (story) about the origin (起源) of this festival. Among them, the following one about Qu Yuan is the most 23 (wide) accepted.
Qu Yuan was 24 great poet and good official. He loved his country deeply. He 25 (jump) into Miluo River after his country’s being defeated. People threw a kind of food named zongzi into the river to feed the fish in order that they wouldn’t eat Qu’s body.
Now on the Dragon Boat Festival, Chinese people enjoy a one-day holiday 26 (remember) Qu Yuan. People have different activities, including 27 (eat) zongzi and having dragon boat races and so on. The dragon boat races are the most 28 (excite) part of the festival. All the teams practice so hard 29 they can become the winners.
Many western countries 30 (hold) dragon boat races every year, like Sweden, Canada and the USA.The Duanwu Festival is becoming more and more popular around the world.
The children, seeing the house the bird landed on, stopped and looked for some time. It was not a normal house at all. It was made of bread and candy, and the 31 (window) were made of sugar. The children 32 (sudden) ran to the house and started to eat it.
As they ate, a 33 (woman) voice could be heard from inside the house saying, “Who’s that, eating at my home ”
The children dropped what they 34 (eat), and were about to run away, but then a very old woman appeared at the door. “Ah! Children!” she said. “Do not run, come in. There’s much more food inside.” The woman seemed so kind 35 the children lost all feeling of danger, and went straight to her, and let her take their hands and lead them into her room.
They 36 (give) all kinds of delicious food and drink, and they were told that they could stay as long as they wanted, for the woman had another room 37 two clean beds.
As kind as the old lady appeared to be, she was really a terrible witch (女巫), who liked to eat children. Her house was made of bread and candy, because children liked such things, and so it would be easier for the witch 38 (get) them to stay. She did not eat them right away, for often the children were very thin, and the witch wished to make them 39 (fat) than before, by giving them a lot of food.
And so, the next morning, she 40 (go) into the room where the children were sleeping. As she looked down on them in their beds, she said, “Yes. They will make a very delicious dinner.”
Once there was a king, whose son was badly ill. Only the water from a lake far away could save the prince. The king promised to pay half of his gold 41 the water.
The news reached a farmer who had two 42 (son) and a daughter. “Let’s look for the water.” said the two brothers. They traveled a lot, 43 they still didn’t find it. So they brought some water from 44 river nearby. Of course, the prince got 45 (bad) than before. The king became angry and he would kill the two brothers.
The farmer’s young daughter Tina decided to look for the water by herself. She walked for a long time, and stopped 46 (have) a rest under a tree. She noticed three birds, tired and hungry. “Birds, take some of my corn!” she said.
“Thank you! Where are you going ” asked the birds. Tina told 47 (they) the story. “A long and 48 (danger) journey! Maybe you need our help.” said the birds. They offered her a magic(神奇的) leaf. “Make a wish, and shake the leaf. Your wish will come true.” Tina made a wish to get to the lake 49 (quick). She shook the leaf, and then there she was!
Tina got the magic water and brought it to the king. The prince 50 (save). “Take half of my gold!” said the king. Tina didn’t want the gold. She only asked the king to free her two brothers. The king agreed.
Finally, Tina and her two brothers went home together.
During the Dragon Boat Festival last year, 51 traditional Chinese dance which was performed underwater on Henan TV, went popular around the world.
The dance is named the Rhapsody on the Luo River Goddess(《洛神水赋》). The goddess of Luo River 52 (play) by He Haohao in the show. Most people got to know the goddess in Cao Zhi’s poetry. “Her body soars lightly like a startled swan. Gracefully, like a dragon in flight,” Cao wrote.
The dance is less than two minutes, but it took He Haohao and her team about 26 hours underwater to make the video. “Each time, I would hold my breath(呼吸) for 50 seconds 53 (do) a part of the dance,” He Haohao said. She was once a synchronized swimmer.
Although it was hard to finish the dance, He Haohao felt really happy 54 she knew people loved the dance very much. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying also shared the video online. In many people’s opinion, the dance underwater was much 55 (beautiful) than any dance they had enjoyed before.
It’s the Chinese culture of 5,000 years that makes the dance special and famous around the world.
We can find Chinese people growing vegetables tirelessly in every corner of the world. When the Chinese move into a house in 56 foreign country, they always grow vegetables in the garden. Even at the frozen South Pole( 南极), there’s a “vegetable greenhouse” built up by the members of Zhongshan Scientific Research Station, which 57 (true) provides enough vegetables. Such a difficult situation cannot stop those 58 (science) love for vegetable growing.
Although more cheap and fresh vegetables 59 (place) on the shelves of supermarkets, the Chinese people’s love for growing vegetables themselves never goes away. Besides, some people even build virtual(虚拟的) farms in smart phones to get the 60 (please) of growing vegetables.
Why do many Chinese grow vegetables in both daily lives and the virtual world
Such love comes from the Chinese history. 61 (fill) their stomachs, Chinese people have formed a tradition of hard work. In China’s culture, working hard solves the stomach problem 62 studying satisfies the hunger for knowledge.
And now, smarter technologies are used for growing vegetables. Even in the outer space, Chinese astronaut Jing Haipeng showed how he grew vegetables in 63 (spacial) laboratory of Tiangong-2 space station. Nothing can prevent the Chinese people 64 vegetable growing. The “Chinese vegetable gardens” 65 (produce) hopes across the world, and they also carry the best wishes of the Chinese people to their ancestors.
(2022·湖北荆州·中考真题)阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或根据括号内单词的正确形式填空(1-3个单词)或根据音标填词。
According to some old Chinese stories, there once was 66 ancient emperor named Shennong. At that time, there was no medicine to treat illnesses. Many sick people could only wait for 67 (die).
To save his people, Shennong decided 68 (find) and test out different plants. He and his men set out on a journey in search of medicinal(药用的) plants.
Each time the team found a new plant, Shennong would taste it 69 (he). Some plants made him feel 70 /sli: pi/, some caused him to have a stomachache, and some made him tremble(颤抖) all over. 71 Shennong searched and tested over a long time, he and his men discovered lots of medicinal plants.
As they continued their search, the team found a plant 72 small yellow flowers. Shennong picked off one piece from the plant in order to taste it. He said, “It looks like a medicinal plant. I have to test it, or some people may misuse it.”
Suddenly, Shennong’s face turned pale and he fell on the ground 73 (heavy). Even after he 74 (give) the leaves from other medicinal plants, he still lost his life. People covered him with 75 (thousand) of flowers. From then on, they called him “the Emperor of Medicine”.
Taking a Chance
When Emily handed Ms. Miller her homework, she couldn’t imagine how writing a short story would lead to more than a grade.
Emily, who was shy, had few close friends. In her art class, when other students discussed painting skills, she usually kept quiet. No one 76 Sofia seemed to notice her at all.
Emily wanted to invite Sofia to see the art show at the local museum. Every time she had an opportunity to bring it up, she 77 (start) by talking about her own painting. She wasn’t sure where else to begin and she never got to the invitation before the bell 78 (ring).
When Emily received an A on her story, she was excited. She knew that writing was fun and came 79 (easy) to her, but she didn’t realize she was good at it. Ms. Miller’s opinion about her story made her 80 (think) she had a special talent, kind of like Sofia’s for painting. Ms. Miller encouraged her to enter an upcoming national writing competition.
At the 81 (begin), Emily didn’t want to enter the competition. She was worried about losing her new pride in herself 82 she didn’t win. But Ms. Miller insisted that taking risks was part of knowing who you were and what you could do.
Emily finally agreed 83 (enter) the competition. When she won 84 (two) place, she was still proud 85 herself to be brave enough to enter the competition. She felt so good when she took the risk of asking Sofia to the art show, and Sofia said yes.
Two years ago, I failed in the college entrance exam. It was a heavy shock to my family and me. I was eighteen and my family was poor. They thought that I could change my life by going to a good college. I was 86 stress and worried. I stayed at home and didn’t want to see anyone.
One night, I dreamed that I went to college. I 87 (take) an interesting lesson in a big classroom. All the students were laughing 88 (happy).
I woke up suddenly and found myself on the bed in my own room. I realized that I 89 (can) let myself down. I decided to take the next 90 (year) college entrance exam. It was a difficult year. I studied day and night 91 (get) ready for the exam. When the exam came, I found that I wasn’t as nervous 92 before.
Now I am studying in a good university. I try to pay for the education by doing part-time jobs. I believe I can live a better life in the future. Please remember that the 93 (good) time of your life may still be ahead of you, but it won’t just magically show up. And you have to create it with efforts. It’s in your power to create the future which is full of hope and 94 (bright). 95 you work hard today, you will thank yourself one day.
Long ago, there was a man from the State of Chu 96 loved his sword very much. One day, he was taking a boat across a river when he dropped his sword into the water 97 (care). He took out a knife and made a mark on the side of the boat where the sword dropped at once. He said to 98 (he) “I dropped my sword here.”
People on the boat didn’t know why he did that. They all suggested that he should quickly take his sword out 99 the river. But the man replied, “Don’t worry! I 100 (mark) here.” Then the boat moved on. Someone told him again, “Go and get your sword back, or the boat will go 101 (far)!” The man didn’t listen, he thought he could find it with the help of the mark. When the boat stopped, the man went into the water 102 (search) for his sword under the mark, but it 103 (not find) in the end.
As we know, although the boat moves, the sword doesn’t move with it, 104 the man will never get his sword. The 105 (true) reminds us that things are always changing, the methods to solve the problem must change when the situation changes, otherwise it will fail. And it’s the same as our daily life and study, learn to change, try to be better.
Recently, a girl named “Xiaozhang the worker” went viral(走红) because of her “How-to” video series. In the videos, she teaches the most basic life s 106 , such as how to see a concert and how to take the subway. She has quickly 107 (get) over 2 million followers on Douyin.
In some way, the rising popularity of “How-to” video s 108 the fact that young people’s search habits have changed. They’re increasingly 109 (turn) to social media platforms (平台) like Douyin and Bilibili for information.
Li Zhouzi, a 14-year-old from Shanxi, likes to search on Bilibili. She said that 110 doing this, she gets information more quickly and e 111 . For example, when using traditional search engines(搜索引擎) for a concept (概念) of physics, she would always l 112 her way in a sea of hard-to-get terms. Instead, videos by creators on Bilibili can offer 113 (clear) explanations than those she can find elsewhere.
Being able to form a connection with real people can also give searchers a strong sense of 114 , Hu Tian is a 13-year-old girl from Sichuan. She likes searching for how to cook fried chicken on Xiaohongshu. She can see notes with pictures and texts posted by people who also have an i 115 in it. “I believe in them more,” she said.
Brandon Collins-Green is a man from Canada. He is 116 (interest) in Chinese poems. He spends 117 (near) ten hours a day translating Chinese poems into English. He 118 (translate) more than 1,000 Chinese poems since six years ago.
After translating a Chinese poem into 119 English one, Brandon often writes it down on a piece of paper with a brush pen. He also draws a picture beside the poem to help show the 120 (mean) of the Chinese poem. He connects Chinese and foreign cultures 121 his paintings, so his readers can have a better understanding about Chinese poems, even Chinese history and culture.
Brandon is studying for his doctor’s degree in China now. He expects 122 (learn) another foreign language if his Chinese is good enough, but that day hasn’t arrived yet. He has found there’s always new knowledge to learn in Chinese.
Brandon has a small workshop(工作坊)near his university. The place is small, 123 he likes it very much because he can pay attention to his translation work in his workshop.
Brandon hopes that his works can help 124 (many) western people know China than before. He also hopes they’ll come to see how fast China is developing and enjoy the beauty of 125 (it) culture. To achieve the goal, he keeps working on his poetry translation.
A primary school in rural China has become popular recently. It 126 (provide) free meals for its students.
There 127 more than 1,000 teachers and students in Jingwai Mingde Primary School in Xuanwei, Yunnan Province. The school plants 128 (vegetable) and raises pigs and chickens itself. The produce is 129 (use) to feed the students.
Each class has a piece of land 130 (plant) vegetables or raise animals. Students do farm work during the class twice a week 131 the help of the teachers.
The school has 132 (set) up a greenhouse with fruit trees for students to learn about nature, instead of 133 (listen) to teachers in the classroom. There is also a zoo in the school. It keeps some animals to help students get along with animals.
Do the students like the school Sure, they really enjoy the 134 (color) school life. They can grow vegetables 135 their own, eat healthily and play with animals.
1.a 2.To develop 3.stories 4.encouraging 5.recently 6.in 7.and 8.was produced 9.provides 10.its
11.but 12.rainy 13.the most popular 14.were needed 15.getting 16.patients’ 17.the 18.personally 19.has become 20.on
21.fifth 22.stories 23.widely 24.a 25.jumped 26.to remember 27.eating 28.exciting 29.that 30.hold
31.windows 32.suddenly 33.woman’s 34.were eating 35.that 36.were given 37.with 38.to get 39.fatter 40.went
41.for 42.sons 43.but 44.a 45.worse 46.to have 47.them 48.dangerous 49.quickly 50.was saved
51.a 52.was played 53.to do 54.when 55.more beautiful
56.a 57.truly 58.scientists’ 59.are being placed 60.pleasure 61.To fill 62.and 63.space 64.from 65.are producing
66.an 67.death 68.to find 69.himself 70.sleepy 71.After 72.with 73.heavily 74.was given 75.thousands
76.but/except 77.would start 78.rang 79.easily 80.think 81.beginning 82.if 83.to enter 84.the second 85.of
86.under 87.was taking 88.happily 89.couldn’t 90.year’s 91.to get 92.as 93.best 94.brightness 95.If
96.who 97.carelessly 98.himself 99.of 100.marked 101.farther/further 102.to search 103.wasn’t found 104.so 105.truth
106.(s)kills 107.got 108.(s)hows 109.turning 110.by 111.(e)asily 112.(l)ose 113.clearer
114.trust 115.(i)nterest
116.interested 117.nearly 118.has translated 119.an 120.meaning 121.with 122.to learn 123.but 124.more 125.its
126.provides 127.are 128.vegetables 129.used 130.to plant 131.with 132.set 133.listening 134.colorful 135.on
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
