专题04 补全对话--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考英语+2年模拟 (广西专用)(含答案)

专题04 补全对话--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考 2年模拟 (广西专用)考 2年模拟 (广西专用)
( Today is June 3. Xiaoming and Linlin are talking about the news on CCTV. )
A: Hello, Xiaoming.
B: 1
A: Did you watch CCTV News last night
B: 2 Any exciting news
A: Yes. It’s about Chang’e-6. It landed on the moon.
B: Wow! When did it land on the moon
A: 3
B: We have got a lot of success in space technology! I want to know more about it.
A: I’ve got some books about space.
B: 4
A: Of course.
B: Thank you.
A: 5
A.No, I didn’t.
B.Hello, Linlin.
C.You’re welcome.
D.Good luck to you.
E.At 6:23 p.m. on June 2.
F.May I borrow the books
A: Hi! The summer holiday is coming. Where are you going
B: 6
A: Sounds great! Have you been there before
B: 7 But I know it’s famous for “red culture”.
A: It’s a good place to visit. 8
B: My parents.
A: How will you go there, by plane or by train
B: 9 I can enjoy the view on the way.
A: That’s a good idea! How long will you stay there
B: 10
A: I’m sure you’ll have a good time.
B: Thank you.
A.By train.
B.Five days.
C.No, I haven’t.
D.Here you are.
E.Who will go with you
F.I am going to Jinggangshan.
A: Hello, Jenny! Where were you born
B: 11
A: When were you born
B: 12
A: Who was your first teacher
B: 13
A: Was he nice
B: 14
A: Oh, it’s time for class. Goodbye!
B: 15
A.Mr. Smith.
B.I was born in England.
D.In 2007.
E.Yes, he was.
A.is B.ten C. to D.like E. cakes
A: Would you like to come to my house this Sunday
B: Yes, I’d 16 to. What time
A: At 17 o’clock.
B: Who 18 coming, too
A: Li Hua.
B: What will we do
A: We will listen 19 music in the morning.
B: What will we have for lunch
A: How about some 20
B: Great!
Eileen: Hello This is Eileen.
Riming: Hi, Eileen. 21
Eileen: Oh, hi, Riming. How was your Spring Festival holiday
Riming: Well... 22
Eileen: Wow, snowing! Did you go skiing (滑雪), or build a snowman 23
Riming: Actually, it snowed so much that my train got stuck and I couldn’t get home!
Eileen: Oh no! Did you miss the Spring Festival 24
Riming: I had to wait for hours on the train.
Eileen: That’s terrible!
Riming: That’s not all... 25 It had all presents for my family!
Eileen: It sounds like you had the worst holiday ever!
A.How are you
B.What happened
C.It is Riming here.
D.I left my bag on the train.
E.I guess you had fun!
F.Why not
G.It was snowing so heavily that...
M: Hi, Gina. Did you watch Hechi News last night
G: 26 Was there anything special
M: Yes. Two young firemen in our city were awarded the title of martyr(被授予烈士称号).
G: For what
M: Do you remember the fire on Lunar New Year’s Eve(除夕夜)this year
G: Yes. But I knew a little about it. 27
M: Yes. When most people were watching Spring Festival Gala(春晚)happily on TV, the firemen received the message about the fire. 28
G: And then
M: After several hours’ hard work, the fire was put out and the firemen saved a family of 7 people from the fire. Unfortunately(不幸地), 29
G: How brave and great they were!
M: 30 They are the real heroes!
A.You’re right.
B.No, I didn’t.
C.What’s the matter
D.I’m sorry to hear that.
E.Did it break out in a small toy factory
F.the two young firemen lost their lives.
G.And they rushed out to the factory at once.
A: Hi, Wang Tao, have you finished the reading yet
B: 31
A: Robinson Crusoe. Ms. Li told us to finish reading it this week, remember
B: Oh, no! 32
A: Well, I just finished reading it last night.
B: 33 Is it boring
A: No. It’s wonderful. I love it.
B: 34 So I didn’t care about it.
A: Anyway, doing more reading is useful to our learning.
B: 35 I will try my best to finish reading it in time.
A.How is it
B.Yes, you are right.
C.What reading
D.I haven’t read it yet.
E.What are you doing
F.I thought it was not interesting.
Mike: Hello, Julie.
Julie: 36
Mike: Julie, here is a box for you!
Julie: Thank you, Mike.
Mike: Who is it from
Julie: 37
Mike: Who is your pen friend
Julie: 38
Mike: What is in the box
Julie: 39
Mike: Do you like it
Julie: 40
A.It’s a Bing Dwen Dwen(冰墩墩)in the box.
B.Lingling is my pen friend.
C.Oh, it’s from my pen friend.
D.Hello, Mike.
E.Yes, I like it very much.
F.I’m fine.
A: Hi, Dale! Do you like animals
B: Yes, I do. 41
A: That’s true. So, which animal do you like best
B: 42 They are so cute with their black and white fur.
A: 43
B: Because pandas are endangered animals. They need our protection.
A: That’s a good reason. Pandas are indeed very special animals. 44
B: Yes, I do. Pandas spend most of their time eating bamboo. They eat about 12 hours a day!
A: Wow, that’s a lot of eating! I didn’t know that.
B: 45 They can climb up high trees easily.
A: That’s amazing. We should all care about and protect endangered animals like pandas.
A.Do you know anything else interesting about pandas
B.Why do you like pandas
C.Animals are so cute and interesting.
D.What’s your favourite animal
E.And pandas are also good at climbing trees.
F.I like pandas the most.
A: Hi, Frank. 46
B: I watched a movie last weekend.
A: What do you think of it
B: 47 And we can expect to learn a lot from it.
A: How often do you go to the cinema
B: 48 How about going to the cinema with me now
A: That’s a good idea. 49
B: Free Cinema is the best one. It has the best service and the most comfortable seats.
A: Wow. 50
B: It’s only 15 minutes’ walk. Let’s go and have fun!
A.How far is it
B.Where did you go
C.It’s a fantastic movie.
D.Which is the best cinema
E.What did you do last weekend
F.I go to the cinema once a week.
A: Hello, Kate. 51
B: I went to the old people’s home last Sunday.
A: How did you get there
B: 52 The bus station is near my home.
A: 53
B: For about half an hour.
A: 54
B: I helped the old people clean the room and read newspapers for them.
A: Can I go with you next time
B: 55 I’m glad you would like to come to help.
A.By bus.
B.Yes, of course.
C.Thank you very much.
D.What did you do there
E.Where did you go last Sunday
F.How long did it take you to get there
A: Hi, Cindy! You look tired. What happened
B: Nothing. 56
A: Do you often stay up late at night
B: Yes, I do. 57
A: It’s bad for your health. 58
B: How many hours of sleep should we have every day
A: As teenagers, we should have eight hours’ sleep every day.
B: 59
A: You should take some exercise in the daytime. 60
B: Thanks for your suggestions.
A.You really love reading novels.
B.What should I do to have a good sleep
C.You should have enough sleep at night.
D.I have some difficulty in sleeping.
E.I stayed up late and read a wonderful novel last night.
F.And don’t read for a long time before sleeping.
Ann: Hello, Zoe.
Zoe: Hello, Ann. How are you doing
Ann: 61 Are you free this weekend
Zoe: 62 What for
Ann: Would you like to go to the concert with me
Zoe: Sure. 63
Ann: Country Music. I love it! It always makes me think of my hometown.
Zoe: Country music also touches me deeply. Mike and Allan love it too. 64
Ann: OK. Let’s go. 65
A.They must be willing to go with us.
B.I’m good.
C.Yes, I am.
D.Why not invite them along
E.I hope to be a music teacher.
F.What kind of music will be played
(2023·广西南宁·三模)A: What are you reading, Mike
B: 66
A:Sounds cool. So what will the future be like
B: 67 There will be fewer trees and the environment will be in great danger.
A: That sounds bad. 68
B: Maybe. But I want to live on the earth.
A: 69 Then what can we do
B: Everyone can use less water and plant more trees. 70
A: I can’t agree more.
A.Me, too.
B.Sounds interesting.
C.A book about the future.
D.Cities will be more crowded and polluted.
E.Will we have to move to other planets
F.We should do our parts in saving the earth.
A: Hello, Jimmy.
B: Hi, Cindy. 71
A: I’m going to the bookshop to buy a gift for Frank. You know, next Saturday is his birthday. By the way, did you buy something for him
B: 72
A: What did you exactly buy
B: 73
A: He likes playing football very much. 74
B: It cost me 15 dollars. What do you want to buy in the bookshop
A: 75
B: Oh, it’s very good. He likes reading books about cartoons.
A.I’d like to buy him some cartoon books.
B.Where are you going
C.Yes, I bought the gift yesterday.
D.How much is the football
E.I bought a football for him.
F.Playing football is very enjoyable.
A: How is your school life this term
B: Still busy but more wonderful and relaxing.
A: Really 76
B: Because we have different kinds of clubs.
A: Good. 77
B: We have a music club, a poem club, a breakdancing club... Ah, so many of them!
A: Fantastic! Which club are you in
B: 78
A: Oh Why didn’t you join the breakdancing club 79
B: Yes. But I am practicing it at a breakdancing school on Sunday afternoon.
A: I see. 80
B: Yes, we do. Oh, I’m running out of time. Bye for now!
A: See you!
A.The poem club.
B.Aren’t you good at breakdancing
C.What clubs do you have
D.Why do you think so
E.You have a colorful life in and out of school.
F.When do you go to a breakdancing club
A: Hello. 81
B: Oh, I have a headache.
A: 82
B: Yes. It’s 36.8℃.
A: How long have you been like this
B: Let me see ... 83
A: Open your mouth and let me have a look.
B: Ah ... 84
A: Don’t be so worried. You just have a cold. 85
B: OK, I will. Thanks, Dr. Hill.
A.For about three days.
B.How can I help you
C.Is there anything serious
D.Do you often have a cold
E.Have you taken your temperature
F.Drink more water and have a good sleep.
A: Hello, Leo. 86
B: It’s big. There are eight people in my family.
A: 87
B: He is my uncle, Paul.
A: He is more handsome than your father.
B: That’s right. 88
A: Yes, your father is careful with everything. 89
B: Sure. 90 We all feel warm in the family.
A.But my father is more careful than him.
B.Is your family big or small
C.We often help each other.
D.Who is the man next to your father
E.Is your father bad at everything
F.How happy you are in the big family!
A: Good morning, Mary.
B: Good morning, Tom. What are you going to do tomorrow
A: Shall we go to fly kites tomorrow
B: Sorry, I can’t make it. 91
A: That’s wonderful. 92
B: Yes. 93 We all like it.
A: That sounds fun.
B: 94 My father will drive us there.
A: Yes, I’d love to. So what time should I get to your house
B: 95 We’ll leave at 9:00.
A: See you tomorrow.
B: See you.
A.Would you like to go with us
B.I’m going to have a picnic with my family.
C.At 8:45.
D.Do you have a picnic every month
E.My mother will make some French food for us this time.
F.It’s a good idea.
(2023·广西崇左·二模)Steven: Good morning, Lucy!
Lucy: 96
Steven: I heard you won the first prize in the speech competition. Congratulations!
Lucy: 97 October 1st is National Day, so we had a speech competition to celebrate it.
Steven: 98
Lucy: Yes, I talked about the great changes in our country.
Steven: Oh, we are also preparing some activities for it these days.
Lucy: 99
Steven: An art show and a big singing competition.
Lucy: 100
Steven: It will be held on the afternoon of September 26.
Lucy: Sounds great! I’ll watch it!
A.Thank you!
B.Of course!
C.What activities are you preparing for
D.Good morning, Steven!
E.Could you tell me more about your speech
F.When will the singing competition be held
A: Where would you like to go this summer
B: I would like to go to France. Have you ever been to France before
A: 101
B: Really 102
A: I went there last year.
B: Cool! How many foreign countries have you ever been to
A: 103 What about you
B: I have only been to America.
A: 104
B: Of course. I visited Disneyland last summer.
A: I hope you will have a great trip this summer.
B: 105
A.Yes, I have.
B.Have you ever visited Disneyland
C.Who will go with you
D.When did you go there
E.I have been to three countries.
F.Thank you very much.
1.B 2.A 3.E 4.F 5.C
6.F 7.C 8.E 9.A 10.B
11.B 12.D 13.A 14.E 15.C
16.D 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.E
21.C 22.G 23.E 24.B 25.D
26.B 27.E 28.G 29.F 30.A
31.C 32.D 33.A 34.F 35.B
36.D 37.C 38.B 39.A 40.E
41.C 42.F 43.B 44.A 45.E
46.E 47.C 48.F 49.D 50.A
51.E 52.A 53.F 54.D 55.B
56.E 57.D 58.C 59.B 60.F
61.B 62.C 63.F 64.D 65.A
66.C 67.D 68.E 69.A 70.F
71.B 72.C 73.E 74.D 75.A
76.D 77.C 78.A 79.B 80.E
81.B 82.E 83.A 84.C 85.F
86.B 87.D 88.A 89.F 90.C
91.B 92.D 93.E 94.A 95.C
96.D 97.A 98.E 99.C 100.F
101.A 102.D 103.E 104.B 105.F
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
