

1、新高考英语读后续写加分句式一、形容词作状语1.Unable to answer the teachers question, all the students kept silent.回答不出老师的问题,学生们都保持沉默。2.On my way home, I saw a middle-aged man lying by the roadside, dead drunk.在我回家的途中,我看到一个中年男子躺在路边,烂醉如泥。3.Afraid of being scolded, Eric thought of playing truant.因为害怕挨骂,Eric起了逃学的念头。4.He was

2、lying in bed, awake, listening to the roaring wind.他躺在床上,睡不着,听着外面呼啸的风声。5.Flushed and breathless, Mary rushed in through the gate.Mary满脸通红、气喘吁吁地从大门口跑了进来。6.Jack paced up and down in his room, deep in thought.Jack在他的房间里来回踱步,陷入了深思。7.With the help of the helicopter, Mary got out of the forest and saw her

3、 husband, safe and sound.在直升飞机的帮助下,Mary安然无恙地出了森林,见到了她的丈夫。8.Trapped in the dense mist, I could do nothing but burst into tears, helpless and disappointed.困在迷雾中,我什么也做不了,只能哭泣,无助又失落。9.They agreed never to quarrel again, determined to live the life to the fullest.他们同意再也不吵架了,决心要过上最充实的生活。10.I turned over a

4、nd faced her, ready to let her see the anger and disappointment in my eyes.我转过身来面对她,准备好了让她看到我眼中的愤怒和失望。11.“Sorry,” apologized Lucy, shame-faced and self-condemned.Lucy道歉说:“对不起。”满脸羞愧和自责。12.Desperate and exhausted, Jane knelt down, with tears rolling down her cheeks.又绝望又疲惫,Jane跪了下来,眼泪顺着她的脸颊流了下来。13.Lucy

5、 hesitated, uncertain of how to combine honesty and diplomacy in her answer.Lucy犹豫了,不知道怎样回答才能既诚实又婉转。14.They listened in silence, aware that any attempt to calm her would only increase her annoyance.他们一言不发地听着,都知道安慰她只会让她更生气。15.Curious to know what the crowd in the shop was staring at, Harry edged his

6、way inside and squeezed in.Harry很好奇,想知道商店里的人群在看什么,于是便挤了进去。二、非谓语动词having done1.Having reviewed his lessons for a whole weekend at home, he expected the coming exam with confidence.在家整整复习了一个周末,他满怀信心地期待即将到来的考试。2.Having experienced so many failures one after another, she finally picked herself up.她接连经历了那么多次失败后,终于振作起来了。3.Having waited in line for an hour at the bank, the woman grew impatient and left.在银行排队等了一个小时后,这个女人变得不耐烦,然
