专题03 任务型阅读--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考英语+2年模拟 (贵州专用)(含答案)

专题03 任务型阅读--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考 2年模拟 (贵州专用)
She makes the world hear the “voice of China”
Zheng Xiaohui is a Chinese student in Milan, Italy. To spread traditional Chinese culture to the world, she has given lots of erhu shows on the street.
Zheng has been playing the erhu since she was 9. and she has won prizes in many national music competitions. Zheng arrived in Italy in 2021. Since April 2023, she has been performing on the street during her free time. And now she does three or four street shows a month.
At first, Zheng did not plan to perform on the street. But after watching a video of a violinist’s street performance, she changed her mind.
Thinking back to her first street performance, she said she was worried at the time. But the enthusiastic response (热情的回应) from the audience (观众) cheered her up. “When I played Goodbye, my friend. a grandfather started to dance. Many people in the audience followed him. Even I could not help dancing along with them,” Zheng said.
After performing a few times. Zheng began sharing videos of her street shows on the Internet. And these videos soon became popular online. Zheng says she wants to show the beauty of Chinese erhu to the world. “I believe that Chinese music has built a bridge for cultural communication,” she says.
Talking about the future. Zheng looks forward to it. She says whatever she does and wherever she lives, she will bring her erhu with her. “I hope to hold my own special concert in the future to make more people learn about Chinese folk music.” she says.
1.Zheng Xiaohui spreads to the world by playing the erhu.
2.Now Zheng performs times on the street in Milan every month.
3.Zheng by the audience during her first street performance.
4.The last paragraph mainly talks about .
5.Do you like Zheng’s story Why or why not
Topic overviewThere are two main kinds of writing systems. ·alphabets(字母表) ·pictures Basic information ·First writing system: 3,000 BCE (Before Common Era) ·First alphabet system: 2,000-1,000 BCE ·Chinese writing system: from 1,000 BCE
Alphabet writing systems Some writing systems use alphabets. Alphabet writing systems use letters to tell you what sounds to make. Arabic and English both use an alphabet. There are 26 letters in the English alphabet and 28 letters in the Arabic alphabet. The first alphabet started in the Middle East 3,000 years ago. The English and Arabic alphabets both come from this alphabet. Picture or symbol writing systems Some writing systems use pictures or symbols to show the meaning of words. Picture writing started 5,000 years ago in the Middle East. Modern Chinese also uses a picture writing system today. Japanese uses some of the symbols from the Chinese picture system. For example, the Chinese word for fish is “yu” and the Japanese word is “sakana”, but both languages write it in the same way. There are thousands of symbols in picture writing systems -you have to learn 4,000 symbols to read Chinese. Writing systems and changeLanguages sometimes change their writing systems. Before 1423, the Korean language used the Chinese picture system. In 1423, the Koreans invented their own alphabet system. Now Korean uses an alphabet system. Turkey also changed its writing system. Before 1928, Turkish used the Arabic alphabet. Today it uses an alphabet like English, but with some extra symbols, like “ ” and “ ”. Do you use symbols Today, in many languages, we use symbols to explain what we mean. For example, many people use symbols likeandwhen they write text messages or emails. These symbols show how we feel. They are called emoticons(表情符号) because they tell people about our emotions. See also: Ancient civilizations: Middle East, China Languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Turkish writing system: the way of writing a language
6.The records show that the was invented in 3,000 BCE. (答案不超过3个单词)
7.Both the first alphabet and the picture writing started in . (答案不超过3个单词)
8.Some of the Japanese symbols the Chinese picture system. (答案不超过3个单词)
9.Korean changed its writing systems years earlier than Turkish. (答案不超过3个单词)
10.Do you like using emoticons such asand Why or why not (须用完整句子回答。)
(2022·贵州遵义·中考真题)A Daughter’s Letter
Dear Mum,
①Today is my birthday. I’m writing you this letter because I want you to know how much I love you.
②A few days ago, we learned an English poem named Mom Knows Best. I felt strong mother’s love between the lines, and it reminded me of you, Mum! In class, Miss Li recalled that what her mum had done for her and how her mum had encouraged her. But she mentioned that she felt really regretful because she had no chance to say “I love you” to her mum, for her mother had passed away. This made me think a lot. It seems that I’ve never told you “I love you”. so I can’t wait to write the letter.
③I still remember the times when you held my hand and counted steps with me as we walked along. You told me stones about the brave elephant and encouraged me to be a girl with a positive attitude. I also remember that in our small flat, you read books at your desk while I played with my toys on the bed nearby. In cool autumns, we took many walks along the street, chatting and laughing together. My childhood was filled with these warm memories. Now, I see what an influence you’ve had on my life.
④Time flies and so much has happened. There have been good and bad times, successes and failures, but you were always by my side. When I won the swimming prize, you smiled and said you were proud of me. When I failed my math exam, you encouraged me and said that everything would be fine. Your words helped me to deal with all my difficulties. Now, whenever I have problems, I always think of your words and they really help me so much.
⑤Mum, because of you. I’m brave and strong; because of you, I’m full of power and energy; because of you, I’m living a wonderful life. I can’t help but say, “Mum, I love you!”
A Daughter’s Letter
what Theme: A daughter write to express her 11 for her mum after learning a poem.
Main idea of each paragraph ①Feifei writes to tell her mum “I love you”. ②It tells why Fefei write to her mother. ③Feifei recalls warm memories during her 12 . ④Her mum always 13 , encourages and helps Feifei. ⑤Feile is thankful for her mother’s love.
how structure of the letter Beginning: The purpose of writing the letter. Body: The 14 for writing the letter. Ending: Expressing feelings.
why To encourage the reader to say “I love you” to his/her 15 bravely.
16 Whose story made Feifei think of her mother
17 Why did Miss Li feel regretful
18 文中哪个句子与 “Today, I understand you have had a great influence on me.” 意思相近
19 What do you think of Feifei’s mother
20 What is your mother’s love like in your eyes (请用一个完整的句子描述)
The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders of the world. It runs across North China like a huge dragon. It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys, till finally it reaches the sea.
It has a history of more than 2,000 years. The major renovations (修复) of the Great Wall took place in the Qin, Han and Ming dynasties. Most of the Great Wall we see today was rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty. It is more than 6,000 kilometers long, about 6-7 meters high and 4-5 meters wide. In most places it has enough room for five horses or ten men to walk side by side along the top. It has great gateways which connect the main roads of North China.
The hardships involved in building the Great Wall are beyond imagination. Lots of people had to leave their homes and families, they worked hard. Many died on the worksites. Of the many legends about the Great Wall, the story of Lady Mengjiang is the most moving. After her husband went to build the Great Wall, she expected to see him so much that she traveled many miles to see him. A man told her that her husband had died and was buried under the wall. After hearing that, Mengjiang cried for three days and nights. At last, the Great Wall fell down.
Over the centuries, the Great Wall has become a symbol of consolidation (团结) and strength for the Chinese people. It symbolizes that great achievement can be made by people. For example, the national anthem (国歌) called on the people to “build our new Great Wall with our flesh and blood”. We all know that nothing is impossible, if we put our whole heart into it.
Title: The Great Wall
Main Parts Detailed Information
Introduction It runs across North China like a dragon.
The Great Wall was mainly renovated by 21 dynasties. The Great Wall is so 22 that five horses or ten men can walk side by side.
Hardships Lots of people lost their 23 to build the Great Wall.
Lady Mengjiang’s story showed the 24 to her husband.
Spirit Consolidation and strength are the key to 25 .
Wind power is a very clean source of energy. This is how wind power works. Wind makes windmills spin(旋转). When the windmills spin, they make electricity. Then we can use the electricity.
A lot of people think that wind power is new, but that’s not true. For thousands of years, people have used wind to sail boats and move water. We still do those things today, but these days we mostly use wind power to make electricity.
Wind power is a very popular source of energy. Most people think that we should use it more and more. First of all, it’s clean. Wind mills don’t pollute the environment at all. Second, we can use wind power forever. After all, we will always have wind. Also, wind power is cheap, and it’s getting even cheaper.
A lot of people don’t understand wind power very well. They believe that there are problems with wind power, but many of those problems are not real. For example, some people say that windmills are dangerous for birds. That used to be true, but it isn’t true anymore. Old windmills killed birds because they spun very fast. New windmills spin slowly, and they aren’t dangerous for birds.
However, there are real problems with windmills. One problem is that many people think windmills are very ugly. This is a problem for some people because windmills are often in very pretty areas. Also, wind doesn’t blow all the time, so we can’t use wind power all the time. Finally, windmills are noisy.
Wind power is becoming more and more common. Right now, more than 80 countries use wind power. About 2.5 percent of the world’s power comes from the wind. For some countries, that number is a lot higher. Wind power gives Denmark more than 25 percent of its electricity.
26.Wind power can be turned into when windmills spin.
27.People have used wind to and move water for a long time.
28.New windmills don’t because they spin at a slow speed.
29.One of the real problems with windmills is that they .
30.This passage mainly introduces a kind of clean, energy to us.
A Douyin influencer (网红) named “Xiaozhang, the worker” became a hit because of her “How-to” videos. In the videos, she teaches the most basic life skills, such as how to see a concert and how to take the subway. She has quickly owned over 2 million followers on Douyin.
In some way, the rising popularity of “How-to” videos reflects the fact that young people’s search habits have changed. They’re increasingly turning to social media platforms (平台) like Douyin and Bilibili for information.
Li Zhouzi, a 14-year-old girl from Shanxi, likes to search on Bilibili. She said that by doing this, she got information more quickly and easily. For example, when using traditional search engines (搜索引擎) for something about physics, she would always lose her way in a sea of hard-to-get terms. Instead, videos by creators on Bilibili can offer detailed explanations that are often clearer than those she can find elsewhere.
Being able to get links with real people can also give searchers a strong sense of trust. Hu Tian is a 13-year-old girl from Sichuan. She likes searching on Xiaohongshu, a lifestyle sharing platform. She can see notes with photos and texts posted by people. “I trust them because I can see that they are doing the same things in real life,” she said.
Like Hu, many young people search for lighter topics on social media platforms. Meanwhile, they leave the heavier topics to traditional search engines. Zhou Yaokai, a Senior 3 student from Sichuan is one of them. When forming his personal opinions on heated topics, he prefers to turn to the official websites of organizations or well-thought-of media sources. “In this way, the information can be the most reliable (可靠的),” he said.
31.Douyin influencer “Xiaozhang, the worker” teaches basic life skills in her “ ” videos.
32.Nowadays young people prefer using for searching.
33.According to Li Zhouzi, videos on Bilibili more clearly.
34.Zhou the information on the official websites of organizations or well-thought-of media sources more.
35.How do you search for the information you need Why
Do you find it hard to say no whenever someone comes to you for help Do you feel guilty (内疚的) when you have to tell people that you can’t help them And do you often say “yes” while your true answer is “no” If you answered yes, you may be a “people-pleaser”.
Being friendly and helpful is a good thing. It helps you build lasting friendships. However, going too far—trying to please others even at the cost of your own happiness—can leave you feeling stressed. Luckily, there are some steps that you can take to stop being a people-pleaser.
To start with, it’s important to create “boundaries (边界)” in your life. Be clear about what you really like to do. You can also tell others that they can only come to you during a certain period of time.
When someone asks you for help, tell him or her that you need some time to think about it. Use this time to ask yourself: Do you really want to do this How much time will it take By giving yourself a few minutes, you’ll be better able to decide.
Some people always try to please others because they have little confidence in themselves. They place a low value on their own happiness. In this case, try positive self-talk. Remind yourself that you have dreams, too. You don’t have to give away your time and energy to do things that don’t bring you joy.
Making a sudden and big change can be hard, but you can break a huge task up into pieces. You may, for example, text to say no. Then, go straight to the person and say no. Practice this in less difficult situations first, such as talking to a salesperson or ordering at a restaurant. Then try refusing your friends or relatives.
Stopping being a people-pleaser doesn’t mean you have to give up being kind and helpful. You can still do good things—but don’t take away your own happiness.
36.People-pleasers refer to people who please others without thinking about .
37.If you please someone too much, you will end up putting a lot of on yourself.
38.The first step to stop being a people-pleaser is .
39.The reason why people try to please someone is that they are lack of .
40.Do you think you’re a people-pleaser Why or why not
Diaojiaolou is a traditional building in China. It’s built by Miao, Zhuang, Buyi and Tujia people. You can find these houses located beside a river or in the mountainous areas of Yunnan, Guangxi, Hunan, Sichuan and Guizhou. The history of diaojiaolou can date back to 1,400 years ago.
The word diaojiaolou means “hanging feet building”, and it is named because of its unusual appearance.
The traditional building is usually two to three stories (层) tall. It is a wooden house built on stilts (脚柱). The higher floors are held up by wooden stilts, which gives the house an unsteady (不稳当的) shape from far away. But in fact, the diaojiaolou is strongly fixed because of the stones on the base. Even if one of the stilts breaks, the building still has a strong support. The ground floor is used as a space for firewood and farm tools while people always live upstairs. The cool wind blowing through the windows of the upstairs makes people feel very comfortable.
One of the main advantages of diaojiaolou is that while in ancient times, these traditional buildings would provide protection from many wild animals. Today they continue to provide protection from snakes and insects. What’s more, these buildings help prevent humidity-related (湿度相关的) illnesses that are common in southern China. In the mountainous areas of south China, people can’t stand the wet ground in summer, so living on high floors is a wise choice.
41.Diaojiaolou is usually built or in the mountainous areas.
42.Stones on the base give the wooden house a .
43.People living upstairs when the cool wind blows through the windows.
44.Today, diaojiaolou people away from snakes and insects.
45.Do you think diaojiaolou is a safe building Why or why not
Animals play so many important roles in our lives. Some, like cows and sheep, provide us with food; pets are our friends; other animals work for us. Above all, every animal—big or small—can fill us with a sense of the wonder of the natural world.
Unluckily, we don’t always value this. Many animals are endangered because of our actions, and millions of animals in the world are badly treated. World Animal Day reminds us, at least for one day a year, “to celebrate animal life in all its forms” and “to be thankful for the way in which animals enrich (使丰富) our lives”.
World Animal Day was started in 1931 in Florence, Italy. It made us pay attention to the problem of endangered animals around the world. It is now celebrated in most countries around that world. The day falls on October 4th every year.
All over the world on this day, volunteers raise money for animal centers and social organizations. Museums and zoos organize special events. Schools have also joined animal projects. No matter what is done, the idea is to remind us of the importance of animals and to show us how we could improve our relationship with animals.
If you want to take part, you could help an animal or organize a money-raising event for a local charity. The important thing is just taking an active part. We should offer animals as much as they offer us.
46.Animals offer us , friendship, help and a sense of the wonder of the natural world.
47.Our actions make many kinds of animals , and we treat millions of animals badly.
48.Wild Animal Day was started to to the problem of endangered animals.
49.We should be in taking part and offer animals as much as they offer us.
50.Do you think animals are important in our daily life Why or why not
Most Chinese parents have great expectations (期望) of their children. When children were born, their parents have planned everything for them. It is common for parents to want their children to be successful. However, many children in China are unhappy. They live a planned life and are forced to achieve the dreams that their parents failed to achieve when they were young.
In my opinion, the expectations can encourage children to work harder for a better life.
According to some studies, whether a child will be successful or not depends largely on his or her parents expectations. However, unrealistic (不切实际的) expectations can be harmful to children. Every child has his or her own thoughts and hobbies. Parents’ unrealistic expectations can take children’s freedom away. Wise parents allow their children to have some freedom. They encourage their children to do things they like to do and never judge them by their grades.
My parents’ expectations of me are to be happy, kind and healthy They never put too much pressure on me, and I live a happy life.However I have my own dreams. I keep working hard, though my parents do not force me to do so. I will never lose heart because my parents always encourage me when I am in trouble.
In a word, I think parents’ expectations are needed. However, parents should not give their children too much pressure. Instead, give them enough freedom. Parents must make sure their expectations of their children are realistic so that their children will not lose their self-confidence.
51.Children live a planned life and are asked to that their parents didn’t realize when they were young.
52.Unrealistic expectations can be harmful to children, because they have their own .
53.Wise parents never judge their children by .
54.Parents must make sure their expectations of their children are realistic in order to make their children about themselves.
55.Do you agree with your parents to give your expectations Why or why not
Curling (冰壶运动) is a popular winter sport. Lots of people are interested in curling. They think curling is an interesting sport to watch. Some people don’t have a chance to go to stadiums to watch it, and they choose to watch it on TV.
Curling players use a curling stone for their sport. The stone looks like a flattened ball with a handle (把手) on the top. It weighs 42 pounds. The players use the handle to push the stone over the ice and then release (松开) it.
The stone then slides (滑动) into the scoring area. Official curling stones are made of a type of Scottish granite (花岗岩). A new one can cost $1000!
Curling is played between two teams, and each team has four players. The members of the teams can be men or women. A team with both is called a mixed team. The goal of curling is to push the stone on ice into the scoring area. Players use a special curling broom (冰刷) to sweep the area in front of the stone as it slides along. This helps the stone stop in the best possible place for a good score.
The players have special clothing and equipment. They wear special curling shoes. This sport requires skills. Some people agree that curling is a difficult sport to play. In their mind, a good score is usually a matter of luck!
56.If some people can’t go to the stadiums to watch curling, they can watch it .
57.From paragraph 2, we can know the shape, the , the material and the price of the curling stone.
58.A special curling broom can be used to in front of the stone as it slides along.
59.We may read this passage in a magazine.
60.After reading the passage, what do you think of curling and why do you think so
Chopsticks, or kuaizi in Chinese, are a pair of small sticks of equal length. The two chopsticks can work well together.
The first chopsticks, also called Zhu, came into people’s life over 5,000 years ago in ancient China. They were used for cooking and serving, but not as eating tools. It was not until the Ming Dynasty that chopsticks came into normal use for both serving and eating. People made the earliest chopsticks out of bronze, and found them at the Ruins of Yin(殷墟)in Anyang, Henan, dating back to about 1200 B.C. Nowadays, bamboo and wood chopsticks are the most popular ones in Chinese homes.
According to modern science, the long-term use of chopsticks makes one’s fingers flexible. That is good for people’s health. Thus, among the different types of tableware today, chopsticks have a special power. The culture of using kuaizi has spread to many other Asian countries. In Japan, people celebrate August 4 as Chopsticks Day every year.
As an old saying goes, “A chopstick can be broken easily; ten pairs of chopsticks, held together, are hard to be broken.” For thousands of years, Chinese people have favored chopsticks not only because they are easy to use, but also because they stand for the great spirit of the Chinese people.
61.Chinese chopsticks have been around for .
62.During the Ming Dynasty, chopsticks were used to .
63.The most popular chopsticks in Chinese homes are made of these days.
64.The underlined word “That” in the third paragraph refers to for a long time.
65.What is the spirit of Chinese chopsticks
(2023·贵州遵义·二模)阅读短文,根据其内容完成文后的表格。(每空不超过 3个词。)
Do you know all birds protect themselves by listening and watching out for danger At the smallest sign of it, they will fly away. Birds that cannot fly are often able to swim fast, or run quickly. Some birds make themselves look bigger and more dangerous by fluffing(抖松) their feathers.
Another important protection for many birds is their colors. Their feathers often have colors that match the things around their nests. Some birds change colors with the seasons. In winter they are white to match the snow. In summer they are brown to match the ground.
People sometimes kill the birds without meaning to. When people cut down forests to build houses and factories, they destroy the homes and food of birds. If the birds have nowhere else to go and nothing to eat, they will die out.
Pollution may cause some birds to die. Birds that eat fish from polluted water get poison in their bodies. Then they cannot lay healthy eggs. New birds can’t be born.
Now people protect birds by passing the laws to control hunting and pollution, by setting up some special parks where all the birds are safe from hunters, and by teaching people to care about birds rather than kill them.
Protection for 66
How do birds protect themselves By listening and watching out for danger. By fluffing their feathers. By having colors that 67 around their nests. By changing colors.
Why do some birds 68 People sometimes kill birds without meaning to. 69 may cause some birds to die.
What action do people take to protect birds By passing the law to control hunting and polluting. By setting up some special parks/places. By teaching people to 70 birds.
1.traditional Chinese culture 2.three or four 3.was cheered up 4.the future 5.Yes, I do. Because she is brave to spread traditional Chinese culture to the world.
6.first writing system 7.the Middle East 8.are from/come from 9.505 10.本题属于开放性试题,言之有理即可。参考答案:Yes, I do. Because emoticons can express my emotions better than words.
11.love 12.childhood 13.supports
14.reson 15.mother 16.Miss Li’s story. 17.Because Miss Li had no chance to say “I love you” to her mother. 18.Now, I see what an influence you’ve had on my life. 19.She is great. 20.My mother’s love is sweet in my eyes.
21.three/3 22.wide 23.lives 24.love 25.success
26.electricity 27.sail boats 28.kill birds 29.are very ugly/are noisy/make noise/look ugly 30.cheap and common
31.How-to 32.social media platforms 33.explain things 34.trusts 35.I usually go to the library. Because it’s more reliable./I usually search on Douyin. Because it’s faster and more interesting.
36.their own happiness 37.stress 38.creating your boundaries 39.confidence 40.No. Because I always make decisions wisely and I don’t think I have the ability to always help others.(答案基于文本,表述合理均可得分)
41.beside a river 42.a strong support 43.feel very comfortable 44.keeps 45.Yes. Because diaojiaolou is stable, ventilated and insect-proof.
46.food 47.in danger/endangered 48.draw people’s attention 49.active 50.Yes, I do. Because some animals provide food for us, while some are our friends. We need them in our everyday life.
51.fulfill the dreams/achieve the dreams/realize the dreams/achieve the goals/realize the goals/fulfill the goals
52.thoughts and hobbies/ideas and interests 53.(their) grades/levels/scores/results 54.be confident/not lose self-confidence 55.Yes, I agree. Because my parents experienced a lot and they have lots of wise thoughts.
56.on TV 57.weight 58.sweep the area 59.sports 60.I think it is a difficult sport to play. Because it requires skills.
61.over 5,000 years 62.serve and eat 63.bamboo and wood 64.the long-term use of chopsticks
65.Solidarity and cooperation.
66.birds 67.match the things 68.die out 69.Pollution 70.care about
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
