2024年广东省3 证书考试汕头市中职学校联合模拟考试中职英语试卷(无答案)

英 语
本试卷共 6 页, 61 小题, 满分 150 分。考试用时 120 分钟。
注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和座位号填写在答题卡上。
2. 选择题每小题选出答案后, 用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑, 如
需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案, 答案不能答在试卷上。
3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答, 答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域
内相应位置上;如需改动, 先划掉原来的答案, 然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和
4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。
I. 补全对话(5小题,共10分)
阅读下列简短对话;从A 、B 、C 、D 中选出最佳答案,将对话补全。
1. M: What would you like to drink today
W: .
A. Lemon tea, please B. I don’t like it
C. That’s very kind of you D. I want to buy some tea
2. M: Do you mind me turning on the fan
W: .
A. Come on B. Yes, please
C. Forget it D. No, go ahead
3. M: Thank you for your dictionary. It helped me a lot.
W: .
A. You are so nice B. Don’t say that
C. It’s my pleasure D. Sorry to hear that
4. M: Could I sit here
W: .
A. It’s great B. I don’t know
C. Thank you very much D. Sorry, the seat is taken
5. M:
W: I have a headache.
A. What do you do B. What’s the matter
C. What do you have D. What are you doing here
阅读下列句子;从 A 、B 、C 、D 中选出句中画线的单词或词组的意义。
6. There is a regular bus service to the airport.
A. 舒适的 B. 定时的
C. 短暂的 D. 糟糕的
7. Xu Xiake never thought of quitting although he experienced all sorts of difficulties.
A. 放弃 B. 改变
C. 提升 D. 离开
8. Most of the food we buy is processed in some way.
A. 审核 B. 加热
C. 研究 D. 加工
9. Obviously, they don’t want to spend too much money on the house.
A.坦率地 B.完全地
C. 明显地 D. 奇怪地
10. The shadows turned long as the sun went down.
A. 波纹 B. 影子
C. 光线 D. 彩虹
11. Factories are grouped in the southern suburb of the city.
A. 中心 B. 商圈
C. 郊区 D. 背面
12. The city will tear down the building and create a park here.
A. 修建 B. 装修
C. 粉刷 D. 拆除
13. Stretching exercises can help you avoid injury and improve your game.
A. 增加 B. 避免
C. 锻炼 D. 治疗
14. They are generous although they are poor.
A. 慷慨的 B. 无知的
C. 勇敢的 D. 羞涩的
15. Shall me fix up a time for our next meeting
A. 预留 B. 预测
C. 取消 D. 确定
I left my friend’s house shortly after seven and decided to go to my favourite restaurant for dinner. I
knew its owner well and liked the 16 it served very much.
I sat down at my usual table and 17 my meal. While waiting, I looked around to see if I knew
anyone in the restaurant. I 18 a man sitting at a table near the door kept looking at my direction. I
certainly did not know him, for I never 19 a face. The man had a newspaper open in front of him, but
I could see he was paying 20 attention to me. When the waiter brought my food 21 and chatted
with me, the man was clearly puzzled. He became even more 22 as time went on. Finally he 23
and went into the kitchen. After a few minutes he came out, 24 his bill and left without another look at
When I was about to leave, I called the 25 over and asked him what the man had wanted.
“Well,” he said, “that man was a policeman.”
“But why ” I asked in 26 .
“He followed you here because he thought you were a man he was 27 ,” the owner said. “In the
kitchen, he showed me a 28 of the wanted man. He certainly looked like you! Of course, since we
know you here, I was able to tell him that he had made a 29 .”
“It’s 30 I came to a restaurant where I am known,” I said, “or I might have been taken away!”
16. A. food B. music C. lunch D. customers
17. A. took B. cooked C. ordered D. finished
18. A. met B. knew C. caught D. noticed
19. A. make B. paint C. forget D. recognize
20. A. close B. public C. simple D. perfect
21. A. sadly B. madly C. silently D. cheerfully
22. A. scared B. relaxed C. confused D. satisfied
23. A. got up B. sat up C. shut up D. turned up
24. A. lost B. paid C. tore D. burned
25. A. man B. cook C. waiter D. owner
26. A. love B. anger C. danger D. surprise
27. A. looking at B. looking for C. looking into D. looking after
28. A. son B. face C. photo D. figure
29. A. choice B. mistake C. decision D. difference
30. A. easy B. lucky C. silly D. funny
IV. 阅读(15小题,共45分)
A) 阅读下面短文,并掌握其大意。然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。
As a child, Ashrita loved reading the Guinness Book of World Records. He wanted to be in it too. But
he thought people had to be good at sports to be in the book. He wasn’t a good athlete. He felt his dream
would never come true.
But later in life, Ashrita learned that nothing is impossible. He tested this idea in 1978 by entering a 24-
hour bike race in New York. Without any training, Ashrita came third! After that, he started thinking about
breaking records again.
First, he tried to break the record for the most jumping jacks. He failed at first, but he trained, and tried
again. This time, he did 27,000 jumping jacks in 6 hours 45 minutes and became the new record holder. His
achievement appeared in the 1980 Guinness Book of Records.
Today, Ashrita has set more records than anyone else in the world. His records include cycling the
longest distance with a bottle on his head and lighting the most candles on a birthday cake. He says, “I choose
ideas which are challenging, fun and childish! I enjoy practising and seeing my progress.”
Ashrita’s favourite record was “the longest distance on a pogo stick (单高跷)”. While he was on holiday
in Japan, he saw Mount Fuji and thought it was beautiful, so he decided to try to break a record there. He did
11.5 miles. The most difficult record was “the most forward rolls”. In 10 hours, 30 minutes, he did 8,341 of
them, travelling 12 miles!
Ashrita said, “Choose something you enjoy because you will need to practise. And don’t give up. Your
mind will tell you that something is impossible, but it isn’t. If someone else has done something, and you
work hard, you can do it too!
31. What do we know about Ashrita when he was a child
A. He met an athlete. B. He was very good at sports.
C. He did well in reading. D. He dreamt of setting a world record.
32. How might Ashrita feel after the 24-hour bike race according to Paragraph 3
A. Empty. B. Curious.
C. Confident. D. Disappointed.
33. Which activity did Ashrita do for his first world record
A. Riding a bicycle. B. Jumping jacks.
C. Lighting candles. D. Walking on a pogo stick.
34. What does Ashrita think is important for breaking a world record
A. Love and training. B. Dreams and progress.
C. Talent and hard work. D. Holidays and free time.
35. What is the best title for the passage
A. Practice Makes Perfect B. The Most Difficult Record for Ashrita
C. New World Records Kept Coming out D. The Man with the Most World Records
All day long, our bodies go through changes and produce different chemicals. These chemicals come
out in our breath and sweat, slightly changing the way we smell. But it wasn’t known if stress could cause
changes that could be detected. So a group of researchers worked with four dogs to find it out.
The researchers collected breath and sweat samples from 36 different people. They got samples when
the people were calm, and also when they were stressed.
The calm part was easy. They asked people to report their stress level, and measured their heart rates
and blood pressure. The people were asked to wipe their skin with a clean piece of cloth. Then they had to
put the cloth sample in a tube, breathe on it hard three times, and seal the tube.
To stress people out, the scientists asked a really difficult math problem, and forced people to do it in
their heads quickly. And they weren’t nice about it. They kept telling the people to hurry up, and didn’t give
them any help. That lasted for three minutes. Most people said they felt very stressed. On average (平均),
the heart rate increased from about 91 beats per minute to about 105 beats per minute. Then the researchers
collected sweat and breath samples from these people in the same way.
Finally came the challenge for the dogs. They had three choices: a sample from a calm person, a stressed
sample from that same person, and a clean piece of cloth. In all, the the dogs did 720 of these tests. They
correctly find out the stressed sample about 94% of the time.
The results make it clear that stress does have a smell that dogs can notice. Ms. Wilson, the team leader,
says the news could be especially useful in training service dogs, since their job is to help people out of stress.
36. What does the underlined word “detected”in Paragraph 1 mean
A. Made. B. Kept C. Discovered. D. Prevented.
37. How did the researchers cause the people to stress out in the test
A. By measuring their heart rates. B. By collecting sweat and breath samples.
C. By wiping their skin with cloth. D. By pushing them to do a math problem.
38. Paragraph 5 mainly tells us about .
A. the choices of a calm person B. the duty of the dogs in the research
C. the daily work of service dogs D. the number of the stressed samples
39. What is the finding of the research
A. Dogs have a good sense of smell. B. Service dog are helpful to people.
C. Stress changes the smell of our bodies. D. Stress causes our hearts to beat faster.
40. Which section of a magazine can we find this passage
A. Science. B. Culture. C. Travel. D. Education.
B) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
In the UK, people celebrate Pancake Day. This festival takes place in February, on Shrove
Tuesday. 41 Lent is an important time in the Christian calendar. It lasts 47 days. During Lent,
people traditionally stop eating delicious food. So on Shrove Tuesday, they must eat up all the nice food
in their cupboards. 42
Many British towns hold pancake races on Shrove Tuesday. People wear fancy dresses and run
down the street with a pancake in a pan. They must throw the pancake in the air and catch it in the pan
as they run. 43
The tradition of pancake races started in Olney, Buckinghamshire. According to a story, a housewife
made pancakes on Easter Sunday in 1445. 44 She was worried because she was late for church, so she
ran to church with her pan and pancake in her hand! Now, Olney’s pancake race is famous. All the
competitors are housewives. They must toss the pancake three times as they run to the church. Then they
must serve their pancake to the bell-ringer.
45 The school cook makes a huge pancake and throws it over a five-metre high bar. The schoolboys
run to take a piece of the pancake. The boy with the biggest piece of pancake wins some money!
These days, few British people give up delicious food for Lent. But most people still eat pancakes on
Pancake Day.
A. This is the day before Lent.
B. It must not fall on the ground.
C. Then she heard the church bells.
D. A boys’ school in London has a different pancake tradition.
E. So they make pancakes, and often eat them with lemon and sugar.
V. 语法填空(10小题,共20分)
I remember my first day at school very well. I knew the school quite well 46 my older sister,
Sandy, went there. Every day, Dad and I would meet her at the school gate after school.
I started school at a 47 (young) age than many other children. I was five then and was very excited
on my first day. When we arrived that day, 48 teacher met the new children at the school gate. Dad 49
(hug) me and said goodbye. Mrs Wilson, the class teacher, took me to 50 (we) classroom. All the other
children were already there. They looked at me 51 (curious) when I entered the room. With thirty children
52 (look) at me, I started to cry!
But I wasn’t upset for long. I 53 (ask) to sit with the other children on the carpet and Mrs Wilson
read us a story. Later, we drew pictures 54 coloured pencils, and at break time, I made 55
(friend) with a girl called Lucy. At the end of the day, I ran to the school gate with Lucy and my picture,
just like Sandy always did.
VI. 完成句子(5小题,共15分)
56. (他所说的话) was quite unbelievable.
57. The book (她正在看的) is about plants and animals.
58. I don’t think (你可以依靠他).
59. Lisa, Peter (给你留了口信), telling you to give him the report on time.
60. Today is (最热的日子之一) this year.
VII. 应用写作(1小题,共10分)
61. 【写作内容】你是李华。下周你们班将与三班举行足球赛,请你写一封邮件给交换生Peter,邀
