专题02 阅读理解--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考+2年模拟 (江西专用)(含答案)

专题02 阅读理解--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考 2年模拟 (江西专用)
(2024·江西·中考真题)In October 2018, someone in South Carolina won $1.5 billion. The nearly impossible odds (概率) of winning were 1 in 302.5 million! Many people probably wish they’d been the lucky ones happily accepting the prize.
It’s not hard to imagine the things one could do with this newfound wealth, but would this money actually make someone happy The experiences of several lottery (抽奖) winners show that it probably wouldn’t. Suddenly coming into big money can change a person’s life in unexpected and sometimes unpleasant ways. Take William Post, for example, who had only $2.46 in the bank when he won $16.2 million in a New York lottery in 1998. Within 3 months, he was poor again because of careless spending. He wasn’t as happy as he felt before winning the prize.
Then there was Callie Rogers, a British teenager from a common family, won $3 million in 2003. She bought her family and friends lavish gifts and bought herself expensive clothes. After six years, Callie lost all her money and realized that money didn’t make her happy. In fact, she became worried that people were friendly with her only to get her money.
Lottery winners are not the only ones who can end up unhappy. People who get big money for some other reasons, e.g. receiving money from others, are also at risk. They may not know how to deal with money and do not ask experts for advice. They waste money on things they don’t need and give away too much money to friends and relatives.
Researchers found that people are happy when they are able to pay for their basic needs, such as food, clothes, a safe place to live, and health care. People are also happy when they give reasonable (合理的) amounts of money to charities. Giving makes them feel as if they’re making a difference. Lavish things, such as expensive clothes and cars, only make people happy for a moment.
People can hope and wish to suddenly come into lots of money to improve their lives, but perhaps there are better ways to find happiness.
1.How does the writer support his opinion in Paragraph 2
A.By giving an example. B.By listing numbers.
C.By telling the differences. D.By asking a question.
2.What did William and Callie have in common according to the passage
A.They came from the same country.
B.They won the lotteries in the same year.
C.They were poor before winning the lotteries.
D.They spent their money quickly and carelessly.
3.What does the underlined word “lavish” in Paragraph 3 mean
A.Expensive. B.Funny. C.Surprising. D.Lucky.
4.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage
A.Big money brings lasting happiness.
B.People’s lives depend on lottery prizes.
C.Reasonable spending makes people happy.
D.The basic needs of people are easily satisfied.
5.What’s the writer’s purpose for writing the passage
A.To encourage readers to make big money.
B.To advise people to stay away from lotteries.
C.To show his opinion about money and happiness.
D.To share some success stories about finding happiness.
The Maori arrived in New Zealand from Polynesian (波利尼西亚) islands about a thousand years ago. They were the first people to live in New Zealand.
In the late 18th century, Europeans came to live in New Zealand. At that time, the population of the Maori was maybe 250,000 in New Zealand. Over the next one hundred years, wars and disease killed many Maori people. By the end of the 19th century, there were only about 40,000 Maori people left. During this time, the Maori also lost much of their land to the Europeans. Many of them were afraid that they might lose their traditions and language too, but this did not happen.
Today the Maori population is increasing. There are about 500,000 Maori people in New Zealand. Most live like other New Zealanders, but they are keeping the Maori language and traditions alive. There are now Maori radio and television stations. Many schools teach in the Maori language. Nearly one half of Maori language speakers are 25 years old or younger.
Maori culture is also alive and well. At the center of Maori culture is the “marae”. This is a special place for ceremonies and meetings. Today the number of marae in New Zealand is increasing. Many of the new marae are in the cities. Now people in the cities can meet and learn about their Maori traditions.
Today most New Zealand cities have Maori festivals each year. Among festival activities are competitions in speaking, dancing and singing. Children practice for months. Then all the Maori in the area arrive to watch the competitions and see who wins.
The Maori have gone through hard times. Today they live a comfortable, modern life. They keep their cultural traditions alive, because they have passed and are passing them on to their children.
6.When did the Maori first arrive in New Zealand
A.Around 11th century. B.Around 14th century.
C.Around 16th century. D.Around 18th century.
7.What happened to the Maori during the 19th century
A.They owned more land. B.They lost their language.
C.They left New Zealand. D.They had a smaller population.
8.How do the Maori keep their traditions alive Check and choose the right answer.
a.Increase the number of marae.
b.Move to the center of New Zealand.
c.Set up Maori radio and TV stations.
d.Teach in the Maori language in many schools.
e.Hold competitions in speaking, dancing and singing.
A.bcde B.abcd C.abde D.acde
9.What’s the theme of the passage
A.Art. B.Culture. C.Travel. D.Technology.
10.What would be the best structure of the passage
A. B. C. D.
(2024·江西·中考真题)Ed was a professional football player, but in 2017 he had an accident in a swimming pool. After that, he couldn’t move his body from the shoulders down.
Doctors told him that he’d probably never walk again, but Ed didn’t want to believe this. He had recently got engaged (订婚) to the woman who is now his wife and he said that she was the main reason he wanted to get better. He spent six days staring at his toes (脚趾) and trying to make them move—and, finally, he succeeded! This was the start of a long journey.
While in hospital, Ed met Paul, a man in his late thirties. Doctors had also told Paul he would never walk again, but Ed encouraged him not to give up and six months later, Paul told Ed he was walking with a stick.
Only a year after his accident, Ed climbed the highest mountain in Wales. Since then he has also climbed a 6,500-meter mountain in Nepal and he said that after each big climb he noticed his body could do new movements.
Two years later, 31-year-old Ed climbed 8,848 meters, the height of the world’s highest mountain, by going up and down his parents’ stairs 2,783 times. When he finished, he told a news reporter he had loved it although it sometimes was “painful” and “boring”. He also raised 46,000 for charity.
Ed hopes his story can help people. That’s why he started his own charity, M2M, which aims to support “people facing challenges in life.”
11.Who did Ed want to get better mainly for
A.His parents. B.His doctor. C.His friend. D.His wife.
12.What is Ed like according to Paragraph 3
A.Brave. B.Helpful. C.Honest. D.Hard-working.
13.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 5 refer to
A.Raising money. B.Doing new movements. C.Visiting parents. D.Going up and down stairs.
14.Put the events about Ed into the correct order according to the passage.
a.Ed started M2M.
b.Ed succeeded in making his toes move.
c.Ed had an accident in a swimming pool.
d.Ed climbed the highest mountain in Wales.
e.Ed climbed his parents’ stairs 2,783 times.
A.c-e-b-d-a B.c-b-d-e-a C.e-a-b-d-c D.e-b-d-c-a
15.What would be the best title for the passage
A.A Football Player. B.A Challenge Lover. C.A Charity Worker. D.A Mountain Climber.
Riverside B&BPrice: from $30 per night Bedrooms: single, twin or double rooms View: river Location: 20 minutes from city center (taxi) Facilities: private bathroom, WiFi, air-con, fridge, TV, restaurant
Beautiful ApartmentPrice: from $60 per night Number of rooms: whole apartment with living room, kitchen, bathrooms Bedrooms: 2 (sleeps 4) View: park Location: 5 minutes from city center (taxi) Facilities: WiFi, air-con, TV
Capsule HotelPrice: from $13 per night Size: 2.5 square meters Bed: all single View: none Location: city center Facilities: shared bathroom and entertainment room, USB, WiFi, TV
16.How much does a bed at Capsule Hotel cost per night
A.From $13. B.From $30. C.From $60. D.From $90.
17.Which hotel is the farthest from the city center
A.Park Hotel. B.Capsule Hotel. C.Riverside B&B. D.Beautiful Apartment.
18.Which of the following is TRUE according to the ads above
A.You can get double rooms at Capsule Hotel.
B.You can cook meals at Beautiful Apartment.
C.You can use public bathrooms at Riverside B&B.
D.You can stay in any of the hotels with a beautiful view.
(2023·江西·中考真题)Why do We Yawn
Do you yawn There are about 20 reasons that scientists think are possible for yawning after research. They do not know exactly why yawning happens, but they do know many facts about yawning.
We know that everyone yawns in the same way. First you open your mouth slowly. Your mouth stays open for about five seconds. You take in a lot of air and then push it out. Then you quickly close your mouth. We also know that yawning is contagious. When you see someone yawn, you yawn, too.
Many people say they yawn because they are bored or tired. That might be true. People do often yawn before they sleep and after they wake up. However, we know that people also yawn when they are excited or nervous. Olympic runners, for example, often yawn before a race. Why is that In 2007, scientists found that a yawn can help a warm brain cool down.
Some scientists believe that yawning makes you notice things more quickly. When you yawn, you breathe deeply. You also stretch (强化) the muscles (肌肉) in your face, mouth, and neck. Your eardrums stretch, too. Maybe this helps you to be quicker to notice things.
In some countries, people think yawning is not nice. People put their hands over their mouths to cover a yawn. In other countries, people think yawning is healthy. They think that opening the mouth very big can let good things in. When they breathe out, they think that bad things go out of the body with the air.
Scientists do not spend much time studying yawning. That is probably because yawning does not hurt. It is just something we do.
19.What does the underlined word “contagious” in Paragraph 2 mean
A.Able to spread quickly. B.Able to breathe easily.
C.Able to change easily. D.Able to sleep quickly.
20.Why do Olympic runners often yawn before a race
A.They are too tired or too bored.
B.A yawn can let good things in.
C.A yawn can help a warm brain cool down.
D.A yawn can stretch the muscles in their faces.
21.What is the main idea of Paragraph 5
A.Reasons for yawning. B.Advantages of yawning.
C.Disadvantages of yawning. D.Different ideas about yawning.
22.What can we probably infer from the passage
A.People use different ways to yawn.
B.Scientists will do further research on yawning.
C.It’s hard to notice things quickly while yawning.
D.Some scientists think yawning is good for people.
23.What would be the best structure of the passage
A. B. C. D.
(2023·江西·中考真题)When we think of art, we probably think of painting a picture on a strong cloth or special paper, even on walls of a city. However, in many cultures people paint their faces instead.
In fact, face painting may be the very first form of art. Painting faces are in different colors and patterns. This has been part of people’s traditions for thousands of years. The way that people painted their faces can tell stories and lessons from the past.
People still paint their faces for lots of reasons. Patterns on faces connect people to a tribal (部落) family and can show who is the most important person in the family. For fighters, it is a way to make their enemies afraid. Face painting is also used in many ceremonies and special celebrations.
How is face paint important in theater
Face paint was important in Japanese and Chinese ancient ceremonies. It was also used in traditional theatre to change the actors’ roles. Actors in those countries still wear white, black and red face paint today to show feelings and make the bad people look dramatic (戏剧性的) and awful.
Tribal people make face paint from the natural colors in plants and earth. Plant parts are used to make different colorings. The ingredients are dried over a fire and then made into a powder (粉末). This is then mixed with animal fat.
24.Match the title with each part.
a. Is face paint art b. Is wall painting a symbol c. Why paint your face
d. How wear face paint e. Where does the paint come from
A.①-a, ②-b, ③-c B.①-b, ②-e, ③-d
C.①-a, ②-c, ③-e D.①-b, ②-d, ③-c
25.How long has face painting been part of people’s traditions
A.For a few years. B.For several centuries.
C.For about 100 years. D.For thousands of years.
26.Why did fighters paint their faces when they fought
A.To look friendly. B.To look scary. C.To look funny. D.To look painful.
27.What can we know about face paint
A.Painting on the walls is the first form of art.
B.Animal fat is used to make different colorings.
C.Patterns on faces can show people’s ages in a family.
D.Face paint in colors can show actors’ feelings in China.
28.Which of the following can be the best title
A.Face Art. B.Traditional Painters.
C.Wall Paintings. D.Tribal Celebrations.
(2023·江西·中考真题)A Bright Idea
Evans Wadongo was from a village of Africa. He had to do homework by the light of a kerosene lamp(煤油灯). Evans’ eyes hurt and this made studying difficult. It was common in his village. Many children left school for this reason, so they remained poor for the rest of their lives.
Although studying was difficult, Evans was an excellent student and went to a university. He continued to worry about the kerosene lamp. By this time, he realized it was not just bad for schoolchildren but for the whole family. First, it can cause illnesses such as coughs. Also, the light can hurt people’s eyes. Besides, it can lead to fires. Lastly, kerosene is expensive, so families have less money for food. It was difficult to come up with a different kind of lamp that was cheap and good for the environment. Yet Evans did not give up.
One day, he had an idea. He could use a small solar(太阳能的)light. Sunlight is free and solar power is good for the environment. Evans built his first solar lamp, and it worked. He began to build more lamps and sent them to local families. An organization heard about this and provided money for him to build more solar lamps.
Each lamp only cost $20. However, this was a lot of money to many villagers, who only earned around $34 a week, so Evans made sure he kept the cost down. First, Evans used recycled materials. Next, volunteers built the lamps. Finally, people from many countries gave away money to his team, so the lamps were usually free.
Thousands of people had safe light. Julia, a mother of three, said, “Thanks to Evans, my children have light to read, and I have my own light to cook.” The solar lamps made a big difference.
29.What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 1 refer to
A.Leaving school. B.Doing homework.
C.Having eye problems. D.Having a bright idea.
30.How many problems about kerosene lamps are mentioned according to Paragraph 2
A.6. B.5. C.4. D.3.
31.Put the following information into correct order according to the passage.
a. Evans went to a university. b. Thousands of people had safe light.
c. His first solar lamp was invented. d. Kerosene lamps hurt Evans’ eyes.
e. Recycled materials were used in the lamps.
f. People from many countries gave away money.
A.d-a-c-e-f-b B.d-f-b-a-e-c C.a-d-f-e-c-b D.a-e-c-d-f-b
32.Why does the writer give Julia’s example in Paragraph 5
A.To share Julia’s experience. B.To show Evans’ influence.
C.To describe Evans’ feelings. D.To introduce Evans’ invention.
33.What is Evans like according to the passage
A.Polite, talented and humorous. B.Quiet, smart and honest.
C.Humorous, clever and friendly. D.Hard-working, loving and creative.
(2022·江西·中考真题)Improvements in technology often happen overnight. Some gadgets get smaller and faster. Others are replaced (代替) by newer things like smartphones. They can do hundreds of things. Here are some old gadgets that people used to use.
Do you have a landline at home These are phones that people plug (插入) into their living room walls. Mobile phones didn’t use to be so common at that time, so most families had a landline. But landlines only worked at home. What did people do when they were outside and needed to call someone They looked for a pay phone! Then, most people had their own mobile phones and many homes no longer had landlines.
People today store plenty of information online, or on SD cards. But in the 1980s and 1990s, people used to use floppy disks. The first floppy disks were large, expensive, and not very useful — each disk could store just 175 KB of information! Later, floppy disks got smaller and better. But even the best ones could only hold 1.44 MB.You would need three or four disks just for one song, and about 22,000 disks to match the storage (储存空间) available on a 32 GB phone!
It’s easy to take photos today. People often have thousands just on their phones! But photos used to be expensive, and people took fewer of them. To take a photo, you had to buy a roll of film. This allowed you to take about 30 photos. After finishing the roll, you left it at a shop. The shop developed the photos to make them be seen, which you could collect after a few days.
Technology changes all the time, and the gadgets we use today will one day be old. What do you think will be next to disappear
34.What does the underlined word “gadgets” mean in Paragraph 1
A.Toys. B.Tools. C.Games. D.Phones.
35.Match the title with each paragraph.
a. Goodbye Disks b. Music to My Ears c. Picture This d. Call Me e. Film Development
A.①-d, ②-b, ③-e B.①-d, ②-a, ③-c C.①-c, ②-a, ③-b D.①-c, ②-b, ③-e
36.What were the first floppy disks like
A.They could store much. B.They were very useful.
C.They cost a lot of money. D.They were easy to carry.
37.What can we get from the passage
A.It was convenient to take photos with film.
B.People outside used landlines to call someone.
C.Improvements in technology change people’s life.
D.For a time, many people had pay phones at home.
38.What would be the best title for the passage
A.The Changing Phones. B.The Products of Tomorrow.
C.Old Things We Use Today. D.The Things We Used to Use.
(2022·江西·中考真题)Indonesians love to celebrate. They believe that celebrating and eating together brings good luck. Let’s party Indonesia-style.
Would you be surprised to find a New Year’s Day in March Indonesians on the island of Bali are getting ready to ring in Nyepi, their New Year. It falls in March or April on the night of the new moon and is a symbol of a fresh start for the people and the island of Bali. On the eve of Nyepi, families and friends get together in the market. They carry a huge monster which is made of wood and other materials around the village three times. After that, people set it on fire, hoping to drive out evil (邪恶的) spirits.
After Nyepi, a Turun tanah ceremony begins in honor of a child’s first steps. At the Turun Tanah, parents invite friends and family to a party to introduce the baby. They put different objects such as a bracelet (手镯), pen, mirror or toy computer around their baby. If the baby picks up a pen, he or she may be a writer. A child who picks up a gold bracelet may be rich.
While Turun tanah celebrates the future of a family. Galungan celebrates its past. Ancestors who have died return ‘home’ during this ten-day celebration. And living relatives do their best to make them happy. Tall bamboo poles line the street. People attend the ceremonies and visit their family and village temples. Actors and dancers give performances that tell stories of good fighting against evil.
A year of festivals has come to an end. Don’t worry: next year, Indonesia will be buzzing (发出嗡嗡声) again with celebrations, so welcome to the party!
39.What’s the theme (主题) of the passage
A.Celebrations. B.Feelings. C.Family. D.Health.
40.What do people do during Galungan Check and choose the right answer.
①Watch performances. ②Discuss new babies’ future.
③Visit their family and village temples. ④Put the bamboo poles along the street.
⑤Carry a huge monster around the village.
A.①②⑤ B.①③④ C.②③④ D.③④⑤
41.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.The baby who picks up a pen may be a writer.
B.Nyepi usually comes after Turun tanah in Bali.
C.New Year’s Day in Indonesia begins in February.
D.People fire bamboo poles to drive away the monster.
42.Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage
A. B. C. D.
43.What is the writer’s purpose according to the passage
A.To welcome us to the festivals. B.To show us how to treat the ancestors.
C.To tell us how to hold the party. D.To teach us how to fight against the evil.
(2022·江西·中考真题)Why is the sea salt Long before we discovered scientific ways of thinking about it, we explained it in a story. Even though the answer isn’t scientific, it holds some other truth in it — especially about the human heart.
Long ago, a poor old couple lived on the coast. One day, an old storyteller came to their village. The old couple gave him a meal. In return, he gave them a coffee mill (磨粉机) and said, “Say, ‘Mill, please grind (磨粉)’,” and it’ll make whatever you want, to stop it, say ‘Mill, please cease (停止) grinding’.”
Soon the old couple had a much better life. They’d been happy people, and they didn’t need much more. But the young couple next door were never satisfied. When they saw the old couple wearing good clothes and buying good food, they burnt with envy (羡慕). So one day, the young husband went to the old couple’s house secretly and heard, “Mill, please grind hot chocolate!” He was surprised to see it coming out.
Then the young couple stole the mill from the old couple. With it, they rode a horse and set off down the coast, where no one would know them. Along the way, the husband showed proudly and asked, “What do you want it to make ” “Oh. I don’t know. Why not salt ” the wife said. “Mill, please grind salt!” he said. “It works!” the wife shouted. But then they noticed the salt went everywhere. “Make it stop,” the wife said. But the husband didn’t know how. “Mill, please stop grinding! Please, no more!” His words didn’t work. The mill kept grinding. Finally, the young husband threw the mill into the sea as far as he could.
And there it’s been, for hundreds of years, endlessly grinding salt. That’s why the sea is salt.
44.The passage is probably a(n) ________.
A.folk story B.instruction C.science fiction D.science report
45.Put the things happened to the mill in correct order.
a. It began to produce salt. b. The young husband threw it.
c. The young couple stole it. d. The old couple got it.
A.b-d-a-c B.b-a-d-c C.d-a-c-b D.d-c-a-b
46.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to
A.The coffee. B.The horse. C.The mill. D.The chocolate.
47.How did the young husband’s feelings change
A.sorry — sad — excited B.thirsty — excited — afraid
C.happy — nervous — proud D.surprised — thankful — happy
48.What does the word “truth” in Paragraph 1 imply (暗指)
A.Being patient. B.Working properly. C.Being satisfied. D.Listening carefully.
(2024·江西上饶·二模)Scientists from Spain and the Netherlands did a study and discovered that road traffic noise near schools could cause problems for children.
In the study, Maria Foraster and her team from the Barcelona Institute for Global Health worked with 2,680 children aged 7-10 at 38 schools in Barcelona, Spain. They tested the children’s thinking and memory skills by giving them four computer tests over a year. There searchers looked at the noise both inside and outside the schools. They also estimated (估算) the noise levels at the children’s homes. Air pollution, people’s home locations, and other related factors (相关因素) were also considered.
The results showed that children in noisy schools had a hard time remembering and paying attention to things compared to children in quiet schools. When children were inside the classroom, changing traffic noise was an even bigger problem for them than just loud traffic noise. And no connection was found between noise at home and children’s learning abilities.
One limitation (限制) of the study was that the researchers did not study the noise levels from the past, which might have influenced the test scores. However, 98% of the children had been in the same school for at least a year, and the noise levels did not usually change very fast.
This study is important because many children worldwide are exposed to (遭受) traffic noise in schools. The researchers advised that more tests should be done in other places to see if the results are the same for different groups of children. If the answer is yes, this discovery might change the future rules about noise pollution near schools.
49.What do we know about the study from Paragraph 2
①Its results. ②Its researchers. ③How it was made. ④Where it was carried out.
A.①②③ B.①②④ C.②③④ D.①③④
50.According to the study, what kind of noise had a greater influence on children’s learning abilities
A.Just loud traffic noise. B.Changing traffic noise.
C.Noise from their neighbors. D.Noise from their classmates.
51.What can we learn from Paragraph 4
A.The study is of great importance. B.The study has considered all factors.
C.The study has room for improvement. D.The study fits most children in the world.
52.The writer wrote the passage to ________.
A.ask governments to make rules about noise pollution
B.argue against the building of schools near busy roads
C.tell readers about the influences of traffic noise on adults
D.introduce a study on the influences of traffic noise on children
53.What’s the structure of the passage
(2024·江西吉安·三模)Chinese players achieved amazing success at the 2023 Badminton World Federation (BWF) China Masters, winning three gold medals out of five in total. Among them, Chen Yufei got the women’s singles first place by winning against another Chinese player Han Yue in the final. This triumph (胜利) marked Chen’s third time to get the gold medal at the BWF China Masters.
Excellent as Chen is, this 26-year-old girl has a physical weakness. Standing 171 cm tall, Chen has the perfect height for a badminton player. However, she needs more strength if she wants to perform better in the future games. “Chen is short of key strength, which weakens the power of her shots,” explained Xia Xuanze, Team China’s coach. Chen herself also agreed on this and practiced it hard, “Although I have good balance, I have always had difficulty in strength since my childhood,” she said during an interview.
In order to make up for her weak physical strength, Chen Yufei has used her excellent skills to become a “smart player”. With her amazing ability and rich experience, she always directs the ball to where she wants it to go. Chen is able to gain an advantage in the game and make the situation harder for the other player bravely.
Chen is trying her best to continue growing and performing better. She said, “I have made progress this season and I hope to do even better next year.” These words were shared on the Internet.
Chen Yufei won in 2018 and 2019. Besides, she won a gold medal in the women’s singles event at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. As a result of her recent success, Chen has climbed to the second position in the world list of Women’s Singles, only behind An Se-young from South Korea.
54.What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 1 refer to
A.the BWF China Masters. B.Chinese players.
C.three gold medals. D.the women’s singles.
55.How many times does the passage mention that Chen has won
A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.
56.Which of the following words can describe Chen Check and choose the right answer.
①peaceful ②hard-working ③excellent ④perfect ⑤skillful ⑥strong
A.①④⑤ B.①③⑥ C.②③⑤ D.③⑤⑥
57.What is Chen’s weakness as a badminton player
A.Chen Yufei has no experience. B.Chen Yufei is too young to be a player.
C.Chen Yufei has no enough power in her shots. D.Chen Yufei is too tall to catch the ball.
58.Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage
A.①/②③④⑤ B.①②③④/⑤ C.①②/③/④⑤ D.①/②③④/⑤
(2024·江西上饶·二模)Have you ever been to Iceland How about Norway or Finland Maybe you’ve traveled to northern Russia or Canada. These are some of the best places to see one of our planet’s most beautiful natural phenomena (现象). What are we talking about The Northern Lights, of course!
The Northern Lights appear as beautiful colors in the night sky. The most common color of the Northern Lights is green. However, they can also be red, pink, yellow, or purple.
What causes the Northern Lights Like all the natural light on the earth, they come from the sun. Sometimes, the sun has big storms and gives off electrically charged particles (带电粒子). When the electrically charged particles reach the earth, some of them pass through to the air around our planet. They then collide (碰撞) with the gases (气体) around the earth, which causes beautiful lights with colors.
The colors of the Northern Lights have to do with the height. For example, when electrically charged particles collide with gases less than 150 miles from the earth’s surface, they produce green light. When the collision happens higher than 150 miles, they make red light.
Over time, many people have tried to explain the Northern Lights. Some cultures have ancient stories about them. Today, however, we know the science behind the Northern Lights, and people travel thousands of miles each year hoping to see them. Many say it s a magical experience!
59.What can we learn from Paragraph 1
A.Who discovered the Northern Lights. B.How the Northern Lights are created.
C.Why the Northern Lights are colorful. D.Where the Northern Lights can be seen.
60.To know how the Northern Lights are created, you can read ________.
A.Paragraph 2 B.Paragraph 3 C.Paragraph 4 D.Paragraph 5
61.From Paragraph 4, we know that the colors of the Northern Lights have to do with ________.
A.the air B.the time C.the height D.the temperature
62.What might the writer continue to write about next
A.Some of the best places to see the Northern Lights.
B.Some scientific knowledge about the Northern Lights.
C.Some of the possible risks of watching the Northern Lights.
D.Some personal experiences of watching the Northern Lights.
63.Who is the passage most probably written for
A.Music fans. B.TV reporters. C.News readers. D.Science lovers.
(2024·江西上饶·二模)Rongjiang is a small county (县) in Guizhou Province. It may be hard to believe, but there are 14 standard football fields (标准足球场) in the county, and they are free and open to the public. In Rongjiang, people’s love for football started in the 1940s. Around that time, Guangxi University moved to Rongjiang and introduced football to the area. The university students played football basketball, and table tennis inside the school walls while the locals watched from outside. One thing led to another, and the love for football spread into the local communities (社区) in the 1990s. Here in Rongjiang, people love to go to the football fields on weekends. The locals have a tradition of playing football games and even have a football night every Saturday. And in the summer of 2023, Cun Chao, or the Village Super League, took China by storm.
The Village Super League attracted (吸引) 20 teams, and the games lasted from June to July. The players came from different ethnic groups (民族), like Miao, Dong, Shui, Han, and Yao. And they were shop owners, policemen drivers, students—people from all walks of life.
Wei Yajun, one of the players, heard about the football event in his hometown while working in Hainan. He loves football, so he took time off work and went home to join in the competition. When Wei stood in the center of the football field, he felt like a famous football star.
On the night of June 3rd, almost 50,000 people came to watch the games and share their love for the sport. Cun Chao was not only a great event for local people in Rongjiang, but also a grand gathering (盛会) for football lovers in China.
64.When did football start to get popular in the local communities of Rongjiang
A.In the 1940s. B.In the 1990s. C.About 2 years ago. D.About 10 years ago.
65.What does the writer mainly talk about in Paragraph 1
A.The history of Rongjiang.
B.The communities in Rongiiang.
C.The development of football in Rongiiang.
D.The traditions of the football night in Rongjiang.
66.What does the underlined part “people from all walks of life” in Paragraph 2 mean
A.People of different ages. B.People with different jobs.
C.People from different places. D.People from different ethnic groups.
67.What do we know about Wei Yajun
A.He is a famous football star. B.He is from Hainan Province.
C.He used to work in Rongjiang. D.He was one player in Cun Chao.
68.What is the best title of the passage
A.The love for football in China B.The football fever in Rongjiang
C.Cun Chao: a challenge for football fans D.Rongjiang: a place for summer vacation
(2024·江西上饶·二模)The Sunshine App (应用程序) Store
Let It Sing Do you find it hard to sleep or feel stressed Let It Sing provides a lot of music, such as soft piano or nice guitar music to help you relax. It turns itself off after 45 minutes. It won’t disturb (打扰) you if you have fallen asleep.Price: $28
Quiet Place Do you have problems staying away from your phone Try Quiet Place! You can plant a garden on the app and it will grow when you’re not using your phone. The longer you stay away from it, the more your garden will grow. Train yourself-control!Price: $7
Easy Way Hard to find your way when you got raveling Easy Way has railway maps of Brazil, France, the USA and China. We will have Thailand’s next month! With Easy Way, you will never lose your way!Price: $14
69.What do we know about the app Let It Sing
A.It provides relaxing music. B.It’s the cheapest in the store.
C.It turns itself off after an hour. D.It can wake people up from sleep.
70.What can the app Quiet Place do for people
A.Help them relax. B.Tell them train times.
C.Teach them to protect their eyes. D.Encourage them to use their phones less.
71.Which country’s railway map will Easy Way cover next month
A.China’s. B.Brazil’s. C.Thailand’s. D.The USA’s.
Come and join us at the Forest Park!Children aged 12 to 15 are welcome to take part in the summer camp. Most visitors come from June to September. Few visitors come from November to March. Activities: Day 1: Having a campfire party (篝火晚会) at night (Safety in important) Day 2: Watching birds; taking photos; enjoying the beautiful stars at night Day 3: Having a picnic in the open air; enjoying an interesting show Opening time: 8 am—Mid-April to early June and mid-August to mid-October. 7 am—Mid-June to early August. Price: Only 160 each (If you take one of your friends to come with you, you can get a gift!) For more things: Please come to the Youth Palace at Mr. Green’s office. Or please come to www.greatsum- to learn more.
72.When should Sam visit the park if he doesn’t like to meet with lots of people there
A.In July. B.In August. C.In September. D.In January.
73.What can Jim do if he goes to the park alone in early August
A.He can go there by plane. B.He can visit the park for free.
C.He can enter the park at 7:30 am. D.He can get a free gift for himself.
74.What can we know from the passage
A.20-year-old Frank can take part in the summer camp.
B.Dale should pay 160 if he visits the park with his friend.
C.Visitors will stay in a hotel at night during the summer camp.
D.There are two ways to learn more information about the summer camp.
(2023·江西南昌·模拟预测)Have you ever heard of expressive writing
Writing about a terrible or difficult situation is called “expressive writing”. People who do this, record their deepest thoughts and feelings. Doctor Pan, leader of this study of expressive writing as a highly effective way to deal with painful experiences, says these people often show excellent mental and physical condition afterwards.
Expressive writing is effective because it allows you to make sense out of an upsetting and even heart-breaking experience. As you write, you are recognizing what is happening around, and accepting that something is bothering you is an important first step. Next, translating that experience into language forces you to organize your thoughts and gives you a sense of control.
Thinking or talking about an event seems useful. However, the more you think or talk about it, the more likely you will find yourself in a mess. As a result, you get completely lost in your own emotions and finally lose self-control. Writing works differently as it makes you slow down. The act of labeling a feeling of putting words to an emotion can ease(缓解) the neural(神经系统的) activities in the brain.
What if you don’t consider yourself “a writer” Don’t worry about spelling or grammar. Take it easy when you choose the words or expressions. Only dig into your inner self. The goal of the exercise is to find meaning in an upsetting event.
Many people have tried this method. After his father was rushed to the hospital because of a serious heart attack, 43-year-old Alex began to panic. So he did the one thing that would calm himself: he wrote. He thinks of it as a captain’s life buoy(救生衣). “My expressive writing gave me the courage I need to face my fear and move on,” Alex says.
There are a few who are against this approach. According to them, expressive writing isn’t a magical solution. People shouldn’t fully trust the effect of expressive writing. Neither should they think of using it to replace other treatments. People who are faced with a serious mental disaster may not find it useful to do on their own, without medicine.
75.What’s the first step of expressive writing
A.To write down what is bothering you. B.To train yourself into an excellent writer.
C.To talk about your feelings to others. D.To think about the bad experience carefully.
76.Who is Alex
A.A captain on a ship. B.The son of a patient who has a serious heart attack.
C.A doctor in a hospital. D.The leader of a study about expressive writing.
77.What does the underlined word “panic” mean according to the passage
A.Complain. B.Fear. C.Doubt. D.Guard.
78.What benefits does expressive writing have
a. It has a sense out of an upsetting experience.
b. It’s easy to lose your own emotions and self-control.
c. It forces you to organize your thoughts when writing.
d. It gives courage to face fear.
A.abc B.bcd C.acd D.abd
79.What’s the main idea of the last paragraph
A.Expressive writing can deal with all kinds of problems.
B.Some people don’t think expressive writing as a perfect way.
C.Expressive writing can help with serious mental disasters.
D.Medicine is not useful when someone has a mental disaster.
(2023·江西南昌·模拟预测)Most people have a favorite color, but how people feel about colors depends on their culture. This can be very important to people in business that sell products all over the world. They might choose a color because they think it is exciting or attractive, but in another country that same color could be used to give a sad message. Look at these examples:
If you ask someone in Britain what the right color is for a bride to wear, the answer will be white. In China and other eastern countries, brides often wear red because the color red is a sign of good luck, happiness and prosperity(繁荣). _______ In Britain, red is used as a sign of danger. Road signs and warning labels (标签) are often in red. In eastern cultures, the color red does not mean you have to be careful.
In Egypt, yellow is the color linked to death. In Britain and other western cultures, death and funerals(葬礼) are usually linked to the color black, but in many eastern countries white is the color most people connect with death and funerals.
Many people like the color orange because it is bright and exciting. Some advertisers will not use orange in their advertisements because they believe it suggests that the products are cheap and perhaps not of good quality.
In a word, colors have different meanings in different cultures. We should learn to choose the proper color in some special situation.
80.In which country does the color yellow mean death
A.Britain. B.Egypt. C.China. D.All eastern countries.
81.Why does the writer give so many examples in the passage
A.To introduce different colors in the world.
B.To choose a favorite color for readers.
C.To explain different cultures have different meanings to the same color.
D.To help advertisers decide the right colors in their advertisements.
82.Which of the following can be put back into the blank “_______”
A.Red is an unusual color for a British bride to wear.
B.People may choose some other colors to wear.
C.They don’t understand the meaning of white.
D.They refuse to use other colors.
83.Which of the following can best show the structure of the passage
A. B. C. D.
84.What would be the best title for the passage
A.Colors in Different Careers. B.The Meaning of Colors.
C.Colors Between China and Britain. D.Colors Around the World.
(2023·江西南昌·模拟预测)Love, joy and the warm feeling of getting together don’t cost a thing. But gifts do cost money. So what should a poor family do
When I was 10, I told my mother that the only thing I wanted for the New Year was a pogo stick(弹簧单高跷). However, my mother said it was so expensive that we couldn’t afford one.
On a Saturday before New Year, my family went shopping together. While my mother and I were picking out the gifts, my dad said, “I’ll be back soon-I need to see something in the tool area.” A moment later, he came back with a long box. I remembered wondering if there was a pogo stick in it.
When we arrived home, my dad put the box in the garage. While my parents were busy with their chores, I quietly walked out to the garage and found the box. I was so excited and I knew as soon as I opened that magical box, my bright, shiny pogo stick would appear. No such luck! Inside the box was a silly old broom(扫帚).
That New Year morning, I got some gifts like a tiger toy and a saving pot, but I didn’t get the present that I really wanted. How upset I felt at that moment though I didn’t want my parents to see!
After cleaning up the room, my dad went to the garage. When he came back, he was carrying a beautiful pogo stick. I couldn’t believe it! My parents probably got quite a laugh from the trick they played on me.
Although we didn’t have much money, my parents gave me the most important gift of all: lots of love. That was over 60 years ago and I still think about those wonderful memories. They were full of my childhood. I will never forget all the joy my parents brought into my life.
85.What did the writer see in the long box when he opened it
A.Pogo stick. B.An old broom. C.A tiger toy. D.A saving pot.
86.How did the writer feel at the time he received the beautiful pogo stick
A.Excited. B.Upset. C.Unbelievable. D.Scared.
87.What does the underlined word “They” refer to according to the passage
A.The writer’s parents. B.The pogo sticks.
C.Some nice gifts. D.The wonderful memories.
88.What can we infer from the passage
A.The writer can always get what he wants from his parents.
B.His parents gave the writer enough love although he was born in poor.
C.The writer is about 60 years old now.
D.The writer felt disappointed with his parents.
89.What does the writer want to tell us from the passage
A.Parents should satisfy all their children’s needs.
B.Kids shouldn’t ask parents for any gifts.
C.It’s good to play some tricks on each other sometimes.
D.The most expensive gift may not cost much money but full of love.
(2023·江西南昌·模拟预测)Hello, we’re the Sunshine Travel Agency in Nanchang. Spring is coming, why not go on a journey We have some great scenic spots(景点) for you in Jiangxi.
Fenghuanggou, Nanchang Ticket: 85 (kids under 1.2m: half price; old people >60: free) Opening time: 8:00 a.m.—5: 00 p.m. (10:00 a.m.—8:00 p.m. on weekends) Activities: many kinds of flowers, science knowledge, agricultural experience
Mingyue Mountain, Yichun Ticket: 95 (parents with a child: 200; old people >60: free) Opening time: 8:30 a.m.—5:30 p.m. (closed on Monday) Activities: mountain climbing, waterfall, the hot spring
Sanqing Mountain, Shangrao Ticket: 105 (children under 4: free; old people >60: free) Opening time: 7:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Activities: mountain climbing, strange stones, glass plank road(玻璃栈道)
90.Where can people visit in Nanchang
A.Mingyue Mountain. B.Fenghuanggou. C.Sanqing Mountain. D.Lu Mountain.
91.Mr. Han plans to have a trip recently, which activity can he take part in
A.Experiencing the agriculture at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday in Nanchang.
B.Enjoying the hot spring at 9:00 a.m. on Monday in Yichun.
C.Climbing mountains at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday in Nanchang.
D.Experiencing the glass plank road at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday in Shangrao.
92.Which of the following is NOT true according to the chart
A.The travel agency is from Nanchang.
B.People over 60 are free in all these three spots.
C.All these three spots are in Jiangxi.
D.People in Nanchang can get to these three spots by bus.
(2023·江西上饶·模拟预测)It might be strange to wear clothes made out of plastic bottles. But in fact, some clothing companies are already making clothes like these.
The fashion company of Alia Juma’s showed its newest collection at a workshop in Shanghai. Eighteen clothing kinds from the collection were made from recycled plastic bottles. “We realized that billions of water bottles are thrown into oceans every year and it would take hundreds of years to break down. We should use them to improve the environment,” said Alia Juma, the company’s designer. “Five bottles can make a shirt, 10 a dress, and 20 a short coat.”
Many other fashion companies are finding similar ways to save our planet these days. The process is rather simple. First, the plastic bottles are washed and cut into small pieces. Then they are melted(熔化) and shaped into small balls. Then the balls are melted again to form threads(线). People can then use the threads to make different kinds of clothes.
According to Juma, it takes 67, 000 bottles to originate 1 ton of threads. This cuts down carbon emissions(碳排放) by 4.2 tons and water use by 6.2 tons compared with the normal way of making threads.
Some people might have doubts about wearing something made out of plastic bottles. But in fact, clothes made from plastics can be even better than those made from common materials. Plastic threads can also be made into different materials, such as cotton, silk, or even wool. It seems that this innovation(创新) may lead to a greener future of fashion.
93.What was Alia Juma’s newest collection made from
A.Recycled plastic. B.Recycled glasses. C.Recycled paper. D.Recycled clothes.
94.How do the companies make clothes according to Paragraph 3
①Cut the plastic bottles into small pieces.
②Wash the plastic bottles.
③Melt the balls again to form threads.
④Melt and shape the pieces into small balls.
A.①→②→③→④ B.②→①→④→③ C.③→②→①→④ D.④→②→①→③
95.What does the underlined word “originate” mean
A.Waste. B.Create. C.Find. D.Save.
96.What can we infer(推断) from the last paragraph
A.Plastic clothes will take the place of the clothes made from other materials.
B.Plastics can only be used to make clothes.
C.People don’t like the clothes made from plastics.
D.The future of making plastic clothes is bright.
97.What’s the main idea of this passage
A.Making clothes made from plastics is more environmental.
B.Wearing a new material can be more beautiful.
C.Collecting plastics is everyone’s duty.
D.Choosing different kinds of clothes is helpful to make the world wonderful.
1.A 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.C
6.A 7.D 8.D 9.B 10.C
11.D 12.B 13.D 14.B 15.B
16.A 17.C 18.B
19.A 20.C 21.D 22.D 23.B
24.C 25.D 26.B 27.D 28.A
29.C 30.C 31.A 32.B 33.D
34.B 35.B 36.C 37.C 38.D
39.A 40.B 41.A 42.D 43.A
44.A 45.D 46.C 47.B 48.C
49.C 50.B 51.C 52.D 53.A
54.B 55.C 56.C 57.C 58.D
59.D 60.B 61.C 62.D 63.D
64.B 65.C 66.B 67.D 68.B
69.A 70.D 71.C
72.D 73.C 74.D
75.A 76.B 77.B 78.C 79.B
80.B 81.C 82.A 83.B 84.D
85.B 86.C 87.D 88.B 89.D
90.B 91.D 92.D
93.A 94.B 95.B 96.D 97.A
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
