专题01 完形填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考+2年模拟 (重庆专用)(含答案)

专题01 完形填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考 2年模拟 (重庆专用)
Humor is part of human nature. Everyone has the ability to enjoy 1 and laughter, no matter who they are or where they come from. Humor is one of the most important ways people make connections with each other. Humor also helps you look on the 2 side of life and face problems positively (积极地).
One sunny afternoon, the famous British writer Bernard Shaw was enjoying himself in a quiet field. Suddenly, a bike rider ran into him. 3 , Mr. Shaw was not hurt. “I’m so sorry!” said the rider. “Oh, no,” said Mr. Shaw. “I should say 4 because I’m not giving luck to you. If you had killed me, you know, 5 would be famous all over the world.”
Feng Jicai, the Chinese writer, was once visited by an American friend and his young child in a hotel. While the two men were talking, the little boy was jumping up and down 6 his bed. The bed was shaking, and Feng was 7 that it might break. He smiled to the boy, “Hey, boy! Are you trying to reach the sky Will you return to the earth ” His friend understood at once, and said to his son jokingly. “Let’s 8 right now!”
9 different people may have a different sense of humor, good humor has something in common. First, you need to keep a cool head and an open mind. With humor, you can avoid some unnecessary conflicts (冲突), and sometimes it helps you 10 even at the worst of your problems. Second, you need to be kind and understanding. In an embarrassing (尴尬的) situation, using humor can let your friend save face.
1.A.movies B.books C.sports D.jokes
2.A.serious B.wrong C.bright D.dark
3.A.Luckily B.Quickly C.Terribly D.Recently
4.A.thanks B.sorry C.goodbye D.hello
5.A.I B.you C.he D.they
6.A.on B.by C.under D.behind
7.A.glad B.sad C.worried D.satisfied
8.A.come back B.come in C.come on D.come out
9.A.So B.Although C.But D.If
10.A.cry B.laugh C.shout D.fear
I could hardly believe my ears. I spoke in a rush. “Oh, thank you, sir!” I left the headmaster’s office, feeling 11 . I felt as tall as the sky. I wanted to shout, jump, or do something.
I would get the beautiful gold and green 12 !
On the way home, I remembered how nervous I was when I asked Grandpa for money the day before. I told him that the rules were different. The scholarship (奖学金) jacket was not free this year. I had to pay fifteen dollars, or it would be given to someone else. I was so sad when Grandpa 13 to pay. I could remember his words. “ 14 you pay for it, it’s not a scholarship jacket, is it Tell your headmaster I will not pay the fifteen dollars.”
Grandpa didn’t fool me. I couldn’t 15 to tell Grandpa and ran straight to the field. But when I saw him, I slowed down. I joined him in pulling up the grass 16 my hands.
After I had a little pile (堆) of grass, I stood up, 17 him and said, “I’m getting the scholarship jacket, Grandpa. That’s after I told the headmaster what you said. He said you are 18 . The scholarship jacket is for my highest grades. I don’t have to pay for it.” Grandpa didn’t say anything. He 19 smiled. After a while, he said, “Better go and see if your grandmother needs any help with supper.”
I gave 20 a big smile and ran back to the house.
11.A.angry B.great C.young D.tired
12.A.grass B.house C.jacket D.field
13.A.refused B.offered C.agreed D.planned
14.A.Unless B.Until C.Before D.If
15.A.wait B.expect C.decide D.forget
16.A.by B.in C.with D.on
17.A.moved B.taught C.doubted D.faced
18.A.polite B.right C.wrong D.funny
19.A.just B.once C.never D.often
20.A.me B.you C.him D.her
Siene is a firefighter in the USA.It isn’t easy to become a firefighter there. Many people try, but a lot of them 21 . Also, in the past firefighting was always a job for men. Now there are women firefighters.
When Siene was five years old, it was her dream to become a 22 . Forty years later, she was the 23 woman to pass a six-week course at the WFPA(女子消防预备学院). The WFP A trains women in the skills they need to be firefighters. In fact, Siene now trains firefighters there 24 .
Starting the course doesn’t mean you’ll become a firefighter. The course is very 25 , so not everyone finishes the training. They are trained like being in the army—can you hold a heavy piece of wood for four minutes How many exercises can you do Can you lift a 12-meter ladder(梯子)
You also need other 26 . Can you lead a team Are you a skillful driver Can you use technology There are so many more that are a part of firefighting these days. Of course, no one can do them all, but more skills 27 help.
However, you must wait for a chance to work as a firefighter even 28 passing your course. It seems that lots of women aren’t ready to do that. In one year, 50 women got trained, 29 only three of them are now firefighters. Learning the skills is not enough to become a firefighter. Like Siene, you also need to 30 your dream.
21.A.succeed B.pass C.fail D.fight
22.A.policewoman B.firefighter C.scientist D.doctor
23.A.oldest B.tallest C.kindest D.busiest
24.A.myself B.yourself C.himself D.herself
25.A.interesting B.easy C.important D.difficult
26.A.ideas B.methods C.skills D.rules
27.A.recently B.certainly C.hardly D.nearly
28.A.after B.during C.before D.in
29.A.but B.or C.because D.though
30.A.give up B.stick to C.talk about D.worry about
Old Mother Wind told the Tree, “I’ve just come across the grass, and there I saw the Best Thing in the World.”
Bobby Mouse was sitting under the Tree and 31 those words. He thought, “the Best Thing in the World—now what can that be It must be lots of nuts! I’ll go and find it.” Bobby mouse ran down towards the 32 .
He was running so fast that he didn’t see Peter Rabbit 33 Peter Rabbit jumped out and asked, “Where are you going in such a hurry ”
“Down in the grass to find the Best Thing in the World,” Bobby Mouse replied and ran 34 .
“The Best Thing in the World,” said Peter Rabbit. “That must be lots of carrots. I’ll go and find it.” So Peter Rabbit 35 him.
Before long, they met Johnny Chuck.
“Where are you going in such a hurry ” asked Johnny Chuck.
“To find the Best Thing in the World,” they shouted. “The Best Thing in the World,” said Johnny Chuck. “ 36 is better than my own little home and the warm sunshine and the beautiful blue sky.” So he stayed at home and played among the flowers 37 Old Mother Wind happily.
Bobby Mouse and Peter Rabbit ran far and fast all day long and still they didn’t find the Best Thing in the World. When the 38 was over, they started back to their homes. They didn’t hurry now, for they were very tired and 39 .
They 40 Old Mother Wind halfway home.
“Did you find the Best Thing in the World ” asked Old Mother Wind.
“No!” They sounded unhappy.
“Johnny Chuck has it,” she said. “It is being happy with the things you have. It’s called contentment. And so do you. You have tried.”
31.A.wrote B.spoke C.forgot D.heard
32.A.grass B.tree C.wood D.wind
33.A.although B.because C.until D.if
34.A.nearer B.faster C.more quietly D.more slowly
35.A.joined B.cheered C.asked D.visited
36.A.Everything B.Something C.Nothing D.Anything
37.A.from B.with C.against D.between
38.A.day B.night C.week D.month
39.A.full B.hungry C.happy D.excited
40.A.drove B.hurt C.lost D.met
It was a sunny afternoon. Sam and his sister Lily were helping Mom 41 the room.
“Hey, Sam,” said Mom. “Would you please put these paper-toweltubes (纸巾内管) in the bin ” Sam looked at the tubes and something came to him. He asked “Could I use them to make a 42 ”“Great idea!” said Mom. “Do we have any other good recycling materials (可回收材料) ” asked Sam. “Come on. Let’s go and see what else we can find in 43 house,” said Mom.
Then, they walked around and kept 44 “This box would be good,” Sam pointed out. “ 45 it’s full of books.” “I was going to put those books on the shelves (书架). Can you give me a 46 Then you can have the box,” said Mom. “Sure, no problem!” said Sam 47 “Now I only need several more things.”Sam happily collected all his materials. He sat on the floor, cutting and gluing all afternoon.
“I like your robot,” said Lily. “Thanks. But his head is broken, and I can’t 48 it,” said Sam.“Hmm,” said Lily. She came up with an idea. She ran away and ran right back with an old hat. “Remember this hat ” asked Lily. “I wore it when I was a baby. Now it’s too 49 for me.” “Thanks, it’s perfect!” said Sam. “What do you think, Mr. Robot ”
“I love it,” said Mr. Robot, in a funny voice. “You are really good 50 making things out of recycling materials.”
41.A.fill up B.clean out C.build up D.find out
42.A.box B.book C.robot D.plane
43.A.our B.your C.their D.its
44.A.running B.listening C.cutting D.searching
45.A.Because B.But C.So D.Or
46.A.pen B.hat C.leg D.hand
47.A.sadly B.carefully C.angrily D.excitedly
48.A.see B.find C.fix D.hit
49.A.big B.small C.perfect D.new
50.A.at B.to C.for D.with
From the balcony (露台) of my grandma’s tenth-floor apartment, I search the sky, hoping to see stars.
“Stars are afraid of city lights, but a little song is 51 good for something,” Grandma puts her arms around me and sings softly in her low and beautiful 52 .
But stars are still hiding.
So I rest 53 deeper into her arms, hoping for a few more minutes of her warmth as much as I hope to see at least one star.
“Tomorrow won’t come if you don’t dream tonight, Sally!” She kisses my hair and points me to 54 .
The next day, I wake up and take the lift 55 Grandma as usual.
On the fourth floor, the lift stops suddenly and it goes dark. I feel my 56 beating in my ears. Grandma rings the bell and is told that the power (电) is off along the whole street.
Grandma holds my hands, and we sing together in the dark lift.
Before long, Mr. Smith comes and helps us get out safely. Grandma takes my hand, and we walk 57 the stairs to the first floor. Grandma nods in the direction of my school.
“Am I still going ”
“School has power, dear Sally.” She takes my hand again! And I am not 58 for school.
The power is still off when I come home that afternoon.
After dinner and homework, we come to the balcony and watch day turn to evening. Lights come on several streets away, but it’s 59 here.
“Stars might not be so afraid tonight,” I say.
“Star light, star bright…” I start to 60 , and Grandma joins in.
One, two, three… Thousands of stars light the sky bright!
51.A.hardly B.always C.already D.never
52.A.mind B.hand C.noise D.voice
53.A.myself B.herself C.itself D.himself
54.A.bed B.chair C.desk D.wall
55.A.for B.of C.with D.in
56.A.head B.heart C.feet D.legs
57.A.off B.over C.up D.down
58.A.good B.late C.bad D.famous
59.A.bright B.blue C.dark D.white
60.A.sing B.draw C.sleep D.swim
Today Emma was very unhappy. Mom noticed it right away when Emma got off the school bus.
When they got home, Mom asked her what had happened. Emma began to 61 and said her best friend Jim stopped talking to her. Worse than that, he said that they were no longer 62 . That really hurt her.
Then Emma told her mom that she would like to change schools.
Hearing this, Mom was 63 . But she said, “You know 64 like this could happen in another school, too. Leaving may not be the best choice. Would you keep changing schools every time when this happens ” “What should I do ” asked Emma.
Mom suggested that Emma talk to Jim and 65 what exactly had happened.
The next day, when Emma arrived home from school, she told her mom that Jim had been upset the day before, because when he was 66 dinner, he bit (咬) his tongue (舌头) carelessly. He felt very ashamed of himself. And he was in so much 67 that he could not speak and simply decided not to speak to anyone. That’s why he was 68 to everyone that day, especially his best friend Emma.
Mom 69 the smile returning to Emma’s face as she spoke.
When there is misunderstanding between our friends and us, we should face it 70 and try to clear it up, instead of avoiding it. Good communication is a good way to build a good relationship.
61.A.laugh B.cry C.sigh D.smile
62.A.students B.neighbors C.friends D.enemies
63.A.satisfied B.surprised C.afraid D.serious
64.A.choice B.position C.suggestion D.condition
65.A.put out B.clear out C.find out D.take out
66.A.preparing B.eating C.ordering D.cooking
67.A.pain B.danger C.courage D.need
68.A.polite B.friendly C.mean D.close
69.A.imagined B.agreed C.explained D.noticed
70.A.quietly B.quickly C.carelessly D.bravely
Hu Ming, a Guizhou University teacher whose 85-year-old mother has Alzheimer’s disease (阿尔茨海默病), has taken his mother to his 71 with him for years.
“My mother’s illness was 72 . She drank dishwater, and mistook washing powder (洗衣粉)for salt or sugar.” Explained 58-year-old Hu, “I couldn’t imagine what would happen 73 she stayed at home alone. I was always worried, so I began to take her with me to class.” He tried to find a nurse for his mother, but failed. “With my mother sitting quietly in class, I can pay more attention to teaching,” Hu added. But still, there are many 74 voices in the university.
Then Hu told a story. A son took his mother, old and weak, to a restaurant for dinner. While eating, the mother dropped the food 75 , on her shirt and trousers, the table, and the floor. Although 76 people looked at her in a strange way, the son was quite calm. When the mother finished eating, the son quietly 77 her to the washroom, cleaned her clothes, and smoothed her hair. Without saying anything or watching anybody, the son paid the bill and walked out with his mother 78 .
At that time, an old woman said to him, “You did give a 79 to every son!” However, the son thought for few seconds and then replied, “No, Madam. To 80 our parents is our duty, and we are supposed to be the hope of our mothers.”
71.A.hospital B.class C.garden D.office
72.A.serious B.common C.uneasy D.special
73.A.unless B.whether C.if D.though
74.A.hard B.interesting C.same D.different
75.A.somewhere B.sometime C.everywhere D.anytime
76.A.other B.others C.another D.the others
77.A.pushed B.took C.asked D.carried
78.A.peacefully B.hurriedly C.shamefully D.sadly
79.A.lesson B.speech C.satisfaction D.report
80.A.depend on B.run after C.part from D.care for
根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。
Daisy forgot to set the alarm clock so she had to run to catch the bus. This made 81 feel tired and rushed when she started her science test. After she handed in her test paper, she was certain that the test had not gone well. With 82 , she left the classroom.
That afternoon, Daisy left school to work part-time at Beckman’s. After she finished her work, Mrs. Beckman called her into the office. “Daisy,” she said, “you have been a great worker. But business has been 83 . We have to let you go.”
Feeling down, Daisy left the office. As she walked slowly towards her aunt’s house, she tried to think about the new hairstyle her aunt had promised her. When she arrived, Daisy showed her aunt a 84 of the style she wanted.
“Well, you’re done. What do you think ” Her aunt asked about an hour later. What Daisy saw in the mirror made her angry. It was nothing like the picture! How could she possibly go to school 85
The next morning, putting her things in her locker, she saw Ms. Wilson, her science teacher, walking towards her. “I know, Ms.Wilson, I did very poorly on the test.”
What are you 86 Daisy, you did a great job!” Ms. Wilson said. “What I want to ask you is 87 you would be interested in working as my lab assistant (助手).” Daisy happily 88 .
“Daisy!” she heard as the rest of the students began to enter the building. “Where did you get your hair done ” She was so excited about her test and new job that she had 89 forgotten about her hair.
“Wow! That is so cool!” she was told. She couldn’t believe her ears. Everyone loved her hair.
Full of happiness, she smiled 90 the way home as the radio of a passing car played the song “What a Difference a Day Makes”.
81.A.her B.him C.it D.them
82.A.excitement B.development C.argument D.disappointment
83.A.good B.bad C.expensive D.cheap
84.A.thought B.music C.video D.picture
85.A.still B.instead C.again D.often
86.A.talking about B.talking with C.learning about D.learning from
87.A.whether B.why C.how D.what
88.A.invited B.arrived C.refused D.accepted
89.A.mainly B.carefully C.completely D.hardly
90.A.by B.on C.in D.for
Red is the color of China. Among all the colors, red is most easily seen. The color red is fresh and pure, 91 in China we call it “China Red”. It makes people 92 , and it has rich meaning in Chinese culture and history. No country in the world has ever used a color in such a 93 as China. Here, red is a Symbol. It gives color to the soul (灵魂) of the nation. Chinese people 94 the color much more than we do. It can be said that “China Red” is an 95 color for the Chinese people. “China Red” has become a very popular word, attracting the world’s attention.
Finding red-colored things in China is very 96 , as you can see the color everywhere. All traditional red things have been playing special roles in China, such as the 97 of ancient palaces, the national flag, Chinese knots, lanterns, traditional paper-cuts, and even red tanghulu.
Red is the color of the 98 , health, harmony, happiness, peace, richness and so on. Only real things and events can fully 99 and explain its beauty.
In China, red is more than just a color. It carries the ancient history and 100 of the Chinese nation. China Red is filled with mysterious charm beyond description and it is right here in China waiting for you to feel, to discover!
91.A.but B.or C.and D.while
92.A.exciting B.excited C.tired D.tiring
93.A.way B.thing C.reason D.meaning
94.A.need B.dislike C.hate D.love
95.A.interesting B.expensive C.easy-going D.important
96.A.hard B.easy C.sudden D.warm
97.A.grounds B.pictures C.walls D.windows
98.A.happiness B.sadness C.worry D.luck
99.A.believe B.show C.talk D.write
100.A.art B.culture C.business D.ability
Mr. Jackson was our science teacher. On the first day of class, he gave us a talk about an animal called wampus. He told us that the wampus lived on the earth millions of years ago and died out because of the change of climate (气候). We all listened carefully and took notes of everything he said. Later we had a 101
When the exam paper was returned to me, I was surprised and sad. There was a big red “x” through each of my answers. I failed. But how come 102 , on the test paper, I had written down what Mr. Jackson had said in class.
Then I realized that no one 103 the exam at all. What had happened
“Very simple,” Mr. Jackson explained. “That’s 104 I had made up all that story about the wampus. There had never been any such animals, so the information in your notes was not correct. Do you expect to get 105 marks for incorrect answers ”
There was no need to say we were angry. What kind of test was this What kind of teacher was he How could we believe he gave us so much information about an animal that had not been there 106 all How was it possible for us students to doubt what the teacher taught us
“The zeros on your papers will be recorded in your grade books,” he said. And he did it.
Through this 107 , Mr. Jackson hoped that we would learn something. Teachers and books are not always 108 . In fact, no one is. He told us not to let our mind go to sleep. Instead, we should keep thinking all the time and speak up if we think there are 109 in our teachers’ words or in books.
We should develop the habit of doubting, and the ability to decide by 110 . What a special lesson he gave us!
101.A.discussion B.question C.test D.plan
102.A.Anyway B.Anywhere C.Luckily D.Bravely
103.A.passed B.refused C.failed D.took
104.A.why B.because C.how D.when
105.A.low B.useful C.high D.wrong
106.A.with B.after C.of D.at
107.A.experience B.introduction C.story D.passage
108.A.interesting B.friendly C.active D.right
109.A.reasons B.mistakes C.decisions D.points
110.A.yourselves B.ourselves C.themselves D.himself
Ms. Liu has been teaching children with speech difficulties for 33 years, successfully helping over 20 students get higher education. When Ms. Liu was at a 111 age, Mrs. Wang, her neighbor, made her a scarf and gave it to her as a gift. 112 Liu didn’t understand her sign language, she was deeply touched. How she wished to communicate well with Mrs. Wang! Since then, she has started her journey to support special education.
Ms. Liu chose to study special education at the age of 14. 113 graduation, she became a teacher at a special school.
“I remembered my first day teaching at the special school 114 . Some students cried, and a few students even wet themselves. I could hardly deal with it and thought about 115 ,” she said. She then thought of Mrs. Wang, her neighbor, and how challenging it was for Mrs. Wang to express 116 . That made her decide to keep going in this field.
Ms. Liu always treated her students like her own children. She spent at least 2 hours 117 sign language in front of the mirror every day. “I should put more efforts to help them better, and I 118 that with early training and help, children can speak well when they grow up.” she added. She also taught them how to take care of themselves.
Thanks to Ms. Liu, her students have made more 119 . Now, they can understand people and say simple words like “mom” and “dad”. Ms. Liu is just like a “ 120 ” to them.
Ms. Liu is just one of many teachers who work hard to make the world a better place for the children in need.
111.A.middle B.great C.young D.late
112.A.Because B.But C.Though D.If
113.A.Before B.After C.Since D.At
114.A.badly B.hardly C.carefully D.clearly
115.A.staying up B.giving up C.bringing up D.showing up
116.A.herself B.itself C.themselves D.himself
117.A.teaching B.understanding C.practicing D.sharing
118.A.correct B.disagree C.believe D.doubt
119.A.mistakes B.progress C.money D.promises
120.A.teacher B.doctor C.mother D.nurse
I still remember my first fishing trip as if it were yesterday.
It was a sunny day of early summer. I received the first fishing pole 121 my uncle’s hand, and walked with him towards the river. My uncle, who knew 122 the best hangouts (群) of fish were, kindly placed me at best point. I threw out my line as I had so often seen others and 123 excitedly for a bite. Nothing came of it. “Try again,” said my uncle. Suddenly the bait (鱼饵) went down out of sight. “Now for it. Here is a fish at last.” I made a strong pull, and brought up a mass of weeds (海草). Again and again I drew it back 124 . I looked at my uncle in low spirits. “Try once more, ” he said, “We fishermen must have 125 . It took me a whole day until I got my first fish.” Suddenly 126 pulled hard at my line, and swept off with it into deep water. 127 , I saw a big fish wriggling (扭来扭去) in the sun. “Uncle!” I cried, looking back in uncontrollable excitement, “I’ve got a fish!” “Not yet,” said my uncle calmly. As he spoke, there was a plash (泼溅), my hook hung empty from the line. I had lost my 128 . I sat down on the stone silently and refused to be comforted. Even my uncle promised that there were more fish in the river. He put the pole again in my hands, and told me to try my luck once more. “But remember, boy. Never show off catching a fish until he is on dry ground.”
Though years have now passed, I have always been reminded of the fish that I did not catch. When I hear people 129 something that hasn’t been done yet, I call to mind the wise warning of my uncle, “It’s no use talking too 130 about anything until it’s done.”
121.A.for B.to C.from D.by
122.A.where B.which C.whose D.what
123.A.listened B.jumped C.waited D.read
124.A.broken B.empty C.open D.shiny
125.A.hope B.courage C.wisdom D.patience
126.A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything
127.A.Pushing it out B.Putting it up C.Picking up it D.Pulling it up
128.A.prize B.money C.way D.job
129.A.to show off B.showing off C.show off D.showed off
130.A.carefully B.proudly C.straight D.actively
Lucas, a 4-year-old African penguin (企鹅) living at San Diego Zoo in the US, now has a pair of happy feet.
Lucas’s foot is ill, which causes his 131 to swell (肿胀) and hurt. As a result, the other penguins at the zoo didn’t want to hang out with him. He felt 132 .
The zookeeper decided to do something about it. They had Lucas walk across sand, took notes of his footprints and sent them to an factory called Thera-Paw, which creates custom (定制的) products for 133 like penguins that have special needs.
Thera-Paw’s team created a 134 pair of shoes for Lucas. “It can help Lucas fully join the group and behave more typically for a penguin— 135 climbing the rocks and swimming. And the color of the shoes looks very close to his natural foot color, so they don’t stand out too much,” said the team. The task was a 136 . Zookeepers put Lucas’ new shoes on him and he began trying 137 out at once.
Now he can move around and play 138 other penguins. In fact, it’s going even 139 than expected—Lucas already has a girlfriend.
The San Diego Zoo is the largest zoo in California. And it turns out that Lucas isn’t the first animal there that has ever needed help in 140 . Earlier this year, a three-month-old giraffe was finally able to walk and jump on its own with the help of special leg braces.
131.A.eyes B.feet C.hands D.ears
132.A.lonely B.proud C.sleepy D.alone
133.A.animals B.people C.parks D.plants
134.A.cheap B.special C.common D.terrible
135.A.for example B.except for C.such as D.known for
136.A.doubt B.trade C.success D.celebration
137.A.it B.him C.you D.them
138.A.under B.for C.on D.with
139.A.weaker B.better C.worse D.poorer
140.A.walking B.swimming C.flying D.lying
My Ye-Ye always wears a red baseball cap. I think he likes the vivid (鲜艳的) color— 141 and hopeful like himself. When Ye-Ye came to visit us seven years ago, he brought his red cap with him. He wore the cap everywhere 142 much that whenever I see a red hat, I think of him.
Ye-Ye means “grandfather” in Chinese. My Ye-Ye is a simple, common person, 143 I admire him greatly.
Ye-Ye’s parents died before he was six, leaving him and his elder brother. When other children were at school, the brothers walked in the cold to collect used coal to sell. When others had loving parents, the brothers 144 the streets for somewhere to sleep. Eight years 145 , Ye-Ye walked alone. His brother was dead. “Life is a blessing,” he told those around him with a smile.
Years later, Ye-Ye needed to work in the Gobi Desert. The desert 146 was merciless (无情的). It would take their tents (帐篷) away in the middle of the night and leave them without food and water the next morning. After eight years, Ye returned to the city where his wife 147 in bed, sick and weak. After a twelve-hour work, Ye-Ye also had to look after his sick wife and young children. There was not enough money to 148 the whole family from hunger. Still, Ye-Ye would buy 149 things for the children, such as a small bag of sunflower seeds or some candy. “Life is a blessing,” he always told them with a smile.
Now, whenever I meet with difficulties, I think of Ye-Ye; I see him 150 his red baseball cap, looking at me. His smile reminds me how small my troubles are and how generous life has been.
141.A.dark B.bright C.brave D.hard
142.A.very B.too C.so D.such
143.A.and B.but C.or D.so
144.A.cleaned B.walked C.looked D.searched
145.A.later B.before C.ago D.past
146.A.rain B.snow C.sun D.wind
147.A.lied B.lay C.lain D.laid
148.A.keep B.help C.give D.make
149.A.many B.much C.little D.few
150.A.on B.with C.in D.under
One day, Sue argued with her mother. She left home without saying a word. 151 she left in a hurry, she didn’t take any money.
When she saw a noodle shop, she suddenly felt 152 . The shop owner saw her standing outside and asked her if she would like a bowl of noodles. She nodded but then she said that she didn’t have money.
“Don’t worry. I’ll 153 you,” the shop owner said. A few minutes later, he brought 154 a bowl of noodles. Sue cried.
“What’s wrong ” the shop owner asked.
“I am touched by your kindness. Even a 155 can give me a bowl of noodles, but my mother often argues with me. I hate her!”
“Girl, why do you think so Think again. I 156 gave you a bowl of noodles and you were touched. Your mother has raised you since you were born. Why aren’t you grateful(感激的) and argue with your mom instead ”
Sue was surprised after 157 that.
On the way home, Sue thought it over. She stopped in front of the door and saw her 158 worried and tired after looking for her everywhere. When she saw Sue come back home, she was overjoyed. “Are you hungry I cooked e to 159 while it is still hot.”
Sue couldn’t control herself. She cried and hugged her mother.
In our life, it is 160 for us to appreciate(感激) the small actions of strangers. But for the relatives, especially our parents, we see their sacrifices(牺牲) as a matter of course.
151.A.If B.Because C.Although D.Unless
152.A.hungry B.sleepy C.thirsty D.cold
153.A.leave B.borrow C.treat D.call
154.A.him B.me C.you D.her
155.A.stranger B.child C.relative D.friend
156.A.even B.never C.just D.often
157.A.touching B.hearing C.tasting D.seeing
158.A.sister B.brother C.father D.mother
159.A.sleep B.play C.eat D.drink
160.A.easy B.unusual C.strange D.difficult
Once upon a time, there lived a king who won many battles (战役), but unluckily, in his last battle, he was badly hurt. He lost his one 161 and a leg.
One day, when seeing some paintings of previous (先前的) kings, the king realized he didn’t have 162 . So, he said to himself, “I should have a painting of myself too, and then my children will remember me for years to come.”
The next day, the king 163 all famous painters to his palace. Then he said, “I want you to pant a beautiful picture of me. Any painter who is able to take on this job should step out. And I’ll give him ten bags of gold 164 return.”
All painters knew it was 165 to draw a beautiful picture of a king with only one eye and one leg. And if the painting didn’t 166 the king, the painter might be punished. So, one by one, all started to make excuses and 167 refused the job. Just then, a young painter raised his hand and said to the king, “I will paint a very beautiful picture of you, and you will surely like it.”
A month later the king’s picture was shown to the 168 . They were surprised to find that the painter had expressed the beauty and bravery of the king, 169 he had only one eye and one leg. In the picture, the king was sitting on a horse on the one leg side, holding a bow (弓) and an arrow in his hands, aiming (准) with one eye 170 The king was very pleased to see that the painter had a beautiful picture by cleverly hiding his disabilities. Then the painter got a big prize as promised.
161.A.arm B.ear C.eye D.finger
162.A.one B.it C.that D.this
163.A.invented B.invited C.introduced D.instructed
164.A.in B.with C.as D.for
165.A.necessary B.important C.interesting D.impossible
166.A.like B.belong C.satisfy D.agree
167.A.directly B.quickly C.heavily D.politely
168.A.king B.painter C.public D.palace
169.A.although B.because C.so D.but
170.A.closed B.close C.opened D.opening
In the long-lasting history of China, eating has always been a very important part of people’s life and culture. Just as one old Chinese saying goes, food is the most basic 171 of people. Recently, the special local barbecue(烧烤)in zibo, Shandong has gained much popularity after all the eye-catching videos about it.
Barbecue is not new to Chinese people. 172 , with the special taste and ways of eating, Zibo barbecue still fights its way out and becomes 173 shining star in our food culture. People from all parts of China flock(蜂拥)to the city just to try the delicious dishes. According to the CYN, Zibo has received more than 4.8 million tourists 174 the past 2 months, with nearly 200, 000 during the May Day holiday alone. It’s said that people need to line up for every restaurant 175 they are all very crowded at dinner time. So, arrive a little earlier, or you may end up eating nothing!
The success of Zibo barbecue is not just accidental. The city has been taking follow-up actions to keep the popularity going. “The barbecue is bringing more and more people to our city, so the government 176 many ways to have some improvements.” said Sun Xiaorong, a member of the Department of Tourism. Soon after it got popular in March, the city set special trains and buses to take the tourists directly to the restaurants. To 177 the tourists on May Day, the government built a square that is 178 enough for more than 10 thousand people to eat barbecue at the same time. Local people in Zibo has also been very hospitable(好客的). They try their best to make the tourists feel welcomed. Some volunteer to be the guides, and some 179 let the tourists stay in their house for free.
Food and warmth never fail to attract people, and Zibo city is such a great example for this. Since the summer vacation is just-around the corner, why not try the Zibo barbecue and let 180 become the delicious start of your graduation trip
171.A.need B.decision C.service D.question
172.A.Instead B.However C.Firstly D.Besides
173.A.the other B.others C.other D.another
174.A.by B.at C.over D.on
175.A.although B.because C.so D.before
176.A.turned up B.thought up C.gave up D.sent up
177.A.welcome B.enjoy C.choose D.protect
178.A.small B.short C.big D.long
179.A.never B.yet C.even D.only
180.A.them B.you C.him D.it
1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.B
11.B 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.A 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.A 20.C
21.C 22.B 23.A 24.D 25.D 26.C 27.B 28.A 29.A 30.B
31.D 32.A 33.C 34.B 35.A 36.C 37.B 38.A 39.B 40.D
41.B 42.C 43.A 44.D 45.B 46.D 47.D 48.C 49.B 50.A
51.B 52.D 53.A 54.A 55.C 56.B 57.D 58.B 59.C 60.A
61.B 62.C 63.B 64.D 65.C 66.B 67.A 68.C 69.D 70.D
71.B 72.A 73.C 74.D 75.C 76.A 77.B 78.A 79.A 80.D
81.A 82.D 83.B 84.D 85.C 86.A 87.A 88.D 89.C 90.B
91.C 92.B 93.A 94.D 95.D 96.B 97.C 98.D 99.B 100.B
101.C 102.A 103.A 104.B 105.C 106.D 107.A 108.D 109.B 110.B
111.C 112.C 113.B 114.D 115.B 116.A 117.C 118.C 119.B 120.C
121.C 122.A 123.C 124.B 125.D 126.B 127.D 128.A 129.C 130.B
131.B 132.A 133.A 134.B 135.C 136.C 137.D 138.D 139.B 140.A
141.B 142.C 143.B 144.D 145.A 146.D 147.B 148.A 149.C 150.C
151.B 152.A 153.C 154.D 155.A 156.C 157.B 158.D 159.C 160.A
161.C 162.A 163.B 164.A 165.D 166.C 167.D 168.C 169.A 170.A
171.A 172.B 173.D 174.C 175.B 176.B 177.A 178.C 179.C 180.D
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
