专题01 完形填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考+2年模拟 (湖北专用) (含答案)

专题01 完形填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考 2年模拟 (湖北专用)
(2024·湖北武汉·中考真题)阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Seven arctic wolves (北极狼) move smoothly across a frozen pool and begin to run after a thick piece of ice.
The three older wolves are 1 wildly, hitting the four young wolves and sending them rolling (打滚) on the frozen grass. But the young jump up and run back onto the frozen pool to 2 the game. Finally, the youngest wolf quickly catches the ice, making it to pieces. Game over. The rest of the wolves 3 him, as if to say, “What now ” Then, one by one, they all turn to look at me.
I’ve been 4 these seven wolves for hours, keeping a good distance (距离) between us so they don’t feel 5 . There’s probably no other place on Earth than Ellesmere Island (Canada’s northernmost island) where wolves would let a human sit alongside them like I’m doing. For this 6 , I traveled here to join a documentary (纪录片) film team.
They 7 I was there, but they hadn’t paid any attention to me—until now. I 8 as our eyes meet. No matter how playful they appeared a few minutes before, I remember that these are 9 wild animals.
The wolves begin to walk toward me. But they 10 me before stopping at their preferred prey (猎物). Most of the meat is 11 , but enough for each wolf to have something to eat. Every few minutes, one of the wolves looks over at me, but none of them seem 12 . I relax a little as I watch them eat.
After they finish feeding on the prey, they walk slowly to the grass for a 13 . The young stay together while each older wolf finds a comfortable place alone.
Many hours later, they begin to wake up. It’s time to eat again. What happens next makes me 14 : The three older wolves run off into the hills for food, leaving me with the young! I suppose they understood it would be 15 to be with me.
1.A.eating B.looking C.digging D.playing
2.A.start B.continue C.stop D.end
3.A.stare at B.escape from C.fight with D.step on
4.A.drawing B.protecting C.watching D.guiding
5.A.lonely B.afraid C.tired D.hungry
6.A.chance B.reason C.purpose D.result
7.A.doubted B.forgot C.knew D.hoped
8.A.smile B.nod C.leave D.shake
9.A.once B.only C.also D.still
10.A.warn B.catch C.rush D.pass
11.A.broken B.hidden C.gone D.done
12.A.bothered B.controlled C.forced D.fooled
13.A.game B.sleep C.meal D.film
14.A.scared B.satisfied C.surprised D.stressed
15.A.safe B.lucky C.funny D.free
(2024·湖北·中考真题)Our art teacher George was leaving soon for his country. I was preparing a special 16 for him. It was a hand-drawn picture book about our school. I worked a long time, trying to make each picture as 17 as possible.
One day, I was drawing while my little sister Becky was watching with great 18 . Just then, my classmate Jeff dropped by.
“Hi! Peter, want to play basketball in the yard ” he asked.
“I’d like to, 19 it’s too cold outside!” I replied.
“Exactly!” he said. “It’s the perfect weather for not getting too hot.”
That’s a cool thing about Jeff. He always looks on the 20 side of almost everything.
“Let’s go!” We went out, leaving the drawings on the table.
We laughed as we returned. When I 21 the door, my heart nearly stopped. Right there, Becky was coloring my pictures.
“ 22 , Becky!” I rushed to her, but it was too late. Almost every page was colored.
“What did you do ” I shouted 23 .
“I just wanted to help.” She began to cry.
“My drawings are gone forever!” I felt frustrated (懊恼的) and 24 Jeff for help.
“Unless…” said Jeff.
“Unless what ” I asked.
“Remember the jigsaw puzzle (拼图) We can create something new from these messy pictures.” Jeff 25 .
“Can we make it ” I doubted.
“I’m not sure, but we can have a 26 .” He encouraged.
First, we cut the drawings into shapes, such as our brown teaching buildings, green playground and so on. Then, we 27 all these pieces together and made a jigsaw. Finally, we even added more paints. Days later, a beautiful “ 28 ” appeared in front of us.
There was a 29 ending.
“Thanks, guys,” George smiled, “I love it so much. It will give me many great 30 here.”
So, you see, there lies a beam (束) of light behind every dark cloud. Jeff’s way of dealing with things did help.
16.A.gift B.photo C.letter D.lesson
17.A.easy B.large C.perfect D.famous
18.A.hope B.pride C.interest D.courage
19.A.or B.so C.and D.but
20.A.sad B.bright C.serious D.strange
21.A.opened B.fixed C.cleaned D.painted
22.A.Run B.Come C.Jump D.Stop
23.A.bravely B.angrily C.carefully D.nervously
24.A.gave up B.looked at C.turned down D.agreed with
25.A.warned B.ordered C.reported D.suggested
26.A.try B.talk C.rest D.taste
27.A.put B.hid C.read D.threw
28.A.tree B.gate C.school D.library
29.A.boring B.happy C.terrible D.common
30.A.choices B.changes C.decisions D.memories
Some old Chinese inventions have won wide popularity around the world. Recently, a British woman used an ancient Chinese invention to help her son 31 a math problem.
Dr. Mantri grew up in India. She was taught 32 to use an abacus(算盘) to solve math problems when she was young. After noticing that her son Dhruv had great difficulty with math, she started using the same ancient Chinese tool to help him after school.
“My son was in Grade 5 when I noticed he was 33 in math.” said Dr. Mantri, “I would ask him something very easy like ‘35-13 = ’, but he couldn’t work it out.”
“I never thought I would teach him to use such an old tool 34 I realized I could try the Chinese abacus. It is a useful 35 to help kids better understand numbers and basic calculations(计 算). Very soon I saw the results. After six days, Dhruv started to make progress 36 with the help of the abacus. He even performed with the abacus at a school meeting where some parents came to 37 advice on using it to help their kids.”
Known as the fifth invention of ancient China, Chinese abacus is also 38 as the earliest computer. It helped people solve many math problems in ancient China. 39 you remember the rules, you can easily use it. Sometimes, just move one bead(算珠), then 40 bead, and you will get the answer. What a magic tool!
So far, the Chinese abacus has been listed as an intangible cultural heritage of human beings(人类非物质文化遗产)for 10 years ever since 2013.
31.A.deal with B.part with C.agree with D.compete with
32.A.what B.how C.where D.when
33.A.creative B.weak C.talented D.successful
34.A.after B.when C.until D.since
35.A.sign B.report C.method D.symbol
36.A.politely B.loudly C.bravely D.rapidly
37.A.care for B.leave for C.ask for D.pay for
38.A.cost B.caught C.covered D.considered
39.A.As long as B.As well as C.As good as D.As far as
40.A.other B.others C.the others D.another
I noticed a dad and his son at the park. His son wasn’t able to communicate, but he seemed 41 sitting in the sand. The dad explained to me that his son could only make some sounds. The boy had been in speech therapy(言语治疗)for years. After so much time in therapy, the boy was able to make eye contact(接触)for a few seconds and the father was happy by the 42 ! He told me how expensive the therapies for his son were and what a pleasure it was to see all of the years of hard work 43 . The father and son connected, and those few seconds of eye contact 44 everything to that dad!
As we talked about therapy, the dad shared with me that his 45 for his boy was to someday be able to go for ice cream together. He said his father used to take him out for ice cream and he hoped he could do the same with his child. 46 , the son stopped putting his fingers in the sand, looked at his father and said, “Hi.” Seconds later the boy went back into his own world. The dad wanted to say something, 47 he couldn’t. His love for this boy was so great that the words would not come. What did come were 48 . Those tears expressed how proud he was of his son. A father loves his child more than words are able to express.
This event 49 me deeply and made me consider my relationship with my own father. I hope that as they communicate further, more and more memories will be created for them to 50 , I believe the feelings held by all fathers—their hard work, their love, their pride, and their tears of love—are all the same.
41.A.pleased B.angry C.sad D.sorry
42.A.words B.achievement C.suggestions D.promise
43.A.go off B.show up C.pay off D.stay up
44.A.took B.meant C.won D.found
45.A.goal B.advice C.task D.order
46.A.Unluckily B.Strangely C.Suddenly D.Carefully
47.A.so B.while C.or D.but
48.A.tears B.dreams C.memories D.sounds
49.A.punished B.touched C.reminded D.harmed
50.A.forget B.imagine C.notice D.share
I used to feel hopeless and frustrated(沮丧的). Last year my mother was 51 ill and had an operation(手术)on her brain. I felt my whole world turn upside down and I had no 52 what I could do to help her feel less painful. My eyes were filled with tears 53 I was alone.
Last month, I lost a watch, which was a 54 for my 18th birthday from my father. I could not fall asleep for a couple of nights and I felt very upset.
There have been many 55 things like these in my life. I could never know how to deal with such hard things 56 I read If You Have a Lemon, Make Lemonade(柠檬汁).
“When the wise man is handed a lemon, he says, ‘What 57 can I get from this How can I improve my situation How can I turn this lemon into lemonade ’” the author wrote.
I suddenly 58 that life is full of ups and downs, so we need to stay positive(积极的)all the time. Now when I think of my past, I wish I could have done with things 59 . When my mother was fighting against her illness, I should have held her hands in mine, telling her things would get better 60 hiding and crying.
Several weeks ago, I took part in a school singing competition. I didn’t 61 a prize. If I had not read this article, I would certainly have felt 62 again. But instead, I smiled after the competition. I was happy that 63 I had got some stage(舞台)experience.
Life is not just a bed of roses. There are thorns(刺) 64 , but these thorns help us become brave and strong. When life 65 us a lemon, let’s try to make lemonade.
51.A.quietly B.seriously C.possibly D.hardly
52.A.question B.excuse C.idea D.doubt
53.A.whatever B.however C.whenever D.whoever
54.A.letter B.wish C.card D.gift
55.A.better B.good C.worse D.bad
56.A.when B.until C.whether D.since
57.A.lesson B.goal C.decision D.request
58.A.realized B.wondered C.dreamed D.predicted
59.A.silently B.differently C.easily D.suddenly
60.A.because of B.ahead of C.instead of D.out of
61.A.expect B.miss C.win D.refuse
62.A.embarrassed B.disappointed C.excited D.scared
63.A.at once B.at least C.at first D.at most
64.A.too B.either C.also D.though
65.A.shows B.makes C.gives D.lends
Ouyang Honghong, a fireman in Nanjing, walks his 15-year-old dog named Bingjie at the hill. Bingjie, a black-and-white dog, is 66 as a hero as it once helped save 13 lives in the earthquake that hit Wenchuan County of Sichuan Province in 2008. 67 Binjie can no longer take part in rescue(救援) with Ouyang, it still waits for his orders. Its eyes are always on him while the trainer trains 68 young search and rescue dogs.
Bingjie’s training and work from the early years have left many 69 on its body. “It has poor hearing ability and even has difficulty eating food.” said Ouyang. Bingjie and Ouyang became partners in 2007 during a dog training course. They finished difficult tasks together 70 earthquakes and snowstorms.
“No matter how 71 the task was, Bingie never thought about itself.” said Ouyang. “When we 72 a local kindergarten(幼儿园), Bingjie 73 rushed to the building that had fallen down and started barking(吠) at a corner,” said Ouyang. “Then we 74 Bingjie to the corner and heard a child’s cry for help.”
“It is 15 years old. I have spent more time with Bingjie than with my family. For me, it is both my friend and my family,” Ouyang said, “Sometimes, it acts like a cute child 75 me to play a ball, but keeps the ball in its mouth on purpose. Then we play happily.”
“I just want to spend time with it every day, while it is alive,” said Ouyang.
66.A.regarded B.repeated C.repaired D.reviewed
67.A.So B.Though C.Unless D.Before
68.A.other B.others C.another D.any other
69.A.marks B.letters C.answers D.wounds
70.A.as for B.after all C.such as D.for example
71.A.popular B.dangerous C.enjoyable D.comfortable
72.A.got B.arrived C.reached D.returned
73.A.loudly B.quietly C.politely D.bravely
74.A.forced B.treated C.followed D.prevented
75.A.sending B.inviting C.collecting D.developing
Last Monday, a teacher named Celina cheerfully asked her students what their weekends were like. A boy said that he had spent a 76 weekend—he had his teeth 77 out and they still hurt. “Why do you always seem to be so happy ” he asked.
Hearing the 78 , Celina answered with a smile, “Every morning, you have a choice about how you will treat your whole day. I 79 to be cheerful.”
“And today is my lucky day.” she added.
“ 80 ” the whole class were curious (好奇的).
“This morning, I 81 a mobike and rode to school as usual. Suddenly, the mobike didn’t work, so I had to go another kilometer down the road.”
“The mobike is broken and it’s your lucky day ” The students were 82 .
“What do you mean, Celina ” one girl asked.
“It broke down a quarter before class, so I left it at a proper place and 83 the road. You know, it’s spring now. The beautiful flowers, green trees and sweet bird songs were greeting me all the way. So I had the chance to enjoy them. It 84 me ten minutes to arrive and I was still able to teach my class on time.”
The students’ eyes opened wide, and then they smiled. Celina smiled back. Somehow, her story touched them. She was happy and satisfied that they had a perfect chance to consider 85 in a new way.
76.A.busy B.satisfying C.terrible D.meaningful
77.A.pulled B.pushed C.washed D.cleaned
78.A.suggestion B.question C.decision D.introduction
79.A.fail B.seem C.hate D.choose
80.A.Who B.When C.Why D.How
81.A.unlocked B.bought C.lent D.made
82.A.surprised B.bored C.patient D.nervous
83.A.walked through B.walked down C.walked across D.walked into
84.A.paid B.spent C.cost D.took
85.A.dream B.purpose C.luck D.wish
(2022·湖北荆门·中考真题)My mother had a great influence on my life. When I was a child, she always told me, “Sharing 86 is a simple act. You don’t have to do much to make others happy.” I didn’t fully understand it until my friend Helen told me about her amazing trip to a small town called Gary. Then, I 87 to go there, too.
However, my parents didn’t 88 at first when knowing my plan. They said I didn’t know much about the place. They worried about my 89 there. After I explained my plan to them in detail(详细地), they 90 said yes.
After arriving in Gary, I 91 the town was so different from where I lived. There were few stores or restaurants in the town, so you would be 92 enough to find a place to buy food or drinks. Houses were built on small hills and 93 of them had broken doors or windows. My job was to help the local people to 94 their houses. The workdays were long and hot, 95 it was really good to see the houses taking on a new look day by day.
The kids there were also different. They seemed to enjoy every moment in life though they were poor. The small things could make them 96 . I couldn’t find words to describe their joy when they received an ice cream, a ball or 97 a hug(拥抱). The community was like a big family. Everyone knew each other and was ready to 98 help.
What a wonderful 99 I had in Gary! I truly learned the 100 of what my mother said. You don’t need to do much to make a difference to others’ lives.
86.A.love B.success C.interest D.pain
87.A.had a look B.made a decision C.played a part D.made a mess
88.A.mind B.compare C.agree D.repeat
89.A.difficulty B.safety C.traffic D.influence
90.A.finally B.badly C.suddenly D.recently
91.A.doubted B.checked C.discovered D.imagined
92.A.dangerous B.crazy C.brave D.lucky
93.A.much B.many C.few D.none
94.A.sell B.choose C.share D.repair
95.A.unless B.though C.but D.since
96.A.upset B.polite C.excited D.bored
97.A.even B.also C.ever D.still
98.A.accept B.avoid C.refuse D.offer
99.A.experiment B.competition C.experience D.conversation
100.A.ability B.meaning C.reason D.skill
A boy guarded the barrels (木桶) in his father`s winery (葡萄酒厂). Every morning, his father gave him a 101 of brushing the barrels and putting them in order, but the wind blew the barrels here and there overnight.
The boy was so 102 that he wrote a letter to the wind, “Please don`t blow down my barrels.” After seeing that, his father asked the boy with a smile, “Can the wind read your 103 ” The little boy said, “I don`t know. I have no 104 but to make this request.
The next morning, when the little boy ran to 105 the barrels, he found that the barrels were blown here and there again. The little boy felt very unhappy and cried. His father came and said 106 , “Son, don`t be sad. We may have no way to deal with the 107 , but we may have ways for you, so we can have our own ways to 108 the wind.” Then the little boy 109 his tears and thought over and over. Finally, he thought of an idea. He filled the 110 barrels with water. After that, he went home worriedly.
The third morning, the little boy 111 his clothes in a hurry and ran out. He was 112 to find the barrels was placed in good order. The little boy smiled happily and told his father, “It`s a very 113 way, that is, to make the barrels heavier.” The little boy`s father smiled and 114 his head.
We can`t change many things in the world, but we can change ourselves. To add you the 115 is the only way not to be knocked over!
101.A.task B.promise C.warning D.method
102.A.shy B.angry C.cheerful D.satisfied
103.A.story B.letter C.notice D.poster
104.A.time B.purpose C.choice D.doubt
105.A.paint B.blow C.check D.repair
106.A.strictly B.kindly C.wildly D.nervously
107.A.brush B.cloud C.factory D.wind
108.A.beat B.invite C.accept D.encourage
109.A.collected B.believed C.tasted D.dried
110.A.empty B.full C.useless D.special
111.A.sold out B.paid for C.put on D.took off
112.A.bored B.worried C.interested D.excited
113.A.simple B.foolish C.strange D.dangerous
114.A.hid B.nodded C.covered D.controlled
115.A.water B.clothes C.height D.weight
Emma Dreams Big
It was warm outside. Emma was looking through the window and thinking of riding her horse Star after school.
“Emma! 116 you please turn in your homework ” Mrs. James called her.
“I don’t have my homework with me,” Emma turned back and said. “I 117 to put it in my schoolbag after I did it.”
“Emma, you’re such a smart girl, 118 you’re always daydreaming. I may have to talk with your parents,” Mrs. James said. “Now, class, clear your desks. Let’s 119 our guest, Doctor Landon. He is a vet and he came here today as part of our Career Explorations (职业探索) program.”
Doctor Landon talked about how 120 grades were and how he tried hard with math when he was a kid. But Emma didn’t listen carefully 121 a word caught her attention. Horse!
“On most days of a week, I travel 122 the county to take care of horses. It is a lot of work, but I love it.”
Emma’s mouth 123 open. “What a life that is!” she thought. At that moment, Emma could see her 124 . She was going to be a vet and take care of horses too!
After school, Emma made new 125 . She would spend an hour studying math before riding Star. She also 126 to spend half an hour every night studying science even if she didn’t have any homework. Doctor Landon said those were important subjects to study if you wanted to be a vet.
When Emma walked into the house, she told her parents about her new plans. They were both 127 . “I had a talk with her last week. I told her she needed to work harder if she wanted to get into a good college. I guess she is 128 my advice,” her dad said to her mom.
Emma 129 . She didn’t remember what her dad said. Maybe she would tell them about her 130 tomorrow.
116.A.Should B.Must C.Might D.Could
117.A.preferred B.regretted C.forgot D.seemed
118.A.but B.and C.so D.or
119.A.visit B.welcome C.report D.share
120.A.interesting B.surprising C.enjoyable D.important
121.A.since B.after C.until D.unless
122.A.across B.through C.along D.during
123.A.dropped B.fell C.stopped D.left
124.A.decision B.suggestion C.future D.memory
125.A.choices B.duties C.senses D.plans
126.A.decided B.refused C.agreed D.allowed
127.A.excited B.surprised C.worried D.relaxed
128.A.thinking B.holding C.taking D.supporting
129.A.smiled B.explained C.replied D.promised
130.A.spirit B.truth C.success D.dream
Have you ever rushed to some very important places only to find you’re on the wrong bus and you’ll never make it in time One woman in New Zealand 131 this last year, but the bus driver went 132 his duty to help her out.
One Sunday, Mason was on her way to see her 70-year-old mom who lives in a nursing home. Because of its recent rules, 133 are limited (限制) to an half-hour period scheduled ahead (提前预约安排). When Mason 134 she hadn’t got on the right bus and her 30-minute window was fast closing, Mason started crying, tearfully 135 to the bus driver, 57-year-old Alex Bailey, what had happened.
Rather than keep to his schedule, Bailey decided to 136 . With nods from the other 137 , Bailey took another longer route (路线) and 138 Mason to the nursing home, dropped her off, and then calmly went back to his regular route.
By 139 , as Mason arrived at the nursing house, a news reporter was there. Mason told the reporter her 140 , expressing praise for the bus driver. The story 141 the evening news, and it hit social media. Bailey was “Internet 142 ”.
Actually, Bailey is only one of the serving members during the pandemic (流行病), who has been 143 around the clock to make sure that key workers, education and communities stay connected and keep the city running 144 . Later, he said that it was just a nice, magical moment, and it was just the 145 thing to do.
131.A.shared B.announced C.celebrated D.experienced
132.A.into B.down C.beyond D.for
133.A.visits B.programs C.courses D.presents
134.A.reminded B.dreamed C.realized D.doubted
135.A.leading B.explaining C.shouting D.applying
136.A.move round B.run off C.calm down D.take action
137.A.visitors B.patients C.passengers D.friends
138.A.drove B.ran C.flew D.spread
139.A.heart B.hand C.accident D.mistake
140.A.trouble B.plan C.name D.story
141.A.received B.made C.broke D.reported
142.A.red B.honest C.famous D.important
143.A.working B.waiting C.changing D.saving
144.A.difficultly B.early C.quickly D.smoothly
145.A.wrong B.right C.usual D.daily
When Mike was seven, he knew his dream was to be a photographer. He kept working on it for years. Recently, he was trying to take a picture of a sunset (日落) to enter the school 146 competition.
“Mom, it has been 147 these days. I don’t think I can get this picture!” Mike complained.
“Why not use one of your photos on the computer ” suggested Mom.
“I can’t—the rules say the photos have to be taken with a traditional camera. We 148 a roll of film, it gets developed(冲洗胶卷), and we 149 one photo for the competition.”
“Why is a sunset so important ” Mom asked.
“The 150 of the competition is peace,” Mike explained, “and I feel most peaceful seeing a sunset.”
Zach, his six-year-old brother came out of the bedroom. “Hey, you want to take a picture of me Look!” He put both arms over his head.
“Not right now,” said Mike, 151 .
That very afternoon, Mike felt excited when he saw 152 skies. He carefully lined up his shot(镜头) and waited 153 till the sun reached the ground.
“That’s it! Perfect!” he shouted cheerfully.
The next morning, Mike noticed he could take one more picture to 154 the roll of film, so he walked into Zach’s room. Zach was 155 quietly with a teddy bear under his arm. Mike didn’t wake Zach up, and 156 took a picture of him.
A week later, Mike got the photos. The sunset picture was the one he was most eager to see. There it was! It was as nearly perfect as Mike had 157 .
Then, he 158 the other photos. Suddenly, he stopped. His eyebrows(眉毛) rose as he 159 the photo of Zach. He looked back at the photo of the sunset, which seemed less perfect now. He 160 the two choices. Finally, he decided to use the photo of Zach for the competition.
146.A.violin B.tennis C.photo D.chess
147.A.sunny B.cloudy C.windy D.bright
148.A.hand in B.take in C.bring out D.give out
149.A.collect B.choose C.describe D.design
150.A.topic B.prize C.result D.purpose
151.A.turning B.shouting C.crying D.laughing
152.A.dark B.high C.clear D.right
153.A.politely B.bravely C.hopefully D.secretly
154.A.complete B.fill C.win D.pick
155.A.playing B.reading C.writing D.sleeping
156.A.surprisingly B.carefully C.patiently D.heavily
157.A.realized B.wished C.expected D.supposed
158.A.pay back B.go back C.went through D.looked through
159.A.studied B.shared C.copied D.fixed
160.A.changed B.offered C.accepted D.weighed
(2023·湖北武汉·模拟预测)My name is Sara Li from China. Last spring, my family moved to Portland. Our 161 home had no yard. So my parents 162 an indoor garden. Mama planted seeds in pots and Papa hung them from hooks(勾子). With green vines(蔓生植物)of plants 163 down, the house looks rather fantastic. Jill, a gardening 164 living next door, spent much time at my home.
One morning, Jill and her mother came to my family. On arrival, Jill’s mother said, “Jill 165 your garden. She has told me so much about it.” Mama explained that she had learned how to 166 small space. With a glow in eyes, Jill’s mother asked eagerly, “Can you help us with a 167 Our community wants to 168 so much but our plot(小块土地)is very small.” Papa and Mama nodded with 169 .
That afternoon, 170 in the community agreed to contribute(捐助). Neighbors brought seeds, tools and dirt. The next day, we started the project. Papa built boxes of different sizes. We 171 them with dirt. The tallest stood against the back wall while the shortest in the front to make sure that all the plants would get 172 .
All summer, Jill and I 173 there. Autumn arriving, we picked enough to have a cookout for the community, everyone 174 the joy of harvest. I was so proud that Papa and Mama 175 a bit of ours to Portland.
161.A.big B.sweet C.small D.new
162.A.made B.visited C.decorated D.found
163.A.climbing B.falling C.putting D.hanging
164.A.expert B.lover C.worker D.teacher
165.A.checks B.presents C.admires D.values
166.A.take up B.clean up C.make use of D.fit in with
167.A.garden B.event C.project D.place
168.A.plant B.build C.dig D.play
169.A.worry B.fear C.hope D.pleasure
170.A.no one B.anyone C.someone D.everyone
171.A.filled B.spread C.supported D.picked
172.A.air B.water C.care D.sunlight
173.A.planted B.played C.worked D.waited
174.A.treasuring B.sharing C.accepting D.showing
175.A.left B.lent C.remained D.brought
1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.D 10.D 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.A
16.A 17.C 18.C 19.D 20.B 21.A 22.D 23.B 24.B 25.D 26.A 27.A 28.C 29.B 30.D
31.A 32.B 33.B 34.C 35.C 36.D 37.C 38.D 39.A 40.D
41.A 42.B 43.C 44.B 45.A 46.C 47.D 48.A 49.B 50.D
51.B 52.C 53.C 54.D 55.D 56.B 57.A 58.A 59.B 60.C 61.C 62.B 63.B 64.A 65.C
66.A 67.B 68.A 69.D 70.C 71.B 72.C 73.D 74.C 75.B
76.C 77.A 78.B 79.D 80.C 81.A 82.A 83.B 84.D 85.C
86.A 87.B 88.C 89.B 90.A 91.C 92.D 93.B 94.D 95.C 96.C 97.A 98.D 99.C 100.B
101.A 102.B 103.B 104.C 105.C 106.B 107.D 108.A 109.D 110.A 111.C 112.D 113.A 114.B 115.D
116.D 117.C 118.A 119.B 120.D 121.C 122.A 123.B 124.C 125.D 126.A 127.B 128.C 129.A 130.D
131.D 132.C 133.A 134.C 135.B 136.D 137.C 138.A 139.C 140.D 141.B 142.C 143.A 144.D 145.B
146.C 147.B 148.A 149.B 150.A 151.D 152.C 153.C 154.A 155.D 156.B 157.C 158.D 159.A 160.D
161.D 162.A 163.B 164.B 165.C 166.C 167.A 168.A 169.D 170.D 171.A 172.D 173.C 174.B 175.D
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
