

1、高考英语读后续写自然景色描写升华句一、太阳The rising sun flamed the eastern sky.朝阳染红了东边的天空。The setting sun kindled the sky.落日映红了天空。The sun was pushing its way over the edge of the world.太阳在天边缓缓升起。The sun was high in the southern sky.太阳高高挂在南边的天空上。The sun shone through a break in the clouds.太阳透过云层的缝隙照射下来。The sun burst thr

2、ough the clouds and shone over the earth.太阳穿破云层,普照大地。With the setting sun casting an orange glow over the grass, I was leaning against my friend, talking with him about the future.橘红色的夕阳照在草地上,我背靠着我的朋友,和他讨论着未来。The sun disappeared behind a bank of clouds.太阳消失在一大片云后面。The sun looked at her with a glowin

3、g smile and the flowers nodded merrily towards her.太阳带着灿烂的笑容看着她,花儿朝她开心地点头。The sun dropped/went down and the sunlight laid on my head and shoulders.太阳下山,温和的光线落在我的头上和肩上。The sun was at its highest. The heat beat down on my head as if I were bacon under the grill.太阳在最高点。热浪在我头上,我就像烧烤架下的培根。The forest look

4、ed so beautiful with the setting sun reflected in the river.夕阳映射在河上,森林看起来是如此的美。The sun hid himself behind the mountains, making it hard to see anything in the thick darkness. 太阳躲在山后,漆黑黑的,什么也看不见。二、月亮The moon was slowly rising above the sea.月亮缓缓从海上升起。The moons flame brightened the vast expanse of snow

5、.月亮照亮了一片雪原。The moon is like a disc hanging on the dark sky, which casts its light on everything.月亮像一轮圆盘挂在黑暗的夜空中,月光照在万物上。The village was bathed in moonlight.村庄沐浴在月光里。The moon washed the woods in a gentle light. 月亮用柔和的光洗刷着树林。The moon watched from the sky behind the clouds as the stars blink their eyes

6、 in fatigue. 月亮藏在云里,星星略带倦意地眨着眼睛。 Like a dim lamp, the moon shone from above and the stars twinkled their eyes with curiosity.月亮像一盏昏暗的灯,从上面照下来,星星也好奇地眨着眼。The moon appeared in all its elegant whiteness, lightening up the cloudless sky .月亮在其优雅的白色光芒的映衬下出现,照亮了无云的天空The silvery moon glowing in the sky, a ripple of grief ran through her heart.银色的月亮在空中闪闪发亮,一股悲凉流过她的心。The night was dark and the moon nearly l
