
八年级 英 语
(满分120 分, 考试时间100分钟)
一、听力理解 (20小题,每小题2分,共40分)
第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两追。
( )1. What will the temperature be tomorrow
A. 4℃. B. -4℃ C. -14℃.
( )2. Who is the best at science in Julia's class
A. Tom. B. Julia. C. Alice.
( )3. Where was the woman last night
A. At home. B. In the restaurant. C. In the music hall.
( )4. When did the man begin to drive
A. At the age of 16. B. At the age of 17. C. At the age or27.
( )5. What does the woman want the man to do with her
A. See a film. B. Visit a museum. C. Go to the concert.
第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。
( )6. Where did Mary meet the American girl
A. I n the library. B. At a bus stop. C. On the No.5 bus.
( )7. What did Mary and the American girl talk about
A. How to get to the City Library.
B. Which bus to take to the City Library.
C. Which is the nearest way to the City Library.
( )8. Why does the woman look worried
A. Because she gets fatter.
B. Because the man gets fatter.
C. Because she can't put on her favourite skirt.
( )9. What does the woman like to eat very much
A. Sweets. B. Chocolate. C. Chinese food.
( )10. What is Mona's biggest change
A. She likes reading. B. She likes playing games. C. She knows the importance of studying.
( )11. Why does Mona like reading now
A. To pass her free time. B. To achieve her dream. C. To achieve her dream and pass her free time.
( )12. How many middle school students play games over five hours every day
A. One quarter. B. Two quarters. C. Three quarters.
( )13. What's the probable relationship between the two speakers
A. Husband and wife. B. Teacher and student. C. Seller and buyer.
( )14. What colour will the man buy
A. Black. B. Brown. C. White.
( )15. How much will the man pay for the trousers
A.35 dollars. B.40 dollars. C.46 dollars.
第三节 听下面一篇短文。按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。
16. __________ 17. __________ 18. __________ 19. __________ 20. __________
二、阅读理解 (20小题,每小题2分,共40分)
Lots of people in the world take tea as their favorite drink. There are many kinds of tea in the world, such as black tea, green tea, white tea and yellow tea. These kinds of tea grow in different areas. Different people like to drink different tea. And their ways of drinking tea are also different.
In China People drink a lot of tea in China. Many people drink it because it tastes very good. Some people think tea is helpful in many ways. It can keep them healthy.
In other parts of Asia In Japan, many people like to drink green tea. In Vietnam, people like to drink coffee first. Then they drink tea.
In the UK British people also like tea. In the afternoon, they would like to drink black tea. It's their “tea time”. Most of them like to drink tea with milk and sweet cakes.
In the US Many people drink black tea in the US. In the south, people like to drink sweet tea. Sweet tea is cold black tea with sugar in it.
China is one of the countries that grow the most tea in the world. India is the same. Japan, Kenya and Indonesia also grow tea. Some tea comes from Sri Lanka.
( )21. How many kinds of tea does the writer talk about in paragraph 1
A. Five. B. Four. C. Three. D. Two.
( )22. What do most Chinese people think of tea
A. It tastes quite different. B. It is better than coffee.
C. It is good for health. D. It is the most popular drink.
( )23. Where do people like to drink coffee before drinking tea
A. I n Japan. B. In the US. C. In Sri Lanka. D. In Vietnam.
( )24. What do most people in the UK like to drink tea with
A. Sugar. B. Ice. C. Juice. D. Milk.
( )25. Which part of a website may the text be from
A. Sports. B. Stories. C. Culture. D. News.
It was another busy day until I met that boy on a bus. He was not a passenger like me. He was. what we call, a street child, an 8-10-year-old kid with a worn T-shirt. These poorly-dressed kids were seen almost everywhere in Dhaka city, but what was special about that boy was his face. There was something on him that caught my attention, an angelic(天使般的) baby face with little care.
He got straight into the bus as it stopped at a traffic light. The bus helper shouted at him in the first place, but the boy remained silent and started to hand out a piece of paper to all the passengers. What was written in the paper was, in short, his father died a couple of years ago. His mother worked at houses. He needed money to help his family, so he wanted us to buy chocolates from him.
This was nothing new to people who took a bus every day and I was no different. I had my carphones on. When he came to me to get the paper back, I gave him some money. Thankfully, it brought some smile on his face. He was about to give me 10 chocolates in return of the money I gave him.
“I don't like chocolates, brother. No need of chocolates. You can have the money,” I said.
All of a sudden the smile on his face disappeared.
“I am not a beggar (乞丐). Please take the chocolates or take your money back.” His straight answer greatly surprised me. I had given money to many kids before, without taking their chocolates. I realized his angelic baby face was not the only thing special about him.
( )26. What does the underlined word “something” refer to in the first paragraph
A. The boy's politeness. B. The boy's worn T-shirt.
C. The look on the boy's face. D. The paper in the boy's hand.
( )27. What was the boy doing on the bus
A. Selling his chocolates. B. Riding to beg for help.
C. Asking passengers for money. D. Collecting money for the poor.
( )28. What did the writer mean by saying “I was no different”
A. He was sorry for the boy and wanted to help. B. He was interested in what the boy was doing.
C. He had his earphones on like other passengers. D. He wasn't surprised to see kids begging for money.
( )29. If you are the boy in the passage, what will you do in the end
A. Just take the money. B. Just give back the money.
C. Sell the chocolates to the writer. D. Just give the chocolates to others.
( )30. What's the best title for the text
A. A Strange Boy B. He Was Not Alone
C. Please take the chocolates D. Never Look Down upon Others
You may be told not to be afraid of anything. Fear is often connected with (与… 有关联)weakness, and fear is something we want to avoid (避免) . But that's not all true. Fear can be good for us sometimes.
Fear tells us about danger. Without fear, we will not realize we should run away from a tiger or step back from a high place. Researchers said that a healthy fear keeps teenagers away from dangerous people, places and activities.
Fear makes us jump, shake and cry. But interestingly, sometimes we make ourselves feel fear on purpose (故意地) . Think about scary books and movies, and also the long lines for a scary roller coaster ride. Kerr, a researcher, explained why we like to do so. Fear fills our brains with healthy chemicals (化学物质) . These things create feelings of happiness and excite us. Besides. when we're scared, our bodies produce a chemical which helps us bond with each other. “Watch people walking off a roller coaster, and you'll see lots of smiles on their faces," Kerr said. That also explains why schools organize some challenging trips and physical activities to build up students' team spirit.
People experience and deal with fear in different ways. If you get scared easily, don't worry. Because being scared can help a person manage difficult situations. The fear may come from things like giving a report in front of your class or performing in a school play. It can help you be more confident. Also, if you become more comfortable with the physical experience of fear, you'll be better able to work through it during the difficult situations.
So, learn to love your fear. It only grows when you forget how helpful your fear is.
( )31. What may many people think of fear according to the first paragraph
A. Good. B. Bad. C. Interesting. D. Exciting.
( )32. Why are scary books and movies helpful for people according to the text
A. Because they tell people how to keep away from fear.
B. Because they teach people to be more confident in life.
C. Because they help people stay away from dangerous people.
D. Because they make brains produce chemicals that excite people.
( )33. What do the underlined words “bond with” most probably mean in Chinese
A. 高度关注. B. 建立联系. C. 相互交流. D. 产生敌意.
( )34. What is the right attitude (态度) to fear according to the text
A. Avoid all the scary situations. B. Experience it as often as possible.
C. Consider it as a sign of weakness. D. Enjoy the healthy fear sometimes.
( )35. What is the text mainly about
A. Ways to experience fear. B. The advantages fear brings us.
C. Different ways people deal with fear. D. People's misunderstandings about fear.
Growing up today in this world means you will make a lot of decisions in a short time. 36 Here is some advice for you when you make decisions.
Learn from examples. 37 You can learn from them. Whether big or small things, they can give you examples of how to choose and what to do. They can help you understand how a choice(选择) is made.
38 At first, you can make small decisions to help yourself practice for bigger choices later in life. After each decision, you can ask your parents or teachers to give you some advice.
Talk to others. This is very important. When you want to make a decision, you can talk to your parents or friends. 39 Their advice can help you a lot.
Don't make choices in such a hurry. Tell yourself that making decisions doesn't have to be too quick. 40 Thinking about them carefully may help you make a wise decision.
A. Make a decision by yourself.
B. Many choices don't need to be made at once.
C. Every day you meet different people and things.
D. They can tell you their opinions about your decisions.
E. You should learn how to make decisions to improve your life.
36. __________ 37. __________ 38. __________ 39. __________ 40. __________
三、完形填空 (15小题,每小题1分,共15分)
I'm a girl from Canada. I have read many books by writers from different 41 . But when I was little, I didn't like reading books at all. I thought books were 42 and they often made me feel tired. On 43 sixth birthday, I got a book named Toy Story. My father read the book to me every night. Surprisingly, I found it very interesting. I wasn't able to refuse any 44 books.
As I grew up, I became more interested in reading and 45 reading. My mother even got me a membership (会员) card in a(n) 46 . Every day after school, I would go there and pick a book to read.
When I went to middle school, I had much homework from Monday to Friday. So I could 47 read at weekends.
I don't talk to others often 48 I'm quiet. But I never feel 49 . Books are my friends. While reading, I feel that I'm in the story, watching things happen 50 my own eyes. I always lose myself in reading and don't 51 the time.
Because of reading, my writing 52 has improved a lot. Last October, I finished writing a novel (小说) and 53 it to my teacher. He thought it was excellent and advised me to join in a writing competition for 54 . Finally, I won first prize and it really made me excited.
I'm in Grade 11 now. I know I'll have less and less free time, but I'll 55 reading books. It has become an important part of my life.
( )41. A. classes B. schools C. countries D. teams
( )42. A. exciting B. boring C. interesting D. moving
( )43. A. his B. your C. her D. my
( )44. A. thick B. cheap C. funny D. simple
( )45. A. gave up B. took up C. looked for D. prepared for
( )46. A. bank B. shop C. library D. restaurant
( )47. A. soon B. never C. even D. only
( )48. A. but B. because C. if D. until
( )49. A. lonely B. lucky C. strong D. comfortable
( )50. A. by B. in C. for D. with
( )51. A. spend B. wait C. notice D. kill
( )52. A. step B. life C. skill D. report
( )53. A. offered B. showed C. taught D. returned
( )54. A. teenagers B. reporters C. teachers D. tourists
( )55. A. discuss B. mind C. stop D. continue
四、语篇填空 (15小题,每小题1分,共15分)
阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词, 每词限用一次。
good difference after about careful they remember decide believe mistake
It was three months before the autumn play. All teachers were thinking 56 which famous work their students should choose to play. But Steve, an English teacher, offered a very 57 idea. He told his students that he wanted them to write 58 own script (剧本).
The students loved the idea. They were excited about writing the script. It took them weeks to talk about the main story. They finally 59 to give a show with many surprises. While the students were talking about their ideas, Steve wrote them down on his computer.
The script was ready. All the young actors and actresses did a lot of practice. They spent much time 60 the lines (台词). They also planned the time 61 . They tried not to make any 62 . They met many difficulties, but they never stopped. They tried their 63 to help each other.
The show day came. 64 the show ended, almost all the people said they would like to watch it again. Knowing that their show was so popular. Steve and the students laughed. They couldn't 65 they did so well in such a short time. Then they went to a restaurant to celebrate their success. There they enjoyed a great meal.
56. __________ 57. __________ 58. __________ 59. __________ 60. __________
61. __________ 62. __________ 63. __________ 64. __________ 65. __________
Kunqu opera is one of the oldest operas in China. It has 66 history of about 600 years. It started in Suzhou, a city in Jiangsu Province and became popular during the Ming dynasty. And it's famous 67 “the mother of Chinese operas”.
Kunqu opera has wonderful singing, dancing and fighting, and uses lots of different movements to show different feelings. It is amazing and beautiful to watch!
Kunqu opera is important 68 it greatly influenced other kinds of Chinese operas, like Sichuan opera, Beijing opera and Henan opera. One of the most famous plays in Kunqu opera is The Peony Pavilion(《牡丹亭》). Tang Xianzu wrote it 69 than 400 years ago, but people all over the world still love it now.
Kunqu opera was listed as one of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity(人类口头和非物质文化遗产) in 2001. With more people taking interest in Kunqu opera these years, the cultural heritage is under better protection. And opera fans 70 easily get show tickets.
Kunqu opera is a treasure of Chinese culture, and we need to keep it alive.
66. __________ 67. __________ 68. __________ 69. __________ 70. __________
A: Hi, Yongjie! The summer holiday is coming. What are you going to do during the holiday
B: I haven't decided yet. 71. ____________________________
A: Yes, I plan to go to Beijing.
B:72. ____________________________
A: By high-speed train. I feel excited because I never took a high-speed train before.
B:73. ____________________________! Taking the high-speed train is a good idea. It's fast and safe. By the way, are you going to visit any places of interest in Beijing
A: Yes, of course.74. ____________________________. For example, I would like to visit the Summer Palace and the Palace Museum.
B: Will you go to the Great Wall
A: Maybe. I will go if the weather is fine.
B:75. ____________________________! Have a good time!
A: Thank you very much.
六、书面表达 (20分)
光阴荏苒,岁月如歌。八年级的学习生活即将结束,这一年经过努力你都取得了哪些进步 又有着怎样的遗憾与不足 你对九年级的学习生活有怎样的期待 请你以“Hello,Grade Nine”为题写一篇英语短文,参加学校文学社组织的“奋斗正青春”主题征文比赛。
(2) 词数100词左右。
Hello, Grade Nine
