Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum检测题(含答案含音频及听力原文)人教版八年级下册(广西南宁专版)

八年级英语下册Unit 9检测题(广西南宁专版)
满分:120分 时间:120分钟
一、听力(共30小题, 每小题1分, 共30分)
(一)听句子, 选图片。
你将听到五个句子, 请选出与所听句子内容相符的图片, 有一幅图是多余的。每个句子读两遍。
1.  2.  3.  4.  5.
(二)听短对话, 选择最佳答案。
你将听到五段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题, 请根据对话内容, 选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
( ) 6.Which place has the man been to three times
A.The water park.  B.The library. C.The space museum.
( ) 7.When did the boy go to China
A.Last week. B.Last month. C.Last year.
( ) 8.Why hasn't the man been to the amusement park
A.Because the is always busy.B.Because his parents don't allow him to go.
C.Because he doesn't have enough money.
( ) 9.How many times has the boy been to the space museum
A.Twice.  B.Once.  C.Never.
( ) 10.Which mountain did the man visit
A.Mount Hua. B.Mount Tai. C.Mount Heng.
(三)听长对话, 选择最佳答案。
你将听到三段对话, 请根据对话内容, 选出每个问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
请听第一段对话, 回答第11至13小题。
( ) 11.What's the weather like
A.Sunny.  B.Rainy.  C.Windy.
( ) 12.How many times has the boy been to the history museum
A.Twice.  B.Three times.  C.Four times.
( ) 13.What will the speakers do
A.Go to Blue Sky Aquarium.B.Go to the space museum.C.Go swimming.
请听第二段对话, 回答第14至16小题。
( ) 14.Who has never been to the Great Wall
A.Jenny. B.Mrs.Wang. C.Mr.Wang.
( ) 15.Where has Jenny been many times
A.The Great Wall. B.The Palace Museum.C.The Terracotta Army.
( ) 16.How long has the man worked in the school
A.For 8 years. B.For 9 years. C.Since 2010.
请听第三段对话, 回答第17至20小题。
( ) 17.Where's Helen from
A.China.  B.Japan.  C.America.
( ) 18.Where is Helen now
A.In China. B.In France. C.In America.
( ) 19.When did Helen get to America
A.In January. B.In March. C.In July.
( ) 20.What does Helen miss most
A.The food. B.Her family. C.Her friends.
(四)听短文, 选择最佳答案。
你将听到一篇短文, 请根据短文内容, 选出每个问题的最佳答案。短文读两遍。
( ) 21.When will the students have the school trip
A.This Friday. B.This Saturday. C.This Sunday.
( ) 22.Where will the students meet before they start out
A.On the playground.B.In front of the library.C.At the school gate.
( ) 23.How will the students go to the Space Museum
A.By car. B.By bus. C.By subway.
( ) 24.What should the students take
A.Some drinks and snacks.B.A camera and a notebook.C.A notebook and a pen.
( ) 25.Where will the students have lunch
A.At a restaurant. B.At school. C.At home.
(五)听短文, 填信息。
你将听到一篇短文, 请根据短文内容, 将所缺信息填入横线上, 每空一词。短文读三遍。
Who My 26. and I.
Where to go The Disneyland in 27. .
What to visit There are four areas and we have visited 28. of them. And we saw a large parade.
How to feel We were very 29. during the days.It's the 30. parade we have ever seen!
二、单项选择(共10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)
( ) 31.—Would you like to go hiking and camping in the mountains this weekend
—______.When will we start
A.Sounds fun   B.With pleasure C.That's right
( )32.Chinese scientists have made great______in space technology recently.
A.information B.Progress C.knowledge
( ) 33.Scientists who are full of ______ always come up with new ideas and bring great changes to our life.
A.instruction B.Instrument C.invention
( ) 34.The spirit of Lei Feng always encourages us______ a hand to others.
A.give   B.giving   C.to give
( ) 35.When they get enough sleep, students are calm and ______ and their moods(脾气) do not change suddenly.
A.peaceful B.social C.rapid
( ) 36.This invention will ______ light from stars and may find the secrets about the beginning of the universe(宇宙).
A.protect B.collect C.provide
( ) 37.The Robinsons love seeing the world.They ______ many interesting places.
A.have gone to     B.have been to C.have been in
( ) 38.—______ is the population of your city
—I'm not sure.I think it's around 5, 000, 000.
A.How much     B.How many C.What
( ) 39.People are wondering______ a man wearing glasses can enter a space station.
A.whether B.that C.what
( )40.Exercising is great for your health. However, ______ exercising isn't enough.
A.mostly B.simply C.actually
三、补全对话(共5小题, 每小题1分, 共5分)
根据对话内容, 从下面方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话, 有一个选项是多余的。
A:Hello, Lin Tao! What are you going to do this summer vacation
B:Nothing much.41.
A:I'm going to the Ancient City of Pingyao.I love the local food there.
A:Yes, I have been there before.But I want to go there again.
A:It's in Shanxi Province.Would you like to go with me
B:44. After hearing your words, I'm interested in it.
A:What about making a trip plan first
A:Let's do it now.
A.Have you ever been there before B.Sounds good.C.Where is it D.When shall we go E.What about you F.Sure, I'd love to.
四、完形填空(共10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)
Last winter holiday, my friend and I visited a village with only 10 houses.__46__the village was small, it was very beautiful.
The village became popular because of a good__47__of Uncle Chen's.Uncle Chen loved his village deeply and he wanted to make it more beautiful.He__48__painting very much.So he began to __49__pictures on the walls of his own house and other villagers' houses.In the village, there were many paintings of __50__such as cats and dogs.Also there were many paintings of people.And the most popular ones __51__tourists were some pictures of famous people.One of __52__was a picture of Yuan Longping.I __53__liked this picture.So I asked my friend to __54__a photo of the picture and me.From these beautiful paintings and the villagers' smiling faces, I could see the villagers living a __55__life.
I had a good time in the village and wished to visit it again.
( ) 46.A.When B.Because C.Although
( ) 47.A.book B.idea C.game
( ) 48.A.liked B.minded C.hated
( ) 49.A.buy B.draw C.sell
( ) 50.A.animals B.flowers C.trees
( ) 51.A.for B.against C.as
( ) 52.A.you B.us C.them
( ) 53.A.nearly B.really C.hardly
( ) 54.A.take B.borrow C.give
( ) 55.A.bad B.sad C.happy
五、阅读理解(共20小题, 第56-60小题, 每小题1分;第61-75小题, 每小题2分, 共35分)
Pandas are very popular in China.People around the world like this black and white animal very much, too.Ya Ya is among them.Now let's know more about Ya Ya.
When Ya Ya was born in the Beijing Zoo, she weighed about 0.14 kilos.For a research and protection plan, she was taken to the Memphis Zoo in Tennessee in 2003.But there was something wrong with her fur in 2006.Her health condition became worse in 2014.Experts at the Memphis Zoo and in China tried many ways but couldn't solve the problems.On April 27, 2023, Ya Ya returned to China after staying for 20 years in America.The panda was then quarantined(隔离) in the Shanghai Zoo before moving to Beijing.On May 29, Ya Ya arrived at its home, the Beijing Zoo.
The Beijing Zoo has prepared a special feeding place for Ya Ya as well as feeding plans, care and medical support, according to the National Forestry and Grassland Administration.As she is old, she needs to rest and adapt(适应) to the new environment.So she will not be visited for a short period of time.The zoo will tell the public about Ya Ya's health condition through its official Weibo account, according to the administration.
A lot of people pay much attention to Ya Ya.They hope she will get better soon.
根据语篇内容, 判断下列句子正误, 正确的填“T”, 错误的填“F”。
( ) 56.Ya Ya was born in the Beijing Zoo.
( ) 57.Ya Ya came back to China in 2013.
( ) 58.The Beijing Zoo has prepared something special for Ya Ya except feeding plans.
( ) 59.People are not allowed to visit Ya Ya because she needs to rest and adapt to the new environment.
( ) 60.People can get more Ya Ya's information on its Weibo account.
Pencils and Pens
No one knows who invented pencils or when it happened.A Swiss described a pencil in a book in 1565.He said it was a piece of wood with lead inside it.(Lead is a very heavy, soft, dark gray metal.) Pencils weren't popular, and people continued to write with pens.They used bird feathers as pens.
Then, in 1795, someone started making pencils from graphite(石墨) and they became very popular.One pencil can write 50, 000 English words or make a line 55 kilometers long.
People wrote with feather pens and then used pens with metal points.They had to dip(蘸) the point into ink after every few letters.Next someone invented a fountain pen that could hold ink inside it.A fountain pen can write several pages before you have to fill it again.
Two Hungarian brothers, Ladislao and Georg Biro, invented the ballpoint pen.English pilots liked the pens.They couldn't write with fountain pens in airplanes because the ink leaked out.Later, a French company called Bic bought the Biros' company.
Some people call ballpoint pens “Bics.” Australians call them “Biros.” Whatever we call them, we use them every day.
( ) 61.A ______described a pencil in 1565.
A.Canadian B.German C.Swiss
( ) 62.The first pens were______.
A.feathers B.stone C.graphite
( ) 63.One pencil can write______English words.
A.1, 795 B.50, 000 C.55
( ) 64.Which of the following is NOT true
A.A fountain pen can hold ink inside it.
B.Ballpoint pen are good for writing in airplanes.
C.Biros' company bought Bic.
( ) 65.What's the main idea of this passage
A.We use pens and pencils every day.
B.There were many kinds of pens before ballpoint pens.
C.Pens and pencils are very useful inventions.
I have an 11 year old son named Peter.I knew that playing sports would be good to our son.He would get some exercise, learn about teamwork and learn some physical skills.We continually encouraged him to have a try, but after a while it was clear that he didn't like team sports, and there was nothing we could do to change it.
We decided not to push him to take part in sports, even though most of his friends did sports.As time went by, we gradually realized that we had made the right decision.Don't misunderstand(误解) me.I have nothing against sports.Now my son isn't interested in sports, but I'm not pushing him to do sports.Here are the reasons:
I want him to know I accept him unconditionally.I don't even want Peter to feel that I will love him only if he behaves in a certain way or takes part in some activities.Whether he succeeds or fails, he will always be my son, and that will never change.
I want him to form his own path(道路) in life.His path doesn't have to be the same as mine.In fact, we both have similar interests in several areas like music, computers and Star Wars, but we're also different in many ways.Peter needs to be free to go his own path.
I want him to know that I don't judge(判断) my worth by his achievements.Every father will feel proud of his son if he can make great achievements.So most parents always push them so hard.Sometimes we have seen ourselves indirectly through our own sons.Their achievements remind us of our wonderful days in the past.We must make sure we don't want to make up for(弥补)our own regrets by pushing our sons to climb higher and go further than we did.
( ) 66.The advantages of doing sports don't include______.
A.getting some exercise B.getting some exam skills
C.learning about teamwork
( ) 67.What was the writer's final decision
A.Our son must master a kind of sport.
B.He should do the same thing as his friends.
C.We didn't push him to do sports he disliked.
( ) 68.What does the underlined word “unconditionally” mean
A.慎重地     B.无条件地 C.不耐烦地
( ) 69.How many reasons does the father give for not pushing his son to take part in sports
A.Two. B.Three. C.Four.
( ) 70.Which sentence can best describe the father in this passage
A.He is a wise and open minded father.
B.He doesn't care about his son's future.
C.He is rich enough to support the whole family.
Watching videos is becoming a part of our daily life.Most of us like to watch them to relax or kill the time.Some videos are just for fun, some are news and some are short films.
Two retired(退休的) teachers are well known for making short videos.They make them to share knowledge.
Wu Yuren is a retired physics teacher.She has become known as “Grandma Wu” by making videos.She uses a humorous and easy to understand way to do physics experiments(实验) online.She is good at using everyday tools to experience the magical world of science.She wants young people to be curious about daily life.In this way, young people enjoy finding out the knowledge of science hidden in our life.Wu is more than 70 years old now but still works hard.
Wang Pinxian is an 87 year old marine geologist(海洋地质学家) and teacher at Tongji University.During the past two years, he has used his videos to share his knowledge of the sea.He often studies things like the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle(百慕大三角) and whether there are sea monsters(怪物) in the sea.
These videos have been popular and thousands of people have watched and shared them.Many fans express their thanks for the chance to learn new things and stay in touch with the world around them.
Their videos are like “classrooms without walls and universities without barriers(障碍)”.The two gray haired people have created real energy(能量) to society through their actions.
( ) 71.In the second paragraph(段落), the two teachers share knowledge by ______.
A.giving free classes B.teaching in the countryside C.making short videos
( ) 72.The underlined phrase(画线短语) “be curious about” in Paragraph 3 means “______”.
A.be thankful for B.become nervous about C.become interested in
( ) 73.According to Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4, their videos are about ______.
A.science B.music C.history
( ) 74.We can know that the two teachers are both ______ from the passage.
A.over seventy     B.film directors C.shy people
( ) 75.The main idea of the passage is that ______.
A.short videos can help people relax and kill the time
B.how the two old people create real energy to society
C.lots of old people enjoy the knowledge of science
六、选词填空(共10小题, 每小题1.5分, 共15分)
根据语篇内容, 从方框中选择恰当的单词, 并用其正确形式填空。每个单词只能用一次。
one every and become wonderfulopen many thousand modern full
Visiting Shanghai
Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world.If you like sightseeing, you will love it!
Shanghai, a beautiful city during the day, 76. even more beautiful at night.At the end of the day, both the older part of the city around the Bund and the more modern part in Pudong are 77. of colorful lights.The buildings, both new and old, look very different 78. exciting.If you walk along the Bund, you will see
79. old buildings.The Pudong New Area, just across the Huangpu River, has many 80. buildings.At night, these tall buildings light up the sky in 81. direction.
If you like walking in the streets, try the famous Nanjing Road.There are busy shops and coffee bars, and you'll see 82. of people enjoying themselves.Most of the shops close at 10 p.m., but at that time teahouses are still 83. , where you can meet old friends and make new ones.
If you are in Shanghai for the 84. time, make sure you visit the beautiful Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower and the Jin Mao Tower.If you take a boat along the river, you will have a 85. experience.If you enjoy history and natural beauty, Yu Garden is a better choice.
86.同学们参加过各种各样的社团, 如篮球队、合唱团等。假定你是李华。请你用英语写一篇80词左右的短文给学校英文网站投稿, 介绍一个你参加过的社团, 谈谈这个社团的活动内容以及你的收获。
提示问题:What club did you join What did you do in the club?What have you learned from the experience
参考词汇:take part in, practice, skill, benefit, progress答案:
1. D  2. A  3. B  4. C  5. E
( C ) 6.
( A ) 7.
( C ) 8.
( C ) 9.
( B ) 10.
( B ) 11.
( C ) 12.
( A ) 13.
( C ) 14.
( A ) 15.
( B ) 16.
( A ) 17.
( C ) 18.
( A ) 19.
( B ) 20.
( A ) 21.
( C ) 22.
( B ) 23.
( C ) 24.
( B ) 25.
Who My 26. parents and I.
Where to go The Disneyland in 27. Hong Kong .
What to visit There are four areas and we have visited 28. two of them. And we saw a large parade.
How to feel We were very 29. excited during the days.It's the 30. best parade we have ever seen!
( A ) 31.
( B )32.
( C ) 33.
( C ) 34.
( A ) 35.
( B ) 36.
( B ) 37.
( C ) 38.
( A ) 39.
( B )40.
41. E
42. A
43. C
44. F
B:45. B
( C ) 46.A.When B.Because C.Although
( B ) 47.A.book B.idea C.game
( A ) 48.A.liked B.minded C.hated
( B ) 49.A.buy B.draw C.sell
( A ) 50.A.animals B.flowers C.trees
( A ) 51.A.for B.against C.as
( C ) 52.A.you B.us C.them
( B ) 53.A.nearly B.really C.hardly
( A ) 54.A.take B.borrow C.give
( C ) 55.A.bad B.sad C.happy
( T ) 56.Ya Ya was born in the Beijing Zoo.
( F ) 57.Ya Ya came back to China in 2013.
( F ) 58.The Beijing Zoo has prepared something special for Ya Ya except feeding plans.
( T ) 59.People are not allowed to visit Ya Ya because she needs to rest and adapt to the new environment.
( T ) 60.People can get more Ya Ya's information on its Weibo account.
( C ) 61.A ______described a pencil in 1565.
( A ) 62.The first pens were______.
( B ) 63.One pencil can write______English words.
( C ) 64.Which of the following is NOT true
( C ) 65.What's the main idea of this passage
( B ) 66.The advantages of doing sports don't include______.
( C ) 67.What was the writer's final decision
( B ) 68.What does the underlined word “unconditionally” mean
( B ) 69.How many reasons does the father give for not pushing his son to take part in sports
( A ) 70.Which sentence can best describe the father in this passage
( C ) 71.In the second paragraph(段落), the two teachers share knowledge by ______.
( C ) 72.The underlined phrase(画线短语) “be curious about” in Paragraph 3 means “______”.
( A ) 73.According to Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4, their videos are about ______.
( A ) 74.We can know that the two teachers are both ______ from the passage.
( B ) 75.The main idea of the passage is that ______.
76. becomes 77. full 78.and 79.many 80.modern 81.every
82.thousands 83.open, 84.first 85.wonderful
I have been in the basketball club for three years.We used to practice from Monday to Friday, and on the weekend, we played games with other teams.During the three years, my skill of playing basketball improved a lot.And I also made a lot of friends.Playing basketball not only helps me keep fit, but also helps me understand the importance of teamwork.I will keep playing and try to be good at it.八年级英语下册Unit 9质量评价
1.I have been to the zoo three times.
2.John has never been to Beijing.
3.Linda has argued with her friend twice.
4.Dave started learning to play the guitar five years ago.
5.Yesterday they saw many animals on the mountain, for example foxes.
6.W:I'm going to the space museum.Would you like to come
M:No,I've been there three times.I'm going to the library instead.
7.W:Have you ever been to Japan
M:No,never.But I went to China last week.
8.W:Have you ever been to the amusement park
M:No,I've never been there before.I'd really love to,but I don't have enough money.
9.W:Wen Na and I went to the space museum this morning.
M:Why didn't you ask me to go with you I've never been there.
10.M:Have you ever been to Mount Hua
W:No,I haven't.But I visited Mount Heng last year.What about you
M:I have been to neither of them.But I went to Mount Tai last month.
M:I really want to go swimming today,Jane.But it's raining again.
W:Well, have you ever been to the history museum
M:Yes ,I have been there four times.
W:Let's go to Blue Sky Aquarium.
M:That sounds good.How can we get there
W:We can take the bus there.
M:Hey,Jenny!Have you ever been to the Great Wall
W:Yes,I have been there many times.
M:Cool.I've never been there before.Maybe you can be my guide next time.
W:No problem!How long have you worked in our school,Mr.Wang
M:I've worked here since nine years ago.
M:Helen,are you Japanese
W:No,I'm Chinese.
M:How long have you been in America
W:I have been here for half a year.I came here in January.
M:Have you gotten used to the life here
W:Yes.But I miss Chinese food now,and I miss my family most.
Good morning,boys and girls.This Friday,we are going to have a school trip.We will visit the Space Museum.Please get to school before 7∶45 a.m.We are going to meet at the school gate.All the school buses will leave at 8∶15 a.m.
In the museum,we will learn about space.Don't forget to take a notebook and a pen to take notes.When we visit the museum,we must keep quiet and listen carefully.After the trip,we will go back to school for lunch.Wish all of you a good trip!That's all.Thank you.
My parents and I have been in Hong Kong for three days.We were very excited during the days.Today,we have spent the whole day in Disneyland.There are four areas in the park,and we have visited two of them.In Fantasyland,I have seen my favorite cartoon characters,such as Mickey mouse and his friends.I was so excited that I couldn't stop taking photos with them.They were so cute! In the afternoon,we saw a large parade,it was the best parade we have ever seen!
Now,I have visited the Hong Kong Disneyland.I want to tell it to my classmates at once.
