Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains检测题(含答案含音频及听力原文)人教版八年级下册(广西南宁专版)

八年级英语下册Unit 6检测题(广西南宁专版)
满分:120分 时间:120分钟
一、听力(共30小题, 每小题1分, 共30分)
(一)听句子, 选图片。
你将听到五个句子, 请选出与所听句子内容相符的图片, 有一幅图是多余的。每个句子读两遍。
1.  2.  3.  4.  5.
(二)听短对话, 选择最佳答案。
你将听到五段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题, 请根据对话内容, 选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
( )6.Who got married to Jane
A.John.    B.Mike.  C.Alan.
( )7.Where are they
A.In a park.    B.At school. C.In a clothes store.
( )8.When was Gina born
A.On June fifth. B.On July fourth. C.On July fifth.
( )9.What was the girl doing from eight to ten yesterday evening
A.She was watching TV. B.She was writing a story.C.She was reading a story.
( )10.What has David been playing for five years
A.Baseball. B.Chess. C.Football.
(三)听长对话, 选择最佳答案。
你将听到三段对话, 请根据对话内容, 选出每个问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
请听第一段对话, 回答第11至13小题。
( )11.Whodid Sue watch the TV play Sleeping Beauty with last night
A.Mark.     B.Her brother. C.Her elder sister.
( )12.How did Sue like the TV play Sleeping Beauty
A.She disliked it.    B.She liked it. C.She didn't mind watching it.
( )13.How did Mark watch Sleeping Beauty
A.On the Internet.    B.On TV. C.On an MP5.
请听第二段对话, 回答第14至16小题。
( )14.What is Tony doing
He is buying a book. B.He is telling a story.    C.He is reading a story.
( )15.What does Tony think of the story
A.Boring.       B.Easy. C.Interesting.
( )16.When can the girl read the story
A.Tomorrow.    B.This afternoon. C.This evening.
请听第三段对话, 回答第17至20小题。
( )17.When was Mark watching a movie
A.At 4:00 yesterday afternoon. B.At 5:00 yesterday afternoon.
C.At 6:00 yesterday afternoon.
( )18.What is A Lion and a Mouse
A.A movie.    B.A TV program. C.A song.
( )19.What was the mouse doing in the  beginning
A.Sleeping.     B.Singing. C.Playing.
( )20.What happened at the end of the movie
A.The mouse saved the lion. B.The lion ate the mouse.C.The mouse ran away.
(四)听短文, 选择最佳答案。
你将听到一篇短文, 请根据短文内容, 选出每个问题的最佳答案。短文读两遍。
( )21.Where did the sun and the moon live before
A.In the river.     B.On the land. C.On the beach.
( )22.At the beginning of the story, what was the sun and the moon's house like
A.It was as big as a lion.B.It was as big as a dog.C.It was as big as an elephant.
( )23.Who built the bigger house
A.The neighbors.    B.The moon. C.The sun and the moon.
( )24.Who visited the sun and the moon's house
A.Their neighbors.    B.Their family.
C.Their neighbors' families and friends.
( )25.Finally, where did the sun and the  moon have to stay
A.In the sky.    B.On the farm. C.In the sea.
(五)听短文, 填信息。
你将听到一篇短文, 请根据短文内容, 将所缺信息填入横线上, 每空一词。短文读三遍。
The 26. of the book Harry Potter Ⅶ.
The price of the book 27. yuan.
Who does the book fit (适合) for 28. .
The book's main idea It's about how a 29. boy defeats the bad man.
Time to 30. the story Next Monday.
二、单项选择(共10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)
( )31.—Excuse me, would you mind if I sit here
—______.Sit down, please.
A.I'm sorry     B.Of course not C.Don't say that
( )32.To start with, my throat was in great pain, because I was using my ______ in the wrong way.
A.sound   B.noise   C.voice
( )33.The city Zibo is ______ popular ______ many people want to go there for a trip this year.
A.so;that B.such;that C.too;too
( )34.______ checking your phone, go for a walk and chat with someone.
A.As for     B.Instead of C.Compared with
( )35.—How did you get to school yesterday
—I ______ my bike to school.
A.rode B.ride C.rides
( )36.Three years later, they ______, had a baby and moved to a new city.
A.were crazy     B.became brave C.got married
( )37.Good roads can ______ to a happy life in our country.
A.lead B.follow C.challenge
( )38.The story shows the wishes for Chinese young people to have a ______ future.
A.clever B.silly C.bright
( )39.—I saw your grandma using Douyin on the phone.Who taught her
—______.She taught herself.
A.Somebody B.Everybody C.Nobody
( )40.—Excuse me, do you know ______? The bus has just left.
—Yes.The next bus will arrive in half an hour.
A.how I can get to the bus station B.if there will be another bus
C.how much a bus ticket costs
三、补全对话(共5小题, 每小题1分, 共5分)
根据对话内容, 从下面方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话, 有一个选项是多余的。
(Peter is reading in the living room.The phone is ringing…)
Peter:Hello, this is Peter speaking.
Li Bo:Hello, Peter.41. Tomorrow is Sunday.Shall we go hiking
Peter:42. But I want to finish reading a book.
Li Bo:What book are you reading
Peter:The Old Man and the Sea.
Li Bo:43.
Peter:It's about a man named Santiago.I admire his spirit of never giving up.
Li Bo:What does he do
Peter:He is an old fisherman.
Li Bo:44.
Peter:It's a great book and it's well worth reading.I enjoy it very much.
Li Bo:Then how about going hiking next Sunday
Peter:Sure.I'll be free then.45.
Li Bo:See you.
A.Good idea!B.What's it about C.This is Li Bo.D.Really I hope to read it, too.E.How do you like the book F.See you.
四、▲完形填空(共10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)
Pinocchio promises the Fairy(仙女) to be good and to study hard, because he wishes to become a real boy.
“Can I go out to give out the invitations?” Pinocchio asked the Fairy.
“Of course, but remember to __46__ home before dark.”
“I'll be back in one hour.I promise, ” answered Pinocchio.
In less than an hour, all his friends were invited except Romeo who was his best __47__.Romeo was the laziest boy in school and the biggest trouble maker, but Pinocchio loved him the most.
Pinocchio searched everywhere, and__48__ found him hiding near a farmer's wagon(车).
“What are you doing here?” asked Pinocchio.
“I am waiting for midnight.”
“To go far, far away!”
“Where are you going?”
“To Toyland.It's the most __49__ country in the world! Come with me, Pinocchio!”
“Me No, I can't!”
“Believe me! You'll be really sorry __50__ you don't come.There are no schools in Toyland.Every day is a Saturday except for Sunday.”
“How do people __51__ their days in Toyland?”
“Days are spent in play and enjoyment.At right one goes to bed happy and satisfied, and the next morning, the good times __52__ all over again.What do you think of that?”
“Hmm…, ” said Pinocchio, “that's the kind of __53__ I've always wanted.”
“So are you coming with me, then?Yes or no?You have to __54__ your own decision.”
“No, no!”said Pinocchio.“I promised my kind Fairy that I would become a good boy, and I want to keep that __55__.The sun is setting now, and I must leave you and run home.Goodbye and good luck to you!”
( )46.A.love    B.build   C.return
( )47.A.teacher B.friend C.student
( )48.A easily B.seriously C.finally
( )49.A.wonderful B.delicious C.boring
( )50.A although B.if C.unless
( )51.A.spend B.miss C.forget
( )52.A.begin B.finish C.fly
( )53.A toy B.life C.book
( )54.A.see B.sell C.make
( )55.A.promise B.day C.diary
五、阅读理解(共20小题, 第56-60小题, 每小题1分;第61-75小题, 每小题2分, 共35分)
A woman kept a bird and she really liked it.But one day the bird flew away.The woman was sad and went out to look for it on the mountain near her home.At last, she met the bird.
The woman said excitedly, “Will you please go home with me, my bird?” Though the bird was also happy to see the woman, it shook its head.
“Take me to your home and let me see how you live, ” the woman said.The bird led the woman to its new home.She found it lived well with many other birds.So she decided to go back home alone.Before she was leaving, the bird gave her a basket.
When she returned home, she told her husband what had happened.Her husband opened the basket and saw a lot of gold.The man was very greedy(贪婪的) and he went to the bird's home, too.
“Hello, my bird.I miss you very much, ” cried the man falsely(虚伪地).In fact, he used to treat the bird badly.The bird said nothing.It took out two baskets, a light one and a heavy one.The bird asked him to choose one and he could open it after he reached home.
Of course, he chose the heavy one and took it home with great difficulty.However, when he opened the basket, he found it was full of stones!
根据语篇内容, 判断下列句子正误, 正确的填“T”, 错误的填“F”。
( ) 56.The woman wanted to look for her lost bird.
( ) 57.The woman went back home alone because she didn't find the bird.
( ) 58.The woman's husband went to the bird's home because he wanted more baskets.
( ) 59.The woman's husband didn't treat the bird well.
( ) 60.The story mainly wanted to tell us to be kind to others and don't be greedy.
The summer vacation is on the way!Spend time on your computers or on your mobile phones?Stay at home and watch TV?Why don't you join one of the following clubs to develop your new interests and hobbies
DANCE CLUB Like to dance?Come and join our club.Members meet from 2 p.m.to 5 p.m.on Mondays to practice dancing.There will be a big show in the end and your parents will be invited to watch your wonderful performance.
COOKING CLUB Can you cook?No?Do you like cooking?Yes?Our club is the most popular one with more than 50 members.Members meet at 9 a.m.every Sunday to learn to cook a dish.Then you can taste the delicious food cooked by yourself with your partner.Of course, you can also put your works on WeChat.
PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB The club is perfect for students who love taking pictures.Members take courses on Fridays, from 9 a.m.to 11 a.m.You will enjoy photos that top photographers have taken in the courses.The best teachers from art schools will also teach you how to take wonderful photos.
CHESS CLUB If you are interested in improving your creativity and problem solving ability, you can't miss the chess club.Members meet at 2:30 p.m.on Wednesdays to play and study chess together.You will learn more about the knowledge and skills of playing chess.
( )61.Who will be invited to watch your performance in the dance club
A.Your parents.    B.Your teachers. C.Your friends.
( )62.If Kate wants to learn how to make delicious food, what club can she join
A.Chess club.    B.Dance club. C.Cooking club.
( )63.How long do the courses last on Fridays in the photography club
A.One hour.     B.Two hours. C.Three hours.
( )64.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text
A.There will be a big show in the photography club.
B.Dance club is the most popular one with more than 50 members.
C.Chess club can help improve your creativity and problem solving ability.
( )65.What does the writer advise students to do during the summer vacation
A.To use mobile phones. B.To spend time on computers.
C.To develop new interests and hobbies.
Peng Jingxuan, a Chinese girl, is now studying in a music university in Paris.While learning abroad, she is also working at spreading traditional Chinese culture to the world.She can often be found on French streets, wearing a silk Han Dynasty style dress and playing the guzheng to passers by.
Born in 1995, Peng began to learn the guzheng when she was seven years old.After arriving in France in late 2017, she saw many people do street performances, but few of them knew about Chinese music.So she decided to play the guzheng on the streets.
Peng made her first performance in front of a theater in October, 2018.“I was very nervous at that time, but a lot of people said they enjoyed my performance, ” Peng said.Then she started to perform during weekends and holidays.After being asked plenty of times by local people about the guzheng, Peng now carries a book that explains the instrument to foreigners.Later, she posted her first video of playing the guzheng online and it spread quickly.From then on, Peng has posted many videos of her street performances.The videos have got many likes and made her a very popular guzheng artists.She has millions of fans on the Internet now.
More and more people show great interest in the guzheng after watching Peng's performances.Peng feels she has more responsibility to spread traditional culture.“I hope to play a bigger role in making Chinese music known by the world, ” said Peng.
( )66.When did Peng start to learn the guzheng
A.In 1995.  B.In 2002.  C.In 2017.
( ) 67.Why did Peng decide to play the guzheng on the streets in Paris
A.Because she needed to make money for her education.
B.Because she wanted to become famous.
C.Because she found few people there know about Chinese music.
( )68.What's the correct order of the following events
①put her first video online②got many fans
③went to Paris④make her first performance
A.③→④→①→② B.①→②→③→④ C.③→①→④→②
( )69.What is the book that Peng carries about
A.Han Dynasty style dresses. B.Street performances.C.The guzheng.
( )70.What is the passage mainly about
A.Advising people to visit Paris.
B.Telling the story of a popular guzheng artist.
C.Asking people to learn the guzheng.
According to Ken Croswell, the Sun and the Moon are different.We often think that the Sun rules the day and the Moon rules the night.That's kind of right, but not totally.
The Sun shines all the time.It shines during the day when we see it, and even at night when we don't.
As the Earth turns, sometimes we face the Sun.That's when we get day.When the Earth's spin(自传) turns us away from the Sun and we are in the Earth's shadow, we get night.When people on the opposite side of the Earth face the Sun, those people have day while we have night.
The Moon is a different story.Unlike the Sun, it doesn't make its own light.Moonlight is actually the Sun's light reflecting(反射) the Moon back to us.
The Sun lights up only the side of the Moon that faces the Sun.At Full Moon, the Moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun.Then the side of the Moon facing the Earth is all lit up.During Full Moon, the Moon rises around sunset, shines all night, and sets around sunrise.Since the moonlight is so bright, you can sometimes see it during the day, too.A few days before Full Moon, if you look east in the afternoon, you may see the Moon in the sky.After Full Moon, you may find it if you look west in the morning.
The Moon is most difficult to see at New Moon, when its orbit(轨道) puts it between the Earth and the Sun.Then, the side of the Moon facing the Earth is dark and we can't see the Moon at all.
( )71.What can we know about the Sun
A.The Sun rules the Moon.
B.The Sun shines during both day and night.
C.The Sun lights up all the sides of the Moon.
( )72.What does the underlined word “shadow” mean in Paragraph 3
A.轨道 B.物品 C.阴影
( )73.What does Paragraph 5 mainly talk about
A.How the Moon makes its light.
B.Why there is day and night on the Earth.
C.Why the Moon can be seen during the day.
( )74.Which following picture shows us New Moon
A. B. C.
( )75.What is the theme(主题) of the text
A.Culture.     B.Science. C.Education.
六、选词填空(共10小题, 每小题1.5分, 共15分)
根据语篇内容, 从方框中选择恰当的单词, 并用其正确形式填空。每个单词只能用一次。
problems interest finally his decidedgood other found language with
Li Shizhen is known as “the saint of medicine” in Chinese history.And his work, Compendium of Materia Medica or Bencao Gangmu, is one of the 76. medical books.
When Li Shizhen was young, he was 77. in traditional Chinese medicine and began to read medical books.He 78. many mistakes in those books.He worried these mistakes would cause serious 79. or death.So Li Shizhen 80. to write a new book.He traveled everywhere to look for herbs(药草) and do research.And he talked 81. farmers, doctors and patients.He even tested herbs on himself and nearly lost 82. life many times.Li Shizhen collected and recorded over 1, 890 herbs.He also read about 900 medical books.He worked day and night.83. , the valuable work, Bencao Gangmu came out.
Today Bencao Gangmu has been translated into many foreign 84. .It is widely read not only in China but also in many 85. countries around the world.
86.为了响应国家全民阅读的号召, 你校将举办读书节。假如你是李华, 请你以“My Favorite Book”为主题, 写一篇英语发言稿, 在读书分享会中介绍自己最喜欢的一本书。
1.80词左右(开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数);
2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
Ladies and gentlemen,
I'm Li Hua.I'm very glad to share my favorite book with you.
That's all.Thank you for your attention.答案:
1. C  2. A  3. D  4. B  5. E
( B )6.
( C )7.
( B )8.
( C )9.
( A )10.
( C )11.
( B )12.
( A )13.
( C )14.
( C )15.
( B )16.
( B )17.
( A )18.
( C )19.
( A )20.
( B )21.
( A )22.
( C )23.
( C )24.
( A )25.
The 26. name of the book Harry Potter Ⅶ.
The price of the book 27. 50/Fifty yuan.
Who does the book fit (适合) for 28. Children .
The book's main idea It's about how a 29. brave boy defeats the bad man.
Time to 30. discuss the story Next Monday.
( B )31.
( C )32.
( A )33.
( B )34.
( A )35.
( C )36.
( A )37.
( C )38.
( C )39.
( B )40.
41. C 42. A 43. B 44. E 45. F
( C )46.A.love    B.build   C.return
( B )47.A.teacher B.friend C.student
( C )48.A easily B.seriously C.finally
( A )49.A.wonderful B.delicious C.boring
( B )50.A although B.if C.unless
( A )51.A.spend B.miss C.forget
( A )52.A.begin B.finish C.fly
( B )53.A toy B.life C.book
( C )54.A.see B.sell C.make
( A )55.A.promise B.day C.diary
( T ) 56.The woman wanted to look for her lost bird.
( F ) 57.The woman went back home alone because she didn't find the bird.
( F ) 58.The woman's husband went to the bird's home because he wanted more baskets.
( T ) 59.The woman's husband didn't treat the bird well.
( T ) 60.The story mainly wanted to tell us to be kind to others and don't be greedy.
( A )61.Who will be invited to watch your performance in the dance club
( C )62.If Kate wants to learn how to make delicious food, what club can she join
( B )63.How long do the courses last on Fridays in the photography club
( C )64.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text
( C )65.What does the writer advise students to do during the summer vacation
( B )66.When did Peng start to learn the guzheng
( C ) 67.Why did Peng decide to play the guzheng on the streets in Paris
( A )68.What's the correct order of the following events
( C )69.What is the book that Peng carries about
( B )70.What is the passage mainly about
( B )71.What can we know about the Sun
( C )72.What does the underlined word “shadow” mean in Paragraph 3
( C )73.What does Paragraph 5 mainly talk about
( A )74.Which following picture shows us New Moon
( B )75.What is the theme(主题) of the text
76. best 77. interested 78. found 79. problems 80. decided 81. with 82. his 83. Finally , 84.languages. 85.other
Ladies and gentlemen,
I'm Li Hua.I'm very glad to share my favorite book with you.
My favorite book is Journey to the West.It is one of the four great classical novels in China.It was written by Wu Cheng'en, a great writer in ancient China.The story tells us about four main characters.They are Tang Monk, the Monkey King, Piggie and Monk Sha.They got over many difficulties on the way to the West.Finally, they made it.The Monkey King is my favorite character.He is so smart and brave that he can protect his master and brothers well.He never gives up when he faces difficulties and challenges.
The book is so interesting that I lose myself in it.It tells me that as long as I never give up, I can achieve my dream.
That's all.Thank you for your attention.听力材料:
1.The clever Monkey King keeps fighting to help the weak and never gives up.
2.Do you know the story of Chang'e Ben Yue
3.Her sister got married last week.
4.The driver was so careless that his car hit into a big stone.
5.The emperor had new clothes.But in fact he wore nothing.
6.M:Did Jane get married to John
W:No,she got married to Mike.
7.W:Can I help you
M:Yes,I'd like some underwear made of silk.
8.M:Was Gina born on June fifth
W:No,she was born on July fourth.
9.M:What were you doing from eight to ten yesterday evening
W:I was reading a story named Little Red Riding Hood.
10.W:David,how long have you been playing baseball
M:For about five years.
M:Sue,did you watch the TV play Hou Yi Shoots the Suns last night?It was so good.
W:No.I watched the TV play Sleeping Beauty with my elder sister instead.
M:So what do you think about the story of Sleeping Beauty
W:I like it.Did you watch it,Mark
M:Yes,I did.I watched it on the Internet last night.
W:Hey, Tony.What are you reading
M:I am reading a story.
W:What's the name of the story
M:Three Little Pigs.
W:Is it interesting
M:Yes, it is.
W:Can I have a look after you finish it
M:OK.You can take it this afternoon.
W:Hello,Mark.What were you doing at 5∶00 yesterday afternoon
M:At 5∶00 yesterday afternoon?Oh,I was watching a movie on TV.
W:What is the name of the movie
M:Its name is A Lion and a Mouse.
W:How does the movie begin
M:A mouse was playing on the body of the lion but the lion didn't eat it.The lion thought the mouse was too small so he didn't want to eat it.
W:What happened at the end of the movie
M:The mouse saved the lion.
W:Do you like the movie
M:Yes.It is very interesting.
Long long ago,the sun and the moon lived in a house on the land.The house was as big as a lion.It was just big enough for the sun and the moon to live in.Then they worked together.They built a bigger house which was as big as an elephant.They invited their neighbors to visit it.Before long,the house was filled with their neighbors' families and friends.The sun and the moon had to fly up into the sky.“It is better for us to stay here,” said the sun.“Yes,it is,” replied the moon.So they decided to stay in the sky at last.
Good morning,everyone! Here's the news for you.I bought a new book named Harry Porter Ⅶ in the nearby bookshop.The price of the book is 50 yuan.I think the book is very interesting and is fit for us children.It tells us how a brave boy defeats the bad man.I am sure you'll enjoy it.Let's read the book first and discuss the story on Monday next week.
