
第一部分 听力部分Ⅰ.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)
1.(1分)A.an actor
B.an artist
C.a teacher
2.(1分)A.make money
B.play chess
C.do homework
3.(1分)A.a new museum
B.an interesting club
C.a black bike
4.(1分)A.My uncle takes a bus to work.
B.My uncle walks to work.
C.My uncle goes to work by car.
5.(1分)A.I have problems in learning math.
B.I am good at math.
C.I have no time to learn math.
6.(1分)A.Have a good time.
B.That's right.
C.I am cooking.
7.(1分)A.Because they're strong.
B.It is cloudy.
C.Let's go to the zoo.
C.In the park.
9.(1分)A.Sounds good.
C.The chess club.
10.(1分)A.Next to the park.
B.You are welcome.
C.He is a policeman.
11.(2分)(1)What did Amy do yesterday?
(2)Where are the speakers?
12.(3分)(1)How does the girl feel now?
(2)What did the girl do on Saturday morning?
A.She did her homework.
B.She visited her grandmother.
C.She played the piano.
(3)Why did the girl have to clean the rooms?
A.Because her family just moved into a new house.
B.Because her house is too old.
C.Because her parents are too busy.
13.(3分)(1)Where did the girl go on vacation?
A.To the beach.
B.To the countryside.
C.To a forest.
(2)How was the weather when the girl was in her grandparents' house?
(3)What is the girl going to show the boy?
C Photos.
Ⅳ.听短文和问题,选择正确答案(满分7分 )
14.(3分)(1)What is the speaker doing now?
B.Taking some photos.
C.Singing and dancing.
(2)What can the speaker see in the sky?
A.A plane.
B.Some kites.
C.Some birds.
(3)How does the speaker feel?
15.(4分)(1)How old is Tom?
(2)Who did Tom go to visit?
A.His uncle.
B.His grandparents.
C.His friend.
(3)How many people were there on the bus?
(4)What did Tom's mother tell him to do?
B.Stand up.
C.Sit down.
Information Sheet Name:Mike Age:(1)    years old Hair:(2)have short     hair Like:(3)doing     Can:(4)can     very well Dream:(5)to be an    
第二部分 语言运用Ⅵ.完形填空(满分15分)阅读下面短文,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
17.(15分) The Kings are my neighbors.They live in a big (1)   .Mrs.King is a beautiful woman.She has blue eyes and brown (2)   .She is a young and smart mother.She (3)    flower gardening ( 种花 ) .Every morning,she (4)    a flower and wears it in her hair.Every morning,when I (5)    past her garden,she will get me a flower.Mr.King is a very nice man.He is (6)    medium height and he is a little thin.His hair is short and black.I think he is nice (7)    he always helps others.Mr.King is often (8)    his work.He is an (9)    and he acts in TV shows and movies.In his (10)    time,he likes playing tennis.It's relaxing for him to play (11)   .Mr.and Mrs.King have a daughter called Tina.She is about five years old.She has brown hair and blue eyes. (12)   .Look!She is wearing a pink dress.Her mother (13)    it for her.The little girl likes going to the kindergarten (幼儿园).She always sings and (14)    on her way to the kindergarten.What a (15)    family!Do you think so?
(1) A.home B.house C.store D.office
(2) A.mouth B.nose C.hair D.face
(3) A.loves B.rides C.drinks D.talks
(4) A.finds B.enjoys C.visits D.picks
(5) A.use B.walk C.save D.spend
(6) A.with B.from C.of D.for
(7) A.if B.because C.when D.after
(8) A.busy with B.strict with C.good with D.bored with
(9) A.actor B.singer C.artist D.actress
(10) A.slow B.special C.free D.noisy
(11) A.soccer B.basketball C.volleyball D.tennis
(12) A.too B.also C.still D.either
(13) A.turns B.makes C.pays D.follows
(14) A.practices B.starts C.dances D.gets
(15) A.smart B.same C.quiet D.happy
18.(10分) My name is Eric.I am fourteen years old.I am in the (1)   ( eight ) grade.I am(2)    student of Sunshine Middle School.I like my school because I can join some interesting(3)   (club).
I'm in the chess club,(4)    I can't play chess well.I go to the club every Tuesday.Our teacher is Mr.White.He teaches us (5)    to play chess.He is very (6)   (friend) .We all like (7)   (he ) .The music club is my favorite.I go to the club to learn to play the violin from Miss Green every Thursday afternoon.
Frank is my good friend at school.He (8)   ( join) two clubs.He is good (9)   swimming,so he joins the swimming club.He also joins the art club.It's(10)   ( real) relaxing for him to draw with his friends.
What club do you want to join?Find your favorite club and have a good time at school.
第三部分 阅读部分Ⅷ.阅读理解(满分30分)阅读A、B、C、D四篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
I am a middle school student.I like beautiful clothes.I like wearing a scarf.I like red shirts and I have brown curly hair.They all look cool.My parents and teachers sometimes ask me not to do so,but I don't mind.These are my things.Don't you think so?
Mike My uncle is 40 years old.He works for a magazine.He writes articles ( 文章) for children.He visits many places and talks with many children.He thinks children should not watch TV too much and some TV shows are not good for them.
I study in a middle school.I have many rules at school.I can't be late for school.I have to wear a school uniform at school.I can't eat or sing in the classroom.Miss Yang,our English teacher,is very strict with us.
(1)What color is Jenny's hair?    
(2)Who writes articles for children?    
A.Mike's uncle.
D.Miss Yang.
(3)What can we know from the text?    
A.Jenny and Brian are teachers.
B.Jenny minds what others think of her.
C.Miss Yang is an English teacher.
D.Mike is 40 years old.
20.(6分) It was Mother's Day,but Mrs.White was unhappy.She was 500 kilometers away from her parents.In the morning she called her mother,and her mother told her about the beautiful white lilacs ( 丁香花 ) in the yard.
Later that day,Mr.White took her and their children—Tom,Cindy and Eric—to a small mountain.Mrs.White saw a lot of beautiful purple lilacs there.She picked some.
On the way back,Mrs.White saw an old woman sitting in a chair at the old people's home.They stopped the car and Mrs.White walked to the old woman and put the flowers in her hands.The old woman thanked her again and again.
When Mrs.White came back to the car,her children asked her, "Why did you give our flowers to her?"
Their mother said, "It's Mother's Day,and she has no children.I have all of you,and I still have my mother.Those flowers will mean ( 意味着 ) a lot to her."
(1)Why was Mrs.White a little unhappy on Mother's Day?    
A.Because she didn't have lovely gifts.
B.Because she couldn't see her mother.
C.Because she didn't like Mother's Day.
D.Because she had to do some housework.
(2)Where are the beautiful purple lilacs?    
A.In Mrs.White's yard.
B.On the mountain.
C.In Mrs.White's mother's yard.
D.At the old people's home.
(3)What do you think of Mrs.White?    
21.(8分) It's easy to get lost in a new place.Here are some good tips(建议) to help you find the way and get to your destination ( 目的地) .I hope they can help you.
Take a map.Take a map with you when you go to a new place.If you lose your way,look at the map,and you can find the place.
Ask for help.If you can't find the place on the map,ask the police for help.There are always some policemen at work on the streets.They can tell you the right way to go.
Take a taxi.Remember the name of your hotel and the street.If you can't find the way back,you can take a taxi.There are many taxis on the streets.A taxi can take you anywhere.
(1)What should you take with you when you go to a new place?    
A.A taxi.
B.A map.
C.A watch.
D.A dictionary.
(2)How many tips does the writer give us?    
(3)Who can you ask for help if you lose your way?    
A.A doctor.
B.Your friend.
C.The police.
D.Your teacher.
(4)What is the writer trying (尝试) to do in the text?    
A.Tell us some good tips.
B.Show us some maps.
C.Ask us to take a taxi.
D.Teach us something about a new place.
22.(10分) In Britain,some people like to "go to work on an egg".Some people like to have bread before going to work.But they usually drink tea when they eat something.On weekends,most ( 大多数 ) people would like to have a more traditional (传统的 ) breakfast.If you take a trip and stay in a hotel there,you can have breakfast like that.
Some people have their main ( 主要的) meal in the middle of the day.But most people have it in the evening.They just have a small midday meal—usually sandwiches and fruit.
The evening meal is usually called "dinner".A traditional British dinner usually has meat and vegetables.The most popular meat is chicken and beef.Vegetables like potatoes,onions and carrots are very popular.People in Britain grow these vegetables.They also buy other vegetables in the supermarket.After dinner,people like to eat something sweet like fruit salads,cakes or apple pies.
(1)When may most British people have a more traditional breakfast?    
A.On weekends.
B.On Fridays.
C.On Thursdays.
D.On Mondays.
(2)What does a traditional British dinner usually have?    
A.Sandwiches and fruit.
B.Meat and vegetables.
C.Bread and coffee.
D.Eggs and vegetables.
(3)Which of the following do British people eat after dinner?    
(4)What does the underlined word "sweet" mean in Chinese?    
(5)What is the best title (题目 ) for the text?    
A.Meat in Britain
B.Vegetables in Britain
C.Meals in Britain
D.Breakfast in Britain
23.(10分) I am Anna.I study in Beijing International (国际的 ) School now.There are fifty﹣four students in my class.Only six students go to school on foot.Sometimes they feel tired to walk to school,but it is good for health.Li Xiang says it usually takes him about fifteen minutes to walk to school.
Eighteen students go to school by bike.Some of them think it is faster to ride bikes than to take buses in the morning and evening.They also think riding bikes is good for them.Twenty﹣two students take buses or the subway to school.Most of them have to take more than one bus to get to school,so they must get up early every day.And other students go to school by car.Their parents drive them to school first,and then go to work.Do you know how I get to school?I'm one of the eighteen people.
(1)In Anna's class,only six students go to school    .
(2)Some students think it is faster to     than to take buses in the morning and evening.
(3)How long does it take Li Xiang to get to school on foot?
(4)How does Anna get to school?
(5)Do you like walking to school?Why or why not?
第四部分 情景交际X.补全对话 (满分10分)根据语境及提示完成76~80题。
24.(10分)A:Good morning,Bob Restaurant!(1)   ?
B:Yes,I'd like to order some noodles,please.
A:We have beef,mutton,chicken and vegetable noodles.(2)   ?
B:I'd like chicken noodles,please.(3)   ?
A:No,there aren't any vegetables in the chicken noodles.(4)   ?
A:Anything else? (5)   ?
A:What is your address?
B:28 North Street.
A:What's your telephone number?
A:OK.That'll be 26 yuan.
第五部分 写作部分XI.书面表达(满分15分)
提示词:play computer games,play the piano,watch a soccer game,water the flowers
Hello,everyone!My name is Li Hua._____
That's all.Thank you.
第一部分 听力部分

第二部分 语言运用Ⅵ.完形填空(满分15分)阅读下面短文,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
17.(15分) The Kings are my neighbors.They live in a big (1) B .Mrs.King is a beautiful woman.She has blue eyes and brown (2) C .She is a young and smart mother.She (3) A  flower gardening ( 种花 ) .Every morning,she (4) D  a flower and wears it in her hair.Every morning,when I (5) B  past her garden,she will get me a flower.Mr.King is a very nice man.He is (6) C  medium height and he is a little thin.His hair is short and black.I think he is nice (7) B  he always helps others.Mr.King is often (8) A  his work.He is an (9) A  and he acts in TV shows and movies.In his (10) C  time,he likes playing tennis.It's relaxing for him to play (11) D .Mr.and Mrs.King have a daughter called Tina.She is about five years old.She has brown hair and blue eyes. (12) A .Look!She is wearing a pink dress.Her mother (13) B  it for her.The little girl likes going to the kindergarten (幼儿园).She always sings and (14) C  on her way to the kindergarten.What a (15) D  family!Do you think so?
(1) A.home B.house C.store D.office
(2) A.mouth B.nose C.hair D.face
(3) A.loves B.rides C.drinks D.talks
(4) A.finds B.enjoys C.visits D.picks
(5) A.use B.walk C.save D.spend
(6) A.with B.from C.of D.for
(7) A.if B.because C.when D.after
(8) A.busy with B.strict with C.good with D.bored with
(9) A.actor B.singer C.artist D.actress
(10) A.slow B.special C.free D.noisy
(11) A.soccer B.basketball C.volleyball D.tennis
(12) A.too B.also C.still D.either
(13) A.turns B.makes C.pays D.follows
(14) A.practices B.starts C.dances D.gets
(15) A.smart B.same C.quiet D.happy
【解答】(1)考查名词。句意:他们住在一个大房子里。home家;house房子;store商店;office办公室。根据上文The Kings are my neighbors.(金一家是我的邻居。)可知,此处应该表示他们住在一个大房子里。故选B。
(3)考查动词。句意:她喜欢种花。loves爱,喜欢;rides骑;drinks喝;talks交谈。根据flower gardening ( 种花 )可知,此处应该表示她喜欢种花。故选A。
(4)考查动词。句意:每天早上,她会摘一朵花并把它戴在她的头发上。finds发现;enjoys喜欢;visits参观;picks摘。根据and wears it in her hair(并把它戴在她的头发上)可知,此处应该表示她会摘一朵花并把它戴在她的头发上。故选D。
(5)考查动词。句意:每天早上,当我走过她的花园时,她都会送我一朵花。use使用;walk走路;save拯救;spend花费。walk past意为"走过"。故选B。
(6)考查介词。句意:他中等身高,并且有点瘦。with和;from来自;of……的;for为。be of medium height意为"中等身高"。故选C。
(7)考查连词。句意:我认为他很好,因为他总是帮助别人。if如果;because因为;when当……的时候;after在……之后。根据I think he is nice(我认为他很好)和he always helps others(他总是帮助别人)可知,此处应该表示因果关系。故选B。
(8)考查形容词短语。句意:金先生总是忙于工作。busy with忙于;strict with对某人严格;good with擅于和……相处;bored with感到厌烦。根据his work(他的工作)可知,此处应该表示金先生总是忙于工作。故选A。
(9)考查名词。句意:他是一个演员,他出演电视剧和电影。actor男演员;singer歌手;artist艺术家;actress女演员。根据he acts in TV shows and movies(他出演电视剧和电影)可知,金先生是一个演员。故选A。
(10)考查形容词。句意:在他的空闲时间,他喜欢打网球。slow慢的;special特殊的;free空闲的;noisy吵闹的。根据he likes playing tennis(他喜欢打网球)可知,此处应该表示在他的空闲时间,他喜欢打网球。in one's free time意为"在某人的空闲时间"。故选C。
(11)考查名词。句意:打网球对他来说很放松。soccer足球;basketball篮球;volleyball排球;tennis网球。根据上文he likes playing tennis.(他喜欢打网球。)可知,此处为同词复现。故选D。
(12)考查副词。句意:她也有蓝色的眼睛和棕色的头发。too也,用于肯定句句末;also也,用于肯定句句中;still仍然;either也,用于否定句句末。根据上文She has blue eyes and brown hair.(她有蓝色的眼睛和棕色的头发。)可知,此处应该表示她也有蓝色的眼睛和棕色的头发。本句是一句肯定句。故选A。
(13)考查动词。句意:她妈妈给她做的。turns转动;makes制作;pays付钱;follows跟随。根据上文She is wearing a pink dress.(她穿着一件粉色的裙子。)可知,此处应该表示这件裙子是她的妈妈给她做的。故选B。
(14)考查动词。句意:在去幼儿园的路上,她总是唱歌和跳舞。practices练习;starts开始;dances跳舞;gets得到。根据上文The little girl likes going to the kindergarten.(这个小女孩喜欢去幼儿园。)可知,此处应该表示她总是唱歌和跳舞。故选C。
18.(10分) My name is Eric.I am fourteen years old.I am in the (1) eighth ( eight ) grade.I am(2) a  student of Sunshine Middle School.I like my school because I can join some interesting(3) clubs (club).
I'm in the chess club,(4) but  I can't play chess well.I go to the club every Tuesday.Our teacher is Mr.White.He teaches us (5) how  to play chess.He is very (6) friendly (friend) .We all like (7) him (he ) .The music club is my favorite.I go to the club to learn to play the violin from Miss Green every Thursday afternoon.
Frank is my good friend at school.He (8) joins ( join) two clubs.He is good (9) at swimming,so he joins the swimming club.He also joins the art club.It's(10) really ( real) relaxing for him to draw with his friends.
What club do you want to join?Find your favorite club and have a good time at school.
(5)考查副词。句意:他教我们如何下棋。how to do sth如何做某事,故填how。
(9)考查介词。句意:他擅长游泳,所以他加入了游泳俱乐部。固定搭配be good at doing sth擅长做某事,故填at。
(10)考查副词。句意:对他来说,和朋友一起画画真的很放松。really真地,副词修饰形容词relaxing 放松的,故填really。
第三部分 阅读部分Ⅷ.阅读理解(满分30分)阅读A、B、C、D四篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
I am a middle school student.I like beautiful clothes.I like wearing a scarf.I like red shirts and I have brown curly hair.They all look cool.My parents and teachers sometimes ask me not to do so,but I don't mind.These are my things.Don't you think so?
Mike My uncle is 40 years old.He works for a magazine.He writes articles ( 文章) for children.He visits many places and talks with many children.He thinks children should not watch TV too much and some TV shows are not good for them.
I study in a middle school.I have many rules at school.I can't be late for school.I have to wear a school uniform at school.I can't eat or sing in the classroom.Miss Yang,our English teacher,is very strict with us.
(1)What color is Jenny's hair?  D 
(2)Who writes articles for children?  A 
A.Mike's uncle.
D.Miss Yang.
(3)What can we know from the text?  C 
A.Jenny and Brian are teachers.
B.Jenny minds what others think of her.
C.Miss Yang is an English teacher.
D.Mike is 40 years old.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一个表格内的内容:I like red shirts and I have brown curly hair.(我喜欢红色衬衫,我有棕色卷发。)可知,珍妮的头发是棕色的。故选D。
(2)细节理解题。根据第二个表格内的内容:My uncle is 40 years old.He works for a magazine.He writes articles ( 文章) for children.(我叔叔40岁了。他在一家杂志社工作。他为儿童写文章。)可知,迈克的叔叔给儿童写文章。故选A。
(3)细节理解题。根据第三个表格内的内容:Miss Yang,our English teacher,is very strict with us.(我们的英语老师杨老师对我们很严格。)可知,从文章中我们可以知道杨老师是一名英语老师。故选C。
20.(6分) It was Mother's Day,but Mrs.White was unhappy.She was 500 kilometers away from her parents.In the morning she called her mother,and her mother told her about the beautiful white lilacs ( 丁香花 ) in the yard.
Later that day,Mr.White took her and their children—Tom,Cindy and Eric—to a small mountain.Mrs.White saw a lot of beautiful purple lilacs there.She picked some.
On the way back,Mrs.White saw an old woman sitting in a chair at the old people's home.They stopped the car and Mrs.White walked to the old woman and put the flowers in her hands.The old woman thanked her again and again.
When Mrs.White came back to the car,her children asked her, "Why did you give our flowers to her?"
Their mother said, "It's Mother's Day,and she has no children.I have all of you,and I still have my mother.Those flowers will mean ( 意味着 ) a lot to her."
(1)Why was Mrs.White a little unhappy on Mother's Day?  B 
A.Because she didn't have lovely gifts.
B.Because she couldn't see her mother.
C.Because she didn't like Mother's Day.
D.Because she had to do some housework.
(2)Where are the beautiful purple lilacs?  B 
A.In Mrs.White's yard.
B.On the mountain.
C.In Mrs.White's mother's yard.
D.At the old people's home.
(3)What do you think of Mrs.White?  D 
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第1段 It was Mother's Day,but Mrs.White was unhappy.She was 500 kilometers away from her parents.In the morning she called her mother,and her mother told her about the beautiful white lilacs ( 丁香花 ) in the yard.(当天晚些时候。怀特夫人带着她和他们的孩子——汤姆、辛迪和埃里克来到一座小山上。怀特夫人在那里看到了许多美丽的紫丁香。她摘了一些。)可知她伤心是因为她不能见到她母亲,故选B。
(2)细节理解题。根据第2段Later that day,Mr.White took her and their children—Tom,Cindy and Eric—to a small mountain.Mrs.White saw a lot of beautiful purple lilacs there.(当天晚些时候。怀特夫人带着她和他们的孩子——汤姆、辛迪和埃里克来到一座小山上。怀特夫人在那里看到了许多美丽的紫丁香。)可知紫丁香在山上,故选B。
(3)推理判断题。根据第3段On the way back,Mrs.White saw an old woman sitting in a chair at the old people's home.They stopped the car and Mrs.White walked to the old woman and put the flowers in her hands.The old woman thanked her again and again.(在回来的路上。怀特看见一位老妇人坐在老人之家的椅子上。他们停下车,怀特太太走到老太太面前,把花放在她手里。老妇人一遍又一遍地感谢她。)可知怀特太太很善良,故选D。
21.(8分) It's easy to get lost in a new place.Here are some good tips(建议) to help you find the way and get to your destination ( 目的地) .I hope they can help you.
Take a map.Take a map with you when you go to a new place.If you lose your way,look at the map,and you can find the place.
Ask for help.If you can't find the place on the map,ask the police for help.There are always some policemen at work on the streets.They can tell you the right way to go.
Take a taxi.Remember the name of your hotel and the street.If you can't find the way back,you can take a taxi.There are many taxis on the streets.A taxi can take you anywhere.
(1)What should you take with you when you go to a new place?  B 
A.A taxi.
B.A map.
C.A watch.
D.A dictionary.
(2)How many tips does the writer give us?  A 
(3)Who can you ask for help if you lose your way?  C 
A.A doctor.
B.Your friend.
C.The police.
D.Your teacher.
(4)What is the writer trying (尝试) to do in the text?  D 
A.Tell us some good tips.
B.Show us some maps.
C.Ask us to take a taxi.
D.Teach us something about a new place.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据表格一Take a map.Take a map with you when you go to a new place.(拿张地图。当你去一个新地方的时候,带上一张地图。)可知去一个新地方,应该带一张地图,故选B。
(2)细节理解题。根据表格一Take a map.(拿张地图。)表格二Ask for help.(寻求帮助。)表格三Take a taxi.(坐出租车。)可知共三条建议,故选A。
(3)细节理解题。根据表格二If you can't find the place on the map,ask the police for help.(如果你在地图上找不到那个地方,就向警察求助。)可知如果你在地图上找不到那个地方,就向警察求助,故选C。
(4)主旨大意题。根据第1段It's easy to get lost in a new place.Here are some good tips(建议) to help you find the way and get to your destination ( 目的地) .I hope they can help you.(在一个新地方很容易迷路。这里有一些很好的建议,可以帮助你找到路,到达你的目的地,我希望他们能帮助你。)可知本文主要想教我们一些关于一个新地方的事,故选D。
22.(10分) In Britain,some people like to "go to work on an egg".Some people like to have bread before going to work.But they usually drink tea when they eat something.On weekends,most ( 大多数 ) people would like to have a more traditional (传统的 ) breakfast.If you take a trip and stay in a hotel there,you can have breakfast like that.
Some people have their main ( 主要的) meal in the middle of the day.But most people have it in the evening.They just have a small midday meal—usually sandwiches and fruit.
The evening meal is usually called "dinner".A traditional British dinner usually has meat and vegetables.The most popular meat is chicken and beef.Vegetables like potatoes,onions and carrots are very popular.People in Britain grow these vegetables.They also buy other vegetables in the supermarket.After dinner,people like to eat something sweet like fruit salads,cakes or apple pies.
(1)When may most British people have a more traditional breakfast?  A 
A.On weekends.
B.On Fridays.
C.On Thursdays.
D.On Mondays.
(2)What does a traditional British dinner usually have?  B 
A.Sandwiches and fruit.
B.Meat and vegetables.
C.Bread and coffee.
D.Eggs and vegetables.
(3)Which of the following do British people eat after dinner?  D 
(4)What does the underlined word "sweet" mean in Chinese?  D 
(5)What is the best title (题目 ) for the text?  C 
A.Meat in Britain
B.Vegetables in Britain
C.Meals in Britain
D.Breakfast in Britain
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第1段On weekends,most ( 大多数 ) people would like to have a more traditional (传统的 ) breakfast.(在周末,大多数人喜欢吃更传统的早餐。)可知在周末,大多数人喜欢吃更传统的早餐,故选A。
(2)细节理解题。根据第3段A traditional British dinner usually has meat and vegetables.(传统的英式晚餐通常有肉和蔬菜。)可知传统的英式晚餐通常有肉和蔬菜,故选B。
(3)细节理解题。根据第3段After dinner,people like to eat something sweet like fruit salads,cakes or apple pies.(晚饭后,人们喜欢吃一些甜的东西,比如水果沙拉、蛋糕或苹果派。)可知晚饭后,人们喜欢吃蛋糕,故选D。
(4)词义猜测题。根据第3段After dinner,people like to eat something sweet like fruit salads,cakes or apple pies.(晚饭后,人们喜欢吃一些甜的东西,比如水果沙拉、蛋糕或苹果派。)可知sweet是"甜的"的意思,故选D。
23.(10分) I am Anna.I study in Beijing International (国际的 ) School now.There are fifty﹣four students in my class.Only six students go to school on foot.Sometimes they feel tired to walk to school,but it is good for health.Li Xiang says it usually takes him about fifteen minutes to walk to school.
Eighteen students go to school by bike.Some of them think it is faster to ride bikes than to take buses in the morning and evening.They also think riding bikes is good for them.Twenty﹣two students take buses or the subway to school.Most of them have to take more than one bus to get to school,so they must get up early every day.And other students go to school by car.Their parents drive them to school first,and then go to work.Do you know how I get to school?I'm one of the eighteen people.
(1)In Anna's class,only six students go to school  on foot .
(2)Some students think it is faster to  ride bikes  than to take buses in the morning and evening.
(3)How long does it take Li Xiang to get to school on foot?
 Fifteen minutes. 
(4)How does Anna get to school?
 By bike. 
(5)Do you like walking to school?Why or why not?
 Yes,I do.Because it is good for my health. 
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Only six students go to school on foot.(只有六个学生步行上学。)可知在安娜的班上,只有六个学生步行上学。故填on foot。
(2)细节理解题。根据第二段Some of them think it is faster to ride bikes than to take buses in the morning and evening.(他们中的一些人认为在早上和晚上骑自行车比乘公共汽车快。)可知一些学生认为早上和晚上骑自行车比乘公共汽车快。故填ride bikes。
(3)细节理解题。根据第一段Li Xiang says it usually takes him about fifteen minutes to walk to school. (李翔说他通常要花15分钟步行去学校。)可知李翔通常要花15分钟步行去学校。故填Fifteen minutes.
(4)推理判断题。根据第二段 Eighteen students go to school by bike.(18个学生骑自行车上学。)以及第二段Do you know how I get to school?I'm one of the eighteen people.(你知道我怎么去学校吗?我是十八个人中的一个。)可推知安娜骑自行车上学。故填By bike.
(5)开放性试题。开放性试题,言之有理即可。故填Yes,I do.Because it is good for my health.
第四部分 情景交际X.补全对话 (满分10分)根据语境及提示完成76~80题。
24.(10分)A:Good morning,Bob Restaurant!(1) Can I help you ?
B:Yes,I'd like to order some noodles,please.
A:We have beef,mutton,chicken and vegetable noodles.(2) What kind of noodles would you like ?
B:I'd like chicken noodles,please.(3) Are there any vegetables in the chicken noodles ?
A:No,there aren't any vegetables in the chicken noodles.(4) What size bowl of noodles would you like ?
A:Anything else? (5) Would you like something to drink ?
A:What is your address?
B:28 North Street.
A:What's your telephone number?
A:OK.That'll be 26 yuan.
【解答】(1)根据Yes,I'd like to order some noodles,please.(是的,我想点面条。)可知上文询问需要什么帮助吗,故填:Can I help you。
(2)根据I'd like chicken noodles,please.(我想要鸡肉面。)可知上文询问要什么种类的面条,故填:What kind of noodles would you like。
(3)根据No,there aren't any vegetables in the chicken noodles.(不,鸡肉面里没有蔬菜。)可知上文是一般疑问句,询问鸡肉面里有蔬菜吗,故填:Are there any vegetables in the chicken noodles。
(4)根据Large,please.(大的。)可知上文询问要多大碗的,故填:What size bowl of noodles would you like。
(5)根据Yes.Juice,please.(是的。橘子汁,谢谢。)可知上文询问要一些喝的吗,故填:Would you like something to drink。
第五部分 写作部分XI.书面表达(满分15分)
提示词:play computer games,play the piano,watch a soccer game,water the flowers
Hello,everyone!My name is Li Hua._____
That's all.Thank you.
【解答】 Hello,everyone!My name is Li Hua.Today,I'd like to share with you what my family did last Sunday.【高分句型一】(点明主题)
In the morning,my father stayed at home and played computer games.Meanwhile,my mother was busy in the garden.She watered the flowers carefully,making sure they got enough water to grow strong and beautiful.As for me,I spent the morning playing the piano.I practiced for an hour before taking a break.In the afternoon,we all gathered in the living room.My dad turned on the TV and we watched a soccer game together.【高分句型二】It was an exciting match,and we cheered for our favorite team.After that,we took a walk in the park nearby.We all had a lot of fun. (介绍上周日的活动)
That's all.Thank you.
