新概念英语第二册 Lesson27同步练习(含答案)

Lesson 27
1. put up 搭起,建起
2. in the middle of 在…中间
3. as soon as 一…就…
4. smell good 闻着香(smell 为系动词)
5. tell a story/ stories 讲故事
6. sing a song/ songs 唱歌
7. by the campfire 在营火旁(by:在…旁边,如:by the window 在窗户旁边)
8. put out 熄灭
9. sleep soundly 睡得香(也可以用 have a sound sleep 表示)
10. wake up 醒来
11. be full of ... 装满…
12. wind its way 蜿蜒而过
(类似表达法:fight one's way 杀过去
feel one's way 摸索行进
shoulder one's way 用肩膀撞着过去)
1. The flower sweet.
A. smell
B. smells
C. is smelt
D. is smell
2. You must return home now.
A. go
B. come
C. go back
D. go from
3. -Why they to see the new play yesterday
-Because they it
did; go; saw
didn’t; go; haven’t seen
C. did; go; have seen
D. didn't; go; have seen
4. A thief into the house last night and away some money.
A. broke; took
B. broke; take
C. breaks; took
D. broken; takes
5. you soundly last night
D. Were; sleep
A. Do; slept
B. Did; slept
C. Did; sleep
D. Were; sleep
6. A friend of mine Beijing yesterday.
A. got
B. got to
C. get to
D. gets to
7. When I this morning, I nobody in the living room.
A. wake; find
B. woke; find
C. woke up; found
D. is waking up; found
8. In the distance they saw a(n) house.
A. little old grey
B. grey old little
C. old little grey
D. old grey little
1. My mother was in the park just now.(就画线部分提问)
2.He put up a tent last night.(改为一般疑问句)
he up a tent last night
3.They read Chinese last night.(改为否定句)
4. He came back home. He turmed on the TV. (用as soon as 合并句子)
he back home,
the TV.
1. 请举起手!(put up)
2.请你走的时候把灯给熄了。 (put out)
3. 我被窗外的声音吵醒了。(awake)
4. 所有的东西都有一股特别的味道。(smell)
5. 总是需要一段时间才能适应一个新的环境。(comfortable)

6-8 BCA
Where was your mother just now?
They didn’t read Chinese last night.
As soon as; came;he turned to
Put up your hands, please!
Please put out the lights when you leave.
I was awoken by the noise outside the window.
Everything smelled so special.
It just takes time to feel comfortable in a new place.
