Unit 2 On the Weekend storytime 故事剧本

课例编号 2020QJ04YYRJ0011 学科 英语 年级 四年级 学期 第一学期
课题 Unit 2 On the Weekend Lesson 5 Have a Good Time with Family
教科书 书名:义务教育教科书《英语(一年级起点)》四年级上册 出版社:人民教育出版社
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听一听,读一读课本第20-21页小故事,尽量做到流利、清晰、有感情。 根据老师提供的剧本,和同学们一起表演小故事。 Unit 2 Story Time Characters:Narrator, Bill, Dad, Mum, Grandpa Picture 1 Narrator: Bill likes playing computer games on the weekend. He plays all the time. It is Saturday today. Bill’s family is going camping. Mum: Bill, let’s go camping. It will be fun! Bill: No. I’m playing computer games. It’s fun! Picture 2 Narrator: Bill’s family arrives at the campsite. When Bill’s parents pick fruit, Bill plays computer games. Dad: Bill, look! The apples in the tree are big and red. You can get a big one. Bill: No. Playing computer games is fun. Picture 3 Narrator: It is Sunday. When Bill’s family visits his grandparents, Bill still plays computer games. Grandpa: Bill, come and tell us about your school days. Bill: Sorry, I’m busy with the computer game. Picture 4 Narrator: The next weekend, Bill’s family goes fishing. When Bill and his father go fishing, he still plays computer games. Dad: Bill, look! A big fish! Do you want to hold it and take a picture Bill: No. Playing computer games is more interesting. Picture5 Narrator: Suddenly, the boat hits a big wave. Oh, no! Bill’s computer! Bill: Ah, my computer! (Cries) Picture6 Narrator: Bill cannot play computer games. He is bored. Dad: Come and try fishing with me. Bill: OK. (Later …) Dad, look! I get a fish! Dad: Good job, Bill. You can get a bigger fish next time. Picture 7 Narrator: Then Bill’s family goes to his grandparents’ home. They want to share the fish with them. Bill: Grandpa, do you know how to fish Grandpa: Yes. When you are fishing, you need to … Narrator: Bill talks with his grandparents. That is fun, too. Bill: Grandpa, talking with you is fun. You know a lot about fishing. Picture 8 Narrator: Now, Bill often has fun with his family on the weekend. It is Saturday again. Bill: Dad, Mum, let’s go camping. I can help dad setup the tent. Mum: Do you want to play any computer games for fun Bill: No. I don't need a computer to have fun. Narrator: Put down the computer. Let’s have fun with our family! 3.制作家庭周末相册,与他人分享。
