

1、高考英语读后续写情绪描写词句一、喜乐兴奋【单词n】happiness幸福,快乐joy欢乐,快乐delight高兴satisfaction满意 fulfillment满足(感),成就(感)pride骄傲,自豪excitement兴奋thrill突然而又强烈的激动,狂喜;令人激动的事cheer欢呼,喝彩声;【单词a】happy 幸福的;高兴的 joyful欢喜的;令人高兴的cheerful快乐的;愉快的;delighted高兴的;令人愉快的; satisfied /content满意的,满足的cheerful快乐的;愉快的;高兴的excited兴奋的overjoyed狂喜的thrilled非常兴奋

2、的;极为激动的light-hearted轻松的;无忧无虑的单词v.18cheer欢呼dance跳动,跳舞laugh笑jump 跳skip 跳跃 grin露齿笑beam 眉开眼笑pound心脏剧烈跳动linger 流连,久久停留shine/sparkle/twinkle闪耀,闪烁well up 涌出surge 涌出【短语】brighten sb.s heart使某人心情愉快bright up面露喜色to ones delight令某人高兴的是be in high spirits精神高涨go wild with joy at the thought of.a mixture of exciteme

3、nt and happiness一想到.就欣喜若狂,既兴奋又开心 be satisfied/content with.对满意in a good mood心情很好a sense of fulfillment一种成就感on the top of the world非常高兴be overcome with delight非常高兴sparkle with joy 闪耀着喜悦的光芒 light (sth.) up喜形于色light up with.喜形于色 give sb.a smile 莞尔一笑wear a bright smile 面带微笑laugh heartily 开怀大笑burst /b3:s

4、t/ out laughing 放声大笑roar with laughter 哈哈大笑burst into hearty laughter 尽情欢笑grin at sb.冲某人咧嘴笑feel a surge of happiness and pride rising from her heart感到一阵快乐、自豪之情从心头涌起【句子】1.I was wild with joy.我欣喜若狂.2.The boys heart was overflowing with joy.这个男孩满心欢喜.3.A sudden wave of joy swept over her.一阵喜悦涌上她的心头。4.I

5、couldnt contain my joy.我抑制不住内心的喜悦.5.I was pleased beyond description.我高兴得难以形容.6.I felt the warmth surging through me.我感到身体里涌动着一股暖流.7.I breathed a sigh of relief.我安心地松了一口气.8.Joy welled up inside her.她心中涌起喜悦.9.A wide excitement took hold of her她兴奋得不能自已.10.A ripple of excitement ran through her.一股激动的涟漪

6、涌向她.11.Her eyes sparkled/twinkled with pleasure.她的眼里闪烁着喜悦的光芒。12.She laughed, her eyes shining/sparkling with excitement.她笑了,眼里闪烁着兴奋的光芒。13.The moment she caught sight of the helicopter, a bright smile lit up Janes face/eyes.= ., Jane eyes/face lit up with delight.一看到直升飞机,简的脸上就闪现出灿烂的笑容。14.Her face lit up with pleasure when
