Module 1 Unit 3 How old are you? 词汇+语法+句型讲义(含答案)

课程主题:牛津M1U3语法梳理 授课时间:
学习目标 1.掌握M1U3重点词汇和句型,并能灵活运用;; 2.使学生认识并能运用祈使句,物主代词your以及定冠词the的使用; 3.使学生能够掌握并运用询问年龄,生日祝愿的表达并进行其回答; 4.能够掌握1-10数字的英文读音熟悉及相关拓展数字; 5.掌握完形填空及写作的技巧,提高英语读写能力; 6.掌握Be的一般疑问句以及回答。
一、根据中文提示,补全单词 1. yo__r (你的) 2. f__ur (四) 3. ei__ht (八) 4. __nly ( 仅仅) 5. Mi__s (小姐) 6. c__ke (蛋糕) 7. h__re (这里) 8. tha__k (感谢) 9. __low (吹) 二、给下列句子选择正确的应答语。 ( )1.How old are you A.No,I am not. ( )2.What's your name B.Very well,thank you. ( )3.Are you seven C.Thank you. ( )4.How are you D.My name is Peter. ( )5.Here you are. E.Good afternoon. ( )6.Good afternoon. F.I am ten years old. 三、用am、is、are、have、has填空 1. Here your cake, Alice. It yummy. 2. I a little sister. She five years old. 3. Kitty and I good friends. We many books. 4. He not sad. He a jar in his hand. 5. What your name I Eddie. 教学建议: 1.先让学生来用英语进行数字接龙,一直到15; 2.让学生说出自己最喜欢的数字,并简单说出理由; 3.先通过提问的方式问学生一些数字在西方及在中国所代表的含义,然后老师进行补充。 中西方偏爱的数字 (


) 中国人 (Chinese) 偏爱8 (eight) 和6 (six) 而忌讳4 (four) 。 西方认为3 (three) 和7 (seven) 是大吉大利的数字,会给人带来幸福和快乐。 古希腊毕达哥拉斯学派把3称为完美的数字。3体现了开端、中期和终端,3具有神性。当时的西方文化认为,世界是由大地、海洋与天空三者合成的;大自然由三项内容构成,即动物、植物和矿物;人体也有三重性:肉体、心灵与精神。基督教也有“三位一体”(圣父、圣子、圣灵)之说,并认为美德有“三”:忠诚、希望和仁爱。7也被西方人认为是神圣吉祥的数字,他们认为:人的内心有“七情”,面部有“七窍”,一周有“七天”,彩虹有“七种颜色”等。但是,西方认为13 (thirteen) 这个数字是不祥的,重大活动不安排在13号,约会时间不安排在13点请客避免宾主13人入席等等。追其根源,这主要来自基督教。耶稣受难被钉在十字架上的前夜,和12 (twelve) 个门徒共进晚餐,师徒13人中出了一个叛徒犹大。由此,信奉基督教的民族都认为13是个不吉利的数字。 M1U3 How old are you 【知识梳理1】Words 单词 名词 今天;现代 【例句】Today is Monday. 今天是星期一。 Today is my birthday.今天是我的生日。 today 副词 今天;现在 【例句】I have eight lessons today. 我今天有八节课。 I eat an apple today. 今天我吃了一个苹果。 数词 一 【例句】One plus one is two. 一加一等于二。 There is one bird in the tree.树上有一只鸟。 one 代词 一(个人或物) 【例句】Amy is one of the girls.艾米是女孩之一。 I want that one.我想要那个。 3.two 数词 二 【例句】I have two books.我有两本书。 Two apples are on the tree. 树上有两个苹果。 【同音词】too 也 【例句】-- I am a student. 我是一名学生。 -- I am a student, too. 我也是一名学生。 4.three 数词 三 【例句】Three fairies live in the small house. 小房子里住着三个仙女。 One plus two is three. 一加二等于三。 5.four 数词 四 【例句】There are four people in my home. 我家有四个人。 Some people hate the number four. 有些人讨厌数字四。 【同音词】for 为了,由于,对于 6.five 数词 五 【例句】He is five years old.他五岁。 The dog has five babies.这只狗有五只小狗。 7.six 数词 六 【例句】He has six apples. 他有六个苹果。 In China,six is a lucky number.在中国,六是一个幸运数字。 数词 七 【例句】Seven children are in the classroom. 教室里有七个小孩。 The rainbow has seven colors. 彩虹有七种颜色。 9.eight 数词 八 【例句】Eight is a lucky number in China.在中国,八是个幸运数字。 It's eight o'clock.八点了。 10. nine 数词 九 【例句】He is nine. 他九岁了。 He has got nine balloons.他有九只气球。 11. ten 数词 十 【例句】She got ten marks in the question. 这道题她得了十分。 There are ten ducks in the lake. 湖里有十只鸭子。 【知识梳理2】Sentences 句子 1.How old are you,Alice 你几岁,爱丽斯? how old询问年龄,译为“多大,几岁”。 【例如】-- How old are you 你多大了? -- I’m twelve.我十二岁。 (1)how副词,常用于疑问句。我们已经学过关于how的几种用法,现在来总结一下。 ① how用于询问身体健康状况,译为“怎么样”。 【例如】-- How are you 你好吗? --I’m fine,thank you.我很好,谢谢。 ② how用在第一次见面的问候语中。 【例如】How do you do 你好! ③ how long既可询问时间,译为“多久”,又可询问物品的长度,译为“多长”。 【例如】How long is the river 这条河有多长? How long does it last 这要持续多久? (2)old意为“……年龄的;……岁的;早已认识的;老的;古老的;陈旧的”。 【例如】old friend 老朋友 old bag 老书包 2.Here you are.给你。 Here you are.是英语中的一句常用口语,意思是“给你”或“这是你要的东西”。在口语中,根据上下文或一定的情景可有不同的理解: (1)如果你给别人东西,你说:Here you are. 给你。 (2)别人在找东西,你帮他/她找到了,你可以说:Here you are.你的东西在这儿。 其答语为:Thank you./Thanks. 3.Happy Birthday! 生日快乐! (1)happy形容词,意为“快乐的;高兴的”。 【例如】I'm very happy for you.我真替你高兴。 【反义词】unhappy不高兴的 sad悲伤的 (2) birthday名词,意为“生日,出生的日子”。 【例如】Today is my birthday.今天是我的生日。 当朋友过生日时,我们可以说Happy Birthday! 向他/她表达祝福,而自己得到他人的生日祝福时,则应该表示谢意说Thank you. 【记忆链接】Happy New Year! 新年快乐! Happy/Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! Happy Teachers,Day!教师节快乐! Happy Children's Day! 儿童节快乐! Happy Mother's Day! 母亲节快乐! 4.Guess! 猜! 这是一个祈使句。省略了主语you。 【例如】-- Who is that man 那个男人是谁? -- Guess! 猜! -- Is he your father 他是你的爸爸吗? -- Yes.是的。 5.日常表达: (1)当你想问别人几岁时,你可以说:How old are you (2)当别人生日时,你可以说:Happy Birthday! (3)当你想给别人一样东西时,你可以说:Here you are. (4)当你想让别人猜一猜时,你可以说:Guess! 【知识梳理3】Grammar 语法 1.数词:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten (1)数词的含义及其用法:表示“多少”和“第几”的词,叫数词。其用法相当于名词或者形容词。表示数目多少的数词,也叫做基数词。 (2)数词(基数词)与可数名词的搭配使用: ① one+可数名词单数。例如:one bag 一个书包,one book -本书 ② two / three / four...+可数名词复数。例如:two dogs两只狗,three cats三只猫 2.be动词:is 前面我们已经学过be动词is的用法。当主语为第三人称代词单数it (它)时,后面用be动词is。 【例如】It is a cat.它是一只猫。 It is my dog.它是我的狗。 3.祈使句:Blow. 我们已经学过不少祈使句。在本单元中,进一步介绍了祈使句句型。 Guess. Blow.虽然只有一个单词,却是一个句子,省略了主语you,表示说话人的一种建议。 【例如】-- How old are you 你几岁? -- Guess.猜猜看。 4.can的用法 can意为“能,会,可以”,是个情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,其后接动词原形。变否定句时,在can后面加not,can和not可以缩写为can't。 【例如】I can count. 我会数数。 I can't write with the left hand. 我不会用左手写字。 5.Be动词引导的一般疑问句 (1)be动词:am, is, are (2)肯定句:表示肯定的意思, 即不含有否定词“不”。 【例如】我是一个学生 I am a student. 他去上学 He goes to school. (3)否定句:表示否定的意思。 【例如】我不是一个男孩。 I am not a boy 他不去上学 He does not go to school. (4)一般疑问句:将be动词提到主语前面,回答为“是yes”或者“否no” 【例如】你是一个学生吗? --- Are you a student --- Yes, I am 这本书有趣吗? --- Is the book interesting? --- Yes, it is. (5)肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句的相互转换 ① 肯定句变否定句:在am, is, are后面加上not,其余按顺序照抄。 ② 肯定句变一般疑问句:把am, is, are提前放到句首并大写Am, Is, Are,其余照抄。 6.Yes/No question: Are you… Yes/No,… 用来回答一般疑问句,所以说Yes/No question也叫做一般疑问句。含be动词的陈述句变一般疑问句是将陈述句中的be动词提到句首(其他地方稍作改变)。 【例如】-- He is my friend.他是我的朋友。 -- Is he your friend 他是你的朋友吗 ◆注意:陈述句中的my (我的)在变一般疑问句时要变为your(你的),陈述句中的I在问句中要变成you,相应be动词am变成are。 【例如】I am eight. 我八岁。 → -Are you eight 你是八岁吗 一般疑问句的回答: 肯定回答:Yes,主语+提问的助动词 否定回答:No,主语十提问的助动词的否定形式 -- Are you eight 你八岁吗 -- No,I'm not./Yes,I am.是的,我是。/不,我不是。 【友情提示】一般疑问句的语序和肯定句不同,把be动词放在句首,并注意大写变化。 肯定句: Ben is a student.本是一名学生。 一般疑问句: Is Ben a student 本是一名学生吗 Is ben a student (错) 【友情提示】Ben为人名,无论放句首、句中还是句末第一个字母都要大写。 完形填空解题技巧 完型填空主要考察学生的词汇量以及对于语境的分析及理解。 阅读理解之完形填空做题步骤与要领: 第一步:细读首句、跳过空格、通读全文、掌握大意 细读首句:明确短文话题,了解篇章结构预测全文内容。 跳过空格,快速通读,领会大意,把握中心。 生词的处理:跳过、判断词性、了解大意、猜测。 第二步:上下联系,逐句阅读,先易后难,初定答案。 答案要求语法正确,搭配无误,结构完整,意思通顺前后一致逻辑得当。 怎样分析: A.从空格所在的句子单独考虑。 B.从空格所在的前庙2-3句考虑。 C.从整个段落、整篇短文考虑。 第三步:复读全文,逐个核对,验证答案,坚定信心。 怎样验证答案: ①所选答案是否能使全文流畅,逻辑推理是否正确。 ②具体实事是否成立,前后关系是否理顺。 ③语法是否正确,其中包括时态的选择、词汇选择、固定搭配等。 ④在通读全文时最好在可能的条件下将所选答案填入文章中,反复阅读。 【例题精讲】中译英 1. 几岁 _____________________________ 2. 谢谢你 ____________________________ 3. 生日聚会__________________________ 4. 切蛋糕 _____________________________ 5. 给你 _____________________________ 6. 画一棵树 ___________________________ 7. 数到三____________________________ 8. 写或读 _____________________________ 【巩固练习】 一、根据要求改写句子 1. I can draw a tree. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) ______ ______ draw a tree ______, I ______. 2. I'm eight years old. (划线提问) ______ ______ are you 3. He is fine. (划线提问) ______ ______ he 4. She is eight. (改否定句) She ______ ______ eight. 5. I'm Kitty. (划线提问) ______ your ______ 二、完形填空 (A) Sally do well in Maths. One day, her Maths teacher asks her in class, "How much is two plus (加) two " Sally thinks for a long time. But she can't any answers. Then the teacher tries to help and says, "Now, your mother gives you two apples, your father gives two apples you. How many have you got in all (总的) " This time Sally answers quickly, "Five. " Sally says, "Look, I've already (已经) got one!" ( )1. A. isn't B. don't C. doesn't ( )2. A. give B. gives C. gave ( )3. A. she B. hers C. her ( )4. A. for B. to C. at ( )5. A. pears B. apples C. peaches (B) Today is Peter’s birthday party. It at two o’clock in the afternoon. Children some orange things to the party. Because it is an party. Orange is Peter’s colour. Look, they have many orange things now. They are all very . ( )1. A. begin B. begins C. start ( )2. A. bring B. brings C. take ( )3. A. blue B. pink C. orange ( )4. A. best B. like C. favourite ( )5. A. happy B. tired C. sad 一、正确书写,注意大小写、标点 happy birthday thank you 二、按要求写单词 1.hear(同音词) ____________ 2.yummy(同义词) ____________ 3.three(同类词)____________ 4.Peter(与划线部分发音相同)________ 5.can (否定形式)__________ 6.your (主格)____________ 7.I’m(完整形式)___________ 8.I(所有格)____________ 三、读一读,辨音,用T或F表示 ( ) 1. he she ( ) 2. Eva jam ( ) 3. bad fat ( ) 4. Jane hand 四、用所给动词填空 cut blow yummy nine party 1.I have a _____________ for my birthday. 2.Kitty! Please the candles (蜡烛). 3.Let me the cake. One for you and one for me. 4.Let's count the candles. You are years old. 5.The cake is very . I like it very much. 五、请将下列各题做出肯定和否定回答 1.Is this a box Yes, . No, . 2.Is Mike your brother Yes, . No, . 3.Is Lily at home Yes . No, . 4.Are they ducks Yes, . No, . 5.Are you tired Yes,______________. No, . 6.Is that a teacher's desk Yes, . No, . 六、看图,写数字 I’m ______. I’m ______. I’m ______. He is ______. 七、选择单词,完成句子 1.Happy birthday ______(to / for) you. 2.Here's a gift ______(to / for) you. 3.I'm two years old. I can't read ______(or / and) write. 4.I'm ______(only / on) one! I can’t jump. 5.Happy birthday! ______(Happy birthday /Thanks) 八、选择题 ( ) 1. How old are you A. Fine thank you. B. I' m ten years old. C. He is fine. ( ) 2. How is your father A. He is 38 years old. B. He is fine, thank you. C. He is my father. ( ) 3. Here you are. A. OK. B. Oh, thank you. C. Sit down, please. ( ) 4. Blow the candle, Alice. A. Here you are. B. OK C. Thank you. ( ) 5. Are you eight A. Yes, I' m seven. B. Yes, he is seven. C. No, I'm seven. 九、问答句配对连线 1. What's this A. I’m fine. 2. How old are you B. Thank you. 3. Happy birthday to you. C. My name is Alice. 4. What’s your name D. It;s a pie. 5. Are you eight E. I’m four. 十、连词成句 1. is birthday it your today ________________________________________ 2. Cat am Mr. I ________________________________________ 3. old father is how your ________________________________________ 4. this yummy taste cake is it ________________________________________ 5. cake you a you for thank ________________________________________ 十一、根据图片完成对话 1.-- How old are you -- I'm ______ ______ ______. 2.-- Can you ______ ______ ______ -- Yes, I can. --______ ______ to you! --Thank you! 4.-- Here is a gift ______ ______. -- Oh, ______ ______very much. 5.-- ______ the cake, please. -- Oh, it’s yummy! 6. I can ______the cake ______a knife. 十二、根据提示完成对话 A: Good afternoon. B: Good ______. A: What’s ______name B: My name ______Alice. A: How ______you B: I' m eight. It’s ______ birthday today. A: Oh,______ ______to you! B:______ ______ very much. 十三、勾出下列单词中e发音与he e发音相同的单词 egg( ) me( ) face( ) she( ) hen( ) cake( ) 十四、完形填空 1 a fine morning, 2 of my friends, Tom, Peter and Eddie are going to have a 3 on the grass in Century Park. We are going to 4 at the underground station because it is faster for us to 5 by the underground. We are going to 6 at Century Park Underground Station. It usually 7 us half an hour to get there. We plan to buy some 8 out of the park. We will buy some kind of 9 , bread and something 10 . ( )1. A. In B. On C. At ( )2. A. many B. four C. three ( )3. A. lunch B. picnic C. meeting ( )4. A. meet B. go C. stand ( )5. A. go B. ride C. come ( )6. A. get B. get on C. get off ( )7. A. spends B. waits C. takes ( )8. A. food B. flowers C. sugar ( )9. A. a fruit B. fruit C. fruits ( )10. A. to drink B. eat C. having (
) 一、正确书写,注意大小写、标点 happy birthday to you blow Alice 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.How old (be)you I (be)nine years old. 2.How old (be)he He (be)ten. 3.What's (you)name (I)name's Kitty. 4.What's (she)name (she)name's Alice. 三、根据要求改写句子 I can draw a tree. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) ___________ ___________ draw a tree , I . I'm eight years old. (划线提问) ___________ ___________ are you He is fine. (划线提问) ___________ ___________ he She is eight. (改否定句) She___________ ___________ eight. I'm Kitty. (划线提问) your 四、选词填空 is are yummy have am
Hello, I am Peter. Today is my birthday. There is big birthday party in my home. I (1) many friends. They all come to my party today. Look. Here (2) my cake. The cake is (3) . we sing a song. Then I blow out the candles and cut the cake. I (4) very happy. My friends (5) happy, too. 五、改写句子 1. That man is my father. (改成一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) 2.They are Lily’s cousins. (改成一般疑问句,并作否定回答) 3.There are some stars in the sky. (改成一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) 4.We are good boys.(改为一般疑问句) 5.My father is watching TV.(改为一般疑问句) 六、根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F) An Old English Saying “Early to bed, early to rise makes people healthy, wealthy and wise.” This is an old English saying. Children should have ten hours’ sleep every night, or they can't do their work very well. They will not be wise. The body needs exercises. Walking, running, swimming and playing ball games are all exercises. Exercises keep the body strong. ( )1. Early to bed, early to rise makes people healthy, wealthy and wise. ( )2. We talk about walking. ( )3. Our body needs exercises. ( )4. Children should have ten hours' sleep every night. ( )5. Running isn't exercise. 七、阅读后选择正确答案 Tim and Simon are brothers. They're both twelve. They study at Park School. Timmy is in Class One, Grade (年级) Five. But Simon is in Class Five. They like sports. They're going to skate (滑雪) on Saturday. Now they're listening to the weather report on the radio. "Friday is going to be cold and cloudy. But it is not going to rain. The temperature is going to drop (下降). It's going to snow. From Friday night to Sunday, it is going to be cold and sunny." Timmy and Simon are happy. The weather is going to be good for a skate. They are going to have a good time. ( )1. Tim and Simon are . A. friends B. classmates C. brothers ( )2. They're in . A. the same class B. different grades C. the same grade ( )3. What's the weather like on Friday A. It is going to rain. B. It's going to be cold and cloudy. C. It's sunny. ( )4. What do they like to do A. They like to skate. B. They like to listen to the radio. C. They like to see snow. ( )5. Timmy and Simon are . A. happy B. sad C. tired ( )6. On Sunday the weather is going to . A. Warm and wet B. cold and snowy C. cold and fine 八、作文 Write at least 5 sentences(班上转来了一个新同学,请向这个新同学介绍你自己,至少5句话,3种以上句型) About Me _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________英语学科教师辅导讲义
课程主题:牛津M1U3语法梳理 授课时间:
学习目标 1.掌握M1U3重点词汇和句型,并能灵活运用;; 2.使学生认识并能运用祈使句,物主代词your以及定冠词the的使用; 3.使学生能够掌握并运用询问年龄,生日祝愿的表达并进行其回答; 4.能够掌握1-10数字的英文读音熟悉及相关拓展数字; 5.掌握完形填空及写作的技巧,提高英语读写能力; 6.掌握Be的一般疑问句以及回答。
一、根据中文提示,补全单词 1. yo__r (你的) 2. f__ur (四) 3. ei__ht (八) 4. __nly ( 仅仅) 5. Mi__s (小姐) 6. c__ke (蛋糕) 7. h__re (这里) 8. tha__k (感谢) 9. __low (吹) 1. your 2. four 3. eight 4. only 5. Miss 6. cake 7. here 8. thank 9. blow 二、给下列句子选择正确的应答语。 ( )1.How old are you A.No,I am not. ( )2.What's your name B.Very well,thank you. ( )3.Are you seven C.Thank you. ( )4.How are you D.My name is Peter. ( )5.Here you are. E.Good afternoon. ( )6.Good afternoon. F.I am ten years old. 1.F 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.E 三、用am、is、are、have、has填空 1. Here your cake, Alice. It yummy. 2. I a little sister. She five years old. 3. Kitty and I good friends. We many books. 4. He not sad. He a jar in his hand. 5. What your name I Eddie. 1. is, is 2. have, is 3. are, have 4. is, has 5. is, am 教学建议: 1.先让学生来用英语进行数字接龙,一直到15; 2.让学生说出自己最喜欢的数字,并简单说出理由; 3.先通过提问的方式问学生一些数字在西方及在中国所代表的含义,然后老师进行补充。 中西方偏爱的数字 (


) 中国人 (Chinese) 偏爱8 (eight) 和6 (six) 而忌讳4 (four) 。 西方认为3 (three) 和7 (seven) 是大吉大利的数字,会给人带来幸福和快乐。 古希腊毕达哥拉斯学派把3称为完美的数字。3体现了开端、中期和终端,3具有神性。当时的西方文化认为,世界是由大地、海洋与天空三者合成的;大自然由三项内容构成,即动物、植物和矿物;人体也有三重性:肉体、心灵与精神。基督教也有“三位一体”(圣父、圣子、圣灵)之说,并认为美德有“三”:忠诚、希望和仁爱。7也被西方人认为是神圣吉祥的数字,他们认为:人的内心有“七情”,面部有“七窍”,一周有“七天”,彩虹有“七种颜色”等。但是,西方认为13 (thirteen) 这个数字是不祥的,重大活动不安排在13号,约会时间不安排在13点请客避免宾主13人入席等等。追其根源,这主要来自基督教。耶稣受难被钉在十字架上的前夜,和12 (twelve) 个门徒共进晚餐,师徒13人中出了一个叛徒犹大。由此,信奉基督教的民族都认为13是个不吉利的数字。 M1U3 How old are you 【知识梳理1】Words 单词 名词 今天;现代 【例句】Today is Monday. 今天是星期一。 Today is my birthday.今天是我的生日。 today 副词 今天;现在 【例句】I have eight lessons today. 我今天有八节课。 I eat an apple today. 今天我吃了一个苹果。 数词 一 【例句】One plus one is two. 一加一等于二。 There is one bird in the tree.树上有一只鸟。 one 代词 一(个人或物) 【例句】Amy is one of the girls.艾米是女孩之一。 I want that one.我想要那个。 3.two 数词 二 【例句】I have two books.我有两本书。 Two apples are on the tree. 树上有两个苹果。 【同音词】too 也 【例句】-- I am a student. 我是一名学生。 -- I am a student, too. 我也是一名学生。 4.three 数词 三 【例句】Three fairies live in the small house. 小房子里住着三个仙女。 One plus two is three. 一加二等于三。 5.four 数词 四 【例句】There are four people in my home. 我家有四个人。 Some people hate the number four. 有些人讨厌数字四。 【同音词】for 为了,由于,对于 6.five 数词 五 【例句】He is five years old.他五岁。 The dog has five babies.这只狗有五只小狗。 7.six 数词 六 【例句】He has six apples. 他有六个苹果。 In China,six is a lucky number.在中国,六是一个幸运数字。 数词 七 【例句】Seven children are in the classroom. 教室里有七个小孩。 The rainbow has seven colors. 彩虹有七种颜色。 9.eight 数词 八 【例句】Eight is a lucky number in China.在中国,八是个幸运数字。 It's eight o'clock.八点了。 10. nine 数词 九 【例句】He is nine. 他九岁了。 He has got nine balloons.他有九只气球。 11. ten 数词 十 【例句】She got ten marks in the question. 这道题她得了十分。 There are ten ducks in the lake. 湖里有十只鸭子。 【知识梳理2】Sentences 句子 1.How old are you,Alice 你几岁,爱丽斯? how old询问年龄,译为“多大,几岁”。 【例如】-- How old are you 你多大了? -- I’m twelve.我十二岁。 (1)how副词,常用于疑问句。我们已经学过关于how的几种用法,现在来总结一下。 ① how用于询问身体健康状况,译为“怎么样”。 【例如】-- How are you 你好吗? --I’m fine,thank you.我很好,谢谢。 ② how用在第一次见面的问候语中。 【例如】How do you do 你好! ③ how long既可询问时间,译为“多久”,又可询问物品的长度,译为“多长”。 【例如】How long is the river 这条河有多长? How long does it last 这要持续多久? (2)old意为“……年龄的;……岁的;早已认识的;老的;古老的;陈旧的”。 【例如】old friend 老朋友 old bag 老书包 2.Here you are.给你。 Here you are.是英语中的一句常用口语,意思是“给你”或“这是你要的东西”。在口语中,根据上下文或一定的情景可有不同的理解: (1)如果你给别人东西,你说:Here you are. 给你。 (2)别人在找东西,你帮他/她找到了,你可以说:Here you are.你的东西在这儿。 其答语为:Thank you./Thanks. 3.Happy Birthday! 生日快乐! (1)happy形容词,意为“快乐的;高兴的”。 【例如】I'm very happy for you.我真替你高兴。 【反义词】unhappy不高兴的 sad悲伤的 (2) birthday名词,意为“生日,出生的日子”。 【例如】Today is my birthday.今天是我的生日。 当朋友过生日时,我们可以说Happy Birthday! 向他/她表达祝福,而自己得到他人的生日祝福时,则应该表示谢意说Thank you. 【记忆链接】Happy New Year! 新年快乐! Happy/Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! Happy Teachers,Day!教师节快乐! Happy Children's Day! 儿童节快乐! Happy Mother's Day! 母亲节快乐! 4.Guess! 猜! 这是一个祈使句。省略了主语you。 【例如】-- Who is that man 那个男人是谁? -- Guess! 猜! -- Is he your father 他是你的爸爸吗? -- Yes.是的。 5.日常表达: (1)当你想问别人几岁时,你可以说:How old are you (2)当别人生日时,你可以说:Happy Birthday! (3)当你想给别人一样东西时,你可以说:Here you are. (4)当你想让别人猜一猜时,你可以说:Guess! 【知识梳理3】Grammar 语法 1.数词:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten (1)数词的含义及其用法:表示“多少”和“第几”的词,叫数词。其用法相当于名词或者形容词。表示数目多少的数词,也叫做基数词。 (2)数词(基数词)与可数名词的搭配使用: ① one+可数名词单数。例如:one bag 一个书包,one book -本书 ② two / three / four...+可数名词复数。例如:two dogs两只狗,three cats三只猫 2.be动词:is 前面我们已经学过be动词is的用法。当主语为第三人称代词单数it (它)时,后面用be动词is。 【例如】It is a cat.它是一只猫。 It is my dog.它是我的狗。 3.祈使句:Blow. 我们已经学过不少祈使句。在本单元中,进一步介绍了祈使句句型。 Guess. Blow.虽然只有一个单词,却是一个句子,省略了主语you,表示说话人的一种建议。 【例如】-- How old are you 你几岁? -- Guess.猜猜看。 4.can的用法 can意为“能,会,可以”,是个情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,其后接动词原形。变否定句时,在can后面加not,can和not可以缩写为can't。 【例如】I can count. 我会数数。 I can't write with the left hand. 我不会用左手写字。 5.Be动词引导的一般疑问句 (1)be动词:am, is, are (2)肯定句:表示肯定的意思, 即不含有否定词“不”。 【例如】我是一个学生 I am a student. 他去上学 He goes to school. (3)否定句:表示否定的意思。 【例如】我不是一个男孩。 I am not a boy 他不去上学 He does not go to school. (4)一般疑问句:将be动词提到主语前面,回答为“是yes”或者“否no” 【例如】你是一个学生吗? --- Are you a student --- Yes, I am 这本书有趣吗? --- Is the book interesting? --- Yes, it is. (5)肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句的相互转换 ① 肯定句变否定句:在am, is, are后面加上not,其余按顺序照抄。 ② 肯定句变一般疑问句:把am, is, are提前放到句首并大写Am, Is, Are,其余照抄。 6.Yes/No question: Are you… Yes/No,… 用来回答一般疑问句,所以说Yes/No question也叫做一般疑问句。含be动词的陈述句变一般疑问句是将陈述句中的be动词提到句首(其他地方稍作改变)。 【例如】-- He is my friend.他是我的朋友。 -- Is he your friend 他是你的朋友吗 ◆注意:陈述句中的my (我的)在变一般疑问句时要变为your(你的),陈述句中的I在问句中要变成you,相应be动词am变成are。 【例如】I am eight. 我八岁。 → -Are you eight 你是八岁吗 一般疑问句的回答: 肯定回答:Yes,主语+提问的助动词 否定回答:No,主语十提问的助动词的否定形式 -- Are you eight 你八岁吗 -- No,I'm not./Yes,I am.是的,我是。/不,我不是。 【友情提示】一般疑问句的语序和肯定句不同,把be动词放在句首,并注意大写变化。 肯定句: Ben is a student.本是一名学生。 一般疑问句: Is Ben a student 本是一名学生吗 Is ben a student (错) 【友情提示】Ben为人名,无论放句首、句中还是句末第一个字母都要大写。 完形填空解题技巧 完型填空主要考察学生的词汇量以及对于语境的分析及理解。 阅读理解之完形填空做题步骤与要领: 第一步:细读首句、跳过空格、通读全文、掌握大意 细读首句:明确短文话题,了解篇章结构预测全文内容。 跳过空格,快速通读,领会大意,把握中心。 生词的处理:跳过、判断词性、了解大意、猜测。 第二步:上下联系,逐句阅读,先易后难,初定答案。 答案要求语法正确,搭配无误,结构完整,意思通顺前后一致逻辑得当。 怎样分析: A.从空格所在的句子单独考虑。 B.从空格所在的前庙2-3句考虑。 C.从整个段落、整篇短文考虑。 第三步:复读全文,逐个核对,验证答案,坚定信心。 怎样验证答案: ①所选答案是否能使全文流畅,逻辑推理是否正确。 ②具体实事是否成立,前后关系是否理顺。 ③语法是否正确,其中包括时态的选择、词汇选择、固定搭配等。 ④在通读全文时最好在可能的条件下将所选答案填入文章中,反复阅读。 【例题精讲】中译英 1. 几岁 _____________________________ 2. 谢谢你 ____________________________ 3. 生日聚会__________________________ 4. 切蛋糕 _____________________________ 5. 给你 _____________________________ 6. 画一棵树 ___________________________ 7. 数到三____________________________ 8. 写或读 _____________________________ 1. how old; 2. thank you;3. birthday party; 4. cut the cake ;5. to you;6. draw a tree;7.count to three; 8.write or read 【巩固练习】 一、根据要求改写句子 1. I can draw a tree. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) ______ ______ draw a tree ______, I ______. 2. I'm eight years old. (划线提问) ______ ______ are you 3. He is fine. (划线提问) ______ ______ he 4. She is eight. (改否定句) She ______ ______ eight. 5. I'm Kitty. (划线提问) ______ your ______ 1. Can you.. . No... can't 2. How old 3. How is 4. is not 5. What's. . . name 二、完形填空 (A) Sally do well in Maths. One day, her Maths teacher asks her in class, "How much is two plus (加) two " Sally thinks for a long time. But she can't any answers. Then the teacher tries to help and says, "Now, your mother gives you two apples, your father gives two apples you. How many have you got in all (总的) " This time Sally answers quickly, "Five. " Sally says, "Look, I've already (已经) got one!" ( )1. A. isn't B. don't C. doesn't ( )2. A. give B. gives C. gave ( )3. A. she B. hers C. her ( )4. A. for B. to C. at ( )5. A. pears B. apples C. peaches 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B (B) Today is Peter’s birthday party. It at two o’clock in the afternoon. Children some orange things to the party. Because it is an party. Orange is Peter’s colour. Look, they have many orange things now. They are all very . ( )1. A. begin B. begins C. start ( )2. A. bring B. brings C. take ( )3. A. blue B. pink C. orange ( )4. A. best B. like C. favourite ( )5. A. happy B. tired C. sad B C C C A 一、正确书写,注意大小写、标点 happy birthday thank you 二、按要求写单词 1.hear(同音词) ____________ 2.yummy(同义词) ____________ 3.three(同类词)____________ 4.Peter(与划线部分发音相同)________ 5.can (否定形式)__________ 6.your (主格)____________ 7.I’m(完整形式)___________ 8.I(所有格)____________ 1. here 2. nice 3. two. .. 4. he... 5. can't 6. you 7. I am 8. my 三、读一读,辨音,用T或F表示 ( ) 1. he she ( ) 2. Eva jam ( ) 3. bad fat ( ) 4. Jane hand 1. T; 2. F;3. T; 4.T 四、用所给动词填空 cut blow yummy nine party 1.I have a _____________ for my birthday. 2.Kitty! Please the candles (蜡烛). 3.Let me the cake. One for you and one for me. 4.Let's count the candles. You are years old. 5.The cake is very . I like it very much. 1. party 2. blow 3. cut 4. nine 5. yummy 五、请将下列各题做出肯定和否定回答 1.Is this a box Yes, . No, . 2.Is Mike your brother Yes, . No, . 3.Is Lily at home Yes . No, . 4.Are they ducks Yes, . No, . 5.Are you tired Yes,______________. No, . 6.Is that a teacher's desk Yes, . No, . 1. it is, it isn't 2.he is, he isn't 3. she is, she isn't 4. they are , they aren't 5.I am, I am not 6. it is, it isn't 六、看图,写数字 I’m ______. I’m ______. I’m ______. He is ______. 1.eight 2.six 3.nine 4.three 七、选择单词,完成句子 1.Happy birthday ______(to / for) you. 2.Here's a gift ______(to / for) you. 3.I'm two years old. I can't read ______(or / and) write. 4.I'm ______(only / on) one! I can’t jump. 5.Happy birthday! ______(Happy birthday /Thanks) 1. to 2. for 3. or 4. only 5. Thanks 八、选择题 ( ) 1. How old are you A. Fine thank you. B. I' m ten years old. C. He is fine. ( ) 2. How is your father A. He is 38 years old. B. He is fine, thank you. C. He is my father. ( ) 3. Here you are. A. OK. B. Oh, thank you. C. Sit down, please. ( ) 4. Blow the candle, Alice. A. Here you are. B. OK C. Thank you. ( ) 5. Are you eight A. Yes, I' m seven. B. Yes, he is seven. C. No, I'm seven. 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 九、问答句配对连线 1. What's this A. I’m fine. 2. How old are you B. Thank you. 3. Happy birthday to you. C. My name is Alice. 4. What’s your name D. It;s a pie. 5. Are you eight E. I’m four. 1.D 2.E 3.B 4.C 5.A 十、连词成句 1. is birthday it your today ________________________________________ 2. Cat am Mr. I ________________________________________ 3. old father is how your ________________________________________ 4. this yummy taste cake is it ________________________________________ 5. cake you a you for thank ________________________________________ 1. It’s your birthday today. 2. I am Mr Cat. 3. How old is your father 4. Taste this cake. It’s yummy. 5. A cake for you. Thank you. 十一、根据图片完成对话 1.-- How old are you -- I'm ______ ______ ______. 2.-- Can you ______ ______ ______ -- Yes, I can. --______ ______ to you! --Thank you! 4.-- Here is a gift ______ ______. -- Oh, ______ ______very much. 5.-- ______ the cake, please. -- Oh, it’s yummy! 6. I can ______the cake ______a knife. 1.six years old 2.draw a tree 3.Happy birthday 4.for you ;thank you 5.Blow 6.cut ;with 十二、根据提示完成对话 A: Good afternoon. B: Good ______. A: What’s ______name B: My name ______Alice. A: How ______you B: I' m eight. It’s ______ birthday today. A: Oh,______ ______to you! B:______ ______ very much. afternoon, your, old are, my, happy birthday, Thank you 十三、勾出下列单词中e发音与he e发音相同的单词 egg( ) me( ) face( ) she( ) hen( ) cake( ) 4.she, 2. me 十四、完形填空 1 a fine morning, 2 of my friends, Tom, Peter and Eddie are going to have a 3 on the grass in Century Park. We are going to 4 at the underground station because it is faster for us to 5 by the underground. We are going to 6 at Century Park Underground Station. It usually 7 us half an hour to get there. We plan to buy some 8 out of the park. We will buy some kind of 9 , bread and something 10 . ( )1. A. In B. On C. At ( )2. A. many B. four C. three ( )3. A. lunch B. picnic C. meeting ( )4. A. meet B. go C. stand ( )5. A. go B. ride C. come ( )6. A. get B. get on C. get off ( )7. A. spends B. waits C. takes ( )8. A. food B. flowers C. sugar ( )9. A. a fruit B. fruit C. fruits ( )10. A. to drink B. eat C. having 1-5. B C B A A 6-10. C C A B A (
) 一、正确书写,注意大小写、标点 happy birthday to you blow Alice 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.How old (be)you I (be)nine years old. 2.How old (be)he He (be)ten. 3.What's (you)name (I)name's Kitty. 4.What's (she)name (she)name's Alice. 1. 主语是you,be动词用are, I 的be动词使用am 2.主语是he,be动词用is 3. 句意: 你的名字是?我的名字是Kitty。your;my 4.句意: 她的名字是?她的名字是爱丽丝。her;Her 1. are. . .am 2. is. . . is 3. your. . . My 4. her. . . Her 三、根据要求改写句子 I can draw a tree. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) ___________ ___________ draw a tree , I . I'm eight years old. (划线提问) ___________ ___________ are you He is fine. (划线提问) ___________ ___________ he She is eight. (改否定句) She___________ ___________ eight. I'm Kitty. (划线提问) your 1. Can you.. . No... can't 2. How old 3. How is 4. is not 5. What's. . . name 四、选词填空 is are yummy have am
Hello, I am Peter. Today is my birthday. There is big birthday party in my home. I (1) many friends. They all come to my party today. Look. Here (2) my cake. The cake is (3) . we sing a song. Then I blow out the candles and cut the cake. I (4) very happy. My friends (5) happy, too. have, is yummy, am are 五、改写句子 1. That man is my father. (改成一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) 2.They are Lily’s cousins. (改成一般疑问句,并作否定回答) 3.There are some stars in the sky. (改成一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) 4.We are good boys.(改为一般疑问句) 5.My father is watching TV.(改为一般疑问句) 1. Is that man your father Yes, he is. 2.Are they Lily’s cousins No, they aren’t 3.Are there any stars in the sky Yes, there are 4.Are you good boys 5.Is your father watching TV 六、根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F) An Old English Saying “Early to bed, early to rise makes people healthy, wealthy and wise.” This is an old English saying. Children should have ten hours’ sleep every night, or they can't do their work very well. They will not be wise. The body needs exercises. Walking, running, swimming and playing ball games are all exercises. Exercises keep the body strong. ( )1. Early to bed, early to rise makes people healthy, wealthy and wise. ( )2. We talk about walking. ( )3. Our body needs exercises. ( )4. Children should have ten hours' sleep every night. ( )5. Running isn't exercise. 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F 七、阅读后选择正确答案 Tim and Simon are brothers. They're both twelve. They study at Park School. Timmy is in Class One, Grade (年级) Five. But Simon is in Class Five. They like sports. They're going to skate (滑雪) on Saturday. Now they're listening to the weather report on the radio. "Friday is going to be cold and cloudy. But it is not going to rain. The temperature is going to drop (下降). It's going to snow. From Friday night to Sunday, it is going to be cold and sunny." Timmy and Simon are happy. The weather is going to be good for a skate. They are going to have a good time. ( )1. Tim and Simon are . A. friends B. classmates C. brothers ( )2. They're in . A. the same class B. different grades C. the same grade ( )3. What's the weather like on Friday A. It is going to rain. B. It's going to be cold and cloudy. C. It's sunny. ( )4. What do they like to do A. They like to skate. B. They like to listen to the radio. C. They like to see snow. ( )5. Timmy and Simon are . A. happy B. sad C. tired ( )6. On Sunday the weather is going to . A. Warm and wet B. cold and snowy C. cold and fine 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. C 八、作文 Write at least 5 sentences(班上转来了一个新同学,请向这个新同学介绍你自己,至少5句话,3种以上句型) About Me _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 写作思路分析: 1.介绍自己的姓名、年龄和住址 2.介绍自己的兴趣爱好,以及旅游经历等 3.总结概况-最后一句话表达自己交友的意愿 优秀范文: My name is Lily. I am 10 years old. I live in Shanghai. I have many hobbies. I like reading books, playing basketball and making friends. I also like traveling with my parents. We have visited many places, such as Beijing, Xi'an, Chengdu and so on. I am happy and kind, and I want to be your friend.
