
姓名_________________________ 准考证号_________________________
1. 本试卷分听力和笔试两部分。全卷共12页,满分120分,考试时间120分钟(含听力测试20分钟)。
2. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在本试卷相应的位置上。
3. 答案全部在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。
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1. A. B. C.
2. A. B. C.
3. A. B. C.
4. A. B. C.
5. A. B. C.
6. A. At 9:00 p.m. B. At 10:00 p.m. C. At 11:00 p.m.
7. A. Tom’s. B. Bob’s. C. Ann’s.
8. A. At a museum. B. At a zoo C. In a shop.
9. A. Books. B. Sports. C. Music.
10. A. The bike is too old to ride.
B. The girl’s sister can still use the bike.
C. He can help the girl fix the bike easily.
11. How did Mrs. Lee feel when her kids fought with each other
A. Angry. B. Stressed. C. Worried.
12. When did the story happen
A. On Sunday evening. B. On Sunday afternoon. C. On Sunday morning.
13. What was John doing while Lisa was doing homework
A. Listening to music.
B. Helping with housework.
C. Working out math problems.
14. Why was Lisa a little angry
A. Because John fought with her.
B. Because John refused to help her.
C. Because her mother didn’t allow her to go out.
15. What does the story mainly tell us
A. Practice makes perfect.
B. Many hands make light work.
C. Where there is a will, there is a way.
The Palace Lantern (宫灯) Maker — Feng Huailin
Introduction * He is 16 years old and lives in Yuncheng, Shanxi. * His family has made lanterns for centuries. * The lanterns held some of his childhood 17 .
Facts * In his hometown, people 18 the lanterns as best wishes. * Feng’s palace lanterns are much closer to 19 life.
Opinion Nowadays, people 20 ever use palace lanterns. But the culture and tradition behind them should be there forever.
Have you ever heard of the story of liangshangjunzi
In the Eastern Han Dynasty (25—220), there was a man named Chen Shi. He was clever and always ready to help others, so his friends and neighbors all liked him.
One year, there was a serious famine (饥荒), 26 many people had nothing to eat. One night, a thief (小偷) went into Chen Shi’s room quietly and stayed on the house beam (房梁) in 27 . He thought, “After the man went to bed and 28 , I would take something away.” However, Chen Shi found the thief very soon. He asked his family to come into his room and said to them, "Nobody is born bad. They are 29 not strict with themselves, so they will do something bad. But if someone always does bad things, it will be 30 for him to be a good man. Please look up. The man on the beam is just a 31 example.”
After that, the thief had a feeling of 32 . He jumped down from the beam and said to Chen Shi, “Your words shamed me. I have 33 I’m wrong. I will try to be a good man. Can you let me go ”
Chen Shi said YES and gave something to the thief. Later the thief became a kind and great man.
26. A. so B. but C. or
27. A. danger B. silence C. surprise
28. A. gave up B. fell down C. fell asleep
29. A. simply B. clearly C. suddenly
30. A. hard B. magic C. strange
31. A. silly B. crazy C. typical
32. A. success B. luck C. shame
33. A. feared B. realized C. reported
Kids in China can receive hongbao as gifts on Chinese New Year. Many can get enough pocket money from their parents. Many can make money by helping with the chores. Quite a few kids want to save their money but don’t know how. Here comes some advice.
A. Make a saving plan D. Develop a habit of saving B. Save money together E. Keep money somewhere safe C. Buy things you need
Children may have trouble saving all their money, but it is easier to save a little each week by getting into a saving habit. Such a habit can start with saving for a toy or a book.
As a saying goes, “Making a good plan is half the work.” Also, we make many kinds of plans, such as study plans, work plans and travel plans. So it is important to make a saving plan. For example, you can plan to save 100 yuan every month.
Both adults and kids can be impulse spenders (冲动消费者). When doing some shopping, do not buy what you want but what you really need. This way, you can save some money.
We all know the importance of keeping money safe. Usually middle school students get money in cash (现金). They can keep it in a money box and put it in a safe place. It’s also a good idea to keep money out of sight.
Saving money is more fun when you’re doing it with someone else. Find a friend or a family member who also wants to save money. Then you two can work together to carry out your saving plan and make it come true.
Mrs. Smith is excited and happy because her son David won the Writing Competition again. David is happy, too. He always says to his friends, “I got into the good habit of reading because of my mom. She began reading stories to me when I was 2 years old.” As a park cleaner, Mrs. Smith got to know the importance of reading because of the book The Read-Aloud Handbook.
The Read-Aloud Handbook ◆About its writer Jim Trelease comes from America. He is good at writing and drawing. His writing has appeared in The New York Times, a famous newspaper in America. ◆About the book ☆It’s a must-read for parents on reading aloud to children. ☆This book not only teaches children how to read, but it also tells them to have “desire (渴望)” to read. ☆It’s a New York Times best-seller. ◆Comments (评论) on the book This book is about more than reading aloud. It’s about time that parents, teachers, and children spend together in a loving and sharing way. —The New York Times The Read-Aloud Handbook offers an enjoyable reading experience to both children and parents. —Schlesinger, an American writer
39. Which of the following is TRUE about David
A. His biggest hobby is reading books.
B. He has won the Reading Competition twice.
C. His mother helped him develop the reading habit.
40. What does Mrs. Smith do
A. A writer. B. A teacher. C. A cleaner.
41. What can we learn about the book
①Its writer and its readers. ②Its price.
③Its main idea. ④Its success.
A. ①③④ B. ②③④ C. ①②④
42. How does Schlesinger like The Read-Aloud Handbook
A. Cheerful. B. Touching. C. Educational.
43. What is the purpose (目的) of the passage
A. To tell us how to choose a good book.
B. To let us know the importance of reading.
C. To show us reading is useful in writing a story.
In a few hours, Sam would be flying to Germany. We looked at each other but no sound broke the silence.
Such a situation was not the first time for me. On Sam’s first day of primary school, I felt his stress when holding his hand. He looked at me—as he did now. But I said nothing till the school bus came. Years later, I drove him to the college. He was sick but I didn’t know then. I thought he was just too tired. I tried to think of something to say as he would start a new life. Again, ▲ .
Now, as I stood before him, I thought of those moments we parents all let pass. A boy graduates (毕业) from school, or a girl gets married. We seldom find a quiet moment to tell them what they have meant to us. Or what they might face in the future.
“Sam,” I said, “if I could have picked, I would have picked you.” I wasn’t sure whether he understood what I meant. Sam came towards me and hugged (拥抱) me tightly, saying “thank you”. My eyes were full of tears. Then, the moment ended, and Sam left home.
That was seven weeks ago, and now I think about him when I walk along the beach. What I had said to Sam was not new. It was nothing. But, it was everything.
44. Which of the following can be put in ▲
A. his illness worried me B. I didn’t say any words C. I decided to go abroad
45. Which is the right order
a. Sam was sick on the way to college.
b. Sam went to Germany.
c. The writer thought about the child-parent relationship.
A. a-c-b B. b-c-a C. a-b-c
46. How did Sam feel when he heard “if I could have picked, I would have picked you”
A. Afraid. B. Worried. C. Excited.
47. What does the writer mean by writing “But, it was everything.”
A. A son should take his father’s advice.
B. A father should show deep love to his son.
C. A father should care about his son’s feelings.
48. What’s the best title for the passage
A. Silent Love B. Leaving Time C. Close Friendship
It is normal that middle school students experience more or less stress and pressure. They feel stressed and worried, especially when the big exam comes. If they always have no idea how to relax, they will feel more stressed. 49
Do exercise. People think worry and pressure can go with sweat (汗水). 50 Although they are tired, exercise allows them to have a peaceful mind. Why not have a try It really works. By the way, never think doing exercise is a waste of time.
51 Sleeping can be the best medicine for us to become energetic (充满活力的), Even a 15-minute nap (小睡) before the afternoon class can make students feel better. Please remember, “More sleep, less worry and pressure.” So develop a healthy sleeping habit.
Learn to use time properly. 52 One of the reasons is that they can’t finish the paper within limited exam time. So it’s important and necessary to use your time properly in daily study. This way, you can do well during an exam.
Work harder and improve yourself. Usually, if someone is good at all the school subjects, he or she has less pressure from school work and exams. So work harder to improve yourself. 53
In a word, having pressure is common. We should face it bravely and find our way out.
A. Have a good sleep. B. Too much pressure is bad for us. C. Here are some ways to help have less pressure. D. Quite a few students feel nervous during an exam. E. For students, running or playing sports can be of help. F. This way, you can be strong enough to face the pressure.
When we talk about products (产物) of technology, what can you think of The Internet, robots, smartphones, WeChat or artificial intelligence (AI) AI isn’t a new or strange name to us any longer. We know it can do many jobs and help people work in a safer and quicker way. So can AI be of any help to students If YES, how
Chart Ⅰ
Maybe you have heard about another amazing thing about AI—it can help to write a story or a book as long as you offer right prompts (提示词). Here is one example.
The Land of Machine Memories ☆ It is a science fiction novel. ☆ A professor called Shen Yang at Tsinghua University gave prompts and AI finished the book by itself. ☆ In October 2023, it won second prize at the fifth youth popular science and science fiction competition, organized by the Jiangsu Popular Science Writers Association in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.
Chart Ⅱ
However, quite a few people worry that AI will make people lose their jobs and creativity in the future. Who knows Just wait and see how the future goes with AI.
54. How can AI help people according to the first paragraph
55. What can be put in ▲
56. What is The Land of Machine Memories
57. Why is Chart Ⅱ given
58. Do you think AI will be better at writing than human beings Why or why not
There are many kinds of books in a big library, from picture books to classics. Among them, the picture books seem the least popular, so they are not happy.
“ 59 do you look a little sad ” a student’s book asks.
“Because many famous books always laugh at us. They think we are not real books at all, because there 60 few words on us—just many pictures. And they don’t think we can help people,” a picture book answers. Another picture book adds, “They even don’t want us to stay in the library.”
61 they finish speaking, the student’s book says nothing. He thinks for a few minutes and says, “I don’t think those famous books are right. Usually, good readers or 62 begin to read books from a very young age. When they were young, they weren’t able to read. Their parents would read picture books to them. Then they can be great readers and writers slowly. . So you should feel proud (自豪的) instead 63 being sad.”
The picture books feel better and say thanks to the student’s book.
he usual thick collect protect especial one build begin decide succeed volunteer
43-year-old Xu Liqiang set up a wildlife (野生动植物) protection group in Qingdao, Shandong Province years ago. The group is for 64 and saving wild animals and plants. He and his team 65 in saving over 1,700 wild animals and about 400 plants ever since 2020.
Xu grew up in a village in Qingdao. As a kid, he knew many animals and plants because 66 dad often took him to climb the mountain. Later he got to know many animals were endangered from news. At college, he 67 volunteering in the wildlife protection society (社团) in Qingdao. In 2017, Xu gave up his job and made a(n) 68 to put all his heart into wildlife protection.
“In the beginning, my family disagreed with me and some got angry, 69 my mother. When I sold my car 70 an animal shelter (庇护所), she thought I was crazy. She didn’t think I could make any difference to wildlife protection. I could understand my mother. But I really want to do something 71 to protect them,” Xu said.
In 2018, Xu started the district-level Chengyang Wildlife Protection Society in Qingdao, the 72 of its kind in Shandong. Now there are about 5,000 73 in his team, including forest officials, policemen, teachers and reporters.
“I hope more people can join us,” Xu said.
假如你是李华,请你根据以下提示内容,以“My Favorite Book”为题写一篇英语短文,介绍你最喜欢的一本书。
☆What’s your favorite book
☆What is the book about
☆Why do you like the book
1. 词数不少于70;
2. 需包含以上所有提示内容,可适当发挥;
3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。
My Favorite Book
6-10 CABCB
11-15 CAABB
16. 63/sixty-three 17. memories 18. regard 19. modern 20. hardly
21. Good evening! / Evening!
22. Yes. / Yes, I do. / Of course. / …
23. Where is the museum / Where is it / …
24. Good! Great! / That sounds good / great! / …
25. We can go there together. / We can visit the museum together. / Let’s go there together. / Let’s visit the museum together. / …
26-29 ABCA 30-33 ACCB
(A) 34-38 DACEB
(B) 39-43 CCAAB
(C) 44-48 BACBA
(D) 49-53 CEADF
54. It can do many jobs and help them work in a safer and quicker way.
55. Provide interactive learning. Make learning more interesting. / …
56. It is a science fiction novel.
57. To show us AI can help (people) to write a book. / To show us AI can write a great book. / …
58. No, I don’t. Because human beings are more creative than AI.
(评分标准:只要所给答案符合要求,且表述无误,即可得满分;如所给答案符合要求,但表述有误,以5个小题为单位,单词拼写、大小写、标点错误累计3处扣1分,语法错误累计2处扣1分。第54小题只写出It can help people work in a safer and quicker way. 给1分。第58小题为开放性试题,第一问1分;第二问3分。第一问:只要写出自己的观点,且表达正确即可得1分;第二问:分四个层次给分:能写出自己想说的话,且理由充分、表达正确,可得3分;能写出自己想说的话,但理由不充分,可得2分;抄原文,可得1分;答案内容与题目无关,得0分。)
(A) 59. Why 60. are 61. After / When / As 62. writers 63. of
(B) 64. protecting 65. have succeeded 66. his 67. began 68. decision
69. especially 70. to build 71. unusual 72. first 73. volunteers
One possible version:
My Favorite Book
Reading is very important in people’s whole life. I have read many books since childhood. Among them, my favorite book is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
It was written by Mark Twain. He wrote this book according to his own experiences. The book is about a smart boy, Tom Sawyer, and his unusual childhood. Tom lives in a small town on the Mississippi River in America. He takes some unbelievable adventures with his friends. However, he doesn’t fear in the face of difficulties.
The book is special to me because it’s my birthday gift from my dear father. What’s more, I learned a lot from Tom Sawyer. His story encourages me to try hard to achieve my dream and never give up. It also tells me that we should always be honest in life. I will keep the book forever.
1. W: The sky is becoming dark.
M: Yes. The rainstorm will come soon.
2. M: What are you reading, Tina
W: Journey to the West.
3. W: Do you know who invented the camera
M: Sorry, I don’t know.
4. M: Is bamboo pandas’ favorite food
W: Yes. An adult panda can eat lots of bamboo every day.
5. M: Mom, I want to have some fun in the park.
W: OK. We will do it tomorrow.
6. M: Anna, what did you do last night
W: I was writing my report at 10:00 p.m. And an hour later, I went to sleep.
Q: When did Anna go to bed last night
7. W: Is this your toy car, Bob
M: No, I don’t have such a toy car. It belongs to Ann’s little brother, Tom.
Q: Whose toy car is it
8. W: Sir, don’t give food to tigers. It is dangerous!
M: Sorry, I won’t.
Q: Where is the man
9. M: The song sounds really good.
W: Yes. It belongs to my favorite band Beyond.
Q: What are the speakers talking about
10. W: I have had this bike for five years. Now it’s too small for me.
M: Why not give it to your young sister
Q: What does the boy mean
Mrs. Lee has two kids. They hardly ever help each other or work together. Instead, they always fought. It made Mrs. Lee worried.
One Sunday evening, Mrs. Lee was doing the chores while her daughter Lisa was doing homework. And her son John was listening to music. Just a few minutes ago, Lisa asked John for help with her math problems. But John said, “I have no time to do such a boring thing.” After hearing that, Lisa was a little angry and ready for a fight again.
After finishing the chores, Mrs. Lee gave each of her kids a chopstick and said, “Now break it.” They broke it easily. Then Mrs. Lee asked each of them to break ten chopsticks. They tried their best to break them, but they couldn’t. Then Mrs. Lee said to them, “If you only care about yourself, you will always be weak and won’t achieve great success. But if you work together and would like to help each other, you can be stronger and more successful.”
Since then, the two kids have never fought because they are always ready to help each other.
Feng Huailin is 63 years old and he lives in Yuncheng, Shanxi. There are always some palace lanterns in his home because he is a lantern maker. Feng’s family has made lanterns for centuries. “I often saw my grandfather and father make lanterns in my childhood. The lanterns held some of my childhood memories,” Feng says.
In his hometown, people regard the pretty lanterns as best wishes for a bright future. That’s why many people gave a set of palace lanterns to their newborn grandchildren. Palace lanterns are popular during the Spring Festival. Last Spring Festival Feng sold about seven sets of lanterns.
Making palace lanterns is hard work. It usually takes Feng and his wife at least a month to make a set of palace lanterns. Feng’s palace lanterns are different because he has made some changes to them. His palace lanterns are much closer to modern life. In the past years, he has considered passing the art on to more people.
“Nowadays people hardly ever use palace lanterns in daily life. But the culture and tradition behind them should be there forever,” Feng says.
21. Good evening! / Evening!【解析】根据上句可知,此处为交际用语。
22. Yes. / Yes, Ido. / Of course. / …【解析】根据上下文可知,此处应作肯定回答。
23. Where is the museum / Where is it / … 【解析】根据上下文可知,此处询问对方这个博物馆的位置。
24. Good! / Great! / That sounds good / great! / … 【解析】根据上下文可知,此处是对对方的说法作出肯定评价。
25. We can go there together. / We can visit the museum together. / Let’s go there together. / Let’s visit the museum together. / …【解析】根据上文“I will visit… I also want to visit the museum.”以及下文“OK”可知,此处提议他们一起去博物馆。
26. A【解析】考查连词词义辨析。so所以;but但是;or或者。句意:有一年,发生了严重的饥荒,所以很多人没有东西吃。故选A。
27. B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。danger危险;silence无声;surprise惊讶。句意:一天晚上,一个小偷悄悄地走进陈寔的房间,安静地待在房梁上。故选B。
28. C【解析】考查动词短语辨析。gave up放弃;fell down摔倒;fell asleep睡着。句意:等男人上床睡觉后,我就拿走一些东西。故选C。
29. A【解析】考查副词词义辨析。simply仅仅;clearly清楚地;suddenly突然。句意:他们只是对自己要求不严格,所以才会做一些坏事。故选A。
30. A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。hard困难的;magic有魔力的;strange奇怪的。句意:但是如果一个人总是做坏事,他就很难成为一个好人。故选A。
31. C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。silly愚蠢的;crazy疯狂的;typical典型的。句意:房梁上的人就是一个典型的例子。故选C。
32. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。success成功;luck运气;shame羞愧。句意:在那之后,这个小偷感到羞愧。故选C。
33. B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。feared害怕;realized认识到;reported报告。句意:我已经意识到我错了。故选B。
34. D【解析】根据该段中的“habit”可知,此处与养成存钱的习惯有关。故选D。
35. A【解析】根据该段中的“plan”可知,此处与制定存钱的计划有关。故选A。
36. C【解析】根据该段中的“When doing some shopping, do not buy what you want but what you really need.”可知,此处表示只买自己需要的东西。故选C。
37. E【解析】根据该段中的“safe”可知,此处表示要把钱存在安全的地方。故选E。
38. B【解析】根据该段中的“Find a friend or a family member who also wants to save money.”可知,此处表示和其他人一起存钱。故选B。
39. C【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段中的“I got into the good habit of reading because of my mom.”可知,他的妈妈帮助他养成了阅读习惯。故选C。
40. C【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段中的“As a park cleaner, Mrs. Smith got to know the importance of reading because of the book The Read-Aloud Handbook.”可知答案。故选C。
41. A【解析】细节理解题。根据文本框中关于这本书的内容可知,并未提及这本书的价格。故选A。
42. A【解析】推理判断题。根据文本框中的“The Read-Aloud Handbook offers an enjoyable reading experience to both children and parents.”可推知,Schlesinger认为这本书是令人愉快的。故选A。
43. B【解析】写作目的题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了David的妈妈读了《朗读手册》这本书之后,意识到了读书的重要性,所以从小培养David的阅读习惯,最后David也在读书中受益匪浅,从而告诉我们读书的重要性。故选B。
44. B【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段中的“He looked at me — as he did now. But I said nothing till the school bus came.”可推知,此处表示作者再一次没有说任何话,B项符合题意。故选B。
45. A【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段、第二段和第三段的内容可知,先是Sam在去大学的路上生病,之后作者在Sam前往德国之前对亲子关系进行了思考。故选A。
46. C【解析】推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“Sam came towards me and hugged me tightly…”可推知,Sam应是很激动。故选C。
47. B【解析】推理判断题。通读全文可知,作者很少向Sam用语言表达自己对他的爱,作者最后对Sam所说的话包含了自己对他所有的爱,作者通过文章最后一句来鼓励父亲们表达自己对孩子的爱。故选B。
48. A【解析】文章标题题。本文主要讲述了作者作为父亲很少用语言表达自己对儿子的爱,A项最适合作本文标题。故选A。
49. C【解析】根据下文可知,此处承上启下,引出能够帮助学生缓解压力的方法。故选C。
50. E【解析】根据上文“Do exercise. People think worry and pressure can go with sweat.”可知,此处与运动有关。故选E。
51. A【解析】根据下句“Sleeping can be the best medicine for us to become energetic.”可知,此处与睡觉有关,且为段落的主旨句。故选A。
52. D【解析】根据下句“One of the reasons is that they can't finish the paper within limited exam time.”并结合备选项可知,此处与考试有关。故填D。
53. F【解析】根据上句“So work harder to improve yourself.”并结合备选项可知,此处介绍努力的结果。故选F。
54. It can do many jobs and help them work in a safer and quicker way.【解析】根据第一段中的“We know it can do many jobs and help people work in a safer and quicker way.”可知答案。
55. Provide interactive learning./Make learning more interesting. / …【解析】根据方框中的“There are many AI interactive learning apps… With them, students can learn in an interesting way…”可知,此处表示AI能够提供互动学习,还可以让学习变得更有趣。
56. It is a science fiction novel.【解析】根据表二中的“It is a science fiction novel.”可知答案。
57. To show us AI can help (people) to write a book. / To show us AI can write a great book. / …【解析】根据文章第二段和表二的内容可知,其目的在于举例说明AI是可以帮助人类写书的。
58. No, I don’t. Because human beings are more creative than AI.【解析】本题为开放性试题,答案不唯一。只要表达正确、言之有理即可得分。
59. Why【解析】考查特殊疑问词。根据下文“Because many famous books always laugh at us.”可知,此处是询问原因。故填Why。
60. are【解析】考查be动词。句意:他们认为我们根本不是真正的书,因为我们上面几乎没有字,只有许多图画。主语为words,时态为一般现在时,be动词用are。故填are。
61. After / When / As【解析】考查连词。句意:他们说完后,学生用书什么都没有说。此处用After / when / As引导时间状语从句。故填After / When / As。
62. waters【解析】考查名词。句意:通常情况下,好的读者和作者在很小的年纪就开始读书。下文中的“writers”是提示词。故填writers。
63. of【解析】考查固定词组。句意:所以你们应该感到自豪,而不是难过。instead of相反。故填of。
64. protecting【解析】考查动词。句意:这个团体旨在保护和拯救野生动植物。介词后用v.-ing形式。故填protecting.
65. have succeeded【解析】考查动词。句意:自2020年以来,他和他的团队已经成功拯救了1,700多只野生动物和约400株植物。此处时态为现在完成时,且主语为He and his team。故填have succeeded。
66. his【解析】考查代词。句意:作为一个孩子,他知道许多动物和植物,因为他爸爸经常带他去爬山。此处应用形容词性物主代词修饰名词。故填his。
67. began【解析】考查动词。句意:大学期间,他开始在青岛市的野生动植物保护社团做志愿者。此处时态为一般过去时。故填began。
68. decision【解析】考查名词。句意:2017年,徐立强放弃了工作,决定全身心投入到野生动植物保护中。make a decision作出决定。故填decision。
69. especially【解析】考查副词。句意:一开始,我的家人不同意我(的想法),有些人生气了,尤其是我的母亲。此处需用副词。故填especially。
70. to build【解析】考查动词。句意:当我卖掉我的车去建一个动物庇护所时,她认为我疯了。此处应用动词不定式表目的。故填to build。
71. unusual【解析】考查形容词。句意:但我真的想做点不同寻常的事来保护它们……故填unusual。
72. first【解析】考查序数词。句意:2018年,徐立强创办了青岛市城阳区野生动植物保护协会,这是山东省第一个区级野生动植物保护协会。故填first。
73. volunteers【解析】考查名词。句意:现在他的团队有大约5,000名志愿者……此处应用可数名词的复数形式。故填volunteers。
