
第一节 听下面五个句子,从每小题所给的A、B、C三幅图中选出与句子内容相关的选项。(每个句子读两遍)
第二节 听下面七段对话,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。(每段对话读两遍)
6.Who cooked the beef curry
A.An Indian cook. B.A Japanese cook. C.A Chinese cook.
7.What does the woman ask the boy to do first
A.To leave soon. B.To go home now. C.To put away his homework.
8.Where are the two speakers
A.In a library. B.In a restaurant. C.In a supermarket.
9.How much is the green windbreaker
A.100 yuan. B.120 yuan. C.140 yuan.
10.Where did Yue Opera come into being
A.In Xizang. B.In Guangdong. C.In Zhejiang.
11.How many roles are there in Yue Opera
A.Three. B.Four. C.Six.
12.How is Sandy feeling now
A.Upset. B.Disappointed. C.Happy.
13.What will Sandy do next
A.Lie to her mother. B. Say sorry to her mother. C.Say bye-bye to her mother.
14.Why does Tim want to go to Beijing
A. To visit his parents. B.To meet his friends. C. To visit the Great Wall.
15.How does Tim plan to go
A.Take the high-speed train. B.Take a plane. C.Take a ship.
第三节 听下面对话,根据你所听到的内容,完成以下表格,每空填一词。(对话读三遍)
A Fashion Show
Date On 16 7t
Place In Wanda 17
How long It will last 18 hours.
Types of clothes School and working uniforms.
Designer Gina Jones,a famous 19 uniform designer.
Purpose To raise money for 20 children.
21.The cheongsam,also called qipao,is well-known traditional Chinese dress.
A.the B.an C.a
22.All living things must depend sunlight,air and water.
A.on B.in C.from
23.Many hands make light work. We all think is important to have team spirit.
A.this B.that C.it
24.Being confident about yourself is the first on the road to success.
A.advantage B.step C.education
25.-Is Mrs Smith a lady
- Yes, I have never seen her get angry with anyone.
A.patient B.strict C.simple
26.-Chang'e 6 landed on the far side of the moon on June 2,2024.
-Wow! This day should be remembered.
A.carefully B.correctly C.successfully
27.There are some Confucius Institutes(孔子学院)in western countries. They do a lot of work to Chinese culture.
A.discuss B.spread C.imagine
28. Of all the students in my class, Lily studies
A.carefully B.more carefully C.most carefully
29.-It's important to keep ahead on safety.
-Well.My advice is some basic first-aid knowledge.
A.knows B.to know C.knew
30.-I need some chocolate. Could you tell me to find it
- Sure. It's in the snack area.
A.where B.why C.how
31.- will Jack come here The plane is taking off.
-Sorry.He will arrive in one minute.
A.How soon B.How long C.How far
32.-What should we do for the disabled children
-You should a study groupto help them.
A.eat up B.set up C.cut up
33.In Chinese families,people won't start dinner the elders take their seats.
A.after B.until C.since
34. Mr. and Mrs. Smith moved to China they could see their children more often.
A.so that B.because of C.as soon as
35.-Could you please tell me
-In Han Dynasty.
A.how the ancient silk road started
B. where the ancient silk road started
C.when the ancient silk road started
Almost every student in China wears a school uniform. What happens to school uniforms 36 students finish wearing them
Ke Nanyu, a student from Beijing,felt it a waste(浪费)to just 37 these used uniforms. As a fashion design lover, she decided to remake these uniforms to make them fashionable. All efforts paid off. Her idea 38 turned into a fashion show.
Ke combined(结合)the uniforms with clothes from the 1970s and 1980s. She also added graffiti(涂鸦)to the uniforms. That's 39 students are following now.
After two days of hard work, Ke made 20 special clothing items. But it was only 40 first step. She was still busy picking clothing models, booking a place for the show, 41 the stage and spreading the event online with her team's help.
On the day of the 42 ,over 300 people came to watch. Ke's team also made special T-shirts to sell. The students were so 43 to see how their uniforms were made into works of fashion.
In the future, the 19-year-old wants to 44 more fashion events.“I want more young people to be 45 to express their feelings through fashion," Ke said.
36.A.once B.until C.before
37.A.take off B.throw away C.put up
38.A.mainly B.slowly C.finally
39.A.why B.what C.how
40.A.herself B.she C.her
41.A.sharing B.watching C.designing
42.A.show B.interview C.game
43.A.sorry B.excited C.relaxed
44.A.receive B.express C.hold
45.A.sure B.patient C.able
第一节 阅读下面A、B、C、D四篇短文,根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳答案。(共20小题)
46.What can we know about the camp
A. It's only for students. B.It lasts for one week.
C.Its coaches are young. D. It doesn't provide training.
47. If a group of 15 people take part in the camp, they can
A.call Carolyn B.get more gifts C.pay less for it D.sign up for free
48. Tom will sign up with his two friends.They need to pay
A.$1,380 B.$1,035 C.$690 D.$345
49.Which of the following does the camp offer
①A goodbye party. ②Two friendly races. ③Three camp hats. ④Eight training courses.
A.①③ B.①④ C.②③ D.②④
50.What is the main purpose of the text
A. To ask people to join the camp.
B. To tell people to try different sports.
C. To invite people to watch dragon boat races.
D.To encourage(鼓励)people to pass on the tradition.
Can people eat dumplings only in China
The answer is NO. Which country makes the best dumplings My friend introduced different kinds of dumplings in 6 countries to me these days. I was so excited for this. In Korean
restaurants, Mandus, a kind of fried dumplings, was very unique. But he thought the filling was on the less juicy side. Gyozas is a kind of classic, light Japanese fried dumplings. They're full of pork,cabbage,onions, and carrots. In China, he liked xiaolongbao. These soup dumplings would warm his heart as soon as he tasted them. They just made him feel at home. In Italy,people can fill anything in dumplings, from meat to cheese or vegetables. Italians call it Ravioli. He found a kind of potato dumplings across Germany. These traditional German dumplings are not filled with anything. People eat these dumplings with meat dishes instead. Are you interested in sweet dumplings Let's go to India to enjoy Modak.
Which kind of dumplings is your favorite We're sure that you'll find at least one to your taste among them.
51.How many kinds of dumplings can you find in this text
A.Four. B.Five. C.Six. D.Seven.
52.According to the text,we can know are fried dumplings.
A.Gyozas and Mandus B.Modak and Mandus
C.Gyozas and Ravioli D. Xiaolongbao and Ravioli
53.What are the traditional German dumplings possibly made of
A.Cheese. B.Carrots. C.Meat. D.Potatoes
54.Which kind of dumplings can warm your heart when you taste them
A.Gyozas. B.Ravioli. C.Modak. D.Xiaolongbao.
55.Which of the following is NOT true according to the text
A.Xiaolongbao can make you feel at home.
B. Modak is a kind of Indian sweet dumplings.
C.The traditional German dumplings are filled with meat.
D.Italian people put meat, cheese or vegetables in their dumplings.
In Jiaxian County in Northwest China's Shaanxi Province, Lu Shengmei is a well-known person. As a doctor, she has spent over 50 years helping people there improve their health.
After graduating from a medical college in Beijing, Lu worked at Jiaxian People's Hospital in 1968. Back then, she had to live in a cave dwelling(窑洞)and use water from the Yellow River.She also had a hard time getting used to the food there. Lu said that she cried many times but she never thought of giving up.
Thanks to Lu, many patients, especially kids, have been taken good of all these years. People trust her and many call her Grandma Lu. Seeing her achievement, many great hospitals once gave her job offers, bu Lu refused them all. She just stays in Jiaxian, where people really need her.
In 1999,Lu retired(退休)from the hospital.However,she continued providing free medical consultations(咨询)for people. Over the past 20years,she has helped more than 100,000 people.In May 2016,she also set up a volunteer group to help the elderly solve difficulties in their lives.
"I'd like to go wherever I am needed because I'm a doctor,"Lu said.
56.Lu's life was when she arrived in Jiaxian.
A.difficult B.peaceful C.enjoyable D.dangerous
57.Why did Lu refuse to work in great hospitals
A.She already had her own family in Jiaxian.
B.She disliked the locations of the great hospitals.
C.She didn't want to leave patients in Jiaxian behind.
D. She couldn't get used to the new working environment.
58.Which is the right order of the following events
① Lu organized a group of volunteers.
②Lu studied at a medical college in Beijing
③ Lu gave free medical consultations to people.
④ Lu helped patients in Jiaxian People's Hospital.
A.②③①④ B.②③④① C.②④①③ D.②④③①
59.What can we learn about Lu from the text
A. She has lived i Jiaxian for about 20 years.
B. She gets on well with her patients in Jiaxian.
C.She lives a relaxing life after her retirement.
D.She calls on people to help disabled people.
60.In which section of a magazine can you read the text
A.People. B.Culture. C.Education. D.Nature.
If you're having a bad day, maybe receiving a gift will cheer you up.That's the idea behind the “kindness packages(包裹)”.
Last summer, a woman, who calls herself "Miss Busy", left her handmade packages in many public places in Calne, Wiltshire, England for people to pick up for free. The packages included inexpensive items like books, cards and notes.
In 2022,Miss Busy had a quite difficult time. One day, she was feeling down. While walking,she saw a beautiful key chain(钥匙链)hanging from a tree. Somehow, the key chain made her feel much better. So she decided to do the same to surprise those who might feel sad. She started making things herself. Slowly, she found herself enjoying making things by hand very much.
When packages were ready, she went into action at once. She hung the packages on trees along walking paths. “I didn't hide them. I wanted them to be discovered," she said.
Local people were excited to find her packages, and some even left some of their own things in the packages for the next person to pick up.
“Some people wrote a few words on the blank(空白的)cards they found and waited for someone else to pick them up. The kindness seemed to be passed on, " she said. “It made me sure I did the right thing."
61.What do we know about the kindness packages
A.People had to pay to get them.
B. They included expensive gifts.
C.The things in them were made by Miss Busy.
D.They could be seen in every corner of the world.
62.What can we know from paragraph 3
A.What Miss Busy did when she was unhappy.
B. Where Miss Busy put her kindness packages.
C.How Miss Busy got the idea of kindness packages.
D.What local people thought about the kindness packages.
63.What did Miss Busy think of making things herself
A.Boring. B.Enjoyable. C.Difficult. D.Meaningful.
64.Why did Miss Busy say she did the right thing
A.She stopped people from feeling sad.
B.Many people thanked her for her help.
C.She made many people like making things.
D. Many people began to pass on kindness like her.
65.What is the purpose of the text
A. To tell us a story about a kind woman.
B. To show us how to make gifts for others.
C.To encourage us to help strangers in need.
D. To get people to make more kindness packages.
第二节 阅读下面短文,从短文后听给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整。(共5小题)
Zigong is a beautiful city in the south of Sichuan Province. You might not know, but Zigong isn't just famous for its food. 66
Chinese lanterns have a rich history. The custom (习俗) of enjoying lanterns at festivals began in Zigong as early as the Tang Dynasty. 67 The festival allows visitors from all over the world to enjoy the beautiful lanterns.
This year, over 2,000 workers spent 60 days shining a light on China's 5,000-year-old culture.Each lantern showed the creativity of the people of Zigong. 68 CDs,plates,food and many other things that you wouldn't expect were all made into colorful lanterns. How unbelievable!Can you imagine At this year's lantern festival, there was a 202.4-meter-long dragon made from 200,000 water bottles. 69
So far, over 500 million visitors have enjoyed Zigong lanterns. 70 In 2023 alone, the lanterns were shown in 71 cities in 19 countries and regions(地区).
when you ride at night.
75.你想邀请Jim 参加你的生日聚会,可以这样问:
In ancient times, homespun, also known as tubu, was popular 81 people of Shanghai,as well as Jiangsu and Zhejiang.
Shanghai's Qingpu homespun dyeing and weaving(染织)skills can date back to 82 end of the Song Dynasty. 83 ,not many people master(掌握)those skills nowadays.In 2021, Qingpu started two training centers to attract 84 (people) interest in homespun dyeing and weaving. Many people went to the training centers, 85 (especial)people aged between 30 and 50.
Homespun is soft and 86 (comfort). At the same time,it is breathable(透气的).So it is perfect to be used as bedding(床上用品) or to make clothes such as shirts, 87 (blouse)and skirts.
To make more people accept homespun, Shen Jiahui, a teacher at one of the training centers,keeps on 88 (design) new things with homespun. Along with her students, she creates handbags and toys. To 89 (they) great pleasure, these new things are selling well.
As we can see, a group of people are working hard to bring homespun back to life. Let's wish them 90 (succeed).
The Fashion Show
Time July 6 to 8,2024
Place at the school hall
Activities watch fashion show;wear beautiful Chinese-style clothes; meet some fashion designers; learn about some brands;
Feeling ...
提示词汇:designer 设计师 brand 品牌
Dear Henry,
I am glad that you are interested in the fashion
1 5.BABCA 6 10.ACBAC 11~15.CABCB
16.April 17.Square 18.2/two 19.Russian 20.poor
21~25.CACBA 26~30.CBCBA 31~35.ABBAC
36~40.ABCBC 41~45.CABCC
46~50.BCBDA 51~55.CADDC 56~60.ACDBA61~65.CCBDA
71.What a nice sweater/How nice the sweater is!
72.I'm proud of you.
73.You must be careful when you ride at night
74.Here is your change.
75.Jim,may Linvite you to /ask you to take part in my birthday party
76.The scarf feels smooth.
77.The basket is full of eggs.
78.The milk is cheaper than the juice./The juice is more expensive than the milk.
79.It's dangerous for children to play football on the street.
80.They will have a picnic if they are free/I'll have a picnic with my family if we are free.
81.With/among 82.the 83.However 84.people's 85.especially
fortable 87.blouses 88.designing 89.their 90.success
A possible version
Dear Henry,
I am glad that you ae interested in the fashion show. I'd like to invite you to the festival.
At the school hall,our school will held the first fashion show from July 6 to 8,2024. You can watch watch many fashion shows and wear beautiful Chinese-style clothes.What's more, you can meet some fashion designers and learn about the stories about their brands. Most of us like it very much. I hope you will come and experience Chinese culture.
I believe that Chinese fashion will become more and more popular around the world in the future.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
第一节 听下面五个句子,从每小题所给的A、B、C三幅图中选出与句子内容相关的选项。(每个句子读两遍)
1.The soup tastes very delicious.
2.I think dumplings are easy to make.
3.We usually use chopsticks when we eat food.
4.I will watch a fashion show at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning.
5.Many young people like to wear jeans these days.
第二节 听下面七段对话,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确选项。(每段对话读两遍)
M: What do you think of the beef curry
W: Pretty delicious. A cook from India cooked it.
M:Do you mind if I go home now
W: Certainly not. But please put away your homework first.Then you can leave.
M: May I take your order,madam
W: Sure. I'd like some roast chicken. Er... and a bowl of noodles.
M:How much are these windbreakers
W: Oh,the blue one is 120 yuan. But if you take that green one, you can save 20 yuan.
M:Maria,what are you watching
W:Oh, it's Yue Opera. People call it the second national opera. It came into being in Zhejiang. Now it is popular in
Shanghai,Jiangsu,Fujian and so on.
M: How many roles are there in Yue Opera
M: Maybe you are right. Thank you for tellng me.
W:You are welcome.
M: What's wrong with you,Sandy You look upset.
W: I failed the English exam. I am afraid because my mother will feel disappointed in me.
M:What does your mother do
W:She is a Chinese teacher.
M:Is your mother very strict with you
W:You're right.
M:Why not tell a lie to your mother
W: No, I won't do that. I will say sorry to her and work harder. I think I can do well next time.
M: Oh,you are an honest girl.
W:What are your plans for this holiday,Tim
M: I plan to go to Beijing.
W:What are you going to Beijing for
M: I want to visit the Great Wall.
W:The Great Wall is very beautiful.
M:You are right.
W:Who do you plan to go with
M: I plan to go with my parents.
W:How do you plan to go
M: I plan to take a plane to Beijing and then take the subway there.
W: That's a good idea. Have a good time.
M:Thank you.
第三节 听下面对话 根据你所听到的内容,完成以下表格,每空填一词。(对话读三遍)
M:Are you free the day after tomorrow,Annie
W:The day after tomorrow Let me see. It's April 7th and it's a Sunday. I'm free that day.What's up
M: I'm going to watch a fashion show in Wanda Square. Would you like to go with me
W: Yes, I'd like to. What's the show about
M: It's about uniforms. We'll see different school uniforms and working uniforms from different countries.
W:Sounds interesting.When will the show start
M: It will start at 9 a.m. and it will last for two hours.
W:By the way,who is the designer
M: It's Gina Jones, a famous uniform designer fromn Russia.
W:Why does she want to host the fashion show
M: She said in an interview that she wanted to raise money for poor children.
W: It seems she is a warm and caring designer.
M:She sure is.
八年级英语答案 第3页(共3页)
