Unit 7 Films Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 同步练(含答案)

Unit 7 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit
1. My mother is a good ___________(讲故事的人).
2. Many students want to be s___________when they grow up.
3. A ___________(西部电影)is a story about cowboys in America.
4. The director is good at joining humour and exciting ___________(动作)together.
5. DJI has taken the leading position in the UAV(无人机) ___________ (产业)in the world.
1.Many young girls would rather _________ (be) an actress.
2.Eddie thinks he is __________(tomorrow) TV superstar.
3.People think he is so _________ (luck) that he has a good teacher.
4.I don't have anything __________ (suit) to wear for the interview.
5.I like horror films.What about __________ (watch) a horror film with me tonight
1. 你宁愿当一名女演员吗?
_______ you _______ _______ an actress
2. 我认为这部电影适合各年龄阶层。
I think this film _______ _______ _______ all ages.
3. 你在电影业中想做什么
What _______ you _______ _______ do in the film industry
4. 米莉是一个如此棒的讲故事的人,以至于她能写出激动人心的剧本。
Millie is _______ a good storyteller _______ she can write exciting scripts.
5. 我宁愿把钱捐给慈善机构,也不愿捐给懒惰的人。
I ________ ________ donate money to the charities________ ________ giving it to the lazy man.
1. really enjoy the English songs______there are many words I don’t quite understand.
A. though B. as C. unless D. when
2. —Which kind of film has beautiful stories
A. The action film B. The science fiction film
C. The horror film D. The romantic film
3. —How about climbing the hill
—I would rather ______ along the river than ______ the hill. I’m a bit tired.
A. walk; climb B. walking; climbing
C. walking; to climb D. walk; to climb
4. —My uncle is against wasting anything.
— No wonder he would rather _____ the old bike than _____ a new one.
A. repair; to buy B. to repair; buy
C. repair; buy D. to repair; to buy
5. The mooncakes are______ delicious ______ I would like to eat more.
A. so; that B. such; that
C. too; to D. enough; to
6. Being a director isn’t suitable _____you. Perhaps you should be an actress _____ .
A. for; instead of B. to; instead of
C. for; instead D. to; instead
7. —Reading a good book makes me happy.
—______. It also helps me a lot.
A. I don’t think so B. I think so
C. I’m afraid not D. No way
1.Jackie Chan is famous as a(n) _____ film star.
2.__________ is another name of cowboy movie.
3.He was a fisherman before entering the car __________.
4.If you are a good __________,you can write exciting scripts.
5.Millie loves __________ films because they always have beautiful love stories.
Jill: Bill, there is going to be a film festival in our town this Sunday. 1. _____
Bill: That sounds so good.
Bill: What type of film do you like best
Jill: Documentaries. 2.______ I am especially interested in animals. How about you
Bill: I like science fiction films. They are really amazing. 3._______
Jill: 4. ______ They are full of strange things. I can’t believe they are real.
Bill: Ah, everyone has his own opinion about films. But you can have a try. 5.______
Jill: Well, if there is a great one, I will watch it with you.
Bill: OK, see you then.
A. I can learn a lot about the world from them. B. Maybe you will change your mind. C. What are your favourite films D. To be honest, I don’t like them. E. I will change your mind then. F. Shall we go to the film festival and enjoy some films G. What do you think of science fiction films
Charlie Chaplin’s parents separated a year after his birth in 1889. He lived with his mother and elder brother in a flat in London. Mrs Chaplin managed to __1__ her children on her own with the money she made as a singer. __2__, their economic (经济的) situation changed when she became ill with laryngitis (喉炎) in 1894. Instead of resting her __3__ until it got better, Mrs Chaplin kept on singing. Her voice got weaker and weaker and she began to find it __4__ to find well-paid work.
One evening Charlie happened to be in the theatre __5__ his mother singing on stage. Suddenly, her voice __6__. She tried to finish the song, but the audience (观众) began to whistle and got angry. Mrs Chaplin could not continue any longer and walked __7__ the stage crying.
The stage manager knew he had to do something quickly to__8__ the embarrassing situation. He remembered Charlie once sang at a party. He __9__ took Charlie by the hand to the stage. After a brief introduction, he left Charlie to please the audience. Charlie began to sing and dance in front of hundreds of people. The audience enjoyed the __10__ very much and began to throw money. __11__ Charlie saw this, he immediately stopped singing and announced to the audience that first he would __12__ the money and then he would finish the song.
The audience found this announcement especially __13__ and started to throw even more money onto the stage. Charlie felt perfectly at home on stage. He did not feel __14__ at all and danced and sang more songs to the audience. To his amazement, there was more __15__ and more money throwing. That night was Charlie’s first public performance on the stage and his mother’s last.
1. A. support B. leave C. ask D. face
2. A. Though B. So C. However D. Besides
3. A. sight B. voice C. smell D. hearing
4. A. easy B. difficult C. interesting D. boring
5. A. feeling B. keeping C. realizing D. watching
6. A. rested B. dropped C. broke D. raised
7. A. onto B. off C. towards D. around
8. A. create B. save C. continue D. explain
9. A. slowly B. patiently C. quickly D. coldly
10. A. thought B. description C. speech D. performance
11. A. If B. Till C. When D. Before
12. A. take out B. throw away C. put down D. pick up
13. A. funny B. lucky C. helpful D. painful
14. A. shy B. sad C. satisfied D. excited
15. A. trouble B. anger C. silence D. laughter
一、1.storyteller 2.superstars 3.western 4.action 5.industry
二、1.be 2.tomorrow's 3.lucky 4.suitable 5.watching
三、1.Would, rather be 2.is suitable for 3.would, like to 4.such, that 5.prefer to, instead of
四、1.A 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.A 6. C 7.B
五、1.action 2.Western 3.industry 4.storyteller 5.romantic
七、1-5ACBBD 6-10CBBCD 11-15CDAAD
