ecanse美辰学校 2023-2024学年第二学 C b期期中学情调查 9 . A, so B . but .
10. A. other B. others C. tho others
八年级 英语试卷
试卷总 分: 90分 考试时间: 70 分钟一、 语法选择 (本 二 、 完形填空 (本大题共 1 0 小题 , 每小题1分,共 10 分)
大恩共10 小恩, 每 小恩1 分: 共 10 分) 请 通 读下 面短 文, 掌扭其大意,然 后在母小题 所给的 四个选项中, 选 出一个
请通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯 最佳答案。
的要求, 从每慰所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 A t ths end of1979 thass wes e TY progrem celled Monkey Fer the most ppile in Englond,
Tbere was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn to bo patient and it was the first time to hear this sto ry. 11 this story is not new to Chincso children. Tho
1 . So, he ssked then t sst !ecmx 2 peer sss thst we f fom thst M nkoy Kirg or Su Wukoug is出 s aaln charac i出 12 Cutsas baok Jcns 0 c
home. The first son went in the winter the second in the spring the third in the summer and the West.
youngest son in the fall lt was common 3 them to spend a long time looking at the The Monkey King isn't just a norma monkey. Because he can make 72 13 to his shape
tree. and sizo.Ho s ablo to 14 himsolf into different animals and objecs How can he make
After they had all gone and come back, he called them together 4. what they bad himse lf into a person It's not easy. 15 he can hide his tail, he can hardly do that What's
seen. Tho frst son said that the treo was ugly and weak The second son disagreed. He said it was moro, to fight against bad people the Monkey King uses a magic stick Sometimes he can make
covered 5 green buds (花蕾) and full ofhope.Tho third son didn 'tagree with e ither of the 16 small enough to keep it in his ear. When it is 17 he can make it big and long.
them. He said it was covered in flowers thnt smelled sweet and 6 beautiful. The last son The Monkey King is very popular and it has rolaxed Chinese children a ot for many years .
also had owm opinon.He said the tree was full of ripe fruit, ready to 8 When the TV program 18 more than 30 years ago, westem children showed rreat .12
The man then explained to his sons that they were all right, they had each seen in reading this story, too. Thoy think the Monkoy King is vory clever and 20 Ho kee s- p
only one season in the tree's lfe. He told them that they coudn'tjudge a trec or a person by only fighting to help tho weak and nevor gives up.
one season. 11. A. Instead B. Howevet C. Finally D . Anyway
You can see how someone changes and grows as time goes by. Some days are happy while 12, A. easy B. special C. expensive D. traditional
10 are sad— . If you give up on someone when they are living through the "winter" of their 13 . A. stories B. changes C . deoisions D. jokes
lives, you will miss the promise of their spring, the beauty of their summer, and the greatness of 14 . A . turn B . hide C. sond D . move
their fall . 1 5 . A. Unless B . Although C. Until D . Since
1. A . wiso B. wiser C. the wisest 16. A. magic B stick C . tail D . person
2 A. e B. an C the 17 . A. impossiblo B. diffioult C . necessary D. comfortable
3, A for B , o C . of 18. A, went out B . camo out C. brought out D . took out
4. A. describe B. to describe c . descibed 19. A. plan B . interest C. habit D. experience
5, A , to B. with C . of 20 . A. oreative B . lucky C. brave D. careful
6. A. look B. looking C . looked
7, A. himse lf B . his C. him 三、 阅读理解 (本大题共 15 小题, 每小题2分,共 30 分)
8. A. havo pickod B . bo p icking C. be picked
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