1. 农场上有许多动物,比如牛和鸡。
2. 巴黎是一座著名的城市。
3. 我喜欢在花园里采花。
4. 动物园里的狮子大声地咆哮。
5. 孩子们一起玩耍时会发出声音。
6. 我们学校有一个大的游戏区供休息时间使用。
7. 我喜欢和朋友一起骑自行车去学校。
8. 让我们数一数篮子里的苹果数量。
9. 奶奶不在时,我想念她。
10. 我的朋友送给我一份生日礼物。
11. 我们不应该走得太远,否则可能会迷路。
12. 不要忘记喂鱼缸里的鱼。
13. 左转,一直走直到看到公园。
14. 图书馆就在邮局旁边。
15. 我有一个梦想,希望有一天成为一名医生。
16. 我们今晚要去剧院看电影。
17. 存钱对于未来很重要。
18. 他在舞台上表演得很好。
19. 当然,我会帮你完成作业。
20. 超级英雄们为了拯救城市而与坏人战斗。
21. 我们在礼堂里举行了学校的大会。
22. 小心玩具,它坏了。
23. 我可以用英语数从四十到六十。
24. 公交车停下了,我在我的站点下车。
25. 消防员和警察是我们社区的英雄人物。
26. 祝你考试好运,我相信你能行。
27. 我们去动物园看动物吧。
1. There are many animals on the farm, like cows and chickens.
2. Paris is a famous city.
3. I like to pick flowers in the garden.
4. The lion at the zoo roars loudly.
5. The children make noises when they play together.
6. Our school has a big play area for recess.
7. I like to go to school by bike with my friends.
8. Let's count the number of apples in the basket.
9. I miss my grandma when she's not here.
10. My friend gave me a gift for my birthday.
11. We shouldn't wander too far or we might get lost.
12. Don't forget to feed the fish in the aquarium.
13. Turn left and go straight until you see the park.
14. The library is next to the post office.
15. I have a dream to become a doctor one day.
16. We are going to watch a movie at the theater tonight.
17. It's important to save money for the future.
18. He performs well on stage.
19. Of course, I will help you with your homework.
20. The superheroes fight the bad men to save the city.
21. We had our school meeting in the hall.
22. Be careful with the toy. It's broken.
23. I can count from forty to sixty in English.
24. The bus stopped, and I got off at my stop.
25. Firefighters and police officers are heroes in our community.
26. Good luck on your test. I know you can do it.
27. Let's go to the zoo to see the animals.