
成都市金牛区实外高级中学高 2022 级 2023-2024学年上 8.Who does the woman buy the beef for
第一阶段考试 高二英语试卷 A.Her daughter. B.Her husband. C.Her son.
(时间:120 分钟 总分:150 分 ) 9.What does the woman say about the chicken
第Ⅰ卷 A.It’s expensive. B.It’s her favorite. C.It’s perfect in the salad.
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分) 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。
第一节(共 5小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 10.What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选 A.Doctor and patient. B.Boss and assistant. C.Husband and wife.
出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回 11.What can we learn about the man
答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 A.He has a cold. B.He often tells lies. C.He’s staying in bed.
1.What’s the color of the sofa 12.What did the woman do with the man’ s problem
A.Green. B.Light blue. C.Brown. A.She put his cigarette out.
2.Where will the speakers sit B.She gave him some medicine.
A.In area 1. B.In area 2. C.In area 3. C.She prepared some hot water for him.
3.Who is the best British writer according to the man 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。
A.Jane Austen. B.D.H.Lawrence. C.Charles Dickens. 13.Why is the man helping the woman
4.What does the woman advise the man to do A.She’s been busy.
A.Eat some food. B.Drink some water. C.Take some medicine. B.She isn’t feeling well.
5.Where does the conversation take place C.She doesn’t know what to do.
A.In an office. B.In Tom’s home. C.In a hospital. 14.What does the woman ask the man to do
第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) A.Boil the water.
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C B.Take care of the kids.
三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小 C.Get the ingredients out.
题 5 秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 15.What will the speakers make at last
听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 A.The sauce. B.The noodles. C.The meatballs.
6.What did the man do last night 16.How often does the man help out in the kitchen
A.He worked all night. A.Never. B.All the time. C.Not usually.
B.He watched a football game. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。
C.He read a story by Shakespeare. 17.Who is the speaker
7.How much of the film did the woman see A.A doctor. B.A headmaster. C.A policeman.
A.The beginning. B.The end. C.The whole film. 18.What is happening at the school
听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。 A.A fire. B.An earthquake. C.A safety exercise.
高 2022级英语试题 第 1页 (共 10页) 高 2022级英语试题 第 2页 (共 10页)
19.What should teachers do San Jose Sharks Hockey
A.Set the alarm. The San Jose Sharks represent the Bay Area in hockey (曲棍球).They were founded
B.Keep the students calm. in 1991 as the only Bay Area team to compete in the NHL.Sharks' fans love going to
C.Lock all classroom doors. these San Francisco sports events at the SAP Center,which they call the Shark Tank,
20.When should students return to their normal activities located about an hour's drive to southeast of San Francisco.
A.Once the bell stops. 21.Which team once won the world championship
B.At the end of the day. A.The Giants.
C.After the second announcement. B.The Golden State Warriors.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分) C.The 49ers.
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) D.The San Jose Sharks.
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。 22.Which of the following is basketball fans' favourite
A A.Oracle Park.
San Francisco Bay Area is a great place to visit if you're a sports fan,as you'll find B.The Chase Center.
several events all year round and plenty of team pride.If you are anywhere close to the C.Levi's Stadium.
area during a game,these fantastic sports events are here for you. D.The SAP Center.
San Francisco Giants Baseball 23.Who is the text intended for
The San Francisco Giants Baseball team plays in San Francisco at Oracle Park.This A.Tour guides. B.Coaches.
is a fun ballpark because it's always packed with great energy and offers views of the C.Team leaders. D.Sports fans.
bay.It's one of the most popular San Francisco sports events.The Giants are part of the B
National League West Division.Since their arrival here in 1958,they have been World One evening I was going back from a supermarket. As I was approaching my car, I
Series Champions three times. noticed that some person came and stood beside me. He was the one that could be
Golden State Warriors Basketball considered as a bum. It seemed that he had no car, no home and no job. I thought that he
The fan base of the Golden State Warriors is distributed in the whole San Francisco would ask me for money, but he did not do that, he only said: “Your car is very nice.”
Bay Area as it is this region's only NBA team.Their regular season runs from late After several moments of silence, I replied: “Thanks”, and then the inner voice told me,
October through mid April,and all home games are played at the Chase Center in San “Ask him if he needs help”. After a short hesitation, I asked him if he needed any help.
Francisco.In total,the Warriors has won seven NBA championships. His response was astonishing. I will never forget those simple three words that I heard
San Francisco 49ers Football from him —“Don’t we all ”
The 49ers are San Francisco's NFL team,though they have recently moved to It was a true discovery to me. I needed help. Although I had money and a place to sleep,
Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara,about an hour's drive to south of San Francisco.The I recognized that I needed help too. Then I opened my wallet and gave him enough
football team was named for the prospectors (探矿者) who arrived in the area in 1849 for money to get a meal and some shelter for a day.
the Gold Rush.They've won 5 Super Bowl championships,all between 1981 and 1994. Suddenly I understood that no matter how much money we have, we all need help. On
高 2022级英语试题 第 3页 (共 10页) 高 2022级英语试题 第 4页 (共 10页)
the other hand, no matter how poor you are and how many material problems you have, reasons for the shortage.
you still might offer your help to others and you still might be giving. Even it’s just a nice “This is an industry-wide shortage,” the owners of Hayward, California-based US
word, you can give that and it can be priceless to other persons. Boba Company said on their Boba Guys Instagram page. “Some boba shops are already
Maybe that man was just a homeless stranger, but to me he was more than that. Maybe out. Others will be out in the next few weeks. 99% of boba comes from overseas.”
he was sent by the Highest Loving Power personally to me to open my eyes and to show Oliver Yoon, vice-president of sales and marketing for Boba Tea Direct, a Chicago-based
me that there is one thing, among all other values, which is very important and nationwide supplier of bubble tea products, told Business Insider that the shortage started
irreplaceable for each and every person. Actually, it is a true gift and it is called Giving. about a month ago and wasn’t likely to end until the end of April at the earliest.
24. Why did the writer give enough money to the man Alex Ou, owner of Tea & Others in San Francisco, said that 70% of her customers
A. The writer had enough money to help. prefer boba drinks. “Some people will not buy drinks if we’re out of boba,” Ou said.
B. He needed money to eat and have a rest. “They’re simply here for the boba.”
C. His words gave the writer deep thoughts. “We have storehouses on both East and West Coast, so compared with other boba
D. The writer is kind and always helps others. brands, there is little impact on us,” said Mai Shi, manager of Kung Fu Tea. “From this
25. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs industry-wide shortage, we see the increasing demand for the entire bubble tea category
A. Not everyone needs help. as people want fresh, made-to-order drinks. We are using this as an opportunity to
B. Giving is as important as receiving. improve our products to attract more customers,” she said.
C. The rich should help the poor. And despite the shortage, Kung Fu Tea is still planning to celebrate its annual
D. A helping and touching word can help others. National Bubble Tea Day when it gives its app users a free drink with a $ 4 credit to use
26. What did the writer probably get from the man on their next order.
A. True meaning of giving. 28.What is the main reason for the boba shortage
B. True meaning of being rich. A.The popularity of boba. B.The rising cost of shipping.
C. True meaning of values. C.The lack of proper storehouses. D.The traffic jams on the Suez Canal.
D. True meaning of gifts. 29.What can be inferred from Alex Mu's words
27. The underlined word “bum” in Paragraph 1 can be a person ______. A.The demand for boba is increasing.
A. who needs money B.The boba shortage will last for a while.
B. who is a homeless man C.Boba is popular among its customers.
C. who is willing to help others D.The boba shortage leads to a loss of 70% of the customers.
D. who is sent by the Highest Loving Power 30.What is Mai Shi’s attitude towards the future of bubble tea products
C A.Positive. B.Cautious.
Bubble tea(珍珠奶茶 ), also called boba, is becoming harder to find as the C.Indifferent. D.Worried.
COVID-19-related shortage takes hold. The blockage of the Suez Canal by a large cargo 31.What will Kung Fu Tea do for its National Bubble Tea Day
ship in March 2021 is causing delays in the global supply chain, which is a big part of the A.Offer its customers free refills.
高 2022级英语试题 第 5页 (共 10页) 高 2022级英语试题 第 6页 (共 10页)
B.Replace boba with other drinks. 33. What does the research mentioned in paragraph 3 tell us
C.Hand out free drinks to its app users. A. Cookies are a kind of food you like while sitting.
D.Run advertisements with a wider reach B. Busy work can make you feel depressed.
D C. A growing body needs proper sports.
The COVID-19 has changed every aspect of our lives, including our eating habits. D. Food choices may influence our moods.
Comfort food was made for times like these, and it seems the healthy-food trend that took 34. How does the author like the Mediterranean eating diet
root in recent years is reversing(彻底转变), at least for the time being. Shopping habits A. It’s connected with higher rates of depression.
have changed to be in favor of old processed foods like frozen pizza, hot cakes and B. It may cause mental illness.
canned spaghetti, convenience foods with long shelf life that are designed. C. It's healthy.
No judgment here. Money is tight in many households, and busy parents are putting D. It includes too much fat.
breakfast, lunch and dinner on the table in between video conference meetings. Besides, 35. Which of the following can be the best title for the text
convenience foods are engineered to taste good and make us feel good (at least in the A. Can healthy food provide relief
short term). B. Do food choices affect our waistlines
But you might want to save room for something green on your plate, if you can find C. What can contribute to mental illness
it at the store. That's because a growing body of research is showing that our food choices D. How can we beat the COVID-19
don't just affect our waistlines. What we eat also may affect our moods and behavior -and 第二节 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中
not in the “I can't believe I ate a dozen cookies in one sitting" sort of way. Rather, there 有两项为多余选项。(共 5小题;每小题.2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
may be something in the food we're eating (or not eating) that's influencing our state of While some lucky people are born with the gift of artistic power, others have to study
mind. to become fluent in the language of art. 36 . If the artistic path is calling you,
The emerging(新兴的)field of nutritional psychology states that modern Western begin the journey with tiny steps and follow it. Here are some ways to show you how to
diets have contributed to increased rates of mental illness, particularly depression. Diets become a true artist.
that follow a Mediterranean pattern of eating-with a lot of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, Try a generous choice of differing forms of art. If you have never spent much time
nuts, beans, fish and olive oil-have been connected with lower rates of depression. A diet creating art, it may feel challenging to try to become an artist. 37 . They just
change of just a few weeks has been found to lift moods. need to express their creative ideas in a great way. If there is a specific type of art you
As a third of all Americans are reporting that the coronavirus pandemic has done would like to learn more about, go for it, but don't be afraid to branch out and try other
harm to their mental health we might need nutritious food more than ever. forms as well. Some of the most basic forms of art include drawing, painting, sculpting,
32. Why are convenience foods with long shelf life designed and photographing.
A. To change shopping habits. Do your research and learn the basics. 38 . Learn as much as you can about
B. To meet customers’ shopping habits. the medium-read books and articles, watch educational videos, and research various
C. To show the healthy food. methods and other artists. One of the best ways to learn is by studying the work of others
D. To change the taste of food. who have come before you. If you put effort, it is completely possible to teach yourself
高 2022级英语试题 第 7页 (共 10页) 高 2022级英语试题 第 8页 (共 10页)
how to be a great artist. Need help 39 . I’ll work for sure. quiet apartment. I like it, because it’s so 55 .
40 Many artists devote their lives to creating art. While you do not have 41.A.grandsons B. daughters C. brothers D.sons
to spend every single second of your day working on a painting, do try to dedicate some 42. A.humor B.pride C.direction D. smell
time each day (or every other day) to working on your project, whatever it might be. 43.A.new B.happy C. small D.formal
44.A.extremely B.gradually C. suddenly D.hardly
A. Make creating art your favorite. 45.A. study B.family C.career D.life
B. Make time for your art every day. 46.A.harmful B. helpless C.impossible D. meaningless
C. The truth is that all people are artists. 47.A.taught B.changed C. mattered D.suffered
D. Pick up some books on your chosen form(s). 48.A.difficult B.boring C.exciting D.sweet
E. You can always further your research with an art class. 49.A.draw B.write C.live D.love
F. A key part of being an artist is observing the world around you. 50. A. cheat on B.talk with C. apologize to D. hear from
G. Whichever path you are on, be clear that everyone is an artist. 51.A.pain B.trouble C.courage D. pleasure
52.A. begged B.cared C. thought D.expected
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 30分) 53.A.difference B.sense C. service D. waste
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分) 54.A.money B.time C.food D. knowledge
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 55.A.empty B. peaceful C. expensive D. noisy
My grandfather was rich but had no sense of responsibility. Three of his four 41 第Ⅱ卷
including my father grew up uneducated. Besides, they had the wrong sense of 42
第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
that created this feeling of shame in doing 43 jobs. So from the time when I can
remember, we were 44 poor.
My resources (time, pens, school uniform etc.) were short, which influenced my
I started volunteering when I 56. (be) 13 years old for the organization
study. Bad neighborhood also affected my 45 badly. When I came in 10th grade, I
Cats in Need. This was a dream come true for me — not only because I had dreamed of
failed in my exams. I only got 6% marks in the exams. My friendship was gone, and
57. (become) a veterinarian ( 兽医), but also because I love cats.
everything was 46 to me. I talked to myself and came to realize that nothing 47
Once a week, I would feed the cats, clean 58. (they) litter boxes and
a lot except a good education. Luckily, one of my uncles guided me in the 48 time.
spend plenty of time socializing with them. Playing with the cats that would come and go
Though the poverty made me 49 a hard life, it also made me become a reliable
was easily my favorite part. But 59. wasn’t always easy to say goodbye, even
man. While so many people around me felt ashamed to 50 rickshaw pullers(人力
though seeing them get adopted by loving families was one of the most meaningful
车夫),I could find much 51 when talking with them, which always made us laugh
60. (part) of the job.
happily. I thought they were hard-working. Anyone who works hard is respectable. I also
This experience not only taught me the 61. (important) of responsibility, but
52 buying small things and drinking a lot with friends are a 53 of money. For me,
it also reminded me how special it is to bond with (建立联系) an animal. My time with
only a few things are worth my hard-earned 54 . I am living a simple life in a
高 2022级英语试题 第 9页 (共 10页) 高 2022级英语试题 第 10页 (共 10页)
Cats in Need really taught me 62. (believe) that we should all treat animals _____________(set) up in the past ten years.
with just as much respect 63. we’d treat any other human being. The 81. The suggestion_____________(discuss)now is of great value.
relationships you create 64. them can be even 65. 8 2. Professor Yang _____________(invite) to the film festival twice so far.
(powerful) than that of any person in your life. 83. Up to now, a large number of schools ______________(build)in this area.
84. The flower ___________(smell)terrible should be taken out of the room.
第四部分 基础检测(共两节,满分 20分) 85. You’d better use the ___________(boil) water to make tea.
第一节(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
在括号中填入一个适当的单词,或用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,或根据汉语 第五部分 写作(共一节,满分 20分)
提示填单词 假定你是李华,想邀请外教Henry一起参观中国剪纸(paper-cutting)艺术展。请给
66. Indeed, education is one of the most__________(effect) means for people to break 他写封邮件,内容包括:
away from poverty. 1.展览时间、地点;
67. To our ___________(relieve), he recovered his health and went back to work. 2.展览内容。
68. Her reply showed that she was very ____________(sense) to criticism. 3.期待参与。
69. ___________(science) research is widely claimed to be the source of the high 注意:
standard of living in the US. 1.词数 100 左右;
70. He received a medal in reward for his _______________(brave) 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
71. The Great Wall is known for its long history and its_______________(magnificent). Dear David,
72. The patient is seriously ill and is being kept under continuous ________________________________________________________________________
_______________(observe) ________________________________________________________________________
73. Seeing him enter the room, the young man struggled _____________ his feet. ________________________________________________________________________
74. The experiment didn't turn _____________as expected. Yours,
75. Over 10,000 birds a year die ______________ smashing into Windows. Li Hua
第二节(共 10小题,每小题 1分,共 10分)
76. So many things ___________(do)to save the local wildlife, such as setting up reserve
and making laws.
77. China Daily, first ____________(publish)in 1980, is very popular with students of
English in China.
78. The room is empty except for a bookshelf __________(stand)in one corner.
79. I am ____________(treat) at the hospital now, so i can’t go to the cinema at present.
80. Great changes ____________(take)place in my hometown and a lot of factories
高 2022级英语试题 第 11页 (共 10页) 高 2022级英语试题 第 12页 (共 10页)
