牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit 1 Know yourself 知识点及练习(含答案)

Unit1 Know yourself
1.make sb do使某人做某事
2.feel good 感觉好
feel well 身体好
3.well organized 很有条理
4.people with different personalities 有不同品性的人
5.keep sth in good order使...保持好的秩序
6.show off炫耀
7.patient enough足够耐心
8.repeat sth for sb为某人重复 ..
9.be curious about sth对..充满好奇
e up with sth = think of sth想出...
11.get angry easily容易生气
12.a born artist一个天生的艺术家
13.make a good accountant= be a good accountant 成为一个好的会计
14.impress sb with sth用..给某人留下印象
15.work without speaking all day long一整天不说话的工作
16.win high praise 赢得高度表扬
17.give up sth/give up doing sth 放弃某事 /做某事
18.work for 为..工作
19.day after day日复一日
20.make sb unhappy使某人不高兴
21.the general manger of .. 总经理的
22.take the lead处于领先地位
23.fall behind 落后
24.take on new challenges接受新的挑战
25.connect ...to/with 与..相连
26.afford to do负担的起 ..
27.pay attention to sth/doing sth注意..
28.work to high standards向着高标准工作
29.a pioneer heart surgeon心外科带头人
30.can’t be too+形容词再 ..也不为过
31.work extra hours 额外工作
32.devote ...to sth /doing致力于...
33.respect sb尊敬某人
34.accept one’s advice 接受某人的建议
37.not only...but also 不但..而且
38.Chinese lunar calendar中国农历
39.represent a lunar year代表阴历的一年
40.the cycle of …的循环
1.Neither his parents nor he likes to show Off.
2. Li Ting can make a good teacher because she never gets angry easily.
3.My sister is well organized and she keeps everything in her bedroom in(good) order.
4. It's patient of you to explain grammar rules to us.
5. He is creative enough to come up with all kinds of ideas.
6. We are always taught/ told to share things with others.
7. It's impossible for him to finish lunch in two minutes.
8. To the doctors a miss is as good as a mile. They can't afford to make any mistakes.
8. If you don't study the map carefully you may fall behind others.
10. The artist doesn't like to talk much but his work often shouts.
11. His painting won high praise from the teachers.
12. As a general manager he always works to high standards.
13. I'm ready to take on new challenges any time.
14. No one paid attention to his words/ what he said just now.
15. You don't need to pay too much attention to details.
16. You can't be too careful when driving a car.
17.His personality is the most suitable for this job.
18. She devotes most of her spare time to studying.
19. My father is the chief engineer of the high-speed railway connecting Shanghai to Nanjing.
20. It's really boring to work with numbers day after day.
21. The game is suitable for both the young and the old.
22. You should think twice before replying to her email.
23. Either my father or my mother does the dishes after supper.
24. Neither of the brothers is a born artist.
25. Not only the students but (also) their English teacher pays attention to this matter.
26. Happiness never depends on how much money you have.
27. Who do you think shapes/ will shape your future
28. It's said that people born in the Year of the Monkey are very clever.
29. The cake was divided into eight pieces in all at my birthday party.
30. People born under the same animal sign have similar personalities.
31. Alice learnt to paint just for fun instead of being an artist.
32. Neither animal signs nor star signs can decide our personalities.
33. Do you mind doing extra work for the class meeting
34. He is never afraid of making a speech in front of us.
35. Who is more suitable for the position than her
36. I think he has all the qualities of a monitor.
37.Who was recommended as/to be the new general manager yesterday
38.She has been absent from class/school for a whole week(in order) to look after her sick mother.
39. Neither Paul nor Sam has been used to driving on the right since they came toChina.
40. The house is so beautiful that it's as good as a palace.
41. Neither of them ate up the cake.
42. You can either accept the result or keep silent.
43. What should we pay attention to to prevent a cold
1.- What happened to her that cold winter morning
- I don’t know, and I’m also curious it.
A./; of B.in; about C.on; about D.on; for
2.The beginning of the mover was boring , the end was amazing!
A.but B.and C.so D.or
3.The shops were closed, I didn’t get my milk last night.
A.but B.as C.so D.or
4. my father my mother takes good care of me. I love them.
A.Either, or B.Both, and C.Neither, or D.Not only, but also
5.Not only my father but also I interested in swimming.
A.is B.am C.are D.be
6.We all know how wonderful you are. There is no need to .
A.show off B.give up C.take care D.carry on
7. went by, and still no message about MH370 arrived.
A. Day after day B. Hand in hand C. Face to face D. One by one
8.Millie is quiet and modest and easy .
A.to work B.work with C.to work with D.to work with her
9.Lucy is to listen to her grandfather’s long story.
A. enough patient B. patient enough C.enough patiently D. patiently enough
10.—Have you ever watched the show “The Brain” on Jiangsu TV
— Yes. And a boy called Zhou Wei impressed us his super brain.
A. for B. on C. with D. as
11.Hurry up, you will miss the plane.
A.and B.but C.or D.so
12.Simon has all the qualities a good chairperson.
A. be B. is C.to be D.will be
13.There will be a railway Siyang to Shanghai in the future.
A.connect B.connecting C.connected D.to connect
14. my father my mother take good care of me. I love them so much.
A. Either; or B. Both; and C. Neither; nor D.Not only, but also
15.—Does the project need further discussion
—Sure. It’s a very important project. .
A.Many hands make light work B.Better late than never
C.We can’t be too careful D.We can’t take it into our heads
1.My mother always does the ( 洗碗) after supper.
2.Liu Tao is ill, so he is (缺席的) from school today.
3.He is i because he gets angry easily.
4.When the pop star (出现) ,everyone wants to take photos with her.
5.The wonderful snow attracted (吸引)our a .
6.We can (塑造) our life and future only by ourselves.
7.The doctor will make a (演讲)next week.
8.Jim’s father is the (总的) manager of the hotel.
9.Li Hong came first in the 100-metre (赛跑) in the sports meeting last week.
10.Mary is the head of her company and a (先锋) worker.
11.Many business people prefer to choose the (高速的)train, though it means that they need to pay more money for the ticket.
12.A m is as good as a mile.
13.The product of this company has reached to high (标准).
14.You can learn English (语法)by playing this game.
15. Everyone hopes to win (赞扬) from others.
B). 用所给词的适当形式填空
1.Premier Zhou Enlai devoted all his life to ( work) for our country and people.
2.My mother always asks my father to give up ( smoke) many times.
3.Mary is always willing ( help) us with
4.He can wait for a long time without ( get) angry.
5.Not only Tom but also his parents ( be) going abroad.
6.Neither Tom nor his friends ( know) about types of personalities.
7.Suzy is ( create) enough to be a writer.
8.Either you or he ( be) going to the cinema with us.
9.The car accident happened because of driver’s ( care) .
10.We students should pay attention to ( listen) to the teacher in class.
11.We can’t afford ( make) any mistakes.
12.Neither of the twins (like) football.
13.Nancy is such a (live) girl that everyone likes her.
14.We found it important (learn) English.
15. Li Ming goes to see his grandparents at a (fix) date with his parents every month.
I have two computers .
I’m ready to any time.
It’s necessary for us to every detail.
Amy always .
I often help my mother .
We should any time.
I think you’d better .
You either or .
As a doctor, you .
10.Jack 出生在兔年。
Jack was born .
6-10 AACBC
11-15 CCBBC
1.dished 2.absent 3.impatient 4. appears 5 attention
6 shape 7 speech 8 general 9 race 10 pioneer
11 high-speed 12 miss 13 standards 14 grammar 15 praise
1 working 2 smoking 3 to help 4 getting 5 are
6 know 7 creative 8 is 9 carelessness 10 listening
11 to make 12 likes 13 lively 14 to learn 15 fixed
1 in all
2 take on new challenges
3 pay attention to
4 keeps all her things in order
5(to) do some dishes
6 think twice
7 accept others’ advice
8 take the lead; fall behind
9 can’t be too careful
10 in the year of the rabbit
