必修一Unit 1单词英文释义Match题——第一部分答案
Match the word or phrase with its English definition
V1 第一组
F 1 graduate A. feeling uncertain or disoriented; lacking clarity or understanding
G 2 confusing B. relating to or characteristic of the period of life between childhood and adulthood; typically referring to the ages of 13 to 19
D 3 clean up C. a person who offers to do something without being obligated or paid
B 4 teenage D. to make something clean and orderly by removing dirt, clutter, or mess
C 5 volunteer E. in fact; truly; used to emphasize the truth or correctness of something
A 6 confused F. to successfully complete a course of study or achieve an academic degree
E 7 actually G. causing bewilderment or lack of clarity; difficult to understand or follow
A 1 confuse A. to cause someone to be bewildered or to mix up or mistake things or concepts
G 2 sign up for sth. B. at a higher level of progress, complexity, or development; sophisticated or highly skilled
D 3 challenge C. the information, ideas, or creative works that are presented or conveyed
F 4 teenager D. a difficult task or situation that requires effort, skill, or courage to overcome
E 5 ballet E. a classical dance form characterized by grace, precision, and flowing movements
C 6 content F. a person in their teens, typically between the ages of 13 and 19
B 7 advanced G. to enroll or register for something, typically by providing one's personal information or agreement
D 1 debate A. to suggest or endorse something as being suitable, beneficial, or of high quality
C 2 greenhouse B. an act of changing physical position or location; a group of people working together to advance a shared cause or idea
B 3 movement C. a building with transparent walls and roof, used for growing plants that require controlled climatic conditions
E 4 prefer ... to ... D. a formal discussion or argument on a particular topic, usually with opposing viewpoints
F 5 prefer E. to have a higher regard or choice for one thing or person over another
G 6 fluent F. to like or favor one thing or person over another; to have a greater inclination or desire for something
A 7 recommend G. able to express oneself easily and smoothly in a language or skill
G 1 suitable A. a first-year student, typically in high school, college, or university
C 2 title B. appropriate or fitting for a specific purpose, situation, or target audience
F 3 topic C. the name given to a book, movie, work of art, or other creative work
B 4 suitable for D.
A 5 freshman E.
D 6 F. a subject or theme of discussion, conversation, or study
E 7 G. appropriate or fitting for a particular purpose, person, or occasion
必修一Unit 1单词英文释义Match题——第一部分答案
Match the word or phrase with its English definition
V2 第一组
F 1 volunteer A. a building with transparent walls and roof, used for growing plants that require controlled climatic conditions
B 2 confusing B. causing bewilderment or lack of clarity; difficult to understand or follow
D 3 advanced C. to successfully complete a course of study or achieve an academic degree
G 4 topic D. at a higher level of progress, complexity, or development; sophisticated or highly skilled
A 5 greenhouse E. a classical dance form characterized by grace, precision, and flowing movements
C 6 graduate F. a person who offers to do something without being obligated or paid
E 7 ballet G. a subject or theme of discussion, conversation, or study
C 1 content A. feeling uncertain or disoriented; lacking clarity or understanding
A 2 confused B. appropriate or fitting for a specific purpose, situation, or target audience
F 3 recommend C. the information, ideas, or creative works that are presented or conveyed
D 4 teenage D. relating to or characteristic of the period of life between childhood and adulthood; typically referring to the ages of 13 to 19
G 5 movement E. able to express oneself easily and smoothly in a language or skill
B 6 suitable for F. to suggest or endorse something as being suitable, beneficial, or of high quality
E 7 fluent G. an act of changing physical position or location; a group of people working together to advance a shared cause or idea
D 1 suitable A. a difficult task or situation that requires effort, skill, or courage to overcome
A 2 challenge B. a person in their teens, typically between the ages of 13 and 19
G 3 clean up C. to have a higher regard or choice for one thing or person over another
C 4 prefer ... to ... D. appropriate or fitting for a particular purpose, person, or occasion
F 5 freshman E. to cause someone to be bewildered or to mix up or mistake things or concepts
B 6 teenager F. a first-year student, typically in high school, college, or university
E 7 confuse G. to make something clean and orderly by removing dirt, clutter, or mess
A 1 actually A. in fact; truly; used to emphasize the truth or correctness of something
F 2 sign up for sth. B. a formal discussion or argument on a particular topic, usually with opposing viewpoints
B 3 debate C. the name given to a book, movie, work of art, or other creative work
C 4 title D.
E 5 prefer E. to like or favor one thing or person over another; to have a greater inclination or desire for something
G 6 F. to enroll or register for something, typically by providing one's personal information or agreement必修一Unit 1单词英文释义Match题——第二部分
Match the word or phrase with its English definition
V1 第一组
_____ 1 focus on A. having a compulsive or strong desire for a particular substance or activity
_____ 2 attract B. a fully grown or developed person who has reached the age of maturity
_____ 3 editor C. to feel a strong liking or interest in someone or something
_____ 4 adult D. a person who edits and prepares written material for publication or presentation
_____ 5 be attracted to E. a means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation
_____ 6 addicted to F. to give special attention or emphasis to a particular subject, aspect, or detail
_____ 7 solution G. to cause someone or something to be drawn to or interested in something else
_____ 1 extra-curricular A. activities or pursuits that are outside the regular academic curriculum or course of study
_____ 2 quit B. having an obligation to do something or take care of someone; accountable or dependable
_____ 3 be responsible for C. additional or supplementary to what is usual or expected
_____ 4 behaviour D. to have the duty or obligation to take care of or manage something
_____ 5 addicted E. physically or mentally dependent on a particular substance or activity
_____ 6 extra F. the way in which someone conducts oneself; actions or conduct
_____ 7 responsible G. to stop or cease doing something; to resign from or leave a job or activity
_____ 1 generation A. an exciting or daring experience or activity; a bold or risky undertaking
_____ 2 obviously B. to move forward or make progress; to promote or further a cause or idea
_____ 3 advance C. in a way that is easily perceived, understood, or recognized; clearly
_____ 4 plate D. a group of people born and living during the same time period, typically characterized by shared experiences, values, and cultural influences
_____ 5 literature E. a flat, usually round dish used for holding or serving food
_____ 6 youth F. written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit
_____ 7 adventure G. the period between childhood and adulthood; young people considered as a group
_____ 1 addict A. a plan or timetable for a series of events or activities; to arrange or plan something according to a schedule
_____ 2 focus B. the state or fact of having a duty or obligation to do something; the state of being accountable
_____ 3 expert C. to concentrate attention or effort on a particular subject, activity, or task
_____ 4 responsibility D.
_____ 5 schedule E.
_____ 6 F. a person who has a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge or skill in a particular area
_____ 7 G. a person who is physically or mentally dependent on a particular substance or activity
必修一Unit 1单词英文释义Match题——第二部分
Match the word or phrase with its English definition
V2 第一组
_____ 1 solution A. to cause someone or something to be drawn to or interested in something else
_____ 2 extra-curricular B. activities or pursuits that are outside the regular academic curriculum or course of study
_____ 3 behaviour C. to concentrate attention or effort on a particular subject, activity, or task
_____ 4 addict D. the way in which someone conducts oneself; actions or conduct
_____ 5 attract E. an exciting or daring experience or activity; a bold or risky undertaking
_____ 6 focus F. a means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation
_____ 7 adventure G. a person who is physically or mentally dependent on a particular substance or activity
_____ 1 advance A. a flat, usually round dish used for holding or serving food
_____ 2 plate B. physically or mentally dependent on a particular substance or activity
_____ 3 schedule C. to move forward or make progress; to promote or further a cause or idea
_____ 4 be attracted to D. to feel a strong liking or interest in someone or something
_____ 5 editor E. the period between childhood and adulthood; young people considered as a group
_____ 6 addicted F. a plan or timetable for a series of events or activities; to arrange or plan something according to a schedule
_____ 7 youth G. a person who edits and prepares written material for publication or presentation
_____ 1 extra A. to have the duty or obligation to take care of or manage something
_____ 2 be responsible for B. written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit
_____ 3 generation C. having an obligation to do something or take care of someone; accountable or dependable
_____ 4 responsible D. additional or supplementary to what is usual or expected
_____ 5 expert E. the state or fact of having a duty or obligation to do something; the state of being accountable
_____ 6 literature F. a person who has a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge or skill in a particular area
_____ 7 responsibility G. a group of people born and living during the same time period, typically characterized by shared experiences, values, and cultural influences
_____ 1 focus on A. to give special attention or emphasis to a particular subject, aspect, or detail
_____ 2 addicted to B. a fully grown or developed person who has reached the age of maturity
_____ 3 adult C. to stop or cease doing something; to resign from or leave a job or activity
_____ 4 quit D.
_____ 5 obviously E. in a way that is easily perceived, understood, or recognized; clearly
_____ 6 F. having a compulsive or strong desire for a particular substance or activity
(北京)股份有限公司必修一Unit 1单词英文释义Match题——第一部分
Match the word or phrase with its English definition
V1 第一组
_____ 1 graduate A. feeling uncertain or disoriented; lacking clarity or understanding
_____ 2 confusing B. relating to or characteristic of the period of life between childhood and adulthood; typically referring to the ages of 13 to 19
_____ 3 clean up C. a person who offers to do something without being obligated or paid
_____ 4 teenage D. to make something clean and orderly by removing dirt, clutter, or mess
_____ 5 volunteer E. in fact; truly; used to emphasize the truth or correctness of something
_____ 6 confused F. to successfully complete a course of study or achieve an academic degree
_____ 7 actually G. causing bewilderment or lack of clarity; difficult to understand or follow
_____ 1 confuse A. to cause someone to be bewildered or to mix up or mistake things or concepts
_____ 2 sign up for sth. B. at a higher level of progress, complexity, or development; sophisticated or highly skilled
_____ 3 challenge C. the information, ideas, or creative works that are presented or conveyed
_____ 4 teenager D. a difficult task or situation that requires effort, skill, or courage to overcome
_____ 5 ballet E. a classical dance form characterized by grace, precision, and flowing movements
_____ 6 content F. a person in their teens, typically between the ages of 13 and 19
_____ 7 advanced G. to enroll or register for something, typically by providing one's personal information or agreement
_____ 1 debate A. to suggest or endorse something as being suitable, beneficial, or of high quality
_____ 2 greenhouse B. an act of changing physical position or location; a group of people working together to advance a shared cause or idea
_____ 3 movement C. a building with transparent walls and roof, used for growing plants that require controlled climatic conditions
_____ 4 prefer ... to ... D. a formal discussion or argument on a particular topic, usually with opposing viewpoints
_____ 5 prefer E. to have a higher regard or choice for one thing or person over another
_____ 6 fluent F. to like or favor one thing or person over another; to have a greater inclination or desire for something
_____ 7 recommend G. able to express oneself easily and smoothly in a language or skill
_____ 1 suitable A. a first-year student, typically in high school, college, or university
_____ 2 title B. appropriate or fitting for a specific purpose, situation, or target audience
_____ 3 topic C. the name given to a book, movie, work of art, or other creative work
_____ 4 suitable for D.
_____ 5 freshman E.
_____ 6 F. a subject or theme of discussion, conversation, or study
_____ 7 G. appropriate or fitting for a particular purpose, person, or occasion
必修一Unit 1单词英文释义Match题——第一部分
Match the word or phrase with its English definition
V2 第一组
_____ 1 volunteer A. a building with transparent walls and roof, used for growing plants that require controlled climatic conditions
_____ 2 confusing B. causing bewilderment or lack of clarity; difficult to understand or follow
_____ 3 advanced C. to successfully complete a course of study or achieve an academic degree
_____ 4 topic D. at a higher level of progress, complexity, or development; sophisticated or highly skilled
_____ 5 greenhouse E. a classical dance form characterized by grace, precision, and flowing movements
_____ 6 graduate F. a person who offers to do something without being obligated or paid
_____ 7 ballet G. a subject or theme of discussion, conversation, or study
_____ 1 content A. feeling uncertain or disoriented; lacking clarity or understanding
_____ 2 confused B. appropriate or fitting for a specific purpose, situation, or target audience
_____ 3 recommend C. the information, ideas, or creative works that are presented or conveyed
_____ 4 teenage D. relating to or characteristic of the period of life between childhood and adulthood; typically referring to the ages of 13 to 19
_____ 5 movement E. able to express oneself easily and smoothly in a language or skill
_____ 6 suitable for F. to suggest or endorse something as being suitable, beneficial, or of high quality
_____ 7 fluent G. an act of changing physical position or location; a group of people working together to advance a shared cause or idea
_____ 1 suitable A. a difficult task or situation that requires effort, skill, or courage to overcome
_____ 2 challenge B. a person in their teens, typically between the ages of 13 and 19
_____ 3 clean up C. to have a higher regard or choice for one thing or person over another
_____ 4 prefer ... to ... D. appropriate or fitting for a particular purpose, person, or occasion
_____ 5 freshman E. to cause someone to be bewildered or to mix up or mistake things or concepts
_____ 6 teenager F. a first-year student, typically in high school, college, or university
_____ 7 confuse G. to make something clean and orderly by removing dirt, clutter, or mess
_____ 1 actually A. in fact; truly; used to emphasize the truth or correctness of something
_____ 2 sign up for sth. B. a formal discussion or argument on a particular topic, usually with opposing viewpoints
_____ 3 debate C. the name given to a book, movie, work of art, or other creative work
_____ 4 title D.
_____ 5 prefer E. to like or favor one thing or person over another; to have a greater inclination or desire for something
_____ 6 F. to enroll or register for something, typically by providing one's personal information or agreement
_____ 7 G.必修一Unit 1单词英文释义Match题——第二部分答案
Match the word or phrase with its English definition
V1 第一组
F 1 focus on A. having a compulsive or strong desire for a particular substance or activity
G 2 attract B. a fully grown or developed person who has reached the age of maturity
D 3 editor C. to feel a strong liking or interest in someone or something
B 4 adult D. a person who edits and prepares written material for publication or presentation
C 5 be attracted to E. a means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation
A 6 addicted to F. to give special attention or emphasis to a particular subject, aspect, or detail
E 7 solution G. to cause someone or something to be drawn to or interested in something else
A 1 extra-curricular A. activities or pursuits that are outside the regular academic curriculum or course of study
G 2 quit B. having an obligation to do something or take care of someone; accountable or dependable
D 3 be responsible for C. additional or supplementary to what is usual or expected
F 4 behaviour D. to have the duty or obligation to take care of or manage something
E 5 addicted E. physically or mentally dependent on a particular substance or activity
C 6 extra F. the way in which someone conducts oneself; actions or conduct
B 7 responsible G. to stop or cease doing something; to resign from or leave a job or activity
D 1 generation A. an exciting or daring experience or activity; a bold or risky undertaking
C 2 obviously B. to move forward or make progress; to promote or further a cause or idea
B 3 advance C. in a way that is easily perceived, understood, or recognized; clearly
E 4 plate D. a group of people born and living during the same time period, typically characterized by shared experiences, values, and cultural influences
F 5 literature E. a flat, usually round dish used for holding or serving food
G 6 youth F. written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit
A 7 adventure G. the period between childhood and adulthood; young people considered as a group
G 1 addict A. a plan or timetable for a series of events or activities; to arrange or plan something according to a schedule
C 2 focus B. the state or fact of having a duty or obligation to do something; the state of being accountable
F 3 expert C. to concentrate attention or effort on a particular subject, activity, or task
B 4 responsibility D.
A 5 schedule E.
D 6 F. a person who has a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge or skill in a particular area
E 7 G. a person who is physically or mentally dependent on a particular substance or activity
必修一Unit 1单词英文释义Match题——第二部分答案
Match the word or phrase with its English definition
V2 第一组
F 1 solution A. to cause someone or something to be drawn to or interested in something else
B 2 extra-curricular B. activities or pursuits that are outside the regular academic curriculum or course of study
D 3 behaviour C. to concentrate attention or effort on a particular subject, activity, or task
G 4 addict D. the way in which someone conducts oneself; actions or conduct
A 5 attract E. an exciting or daring experience or activity; a bold or risky undertaking
C 6 focus F. a means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation
E 7 adventure G. a person who is physically or mentally dependent on a particular substance or activity
C 1 advance A. a flat, usually round dish used for holding or serving food
A 2 plate B. physically or mentally dependent on a particular substance or activity
F 3 schedule C. to move forward or make progress; to promote or further a cause or idea
D 4 be attracted to D. to feel a strong liking or interest in someone or something
G 5 editor E. the period between childhood and adulthood; young people considered as a group
B 6 addicted F. a plan or timetable for a series of events or activities; to arrange or plan something according to a schedule
E 7 youth G. a person who edits and prepares written material for publication or presentation
D 1 extra A. to have the duty or obligation to take care of or manage something
A 2 be responsible for B. written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit
G 3 generation C. having an obligation to do something or take care of someone; accountable or dependable
C 4 responsible D. additional or supplementary to what is usual or expected
F 5 expert E. the state or fact of having a duty or obligation to do something; the state of being accountable
B 6 literature F. a person who has a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge or skill in a particular area
E 7 responsibility G. a group of people born and living during the same time period, typically characterized by shared experiences, values, and cultural influences
A 1 focus on A. to give special attention or emphasis to a particular subject, aspect, or detail
F 2 addicted to B. a fully grown or developed person who has reached the age of maturity
B 3 adult C. to stop or cease doing something; to resign from or leave a job or activity
C 4 quit D.
E 5 obviously E. in a way that is easily perceived, understood, or recognized; clearly
G 6 F. having a compulsive or strong desire for a particular substance or activity