
1.—How do you like the film Home coming?
—It's_______moving film.I hope to see it again this weekend.(  )
A. a B. an C. the D. /
2.Look at the instruction.It _______"Keep it in the fridge."(  )
A. tells B. writes C. says D. calls
3.People in North China grow wheat,_______people in the south grow rice.(  )
A. so B. as C. when D. while
4.Which of the following words is formed in the same way as"toothache"?(  )
A. invitation B. unimportant C. careless D. wildlife
5.The weather in Beijing is colder than ______ in Shanghai.
A. that B. it C. one D. this
6.I like summer because it is the best season_______in the sea.(  )
A. swim B. swam C. swimming D. to swim
7.The sentence structure of "'We think John the best student." is___.(  )
8.The baby panda looks like a mouse.It is only_______.(  )
A. eight day old B. eight-day-old C. eight days old D. eight-days-old
9.The model Golden Gate Bridge looks_______the real one in America.(  )
A. as wonderful as B. as wonderfully as
C. so wonderful as D. so wonderfully as
10.—Sam,would you like to come to my party this evening?
—_______,but I have to study for the test.(  )
A. Not at all B. I'd love to
C. That's all right D. Don't say it
Sometimes,it's great fun to show people that they are important through some acts of kindness.My daughter Cindy was kind of (1) ______ in the past,but one thing made her very active and outgoing.
I still remember one thing which happened to us the other day.Last (2) ______ ,Cindy had a stomachache,so I took (3) ______ to see the doctor.Before she left,she took some (4) ______ with her in order to help her make more friends.While we were waiting in line out of the waiting room,we saw a (5) ______ standing just beside us.She was very upset and (6) ______ .I had never seen her before,so I said nothing to her.(7) ______ ,Cindy gave a smile card to the old lady and said,"I hope everything goes well."It brought tears to the lady's(8) ______ .She hugged Cindy and said nothing.Later,Cindy gave out five more smile cards to the people who looked (9) ______ that day.
Last Monday,I went shopping with Cindy in a supermarket.(10) ______ we took what we wanted,we went to the counter.To my surprise,I couldn't find my (11) ______ and I didn't know what to do.Cindy was so worried that she wanted to cry.At that time,a lady came to us and(12) ______ the bill for us.Oh,she was the lady who was at the(13) ______ office last month.I said "thank you" to her.She said,"I was moved by your daughter's(14) ______ ."
Now we have always(15) ______ helping others and a smile card is a good tool to do more.Of course,these smile cards have also changed my daughter's personality.
11.A. shy B. smart C. careless D. friendly
12.A. year B. month C. week D. season
13.A. him B. her C. them D. us
14.A. smile cards B. nice pictures C. lovely dolls D. gold coins
15.A. gentleman B. girl C. lady D. boy
16.A. excited B. happy C. patient D. worried
17.A. Actually B. Certainly C. However D. Recently
18.A. ears B. head C. nose D. eyes
19.A. excited B. unhappy C. unfriendly D. surprised
20.A. After B. Before C. if D. Unless
21.A. bill B. basket C. coat D. wallet
22.A. gave away B. handed out C. took out D. paid for
23.A. doctor's B. post C. police D. teacher's
24.A. grades B. kindness C. beauty D. ability
25.A. hated B. minded C. enjoyed D. imagined
People around the world felt excited on the night of April 10,2019.For the first time in history,people saw a photo of a black hole.The photo became popular at once.But do you know it has something to do with a computer scientist Katie Bouman.Without her,there won't be this photo.
Black holes are very far from us,so it is very difficult to take photos of them.It's like taking a photo of an orange that is on the moon.Many scientists had tried.However,none of them succeeded.These failures didn't stop Bouman from trying.Several years ago,she started working on a special computer program.During the past years,she has improved the program many times.Finally,it turned telescope data(望远镜数据)into a photo of a black hole.
Bouman has received lots of praise because of her work.The young woman,however,is modest.She said the success mainly depends on her team."None of us could do it alone,"she said.Would you like to make history as Bouman did?Set a goal for yourself and work hard at it.Maybe you will make it come true in the future.
26.When people saw a photo of a black hole for the first time,they felt very ______ .
A. sad B. excited C. surprised D. calm
27.Why is it hard to take photos of a black hole? ______
A. Because it is too big for us.
B. Because it is too far from us.
C. Because it is too dark to see.
D. Because it is as small as an orange.
28.How did the photo of a black hole come into being successfully? ______
A. By taking a photo of an orange carefully.
B. By working on a special computer program.
C. By turning telescope data into a photo of a black hole.
D. By using more advanced cameras with the help of others.
29.What is the best title of the passage? ______
A. A surprising photo.
B. A great photo of a black hole.
C. Make your dream come true.
D. A photo of a black hole and Katie Bouman.
At the Tokyo Olympic Games, "post-2000s" athletes got 12 of China's 38 gold medals.They shone in the game with their strength and skills.Let's meet some of them.
Li Wenwen,born in 2000,showed her supremacy(最高地位) in the women's weightlifting +87 kg division(分级).She set three new Olympic records.Li has knee pain and just went through the death of her grandfather,but she didn't let these things get her down.Every time she went to lift,she shouted to cheer herself up.
Yang Qian,born in 2000,won the first gold medal of the Tokyo Olympics on July 24 in the women's 10-meter air rifle.Yang won her second gold of the Games,along with Yang Haoran (born in 1996,2)in the 10 m air rifle mixed team event on July 27.
Yang has become one of the most famous athletes in China not only because she has won the first gold of the Tokyo Olympics,but also for her appearance.The duck and carrot-shaped hairclips she wore during the Tokyo Olympics have become hot goods online
Zhang Changhong,born in 2000,broke the world record to win the last shooting gold for the Tokyo Olympics and the fourth for China in wen's 50 m rifle 3 positions on August 2.Unlike his more outgoing peers(同龄人), he is cool and calm.Zhang simply smiled after winning the gold.But this calmness also makes him a good shooter
30.The phrases"post-2000s athletes" means ______ .
A. the athletes born before the year of 2000
B. the athletes born after the year of 2000
C. the athletes who took part in the matches before the year of 2000
D. the athletes who took part in the matches after the year of 2000
31.What can we learn from Li Wenwen? ______
A. We should be good to our grandparents.
B. We should face difficulties bravely.
C. We should protect our knees.
D. We should exercise by lifting weights.
32.Yang Qian becomes famous in China because of winning the first gold and ______ .
A. her age B. her skills C. her family D. her appearance
33.What helped Zhang Changhong win the shooting event? ______
A. His calmness. B. His peers. C. His smile. D. His rifle.
Of the many famous French foods,crepes(可丽饼)are among the most popular.Different types of crepes are prepared around the world.Let's look at where these delicious French foods came from and their influence on food culture.
As one story goes,a thirteenth -century housewife in Brittany,France,carelessly dropped some porridge(粥)onto a hot cooking stone in her kitchen.The lucky result was a flat,thin pancake that was made of wheat.It later became the key ingredient in traditional crepes.
According to another story,crepes date back to the fifth century.The Roman pope(教皇) offered them to French visitors at that time.
The word "crepes" comes from the Latin word "crispa",which means "curled (弯曲的)".
The food can be served in many different ways.Sweet crepes can include fruit,chocolate or cream.When they are served as part of a light lunch or a dinner meal,they may include ingredients such as meat,cheese or vegetables.Usually,crepes either appear in a half-moon or triangle shape,or rolled up like a newspaper.
Food and culture go hand in hand. ▲
The best crepes should have a smooth taste.To produce smooth crepes,the batter (面糊) must be very thin and light.Even with the smoothest batter,the first crepe out of the pan is usually not a success,so it is traditionally offered to the dog or the cat raised by a family.Since crepes come from France,French people have a special holiday just to celebrate this food.The Day of the Crepes falls on February 2.On the day of the holiday,one tradition is to throw a crepe and catch it in the pan held in your right hand while holding a gold coin in your left hand.If you succeed,you will have good luck all year round!
Crepes might be the result of a "happy accident",but it is not by accident that this delicious food has been filling stomachs for centuries.
34.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word "ingredient" in Paragraph 2? ______
A. form B. character C. material D. taste
35.What usually happens to the first crepe out of the pan? ______
A. It is usually eaten by the family pet.
B. It is usually a very successful one.
C. It is usually thrown away carelessly.
D. It is usually given to the little kid.
36.Which sentence may be the best to fill in " ▲" in Paragraph 4? ______
A. It is hard to talk about food without talking about the customs behind it.
B. It is hard to talk about food without talking about the history behind it.
C. It is a tradition to make very thin and light batter.
D. It is a tradition to throw a crepe to have good luck.
37.What does the writer most probably try to say through the last paragraph? ______
A. It is surprising that crepes are still popular today.
B. Crepes remain popular though long time has passed.
C. Many traditional foods were the results of happy accidents.
D. Crepes have made people feel full for centuries.
On October 16,2021,NASA(美国国家航天局)sent a special spacecraft called Lucy into space.Lucy will take a 12-year trip to learn about a group of asteroids(小行星) known as the Trojans.Scientists believe they will provide information on the beginning of the solar system(太阳系).
Asteroids are large rock-like chunks of material(物质).Most of them are found in the asteroid belt,between Mars and Jupiter(木星).One of the asteroids that Lucy will study lies in the asteroid belt.But the other seven asteroids are very far away from Jupiter.They follow the same path that Jupiter takes around the Sun.Some (leading Trojans) travel ahead of Jupiter,and others (trailing Trojans) behind it.
In 2025,Lucy will fly near the first asteroid named Donaldjohanson.To get there,Lucy must first go around the Earth twice.It will use the Earth's gravity(引力) like a slingshot(弹弓) to send it out through the asteroids belt.From there,Lucy will continue on to visit a group of five leading Trojans.It will study these asteroids in 2027 and 2028.Around 2030,it will make another return trip around the Earth.The final trip will send it back out to the far side of the Sun by 2033 to study two trailing Trojans that move around the Sun behind Jupiter.
Lucy uses two large 10-side solar panels to get more or less energy.The trip will be more than 6.3 million kilometers long.Lucy will study these asteroids as it flies past them,sending pictures and other information back to NASA.
38.How many asteroid(s) will Lucy study in all? ______
A. One. B. Five. C. Seven. D. Eight.
39.The underlined "it" in Paragraph 2 refers to ______ .
A. Mars. B. Jupiter. C. the Sun. D. the Earth.
40.When will Lucy circle around the Earth for the third time? ______
A. In 2025. B. In 2028. C. In 2030. D. In 2033.
41.The men then took his mother by the rope and led her.White Fang didn't like this;it was like a trap.He followed them.They went down to the river,and made a camp.He was amazed by what he saw the men do.They were the masters of things not alive.Their tents were especially strange and big to him.
White Fang explored the camp.He met a puppy,who was older than he,called Lip-lip.White Fang wanted to be friendly but Lip-lip suddenly attacked him.They became enemies.White Fang's mother wanted him to stay with her,but White Fang was curious and soon he was exploring again.
Gray Beaver was doing something important with two sticks and some grass.Women and children carried sticks and branches to him.White Fang saw something like mist (雾状物) coming from the sticks and branches,and then,something bright like the sun appeared,and grew.
White Fang went towards this bright thing,and touched it with his tongue.Then he jumped into the air,yelping.Gray Beaver laughed,and told everybody,so they all started laughing,too.Kiche started snarling(咆哮) loudly when she could not get to her cube because of the rope.Poor White Fang sat there crying in the middle of the laughing men.Their laughter hurt him more than the pain caused by the burn.
He went back to his mother and lay down beside her.As night came on,he felt sad.He missed the woods and the cave.Here were so many people making noise,and all the dogs.The men were always doing something,using their power.They were gods!
(1) Where did the men make a camp?
(2) What were these humans doing with sticks and branches?
(3) What happened when White Fang touched the bright thing?
(4) Why did White Fang feel sad that night?
(5) What were humans like according to White Fang?
42.November is the final exam season,and everyone worries about it.As a student with some exam experiences,I want to share some tips that have helped me face final exams.
First,no waiting.I usually begin my review about two weeks earlier.Although the exam preparation starts about one week before the final exam.Don't start it when we are worried by a lot of homework and tests.No one in the final weeks will have much memory of what they learnt in one week.I usually go through the notes I took to refresh(恢复)my memory.This helps me get the parts that I do not understand well and be better prepared for the practice exams that I do later.At least,it gives me a sense of control.This can be very important when you lose yourself.
Second,don't stay up.A lot of people stay up late reviewing before the exam,but this is not healthy at all.Sleep is necessary to get back our situations.In fact,sleep can help strengthen(增强)our memories!I recommend this based on(依赖于)my personal experience—I always feel tired the next day if I go to sleep after 2 a.m.Without enough sleep,I can't stay thinking.We don't need to review instead of sleeping time.
Third,study with friends.This may not work for everyone,but I personally find it helpful.Having friends to study with not only provides us with chances to find out blind spots in our understanding but also allows us to have different ways,which are helpful in problem-solving.Also,studying with friends can keep me thinking,and talking to them can make me calm.
Topic How to face the final exams
Facts The final exam often makes you students (1) ______ in November.
Tips Start (2)
______ ●Start it (3) ______ you're worried by homework and tests.
● Go through the notes to (4) ______ up your memory:
Help you get what you don't understand.
Help you prepare (5) ______ for the later practice exams.
Help you to control (6) ______ .
Don't stay up ●It's (7) ______ to stay up late to review.
●Sleep helps get back your situations and make your memories (8)
______ .
● Sleep well can help stay thinking.
Study with friends ● It (9) ______ you chances to find out blind spots in your understanding.
● It allows you to have different ways and help solve (10) ______ .
● It can keep you thinking and make you calm.
calm down;at weekends;How many;further study;
shone;awful;in fear;clearly;How much
(1) — ______ did you weigh when you were born,Tom?
—My mother says I weighed 2.5 kilograms at birth.
(2) After working for some years,Mr.Wu went to the UK for ______ .
(3) Sam often plays chess with his brother ______ .
(4) They went to the teacher ______ to tell her that they'd broken a window.
(5) Everything will go back as usual when things ______ .
(6) The photo makes me think of that ______ day on the island.
(7) I ______ remember that she was in a white dress when I first saw her at school.
(8) After a short rest,the doctor's voice had come alive and his small eyes ______ .
44.Soon the real noise came,like bombs under the ground.The earth started to s(1) ______ .People screamed in fear.Some ran out of the building.I tried my beat to run out too,but I could not.Outside,people were running in all d(2) ______ while pieces of glasses and bricks were falling down.Then the walls began to come down too!
Finally,the noise and shaking ended.It was dark and s(3) ______ around me.I could not see anything at all,and I did not know i(4) ______ anyone else was near me.I felt n(5) ______ and my heart was b(6) ______ fast. "I'm trapped," I said to myself.A moment of fear went through my m(7) ______ ,but I told myself to calm down since I was still a(8) ______ .
I s(9) ______ for help,but no one came.I started to pull myself slowly through the d(10) ______ .Luckily,there was just enough space for me to move.
45.After Linda ate an ice cream,she found herself even ______ (thirsty).
46.______ ( wolf) eat smaller animals when they are hungry.
47.Many people went to visit Dr.Ma during his ______ (ill).
48.You can ask friends for help instead of ______ (face) the problems alone.
49.Paul made a bird house ______ (keep) the little bird until it could fly.
50.We'll have a big dinner to celebrate my father's ______ (40)birthday.
51.Those ______ (speak) words at the talk show were interesting and meaningful.
Tomorrow ______ -5℃in Huai'an.
What ______ space for wildlife?
______ this map,you may not ______ in this city.
The little dog is thinking about ______ the food ______ .
Now the price of the flats is getting ______ ,many people have no place ______ .
时间 5-7天
活动 1.品尝各种各样的淮安美食。如果喜欢DIY,可以学做淮扬菜(Huaiyang dishes)。
3.去淮安方特(Fantawild adventure theme park)度过美妙的一天,同时更多地学习了解中国的历史与文化。
4.购物:Huaxin Mall
路线 乘高铁(high-speed train)到淮安东站,再打的到淮海广场会合。
Dear Emely.
I'm so happy to hear that you will come to Huai'an this winter holiday.It's my pleasure to show you around this beautiful city.Here is some advice for you._______
I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.
Yours sincerely, Tommy
【解析】a/an是不定冠词,泛指"一个";a 用于辅音音素开头的单词前。an用于元音音素开头的单词前;the是定冠词,表特指。对话中泛指一部电影,moving以辅音音素开头,用a。
【解析】so因此;as像……一样;when什么时候;while然而。根据"People in North China grow wheat,...people in the south grow rice."可知前后句之间表达的是转折关系,因此应用while来连接。
【解析】句意:北京的天气比上海更冷。比较级中为了避免重复,用指示代词that指代上文提到过的名词,所以空格处用that指代the weather。故选A。
【解析】swim游泳。选项A是动词原形;选项B是过去式;选项C是动名词;选项D是动词不定式。根据观察可知题干使用了动词不定式作定语的用法(the best season to do sth做某事的最佳季节),本题答案是D。
【解析】在 "'We think John the best student."中,主语是We,think是谓语,John是直接宾语,the best student是宾语补足语。主语用S表示,谓语动词用V表示,直接宾语用DO表示,宾语补足语用OC表示,所以本题正确答案是C。
"We think John the best student."的句子结构是S+V+DO+OC。
【解析】选项AD形式错误。eight-day-old复合形容词"八天大的",只做定语。eight days old"八天大"。根据The baby panda looks like a mouse.It is only_______.可知,这个熊猫宝宝看起来像一只老鼠。它仅仅八天大。
【解析】wonderful美丽的,wonderfully 完美地,根据题干,这是两者model和real one之间的比较;又因为The model Golden Gate Bridge looks可知,此处应该是形容词作表语,构成主系表句式;此处应该是as+形容词或副词原级+as结构,表示二者一样,此处表示"模型和真的一样美"。
【解析】Not at all 一点也不;I'd love to 我很乐意;That's all right 没关系;Don't say it 别这么说。根据上文Sam,would you like to come to my party this evening?(Sam,你今晚愿意来参加我的聚会吗?)以及下文but I have to study for the test.(但我必须为考试而学习。)结合选项可知,B项,我很乐意。符合语境。
【解析】(1)形容词辨析。句意:我的女儿辛迪过去有点害羞,但有一件事使她非常活跃和外向。A.害羞的,B.聪明的,C.粗心的,D.友好的,根据but one thing made her very active and outgoing.(但有一件事使她非常活跃和外向。)可知辛迪过去有点害羞。故选A。
(2)名词辨析。句意:上个月,辛迪胃痛,所以我带她去看医生。A.年,B.月,C.星期,D.季节,根据last month可知是上个月发生的。故选B。
(3)人称代词辨析。句意:上个月,辛迪胃痛,所以我带她去看医生。A.他,B.她,C.他们,D.我们,根据Cindy had a stomachache,(辛迪胃痛,)可知带她去看医生。故选B。
(4)名词短语辨析。句意:在她离开之前,她带了一些微笑卡片,以帮助她结交更多的朋友。A.微笑卡片,B.不错的图画,C.可爱的洋娃娃,D.金币,根据Cindy gave a smile card to the old lady (辛迪给一位老太太一个微笑卡片。)可知她带了一些微笑卡片。故选A。
(5)名词辨析。句意:当我们在等候室外排队等候时,我们看到一位女士就站在我们旁边。A.绅士,B.女孩,C.女士,D.男孩,根据Cindy gave a smile card to the old lady(辛迪给一位老太太一个微笑卡片)可知看到一位女士。故选C。
(7)副词辨析。句意:然而,辛迪给了老太太一张微笑卡片,并说:"我希望一切都好。"A.事实上,B.当然,C.然而,D.近来,根据I said nothing to her.(我什么也没和她说。)可知表示转折。故选C。
(8)名词辨析。句意:这让这位女士热泪盈眶。A.耳朵,B.头,C.鼻子,D.眼睛,根据It brought tears(它带来了眼泪。)可知是眼睛流泪。故选D。
(9)形容词辨析。句意:后来,辛迪又发了五张微笑卡片给那天看起来不开心的人。A.兴奋的,B.不高兴的,C.不友好的,D.惊讶的,根据However,Cindy gave a smile card to the old lady and said,"I hope everything goes well."(然而,辛迪给了老太太一张微笑卡片,并说:"我希望一切都好。")可知辛迪又发了五张微笑卡片给那天看起来不开心的人。故选B。
(11)名词辨析。句意:令我吃惊的是,我找不到我的钱包,我不知道该怎么办。A.账单,B.篮子,C.外套,D.钱包,根据the bill(账单)可知找不到钱包付钱。故选D。
(12)动词短语辨析。句意:那时,一位女士走过来为我们付了帐。A.捐赠,B.分发,C.带走,D.支付,根据the bill可知一位女士过来付了钱。故选D。
(13)名词所有格辨析。句意:哦,她就是上个月在医生办公室的那位女士。A.医生的,B.邮政,C.警察,D.老师的,根据While we were waiting in line out of the waiting room,we saw a lady standing just beside us.(当我们在等候室外排队等候时,我们看到一位女士就站在我们旁边。)可知她就是上个月在医生办公室的那位女士。故选A。
(14)名词辨析。句意:她说:"我被你女儿的善良感动了。"A.成绩,B.善良,C.美丽,D.能力,根据Now we have always ____ helping others (现在我们总是____帮助他人。)可知被她的善良感动。故选B。
【解析】(1)细节理解题.根据第一段People around the world felt excited on the night of April 10,2019.For the first time in history,people saw a photo of a black hole.(2019年4月10日晚上,世界各地的人们都感到兴奋。历史上第一次,人们看到了黑洞的照片。)可知全世界的人看到黑洞的照片感到兴奋。故选B。
(2)细节理解题.根据第二段Black holes are very far from us,so it is very difficult to take photos of them.(黑洞离我们非常远,所以拍摄它们的照片非常困难。)可知黑洞距离我们太远,所以拍摄起来困难。故选B。
(3)细节理解题.根据第二段it turned telescope data (望远镜数据) into a photo of a black hole.(它把望远镜数据变成了黑洞的照片。)可知要把望远镜的数据变成黑洞的照片才能成功。故选C。
(5)标题归纳题.根据第一段The photo became popular at once.But do you know it has something to do with a computer scientist Katie Bouman.Without her,there won't be this photo.(这张照片立刻流行起来。但你知道这和计算机科学家Katie Bouman有关吗?没有她,就不会有这张照片。)可知本文主要讲述了黑洞照片的成功拍摄和为此做出重大贡献的计算机科学家Katie Bouman。故选D。
【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据Li Wenwen,born in 2000,(Li Wenwen,2000年出生,)Yang Qian,born in 2000,(Yang Qian,2000年出生,)Zhang Changhong,born in 2000,(Zhang Changhong,2000年出生,)可知,post-2000s athletes的意思是00年后出生的运动员。故选:B。
(2)细节理解题。根据Li has knee pain and just went through the death of her grandfather,but she didn't let these things get her down.Every time she went to lift,she shouted to cheer herself up.(Li膝盖疼痛,爷爷刚刚去世,但她没有让这些事情让她失望。每次她去电梯时,她都大声叫自己振作起来。)可知,我们能从Li Wenwen身上学到的是我们应该勇敢面对困难。故选:B。
(3)细节理解题。根据Yang has become one of the most famous athletes in China not only because she has won the first gold of the Tokyo Olympics,but also for her appearance.(Yang Qian之所以成为中国最著名的运动员之一,不仅是因为她赢得了东京奥运会的首枚金牌,还因为她的外表。)可知,Yang Qian成为中国最著名的运动员之一,是因为她赢得了东京奥运会的首枚金牌和她的外表。故选:D。
(4)细节理解题。根据But this calmness also makes him a good shooter.(但这种冷静也使他成为一名优秀的射击运动员。)可知,冷静帮助Zhang Changhong赢得射击比赛的冠军。故选:A。
【解析】(1)词义猜测题。根据第二段The lucky result was a flat,thin pancake that was made of wheat.It later became the key ingredient in traditional crepes.(幸运的结果是一个由小麦制成的扁平薄饼。它后来成为传统薄饼的主要原料。)可知划线词在此处表示"原材料"。故选C。
(2)细节理解题。根据倒数第二段Even with the smoothest batter,the first crepe out of the pan is usually not a success,so it is traditionally offered to the dog or the cat raised by a family.(即使是最平滑的面糊,第一个薄饼都不成功,所以通常给家里的狗或猫吃。)可知第一个薄饼通常给家里的宠物吃。故选A。
(3)推理判断题。根据第四段Food and culture go hand in hand.(食物和文化不可分割。)可知此处表示食物与其背后的习俗密不可分。故选A。
(4)推理判断题。根据最后一段Crepes might be the result of a "happy accident",but it is not by accident that this delicious food has been filling stomachs for centuries.(虽然可丽饼是一种"幸运的意外",但它已经填饱人们的肚子数个世纪了。)可知作者想说,虽然可丽饼已经过去了很长时间,它仍然受欢迎。故选B。
【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段One of the asteroids that Lucy will study lies in the asteroid belt.But the other seven asteroids are very far away from Jupiter.(露西将研究的一个小行星位于小行星带中。但其它七颗小行星离木星很远。)可知露西一共研究8颗小行星。故选D。
(2)代词指代题。根据第二段They follow the same path that Jupiter takes around the Sun.Some (leading Trojans) travel ahead of Jupiter,and others (trailing Trojans) behind it.(它们沿着木星绕太阳的轨道运行。一些特洛伊星在木星前,其它的后续特洛伊星在它后面。)可知it指代前面提到的Jupiter。故选B。
(3)细节理解题。根据倒数第二段Around 2030,it will make another return trip around the Earth.(大约2030年,它会再次绕地球返回。)可知露西在2030年再次绕地球飞行。故选C。
41.【答案】【小题1】By the river.
【小题2】They were making a fire.
【小题3】He got burned.
【小题4】He missed the woods and the cave.
【小题5】They were unfriendly.
【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据They went down to the river,and made a camp.可知人们在河边扎营。故填:By the river.
(2)细节推理题。根据Women and children carried sticks and branches to him.White Fang saw something like mist (雾状物) coming from the sticks and branches,and then,something bright like the sun appeared,and grew.可知树枝上冒出了烟,出现了像太阳一样明亮的东西,由此推出人们在用树枝生火。故填:They were making a fire.
(3)推理判断题。根据Women and children carried sticks and branches to him.White Fang saw something like mist (雾状物) coming from the sticks and branches,and then,something bright like the sun appeared,and grew.White Fang went towards this bright thing,and touched it with his tongue.以及后文Their laughter hurt him more than the pain caused by the burn.可知,人们在用树枝生火,白牙的舌头舔到了火,所以白牙被火烫伤了,很痛。故填:He got burned.
(4)细节理解题。根据As night came on,he felt sad.He missed the woods and the cave.可知白牙感到难过是因为他想念树林和山洞了。故填:He missed the woods and the cave.
(5)推理判断题。根据Poor White Fang sat there crying in the middle of the laughing men.Their laughter hurt him more than the pain caused by the burn.可知白牙被烫伤后人们在嘲笑他,这笑声比疼痛本身更伤人,结合The men were always doing something,using their power.They were gods!可推出白牙认为人类是不友好的。故填:They were unfriendly.
【解析】(1)考查形容词。句意:11月的期末考试常常使学生担忧。根据原文November is the final exam season,and everyone worries about it(11月是期末考试季,每个人都为此担忧),可知期末考试使学生们担忧,make sb.+形容词,使某人怎么样,固定搭配,故此处应填形容词。故填:worried。
(2)考查副词。句意:早点开始。根据First,no waiting.I usually begin my review about two weeks earlier(首先,不要等待。我通常提前两周开始复习),可知此处是指要提早为期末考试做准备。故填:earlier。
(3)考查连词。句意:在为家庭作业和考试担忧之前就开始做准备。根据原文Don't start it when we are worried by a lot of homework and tests(不要在为大量的家庭作业和考试担忧的时候才开始准备),可知是要在此之前就做好准备。故填:before。
(4)考查动词。句意:复习笔记,唤醒你的记忆。根据原文I usually go through the notes I took to refresh(恢复)my memory(我通常复习笔记,恢复我的记忆),可知此处用固定短语wake up,表示"唤醒",不定式符号to后用动词原形。故填:wake。
(5)考查反身代词。句意:帮助你更好地为后来的实践考试做准备。根据原文 be better prepared for the practice exams (更好地准备实践考试),可知此处用固定短语prepare oneself for,表示"为......做准备",由前面的help you,可知反身代词应是yourself。故填:yourself。
(6)考查副词。句意:帮助你控制得更好。根据原文At least,it gives me a sense of control(最后,它给你一种控制感),可知此处是指提早开始准备能帮助你控制得更好。故填:better。
(7)考查形容词。句意:熬夜复习并不健康。根据原文A lot of people stay up late reviewing before the exam,but this is not healthy at all(很多人在考试前熬夜复习,但这根本不健康),可知熬夜复习并不健康,本句用固定句型it is+形容词+to do sth.,it是形式主语,不定式作真正的主语。故填:unhealthy。
(8)考查形容词比较级。句意:睡眠帮助你恢复状态和增强记忆。根据原文In fact,sleep can help strengthen(增强)our memories!(事实上,睡眠有助于增强我们的记忆力!)可知此处是指睡眠能使记忆力更强,make sb.+形容词,使某人怎么样,此处用形容词比较级stronger,表示"更强的"。故填:stronger。
(9)考查动词。句意:它给你提供机会找到理解的盲点。根据原文Having friends to study with not only provides us with chances to find out blind spots in our understanding but also allows us to have different ways(有朋友一起学习不仅提供机会让我们找到理解的盲点,还让我们有不同的方法),可知此处是指和朋友一起学习给我们提供机会找到理解的盲点,空格处应填"提供",主语是it,时态为一般现在时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故填:offers。
(10)考查名词。句意:它让你有不同的方法解决问题。根据原文 allows us to have different ways,which are helpful in problem-solving(让我们有不同的方法,这些方法有助于问题的解决),可知此处是指有不同的解决问题的方法,空格处应填"问题",problem是可数名词。故填:problems。
43.【答案】【小题1】How much
【小题2】further study
【小题3】at weekends
【小题4】in fear
【小题5】calm down
【解析】(1)考查疑问词组。句意:—汤姆,你出生时体重是多少?—我妈妈说我出生时重2.5公斤。how much"多少"符合题意,询问体重用how much...weigh提问。故答案为How much。
(2)考查名词短语。句意:工作了几年后,吴先生去了英国深造。further study"深造"符合题意。故答案为further study。
(3)考查介词短语。句意:萨姆经常在周末和他哥哥下棋。at weekends"在周末"符合题意,介词短语作状语。故答案为at weekends。
(4)考查介词短语。句意:他们害怕地去找老师,告诉她他们打破了一扇窗户。in fear"害怕"符合题意,介词短语作状语。故答案为in fear。
(5)考查动词短语。句意:等事情平息下来,一切都会恢复正常。一般现在时中things后跟动词原形,calm down"平息"符合题意。故答案为calm down。
【解析】(1)考查动词。句意:地球开始震动。根据后文Some ran out of the building.(一些人跑出了大楼。)以及Then the walls began to come down too!(然后墙也开始倒塌了!)可知,是地震了,结合首字母可知,此处指"震动"。shake"震动",动词。start to do sth."开始做某事",固定短语,所以此处填动词原形。故填shake。
(2)考查名词。句意:外面,人们向四面八方跑去,玻璃碎片和砖块不断掉落。根据句意结合首字母可知,此处指"人们向四面八方跑去",in all directions"四面八方",固定短语。故填directions。
(9)考查动词。句意:我大声呼救,但没有人来。根据for help(求救)结合首字母可知,此处指"大喊",shout"大喊",动词。结合后句中的came可知,该句为一般过去时态,所以动词用过去式shouted。故填shouted。
(10)考查名词。句意:我开始慢慢地穿过黑暗。根据前文It was dark and silent around me.(我周围一片黑暗和寂静。)结合首字母可知,此处指"黑暗",根据空前的介词through可知,此处应填名词,dark"黑暗",不可数名词,符合题意。故填dark。
【解析】介词of后跟动名词作介词宾语,instead of doing sth.代替做某事,而不是做某事。
49.【答案】to keep
故答案为:to keep。
52.【答案】the lowest temperature will be
【解析】根据句意提示"明天淮安最低气温将是-5℃",可知本题为肯定句,且为一般将来时态。考虑用the lowest temperature作主语,系动词用一般将来时will be。
故填:the lowest temperature will be。
53.【答案】leads to have less and less
【解析】根据题干,可知需要翻译的是"导致越来越少 ",其英文表达方式是" lead to have less and less ",一般现在时,to后接动词原形。
故答案为:leads to have less and less。
54.【答案】With the help of
【解析】根据句意提示"在这张地图的帮助下,你在这座城市也许不会迷路",可知本题为肯定句,且为一般现在时态。第一空考虑用固定短语With the help of,意为"在......的帮助下";第二空考虑用固定短语get lost,意为"迷路",由空前的may考虑填动词原形形式。
故填:With the help of;get lost。
55.【答案】where to find
【解析】根据题干,可知第一空考查疑问词接不定式;where to find...去哪儿找到……;with his eyes closed他的眼睛闭着,with表示伴随状态。
故答案为:where to find;with his eyes closed。
56.【答案】higher and higher
【解析】居住:live,此处作定语修饰名词place,用动词不定式,表示价格"越来越高"用higher and higher。
故填:higher and higher;to live。
57.【答案】Dear Emely.
I'm so happy to hear that you will come to Huai'an this winter holiday.It's my pleasure to show you around this beautiful city.Here is some advice for you.This trip may take 5-7 days.Firstly,we will go to taste all kinds of delicious food in Huai'an.And if you are interested in DIY,you can also learn to cook some Huaiyang dishes. 【高分句型一】Secondly,we'll visit Huai'an Zoo.It's a wonderful place to learn more about wild animals and watch many rare animals.The next destination is Fantawild Adventure Theme Park.We'll spend a wonderful day there and learn more about Chinese history and culture.If you want to buy souvenirs for your families and friends,you can shop at Huaxin Mall. 【高分句型二】(活动)As for the traffic,you can first take the high-speed train to Huai'an East Station,and then take a taxi to Huaihai Square.We'll just meet there.(路线)
I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.
Yours sincerely, Tommy
And if you are interested in DIY,you can also learn to cook some Huaiyang dishes.如果你对DIY感兴趣,你也可以学习做一些淮扬菜。if引导的条件状语从句。
If you want to buy souvenirs for your families and friends,you can shop at Huaxin Mall.如果你想给你的家人和朋友买纪念品,你可以在华新购物中心购物。if引导的条件状语从句。
