外研版(2024)七年级下册英语课内外短文单词填空测试表Unit3 Food matters(原卷版+答案版)

(1) Delicious memories
The taste (味道) and smell (气味) of a certain food can often bring back memories. Do you have any favourite food memories
Mine start with my mother. She can do magic (魔法,神奇的事) in the kitchen: Tofu and beef become red, hot mapo tofu; carrots and mutton become lovely dumplings; a big fat hen becomes a pot of warm chicken soup (汤); even eggs and green onions become wonderful pancakes (薄煎饼). I always grow hungry thinking of them!
But my favourite food is porridge (粥). I often wake up to the smell of porridge Sometimes, it’s sweet eight-treasure porridge. Other times, it's porridge with pork and thousand-year-old eggs. Each kind of porridge tastes (尝起来) great in its own way.When I fall ill, my mother always makes plain (简单的,清淡的) rice porridge for me. That’s the simplest food on any Chinese menu. For me, however, it's the best food in the world.And it's better medicine (药) than a pill!
Now I'm studying away from home. But all the warm memories stay with me. The old days still feel so sweet in my heart. What food remains strong in your memory
Food across borders
The history (历史) of foods is never simple. Think of ice cream. Many people see it as a Western dessert (甜点). However, this sweet treat (美食,款待) actually came from China! In the Zhou Dynasty, Chinese people began to store (储存) winter ice to enjoy in summer. In the Song Dynasty, people started to make binglao (冰酪,古代类似冰淇淋的食物) - it just means "ice cream" in English. It was a lot like modern ice cream. Folk tales (故事,传说) have it that Emperor Huizong suffered from stomach (胃) pains after eating too much ice. In the Yuan Dynasty, Marco Polo tasted (品尝) binglao and carried the idea all the way back to Europe. People there added heavy cream (奶油) and new tastes. The rest is history!
Sometimes, totally different cultures have similar dishes. Iranians love a kind of flat (扁平的) bread, sangak. People in Shaanxi, China, love stone pancakes (煎饼). These two look almost the same! People often compare roujiamo (肉夹馍) to hamburgers, a symbol of American food. Many people call it the"Chinese hamburger". But in fact, the arepas of Venezuela look more like the twin brother of roujiamo!
Food is a bridge between cultures. When foods cross borders (边界), sweet things can happen.
I had an interesting dining experience at a local restaurant (饭店, 餐馆) last weekend. When I opened the menu (菜单), there were so many choices. I was looking for something special (特殊的, 特别的). Among the items, I saw hamburger (汉堡包), which is very popular in Western (西方的, 欧美的) food culture.
But I also noticed some traditional dishes. For example, there was a dish made with beef (牛肉) and carrot (胡萝卜). I remembered my mom used to cook a similar meal at home. It made me think of mine (我的(东西)) family dinners. There was also a description of a mutton (羊肉) stew. The picture showed a big fat (肥胖的) hen (母鸡) being cooked in a large pot (锅), together with some onion (洋葱(头)). It looked so warming. I decided to order a porridge (粥) in the end.
Sometimes, I prefer plain (无装饰的, 简单的, 朴素的, 单纯的) food, especially when I'm not feeling well. In those times, I think porridge is better than (比) any medicine (药, 药物(尤指口服的药水)) or pill (药丸; 药片). It always remains (继续, 依然(保持某种状态)) my top choice for comfort food. After the main course, I wanted a dessert (甜点, 甜食, 甜品). There was an apple pie (水果馅饼, 派) on the menu.
Just the thought of it made my mouth water. I knew it would be delicious (美味的, 可口的). When I was waiting, I started to think about food connections (联系, 关联). Some foods from different cultures can be surprisingly similar (相似的, 近似的, 类似的). For instance, the flat (平的, 平坦的) bread that Iranian (伊朗人) love and some kinds of Chinese bread. They seem like twin (双胞胎之一的) foods in a way. Food can act as a bridge (桥梁, 纽带) between cultures, and interesting things happen (发生) when they meet.
Back to my pie, I watched the chef make it through the open kitchen. He first put some oil (植物油, 动物油) in a pan (平底锅), added a bit of salt (盐, 食盐) and pepper (胡椒粉). Then he took some pre - made dough, rolled it out, and cut it into slices (片, 薄片, 切片). After that, he added the apple filling, folded the dough, and put it in the pan. He used low heat ((烹饪或加热时的)温度) and kept stirring the mixture (混合液, 混合料) gently until (直到……为止) it turned golden (金色的, 金黄色的).
Finally, he plated it on a nice plate (盘, 碟). I also thought about how food has a long history. In ancient dynasty (朝代), people would store (贮藏, 贮存, 积蓄) food carefully. Ice cream, which we think of as a modern treat, was actually (实际上, 事实上) known in ancient China. "Binglao", as it was mean (意思是) called, was a luxury back then.
There are even folk (民间的, 民俗的) tales (故事) about an emperor (皇帝) who overate ice and suffered ((身体或精神上)受苦, 遭受(痛苦)) from stomach (胃) problems. It shows how food and health are related. These days, with so many new snacks, like different kinds of sandwich (三明治, 夹心面包) or creative snack (小吃, 点心) bars, we need to watch our diet (节食; 规定饮食).
We can follow a simple recipe (烹饪法; 食谱) at home. First, list the ingredients (成分, 食材), then follow each step (步骤). Sometimes, I like to make a simple egg scramble (炒(蛋)). I crack the eggs into a bowl, beat (搅拌, 搅打) them well, add some salt, pepper, and pour the mixture into a hot pan. Stir it quickly. You can also add some onion or other veggies if you like. It's a quick and satisfying meal. And it's totally (完全地, 彻底地) easy to make. When you serve it, you can circle (圈出) the best - looking part with your fork, just for fun.2025七年级下册外研版英语课内外短文单词填空测试表Unit3
(1) Delicious memories
The (味道) and (气味) of a certain food can often bring back memories. Do you have any favourite food memories
Mine start with my mother. She can do (魔法,神奇的事) in the kitchen: Tofu and beef become red, hot mapo tofu; carrots and mutton become lovely dumplings; a big fat hen becomes a pot of warm chicken (汤); even eggs and green onions become wonderful (薄煎饼). I always grow hungry thinking of them!
But my favourite food is (粥). I often wake up to the smell of porridge Sometimes, it’s sweet eight-treasure porridge. Other times, it's porridge with pork and thousand-year-old eggs. Each kind of porridge (尝起来) great in its own way.When I fall ill, my mother always makes (简单的,清淡的) rice porridge for me. That’s the simplest food on any Chinese menu. For me, however, it's the best food in the world.And it's better (药) than a pill!
Now I'm studying away from home. But all the warm memories stay with me. The old days still feel so sweet in my heart. What food remains strong in your memory
Food across borders
The (历史) of foods is never simple. Think of ice cream. Many people see it as a Western (甜点). However, this sweet (美食,款待) actually came from China! In the Zhou Dynasty, Chinese people began to store (储存) winter ice to enjoy in summer. In the Song Dynasty, people started to make (冰酪,古代类似冰淇淋的食物) - it just means "ice cream" in English. It was a lot like modern ice cream. Folk (故事,传说) have it that Emperor Huizong suffered from (胃) pains after eating too much ice. In the Yuan Dynasty, Marco Polo (品尝) binglao and carried the idea all the way back to Europe. People there added heavy (奶油) and new tastes. The rest is history!
Sometimes, totally different cultures have similar dishes. Iranians love a kind of (扁平的) bread, sangak. People in Shaanxi, China, love stone (煎饼). These two look almost the same! People often compare (肉夹馍) to hamburgers, a symbol of American food. Many people call it the"Chinese hamburger". But in fact, the arepas of Venezuela look more like the twin brother of roujiamo!
Food is a bridge between cultures. When foods cross (边界), sweet things can happen.
I had an interesting dining experience at a local (饭店, 餐馆) last weekend. When I opened the (菜单), there were so many choices. I was looking for something (特殊的, 特别的). Among the items, I saw (汉堡包), which is very popular in (西方的, 欧美的) food culture.
But I also noticed some traditional dishes. For example, there was a dish made with (牛肉) and (胡萝卜). I remembered my mom used to cook a similar meal at home. It made me think of (我的(东西)) family dinners. There was also a description of a (羊肉) stew. The picture showed a big (肥胖的) (母鸡) being cooked in a large (锅), together with some (洋葱(头)). It looked so warming. I decided to order a (粥) in the end.
Sometimes, I prefer (无装饰的, 简单的, 朴素的, 单纯的) food, especially when I'm not feeling well. In those times, I think porridge is better (比) any (药, 药物(尤指口服的药水)) or (药丸; 药片). It always (继续, 依然(保持某种状态)) my top choice for comfort food. After the main course, I wanted a (甜点, 甜食, 甜品). There was an apple (水果馅饼, 派) on the menu.
Just the thought of it made my mouth water. I knew it would be (美味的, 可口的). When I was waiting, I started to think about food (联系, 关联). Some foods from different cultures can be surprisingly (相似的, 近似的, 类似的). For instance, the (平的, 平坦的) bread that (伊朗人) love and some kinds of Chinese bread. They seem like (双胞胎之一的) foods in a way. Food can act as a (桥梁, 纽带) between cultures, and interesting things (发生) when they meet.
Back to my pie, I watched the chef make it through the open kitchen. He first put some (植物油, 动物油) in a (平底锅), added a bit of (盐, 食盐) and pepper (胡椒粉). Then he took some pre - made dough, rolled it out, and cut it into (片, 薄片, 切片). After that, he added the apple filling, folded the dough, and put it in the pan. He used low ((烹饪或加热时的)温度) and kept stirring the (混合液, 混合料) gently until (直到……为止) it turned (金色的, 金黄色的).
Finally, he plated it on a nice (盘, 碟). I also thought about how food has a long history. In ancient (朝代), people would (贮藏, 贮存, 积蓄) food carefully. Ice cream, which we think of as a modern treat, was (实际上, 事实上) known in ancient China. "Binglao", as it was (意思是) called, was a luxury back then.
There are even (民间的, 民俗的) tales (故事) about an (皇帝) who overate ice and ((身体或精神上)受苦, 遭受(痛苦)) from (胃) problems. It shows how food and health are related. These days, with so many new snacks, like different kinds of (三明治, 夹心面包) or creative (小吃, 点心) bars, we need to watch our (节食; 规定饮食).
We can follow a simple (烹饪法; 食谱) at home. First, list the (成分, 食材), then follow each (步骤). Sometimes, I like to make a simple (炒(蛋)). I crack the eggs into a bowl, (搅拌, 搅打) them well, add some salt, pepper, and pour the mixture into a hot pan. Stir it quickly. You can also add some onion or other veggies if you like. It's a quick and satisfying meal. And it's (完全地, 彻底地) easy to make. When you serve it, you can (圈出) the best - looking part with your fork, just for fun.
