
(试题说明+技巧点拨+单词清障+最新全国各地真题模拟题精选) 学生版
语篇 主题语境 体裁 难度系数 适合阶段
C&D 1 人与社会之AI技术的“自愈电网”技术 说明文 适中(0.65) 2025届高三英语
C&D 2 人与社会之小型且可爱的南美猴类在社会互动中的复杂性 说明文 适中(0.65)
C&D 3 人与社会之美国消费者在当前高通胀和高利率的背景下,仍然积极购物 说明文 适中(0.65)
C&D 4 人与社会之海獭利用工具如岩石和玻璃瓶来获取坚硬外壳的低热量食物 说明文 适中(0.65)
C&D 5 人与社会之灯塔式育儿这一新的育儿方式 说明文 适中(0.65)
词汇专业:会出现大量与主题相关的专业词汇和术语,如医学领域的 “vaccine(疫苗)”“antibody(抗体)”,科技领域的 “robotics(机器人学)”“artificial intelligence(人工智能)” 等,考查考生对专业词汇的理解和猜测能力。
表述客观:语言风格较为正式、客观,多使用第三人称进行叙述,较少带有作者的主观情感和个人观点,注重以事实和数据来支撑观点和说明问题,如 “According to the research, 70% of the patients showed significant improvement.”。
长难句多:为了准确表达复杂的概念和信息,文中常出现结构复杂的长难句,包含多个从句、非谓语动词短语等,如 “The new technology, which combines advanced sensors and artificial intelligence algorithms, can accurately detect and analyze various environmental factors.”,对考生的语法知识和句子分析能力要求较高。
C&D1 文章词汇题
autonomous A. 场景;情节
intervention B. 传输;传送
scenario C. 自主的;自动的
transmission D. 干预;介入
algorithm E. 算法
C&D2 文章词汇题
sophisticated A. 灵长类动物
vocalization B. 复杂的;精密的
trivial C. 发声;发音
primate D. 不重要的;琐碎的
canopy E. 树冠层
C&D3 文章词汇题
inflation A. 名人;名流
discount B. 通货膨胀
counterintuitively C. 折扣
celebrity D. 与直觉相反地
retailer E. 零售商
C&D4 文章词汇题
harsh A. 哺乳动物
marine B. 严酷的;激烈的
mammal C. 海洋的;海产的
urchin D. 海胆
calorie E. 卡路里
C&D5 文章词汇题
rigorous A. 烧尽;筋疲力尽
boundary B. 严格的;严厉的
helicopter C. 界限;边界
overwhelm D. 使应接不暇;使不知所措
burnout E. 直升机(这里指像直升机一样过度关注孩子的)
C&D1 文章词汇题
implement A. 微秒
scale B. 实施;执行
microsecond C. 电网
grid D. 扩大;扩展
reinforcement E. 加强;强化
C&D2 文章词汇题
distinctive A. 适应性的;有适应能力的
flexibility B. 独特的;有特色的
label C. 灵活性;弹性
adaptive D. 标签;标记,此处指给…… 命名
monogamous E. 一夫一妻制的
C&D3 文章词汇题
thrifty A. 基本要素;基本原则
boom B. 繁荣;迅速发展
strategy C. 节俭的;节约的
basic D. 策略;战略
analyst E. 分析师
C&D4 文章词汇题
prey A. 蜗牛
abalone B. 猎物;被捕食者
snail C. 鲍鱼
external D. 外部的;外面的
specialize E. 专门从事;专门研究
C&D5 文章词汇题
functional A. 功能正常的;实用的
well - adjusted B. 背景
background C. 适应良好的
responsibility D. 责任;职责
assumption E. 假设;假定
第一部分 阅读理解
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
C&D 1
(24-25高三上·江西·期末)The approach is an early example of “self-healing grid (输电网)” technology, which uses AI to detect and repair problems such as power cuts autonomously and without human intervention when issues occur, such as storm-damaged power lines. Although further research is needed before this system can be implemented and scaled to real-world power grids, it is still an exciting development for the nation’s troubled power grid, according to researchers.
Power grids worldwide face challenges from increasing extreme weather events, cyberattacks, and rising demand. Therefore, it’s crucial to develop tools that modernize the system and make it more resilient (有适应力的) against future power cuts. The North American grid is a vast, complex network of transmission and distribution lines, generation facilities, and transformers that inefficiently delivers electricity from power sources to consumers.
Using various scenarios in test networks, the research team demonstrated that its solution can automatically identify alternative routes to transfer electricity to users before a power cut occurs. Once trained, the AI-driven system can reroute electrical flow in microseconds, vastly outpacing current processes involving classical engineering techniques or human intervention, which can take minutes to hours.
Their goal is to quickly find the best path to send power to the majority of users. They use machine learning algorithms on graphs to understand complex relationships in power networks. This helps them see how components are connected and how electricity flows. They also rely on reinforcement learning, where a virtual agent is positioned in a simulation (模拟) environment of the real problem — to systematically play out scenarios and progressively learn from this experience. An example of knowledge gained from such experience would be if a line fault blocks electricity, the system can rearrange using switches and draw power from neighbouring sources, like solar panels or batteries on a university campus or business.
After focusing on preventing power cuts, the researchers now aim to develop similar technology to repair and restore the grid following disruptions, like those caused by natural hazards.
1.Why is the North American grid mentioned in Paragraph 2
A.To showcase the necessity for grid modernization.
B.To illustrate the complexity of modern power networks.
C.To emphasize its unique challenges not found elsewhere.
D.To show it has adopted “self-healing grid” technology.
2.What is the advantage of the self-healing grid system
A.It allows the power grid to generate more electricity.
B.It involves necessary classical engineering techniques.
C.It automatically transfers electricity to users on demand.
D.It significantly quickens the process of rerouting electricity.
3.How might the system handle a line fault blocking electricity
A.By waiting for human intervention.
B.By getting rid of solar panels and batteries.
C.By redirecting and using power from nearby sources.
D.By using a traditional power distribution mapping system.
4.What can be a suitable title for the text
A.Grid Modernization: A Road to Self Healing
B.Self-Healing Grid Technology: Full of Potential
C.Al-Driven Rerouting: Key to Energy-Efficiency
D.Al: Preventing Power Cuts with Machine Learning
C&D 2
(24-25高三上·江西·期末)Marmosets, those small and adorable monkeys native to South America, are far more sophisticated than they appear. According to a new study, members of marmoset troops use specific vocalizations — “phee calls” — to call each other by names. A naming system like this is no trivial discovery in any species, considering how few wild animals are known to have one. It is the first time such behavior has been observed in primates other than humans.
To reveal the secrets of marmosets, the researchers recorded natural conversations between pairs of marmosets, who could not see but could hear each other. They found that marmosets use phee calls to engage in turn-taking dialogues and even identify details about whoever is producing them. The distinctive features and flexibility of these calls suggest that marmosets might use them to label and communicate with each other within their social groups. Interestingly, this behavior extends beyond closely related individuals, indicating that marmosets learn names and pronunciation details from fellow troop members.
Marmosets inhabit thick rainforest canopies across a swath of South America, where vocally labeling each individual troop member might offer an adaptive advantage, the researchers note. Visibility is limited in these dense treetops, but using vocal labels as names might assist marmosets in staying connected and working together as a group while they are spending significant amounts of time out of each other’s sight. In fact, this might even hint at how some of our prehuman ancestors developed social communication and language.
“Marmosets live in small monogamous (一夫一妻制) family groups and take care of their young together, much like humans do,” Omer says. “These similarities suggest that they faced comparable evolutionary social challenges to our early pre-linguistic ancestors, which might have led them to develop similar communicating methods.”
5.What does the underlined word “trivial” in paragraph 1 mean
A.Rare. B.Significant. C.Complicated. D.Unimportant.
6.What did the researchers discover about phee calls used by marmosets
A.They are vocalizations unique to marmosets.
B.They are abandoned by closely related individuals.
C.They are fixed without flexibility in dialogues.
D.They are used for communication and identification.
7.In which way might vocal labeling benefit marmosets in the rainforest
A.Defending each individual troop member.
B.Enhancing the visibility in the rainforest.
C.Maintaining social bonds in low visibility conditions.
D.Spending more time with closely related individuals.
8.What might contribute to marmosets’ similar communicating methods as early human ancestors
A.Small family groups. B.Similar social challenges.
C.Identical living environments. D.Comparable linguistic system.
C&D 3
(24-25高三上·甘肃白银·阶段练习)American households want the biggest bang for their buck right now when they pull their wallets out to shop. Higher inflation and interest rates are wearing out the US consumers. But they are still shopping and seeking the biggest discounts.
Discount giant Trader Joe’s business was buzzing as thrifty (节俭的) shoppers flocked to its big-box stores last quarter to bag deals on groceries and everyday necessities like shampoo, toothpaste, paper towels and toilet paper. Sales at its stores open at least a year increased 3.8% in the quarter from the same time last year. Other discount suppliers such as Kroger and Fresh market also enjoyed a jump in their same-store sales in their latest quarter.
At the same time, there’s a different kind of deal-seeking happening, too. Perhaps a bit counterintuitively, a bunch of stores that are known for more expensive products that aren’t exactly necessities are also seeing a boom, which means that Americans are still spending, but selectively, and that “value shopping” means different things to different people. It doesn’t necessarily mean cheap. Shoppers are willing to dig deeper if they feel like they’re getting quality products that are on trend, feel good, and last for a long time, even if it means spending a little bit more.
A company’s CEO’s focus has been on getting back to the basics with quality products. This strategy included its newest summer linen clothing collection and surprise marketing moves involving celebrity collaborations. A white shirt dress for Anne Hathaway appeared to thrill shoppers. The dress became a viral moment on social media for the retailer, which the company quickly seized upon by releasing a limited pre-order for the dress to its shoppers priced at $158. It sold out within three hours.
Shoppers are homing in not just on prices but on the benefits that they hope to receive from products for the price that they’re paying for, Zak Stambor, senior analyst, retail and ecommerce, with market research firm eMarketer said.
9.What contributed to the increase in Trader Joe’s sales year over year
A.A wide range of necessities.
B.An increase in its number of retail stores.
C.The pressure from other retailers.
D.The higher demand for discounted goods.
10.Which can replace the underlined word “counterintuitively” in paragraph 3
A.Unexpectedly. B.Uncertainly. C.Undoubtedly. D.Unconsciously.
11.Why does the author mention the white shirt dress
A.To criticize its high price. B.To prove the CEO’s point.
C.To boost a fashion trend. D.To show its owner’s identity.
12.What does Zak Stambor think of shoppers in the last paragraph
A.They focus on more expensive products.
B.They buy the cheapest option.
C.They consider good value for money.
D.They prioritize the products on trend.
C&D 4
(24-25高三上·甘肃白银·阶段练习)In parts of the ocean where sea otters (海獭) face harsh competition for their favorite kinds of food, some otters are getting by with the help of tools — like rocks and even glass bottles — that let them hit open tougher prey that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to eat.
That’s according to a new study of sea otters in Monterey Bay, California, which took a look at the tool use of individual otters to see how it affected their health and nutrition.
Sea otters are large marine mammals that spend their days foraging (觅食) in seaweed forests. “Their preferred prey are usually urchins and abalone,” says Chris Law, a biologist at the University of Texas and the University of Washington, who notes that urchins and abalone are relatively easy for otters to break apart. But he says there are areas with an over-abundance of urchins — the so-called “urchin barrens” where urchins have eaten all the seaweed. Since the seaweed is gone, however, these urchins no longer have a good food supply and are thus calorie-poor. They offer little nutritional value for otters, which aren’t interested in consuming these so-called “zombie urchins”.
“So that means otters have to find new foods,” says Law. “A lot of the foods are those super-hard-shell prey items that really require some kind of external force to break into. Snails, for example, are abundant in the bay, but they’re low-calorie and basically like a rock that you have to break into to eat the insides.”
He explains that some otters learn to specialize in eating hard, low-calorie snails, using tools very frequently to “basically become really, really, really good at processing lots and lots and lots of snails every day”, instead of searching for high-calorie foods that don’t require tools to open but are in short supply.
What’s more, using tools protected the otters’ teeth. “Without teeth, they clearly can’t eat anything. So then they die. What we’ re suggesting is that this behavior really allowed them to continue living on despite not having their preferred prey,” says Law.
13.What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us about sea otters
A.Their food supply.
B.Their prey in sharp decline.
C.Their damage to seaweed forests.
D.Their good feeding environment.
14.Why do sea otters consume snails instead of their preferred prey
A.To change their taste. B.To gain low-calorie food.
C.To improve their hunting skills. D.To increase their chance of survival.
15.What message is conveyed in the last paragraph
A.Strategies for using tools skillfully.
B.Unavailability of high-calorie foods.
C.Adaptation to changing food chains.
D.Importance of tool use for sea otters’ survival.
16.Which can be the best title for the text
A.Seaweed is causing food shortage to sea otters
B.Snails are becoming sea otters’ new favorite food
C.Sea otters are using tools to obtain alternative foods
D.Urchins and abalone are disappearing from sea otters’ food list
C&D 5
(24-25高三上·宁夏石嘴山·期末)Parenting can feel like sailing in an endless sea of choices, styles and ideas, never knowing if you are making the right decision for your child or not. On the one hand, no two children are the same. On the other hand, there must be some similarities or at least some general methods that work for all children and that are worth following.
Whether you believe in rigorous boundaries or offering total freedom, it’s all about balance. And that is what lighthouse parenting, the new and modern parenting style that is becoming more and more popular, is all about.
Lighthouse parenting, founded by Dr. Ken Ginsburg, is a parenting style that is all about the most important aspects of parenting, such as open communication, according to Parents. Lighthouse parenting, he explained, is about maintaining the balance between providing your child with guidance, love and protection, while also allowing them to make their own mistakes and learn things on their own.
Some parenting styles such as helicopter parenting, are less about giving your child freedom and allowing them to experience things on their own. Lighthouse parenting, like the name suggests, believes in being there for your child like a lighthouse is there at night, available and present when needed, however not providing solutions all the time, therefore allowing the child to grow and learn to be independent.
According to the Children’s Book Council (CBC), this parenting style is becoming popular as parents are looking for a middle ground in parenting, something that does not add too much pressure on them. There is too much information out there for parents nowadays and it can get overwhelming. Lighthouse parenting seems to be a more reasonable choice.
Children that are raised in this style can become healthy, functional adults, as they are given the tools to understand the world and to be well-adjusted. They aren’t scared of making mistakes and also take responsibility for them. Their parents also are less burnt out, as they are able to take a step back and be there for their child more in the background.
17.What does the underlined word “rigorous” mean in paragraph 2
A.Strict. B.Free. C.Consistent. D.General.
18.How does the author explain the parenting styles in paragraph 4
A.By giving examples. B.By justifying assumptions.
C.By making comparisons. D.By analyzing causes and effects.
19.Why do parents prefer lighthouse parenting according to the CBC
A.It is a new and trendy concept. B.It stops putting additional stress on them.
C.It requires minimum effort from parents. D.It ensures kids’ perfect behavior.
20.What is the best title of the text
A.Free-range Parenting: The New Parenting Style
B.Helicopter Parenting: Overprotective Parenting Style
C.Lighthouse Parenting: The Uninvolved Parenting Style
D.Lighthouse Parenting: The Balanced Parenting Style23.【2025年高考英语分类练】阅读理解C&D篇能力提升组组合卷
(试题说明+技巧点拨+单词清障+最新全国各地真题模拟题精选) 教师版
语篇 主题语境 体裁 难度系数 适合阶段
C&D 1 人与社会之AI技术的“自愈电网”技术 说明文 适中(0.65) 2025届高三英语
C&D 2 人与社会之小型且可爱的南美猴类在社会互动中的复杂性 说明文 适中(0.65)
C&D 3 人与社会之美国消费者在当前高通胀和高利率的背景下,仍然积极购物 说明文 适中(0.65)
C&D 4 人与社会之海獭利用工具如岩石和玻璃瓶来获取坚硬外壳的低热量食物 说明文 适中(0.65)
C&D 5 人与社会之灯塔式育儿这一新的育儿方式 说明文 适中(0.65)
词汇专业:会出现大量与主题相关的专业词汇和术语,如医学领域的 “vaccine(疫苗)”“antibody(抗体)”,科技领域的 “robotics(机器人学)”“artificial intelligence(人工智能)” 等,考查考生对专业词汇的理解和猜测能力。
表述客观:语言风格较为正式、客观,多使用第三人称进行叙述,较少带有作者的主观情感和个人观点,注重以事实和数据来支撑观点和说明问题,如 “According to the research, 70% of the patients showed significant improvement.”。
长难句多:为了准确表达复杂的概念和信息,文中常出现结构复杂的长难句,包含多个从句、非谓语动词短语等,如 “The new technology, which combines advanced sensors and artificial intelligence algorithms, can accurately detect and analyze various environmental factors.”,对考生的语法知识和句子分析能力要求较高。
C&D1 文章词汇题
autonomous A. 场景;情节
intervention B. 传输;传送
scenario C. 自主的;自动的
transmission D. 干预;介入
algorithm E. 算法
答案:1 - C;2 - D;3 - A;4 - B;5 - E
C&D2 文章词汇题
sophisticated A. 灵长类动物
vocalization B. 复杂的;精密的
trivial C. 发声;发音
primate D. 不重要的;琐碎的
canopy E. 树冠层
答案:1 - B;2 - C;3 - D;4 - A;5 - E
C&D3 文章词汇题
inflation A. 名人;名流
discount B. 通货膨胀
counterintuitively C. 折扣
celebrity D. 与直觉相反地
retailer E. 零售商
答案:1 - B;2 - C;3 - D;4 - A;5 - E
C&D4 文章词汇题
harsh A. 哺乳动物
marine B. 严酷的;激烈的
mammal C. 海洋的;海产的
urchin D. 海胆
calorie E. 卡路里
答案:1 - B;2 - C;3 - A;4 - D;5 - E
C&D5 文章词汇题
rigorous A. 烧尽;筋疲力尽
boundary B. 严格的;严厉的
helicopter C. 界限;边界
overwhelm D. 使应接不暇;使不知所措
burnout E. 直升机(这里指像直升机一样过度关注孩子的)
答案:1 - B;2 - C;3 - E;4 - D;5 - A
C&D1 文章词汇题
implement A. 微秒
scale B. 实施;执行
microsecond C. 电网
grid D. 扩大;扩展
reinforcement E. 加强;强化
答案:1 - B;2 - D;3 - A;4 - C;5 - E
C&D2 文章词汇题
distinctive A. 适应性的;有适应能力的
flexibility B. 独特的;有特色的
label C. 灵活性;弹性
adaptive D. 标签;标记,此处指给…… 命名
monogamous E. 一夫一妻制的
答案:1 - B;2 - C;3 - D;4 - A;5 - E
C&D3 文章词汇题
thrifty A. 基本要素;基本原则
boom B. 繁荣;迅速发展
strategy C. 节俭的;节约的
basic D. 策略;战略
analyst E. 分析师
答案:1 - C;2 - B;3 - D;4 - A;5 - E
C&D4 文章词汇题
prey A. 蜗牛
abalone B. 猎物;被捕食者
snail C. 鲍鱼
external D. 外部的;外面的
specialize E. 专门从事;专门研究
答案:1 - B;2 - C;3 - A;4 - D;5 - E
C&D5 文章词汇题
functional A. 功能正常的;实用的
well - adjusted B. 背景
background C. 适应良好的
responsibility D. 责任;职责
assumption E. 假设;假定
答案:1 - A;2 - C;3 - B;4 - D;5 - E
第一部分 阅读理解
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
C&D 1
(24-25高三上·江西·期末)The approach is an early example of “self-healing grid (输电网)” technology, which uses AI to detect and repair problems such as power cuts autonomously and without human intervention when issues occur, such as storm-damaged power lines. Although further research is needed before this system can be implemented and scaled to real-world power grids, it is still an exciting development for the nation’s troubled power grid, according to researchers.
Power grids worldwide face challenges from increasing extreme weather events, cyberattacks, and rising demand. Therefore, it’s crucial to develop tools that modernize the system and make it more resilient (有适应力的) against future power cuts. The North American grid is a vast, complex network of transmission and distribution lines, generation facilities, and transformers that inefficiently delivers electricity from power sources to consumers.
Using various scenarios in test networks, the research team demonstrated that its solution can automatically identify alternative routes to transfer electricity to users before a power cut occurs. Once trained, the AI-driven system can reroute electrical flow in microseconds, vastly outpacing current processes involving classical engineering techniques or human intervention, which can take minutes to hours.
Their goal is to quickly find the best path to send power to the majority of users. They use machine learning algorithms on graphs to understand complex relationships in power networks. This helps them see how components are connected and how electricity flows. They also rely on reinforcement learning, where a virtual agent is positioned in a simulation (模拟) environment of the real problem — to systematically play out scenarios and progressively learn from this experience. An example of knowledge gained from such experience would be if a line fault blocks electricity, the system can rearrange using switches and draw power from neighbouring sources, like solar panels or batteries on a university campus or business.
After focusing on preventing power cuts, the researchers now aim to develop similar technology to repair and restore the grid following disruptions, like those caused by natural hazards.
1.Why is the North American grid mentioned in Paragraph 2
A.To showcase the necessity for grid modernization.
B.To illustrate the complexity of modern power networks.
C.To emphasize its unique challenges not found elsewhere.
D.To show it has adopted “self-healing grid” technology.
2.What is the advantage of the self-healing grid system
A.It allows the power grid to generate more electricity.
B.It involves necessary classical engineering techniques.
C.It automatically transfers electricity to users on demand.
D.It significantly quickens the process of rerouting electricity.
3.How might the system handle a line fault blocking electricity
A.By waiting for human intervention.
B.By getting rid of solar panels and batteries.
C.By redirecting and using power from nearby sources.
D.By using a traditional power distribution mapping system.
4.What can be a suitable title for the text
A.Grid Modernization: A Road to Self Healing
B.Self-Healing Grid Technology: Full of Potential
C.Al-Driven Rerouting: Key to Energy-Efficiency
D.Al: Preventing Power Cuts with Machine Learning
【答案】1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B
【知识点】科学技术 、说明文
1.推理判断题。根据第二段“Power grids worldwide face challenges from increasing extreme weather events, cyberattacks, and rising demand. Therefore, it’s crucial to develop tools that modernize the system and make it more resilient (有适应力的) against future power cuts. (全球电网面临极端天气事件增多、网络攻击和需求上升等挑战。因此,开发现代化工具以增强系统对未来断电的适应力至关重要)”可知,提及北美电网是以此为例,呼应上文,表明更新电网的必要性。故选A。
2.细节理解题。根据第三段“Once trained, the AI-driven system can reroute electrical flow in microseconds, vastly outpacing current processes involving classical engineering techniques or human intervention, which can take minutes to hours. (一旦经过训练,这个由AI驱动的系统可以在微秒内重新路由电流,在速度上大大超过当前涉及传统工程技术或人为干预的流程,这些流程可能需要几分钟到几小时)”可知,自愈电网的优势在于它显著加快了重新路由电力的过程。故选D。
3.细节理解题。根据第四段“An example of knowledge gained from such experience would be if a line fault blocks electricity, the system can rearrange using switches and draw power from neighbouring sources, like solar panels or batteries on a university campus or business. (从这样的经验中获得的一个例子是,如果线路故障导致电力中断,系统可以通过开关重新配置,并从邻近来源获取电力,比如大学校园或企业上的太阳能电池板或电池)”可知,当系统处理线路故障阻断电力时,它会通过重定向和使用附近来源的电力来应对。故选C。
4.主旨大意题。根据第一段“The approach is an early example of “self-healing grid (输电网)” technology, which uses AI to detect and repair problems such as power cuts autonomously and without human intervention when issues occur, such as storm-damaged power lines.(这种方法是“自我修复电网”技术的早期例子,该技术利用人工智能自动检测和修复停电等问题,并且在风暴损坏电线等问题发生时无需人工干预)”结合本文介绍了研究人员开发了一种使用AI技术的“自愈电网”技术,能够自动检测和修复电力故障,如暴风雨损坏的电线。该技术在测试网络中表现出色,能迅速重新分配电力流向,尽管在将这个系统应用于实际电网之前还需要进一步的研究,但研究人员表示,这对于国家问题重重的电网来说仍然是一个令人兴奋的进展。故B选项“自愈电网技术:潜力巨大”最符合文章标题。故选B。
C&D 2
(24-25高三上·江西·期末)Marmosets, those small and adorable monkeys native to South America, are far more sophisticated than they appear. According to a new study, members of marmoset troops use specific vocalizations — “phee calls” — to call each other by names. A naming system like this is no trivial discovery in any species, considering how few wild animals are known to have one. It is the first time such behavior has been observed in primates other than humans.
To reveal the secrets of marmosets, the researchers recorded natural conversations between pairs of marmosets, who could not see but could hear each other. They found that marmosets use phee calls to engage in turn-taking dialogues and even identify details about whoever is producing them. The distinctive features and flexibility of these calls suggest that marmosets might use them to label and communicate with each other within their social groups. Interestingly, this behavior extends beyond closely related individuals, indicating that marmosets learn names and pronunciation details from fellow troop members.
Marmosets inhabit thick rainforest canopies across a swath of South America, where vocally labeling each individual troop member might offer an adaptive advantage, the researchers note. Visibility is limited in these dense treetops, but using vocal labels as names might assist marmosets in staying connected and working together as a group while they are spending significant amounts of time out of each other’s sight. In fact, this might even hint at how some of our prehuman ancestors developed social communication and language.
“Marmosets live in small monogamous (一夫一妻制) family groups and take care of their young together, much like humans do,” Omer says. “These similarities suggest that they faced comparable evolutionary social challenges to our early pre-linguistic ancestors, which might have led them to develop similar communicating methods.”
5.What does the underlined word “trivial” in paragraph 1 mean
A.Rare. B.Significant. C.Complicated. D.Unimportant.
6.What did the researchers discover about phee calls used by marmosets
A.They are vocalizations unique to marmosets.
B.They are abandoned by closely related individuals.
C.They are fixed without flexibility in dialogues.
D.They are used for communication and identification.
7.In which way might vocal labeling benefit marmosets in the rainforest
A.Defending each individual troop member.
B.Enhancing the visibility in the rainforest.
C.Maintaining social bonds in low visibility conditions.
D.Spending more time with closely related individuals.
8.What might contribute to marmosets’ similar communicating methods as early human ancestors
A.Small family groups. B.Similar social challenges.
C.Identical living environments. D.Comparable linguistic system.
【答案】5.D 6.D 7.C 8.B
【知识点】动物、科普知识 、说明文
【导语】这是一篇说明文。本文探讨了狨(marmosets)这种小型且可爱的南美猴类在社会互动中的复杂性,特别是它们使用特定叫声“phee calls”作为名字进行交流的独特方式。这一发现不仅揭示了狨的社会结构复杂性,还为理解人类早期祖先的社交沟通和语言发展提供了线索。
5.词句猜测题。根据划线词后文“considering how few wild animals are known to have one(考虑到很少有野生动物已知拥有这种系统)”、“It is the first time such behavior has been observed in primates other than humans.(这是首次在人类以外的灵长类动物中观察到这种行为)”可知,鉴于已知拥有这种(命名系统)的野生动物很少,说明像这样的命名系统在任何物种中都不是“不重要”的发现,此处为双重否定等于肯定意思,故划线词意思是“不重要的”。故选D。
6.细节理解题。根据第二段“They found that marmosets use phee calls to engage in turn-taking dialogues and even identify details about whoever is producing them. The distinctive features and flexibility of these calls suggest that marmosets might use them to label and communicate with each other within their social groups.(他们发现,狨猴会用它们的叫声来进行轮流对话,甚至还能识别出说话人的细节。这些叫声的独特特征和灵活性表明,狨猴可能会用它们在社会群体中相互标记和交流)”可知,狨猴的叫声用于交流和识别。故选D。
7.细节理解题。根据第三段“Visibility is limited in these dense treetops, but using vocal labels as names might assist marmosets in staying connected and working together as a group while they are spending significant amounts of time out of each other’s sight.(在这些茂密的树梢上,能见度是有限的,但使用声音标签作为名字可能有助于狨猴保持联系,并在彼此视线之外度过大量时间时作为一个群体一起工作)”可知,在雨林中,声音标记可以让狨猴在低能见度条件下维持社会联系。故选C。
8.细节理解题。根据最后一段“These similarities suggest that they faced comparable evolutionary social challenges to our early pre-linguistic ancestors, which might have led them to develop similar communicating methods. (这些相似之处表明, 它们面临着与我们早期非语言祖先相似的进化社会挑战,这可能导致它们发展出类似的沟通方法)”可知,类似的社会挑战导致狨猴拥有与早期人类祖先相似的交流方式。故选B。
C&D 3
(24-25高三上·甘肃白银·阶段练习)American households want the biggest bang for their buck right now when they pull their wallets out to shop. Higher inflation and interest rates are wearing out the US consumers. But they are still shopping and seeking the biggest discounts.
Discount giant Trader Joe’s business was buzzing as thrifty (节俭的) shoppers flocked to its big-box stores last quarter to bag deals on groceries and everyday necessities like shampoo, toothpaste, paper towels and toilet paper. Sales at its stores open at least a year increased 3.8% in the quarter from the same time last year. Other discount suppliers such as Kroger and Fresh market also enjoyed a jump in their same-store sales in their latest quarter.
At the same time, there’s a different kind of deal-seeking happening, too. Perhaps a bit counterintuitively, a bunch of stores that are known for more expensive products that aren’t exactly necessities are also seeing a boom, which means that Americans are still spending, but selectively, and that “value shopping” means different things to different people. It doesn’t necessarily mean cheap. Shoppers are willing to dig deeper if they feel like they’re getting quality products that are on trend, feel good, and last for a long time, even if it means spending a little bit more.
A company’s CEO’s focus has been on getting back to the basics with quality products. This strategy included its newest summer linen clothing collection and surprise marketing moves involving celebrity collaborations. A white shirt dress for Anne Hathaway appeared to thrill shoppers. The dress became a viral moment on social media for the retailer, which the company quickly seized upon by releasing a limited pre-order for the dress to its shoppers priced at $158. It sold out within three hours.
Shoppers are homing in not just on prices but on the benefits that they hope to receive from products for the price that they’re paying for, Zak Stambor, senior analyst, retail and ecommerce, with market research firm eMarketer said.
9.What contributed to the increase in Trader Joe’s sales year over year
A.A wide range of necessities.
B.An increase in its number of retail stores.
C.The pressure from other retailers.
D.The higher demand for discounted goods.
10.Which can replace the underlined word “counterintuitively” in paragraph 3
A.Unexpectedly. B.Uncertainly. C.Undoubtedly. D.Unconsciously.
11.Why does the author mention the white shirt dress
A.To criticize its high price. B.To prove the CEO’s point.
C.To boost a fashion trend. D.To show its owner’s identity.
12.What does Zak Stambor think of shoppers in the last paragraph
A.They focus on more expensive products.
B.They buy the cheapest option.
C.They consider good value for money.
D.They prioritize the products on trend.
【答案】9.D 10.A 11.B 12.C
【知识点】商品 、购物选择、说明文
9.细节理解题。根据第二段中“Discount giant Trader Joe’s business was buzzing as thrifty (节俭的) shoppers flocked to its big-box stores last quarter to bag deals on groceries and everyday necessities like shampoo, toothpaste, paper towels and toilet paper. (上个季度,折扣巨头Trader Joe’s的生意兴隆,因为节俭的购物者涌向其大型商店,抢购杂货和洗发水、牙膏、纸巾和卫生纸等日常必需品)”可知,购物者对折扣商品的需求增加导致Trader Joe的销售额同比增长。故选D项。
10.词句猜测题。第二段主要说明很多折扣商的业务在上个季度增长了,表明经济在下行,画线词的下文“a bunch of stores that are known for more expensive products that aren’t exactly necessities are also seeing a boom, which means that Americans are still spending, but selectively, and that “value shopping” means different things to different people (一些以销售更昂贵的商品而闻名的商店也在蓬勃发展,这意味着美国人仍然在消费,但有选择地消费,“超值购物”对不同的人来说意味着不同的东西)”指出高端商品销售商的业务也在增长,这与人们通常认为“经济压力下消费者会减少高端消费”的直觉相反,画线词意思应该是“与直觉相反”,与A项Unexpectedly“出乎意料地,没想到”意思最接近。B. 不确定地;C. 毫无疑问地;D. 无意识地。故选A项。
11.推理判断题。根据第四段“A company’s CEO’s focus has been on getting back to the basics with quality products. This strategy included its newest summer linen clothing collection and surprise marketing moves involving celebrity collaborations. A white shirt dress for Anne Hathaway appeared to thrill shoppers. The dress became a viral moment on social media for the retailer, which the company quickly seized upon by releasing a limited pre-order for the dress to its shoppers priced at $158. It sold out within three hours. (一家公司的首席执行官的关注点一直是回归高质量产品的本质。这一策略包括最新的夏季亚麻服装系列,以及与名人合作的出人意料的营销举措。安妮·海瑟薇的白衬衫裙似乎让购物者兴奋不已。这条裙子在社交媒体上引起了轰动,该公司迅速抓住机会,以158美元的价格向顾客推出了限量预购。三小时内售罄)”可知,此处先提到首席执行官的想法,再用白色衬衫裙的例子说明消费者愿意为高质量、时尚的产品支付更高价格,这印证了CEO的策略。因此,作者提到白色衬衫裙是为了证明CEO的观点。故选B项。
12.推理判断题。根据最后一段中Zak Stambor所说的话“Shoppers are homing in not just on prices but on the benefits that they hope to receive from products for the price that they’re paying for (购物者不仅关注价格,还关注他们希望从他们支付的价格中获得的好处)”可知,Zak Stambor认为消费者注重产品的性价比,希望物有所值。故选C项。
C&D 4
(24-25高三上·甘肃白银·阶段练习)In parts of the ocean where sea otters (海獭) face harsh competition for their favorite kinds of food, some otters are getting by with the help of tools — like rocks and even glass bottles — that let them hit open tougher prey that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to eat.
That’s according to a new study of sea otters in Monterey Bay, California, which took a look at the tool use of individual otters to see how it affected their health and nutrition.
Sea otters are large marine mammals that spend their days foraging (觅食) in seaweed forests. “Their preferred prey are usually urchins and abalone,” says Chris Law, a biologist at the University of Texas and the University of Washington, who notes that urchins and abalone are relatively easy for otters to break apart. But he says there are areas with an over-abundance of urchins — the so-called “urchin barrens” where urchins have eaten all the seaweed. Since the seaweed is gone, however, these urchins no longer have a good food supply and are thus calorie-poor. They offer little nutritional value for otters, which aren’t interested in consuming these so-called “zombie urchins”.
“So that means otters have to find new foods,” says Law. “A lot of the foods are those super-hard-shell prey items that really require some kind of external force to break into. Snails, for example, are abundant in the bay, but they’re low-calorie and basically like a rock that you have to break into to eat the insides.”
He explains that some otters learn to specialize in eating hard, low-calorie snails, using tools very frequently to “basically become really, really, really good at processing lots and lots and lots of snails every day”, instead of searching for high-calorie foods that don’t require tools to open but are in short supply.
What’s more, using tools protected the otters’ teeth. “Without teeth, they clearly can’t eat anything. So then they die. What we’ re suggesting is that this behavior really allowed them to continue living on despite not having their preferred prey,” says Law.
13.What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us about sea otters
A.Their food supply.
B.Their prey in sharp decline.
C.Their damage to seaweed forests.
D.Their good feeding environment.
14.Why do sea otters consume snails instead of their preferred prey
A.To change their taste. B.To gain low-calorie food.
C.To improve their hunting skills. D.To increase their chance of survival.
15.What message is conveyed in the last paragraph
A.Strategies for using tools skillfully.
B.Unavailability of high-calorie foods.
C.Adaptation to changing food chains.
D.Importance of tool use for sea otters’ survival.
16.Which can be the best title for the text
A.Seaweed is causing food shortage to sea otters
B.Snails are becoming sea otters’ new favorite food
C.Sea otters are using tools to obtain alternative foods
D.Urchins and abalone are disappearing from sea otters’ food list
【答案】13.A 14.D 15.D 16.C
【知识点】动物、科普知识 、说明文
13.主旨大意题。根据第三段内容,特别是“Since the seaweed is gone, however, these urchins no longer have a good food supply and are thus calorie-poor. They offer little nutritional value for otters, which aren’t interested in consuming these so-called “zombie urchins”.(由于海藻消失了,这些海胆不再有良好的食物来源,因此它们的热量很低。对于海獭来说,这些海胆几乎没有营养价值,因此它们对所谓的“僵尸海胆”没有兴趣)”可知,本段主要讲述了海獭的食物供应情况,特别是当它们偏好的食物(如海胆和鲍鱼)变得稀缺或营养价值降低时,海獭不得不寻找新的食物来源。因此,第三段主要讲述了海獭的食物供应情况。故选A。
14.推理判断题。根据第三段中“Since the seaweed is gone, however, these urchins no longer have a good food supply and are thus calorie-poor. They offer little nutritional value for otters, which aren’t interested in consuming these so-called “zombie urchins”.(由于海藻消失了,这些海胆不再有良好的食物来源,因此它们的热量很低。对于海獭来说,这些海胆几乎没有营养价值,因此它们对所谓的“僵尸海胆”没有兴趣)”和第四段中“So that means otters have to find new foods,” says Law. “A lot of the foods are those super-hard-shell prey items that really require some kind of external force to break into. Snails, for example, are abundant in the bay, but they’re low-calorie and basically like a rock that you have to break into to eat the insides.”(“这意味着海獭必须寻找新的食物来源,”Law说。“很多食物是那些外壳非常坚硬的猎物,真的需要某种外力才能破开。例如,海湾里有大量的蜗牛,但它们热量很低,基本上就像一块你得破开才能吃到里面的岩石。”)”可推知,由于高热量食物短缺,海獭选择食用蜗牛而不是它们偏好的食物,是为了增加生存机会。故选D。
15.推理判断题。根据最后一段“What’s more, using tools protected the otters’ teeth. “Without teeth, they clearly can’t eat anything. So then they die. What we’ re suggesting is that this behavior really allowed them to continue living on despite not having their preferred prey,” says Law.(此外,使用工具还保护了海獭的牙齿。“没有牙齿,它们显然什么都吃不了。那么它们就会死亡。我们所建议的是,这种行为确实让它们能够在没有理想猎物的情况下继续生存下去,”Law说)”可知,最后一段主要讲述了使用工具对海獭生存的重要性,特别是保护它们的牙齿,使它们能够在没有首选猎物的情况下继续生存。因此,最后一段传达的信息是使用工具对海獭生存的重要性。故选D。
16.主旨大意题。根据全文内容,尤其是第一段“In parts of the ocean where sea otters (海獭) face harsh competition for their favorite kinds of food, some otters are getting by with the help of tools — like rocks and even glass bottles — that let them hit open tougher prey that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to eat.(在海洋的一些区域,海獭面临着对其喜爱食物的激烈竞争,一些海獭借助工具——如石头甚至玻璃瓶——的帮助来砸开那些它们原本无法吃掉的更坚硬的猎物,从而得以生存)”可知,文章主要讲述了在食物竞争激烈的海域,海獭利用工具(如石头、玻璃瓶等)来获取其他替代食物,以适应环境的变化。因此,C选项“海獭使用工具获取替代食物”最适合作为文章标题。故选C。
C&D 5
(24-25高三上·宁夏石嘴山·期末)Parenting can feel like sailing in an endless sea of choices, styles and ideas, never knowing if you are making the right decision for your child or not. On the one hand, no two children are the same. On the other hand, there must be some similarities or at least some general methods that work for all children and that are worth following.
Whether you believe in rigorous boundaries or offering total freedom, it’s all about balance. And that is what lighthouse parenting, the new and modern parenting style that is becoming more and more popular, is all about.
Lighthouse parenting, founded by Dr. Ken Ginsburg, is a parenting style that is all about the most important aspects of parenting, such as open communication, according to Parents. Lighthouse parenting, he explained, is about maintaining the balance between providing your child with guidance, love and protection, while also allowing them to make their own mistakes and learn things on their own.
Some parenting styles such as helicopter parenting, are less about giving your child freedom and allowing them to experience things on their own. Lighthouse parenting, like the name suggests, believes in being there for your child like a lighthouse is there at night, available and present when needed, however not providing solutions all the time, therefore allowing the child to grow and learn to be independent.
According to the Children’s Book Council (CBC), this parenting style is becoming popular as parents are looking for a middle ground in parenting, something that does not add too much pressure on them. There is too much information out there for parents nowadays and it can get overwhelming. Lighthouse parenting seems to be a more reasonable choice.
Children that are raised in this style can become healthy, functional adults, as they are given the tools to understand the world and to be well-adjusted. They aren’t scared of making mistakes and also take responsibility for them. Their parents also are less burnt out, as they are able to take a step back and be there for their child more in the background.
17.What does the underlined word “rigorous” mean in paragraph 2
A.Strict. B.Free. C.Consistent. D.General.
18.How does the author explain the parenting styles in paragraph 4
A.By giving examples. B.By justifying assumptions.
C.By making comparisons. D.By analyzing causes and effects.
19.Why do parents prefer lighthouse parenting according to the CBC
A.It is a new and trendy concept. B.It stops putting additional stress on them.
C.It requires minimum effort from parents. D.It ensures kids’ perfect behavior.
20.What is the best title of the text
A.Free-range Parenting: The New Parenting Style
B.Helicopter Parenting: Overprotective Parenting Style
C.Lighthouse Parenting: The Uninvolved Parenting Style
D.Lighthouse Parenting: The Balanced Parenting Style
【答案】17.A 18.C 19.B 20.D
17.词义猜测题。根据划线单词句中“…boundaries or offering total freedom, it’s all about balance.(……界限还是提供完全的自由,这都是关于平衡的。)”可知,此句表明rigorous boundaries和offering total freedom是相对的概念,total freedom表示完全自由,那么与之相对的rigorous应表示严格,即严格的界限,A选项“Strict(严格的)”符合语境。故选A项。
18.推理判断题。根据第四段“Some parenting styles such as helicopter parenting, are less about giving your child freedom and allowing them to experience things on their own. Lighthouse parenting, like the name suggests, believes in being there for your child like a lighthouse is there at night, available and present when needed, however not providing solutions all the time, therefore allowing the child to grow and learn to be independent.( 有些教育方式,比如直升机式教育,不太会给孩子自由,让他们自己去体验。灯塔式育儿,顾名思义,就是要像灯塔一样陪伴在孩子身边,在需要的时候随时出现,但不是一直提供解决方案,从而让孩子成长并学会独立。)”可推知,作者是通过对比解释育儿方式的。故选C项。
19.细节理解题。根据第五段中“According to the Children’s Book Council (CBC), this parenting style is becoming popular as parents are looking for a middle ground in parenting, something that does not add too much pressure on them.( 根据儿童图书委员会(CBC)的说法,这种育儿方式正变得越来越流行,因为父母们正在寻找一种中间地带,一种不会给他们带来太多压力的育儿方式。)”可知,家长更喜欢灯塔式教育是因为它不会给他们增加太多压力。故选B项。
20.主旨大意题。根据文章大意以及第二段“Whether you believe in rigorous boundaries or offering total freedom, it’s all about balance. And that is what lighthouse parenting, the new and modern parenting style that is becoming more and more popular, is all about.( 无论你相信严格的界限还是提供完全的自由,这都是关于平衡的。这就是灯塔式教育,一种越来越流行的新型现代教育方式。)”可知,文章主要介绍了灯塔式育儿方式,强调它在给予孩子指导、关爱和保护的同时,让孩子自己犯错并学习,注重平衡,D选项“Lighthouse Parenting: The Balanced Parenting Style(灯塔式育儿:平衡的育儿方式)”能准确概括文章主旨。故选D项。
